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I don't want to go to my girlfriend's college graduation.

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I don't want to go to my girlfriend's college graduation.

I can't stand the idea of spending a day with her family.

No I don't care if she gets mad.

I'm sort of apathetic about the relationship anyhow so another thing for her to be catty about wouldn't matter to me. She is a spoiled brat and ignorant.

I don't care about college, degrees or graduations. I just want to be alone that day or with my own family. I'm not the outgoing extroverted type.

Am I a bad person? Have any of you ever been in this situation?
Just break up then
/thread. What the heck.
I know it seems like a pain in the ass and pointless, trust me I hate that shit too, but you most women (especially the type you're describing) would take it extremely personally if you didn't go
you're not a bad person, but you're an AWFUL boyfriend.

She's a spoiled brat for wanting you to join her to celebrate a huge achievement that marks the end of 4 years of hard work?
It sounds like you have an inferiority complex or something.

Just break up with her, you obviously don't give two shits about her if you won't even make a tiny sacrifice to celebrate with her.
Just FYI you're never going to find a gf who is ok with you being this selfish
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Dude, I went with my girlfriend to an HIV/AIDS committee type deal the other night because even though the atmosphere isn't my cup of tea and makes me uncomfortable with all the bleeding hearts and LBGT nutters floating around, I wanted to support her. I'm going to a related party later this week because I'd like to spend time with her (don't see her much at all during the week due to my heavy work and her heavy school/work schedules), and keep my discomfort a secret because supporting her endeavours is something I'm willing to do for the care and companionship she shows me.

I'm not going to try and make her feel bad about it (as it's something she's really passionate about) or forbid her from sharing some particular enjoyment of hers even though I don't quite understand/sympathize with it in the same way she does. That could be because I like her though... And if you really, truly don't care in the slightest, you should break up with her and save you both the trouble. Am I right in assuming you don't care about college and the likes because you yourself haven't gone or something?

I couldn't care less if its taken personally.

Some moments I wish I had my life to myself again instead of waking up to these draining relationship "responsibilities."

Being a boyfriend has started to feel more like a chore than something that matters at all to me.
Then break up.
>Am I right in assuming you don't care about college and the likes because you yourself haven't gone or something?

I've gone. I just have a complete apathy towards this. I don't feel anything close to celebration. I feel like if I went, I would just have this scowl or dead expression the entire time while her family cheers. I feel like my presence would actually ruin things. And no, I'm not willing to get loaded with alcohol to feel loose and expressive. I would rather spare them the cold stoic apathy, let them have their day, and I'll do other things I like to do.
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Man, I'm pretty unresponsive too. Stoic and apathetic as fuck, but if you aren't getting some sort of satisfaction from giving support for various endeavours your girlfriend has, regardless of your feelings on the topic as a whole, then you really oughta just end it with her.

I wasn't particularly moved by the plights of anyone at the AIDS/HIV day celebration, short of those who've lost loved ones to it or were born with it. You hear enough about people having unprotected sex or drugs and how it 'sucks' and it drives you nuts, but you hold your fucking frame and give your girl a stoic grin, and a gentle pat or shoulder squeeze. "Glad to see you happy." you say, and you've warmed her heart. You're supposed to gain something from a relationship on an emotional level, and if that's lacking then there's no point in wasting time with it anymore.
I am shocked by the rapidity with which those in this thread suggest you end your relationship with this girl. You need to discuss your concerns with her, not the internet. It will be tough, but you will grow emotionally for it. The pain of a breakup is not fun to deal with, and you owe it to her (assuming you truly love her) to not put her through that misery while she's on an emotional high.

Take some real advice and talk it out with her. Jesus, the people on /adv/ are retarded and should probably migrate to /r9k/.
It's pretty clear what trying to discuss would yield at this point...

"I don't care about your accomplishments."

I'm all for staying independent and not being a door mat, but that's the kind of shit that really rubs people the wrong way. Worth a shot though, since worst case either way is that they break up.

None of us know what his relationship is like. He probably needs to seek help far outside our capabilities. He sounds to me like someone who is depressed and needs to strengthen the bond he has with his partner, or else take a sort of hiatus from reality to figure out what the fuck he wants from life.
Yeah, I'm with you on that one.
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