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My girlfriend always talks about how hot she thinks other guys

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My girlfriend always talks about how hot she thinks other guys from our uni are. Am I being a bitch for getting jealous? What do I do?
Eh, I think it is pretty normal. Happens all the time with both genders.
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>What do I do?

What does your gut feeling tell you to do? Pic related.
What? You think its normal to say this kind of thing to tour SO? I wouldn't do so because I know it eould make me uncomfortable nor do I see it as something that happens regularly
Would it be clingy to tell her to stop? She always says she likes me because I'm not the jealous type, although I do get jealous.
no not clingy, it may show you're insecure though, deal with your insecurity, why do you get so jealous when your gf admires other guys, dont you admire other girls too?

>She always says she likes me because I'm not the jealous type, although I do get jealous

Pretty sure that's code "For I keep you around because you are my little bitch." Not even trolling.
no, just because you're not the jealous type doesn't give her free reign to talk about how hot other guys are. I see it as blatantly disrespectful of course you could always go the other way and talk about how hot other girls are so she understand how it feels source: i had to do this and yes she was crazy
I'd be crippled emotionally if my SO did this to me. I don't even look in the opposite gender's direction if I'm in a relationship. Your girlfriend is cruel.
you're uncomfortable because you see her stating other people being attractive as her saying you're not as attractive to her. i get that it bothers you because it used to bother me too but at the base of it all, it's insecurity. that's something you've gotta come to terms with and talk to her about it.
Say "wow thanks" in a really sarcastic and offended way next time she does it.

Or say "fine then you can date them" and leave and walk away from her wherever you are.
She talks about theoretically dating other people a lot, and doesn't talk about me being attractive as much as she talks about other people being attractive.
On the other hand, she tells me she loves me a lot etc.
Please answer this honestly,we are anonymous after all:

How much self respect do you have?
As you can tell by this thread, people generally fall into one of two camps:
Ones who are okay with it, and ones who aren't.

Generally, the ones who are okay with it practice it themselves, and see the other group as "insecure".

Ones who aren't okay with it generally don't practice it themselves and see the other group as "disrespectful."

What it comes down to is compatibility. People from the same "group" are more compatible because they have similar desires and ideas of appropriate boundaries in a relationship.
nailed it
This is the answer to most relationship threads on /adv/.
This is a sensible and fair post, though frankly, in this specific case, if she's talking about how hot other men are significantly more often than she compliments her actual boyfriend, that's kind of shitty of her regardless of which camp she falls into. I don't think most members of the first group would claim praising others above your SO was appropriate behavior.
That's a category 4 bitch.

She's probably getting other dick.

You are only a few steps from pulling and fucking guys in front of you.

You sound like a bitch and you should just get cold with her if she does it.
I wouldn't like it. Why would my girlfriend go on and on about other men? It's just inconsiderate, and raises some doubts and suspicions in the other person. It's immature, frankly.
She's asserting that he is his bitch and emotional tampon.
I do this sometimes, mostly because I'm a human and am still capable of finding other people hot even when I'm in a relationship, but also a little bit as a defense mechanism to try and act like I'm not 100% fully devoted to the relationship. I know it's shitty but I'm always a little afraid of being way more into my partner than they're into me. So it's my shitty way of being like "yeah I still think of other people like that, what're you gonna do?" And I think the best response to that is just realizing it's fine to find other people hot, just chill out and trust that your girlfriend still thinks you're attractive and obviously chose you out of everyone to be with.
I didn't see that post until now and I agree. Sounds like bad news.
??? How can you trust that your girlfriend still likes you if she keeps talking about other men she wants to fuck? Pointless ass mind games.
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Dumb that twat before you get your heart broke.

OP here, how would I bring up the subject with her? Should I just wait until she does it again and then tell her to stop?
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>because I'm a human and am still capable of finding other people hot even when I'm in a relationship

Implying that people who don't aren't human is kind of hurtful
ok yeah, you should have said that. that's a red flag.
If your girlfriend is still with you, the going assumption should be that she still likes you. And finding someone hot doesn't equal wanting to fuck them.
I always had this problem with my wife's son. We'd be in the living room watching a film or just having dinner, when suddenly he'd make a comment about my appearance or that of Jason (her lover). Even though I'm happy in this relationship and we both feel more fulfilled for it, sometimes I can't help but feel demeaned by his words. It creates a line of thinking in my mind, of insecurity and discomfort that otherwise wouldn't be there.

I'd suggest talking to your girlfriend and asking her not to compare you to others, implicitly or otherwise.

Are you present when she has sex with these other men? You may very well find it comforts you to be involved, or even arousing.
Ohhhh youuuuuuu.

No, it implies she's settling with you until the opportunity for a better offer comes up.
No, definitely not into that, sorry.
It's normal to look at other people and find them attractive if they are attractive. However, that doesn't mean it's normal to state such a thing to your partner. I'm a firm believer in being honest and speaking your mind about things. But there are certain things that it's generally better to avoid saying. For example, your GF is looking podgy today, you don't just blurt it out just because it's speaking your mind/honestly what you think. Or someone is annoying you who's your friend, you don't just blurt out "shut the fuck up man your shit is annoying me".

Everyone knows that their partner might find other people attractive. But voicing it, especially if its their/your friends/family/people they work with/go to school or uni with it's completely odd. Movie stars/musicians? Yeah, sure. That shits normal. Talking about how your co-worker is hot to your partner? Over the line.
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