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will 1mg Xanax, 7mg Klonopin, 25mg hydrocodone, 1625mg acetaminophen,

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will 1mg Xanax, 7mg Klonopin, 25mg hydrocodone, 1625mg acetaminophen, and alcohol kill me?

how much booze would I need to drink for it to be fatal?

i never drink so i have 0 tolerance. i also have 0 tolerance to all these medications
Since you have no tolerance, you will most likely immediately throw up, waste your time, waste money and be found laying in a pool of vomit.

i have a pretty strong stomach. i have a history of a lot of DXM (cough syrup) use and it kinda made it so that i almost never vomit from anything. do you think if i added benadryl it would make a difference? i have 450mg of that. or maybe something to settle my stomach, too (although benadryl does that for me)?
EMT here, nope. Pills are about the worst way you can try to kill yourself, all that cocktail is going to do is make you extremely sick and a few hours into complete agony everyone calls 911 no matter how much they wanted to die. Then you get taken to a hospital and your stomach gets pumped but the amount of pills that got absorbed by your system absolutely KILLS your liver and most people who attempt suicide by pills end up with liver failure ~a decade later.

And as the other guy said since you have no tolerance for alcohol you'll just going to get sick and vomit it up long before you get anywhere near alcohol poisoning.

If you want to kill yourself your best bets are to just use a gun, helium inhalation, or hang yourself, very low failure rates.
why dont you just get fucked in the ass to death by a horse?
Bullet to head

>but i can't get gun

Spend all your money getting gun and killing yourself. Not like you're going to spend it anyways

>no $$$ stop trolling this is my safe space

THEN GO ON A FUCKING ADVENTURE! You jave no ties to anything and don't give a shit about your life. You could actually backpack the globe and if you die mission accomplished.

i'm not into bestiality


i have tried hanging myself from my doorknob bc i have no other good ligature points to tie a rope to, but i am having trouble with it. my plan would be to do a blood choke of the arteries in my neck, because cutting off my breath is painful. i just end up cutting off the jugular veins and not the arteries, and the blood pools in my head and it's very painful. i tried to suck it up and just kill myself and bear the pain, but i laid there for like an hour sputtering with a swollen head.

i wanted to do a helium bag but they don't sell pure helium tanks anymore-- the past few years the big companies have changed policy and now all tanks are 20% oxygen-- insufficient for suffocation


i have no money at all. like, i barely scrape by. i have no desire for adventure
Then fucking whine more about it. Jesus millenials can't rven be bothered to kill themselves right.

i'm asking for advice, not whining. i can be bothered, and that's why i'm asking and getting feedback so i know what will and won't work
I don't understand the issue.

Buy a gun.

Hell buy it on credit. It doesn't matter. There is nothing out there for you. When you're dead there won't be anything. You won't even exist anymore. We'll all continue on with our lives never knowing or remembering you. Your debt will have no meaning in hell.

1625mg = a little more than 3 x 500g tablets. Toxicity starts around 10g in 24 hours or 6g in 48 hours or 100mg/kg of body weight in 72 hours. Keep this up and, without treatment, yu are guaranteed to die in 5 to 10 years.
>i have tried hanging myself from my doorknob bc i have no other good ligature points to tie a rope to
then find somewhere else, go out into the woods and hang yourself from a tree, you know, the way the pioneers killed themselves

the added benefit to that is that no one has to clean up your corpse since the forest animals will be more than happy to do that. Besides you've been eating animals your whole life, isn't it time to give back?

i'm not an american i can't get a gun
Uss your fucking money to go to the land of the free


When I wanted to kill myself I simply became a masochist to make my own death, When ever it happens, that much sweeter. So I stopped attempting. My life has been horrible and tormented and sub par, but also has its moments when the demons finally let the screaming in my head stop for a few minutes.
But not everyone is me.
I suggest saving your money and and overdosing on morphine.

I live in the woods but none of the trees are suitable for hanging. they are all very tall pine trees with no low branches, and only tiny, flimsy ones up top, or just are too small to support my weight. i've looked around


i don't think you understand. my hours got cut at work and i am only working 2.5 hours a week. i don't have to pay for food bc i live at home


this is more feasible than flying somewhere
>he thinks they let people in with a one way ticket....

"sir we have reason to believe you are attempting to illegally immigrate, please return to your country of origin"
Stab tsa agent and get shot. Also please make it linked to islam. They need to go back.
Then steal money from your parents or get a credit card. Jesus christ i understand why dumb people want to kill themselves now. They actually have nothing going for them.
Nope, it will be super painful though.

>Stab tsa agent and get shot

I don't want to hurt anyone else

>Then steal money from your parents

they don't keep it around under the mattress. plus, i don't want to be a worse person than i already am
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>Wahh i care about hurting others when the world is ending for me


>wah i care about hurting mt parents but I'll still kill myself. Like wasting someone's time, money, energy, and affection isn't bad enougj. Like that isn't friendzone x 10000000

Fucking kill yourself.

i have a conscience, and i don't want to hurt them any more than the suicide already would by itself
your attempts at condescension would work if i cared about anything anymore. i posted this elsewhere and got some helpful info about where to buy an undiluted nitrogen tank. i'm probably just going to do that
As someone who's seen what a child's suicide does to their parents, I'm begging you to reconsider.
1 (800) 273-8255
>I live in the woods but none of the trees are suitable for hanging. they are all very tall pine trees with no low branches, and only tiny, flimsy ones up top, or just are too small to support my weight. i've looked around

No problem.

Google "road runner and coyote"

It's like a how-to-kill-yourself manual using trees of all types
suicide by cop is generally a bad idea since there's a chance you'll only be wounded then have a felony charge brought up against you
Lol yeah. Your folks are gonna be fucked

>I'm wasting everyone's time by asking questions I know the answers too

they didnt care when my sibling beat me. they told me to get over it. and there has been no consequences about it

I just found out the answer. I didn't know it before i made the thread
besides, you seem like an asshole so i'm happy to waste your time
They probably don't understand the severity of what that did to your sense of wellbeing. Please try and talk to a therapist, or just someone who can help you and give you advice on how to deal with these issues and help your parents understand
>I'm wasting everyone's time by asking questions I know the answers too
not disagreeing with you, but if you're on /adv/ at 0245 on a Tuesday morning then your time wasn't really worth that much to begin with

i've been seeing a therapist since before it even happened. my parents didn't seem to care when i tried to explain how said therapist thinks i have PTSD/trauma from it. they grew up in homes where violence was normal. they don't see why i'm so upset still and tell me to get over it and stop causing trouble in the family by having an internal panic attack every time i see my abuser
I'm sorry you're having to endure this kind of pain. That sounds really rough. Because they think violence is normal, I'm not sure they'll ever fully understand. But that's their problem and that's something wrong with them, not you. Have you told other relatives about the situation? Any friends? Would your therapist be willing to bring in your parents to try and help them understand?
Not even close.

You'd need to drink, basically, a fatal dose of alcohol.

i've told friends and they all think it's fucked up beyond belief. but everyone has moved away and become caught up in their busy lives. i often feel that i'm bothering them. ever since i tried opening up everyone talks to me a lot less. people say i'm depressing to be around. i've seen my best friend for 90 minutes since the year began. he is so busy that he rarely has time to talk. the only people who do talk to me are people i used to date, and talking to them just makes me feel lonely and alienated bc i still have feelings for them. they're all very far away too

my therapist thinks my family is very emotionally abusive and has said she doesn't really want to meet them from the sounds of it. i don't like trying to talk to them about it because they just don't understand, and that makes me feel worse

i told some relatives and they seemed surprised and didnt know how to react. they basically said "that sucks", because many of them had violence in their unbringing, too

i feel so hopeless. i'm in debt, i'm trying to get a degree that's taken me 6 years now. this is supposed to be my last semester but i'm so depressed that i've fallen too far behind. i never want to leave my bed. i go through periods of never being able to sleep and doing nothing but sleeping. i overslept and missed work and they cut my hours. i feel helpless and i just want to die all the time. it hurts so bad
Try talking to your work about the situation--or like, tell them you went through a rough patch with family issues and that's why you missed work, but you don't plan on missing more work. Also try exercising at about the same time every day. Getting into a habit, especially exercise, can be helpful.

As for motivation, if you continue to stay strong and endure this shitty situation, you can work towards having your own place. You'll be away from your abusive family and sibling. It seems like a very distant goal, and it may feel impossible, but you don't have anything to lose

i did tell work that. they were understanding, but then i missed it again, and my boss said she felt really bad but had to do it bc they need people to be there who they can be sure will be there

i used to exercise. i used to be on teams. now it only makes me sad because all the people i did it with are gone, and i am all alone.

i am trying to find a new job, but all jobs require a degree, and i'm basically so far behind i might as well be failing in school right now. i hate being around people out in public-- i get panic attacks and the meds arent enough to stop it. also i just no longer care about any of it. i don't want a job. i don't want a degree. none of that matters to me. i don't want to be a person at all
Looks like you're trying your hardest to find an excuse not to kill yourself. If you really wanted to do it trust me, you could do it easy. Stop being an attention whore.

...except i just ended that with the conclusion that i don't want to be a person? i mentioned that i found a site for nitrogen tanks and i have it bookmarked for when i have enough money. i'm not looking for excuses to kill myself. i'm explaining why i'm going to
if you think i'm an attention whore, sorry. if it makes you feel better i'll be making an exit bag soon. the nitrogen is cheaper than i expected so it shouldnt take too long to save up
Its not worth it m8
Plz don't kys

U will hurt a lot of people
& thers no way back
You don't need to save up for shit, pussy. What your doing is rethinking your decision every step along the way. If you wanted to kill yourself, steal a fucking gun, jump onto a highway, or off a bridge, it's not that fucking hard. Instead your sitting your ass around like a pussy because you know you don't want to do it. Bitch and whine some more, you'll still be shitposting on 4chan by next year anyway.

i appreciate you increasing my resolve to do it just so i can prove you wrong
i'm doing this my way, and that is painlessly
I got nothing better to do while my stitches heal
Ha so you do care! I'm ao hard because a fooled someone on fourchan!

i don't really care, but seeing you continue to waste your time is making me feel the closest thing to amused i've felt in months
I'm doing God's work faggot.

But in all honesty you are a little bitch
We both know you don't want to do it, so just make it easier for yourself and get on with your life.

thanks senpai

you're wrong. i have no desire to get on with my life. bullying me into trying not to kill myself is not going to make me want to do so any less
Pffft, do whatever you want, you're literally a fucking post number to me. Go on /r9k/, they probably have better advice on suicide than anyone else.

ok thanks for your input
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