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Why is so hard to find good lewds Dominator?

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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 162

Why is so hard to find good lewds Dominator?
Looking way more frog like in this pic ugh.
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The Bad Guy.jpg
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Well That's all I have.
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woy 1455477868701-3.jpg
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woy 1455287018734.jpg
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Lord dminator _ Collection.jpg
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Made this a while ago. Thought you guys might like it.
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She's been getting popular on tumblr. She was a stroke of genius on Disney's part. Hot. Punk rock. Striking personality. I can see her growing even if the show doesn't reach high heights.

Uuhm... this is from Zone ? 'Cause it looks like.
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Please more cute/lewd pictures of her.

e621 has barely anything and I;m trying to bust a nut
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Nah, it's just an edit an anon did from "The Bot" episode. If only Zone would do an animation with her.
Finally a Wander and Dominator pic where Wander isn't getting fucked by a lava dick
>not shit-tier
Now you see the power of Dominator
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Her popularity is shooting through the roof as we speak. Expect much more in the future.
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This site's not working for me right now but I know there's more here:

because she deletes whatever she deems "bad porn" and masterbaits to your tears

(that last part is semi-cannon)
These could only be better if Hater is watching the photo crying and masturbating
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If only I had a proper working pass, I would get them up in a flash.
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While we all wait for the Zone pics
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holy shit yes thank you
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I can dig it.
This and my imagination will supply me all the Domiwander porn I need.

Thanks anon
Fact: The shoes and socks are the best part of her.
Amen to that
It enhanced my Converse shoe fetish
unrelated, but you got ghostbuster previews?
that was drawn last night

freaky man, baby
So can we only post Dominator lewds or are other characters okay? I'm not to her in the show yet but I still wanted to draw someone (Sylvia) from WoY.
Other characters: Yes
Sylvia: No, since that would definitely count as furry
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I want to cuddle LD
fucking sucks we can't post Sylvia because of the stupid snout rule, she's really a xeno

that being said, can be post Wander?
>stupid snout rule
Really?...it's probably because we're a board of "Quality"
That's why we have the Trash thread I guess
Could a drawfag draw someone getting stepped on by her? Preferably first person view. I crave it.
Anybody else read "The Booty" in Skeletor's voice?
I don't know this show at all, I'm only here because her song gave me a boner. Who would do that to children?
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>dat' midriff while she walks
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I wanna touch her belly
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>hater gets cucked by wander

I want this to happen just to see him go postal
>all images are t and socks
This girl is all my fetishes
A couple pics from the drawthread
too big
>implying you don't read everything in skeletors voice everyday.
What are you a fucking pleb?
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Anyone got a source on this?
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can ya take the heat.jpg
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>this isnt on page 1

what are you faggots doing
Source: http://cheesecakes-by-lynx.tumblr.com/post/141203355100/its-a-green-space-invader-threesome-hope
OH wait, sorry that was my bad. Got confused for a bit. Here is the source to the skeletor pic http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/turk128/408898/NTR3K
Guess I am since I never watched He-Man as a kid.
>Expect much more in the future.

You do know that Wander over Yonder is cancelled right?
>wyfw no longer hearing her sultry dialogue?
Cancelled shows still get plenty of porn, besides that It'll still be a while before the season ends
Because bad
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I prefer Wander and Sylvia desu.

Dominator is such transparent waifubait that she's shit.
The song gave me a boner, and that got me curious enough to check out the rest of the show because it was so well animated and had good voice acting.

Turns out it's actually really fun, with nice characters and a good sense for comedy. There's even a point where Weird Al and whoeverthefuck Wander's voiceactor is have a sing-off.
>lava cum

Bring it [dick melts off]
Fuck it [limbs melt off and is sitting in a cell]
Worth it.
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do she got a booty.png
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>this is a screenshot from the show
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puss puss.png
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trips are checked
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tentacle fuck.png
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>hating anything just because it's shadman
That's a good pic, quit just hating things for the sake of a meme.
okay wait, she's from Wonder Over Yonder... shit im going to start watching this show now
i would fucking destroy her ass shes so fuckin hot
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>This is a gif from the show
Yup. Literally gonna start watching this show JUST for dat booty
I thought that was Plague's art. Except without the gaping butthole.
no you asshole. >>428761 is Plague.
Fucking cancer.
I'm honestly surprised there's no futa of her.
I don't think there is anything wrong with that, as long as they watch the episodes without her as well.

I understand from googling her that she doesn't show up until season two. If the show isn't worth watching I'll damn sure know it before then.

Watching a show JUST for the lewds is kinda dumb but trying a show because of lewds has actually served me really well in the past. Generally speaking a high volume of porn indicates that the show has at least something in it to appeal to an adult audience.

On the other hand this doesn't always work... cough cough MLP cough...
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Well, I personally think it's a great and funny show.

Which is also the same reaction people had to MLP, but unlike that, there's only one character to really waifu over - that being Lord Dominator. Everyone else isn't really worthwhile in a waifu sense. No one is going to want to fuck Screwball or the Rider, as funny as they are.

Still, most of the show is really about the humor and the good feels now and then. Just watch this clip and see if you like it - if you don't at least find those last fifteen seconds funny, then it's probably not the show for you.

this is a clip from the show

Who is it
Is that Weird Al?
>dominator is transparent waifubait

>her best fucking song is how she gives no shits about anyone or anything except killing planets and making everyone hate her

Just because she looks like waifubait doesn't mean she is. She's a great fucking character, that song was the creators way of telling the waifufags to fuck off.
Yeah, that is. And he's singing a polka villain song while fighting with musical laserbeams.

Also during another part of the show, there's a reference to Meatloaf and a few other artists. It's a good show.


She is the greatest.

See, other than the fact that it's Weird Al I was a little iffy on this one.

These are hilarious though. Sexy evil or goofy skeletons are more up my alley than joking bananas I guess
The wording Is why these are the hottest pics in this thready.
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wander over yonders.jpg
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Curvy evil women has always been my fetish.
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wander over yonderss.jpg
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>tits so fat your lava pit lights up your underboob
>69 images

about halfway into the song
i realized that was weird al

My boner never knew it needed this. Now it does and things will never be the same.
>incredibly sexy pic
>ruined by the gaping horse-like asshole

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But the horse anus is a wonder of bio-mechanics.
if only there were more pics of her fat tits in addition to the booty...
WoY is self-aware that it's a cartoon and that lets you handwave the shitty dialouge and characters.
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Lewd faces
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There's also a loli dominator comic.
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Lord Dominator (lingerie).jpg
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Lord Dominator nude.png
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Man, the kid that drew this is going to be in so much trouble when his mom finds out.
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two minutes and fifteen seconds in it was fine. Then that Dyke haircut ruined it. 2/10, could've been the new waifu but the shitty haircut forces her into a horrible pigeon-hole of being a product of the same "Progressive" society that allows for such degenerancy Like allowing mental illness run rampant and unchecked.
Killing yourself would help a great deal at keeping mental illness in check
>Op asks "Why is so hard to find good lewds Dominator?"
>Everyone proceeds to post horrible porn of her
Damn you, now I'm thinking of that centaur thread screencap. Curse yooooou.
>Found the guy who has to take care of someone with mental illness.
Fuck you man, try justifying yourself and not lash out like a 12 year old.
that's not fair, some of those are pretty good

how about not posting off topic garbage and needlessly increasing the image limit like a child?
why do I like this
Not trying to be an asshole here, but I genuinely want to know which ones you're referring to.

are all fine

Proportions are off. Looks like her belly is connected to her crotch
Broken neck
Character is off model
Horrible line art.
Colors are blended horribly

Yes, I realize that I'm being a huge faggot for criticizing art in a porn thread but I can't fap to shitty art.
I recognize this reference
Anon, you're being a huge faggot for criticizing art in a porn thread.

But I feel ya.
Im a little surprised at the lack of HaterxDominator

page 10
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, faget.
Internet is shit sometimes
The faggots lost, Mr. Anon! The faggots will always lose!
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thanks drawfag.jpg
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from /trash/ drawthread
>big guy?

For you
Who cares

You can change a haircut
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>someone colored my pic

It's come full circle now hasnt it

you made it
I dumped it in a drawthread and got it colored
and now it has come back to you

what a wonderfull world
Since I'm a fucking pleb:

Where can I stream this series in at least OKAY quality?
ive been watching it from toonova
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Theres new art of her almost daily holy crap
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she have a dick.png
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Heres a shitty edit
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can someone add the panties onto the original pic?
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I have no artistic talent whatsoever or I would

You could try the drawthreads
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My dick exploded
This is a good one
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I really hope this gets colored soon like he colored the peridot one
>Just because she looks like waifubait doesn't mean she is

Except she is, it's painfully blatant. Craig knows what he's doing with this.

>that song was the creators way of telling the waifufags to fuck off

That's why they made it so sexual and put in shit like >>460057, right? Also, she's not a great character, she's bland as shit. And just look at all the faggots ITT going "hurrr I'm gonna watch this show now for the hot chick XDD". Your waifu is shitty waifubait, nothing more.
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>Saxual caherctor = wafub8

literally your entire argument
> XD
>shitty edit

How's it shitty? That's an alt version from the artist himself.
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She looks better without the cock
You're objectively wrong, but that's okay, I forgive you.
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buy one get one free.jpg
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As much as I like dickgirls, I prefer her as close to her canon appearance as possible

/still waiting for shadman to make a futa dominator pic/
>canon appearance

Well, she did sing "I'm the bad guy" :^)
Well she didn't have a huge bulge in her pants

who knows maybe her alien race is like hyenas
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bewb window.jpg
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but at the end of the song she corrected herself, saying she's the girl
That shoulder shimmy was a nice touch.
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I just want it fully animated

its so perfect
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3 dicks.jpg
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you better swallow it all.png
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nice song
>"Triple wiener rub down? Yeah I can do that."

never fails to make me laugh
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wide load.jpg
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Pretty cool, I know
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unf fufufcfuck.jpg
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booty bump.png
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ITT: OP is wrong
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I usually hate futa, but this one got me.

>a product of the same "Progressive" society that allows for such degenerancy Like allowing mental illness run rampant and unchecked.

She's a bad guy.

She's not supposed to be a progressive example for anyone, except for how to progress in becoming a giant fucking asshole.
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POV is some good shit

this basically

shes a villain and shes destroying fucking planets

she can have whatever haircut she wants and run around in sneakers if she wants to
Eh, it ruined her for me too. Sidecuts (or whatever she haves for that matter) are just generally aesthetically unpleasant and repulsive. Not just physically, but you just know the person is a dumb fuck too.

her being a villain changes nothing. It's just bad taste.
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found the /pol/poster

Here let me redirect you back to your home


Really? I thought it was the fact that she is a hugely sadistic dorky dominatrix.

Only now do I realize that Wander's entire hat-thing in that episode was a homage to Secret Squirrel.
Oh please, let's talk about the TRUE Waifu of that show.

Who is just a little black cuuube of darkness.
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LD by dynamo.png
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Maybe that was his plan all along, using reverse psychology.
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Fresh from Shad.
>Shad does more LD
Right. I really enjoy his Dominator.
>fingerless gloves
oh my god shadman I love you
i hope he draws her pregnant
I'm still waiting for the POV futa dominator
love me some frog
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She is not a frog
think he was talking about the one on the left

>>422709 still kills my boners
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lord dominator.png
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Finally, a character that fits his art style
I really hope he does more
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>Dominator will never see your erect 3 inches
>Dominator will never tease you about your tiny cock
>Dominator will never call you a slut as you try to hide your throbbing cock, already thick just from her hips
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Holy shit, I can actually fap to something from Shad.
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stop that.png
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Nigga just right click and search for it on google

Or keep bumping this great thread, thats good too
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shower ld.png
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Best outfit, need more art of her like this
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oh plz.png
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Lmao this face
somehow it's just so right...
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Gods be praised!
>tfw i can only find two pictures of her pregnant
I love GO's art style
what did she originally react to?
post them damnit
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so you wanna tie me up.png
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Hory sheet this is like all my fetishes

>qt Xenos
>kickass musical numbers
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dont give up follow your dreams.jpg
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I got one
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my nigga!

could have sworn this one was already posted
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If he kept that deception up long enough, it would be most definitely the case.
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>aku's female form looks like dominator with less spikes and black hair
>and a nose
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>how it happened
dat ass
sort of
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HA you're all pervs.png
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>Dom's face when this thread
can't help but read it in Mako's voice every time
>Character is off model
Except you're wrong
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That is one unhappy-looking Ayy.
she's not unhappy, just super embarrassed
I was unaware there was a difference.

Well, unless she gets off on embarrassment.
there's a difference between embarrassed and unhappy

go read some doujins mang
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doujins you say?
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Well I guess I might as well dump
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This comic is basically sharkboy and lavagirl with a guest appearance by skeletor
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I could make a boner joke about hater
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Ohhhhhh were halfway there
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ohhhhhoooooo living on a prayer
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captcha : 1635
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While you enjoy this comic, you can also check this 00
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I lied
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This dommy is such a qt
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Eyeball deep in muddy water
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Ya must have been high
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link to the original comic for anyone who wants it


i really wish I could read korean
File: atomic.jpg (126KB, 409x409px) Image search: [Google]
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And this concludes the dump, be sure to exit the building through the right side doors and have a nice day
That's not the original comic. This is.

Oh thanks, I was looking for the source one and that was the only link I had
If only I could read kimchi-nigger...
thanks for posting, i was hesitant to read it at first because this artist also drew loli dominator, but this doujin was really good
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497KB, 600x2400px
Someone should edit that babby to be a lil Dominator.
File: lord wander.png (507KB, 800x854px) Image search: [Google]
lord wander.png
507KB, 800x854px
That Dommy is a qt
Shad never does Pov art, feelsbad
Post screencap plox
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dom is cute.png
323KB, 463x805px
The lord wander AU is pretty intersting
Is there much art of it? I'm intrigued.
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bad guy.png
258KB, 526x964px
I have a little bit of it I saved from a /co/ thread one time, pretty sure there is a tumblr or something for it somewhere
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1MB, 1280x989px
edgy wander is edgy
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dude this isn't porn, go post this in the /co/ thread
just dumping it for >>518815
doesnt matter, you brought the thread past bump limit with non porn pics, just delete them
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Thread posts: 307
Thread images: 162

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