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Xeno Thread #ʖ: Invasion Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 159

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Smut: https://titanpad.com/UbgrnuFY1x
Quest: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest
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Right, starting this off with more Xeno High
Paste: http://pastebin.com/X1TCYTme


She made it to the school on time, and tried to avoid thinking about the attack, burying herself in her work. Her arm began to hurt about halfway through the day as the anesthetic in the compress wore off, but there was no point in complaining. Best case scenario you would be laughed at. More likely, you would be sent home and lose a day's pay. She worked through the pain, keeping an eye out for Ed. She finally bumped into him a few minutes after lunch. Her heart skipped a beat and she wanted to embrace him, but she forced herself not to react in public. As she passed him, her augreal system pinged, asking her if she wanted to accept a secure chat line. She didn't have to think about it, accepting immediately. A smile crept across his face as they went their separate ways, and her system started receiving messages.



>good morning
>last night was amazing

>you thought so?
>me too
>I'm a little sore :P

>I'm sorry

>it's a good thing
> <3

>I'm glad
>you doing anything after work?
>I wanna show you something

She grinned at the message, and replied immediately.

>no im free
>meet same place as before?

>yeah sure
>see you soon

>i cant wait! <3

> :) <3

Tetra closed the window and set to work with a spring in her step. The hours flew by, and it seemed like no time at all before she was out and waiting behind the labs. It was a warm day, and she had rolled up the sleeves of her coverall, covering the bandage. Ed's skidbox swung into the lot, and she rushed over to hop in. They hugged across the center console and he kissed her on the cheek.

"How was your day?" He asked with a smile. She grinned back.

"Alright. It's a living I guess." Tetra shrugged. "I'm just glad it's over."

"Damn you're cute! Sorry, I can't help it. The way you grin with that one little fang poking out..."
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Out of all the ones you could have chose why that one?
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>curiously drawn "red spot" on jupiter

So much vagina in this pic, I'm surprised the artist got away with it for the 40's
Tetra flushed a deep crimson and kissed him again.

"Thanks! You're sweet."

"I think you're gonna like this. Buckle in, I'm gonna haul ass." Ed advised with a smile.

She busied herself strapping into the harness as he lifted the car off the ground and started ascending. Once he reached the altitude for high-speed flight he punched the accelerator. The little vehicle took off like a rocket, hurtling across the cityscape with turbines screaming. The plane they were on was mostly empty, and he didn't bother keeping to the lines. Ed fished around in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette tin, which he tossed to her. She opened it, and grinned as she found six tightly rolled joints tucked in one side. She pulled one out and held it with the business end towards Ed.

"Hey Eddy, I need a hand." She grinned slyly as he rolled his eyes at the pun and clicked his thumb to conjure a flame. She took a few quick puffs to get it lit, then leaned back into the seat and drew a long pull, exhaling slowly.

"Ohhhhh yeah... I needed that." She coughed, passing the smoldering tube to Ed.

"I bet." He chuckled, pulling on the 'j and swinging along the boarder of the Human Quarter towards the outskirts of the city.

They soared over the border wall, and Ed floored the accelerator, the G-forces slamming them back into their seats. Human cities tended to suck the life out of the land they sat on, leaving a wasteland of garbage and pollution around the outskirts. They passed over the trash heaps, and desert gave way to plains of swaying purple grass. Ed dove low and swept over the fields at high speed, leaving a trail of blow-over grass behind them. Tetra chirped happily, beaming from ear to ear as the high spread through her. They flew over a cliff, Ed skillfully manipulating the vertical control to keep them descending at a comfortable angle. He took them along a river that wound through the valley as the rocks turned to more grass and trees.
I want to knock up the Arbiter!
They reached the opening of the valley, and Ed slowed down, following an outcropping along the edge until he found a flat shelf poking out from the side of the rock face. He set the vehicle down on the plateau, lowering the skids and unlocking the doors. They hopped out and stretched, Tetra dropping the roach and crushing it under the tip of her boot. Ed did something with his augreal system to pop the storage compartment where the hood would have been on a landcar. He pulled out a pair of compression sacks and tossed one to Tetra, reaching back in to grab a hardcase. Tetra gazed out over the edge of their ledge, drinking in the beauty around them. The city was nowhere to be seen, with nothing but plains of purple grass and broad, lazy river as far as the eye could see. Ed led her back into a small cave along the wall. It was cool and shady inside, only a few meters deep. There was a pile of roaches and crushed beer cans next to the entrance. Ed had clearly been here before.

"This is my little hideout." He said, as though sensing her thoughts. "Whadda ya think?"

"It's really pretty out here! I can see the open sky! And there's growing things everywhere!" Tetra gushed, gazing around in wonder. She smiled as she drank in the pale tan rocks covered with creeping vines, the scrub trees clinging to the cliff face, the pure white clouds and clear blue sky.

"I'm glad you like it! I like to come out here sometimes, it's all clean and peaceful. Not like the city." Ed chuckled warmly, setting his load down and walking up to throw an arm over her shoulder. She purred and nestled against his side, laying her head on his chest as he squeezed her shoulder. She had missed his warmth.

"Feels more alive..." She noted with a purr, watching Ed light another joint.

"Yeah. Reminds me of home. I don't like the city. Everything's all dead and filthy. It's depressing. Especially when you take the augreal glasses off and see the world how it really is."
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Grays are hot af.
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>tfw no big stronk Yautja gf to cuddle with
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>be space marine
>exploring abandoned base
>lose weapons because reason
>see this

Wat do?

[spoiler]Yeah I know the Doom monsters are demons but in the novels they are alien bioconstructs so I guess it's okay?[/spoiler]
Whip out dick, grab them tits, and hang-on/hump for dear life all while hoping to god, allah, budah, hell even Satan that she doesn't kill me before I finish.
Stop resisting and hope she wants to rape me to death instead of just kill me to death.

Or if she turns out to be friendly, hope she is into reverse rape roleplay.
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would you guys do her?

Yes. I'd also [spoiler]play with those ear thingies[/spoiler] so hard.
>triangular vagina

Interesting. As a bifag degenerate, can I see the dick that's suposed to go in that sometime?

And yes, I would ayy her, Especially her ass.
Awesome! Was starting to think you forgot about us.
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I want the Arbiter to [spoiler]try to[/spoiler] knock me up!
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Anybody want a dog?
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rig done, somewhat...
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It did take a while to establish relationships with the wild Xenomorphs, eventually the two species working together and becoming friends, while other species would avoid them, those that became close with the Xenomorphs became fascinated with these creatures, even learning of their "after dark" behavior.

Maybe one day, you'll find yourself spending quality time with some sexy Xenomorphs, and if you're lucky, they will happily show you their amazing sexual behavior and how sexy these aliens can be, they say that if a female is interested in a male, they'll even cooperate together to seduce them, and even attempt to get themselves impregnated.

Just mind their saliva~
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ayy lmao lovin'.jpg
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any similar comfy awww pics?
Oh for crying out loud this is that genie from Danny Phantom you idiot
That's a fucking licker from Resident Evil


Check your sources first

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any ideas for a decent background?
my dick game isn't strong enough to draw such a complex one, maybe later anon, I hope
will do, when I get gud enough i'll post more on Xenos threads
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aand the rig is working i think
this looks great!
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Anyone got the artist name for this?
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Some old personal work
dat perfectly rounded rump
You got a tumblr or some shit? I want more bubble-butt xenos
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and another one, what do you think?
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Oh god yes...

Love fantasizing about stuff like that.
top kek
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I dig it.

fucking use subdivision at least if you are doing a static render

>inb4 subvision is just fake geometry
Yeah I just saw that post in the old thread, you are a fucking idiot.
i never did belittle the use of subdivision. i simply wanted to whip out a cheap render.
im not prone to cranking out the most mint-quality content...

and what does it matter, even if i subdivided, the next thing you'd bitch about is the graininess of the render...but given that you are so focused on the lack of subdiv, i doubt you noticed
I love that guy in his space suit and fucking loafers.
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Good news, everyone! I just finished making size references for my Cerebri female!
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I also finished the female Khryll!
Currently 8 out of 25 base models blocked out.

>inb4 >>575521
These are obviously WIP and not even close to the final model, I'm just trying to get the right body shapes before I begin putting more detail and/or subdivisions.
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Now for the important question

How do I fuck the alien tentacle wig?
you dont, you let it fuck YOU
"I meant to ask you about that!" Tetra chirped as her Human boy passed her the joint and clicked the release on his compression sack. It contained a sleeping bag, which he spread out on the cool rock floor. "Why do you wear glasses? I figured you'd have implants like most Humans, especially with the other cybernetics you have..."

"I like to be able to take them off." He explained, grabbing the sack he had passed her and unrolling a second sleeping bag. "Augreal's cool and all, but most Humans just live in it 24/7. All they see is the illusion, they don't bother looking at the real world with their own eyes."

"Can't you just turn it off though?" She asked, passing the joint back and helping him zip the bags together to form one big one.

"Yeah, but how do you know it's really off? I like the glasses because when I take them off, I know what I'm seeing is the real world, as it is. No illusions." He elaborated, snapping open the hard case and pulling out a tall vaporizer.

"Hmm. Never thought about it like that..." Tetra mused, as Ed set the vaporizer down just behind the head of the sleeping bags and connected the hoses.

"Here, try my glasses. See the augreal Humans see." Ed offered the eyewear to her.

They didn't quite fit on her head, and she had to hold them at an awkward angle, but it worked. She peered around in surprise. The cave, the valley, the fields... All had been plastered with advertisements and social media windows. She pulled the glasses away and blinked.

"Holy shit. That's what Humans see all the time?"

"Yeah. That's why I don't have retinal implants."

"Makes sense..."

Ed lay down on the sleeping bags and stared up at the ceiling of the cave, blowing lazy smoke rings that floated up through the still air and drifted between stalactites. Tetra lay down next to him and snuggled in close, burrowing herself into his warm body. She nestled her head against his shoulder and chest, and started to purr.
He beamed at her, and held the smoldering joint up to her mouth. She grinned and accepted, curling her lips around the paper tube and pulling until she tasted the harsh flavor of the crutch. She spit it out and exhaled, then leaned in to kiss him. She loved this Human act, as new as it was to her. He seemed to enjoy it too, smiling uncontrollably at her and wrapping her up in his arms.

"I love your heat..." Tetra purred, running a pair of delicate red fingers along his cheek. He laughed, and pressed her closer, enveloping her little form.

Ed ran his hand over her slender shoulder, grasping her upper arm. She cried out in pain as his fingers dug inadvertently into her wound. He flinched, and stared at her in concern.

"You OK? Did I hurt you?"

"n-no, it wasn't you..." She looked away in embarrassment and shook her head.

He gently unrolled her sleeve, revealing the hole in her coverall and the bandage underneath. Ed pushed the sleeve all the way up her arm and inspected the dressing.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" He asked, sounding upset and angry.

"It's just a scratch. It's nothing." Tetra frowned and swallowed, not wanting to talk about it.

He gently probed the skin around the bandage, being careful not to hurt her. His thumbs brushed across some scratches and stippling, and his concerned look intensified.

"This stippling is from ablated metal off a railslug. Someone shot you! I-is this my fault?"

"No! No, it's nothing to do with you. I promise. Just gang stuff."

"What gang? Where do they live?"

"Please... Don't get involved. There's nothing you can do. I don't want you to be part of that side of my life..."

He seemed troubled, but relented, pressing her head against his chest and rocking her gently in his arms. She let thoughts of her injury and the events surrounding it melt out of her head, dissolved in the pleasure of being close to Ed as she resumed her purring.
Anybody else looking forward to stuff of the Berserker Queen from Alien Hunters? Hell, even just more stuff of the Berserker.
Jelly xenos. >>575807 are from a volcanic planet and >>575815 are from an ocean planet.
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I swear this is the same alien as this one
"Ed..." She crooned, stroking his chest and working her tail under the covers so she could wrap it around their legs. "I wanna be with you again..."

"You mean like, make love?" He asked tentatively, trying (unsuccessfully) to hide his excitement.

"Is that what Humans call it?" She chirped. "That's so sweet!"

"You think so? I always thought it sounded kinda dumb."

"No! It's adorable!"

"You're adorable."

"Awwwwwwww... You're so kind..." She purred, grinding herself against him. She could feel the hot bulge in his pants pressing into her groin, causing her to tremble and grow even wetter, her thick lubricant dripping down her legs. She wanted him inside of her so bad it hurt, her tight little tunnel pulsing and aching with need. "Can we do it though? I've been thinking about it all day..."

"Yeah! Of course! Actually... I-i wanted to ask you but I wasn't sure that was OK..." He looked sheepish, blushing slightly.

"Don't be silly!" She chirped, blushing and leaning in to nuzzle her face into his cheek. "If you're my boyfriend, that's like a mate, right? So I'm yours! You can take me whenever you want, as long as you're gentle!"

"Really? That's... I don't know what to say... Thanks!" Ed stammered, face flushed and eyes beaming.

"MMMmmmmmm... You don't need to thank me..." She purred seductively, hugging him tightly under the warm covers. "Sha'dee girls can be horny too, you know! In fact, we're well-known for it..."

"Is there like, a limit to how amazing you are?" Ed asked incredulously, kissing her forehead and scratching her behind the ears to coax more deep, sensual purrs out of her throat. "I just don't understand how people can mistreat you like they do! Anyone with even half a heart should be able to see that Sha'dee girls are for cuddling and gentle loving, not bullying..."

Tetra smiled wider than she could ever remember smiling, feelings of love and happiness filling her to the brim.
i drew both of these, so...
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I think he meant the heads look similar
also nice get, satan
yeah kinda, I dig this kind of design so..

Quads on top of that thoo
Needs doggy

Needs doggy

Neeeeeeds doggy
Why not, i'll draw her in doggy. Won't look the same though, can't decide myself beetwen soft and hard shading
fucking nice
Oh ok. Cool. I'm liking the alien regardless.
>not gently/lovingly bullying your mate
But it's their blood that's acid, not their saliva.
Which of these have the least chance of burning/cutting/acid melting/eating/otherwise maiming me if I try to fuck it?
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>floating creatures the size of cities flitting around on Jupiter.
Would you?
I would try, but how the fuck do you even sexually please something the size of a city?
Where does it even breed from? Spores maybe? That's one more question I wish I could've asked Carl Sagan.
Out of the Cerebri and Khryll, male Cerebri have sticky skin, allowing them to form a thick and spiny carapace out of the dust and ash in the atmosphere.

If you're only going for the females however, then you're good. Assuming you're sticking your dick into a hole they formed and not from a hole you made with something sharp, at least.

Cerebri are into really rough sex, while Khryll are more generally lecherous and willing to fuck anywhere.
You should be asking if it even has erogenous zones.
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general sketch

suggestions? maybe some more muscly legs?
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thick enough?
Post venusians
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god the pose is too hard. will have to get back to it when I get better

have something I finished yesterday instead, hope you guys like it
>>575807 model
>Ps1 aliens
>Very detailed ps4 human model
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wew lad
My nigga
stock model from Unreal

It's a size ref
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new kryptish refs.
the engineer is adorable as fuck, m8
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>>578687 you bet your nice little tookus they are.
What on earth is a glucksmith's job?
it makes masks and refine metals. (also fug smaller males they think are cute)

engineers work on electronics and much smaller parts.

hunters hunt.

succubi hide in the woods and fug guys in the night.
Keep up the good work
especially engineer and glucksmith
givv da succ
Great ass

Telll me more about the species
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oh thank you! never been praised so much before. also i did a shitty meme doodle.

Are you sure it doesn't just say blacksmith? It sure looks like that.

The "g" looks like the regular b's and the "u" looks like a bunch of the 'a's. Are you messing with us?
see >>578674
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she needs that neck for dick
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yes it says blacksmith.
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Requesting an Advent trooper creampieing his Snek lover with sperm surrounding her egg.
more lewd blacksmith pls
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Anyone up for Europan?
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don't have any yet, i'll see if i can get some made.
cuz yay for shitty quality...
this the human who gon be paired with tha alien chick
its a body suit designed to protect wearer in alien enviromnents, but openings can be made, as seen here
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Just finished the blockout for the Khryll male [middle]
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Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I made the female's hips wider, thighs thicker, and head slightly larger.

I also added some rough color detail to the Bastekh'Met and Klaratzi just so they're not one solid color.
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Does the jujeyhu have a tail now? What's that black bar between the legs?
It's just their hair braid. the only thing I changed with the Jujehyu since my last post was the armor thong, since I forgot to add it.
can't wait to see it all finished
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blacksmith ref is done.
also a dakesh;
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i need an adult
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it looks real good anon
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what color?

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it was fun doing that one

still need to find ideas for background lmao
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I'll just leave my OC here...

She has a good color scheme, but it would be better if it wasn't a painted human.
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I found some non-humanoid xenon, unfortunately I can't find good-quality pics so here's an Uther.
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New Canvas.png
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male or female?

Female love Ayy pussy and ass
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New Canvas.png
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Anus looks way too much like it doesn't belongs to the body, the problem is the color.
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New Canvasxeno.png
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eh, I really need to get better with colors
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That looks better

has s.socrate done anything new recently?
Well, she's a Synthetic. Basis for it is a classic Dark Horse Aliens comic wherein a Synthetic/Alien hybrid is produced to try and make a new bioweapon. But ehhh. Everybody's got their own taste. Only real Xeno-type art I have.
Fuck me if I know. Also, is it worth paying 1 dolla for his patreon just to get the high-res images or should I just wait and look for the uncensored ones?
don't really know, been tempted to do it though

will probably sub to his patreon next time I get some paypal money
What's the aim of these models? You making a game?
Dude, I fucking run.

180 and run, hot it may be, but I know furious.
Ouh! That's hot, where's it from?
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Spot on.
>jaggies used unironically
>aco is an 18+ board
Underage B&
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What kinda game you makin?

Is it gonna be lewd?
Dog vag has the same visual appearance. Use your imagination.
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So I'm going to be starting a Mass Effect lewdfic pretty soon. I'm focusing mostly on male Human x female Quarian, but I'll write other pairings eventually as well.

That being said, I was hoping to get some input on what I should go with for the Quarian appearance. I'm not a fan of the canon look, so I'll be going with a fan design for sure.

I personally like pic related. Does anyone else have a favorite Quarian fan design?
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I like those heads. Maybe on this body?
I second this.
Hmm, I definitely like this body. It's almost like the perfect mix of Turian and Human.

I feel like some fan designs, like pic related, go for a look that's almost a bit too reminiscent of Humans or even Asari.

I probably will go with your suggestion, going to look for some more fan-made faces and ponder pussy designs.
There was a pic a while back of gayyylmao power bottoms. Reptilian I think? Captioned, took a dude on board a ship, backed up onto his dick, mild hypnosis theme I think? Anyone got it?
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us test.png
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good one anon, i chuckled
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would you, anons?
All day every day.
He's done new shit that's pretty good actually. I'm subbed and the damn jew's yet to make me regret it.

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I found these. They're called the Phagor, a race of beings native to Hellicronia. They're vaguely human-sized, but resemble a minotaurs covered in white hair. They also have only advanced to the hunter-gatherer stage. Perhaps a female could be considered a "native beauty"
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Alright ya bunch of rabble, thinking of writing a story, anybody wanna give some ideas? Cmdr_L and Humaboo, I'd really like some insight from you guys since you're very good at it
Not either of those guys but can we get something a bit more unusual and not just "human but ____"
I like.first person narratives, I.kinda figured the main guy to be a bounty hunter or some kind.d of criminal,but that's gotta a soft spot for cute alien gurls
Talking the alien not the human.
Like "human but with six legs," right?
No I was specifically asking to not do that.
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Ooooooohh. You mean like this?
Well seeing as how it is the future with space ships and lasers and shit, the human has a few cybernetics, mostly from bounty hunting. My rough draft of his bio is "a .44 in a holster a bottle of scotch in his hand, he's here to fuck the alien girls and maybe kill a man"
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Enemy Quest!
Woot Woot!
Or this?
Skut a slut.
what is enemy quest? and are these skut creatures based on it?
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Thirsty puppies.
Enemy Quest is right here: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest (start with thread one.)
The skut are a species from the quest. No spoilers. I'd suggest you read it.
It's bretty good.
If you can't handle her at her hissest

Then you don't deserve her at her gronkest
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We need more birrin porn
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Just gonna leave this here.
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lol look at this little bitch.jpg
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Would you a Draag, Anon?
I swear this movie is what gave me my alien fetish.
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Goodness! So much skut!
Is it Christmas?
It's going to be an RPG, with Final Fantasy 7 as the main design inspiration, having static cameras similar to Silent Hill or Resident Evil, and having the combat something like The Desolate Hope.

Story-wise, think Samurai Jack, but instead of a samurai being sent to the future, it's a wizard teleporting himself into space. like how each episode is it's own standalone story, each chapter has it's own story, being only somewhat connected whenever the player goes to the hubworld between chapters.

As for the lewd factor, I'll have to see just how hard I can push lewds and shitposting without making a fully adult game.

voting for this qt for >>585287
Not really sure what advice I can offer other than just do it. Start writing and see where your mind takes you. I usually just start with a general idea of what I want to write about and just let the story form as I go.
Neat. Sounds like fun.
you set up a Starbuck's.
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blimmy blam
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This is something along the ways i'd like to see a quarian without her suit. The design is something that would be nice on itself, and could be further designed.

You have clearly non-human bone and muscular structure that must feel strange, sparkly bug eyes you don't know how to look at, strange looking nipples that make one wonder what happens, if one were to suck them.

I like the face idea, but those mandibles look difficult. They could be more practical, or replaced with something more practical.
Looks a lot like a genestealer desu

Just without a freakishly large head
The books and various codex stuff implies that they're mammalians derived from some kind of space primate, and have faces generally analogous to humans, but with strange ears.

So unfortunately they're space elves, but there's still room for some weird stuff in there.
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I've always imagined they'd have longer, slimmer faces than humans. The vague silhouettes in their masks gave me that impression.

And I'm not a fan of purple skin. I've always figured it was the purple visor that gave people that idea (before Tali's photo, anyway).
I personally think gray skin would be better. With how they get no sunlight whatsoever, them being basically colorless makes sense to me.
I'm aware this is someone else's artwork but I've always considered this as the most balanced representation of what a Quarian looks like, just alien enough but nothing too insane.
Grey or off-white has always been my favorite color for Quarians. That was the color of the original concept art from ME1. Apparently Bioware completely forgot that existed when '3 rolled around.
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Ork tits.png
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This thread needs more dakka
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Xenomorph are still my fav
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>the color of the original concept art from ME1
Really? Cool.
Too bad they apparently forgot that.

I've also been thinking they ought to be bald. Having a helmet on all the damn time can't be good for anything growing on their heads.

Wonder how popular that idea is, though...
that photo ruined her. I'm trying my best to ignore it exist to continue on fantasing the way I want
Hey long time no see.
Hows the game coming?
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It was popular enough with the dev team to be the default idea in the concept stages.
Oh man, i love this design.
Those mandibles give that un-human look that should differate quarians to strange colored humans.
Imagine how kissing with those things could work.

Or blowjobs, truly interesting blowjobs.
Damn, they really retracted a lot of things with that photo.

faces 3, 4, and 5 are the best. noses are the worst part of human facial features.

I bet you love the Protoss.
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Do you not?
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>implying protoss aren't perfectly fuckable
This is great, thanks for your input anon.

The body is pretty much perfect, but I still personally like the head and facial design from my original post >>583389

Normally I'm all for alien chicks with kinky mandible mouths, but with the Quarians I like them to have a normal one. Maybe some kind of long alien tongue would be a decent substitute for mandibles?

I agree on the skin tone, the grey skin fits nicely with Quarians due to them being stuck inside their suits.

However, I also like the idea of them having a decently wide variety of skin tones. Maybe not quite on par with Humans in terms of variation, but I think different shades of greyish blue to a pale purple could work for Quarians.

Shhh anon, we must not speak of that heresy.

I wasnt saying Protoss are bad, I love them too.

>you will never greet your templar mistress with a nice licking when she finally comes home after a long campaign against the Zerg

Just end it all.
>derived from some kind of space primate

I think that may apply to almost any even vaguely humanoid species we meet. While others are not mammalian, their evolution could've still had similarities.

One can even encounter non-hostile primate like creatures on one of the planets in ME1.
Yay more Meandraco!
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So, like, Sullen Plummet here?

She's the filthy slut on the right. Those glowy bits are her reproductive organs. She wants you to see them.
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>Bioware completely forgot that existed when '3 rolled around.
They "forgot" a lot of things when 3 rolled around, but whatever. BACK TO PORN
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So few good images of Elite girls

>You will never lay between her legs and use her huge ass as a pillow
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>pillowy sangheili

I got you, family.
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>Sorry Guns, it's classified.
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may color that one,, can't promise anything good tho
well i've secured a VA for the Urilaz character. i voice the human.....just letting you know that the overall quality wont be that great, but i hope its fapworthy...
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Elite pussy
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>unzip my dick
>Use as a bludgeon
what have xeno threads devolved into..
[grabs berserk powerup]

Go time
Halo porn?

Yeah it's a little disappointing.
What the fuck are you retards on about? Elites have been posted in these threads since forever.
Nigger what

I've been with these since before the exo/d/us, and they're about the same as ever
I miss Giger ;_;
we all do
So, uh, I've been working through some serious creativity shortage with this latest bit of Xeno High. I know it's skeezy, but I'm going to fish for suggestions anyway.

What would you do to a qt Sha'dee girl?
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Xeno High? I'm afraid i've missed that, what do you mean?
Just some shorter fapfic I've been writing as a break from my longer ongoing one. You may have seen it in the last couple threads.
I hope there's a scene where (self-insert or main character) fights for life against a xeno that literally fucks to death
Nah, I'm too much of a vanillafag and a softy for that. I like to keep my murder and sex separate, much as I love both.
fair enough, i just like the idea, and while it's not really a fetish I can't deny I'd enjoy the experience in a roleplay environment.
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I got a challenge for you. Would you a Tholian?
With a heat-resistant bodyglove, sure.
reminds me of:
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The development got hit pretty badly last three months or so but I managed to recover and the development is going well now. It could be called crunching as I now have a date I want to hit.
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finished, what do you guys think of that one?
Going to need writers soon?
Writing stuff is actually the biggest thing on the to do list. Art stuff is so far ahead it's not funny.

Taking in a new writer at this time is a bit problematic as most stuff is already planned and there's also the learning curve with the scripting and other systems (The full documentation is still unfinished).
Let her explore my body. Full-on "humans through alien eyes" angle. Unknown bone/muscle structure, skin texture(s), unexpected bodily responses/reflexes, the works. Even with anthropomorphic bodies on both sides, you can still have insane amounts of minute differences.

Well, that or tell her to shut up and sit on my face.
Have her piss off the conglomerate and he tries to hide her but his dad won't have any of it. So they go on the run in the slums. He gets to see how it really is for xenos. Starts a resistance movement. Father vs son. Etc.
Anon I would fuck that so hard we'd both be cross-eyed for a week.

also did a armpit fetish /sweating edition, so if anyone wants it, hit me up
>development got hit pretty badly last three months
Personal stuff?
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Nah that's cool, if you are looking for new writers though just let me know, I already hit you up on FA.
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What is this from anyway?
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engi lewds
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Thank you

Makes me think of a certain episode of Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
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>billy with the zoot suit
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What if she's just cranky because she has an itch on a point she can't reach? Don't you want to become her savior?
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>you will never cuddle with a female sangheili
>you will never hug her during a cold winter night near the fireplace
>you will never feel her chest rising up and down
>you will never tell her how much you love her
>you will never make passionate love to her
Life is suffering

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it is
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New thread >>591754
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