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So I came out to my friend a couple days ago, thing i s I love

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So I came out to my friend a couple days ago, thing i s I love him like crazy. He is not gay tho and I have been feeling really insecure and acting out a lot lately.
I can't go to sleep until 4 am when I had a good 11 to ,7 before
I starve myself because I feel fat and then I est tons of food
I treat people like shit and the beg them to come back
It feels like every new day is a new low to me
I have been feeling incredibly sad too
How am I supposed to deal with this? I can't stop thinking about him at all
Suck him off while he's sleeping desu senpai
I'm not a rapist ha-ha even tho I would love to cuddle him in bed
Well tell him. The fact that you like him already ruined the friendship.
Well fuck you
seems classic case of Insecure Resistant attachment type, have a read up on Bowlby's theories of attachment, if you can figure why you are like you are, it's a lot easier to work out how to get to who you want to be
I don't know anything about any of the things you just mentioned ha-ha but me and my friend are really close. We have been friends for ten years and we even lived together for a while. We would stay up all night talking or playing videogames or watching TV. Be even helped me through my depression a lot.
To me being attracted to him is the most natural thing in the world, nobody has ever been so nice and caring towards me
The way you do that really freaks me out
My smartphone makes it like that automatically, can you stop picking on every little thing for once?
Me too

But anyways, OP, you poor poofter, the other anon was right, you already fucked up this friendship by falling for your straight mate. So yeah, tell him, get rejected, cut contact and move on - there's nothing else to do, really. Stop this dramatic shit with starving yourself or whatever, it won't make him love you anyway. Being edgy ain't cute so get your shit together.
Well fix it when it does, you creepy fucker
Agreed. Nothing left to lose now. Sticking around like a needy beta will just irritate your friend and make them pity you.

Be up front and tell them you like them and ask them how they feel. If they say no, you can push a little as you know your friend, but if they continue to say they're not interested then either fuck off or honestly ask yourself if you can stay friends without letting your feelings get in the way
Just being honest mate.
Well at the end of the day I'm only hurting myself so its OK.
I will never cut contact with him, I care too much about him, I cared too much about him before falling for him. He has barely any family left and I will be there for him always even if I don't get to be there for him as a lover
Good luck then!
I told him how I feel and he made some rules
I don't get tostare at his dick or be too faggy around him and a third rule I already forgot hahaha
Ok thank you for being a passive aggressive bitch that's exactly what I needed today
I cannot imagine anything worse than one of your mates coming out as a faggot then trying to bum you - and then having the audacity to think you'll be ok with it. Honestly, if I was going to meet a mate for a beer after a hard days work and when I walk in the pub he's wearing a skin tight tank top, wearing makeup and drinking a pina colada then he asked me if I wanted to go to his place a play sailors I think I'd beat bastard living fuck out of him. You got off lightly OP, count yourself lucky that your former friend is so tolerant.
Well I see you've already made some improvements lol

Also if you're feminine you could try and go full trap-mode, crossdress and maybe he'd be into that. I'm not into guys until they're dressed up all slutty with a hairless body and feminine figure.

That would be a big step to take, though
Holy shit, you are pathetic. Apparently wallowing in self pity is what you like and in that case stop bitching and gtfo because you obviously don't need help. 4chan isn't a hugbox, and that's what you want to get.

Fucking martyrs, 'I only hurt myself, I can endure, wah poor poor me!'

Fuck off
I wasn't being passive-aggressive you cunty dickhead, I was being genuine.
Maybe try improving your attitude and more people than your frind might care about you.
I do none of these things, I can't tell if you are trolling and that is worrisome
I'm not femenine at all, I'm not a trap nor do I have the body to trap
I'm going to choose to ignore this comment on wow you are gone just like that.
Ignoring you is plenty of fun
Same goes for you
You are a pretentious twat, ignoring the reality you live in won't make it go away

Also you are being unfair towards your friend by not telling him how you really feel - perhaps if he knew you are into him, he wouldn't want to stay in touch with you. You know that but you are a huge egoist so choose not to tell him; the mere possibility of him telling you to fuck of and being utterly disgusted scares you so much you'd rather bitch about your angsty love instead of sorting this out and moving on.
I told him how I feel about him already, I told him before telling him I'm gay, how is this hard to grasp?
And what did he tell you? Fuck off? I wanna be just mates?

Act accordingly, if he doesn't mind staying mates knowing that you lust after his ass and if you're a masochist, then stay mates.

I don't see a problem here
Straight person who has a gay friend that had a thing for me for a while here. The frienship can work, but you really have to not push it. In fact, your friendship will probably never peak again. It can work though, but you have to realize what you want. Do you want to torture yourself with his presence or move on?

Also don't try to project your sexuality onto him. My friend did that and I had to give him a stirn talking to.
It was really late, I had problems expressing myself and I didn't use the world love
Instead I was incredibly especific about the way he made me feel
I told him he makes me happy
I told him he is the only person I care about
I told him once when we were fighting over text I broke down crying
And I told him I would do anything for him
This is how I feel, if you don't consider it love then so be it, if he doesn't put two and two together especially with me coming out the next day its his fault
I don't know what you mean about projecting, I know he is straight, I think about him a lot because i m not really attracted to any other man I know, I don't lie to myself or cross boundrys.
I would say the worst I did was think that you know a lot of gay men say that their friends end up using them for blowjobs and I allowed myself to fantasise about it, the same fucking way you fantasize about your female friends you big homophobic
Dude, you just came out of the closet. Of course you are emotional. Let it chill.

And for fuck's sake, chill.
He doesn't put 2 + 2 because he either doesn't care enough or he knows up but ignores it cause he doesn't feel the same and doesn't want to get into this topic

Move on dude
Woah m6, calm down. Just trying to give some perspective from his side. It made it very akward to be around my friend for a while but I got used to it. I'm just saying that this friendship is salvagable, but also giving you the question of "is this really what's best for you?"
Thank you, but I'm becoming worse every day and I fear I will end up going from crazy to dangerous at some point.
Last night I had a pretend conversation with him, it was a fun way to spook /x with creppy stuff and it ended up lasting 5 hours and at the end I well I really embarrassed myself there
He told me he doesn't care about what I'm attracted to but he was there for me none the less. We spoke for a few hours but then he was busy and when he came back from his stuff he texted me so we could keep talking
I'm sorry you can't grasp the concept of someone being a great person tho, I haven't really bothered him in the last couple of days tho
He has other gay friends, he told me that
So what? He's a great person not attracted to you so you either suck it up and stop pining and keep neutral friendship or just move on and end this friendship
Ok great I move on, were do I move? I'm currently at a chair in my apartment
Move on emotionally you dingus, go find some twink on grindr and fuck him so you can get over with it

Seriously you're a one bitchy OP
I'm very insecure about my body, I'm fat and being fat means no homo love
>well just do something about it faggot
I did, it lasted two days and then I started feeling like shit every night
I get sad at night and when I'm sad I don't think straight
That was the whole point of this thread
I have no words for that... So you would rather stay fat instead of getting fit because...? No wonder you feel sad, I would too. Anyway the only way to get rid of this pointless blues is to occupy your mind and body with more mundane thoughts and actions. Stop thinking about this guy and pouring salt into your wounds. Study, clean your room, go meet with other friends, read a book etc etc it ain't that hard
I haven't really been myself lately
I don't want to be fat anymore tho, I'm not comfortable with my body this is not what I feel like being and it took coming out to realize it
The smallest thig throws me over the edge now, I get triggered like a little tumbler ina and I feel really shitty and aI do shitty things
Who else /kindahorny/ here?
Borderline Personality Disorder?
Maybe she's evil.
You do realize that this fancy name equals a girl who's batshit crazy, right? Just thought you wanted to know.
Can men eve. Get that? Hahaha
yes, they can.
Well I ended up doing something different today, I helped my mom run some errands, then we had coffee and a slice of cheesecake but I didn't touch the cake.
I hope this can help break the pattern hahaha, I sure didn't think about him or worry about my shit while I did that.
I have been meaning to take swimming classes lately, I think I need to spend more time outside
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