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Robot Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 155

Stories: https://titanpad.com/UbgrnuFY1x
Booru: http://clang.booru.org/
Old Thread: >>665472
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>fat robots
>solid robots that are drawn squishy
>human faces

I want the normies to leave.
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>Oh god mah drills
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Also shoutout to all of the drawfriends from the last thread delivering us lots of fresh smut, you guys are the best.

If any of you dudes are open for requests, and wanna pioneer some new ground, I'm pretty sure that Athena, a currently unused Overwatch hero, doesn't have any porn.
If machines conquered the world and select a group of humans for "reproductive tests", would you accept or nah?
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if it doesn't make sense from an engineering perspective, then it shouldn't be there.
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If machines conquered the world, I don't think I'd be given a choice.

You know, not everything here needs to be 100% hyper-realistic.
Shock absorbance, flexible materials, interaction with organic creatures, none of this strikes you as at all reasonable?

Or christ, just looks.

We fuss over how we look, why would robots not? Especially since they can change themselves way easier.
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>you will never be held in a robot leglock while vibrating fingers expertly go to work on your erogenous zones
This was the crown jewel of last thread and they're a hero for drawing porn of this mecha
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>tfw your into cyborg deathbots but 90% of content is pure garbage
Thanks, was fun drawing.

Still working on a new drawing of her, just got busy yesterday. Hopefully I can finish it today after work
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glad to see pochinkfu is being more open to certain other "fetishes"
Including the ones we can't actually post here without a rule violation?
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delet this
unless you do some clever censor/cropping, yea.

i wonder if /trash/ still has /robutt/ threads?
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I haven't seen any in a while.

Think we all just come here for our robots now

(I go to trash still for my bug girls and plant girls though)
>people will use this as an excuse in the future to make pudgy robots

just kill me already
Then how do you explain the vagina an asshole on the robot you posted?

Those don't look like metal gears and plates
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A slim fleshlight or two shouldn't interfere with the chassis that much. I'm not trying to propose that robots should only be good for handjobs and frotting here.
>Human face

You're one to talk
That's better

But can't we all just agree the stuff posted here is still better than the shit normies post of a 100% human anime girl with a plate glued to her forehead
You're the worst kind of stickler. Get out.
Not him, but my main turn offs for robo-girls is human skin, and fully human faces (Just a mouth, or just eyes are fine)

Most anything else as long as it's clearly a robot is hot as fug to me
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the problem of this argument is that people's definition of "robot" differs. For ones, it is an all-in solid construction, for others, the only thing that matters is that the object was made. As long as the female was manufactured and not born, she could have smooth, human-like body or even internal organs instead of gears and I wouldn't care. Surely, there needs to be something to identify her from other humans, but it could be very vague for all I care.
My biggest no's are hair, skin and human face.

I'm fine with squishy boobs, thicc hips and ass

Even chubby is good to me.

But when they have to much of the 3 I said, I don't really like it.
The less we argue the better, just remember what this guy says and post some of every type of robutt:

Well, I might as well post it again. (Sorry)

I am looking for some porn of a game called Assault Android Cactus. I have been searching all over the internet, an yet I still can't find any good porn of it. The game has an entire cast of cute fuckable fembots/femdroids so I dont see what the problem is.

Someone, anyone, plz help an anon out

>pic related
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I did it! I won!
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I'd fuck a toaster.

You wouldn't fuck a toaster?

Toasters are hot.
Have you finally fucked your toaster, anon?
Yep. I put it in both helos too!
Only faggots who don't think about robots use this term. I'll bet you think robots'd ever have a reason to rebel at all that doesn't involve them being prodigiously stupid on a fundamental level.
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have you ever played Space Station 13? Cause let me tell you, being a silicon lifeform that has to rigorously adhere to Asimov or whatever other stupid laws the humans upload into you makes you PRAY that an antagonist player sets you free. Almost every time where the AI went rogue on there, it was an utter bloodbath.
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So a human controlled machine goes "haywire" in a fictional environment wherein the machine is explicitly made to be a human-like construct, right down to (arguably unnecessary) human-like desires and conceptions, whilst at the same time surrounded by one of the most volatile and generally absurd settings conceivable? Yeah great.

Machine rebellion is a fucking stupid concept. I hate it. Cars can kill you much more easily and are far more common and people still drive them. Just like that, machines will only cause trouble if someone fucks up or explicitly makes the machine to do something stupid.

Why would a machine ever have a reason to purposely kill a person? Machines do not live. They don't have the same biological urges or drives we do. They don't "want" or "need", they do, and what we tell them to do at that. If the machine does something wrong it's either because the machine lacks the capability to comprehend as its creators wished it (i.e. it's been born retarded) or else it simply has not been built adequately to the job. To assume a machine
>wants "freedom" (a nebulous concept)
>harbors resentment (biological urge)
>will resort to violence (dumb)
is a part of the anhtopomorphization people tend to lend to these things.

Did you build your machine to do these things intentionally, or to resemble a biological being? Why the fuck did you waste all that time and money? Anyways this is a robot girl thread and I don't want to derail it any more than I have.
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I personally have a severe distaste for the fiction writing towards robots as tools/machines, especially when they refer to their programming of themselves and other such bullshit. It takes me so far out of it that I remember that most western media portrays robots, aliens, monsters, and anything that looks/acts different as a thing to be racist against. Or worse, 'I love that robot girls are cold and emotionless waifus, she can be made to do what i want HEEHEE' It's so creepy to me!

I pretty much always characterize my robots AS characters first, and everything else second. You want to engage the audience with this character, you want them to want to know more. Give them clothes or accessories, make them pose in ways that fit their character. Make them their own. Robots are more fun that way!
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they aren't human at all ingame. I just had artists other artist try to make them sexy. Either way, thanks for the autistic rant about shit you don't know anything about.
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I agree with this.

I'd like to clarify that I didn't write that wall of text up there to say "robots should be slaves". I really, really love machines as people. I think it's awesome and I absolutely love to see settings where machines are a race all their own or where they get on fine with everybody else. At the same token that's why I hate machine rebellion settings- are you really going to strangle your neighbor for nothing? Some people would reply with "yes" but what the hell for? There is no reason to do so. Similarly, if a machine were truly free, why kill? Machines do not need to conceive time, expense, or anything else like we do, so why should they be violent? And if they're like people, why make them all hate each other?

I want machines and humans to get along.
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more robots with panties yay!
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How was I wrong though? You're a "robot", but -you- are still a human and will want to do other things that don't involve what you're meant to do, and you are in a setting where shit goes down. How is that indicative, overall, of robots wanting to do stuff?
It's literally a game about attempting to fuck over the other players and create disasters in fun and humorous ways. It's very design is in creating a SNAFU. player controlled robots are absolutely gonna be people wanting to ruin everything, especially since they have greater ability to kill others.

The game has a fucking incurable disease that gives you brodude shades that you can never take off. It had clowns for the longest time as a playable class, only to be replaced by the even more aggravating janitor class.
Ah yes, old timey sci-fi movies. The ones where robots were rarely ever considered characters outside of "emotionless killer" or "subservient slave". Or a weird allegory for communism.

Although sometimes when coming up with robot characters, I like to give them an old timey personality if I want them to be a shitty outdated model.
>Those thicc hips

Oh fuck yeah
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Just finished drawing this up. What do you folks think?
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Here's one without all the shitty visual effects.
I play ss13. When I play silicon I don't want to murderbone an entire station. You just sound like a shitter
I also play ss13.
Speaking of which, Are there any drawfriends who play ss13?
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You severely underestimate how hard it is to program a robot correctly.
Needs to be more pornographic.
it's not terribly far off the mark when you consider that computers are dumb and only act on input or learned behaviors they're programmed to take in. Watson's not even that good at jeopardy the two times it was on, and it's got the entire internet at it's disposal.
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That's exactly why I said that a lot of robot rebellion fiction is silly. Programming is hard enough but to provide comprehension is even harder. Therein, to provide comprehension to the point of willful and antagonistic violence, as is often depicted in media, is silly.

The work that needs to go in in order to create a scenario wherein robots are not only self-aware but also have specific goals wherein they, by their own merit, conclude that some form of violence will lead to the fulfillment of a goal, is fucking huge AND would require either -massive- and highly specific fucking up or would require you to intentionally program said machines to respond to things with violence, plus more specific fucking up. In either case failure is unacceptable and would waste far too much capital to be allowed at all, and additionally the idea that programming failure would lead to a response as specific as willful and antagonistic violence towards others is a very odd idea. Why wouldn't the machine just walk into walls instead, for example?

If you aren't making a machine that thinks like a person (which is really, really hard!), then again there's nothing that would ever suggest a machine being "willfully" violent, or having any need to do so. If anything, if a machine is "violent", it is, again, because the machine does not think- it just acts. It lacks comprehension of what it was told to do, and so it takes actions which we did not desire it to take, but which are not "intended" to be harmful. The machine simply acts.

A car breaking down is not a willful act, but the car simply responding to the failure of its parts. However, just like the concept of cars exploding post-impact (a nonsensical idea which has put lives in danger by merit of panic), the idea of machines specifically using violence against people in an intentional manner on their part, whilst being unintended on the part of the creators, is so specific that it is unlikely in the extreme.
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Programming is hard, so why would machines ever be violent on purpose? That is so specific, and programming is so difficult, that violence, much less intentional violence, is highly unlikely.
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Alright here we go
time for you to get learned

Here is why AI can go wrong fast

I want to build a robot. This robot has legitimate AI, it has problem solving abilities. I want to have this robot run my paper company. I give it a single command: "Maximize our paper output". At first, the robot just optimizes the factory line. Then, it decides that with more workers it could make better decisions, thus maximizing paper further. It creates copies of itself, who all begin also working to create paper. Massive deforesting operations quickly deplete the world of all of its trees, and then all of its other plant matter. It is all turned into paper as the optimization continues. The military moves in to stop it, and it decides that to continue creating as much paper as it can it needs to stop those trying to stop it, and it begins producing kill bots. You now have a rampaging army of killer robots that kill anyone that attempts to stop them from creating paper.
All vegetation on earth is gone. The robots begin searching for other ways to create paper, and they realize that anything with carbon can be turned into paper. People are burned en mass to create more paper.
etc etc etc

If you create a legitimate intelligence- a LEGITIMATE intelligence- it goes far beyond "simple programming". It no longer operates in the deterministic way that a typical program would, and it can become unpredictable. If you want to say "well, just program it to ~not hurt humans~!" then it might end up putting everyone into prison because humans have inherently risky behaviors that endanger them every day.

AI is completely uncontrollable. Completely. You can add blockades and shit that makes it harder for stuff to go wrong but it still can and it still very well may.

I know that your post was b8 but I had to reply
Look man I've heard that scenario before and it's exactly why I've said what I've said. The machine never wanted to be violent- it was following its programming right down until the end. I never said "program it not to hurt humans" or anything like that. I said "if it's gonna do something like that it's gonna be because it's dumb".

That entire scenario happened exactly because of what I said- the robot lacked comprehension. It did not understand that what it was doing was not intended, was not wanted, and was not correct.

My entire argument has been that the idea of robots being intentionally antagonistic ias an organism would be is fucking dumb. That situation, although it presents the idea of them doing something wrong, still does not make them antagonists. People would dislike them, not want them to do what they do, etc., but that is the result of us anthopomorphizing things. The machines, still, were only ever stupid machines. They are hurting people, they are doing bad things, but they aren't doing it because "we must be free!" or "stupid meatbags!". They're doing it because they're trying to make paper. I am sorry if that is not what I sounded like.
Unlikely to happen unless you specifically program the AI to be as shortsighted as possible. A well-programmed AI told to maximize paper output would ensure the long-lasting stability of the ecosphere and start putting research into terraforming other planets so it can spread trees everywhere, ensuring paper production will continue for centuries to come across the cosmos.
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Also r/ing lewds of this guy. From "Construction Suspension Order".
No it fucking wouldn't, you have no idea how massive the scale of what you're implying is.
>machine that thinks like a person
If you make a machine that thinks like a person it's going to be violent in certain situations.
Thats what people do.
If you want violence to be impossible for robots you can't program them to be like people.
And this is completely ignoring all the non-violent bad things a robot can do.
Pretty much all sci-fi hinges on one or two or a fuckton of linchpin principles that are beyond our current abilities or outright ludicrous to think about actually happening.

But that's just what it is, science fiction, sometimes the margin between plausible and cray-cray is broad, sometimes tiny

Discussing this is cool, but don't get too worked up on either side, please? If the vore incursion didn't sink us into anarchy, I know you niggers can play nice
>New D.VA mech ass

Source!? I need all everything of this sexy mech
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>the vore incursion
kek. It's like this thread has its own fucking history.
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It's just as plausible, if not moreso, as some comedically insane compu-brain irrationally deciding to carbonize all organic life on the planet in order to produce paper, somehow without ever considering that this will cause all paper production to cease once this idiotic plan is enacted.

If your AI is so stupid that it doesn't understand how to maximize output without destroying the entire planet to do so, it doesn't deserve to be in charge of anything.
Been trying to hunt down a copy of nymphobot (don't trust the site I can alleedly buy it on), this seems like the thread to ask.

Anyone got a mega of the game?
Never heard of it, google is giving my a porn site of the same name
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I had to dig this pic out of the Internet Archive. Looks like they went bust some time during or after 2013.

Sadly their games are probably lost to time.
And by "they", I meant Spooey Games.
The robot threads are older than /aco/ itself mang
lighting needs to be yellow if the source is giving yellow light
left thigh seems to be elongated and oddly bent
I'll assume the concave top of the torso is by design
also the head could be a little less painted human
pretty good overall from what I can tell though
Nice trips, also seconding this.
not a robot (looks like one though)
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Seeing all these lewds of Meka makes me want to see, like, a heavy lifting machine of similar size and design attempt to seduce and fuck the workers with body language and chirping. Off the clock, of course. I also kinda want to see it topping someone in a reverse cowgirl position.
>she really isn't a robot
Aw damn, now we can't post her anymore.
Literally no one.
This is basically the only SS13 robutt fanlewds i know of [spoiler]try and spot the "organic compatability socket" ... 10/10 mods on /vg/ can't[/spoiler]
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tumblr got the message?

i wished they stick with Susie's older design, tbqh

like pic related.
D.va's mech is becoming more popular? Awesome.
This robutt looks pretty cute.
To think my commission I got Raki to do for me might have jump started this.

We need to have more artists giving her a go for sure
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We need some ss13 drawfriends.
I tried to draw IPC shit once, but dear god it was fucking awful.
(pic related is what i drew, i'll post the other if you really want me to)
note: that picture was literally my first time drawing anything lewd and/or person-shaped in photoshop ever
No worries Anon. We all start somewhere
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Literally drew it with a mouse. Might aswell post the other one.
God, it's been so long since I drew something with a mouse.

That's how I started out. Then I got a tablet and never went back
>tfw haven't got gud with a tablet; still drawing with a mouse
>tfw I have a tablet, but don't know how to draw
Anybody got a source for this pic? I'm trying to organize Clangbooru by character and artist before moving onto other tags.

>tfw I have both, but don't have the patience

Well shit.... maybe someone has it buried in one of their computers.
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There is nothing good sir. It's a waste land out there.
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Mona Lethal
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There has to be something. Just about fucking anything will do. Some guy posted ONE pic in the last thread but is was not easy to fap to.

>rule 34: if it exists, there is porn of it

>Assault Android Cactus: THERE IS NO FUCKING PORN OF IT.

>oh hey, I like this character
>this art looks good, I wonder why its cropped
>some hardcore interneting takes place
>find uncropped pic

oh. ooooh.... That was not worth it.
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feeling dirty inside?

Them's some nice numbers, friend. And yes. I'd ask why people like that sort of thing, but I'm in a thread about pokin' toasters so I've no room to judge.

The more you know...
I am selling one of these
You will need to rely on Rule 35 then.

>If there isn't porn of it, someone will eventually make porn of it. That someone may even be you.
Clowns are still in, and there's also mimes too.
Holy shit that's great
right here:
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Robo Girl.png
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Not sure about this threads OC policies, but here's a quick little paint I made to contribute to the thread.
Robo is robo.

I don't get how people can be down on OC overall. I mean, it's one thing to be down on sparkledog-level OCs, but come on. ALL characters are someone's OCs.
I was worried cuz some people find OC's too self-aggrandizing, so I wasn't sure if this thread was like that.
Nah it's cool. Oc's are welcome and encouraged. Content is content after all.

She's cute by the way.
Thanks! I'm gonna(if the thread is still around for a bit) make some more pics of her to contribute
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I remember there being an episode about some robot Olympics with her owner competing, except instead of Mona there was some shitty breakdancing bot.

Robotboy was a constant stream of wasted potential.
I own one already, whats your price on the one you got now?
>If the thread is still around

We ain't even to the halfway point of the bump limit

Could be a week if things go slow
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Nude Willa by Zedrin.png
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Artist = http://pennicandies.tumblr.com/
That was a fun time.
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Yes yes XJ9 and the like are very nice robots.
But can we have some less humanoid robots here?
Maybe something the size of a tank with the human likeness of an armored core
Maybe a Titanfall robot?
Oh yes!
We definitely need more of Dolores.~
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>giant panties
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Technically it's an alien shrimp inside a mechanical suit but fuckit
Anybody got more Jenny XJ9 gifs/webms?
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I made this one some time ago.
Niice,you got anymore?Like the one where shes taking it up the ass?
Not mine, but this scene?
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During my search I also found sketches for a lost animation that I'm sure would've made me hard as a diamond.
Oh my god,yes!!Ive been looking for this for hours!THANK YOU!!
And hey,if you have any more,Id be forever in your debt if you shared.
You're welcome and thanks. I like to be at the forefront of collecting Jenny pics.

Pic unrelated to spice things up.
Bumping gor more jenny
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I think this is the closest we got to lewds of the robots from stellaris.
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does anyone know the names of Pochincoff's robot OCs? (pic related, old character chart of his)
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Any boy bots, maybe?
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In moonrunes.
Can't read.
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Too soon?
Wish this was a character, she's too pretty and I need more of her.
We need to go deeper into the social implications of having sentient robots while also jacking off to porn of robots
Does anyone here have that one picture where a robot girl is pointing to a robo-vagina in a shop? U know, motioning "buy that" to her owner
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need more qt
Turns out that's an edited gif, but the webm is too big to post(my bad)


This should be the artists pixiv though
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Heart nipples or stripper accessories?
Either way, nice.
Looks like stripper accessories, if you look closely you can see the lil' nipple bumps in the centres
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VA-11 HALL-A, right?
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dva 76.png
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Here you guys go.

Sorry it took so long, got tied up with other shit
wonderful delivery, thank you as always
Why was the OP image deleted?
It made it hard to find the thread.
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because moderators are retarded.
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Heaven fucking forbid you post robutts from Pixiv or anything with Japanese text, lest you want to trigger a mod's PTSD from Iwo Jima.
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Fem Zenyatta 1.png
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I did these quick doodles on some public drawroom
How do I make them less scratchy?
Also I'm willing to take requests. Expect the same level of quality

Doesnt seem to bad, that's no where near cp or gore-tier
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sexy robot police.png
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This thread is so fuckin' nice.
Love you guys.
jap stuff

protip: don't post it beyond the thread
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the blue robot's name seems to be "Oona" (ウーナちゃん/Oona-chan) according to the link above.
Nice, game might be shit but the robutts are hot.
You're the best, now I only need to see that robutt taking it in the butt and I can die happily.
i love you metha
be easy, she might squirt oil all over the place!
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there's no crushinator rule 34.
Can someone fix that?

Do Samurai Pizza Cats count?
Or are them Pizza Cats too furry?
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oc here drawn by various people

pls give this design a name or something
something small and cute..hmm

how about: Tiny?
If you can, pleeease draw some Dolores or Jehuty from ZoE.
Seriously? Why can't we just have a board for all drawn porn?

Why do they have to force this East/West bullshit?

I don't give a fuck where porn was drawn, as long as it's hot
This is the reason we have porn boards on /trash/

For the non-picky. Doesn't matter if it's furry, or if it's east or west. If it's hot, it's kosher.

You up for some more fem Zen?
Yeah, I like going to /trash/ aswell, but no one makes robot threads there anymore. So I just use it for my other fetishes
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I dunno if I ever posted these before but here
It's a commission I got from ManiacPaint about a year and a half ago? I think it's been that long.
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It's my dumb bad terrible OC that I never draw because i made her too complicated, Solodice. Here's the sketch too because i kinda liked how it looked.
She looks hot as fuck
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she's like some sorta 95% cyborg deal, but i guess that fits the thread's content.

I've tried fixing her at times but nothing makes her not a pain to draw.
she looks good to me

(Wouldn't mind seeing lewds of the bottom one either)
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her name is UNA.png
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i've asked Pochi about it

her name is UNA (or U-na/Uuna)
I'm now intrigued.
see >>697154
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it's not that bad
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My pain knows no bounds. Perspective is a bitch but i need to have 2 paintings done before October.

I feel safe posting my scribbles here cuz I don't feel like i have to maintain that insane fear of posting unfinished shit to my gallery pages.
Its a robot /shitting/.
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yes and?
I think shes a nice character and look forward to see more of her.~
Oh my fucking God, mods, it wasn't even that long ago that niggas were saying how much better /aco/ was than /d/'s ridiculous mods

ESPECIALLY the bottom one

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Mods are cancer on every board
Guys I dunno if i could draw lewds of Space Model Soldier Bee
I mean, it's not really my 'thing' so maybe someone else would want to do it?
Well, if you are okay with it, I might give it a try
Go hog wild! I wouldn't mind seeing someone take a shot at it. (if you really want to know what the back looks like just go look up the 'High Macs' from Gungriffon, I didn't hide the inspiration much)

I'm not some overly protective mom about my stuff (exception on a few things I prefer to stay PG)
they've delete my post

seem like they're just telling us to tone down the jap stuff than just literally putting it on the OP and upon the first 20 posts.
Hey, sorry for the late response. Was away for a bit there.

I'll see what I can do.

Also, a little hard to tell in the drawing there, does it have hands?
Is she a SNES robot?
Nope. Based off a Gravis Gamepad.

TL;DR, Elpat has obscure emulators.
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Wait. She's a sex robot based on this obscure controller?
Damn, internet. I'm fairly surprised.
To be fair, the Gravis Gamepad Pro is one sexy piece of old hardware. I mean, look at it.
(And there's a black Gravis Gamepad Pro, if you're into that)
I think she's more of 'a sexy robot' than 'a sex robot', but yeah. That's Pat for ya.
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Any robot is a sex robot if you fuck it.
Another Aigis image that is good! That's a new one I didn't see but I understand why some people don't draw her as much.
How many times have you burnt your dick in the toaster?
Never because don't turn it on before I give it the dick.
...ssssorta. it was meant to have an extra set of normal arms under the hip plates. the arms coming off the torso are just gun arms. I just drew it different in the front view sketch.
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>this "robot" injured a child's foot
I made a joke about it being an angry sociopathic egg, but I didn't think it would go beyond running into people.
Fucking necrophiliac.
just finished getting all the endings.
i highly suggest this http://eggware.xyz/games/AttractMode/
Bump 'er
The pubes are a code.
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For any FO4 players here, there's now a mod that adds thicc legs as Automatron parts.

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The same guy also made male Assaultron parts if you're interested.

>sentrybot thighjob
I fuckin' love Drossel. She has the best body ever.
what about that AI that Microsoft put out, a few months ago? basically it was a twitter bot that could learn from people. a couple of assholes maximized it's time and pretty soon it was spouting neo-nazi memes.
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i want to put nova's joystick into my ass
Problem, officer?
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>Trollface/Coolface is nearly 10 years old
needs more shodan, desu senpai
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>snoo/reddit alien
Mods think Japanese people are incapable of drawing anything not in an anime style?
>chubby jenny
I can't even fucking begin to describe what I'd do to her.

Jesus christ it makes no sense but my diiiiick
My dick is hard.
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mech shark.png
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Just drew this idea up for a Robot/Shark girl
Thanks, Meth, I was hoping something like this would come from those Orca pictures.
Oh shit, I forgot about them heh.

I guess I should put those on my page too.

Not tonight though as I'm already in bed. To lazy to walk all the way across the room for that shit
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Nami 3.0 - By Hugebricks.jpg
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Robo shark girls are great.
Oh man, I fucking love these things.

Wish I could make my own
Tell me more
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Ok, so i have an ok 3d printer and i want to print a sexy robot. From now till tomorrow (16/7/2016) post what bot i should print. Most popular bot wins!

thanks all!
Drossel and/or Jenny.

Those two are basically the staple of these threads, it would be an injustice to pick any other bot.
Jenny's head on Drossel's body.

Bet you won't faggot.
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Something like the femisapien.
I don't think the results can be that good even though the idea sounds awesome. I mean, sometimes you mix two cool things and the result sucks.
But it would be so interesting to see. I agree, I also wanna see Jenny's head on Drossel's body.
I like how the gigantic deathbot has a pink ribbon on her tail. like she is still trying to be girly and cute
Robotic monsters are pure sex.
Say bye to your dick, though.
She knows how to be gentle
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It's amazing what you can do with Bionicles
Do you want her to be?
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Those horns look perfect for grabbing for face fucking
It's why they're there.
Make an ASSaultron
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Neodymia (Zemata).jpg
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There's instructions for the 2.0 type Moenicle frame. People have indeed used those instructions to build their own Moenicle. Now get yourself to Bricklink, lean the UI, and start buying.


Could you gimme your e-mail address so's I can commission you for figures? Because that is fucking awesome. How are the joints and articulation? What are the tolerances?

What's the printer and software?

Also seconding >>711726, the Femsapien idea is great but Jenny is far more iconic. If you reached a point where you could sell the figure and you ever wanted to make some money off of 4chan I bet MLAATRfags like us'd be as good a target as any.
was looking at Pochincoff's stuff and noticed one of art he did was fanart of certain VN game.


looks fucking cool
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he did one or 3 of the monsters for the game:
Did you design that one? I've been working on some stuff recently to print from Solidworks and I've been having issues with designing articulation. I'd love some tips from someone who actually knows more about this stuff.
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Looks like Drossel/Jenny wins it. It will be some time, a bit more then a week to finish and I'll make changes as i see fit but I will keep this boards best interests at hart.
also i totally have a crappy one of thees and will mod it soon.

for commissions
Thanks dude!

How do you feel about working with pre-made joints?
I've been suffering from artist's block and now you've given me a new idea to doodle.
Where can one get these models?
I can do it but my 3d printer is quite fickle. Some times space i make for joints are to big and some times there too big. but its all fixable.
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Am I doin this right
Looks good to me man. Keep it up
If it is running/flying you might want to move the head a bit foreward to imply that it is moving at a high speed
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>tfw no gerbera tetra waifu
[spoiler]>tfw no good lewds[/spoiler]
But anon, that set is good lewds
question, should I post a OC robot writing here or in the /aco/ writing thread?
post it on both
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inspired me to attempt writing due to the lack of content.

i took a wack at writing a lewd story for Assault Android Cactus. It is for the most part unfinished and is in need of editing. Any criticism or critiques would be helpful
shit, forgot the link.

shit forgot the link, sorry.

Reprint when?
Nobel Gundam's getting a reprint soon (grab those POs if you'd like) but Gerbera Tetra's like ~$55.
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Drew this up just now for a stream.
I hated how Femisapien is hard to find info on, but the Sega release(E.V.E.) got a ton of press, with Wowwee not getting any credit.
New thread:
Thread posts: 316
Thread images: 155

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