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/aco/ OC Thread #70: Hard Boiled Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 148

>1.) If you're re-posting an OC from a previous thread, you MUST draw a new picture of them. If you aren't an artist then define an aspect of the character you haven't before, design a new outfit for them, or develop their past a bit more if there are some things left to be desired.
>2.) Never use the same OP image twice. The point of these threads is to have fun, draw some porn, get porn drawn, talk about drawing, have fun, inspire creativity, and all that kind of thing.
>3.) if you are posting more than 3 images in a row. please put it in a link to save on bump space.
>4.) Do not reply to trolls and keep arguments/critique short. Otherwise take it outside the thread. ANOTHER NOTE! Try to be tolerant of other people's fetishes.

Starting a new thread? Better make a Donut Steel picture to go with it, no repeats up in here. Also, wait for the thread to hit page 10 or the mods will wreck our shit.

Booru: http://acoc.booru.org/ (Needs updaters and more content)

We have a Wikia for the thread. Please do us all a favor and add your OC(s) to it.
We have also have a Discord: https://discord.gg/Xh8dvWq

>Retro Challenge- draw you'r OC's gangs, attire or how they would live in the post WWII era (40's-60s)

Previous Thread;
>>759576 (Cross-thread)
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I drew my zora Ceto.
Do you even know what a milf is?
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the artist is noill, though the character might belong to inkerton
zetta-bot. tumblr. com
I do.
"Mother I'd love to fuck"
the MILF Shake turn people into MILF's if you even bother to look at lurkergg's work
So that means they have children. Now where are they?
Drinking one doesnt just magically summon kids.

Basic Milf-shake benefits;

1. Extreme breast growth
2. Increased lactation
2. Fuller lips
3. Hip and thigh growth
4. Ass expansion
5. Increases firmness and bounciness of both breasts and ass
6. Extreme hair growth
7. Increased libido
8. Dramatically increased fertility
9. Increased male-attracting pheromone production
you can read more here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q4DX0IVQM_YCv5FTP5lBMS3Gcbx0ZiAZX0SiIAm_nSk/edit
Then you aren't considered a MILF if you can't fill in the most vital part of a MILF then. How do you fuck this up?
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first off. it is what i like to call a "What If" picture.
i have alot of them. they are not canon, they are mostly just idea's my sick twisted mind has.

second it was something i commission at the last minute.

3rd, shameless promotion http://parish-of-spacedusts.tumblr.com/

here is another OC i commission her,
her name is Sara, she is a 25 year old lawyer who got conked on the head putting her in a Coma, when she woke up she believe she is a 15 year old teen boy name Sam
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Keeping things thread-centric!
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Where did everybody go...?
I'm back from being dieded hey

>We have also have a Discord: https://discord.gg/Xh8dvWq
gee I don't know how about you go in the discord and ask those guys :^)
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Ah! I was wondering where you were! These threas have been lacking a lot of muscle lately. (aside of course Kassie's notable efforts to the cause!)

Nice to see you around!

Thanks but I havent had the best of experiences with other Discords in the past, I like a thread atmosphere better overall. A Discord just isnt the same to me.

Someone kill her with a pillow!!!

Okay, so you're asking where everyone has gone, right? This implies that you want to be with everyone, and everyone is on Discord. So, we tell you to get on the discord, and in a matter of minutes you refuse the offer.
Woah buddy no need to push 3ds if they don't want to go to the discord she doesn't have to!
There's also no point in her complaining about the lack of activity if she solely refuses to come to the place where activity is thriving. I've seen her do this quite a bit before.
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I'm sorry, I just saw the thread was almost a day old with varely over 14 posts so I made a drawing about everyone being gone, I didnt meant to come out as complaining about it.

Now I know better, and I never actually meant to complain about lack of activity since not joining the Discord is my own choice so I would have no right to complain anyway.
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Succubus draw for Remed's birthday.

Also this is Boon get in the discord :v.
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Remed's bday pic of alien
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remed birthday new alien
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H-Happy birthday, Remed!
happy Birthday 3DS.
No no, its meant to represent the awkardness to come check the thread before going out and learn is someone's bday and see everyone giving gifts to the bday person and you in the awkward position to not have anything ready for them.
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it's alright 3ds, you don't need to give me anything.
the only way you could've known was if you were in the discord.
I hope you have a great day!

I have to go out for the rest of the day so when I checked the thread and saw everyone going all out with bday gifts outta nowhere I felt really awkward!

I can whip out something for your belated bday tho!

Same fan had the information on how see trough the shirt is when wet, which is a lot.
She is way less amused

>have no idea how to diagram the letters in this angle
Fantastic Job! I feel a certain funbag anon will be very happy with this one.
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Female study sketches.jpg
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Hey guys i just did some female figure sketches for the purpose of practice
What do you guys think?
Any feedback is appreciated
Thanks for taking the time to do this. You're the best! The angle and pose really hits the spot.

Those cheeky fans are tricky devils!
Damn those are magnificant, the way they just lay on her chest and how her hand sinks in a bit.... really really good
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Well, the con is done, and her friends are here to pick her up and take her home.

Stay tuned for the next adventure! ...Or something!
Please tell me you have more thicc OCs with big funbags
I actually thought it was implying it was 3DS birthday too and she was being ignored also.
Looking at it again it comes off that way huh...?

Since I didn't had a lot of time I just drew that super quick and shittier than usual so it comes off as really confusing!

It was meant to be her arriving at the thread and see all the congratulations and gift giving that she clearly had no idea were gonna take place and she desperatelly checking her inventory for anything that she could give as gift, which of course was not gonna be there since she had no idea a bday party was gonna take place.

But in the way I drew it it seems she is being ignored and then ends with no gifts or congratulations for herself or something... jeez talk about screwing it up...

Sorry for the confusion!
Ha, you really are pretty similar to Ammy
Thanks, I figured I'd try to make it two squishy. I like the end result.
Nice shirt
that made me giggle
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I have a whole bust chart of my OC ladies. Those two are the top 2, pic related are numbers 3 and 4. It's pretty much downhill from there, though.

(Yes, #4 has some extra equipment. May not be your thing, but I'm sure there's people who'd appreciate it)
Mate, funbags, THICC and a nice dick are the best combo.
You got great taste and I hope you and your OCs stick around here.
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Also this because I'm a sucker for horns and cute outfits
>Mate, funbags, THICC and a nice dick are the worst combo
Why would you try to fix something that doesnt need any fixing? Would probably just result in broken trash
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All right, all right, settle down kids. Live and let live, different strokes and all that.

Some people like their alcohol straight, some like cocktails.

I appreciate the kind words. I'll keep up the work, for those who want to see more. I'll only get better the more I work!
You shouldn't be trying to shove your opinion out like that, but I agree with you. /v/ made me sick of thicc.
What kind of gun is that? I can't figure out how it works and it's triggering my gun autism.

Also, lewds of that girl meat when?
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A sketch
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Forgot to post this, didn't want to make it a Discord exclusive.

I finally got a permanent name for her along with a slight redesign for the hat. I'd love to know what you guys think!

I drew up this lewd pic of an OC I came up with. Also she's the MC for a game I'm developing.
She has an interesting design imo. Also what's her profession? My ignorance of her uniform is making me think either cop or bellhop.
Security Guard, Always works Night Shifts. The hoodie isn't part of her uniform. Probs one of the most normal characters around here.
Developing a game? May we see how its going or has it just started?
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hey, you are back.
It has started, and only just begun:
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This is very offtopic and spam but I will post this here anyway since it features a Donut...

I love me some law and order enforcers!

Oh hey! longtime no see, how you doing?

Those are very appealing character designs and Artstyle!

I cant download something right now but can you tell me more or less how the game works and what is it about? Genre?
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Absolutely love these
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The Cheesecake Lounge crew is on a noble mission!
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I been lurking
aye, just lurkin, lookin for some fresh eye candy or lulz
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This is Jay Castillo, an original character of mine from my ongoing comic named Castillo.
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Whoa! Your art's cute! Have any more ocs from the comic?
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There's serveral, if you'd like to check it out, here's a link to my tumblr. http://castillo-official.tumblr.com/
Bookmarked! Would you mind joining us at Discord? Its slightly more active than the thread atm. https://discord.gg/8YKQhZe
Thanks mang

I'm creating an action/adventure exploration game. It's about the MC finding a way to escape her perverted dream world. The game will contain puzzles, different areas to explore, secrets to find, lewd stuff to encounter, and things to collect.

Gameplay wise, it's like a combination of 3D Super Mario and Legend of Zelda

Theme wise, it came from Kirby, Mother (Earthbound), cartoons, and anime
wow, this is awesome.
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gift for cola guy
That sounds awesome!

I wish you the best of luck, 3D platformers are some of the hardest games to make right.

This is incredible! It somehow gives me a [Special Feeling] too.

[pic posted not to waste bump]
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Future Guns don't need to make sense. Also, it's been a busy weekend, so I'll probably get to lewds or something like that tomorrow afternoon/evening.
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Computer is working again, will be orking on neglected things and others when i get the time.
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okay, i'm up.
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I missed this a lot. I am tearing up.
no problem
ambassador drawfag from /b/ here
ya'll niggas better than all of us gd
keep up the fantastic work
I just woke up to this! Thank you so much for making my day already.
Aayra never sleeps on the job! Tired all the time is more correct. (Shouldn't it be Cansado?)
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the fuck....jpg
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I was stuck in the night.
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Sketched out some fancy new underwear for my elf wizard Eir
Where are the funbags?
In Brazilian portuguese we have adjective variation for both gender.
For example.
Cansada is female
Cansado is male
both mean tired.
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Right here. Well, plus a bit extra that isn't for everyone. Let's all be adults about it.
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Very nice.
You need to step up your dick game tho.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious I don't really draw a lot of dicks. Just something to improve on, then!
I like the motion in this one, very cool!
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I made a quick Eldritch/tentacle girl for the spooky thread on /co/, though I'm not 100% sure if the design has potential, thoughts?
Ah damn, I only know so little of the language. Thanks for teaching!
Also, who's the ominous figure in the doorway?
Are smoking characters a thing now? Neat! (Cute art btw)
Eldritch/Tentacle characters aren't new to the thread. For me, I see potential, the character's really cool! I'd love to know more about her!
Name: Mu Mozyaji
Age: 18
Gender: Flat-chested Girl

Short history: Hates softball because of her mother forcing her to play it. She met a guy on the street that got her interested in rock & roll, then decided to ditch her mother to live with her grandpa who's pretty rich to pursue rock instead of softball.

Both of them got mixed up with demons trying to rule the world, and Mu now has The Silence Kiistone which is a black, pentagon-shaped stone that she can use to control sounds.

Random fact: Dislikes puns. She thinks they're cheesy, and will usually hit people for saying them, sometimes hitting them El Kabong style if the pun is way out of place or uncalled for.
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Okay, I'm up.
It's supposed to be Robin the art thief
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the wacom is dying, this is what i could do for now.
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new Oh Ceeeeeeeee
Not even a new OC, I'm disgraceful.
don't avatarfag
this isn't /b/
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sarah 5.png
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Sarah's Butt :3
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World 14 (I Think)
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She's really good to practice this body type.
Also, trying to get better at titties
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Bit of a dumb thing for old times' sake.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Very honored that she's a good character for reference!

(For the record, she's 6'6"/201cm tall, but I dig the size difference all the same!)

This is cute.
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Aw, sweet! That's a cool pose. Thanks Ett.
(Tried to reciprocate but the perspective is throwin' me for a loop)

Nice OC.
I'd love to see some ABDL art of a bunch of cute Jewish girls trapped in a gas chamber full of dirty diapers, suffocating under the awful smell. Anyone wanna do this idea?
How is that avatarfagging?
>she has relationship with someone but like everything she does, she fails at it
>ends up dating pretty much everyone
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I C your OC

That's what I call a Aushitwitz!
That awkward feeling when you want to make a request but are certain one particular artist will do it but you don't want them to and don't want to say "some please draw this, but not that person"
Do you have like a fetish request?
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Here's a girl. Just whatever.
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You're Anonymous. Don't be ashamed to be rude.

Speaking of rudeness, I made my request first.
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wanted to try a sketch of Adelle in a suit seemed like a good time
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This is so adorable and nostalgic!

Thanks a lot I missed seeing stuff with these two. Its one of the oldest OC friendships in /ACOC/ going as far back as thread #3 if I recall right. Time sure flies!

Now I notice how much Axe-kun has changed overtime and yet Ammy is more or less the same old lame OC she has been from the start, in fact many OCs around here have changed in someway or other, I wonder if its wrong that I really havent done much to make Ammy change overtime too.

Sorry for the ugly animation, just wanted to try to do some kind of "meeting casually after so long" thing but I was too lazy to make it properly.

When did you became so good!? I mean you were always good but is like I blink and you guys become even more amazing than before! I wish I wasnt so lazy and also would taken all this time to actually improve my "art"

I say request away, anon! I'm pretty sure no one will get offended for a simple request.
I cant really say that I feel the exact same way since I went missing for 90% of the thread but, I will say that yes, plenty of things have changed since I first came here too.
But it was still very refreshing to see some of the people and ocs I recognize and even better to know that I was remembered.

Changes for Ammy is always welcome ( I was very surprised to see that nearly nothing has changed ) I, for one have dropped or shelved plenty of ocs during my leave, coming back with a completely new pair of OCs just to stand out a bit more.

As for the animation, I for one think its very cute!
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I asked a friend what is a scholar:

"a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities; a distinguished academic."
i think in this case he means you're doctor tits ""

That's my name now

You're getting much smoother lines, it looks gucci. If the pose don't work, try another pose/angle until it does.

If you keep trying you eventually get gud.
Fail enough times to eventually succeed.
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Cindy the tentacle girl
four tentacles instead of arms
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I wouldn't exactly call it an avatarfag, but I can see why someone would at first glance. That's how /b/ drawfags like Pin usually start doing it.
Thank you for using Kassie in all your practice modeling, Doctor. You've done more for me than a lot of people, who promise a lot and never deliver.

Hey hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Animation isn't easy to do, and you make it look great!
(there's a neat little ability explaination if you hover over the filename)
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so he ahoves the bug inside his asshole and then is able to walk
Why even have it carrying him around
avidraco and dravico are not the same fucking thing
one is a cutesy yet slap-your-shitty dragonfly pun
the other is an angry divine legend rising from the result of Beta Delta's shenanigans
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here is a kryptish alien that is it's own character. this is malgar, he needs to get laid or something.
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Can you draw this character, like the pic you posted
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Well seeing OCs evolve over time is probably one of the most interesting things in these threads. but cant help but feel that is very odd that my own OC havent changed much at all in all this time.

Many changes happen simply from other people drawing the OC, for example Jack got a new hat because Minus8, Fowder design changed from her original one since an alternative design got popularized. Mariana got some bewbs, Amelia got mind control powers. other OCs got their stories vastly updated and came with redesigns, and Donut Steel just keeps changing overtime. And characters like Axe-Kun and Delta seemingly got rebooted while I wasnt looking.

And yet Ammy sucked at everything back then and still sucks at everything today. Will she ever evolve?

Well I am very good at failing! I wish I wasnt so lazy.

Nice new name by the by!

Tell me about Cindy, Why does she wear the bow? (and how does she gets it tied with no thumbs???)

Those two are just friends so nothing to worry about!

Its exactly why Mina havent murdered Ammy yet too.

Think over that timing. It's a killer

Cindy can do many amazing things with her tentacles, including tie bows. She can also tie bows with her tongue and lower mouth.
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I'm leaving the thread.
The reason is that i had a shit ton of stuff to do, including fixing family bullshit issues, college and a job.
So yeah, i'll be dropping the lewds for a long while, sigh.
It was cool while it lasted, everyone was pretty much cool, will kinda miss you.
Except Delta. Fuck Delta.

Here's one last lewd as good bye, rushed as fuck because it's 1am . At least you'll be getting rid of my salt lmao.

Doc is out.
Awww man...

Sad to hear about you leaving, I can only wish you luck in whatever you will moving on to do and hope someday you can come back to our little community in here.

Hopefully you'll still lurk. because Marianna is one of the OC's that I draw from time to time so I wouldn't want you to miss it if it happens.

But try to enjoy life while you're gone and we'll leave the light on for ya.
why the name change anyway
lmao bye """lurker""""
Wow, the Doctor is a busy dude, for sure. Good luck, and hope to see you again. Thanks for all the pictures!
Hmmn.. a change for Ammy?
A fun dynamic would be is Ammy got some sort of pet or familiar, a typical RPG trope, but the animal was really capable. ammy ties her hardest to defeat an enemy and fails horribly, but some cute lil creature manages to take down the thing.
I think theres lots of potential there.
The creature is dedicated to helping her, and ammy fails, but the creature manages to get her good equipment she could NEVER get on her own.
which she of courses loses or breaks, but she has it for a bit, so thats more opportunity to draw ammy with some new stuff. think of it kinda like Finns swords changing through Adventure Time.

theres also the sweet aspect of even though Ammy is a constant failure, even looking WORSE because a cute tiny critter is way more capable, she has a small companion always there for her and sticking by her.
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hatless delta
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Well for a short while I considered making "Y" be Ammy's companion since she loves helping people and god knows Ammy needs help constantly, what I never decided was if make "Y" do it in secret or Ammy being aware of her.

Still dunno if I can come up with anything interesting with them as a team tho.
Do you want Ammy to FEEL lie a failure? Or is she more optimistic about it?because being aware would make her feel like more of one if a tiny creature can do what she cant.


She could use it as inspiration, because of that tiny lil thing can do it, so can i!
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Ammy is the kind that never lose optimism and keeps trying an unlimited amount of times despite failling every single time, she would not mind "Y" helping her which is why makes writing stuff for this scenario hard.

And in turn "Y" as I imagined her is a type of fairy that absolutely tries to avoid being seen by people, she helps others in Secret so I dunno if she was made Ammy's companion I would keep that trait or just make them be friends.

Maybe they are not very compatible characters in the end.
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Sushi, Nooooooooooooo!!
Y constantly trying to hide her presence and make it look like ammy is the one succeeding.
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okay, i'm up.
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Thin Fowder.
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I really like smoking, its kinda a fetish of mine
am just post new stuff thred aint seen yet
>Retro Challenge- draw you'r OC's gangs, attire or how they would live in the post WWII era (40's-60s)

Oh... somehow I didn't notice this challenge until now... not a lot came out from this, huh?
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Maria is good with dogs
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posting something.
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Should we keep having threadly themes or should we go back to having individual challenges?
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An overarching theme with smaller challenges relating to the theme would be the best option, IMO.
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Sum Wukong :v
Hiya. I'm back (to the thread).
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shit i posted it early
what did i miss
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Drew Shenfuls rocking robot girl a while back.
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Balack Lady :)
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Nice titties

Forgot to color the white thing beside her head.
So I wanted to know, what's the secret to a successful OC design?
Successful meaning gets alot of art. And bear in mind I'm not asking what YOU like in a design.
There's no secret in the design. There's just a secret in how often you interact with other OCs such as comics and art trades.
There is no really a "secret" to have a successful OC design, but I have noticed a few things can help people be more inclined to draw your OC.

One thing is definitively the OC having a design thats appealing but yet not too complicated, an over complicated design can turn off others from wanting to draw it.

Another thing is an interesting characterization, a popular OC is not just good looking but also has traits that make it interesting to draw in certain situations, if you give the OC a certain trait/gimmick it may sparkle the imagination of others that will want to draw it in interesting situations.

And of course drawing your OC interacting with other people's characters helps a lot, even better if your OC's personality bouces off well with whatever OC you are making it interact with. It can make your character grow on people.

Of course none of these are absolute rules or anything, is just what I have seen around these very threads. I could be completely wrong.
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3DSAnon is right. Basically, if you have a character, draw them interacting with someone else's character in a way that fits both characters. There's no real 'secret' to making a character that generates art or anything; just make a character that appeals to you and see if others like it. Sometimes you get lucky and people run with it!

This is one of my older characters I had from City of Heroes back in the day, I'm just posting it because it's an OC and it's art.
Based off of a TeamFourStar joke i loved. here is a Comic that uses what they said word for word.
Special Thanks to ComicmakerJoe for making the original comic, the coloring, and adding his OC "Betty" into the mix. and someone named Durr i meant on a Discord for the clean-up and line art.
also here is the video where the joke is from, i really sugest watching the series
Its not just in interacting, an appealing OC in concept and/or design is also likely to get more draws.
Never get into the mindset you just need to whore it out enough and pander with interactions. Make sure its a good OC first and foremost.
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an old OC I did for a contest
More seen OC's get more art...so you just have to post lots of draws until they get noticed.
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A bit of a WIP
mindfuckery here
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Drew this request I got of my OC last night.
where's her thighhighs
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Freshly bought commission
There have been cases where an OC got art without being drawn that much by the creator. Drawing them a lot will help but having a good design to begin with will go a long way.
Guy who made the request only wanted her wearing panties and her beret
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There are cases of flavor of the week like that but it's not as common...most of the time you're going to need a lot of exposure for people to care even if the design is good.
Of the OCs in these threads which ones you guys consider successful and why do you think each of those OCs became a success?
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Gave an older OC some attention
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gift for jack attack
Morning-tan has some competition I see!

That is so cool! Tho is a bit weird to see Jack with a nose. I am always conflicted when I try to draw Jack if I should add a nose or not, also with how much I should keep his round features or give him a more normal looking head.
For what I can say when it comes to "succesful" OCs from these threads:

I am fairly sure no one can argue Axe-kun is one of the most popular and successful OCs around here, In my opinion that is because the character itself has an extremely iconic look, a concept that is simple yet interesting with a lot of mistery around it, the great interactions the character had had with a huge amount of other OCs and of course the fact that everyone loves "Axe-anon" because he is just an awesome person and draws people really awesome and creative stuff.

This is kinda tricky, I can't decide which of the two is more popular, they work great as a duo, the weird thing is that the version of Fowder that became popular is NOT the original one, is if I recall one that "Axe-anon" made that is more friendly and mischievous than the original that was meant to be Jack's enemy (I may be remembering this wrong tho), so now the Jack and Fowder duo is seen more as Frenemies than outright rivals.

>Little Squishy
This is what you get when you take something as boring and faceless as a tentacle monster and make it awesome and likeable, these days we have Squishy merchandise! I still dont know how such a simple design can be so ICONIC!

Everyone's favorite ghost tits! This is the textbook example on why you dont need a super elaborate design to make your character a success, Amelia is a ghost girl with blue hair and a sweater... thats it! And yet she captured the imagination of tons of artist here making them think "Imagine all the ghostly lewd things she can do!" and she got a lot of art from it, some people may consider her a "flavor of the week" deal but I think she is genuinelly one of the most liked OCs around

>Mina Augustina
The self proclaimed Queen of Lombardi (and /ACO/) one day came out of nowhere and took over! I really cant say what caused her to become so popular since it probably happened mostly in Discord

text limit reached so i'll stop!
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>Browsed some files, saw a picture of ammy, drew an ammy based on request
Feels good
>Ammy doesnt need much to be happy, just a little bit of cum in her mouth can keep her ultra happy for hours!

Thanks a lot, DeeJay! I have always loved the way you draw Ammy, Do you have any OC you would like me to (horribly) draw for you? I owe you MANY!
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You don't have to honestly, I just like Ammy as a character so I love using her as a warm up at times. (She's doesn't quite suck at everything).

If you'd like I've got Nia here, an OC fav of mine, if you'd be interested! Once again, you don't have to..But thanks 3DS.
I can for sure whip up something with Nia! it may take a little while to finish it tho.

I'm glad Ammy is useful for something! I've actually been told before she makes for a surprisingly good test character for many kinds of things, I wonder why that is.
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So... since things seem pretty dead around, why don't you guys tell us about your OCs?

But to give a twist to that, how about you mention some unimportant details about your OC? I mean nothing important, Stuff that if your character was in a story would not even be brought up, I mean the inane details! the trivia stuff!

I will do so for now for Ammy, and I would love to hear the little unimportant facts about your characters.

>Ammy wears a yellow scarf because she believes it makes her a bit stronger. I doesn't. (This is a reference to the Final Fantasy IX accessory Yellow Scarf which raises Str a bit)

>In universe, Ammy's eyes are considered unusually big, people often mention that her eyes are huge when they meet her.

>Ammy's favorite food (aside cum of course) is fried spicy meat with hot sauce and soaked in lime juice. (Eww!)

>Ammy is ambidextrous, which only means she is just as bad with both hands.

>If you look carefully, the tips of Ammy's hair are always a bit singed.

>When she was younger, Ammy used to keep her hair long, but her afinity to Fire magic usually got her hair caught on fire, so she keeps it short to avoid that somewhat.

>Ammy's favorite color is Green.

>Cats are extremely rare in Ammy's world and she absolutely loves them, she dreams to pet one but she is never able to. (and she never will, it's her own Charlie Brown kicking the football curse)

>Due to the previous fact, Ammy always has to try very hard to supress the insane urge to pet Cat-like OCs, because it would be disrespectful and creepy to do so! So she is always unneasy when close to Cat-like OCs.
Is a mediocre OC shoved down everyone's throat till it starts getting drawn really better than a good OC not drawn much?
Best case is to have both, but don't whore out your OCs out for draws if you can't work on making the OC itself good in the first place.
You can have both, but having a good OC is the more important of the too. The bigger priority. We don't need a barrage of half assed OCs.
I haven't seen Amelia much in a while. She was one of the more popular at one point but that seemed to have died down. I'd personally consider her one of out "All Stars" too though, even if she is less current.
>>Due to the previous fact, Ammy always has to try very hard to supress the insane urge to pet Cat-like OCs, because it would be disrespectful and creepy to do so! So she is always unneasy when close to Cat-like OCs.

Requesting Ammy is a room with all the cat OCs sweating profusely and hand shaking resisting urge to pet.

What all cats do we have?
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I have Trace. ._.
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Karmen. There's also Greg and Jacks kitty.
There's a few.

Theres Jack anon's cat trio of Fowder, Krish and... uh I forgot the name of the third one! Jeez talk about feeling terrible, theres also Karmen the little hooded masked Cat and I had honestly forgotten about Trace's name but I remembered her design.
Me? Well I am not into cat people to risk petting one and get mawled!

Ammy? She loves all cats equally so she would like to pet them equally as strongly no matter which one is it.

But I think Fowder or Trace would provide the msot hilarious results.
Yeah I meant to say Ammy.
Yeah I know, don't worry, thats a pretty common mistake!

I've been told a lot that Ammy is my self insert, and that is only 30% true! as I said before 30% of her characterization was "filled" by my own details and the name "Ammy" has the first 2 letters of my real name and my common internet handle, but as I once said it was because "Ammy" was just the place holder name for the "Slot-001" character that I used to test things in the game and would eventually become RPG Girl, the name "Ammy" was just what I originally typed in the name field because when I dont know how what to type I start typing my own name, but I wrote 2 letters then just added "-my" and left it like that for most of the game early development.

I had an actual self insert in all my games and comics but she was a background character that never got lines and got used as victim of some monster attack or accident or simply as part of a crowd in danger. My friends loved finding her in stuff I made back in the day.
Trace, fowder, krish, karmen, greg and lillian.

I'm not sure if there was a third one (like 3ds mentioned), or if i'm confusing with the musician dog lady jack made.

there is also ceebeez (see: http://acoc.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=720), but the guy who created her never shown up here again (i think).
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I actually really like this idea!

>Lamia is allergic to coconut

>Nobody has ever seen her forehead, leading some to believe it doesn't exist

>She has never had a boyfriend, something that bothers her from time to time.

>Her hair smells faintly of strawberries

>She wears loose sleeves and no pants/shoes to prevent her from destroying her clothes when she transforms her limbs.

>Has a crush on every girl with sharp teeth and/or a perpetual grin.

>Is secretly self conscious about her weight. Don't tell anyone it's a secret shhhhh.

>Loves wearing cute underwear.

>Has a collection of over 8000 pins that she wears on her hat.
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This is Jade, Queen of Enigma and better than Mina in literally any way and denial of this fact is punishable by the Fitnessgram Pacer Test.
get a load of these fabricated lies do you really think anyone would be cooler or better loved then the great Mina Augustina Queen of Lombardia (and /aco/ as well as the prom)???
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Welp, since it's my first time posting here and it's the hard boiled theme, I think I might post an OC of mine that I made a while ago and use for a few other things.

He's Fat Cat, Mafia boss and certified Big Guy.
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Long live the queeeeen

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I fuckin' love mafiamen and he's no exception. Care to tell more about him?

Also, more Jade.
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Oh, I'll give this a try, with everyone's favorite Juggy Juggernaut, Kassie!

>Kassie is 6'6", and she is an engineered life form. Long story short, Fur-eared people like her (and others) are engineered to help future generations of humans acclimate to the harsh environment of a new planet after leaving Earth.

>She is considered a super-weapon by the government, as part of a project to create super soldiers. Her 'creators' were fired for making her an all-natural super-buxom bombshell, though.

>Her favorite color, like Ammy, is green. Her favorite food is strawberries.

>She has a 'sister' Ophelia, who was engineered to be capable of even greater feats of strength despite being over a foot shorter than her and flat as a board.

>In-universe, Kassie is considered an 'illegal': Laws prohibit the engineering of 'custom' biogenetic life forms or making duplicates/clones that would otherwise devalue the sanctity of life.

>She is conscripted into the military's special forces unit to bolster their ailing ranks as a 'demolitions expert', AKA a walking bulldozer.

>She has a Scottish accent, and despite her Amazonian build, is very much unaccustomed to sexual encounters. Currently crushing hard on the team's medical doctor, a short pretty-boy who has a serious coffee addiction.
Why do shotas always the get titty monsters?
Doc's no shota, he's in his mid 30s. Coffee just sort of stunted his growth.
Recently finished this pin-up of my OC, Mrs. Simmons. Had to shorten the hair a bit so it wouldn't cover the butt so much.
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Let's get this rollin.
> Shen wore glasses when she was younger. Only a few years ago did her mom find a spell to fix her eyesight.

> She still doesn't know how to ride a bicycle.

> She gets very nervous around bees/wasps/hornets/etc, because she's never been stung by one before.

> She's never seen a scary movie before.

>Shen has a general dislike for religious schools, even though she's never been to one. She believes, and actively compares them to "miniature North Koreas".

>Her favorite gemstone is the Sapphire.

>She enjoys to sing, but never does it around other people.

>Funnily enough, the most ticklish spot on her body is her butt.

I might do some more of these for my other characters.
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the fuck....jpg
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Posting dinger.
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Here's a few details about Whipkick

>While Whipkick is 22 Earth Years chronologically, he's 16 biologically and technically hasn't finished puberty yet

>Whipkick likes his Ponytail. A lot. He mainly gets insecure when people bring it up but he's secretly proud of himself for it

>Whipkick is extremely lightweight and can't drink alcohol in general, despite weighing over 200 kg

>While Whipkick would be considered tall by any normal human, he's just below average height compared to the majority of his species

>Whipkick likes to collect knick-knacks from the Before Eras, usually consisting of ripped up comic books, Broken TVs and Consoles, Weird Hats, Smartphones and Computer monitors. He has no idea what any of them are for and who made them, but collects them regardless.
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Aight, I've got most of his shtick written down in like a storyline, but let me condense it for ya.

>Fat Cat is son to the infamous don Top Dog, founder of the Mousetrap family mafia. Both are pretty much the most intimidating people you will ever see. FC because he's fucking huge, TD because he's, well, superhuman, TD old tho.

>FC owns a construction mafia, as such, most of his lackeys are just glorified construction workers with nice suits.

>The tommygun you see him holding is a modified anti-aircraft gun.

>He's a very professional business man, he doesn't smile a whole lot and has a very precise way of articulation, or as he says it, "Ar-tic-u-la-tion."

>The spade on his suit shows that he's the oldest of four brothers, each represent a different form of organized crime, his, of course, being a Mafioso.

>He more than likely goes through a dozen cigars a day to keep his edge.

>FC is around 45 years old, but because of hos his father is superhuman and all that, he's still technically in his prime. He does not like being referred to as old.

>FC can perfectly recall the names, birthdays, family events, and specialties of all 100,000 of his men. He even writes all of them birthday cards and attends baby showers, weddings and the like for those he finds to be good men.

>FC was once upon a time a rather slim young man, we're talking whipkick levels of studly. He hit a rather large growth spurt around his 30's and is still getting bigger.

>FC's real full legal name is Reginold Mayers Mousetrap. His family refers to him as Regi

>He wears a hat on most days to cover up the fact he's beginning to bald.

>Fat Cat enjoys chess, reading novels, and Swing music.
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never did I think mina would get an admirer
Is it normal to grow to hate any OC's you've come up with after a certain period of time, and see them as indicative of your failure as a writer and/or human being in general?
Oh its nice to see some life into the thread!


I love reading these little unimportant details about your characters! Thanks for sharing them.

Now i want to see Kassie trying to eat Lamia's Hair.

Also I am totally gonna start using "miniature North Koreas" as an analogy.

I guess it makes sense he is into Mina since she is by far the richest OC among all the /ACOC/ cast.

Love Triangle confirmed!

Makes me wonder, how many OCs have romantic interests in anothers?

Theres Axe x Mina (which is now a triangle with Buck) of course, and the classic Marine x Soldier, Mariana x Arrow and I guess Axe x Delta too.

Are there any other OC couples? preferably with characters from different creators.
Syn and I have paired up Ratty Bat not quite as a couple, but a sorta of fwb/wingman/purse.

I don't mean he gives her money, I mean she uses him for storage.
*with Erzebet
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Art of them has yet to go quite as we imagined..
Vega has put her dick in some people.

Axe, Mina, Mariana, Amura, Kate, Kami, Raford's fox futa, Supes french girl, possibly Squishy.

It's also been implied that she's hooked up with Ico and Gabriangella.

But she's never really had like a long term romantic pairing with another OC.
Oh I see, sounds like an interesting duo, I wonder what their interactions would look li-

Oh... Well!

Back in the day when these threads actually had porn the whole point was OCs porking other OCs, so I dont think just the OCs that have had sex with others counts as a romantic interest like would be Mina's crush on Axe or Mariana and Arrow pretty much dating.

But now that you mention it, I wonder with how many OCs Ammy has had sex or done something lewd with, I think the list would be comparable to Vega's.
Syn said Erzebet gets lonely and when she drinks she gets pretty slutty and desperate.
Ratty Bats job is to keep prevent her from banging just any slob and finding someone decent when shes drunk, and acting as a wingman because shes shy when shes not drunk.
She also can take out her sexual frustrations on him.
she carries him around (im thinking clipped to her side via carabiner, like Etemons plush) or maybe even with a strap attached to his collar. He acts as a purse because his mouth works like hammerspace with all sorts of objects being able to be stored inside or pulled out of his mouth that completely disregard his outside size.
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Ahr ahr, i've never considered her an all star of the thread, but i did start drawing her less because i got pretty busy and in the end i didn't have enough time to even be that active on the thread. I do lurk around from time to time but i have this big project that keeps me pretty busy.
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I don't take sides so LONG LIVE THIS QUEEN TOOOOOO

thanks a lot man it looks awesome!!

This is a cool character!! I def have to draw him sometime
Let's play a game, /acoc/. Greentext your OC's backstory but leave out their name to see if anyone can guess who it is.
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Sketched some more of Helga
>She was a thing
>She drinks green slime.
>Now, She is another thing.
You kids and your sketches these days

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Been a while since I hung out, but I have some postable Teagan
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Oh and I guess you can also meet Marina if you haven't already.
Nice puffy nips
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okay, i'm up.
and I am down

>Is the child of two extremely important and skilled people.

>Lives a peaceful life in a small village with their mother and unlike her is not really a notable or skilled person.

>This person's father has been gone for most of their life.

>Has tried to become a law enforcer for several years but ended being rejected every time.

>An accident in the past made their sibling go missing.

>Body used as vessel to contain ancient evil

>Became one with said ancient evil

>Now forever has Big


Nice to see you post again man.
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You too
The discord link expired?
should work

I guess the failing to become a law enforcer part made it too obvious.

> One of the few beings created a long long time ago by an unknown being or force

> He, along with his small group of kin were intended to create sentient beings, and each gave them an emotion or other social aspect.

> Despite only created with the initial intention to create sentient life, they had immense strength and power, some with unique abilities.

> Some of their creations thought that these beings were evil, and tried to rebel against them

> The strongest one of the beings, who was made to gift the newly created human-like creatures with the idea of civilization in general towered over the others and had the power to wipe out entire civilizations and possibly even level mountains was banished before the rest of them drove back the rebellion.

> With their initial purpose completed, some of them went their separate ways while the rest resided in a secluded fortress made of flesh, bone, and stone.

> This one in particular stuck around for a while, but eventually decided to wander off for whatever reason.

> After years, he eventually found himself in a forest close by a large city, and met a young girl, around 12 years old.

>Since he has had few encounters with what were now humans (or other beings of the sort) for thousands of years (other than small wars to defend their fortress), he was initially very mean to the girl.

>The girl wasn't threatened and only somewhat scared, which mostly came from his somewhat frightening appearance, and continued to try and befriend him, as she wanted to befriend "monsters" like her mother, while still just making a new friend.

>Her attempts were not in vain, although they appeared to be useless for a few days.

>Eventually, he realized that she meant no harm and ended up becoming her friend, but never fully lightened up around her.

>The girl convinced him to make his home nearby, which he found in a cave not too far away.

> Holy shit i didn't mean to make this so long I gotta make a part 2

>Part 2

> They continued to be close friends, and the being even protected the girl and her (very proud) family from any danger, showing that he cares despite continuing his very harsh ways.

> One day, she decided to finally take him to the large city they lived nearby.

> Upon his arrival, everybody was scared of him, both of his appearance and the legends that said that his kind were evil.

> When a defense team came to take care of him, he was about to attack them before the girl ran in front of him, defending his existence and telling them that he wasn't here to hurt anyone.

> Never before has a lesser being defended him. Some say that her actions caused the being to shed the first tear of his entire race.

> Despite many people still fearing him, others learned to welcome him.

>He eventually grew accustomed to the lives of these beings, and is now considered an honorary citizen of the city.

> To this day, he is still friends with the now adult girl and her family, and can be seen occasionally walking in the city, either by himself or with the girl, forever growing accustom to this new life and to the beings that he once helped create.

> I don't care if it's obvious, it's good to have an excuse to actually create a god damned backstory for any one of my characters.

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garfield dies.gif
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>killbot decides to stop killing
>killbot flees
>creator gets mad and invades world
>killbot kills creator
I bet theres an amazing Discord story behind this picture filled with adventure, drama and stormy forbidden romance!

Good luck with your project!

Amelia is such a fun character to pair with others, I hope we see more of her in the future.
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>be me
>be a clone that isn't good.
>left in cave.
>this fuckin sucks.
>hear some things
>wake up somewhere else, weird things took care of me.
>eventually decide i'm old enough to leave.
>started killing things
>spot a lame ass green fellow, he pretty cute.
>chat up green dude, the fucker has three eyes.
>we date for a while, sex is cray and he has tons of money.
>one day we have a fight, he shows me his true form.
>leave him and avoid him at all costs.
>pick up taxidermy.
>now make money for killing and skinning things.
>Be attractive member of lost civilization
>Get arranged marriage to disfigured veteran who treats me kindly and fall in love
>Learn medicine to lessen his pain
>Husband is kill
>Get banished innawoods because widows are considered tainted
>Almost die
>Some chick shows up and gibs super powers
>Find out village chief had hubby killed for power struggle reasons
>Go creepypasta and RULES OF NATURE the chief and his warriors
>Realize I can live forever if I chill the fuck out
>Spend years perfecting medicine
>Create new plant varieties
>Wander around finding cures for diseases and stuff
>Learn psychology
>Have sex with stuff
>Make lots of babbies
>Go on adventures
>The road goes ever on
I forgot her name, but that one chick from Smash Masterson?

Winrar and partial winrar respectively.
Any OC that brings bread to the thread is a winner in my book!

Trully an angel.
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You know Dinger?

Yeah, That is her deadman version.

Schro is dinger from a another universe. If they touch each other. Both of them/universe will be destroy.

So, "Don't finger with a dinger".


>Not much is known about early years
>Attends prestigious undergraduate education with intellectual rival
>Has "awakening"; becomes aware of the unreality of this world
>Works on theory about the nature of existence
>Fucks off into the center of the world, for science
>Probably dead
>(Spoiler: not dead)

bingo on the fowder part.
okay, we got 10 posts to go.

We need a new donut.

>Fall from sky
>Land on church
>Fight gangs to help church
>Church burn down
>Errybody ded
>Kill gangs
>Kill sister
>Kill father
>Have kid
>Find God
>Kill God
>Killed by kid
>Back to life
>Become god
>Kill kid
>Remake Universe
>New Game +
>New universe version trying to stop God version

Enrico Pucci?
Some 12 year old's Sonic OC's "dark super saiyan" form.
My OC's name is Miss Color.
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Porn Sketches 69.png
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Some porn doodles of her

Her outfit
Did she play too much minecraft?

Hahaha. A lot of people mention minecraft when they say that. But her face is supposed to look like an electrical outlet.
Post your challenges
Post your ideas
Post your donuts/donut-tans.

And remember, anyone can make a donut.

Mention Minecraft when they see her*

Sorry. I'm still waking up.
If you eyefuck her, would you die?
Challenge ideas:
>Draw an OC you've never drawn before.
>Draw your OC interacting with an OC they haven't interacted with yet.
>Draw your OC the way other people draw your OC.
>Draw your oc in prehistoric times.
It would be very painful
Some challenges from the discord

-Draw your OC's as an animal
-What does your OC use as a way of transport
-Your OC meets up with another OC, How Well do they get along?
-How does your OC act in dire, dramatic situation?

-Draw your OC checking out another OC
-Draw your OC flirting with another OC
-What do your OC(s) do in their spare time?
Shes a square girl
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This was Ophis four months ago.
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ophis explosion.png
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... and this is Ophis now.

Feel old yet?
>draw OC as a generic action figure/toy
>draw some OC's as an ACOC line of adult toys.
>make a shirt design with your OC on it and publish it on one of those printing sites
>Draw your OC as they looked 10 years in the past.
>Draw that design interacting with another OC as they looked 10 years in the past.
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nice design senpai
Thank you!
Page 10 yo
Noill's a fucking legend, don't know why his art got removed
noill got shut down once by tumblr because of his /ss/
i don't know if this is the same story, but it could be
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Did a quick drawin of Boon's oc Ebi cuffed up!
If you come to the discord I'll tell you an amazing secret no one else but me knows yet.
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THE COMIC 14.png
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Thread posts: 325
Thread images: 148

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