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What did this guy do wrong? What could he possibly had done

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What did this guy do wrong?

What could he possibly had done better in his approach of 500 women and a 0% success rate?

His story makes me want to give up.
and some people do it just once, and with a 100% rate? How is that possible?
"They're rich, female or a super model" is what want to say but I honestly don't know.

Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to come from this numbers game bullshit every friend has told me to believe in.
He could have stopped. Seriously, there is a practical limit to the number of tries one should have and he passed it very early on.
I'm a normie and i got a girl on the first try? She fell for me and it was easy :/
Normal people, who are approaching a problem wrong as he did - usually give up and re-think and try another tactic after awhile and eventually they hit on the wrong way to do it

he just tried to brute force it, and when it's wrong, it's wrong no matter how many times you try it

he was a moron
He objectifies women; say what you want, but people don't like being treated like objects or points on a scoreboard.
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Women are people too? That's news to me?
>30 different routines
>Same tactic lol

One of his attempts are talking to women was literally just a normal fucking conversation starter, if that's the kind of shit he did then he didn't treat them as objects. No one wants to be alone, why should he?

He did everything wrong, pretty much. I don't know where these guys get the idea that the best way to "get a gf" is to approach strangers while they're shopping or waiting for a bus, and hit on them out of the blue. If you do that literally hundreds of times within a small community, you're going to be labeled a creep no matter how good-looking you are. The good-looking guy will probably get laid a few times while he's at it, but EVERYONE will think he's a fucking creep.

The thing is, there's not ONE of his stories where he's actually trying to have a legit conversation, get to know someone, treating these girls like human beings in any way. He's just "trying routines," "approaching like mad," taking his cues from PUA videos, etc. People see right through that shit, and they don't like it. He might as well literally walk up and say "I want to fuck you."

And it's funny, because a guy like this, if you tell him to stop being so superficial and treat women better, he'd probably go too far in the other direction and be one of those "white-knight" types that puts women on a pedestal. The truth is, if you just talk to women like people, find out about them as individuals, spend some time DECIDING whether or not YOU like them and want to be with them, this shit will get a lot less confusing. If you're treating pussy like a prize that you're going to win if you wear the right shirt and say the right lines, you're always going to fail, because you're not even playing the right fucking game
Oh boy, I think I might actually know that anon. What a sad case. Basically, if you find you really do creep women out when you're just trying to make small talk, you're just too spergy for the cold approach method. If you creep women out enough, they'll talk about you. And if enough of them talk about you, you become known as a creeper, regardless of your intentions. That puts you in a bad place.

The better way to go about getting a gf when you're not initially appealing is through networking. Befriend lots of people (i.e. men and women) and meet even more. Eventually you'll find some girls you like more than others. Get to know them a little better and then approach them. You'll probably get friendzoned a lot, but at least to me that's better than a cold rejection, especially if she's willing to introduce me to other girls.

That being said, you still have to be choosy. If you try the networking method with the same brute force tactics (i.e. asking out every girl you try to befriend) you'll end up with the same label.
He might be missing some social antennas.

You are suppose to go out to have fun, and meet girl.
Seemed like he was going out to meet girls ,then have fun.

If you are a lonesome creepy guy. Why should girls talk to you.
He should perhaps worked on himself, be comfortable being alone. Gather some friends.
So when you go talk to a girl you can invite her over to your table. "come sit with us"

But i honestly think that this guy might be a social retard, and completely oblivious to that fact
He didn't do anything wrong. Simply girls are fucking spawns of evil who only want hot guys by their side. All of them are selfish in fact all people are like that. I feel bad for him.
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>What did this guy do wrong?

Wasn't Chad enough.
OP, you simply failed to realize that if you creep everyone out, you are doing something wrong. Figure out what, and improve it.

But you are not going to read any advice, so what's the point. Please stay in your /r9k/ thread instead and keep whining on how it's the women's fault.
Are you kidding? Like, for real. You don't see a problem with that?

Where to start... Well, maybe at "500 girls in 6 months". Dating and love is not something you try with everyone. That post reeks of neckbeard and autism.

If you really don't understand, consider the following. Would you want to date someone who would date the literal city? Someone who doesn't date you because he loves YOU but because he wants to be loved by ANYONE?

If the answer is yes, kill yourself. Not everyone is that desperate. Actually, almost no one is.
>approach 500 random women
>500 random women
>500 random
He clearly didn't put any thought into his targets.
Just running around asking the first girl he see questions about busses isn't going to get you a girlfriend.
just don't have an offensive face.
Screenshotted the last paragraph for future use in educating /r9k/
Simple: he didn't know his place. If you're ugly as sin, you're going to have to go for ugly or overweight girls. Thems the breaks, if it makes you feel any better hot girls won't fuck orangutans either no matter how many times they try
Is /r9k/ some weird self-parody board or is it the designated "woe is me forever alone neet" board?

I went there the other day and it was a bunch little ceasar's shilling for whatever reason
you must be a girl. That's not how the world works. Usually ugly fat girls have about the same standards as 10/10
the "hurt guy" answer is that they're 10/10 attractive, swimming with money, or straight up magic.

the real answer is that they wait and ask/approach when it's an almost guaranteed success

its not just doing it wrong, its having the wrong mentality.

you saw in his post this part about

>if none of X, Y, and Z routines work

this reeks of someone who is just running a program on the inside.

The worst I encounter of these people are the ones that think 'game' in dating is akin to running some kind of formula. If you do A, then you get B every time. And when B doesnt happen, its everyone else's fault for lying to you about getting and B from A.

OP, if you take away anything from this guy's story, know that he'd have to be a sub 4/10 for it to be his looks (or some other aesthetic) more than 90% of the time. And I know many 4 and below that are charming mofos that date 7s no problem.

also, know that this persons explanation of their struggle seemed about as deep as a back yard kiddie pool. And people pick up on shallow-ness when it is out of place (like trying to pickup someone/form beginning of a relationship).
Actually that isn't entirely true.
Yes ugly women lust halter the same guys 10/10 do but when it comes down to crunch of starting the relationship they'll settle for a lot less.

Think about, your a ugly girl, all the 10 guys won't look at you, all the ugly guys only look at the 10 girls. Then Comes along one ugly guy, he actually notices you, actually wants to be in your company, yeah he's ugly but he makes you feel good about yourself and you about him... Bang, you now have a ugly couple.
bang, you now have an ugly friendzone. Nope, they'll wait for their white knight, that's not how life works..
Maybe that's not how it works for you but it worked for me.

As soon as turned my attention from women of a unreadable goal and focused girls on my own level my odds approved and I haven't been lonely and didn't have to change anything about me. I'm still overweight, my sport is d&d and my cultural past time is the internet.
It's all of that. You never know who are actual autists who seriously need help and who are trolling.
People are incredibly good at reading intent, especially if they having experience interacting with a specific kind of intent, and women get loads of experience interacting with creeps.

The creep vibe is a very real thing, and can be read almost instantly.

>>16770922 summed it up pretty well. This kind of thought process--that romance is a game to be won--is almost instantly recognizable. You can almost immediately tell the difference between people who are interested in you as a person and who are objectifying you. You can identify it pretty damn quickly in watching people interact with others, as well.

The long and short of it is that if you're a creep you're doomed to failure until you learn how to not be so fucking creepy.
The guy is too fucking insecure, just look at his description of him, girls smell that shit, and it makes you inherently creepy.The fact that he went mad on the approaching didnt help.
He also didnt try to actually get to know a girl with mutual interest and know here before trying to pick her up.
I garantee you he ahsnt any male friends too, let alone women and he wants to jump in to get a qt gf.
He should have tried to
>build circle of male firends
>meet girls trought/with male friends and befriend them/be theyr acquistance
>try with a girl he has knwon for some time (not one year, some weeks at least)
>eventually be good enough to pick up randos
it's like not knowing how to swim and trying to learn by dropping yourself in the middle of the ocean
I'm actually a pretty-boy, but its basically the same thing. You're probably right; I have no plans to find out, but if that's the case they're delusional.

>no one thinks this whole thing never happened
Buddy I agree with you but are you attempting to keep your weight under control?
Its highly likely this happened. We all know a that guy.
I could totally see some autistic retard from r9k doing something like this.Not saying it happened for sure, but it's possible
This same thread is on /r9k/. And as expected, the responses are among the lines of hurrrrr genetics durrrr women are whores.
>>in the first 6 months approached about 500 girls, could easily approach 5 girls a day, I was approaching mad on clubnights
>>sooner or later the entire campus and city begin to recognize me as the creepy guy who hits on girls
This fucking guy...

He is clearly creepy, autistic and desperate, why are you even asking?
I hope he sees this thread and get a reality check instead of listening to that hugbox that's r9k, literllay tumblr for males.
Apt description. Robots are just male versions of tumblrina sjws.
23 only V.

I asked out girls too but they pretty much rejected me even if i knew them for a long time.
We studied together i helped them and when we become friends i asked the girl out.
After this happend i cut contact with them.
They still greeted me but i ignored them.
One girl even come after me and asked me if
it's because she didn't wanted to go out with me.Basicly come after me and told me that she wasn't meant for me and told me theres somebody out for me too.

I got Rejected atleast by 20 girls this way.
I let the last girl copy the whole exam from me and we both got A, im good in programming.

She told me she will do anything for me just have to ask.I asked for a date if she would like to go out with me. We went out and he bought his Bf.
I just fucking went home after 15minutes.

I approached girls by sitting next to them in lectures , In the university bookstore where they study just starting by getting know them and after we become friends i asked them out.

I have friends on uni, we went even together out.i tried Meeting girls trought friends but the girl straight told me he doesn't likes me or some other shitty excuse.

This describes 3 years of UNI.If i don't fail my last exam im going to get my degree next semester.
I hate that i have to laugh off when they ask about what im planning on valentines/ if im going after my gf on xmas.
I hate the fact they know i don't have a GF and still make fun of me.
>What could he possibly had done better in his approach of 500 women and a 0% success rate?

His first mistake was going too fast. Five girls a night makes you look desperate: he should have stuck with just two, max.

His second mistake was going back to the same clubs too often, and hitting on five girls a night Every. Single. Time. That's how he got recognized. I also suspect that somewhere in the process, he probably hit on the same girl several times -the cardinal sin when you're seeking companionship- and it only takes one such incident to get branded. Once this reputation spread, it was basically all over for him.

But he continued, and worse, he started doing PUA: his third mistake. PUA is bullshit, but it's also dangerous, because it's a serious red flag if you get caught. When you've already got a bad reputation, you're almost guaranteed to get caught. That's one of the few ways to take a creeper reputation and make it even worse.

Bottom line: a desperate guy got himself some courage, which was a good thing, but courage alone isn't enough. You have to fix your desperation, and this is where he failed. And it killed him.
>I asked out girls too but they pretty much rejected me even if i knew them for a long time.
Maybe you waited too long.Or they just werent attracted to you, it happens.Also you dont need to colpletly cut contact with them
>I let the last girl copy the whole exam from me and we both got A, im good in programming.
Being theyr bitch wont get you laid, i seems to me you are trying to pull the "nice guy" tactic, wich never works

Striking out with so many women means he's sending signals that he's dangerous or otherwise to be avoided. He might be projecting fear and desperation, with some anger thrown in, that so many lonely guys do. That's enough to send any rational woman running in the other direction.
You can see the reason why he got rejected by so many from the bus stop example, his responses reek of insecurity. He sounds like typical "nice guy" who only seeks approval from others and puts women on pedestal. Don't let yourself be submissive and if she offends you don't be the one to apologize.

"Why are you talking to me?"
His response to this was really submissive, it would've been better if he'd just continued with a question asking why is she's afraid to talk to people or why she's afraid of people in general.

"Are you a rapist or something?"
This is very offensive question and the one who should apologize is her, I'd probably asked her why she thought that every man that approaches her is automatically a rapist. Funny thing is that this topic can actually turn in to a interesting conversation/debate about female prejudice.

>Attempted small talk about buses running like shit turns into rapist accusation

I assumed everyone was just playing devil's advocate.
Didn't read whole thread

>His story makes me want to give up.

On having sex with strangers or finding a girlfriend? Finding a girlfriend in a club or approach strangers is the worst strategy ever. It's better to build a relation with someone over time, either from a club, work, sport, gaming club, volunteer work. Then wait for feelings to develop, just be available and happy. Happy people are desired even if immensely ugly. Also women tend to like funny guys.
That's a pretty good way to get friendzoned too.
So you are saying that this>>16771196 kind of post are good, but people saying that looks can have some kind of influence is bad.
It's funny you mention tumblr, because act exactly like they do

how the fuck are you suppose to have a relationship then?
You gonna make a thread on r9k or you gonna post it on your tumblr?

It's a game of chance

Not by approaching strangers out of the blue and hope they will fall for you. You have to socialize around women over time, then ask them out after they know you a little bit. Most people find love at work or through a friend, not at a bar. You might get laid from going to a bar, but relationships based on sex as a start don't always last. They can, but generally not.


Yeah sure
By being "that guy with i have fun with at lesson/club/sports team every now and then" and not "that guy that always listens me talking about my exes makes my homework and message everyday"

His question was innocuous, but I can definitely see how it would turn against him quickly.

>Be r9kanon
>walk up to bus stop, not even going anywhere in particular, just using this as a reason to imitate his PUA videos
>sees girl, sits
>leers some more
>the girl notices, thinks "fuck this guy is just staring at me, this going to be fun"
>"m-man, I wish buses came more often, y'know?"
>stares into the distance
>she doesn't answer
>he leers at her more until she acknowledges him

Cringey as fuck.

1. make FRIENDS with women. No ulterior motive. Actual friends.
2. women have other friends that are also women
3. women love to push people together and do "fix-ups"
4. sometimes it actually works
5. most lasting adult relationships start with some variation of this.

SOME kind of social connection is usually a must. I'm not even a bad-looking guy, but the few attempts I've made to just "pick women up" that I don't even know, I've been rejected. I've had only one one-night-stand, and it was honestly just awkward and dull, not a terrible experience, but easily the worst sex I've ever had

This PUA shit just does not reflect real life. This isn't how people meet each other. You don't just approach a stranger while she's shopping and start laying pickup lines on her, what the fuck do you expect? She's there to get her groceries, she doesn't fucking want to hear it.
>It's a game of chance
That's why you talk to 500 girls :^)
i have a question, since people are dropping the word uni, i'm imagining the focus of most comments is outside of the USA.

is this problem of this guy more common, less so, or about the same everywhere?
Also male friends girl friends have plenty of female contacts to work through.
>1. make FRIENDS with women. No ulterior motive. Actual friends.
This. Aside from the reasons this person listed, NOTHING will teach you how to deal with women better than, well, actually dealing with women. There is no better way to ditch the awkwardness.

ah I see....but I don't have any real life female friends like that, I had classmate friends but they have their own lives.
Then make some.
This. Gotta creep before you walk. If you didn't have female friends growing up don't expect to just have them one time as an adult. Having friends at first will help you be able to comfortably be around girls. Even if you don't get a girlfriend, having new friends is rewarding in itself.

Also, that whole pick up artist technique stuff is pretty shitty. Don't believe in that kind of thing.

Honestly speaking, if you're not in an environment where you can be friends with girls, or have never been close to girls. You're fucked.

But take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm only 19 and I've pushed away all the girls around me because I kept obsessing over my oneitis. Now I'm a NEET with no friends and I'm afraid to head into uni.
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He probably was really fucking ugly judging by how people would react to him. He was getting hostility after simple hellos for fucks sake.

Either that or it's a fake post. I'm leaning towards fake.
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>Being attractive
Feels good man
He was a desperate autistic sperglord. This is /adv/, your /r9k/ pityparty won't work here.
>He probably was really fucking ugly judging by how people would react to him. He was getting hostility after simple hellos for fucks sake.
That had way more to do with his reputation than his looks, per se. Once you've managed to get yourself a reputation as an infamous creeper, it's all over. Your only choice is to move, and pray your reputation doesn't follow you.
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