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Xeno thread ༡

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 223

Smut: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bnGqZyDNVtFLpjsDaEOhXyhByMlNLXoOnLF9e9iIc2o/edit

Quest: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Enemy_Quest
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Thanks for hurrying up the past thread, now this one can be lively.
Starting with alien tits or whatever they would call them.
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Just had an idea for maybe a greentext
>female gray alien is extremely angry at her boyfriend for cheating on her
>she wants revenge
>she abducts a human who has a xeno fetist
>the alien forces her ex-boyfriend to watch in the corner her gettinf ravaged by a human
>it's like bestiality but not as kinky since she's fucking a sentient species
>the grey alien guy can't do anything but see how much she is enjoying it unlike his times with her
If I don't want to cuck someone else, does that make me a cuck?
fuck off cuck
no because that means that you hate cucks, because cucks get off to being cucked.
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How am I a cuck if I want someone else to be cucked by me?
>I self-insert as the bull so i'm not a cuck!
sure thing buddy
Okay, whatever floats your head
Oh dayum thats good. Sauce?
Does anyone know of any people to follow for xeno stuff?
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>Attention Personnel,

>As of this cycle, scouts are no longer permitted to consume earth-made alcohol, whether scanned safe for consumption or not. Also a reminder that direct contact with humans in any shape or form is strictly prohibited. If you see a fellow scout violating these rules, please report them to your supervisor. We're here to gather intel, not test interspecies compatibility.

>Signed, High Command

It'd be funnier if something innocuous like soda or milk made the aliens drunk instead.
spiders get drunk from caffeine, so it's not that far fetched an idea
God, I love this one.
good to know my shit's still making the rounds!
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the world needs more high quality classic grey porn.
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next two are fat.
I don't really like fat and I know you guys don't either but I saved them because they have a kinda cute face.

Shoot me.
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aaaand I'm out.
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Xeno Orgy.jpg
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I really love these pictures.
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Some OC
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Wasn't satisfied with the face so I redid that. Apologies for double posting.
nice dubs and nice picture
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>translated version of the comic never
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Thank you.
>the silent hill one got translated
>the tanuki girl one got translated, but the massive shitter/troll of exhentai so it's not worth
>said asshole also did some "translations" of the artists shorter furry stuff that appeared in some collab doijins
that artist's work seems cursed
As much as I hate fat fetish I actually like this alien. Probably because it doesn't go full ham planet mode and has more moderate and slim look. Unlike this alien >>1402347 >>1402351 with just looks stupid with his so small head.
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You forgot this one, although she doesn't look like typical grey
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Nice, I didn't expect to see any lewds of her.
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>tfw no xenomorpgh bea in a boobhole sweater
Why even etc.
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>Giger will never again draw literal xenomorph porn
Might as well just fucking kill myself
Greys are the best imo.
>Want to write xeno based smut
>3 pages in and still nothing remotely sexy
Set ups suck.
Dude I'll take a well written smut story that gets me invested over a shitty one any day
Whats it about?
A guy gets captured by the martians and seduces their queen.
Fuck me, now I have a 'treaten as an inferior species' fetish
>introduce cute ayy gf to earth cuisine
>she likes it
>she REALLY likes it
>soon there's adorable alien chub everywhere
>more of her to love
>she keeps wearing shirts that are too small for her
>you've found out that some earth ingredients make her really horny
>some sort of chemical reaction
>she likes covering your dick with things like chocolate sauce and warm caramel
>three guesses what she likes to do then
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love the idea of xeno prisonners getting teased, so I drew a little something

Can't go wrong with that, so long as the xenos are fairly xeno and not just humans with forehead ridges and blue skin.

Can't go wrong with that, so long as the xenos are fairly xeno and not just humans with forehead ridges and blue skin.
It's going to be based off of the Duck Dodgers martians so unfortunately, it will be a case of very human aliens.
I envy how clean your lines are.
I know that feel.

I'm too much of a /tg/ nerd so I always get lost in the worldbuilding when I try to do sci-fi or fantasy smut.
Nigga that's part of the grind. Belive me.

>Source: I wrote the Turian Twink story and had the same problem
>Turian Twink
Is it the one with the vinyl collector Turian meeting up with a human?
Yes. It's on the archive. Took me months to complete due to laziness and creative burnout. It's easy to come up with the base plot, but actually writing it down in a manner that looks good is hell.

That's the one time where it's okay.
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an artist from /b/ does xeno / monster girls.
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Also I think the Tusken Raiders in Star Wars get drunk off of anything carbonated
It's good to know that this isn't something uncommon. I'm 13 pages in without any smut.
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You are going in a bit harder than me, but honestly I was trying to deliver it after months of promising to deliver "next week". If I had kept quiet and simply written it in secret instead of letting my Ego fish for attention I would probably have gone for some 20k words at least.
Ever think of writing a sequel?
Sometimes. But never actually try since I am trying to focus on other things. Maybe one day I will post it here, not going to make the mistake of giving release dates ever again.

That's good if the smut then ends up being as detailed and lengthy.
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Let's go for a swim.png
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Feel like drawing. Any requests?
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Thanks for the porn.png
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How about this girl prostituting herself?
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How about this venusian alien getting fucked by a brave earth man? Some guy took a shot at it a while ago and it turned out nice https://e621.net/post/show/876711 , but I would love to see some anal. Maybe doggystyle.
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This xenos giving somone a blowjob with her second mouth.

Kaminoans with large saggy milf breasts.
How saggy and large are we talking here?>>1404471
I'll draw these tonight. Probably gonna' be a few hours before I can post 'em though.


Like the mother on the left.
No worries brotha. We can wait.
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There is a pitiful lack of good kaminoan porn.
obligatory request for short stack grey.
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Grand Councilwoman >>1404589 getting dominated by human and loving it
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some quality right there.

Love it.
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Not a surprise. Humans have a reputation for being willing to fuck anything on a good day.
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did someone say oc with kinda weird bubs?
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Fuck it, I'm done. Didn't even work on the webcomic I spent so much time working on this.

Nice. I like how she has multiple nips. And that sagginess just could be natural to them.

Who's to assume that aliens would have the average ideal human breasts? For all we know, she could be an equivalent of a teenager.
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Wait a minute... Is this fanart? The resemblance is striking.
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some asari I drew
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some sangheili i have saved
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Ill dump XCOM vipers in a bit
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snek 3.webm
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Unless you want me to dump 8ft tall, Amazonian Cat Women from a far off planet, im done for now
Her spine seem a bit broken, but overall that's a nice drawing you got here.
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I guess this is more demon than alien, but it's in space so it's still count
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I tried.
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Here ya' go, mate
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I'm rubbish at drawing males
Yup. I always liked this design. Your work is an inspiration to all monsterfuckers!
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So turians got a bit of boost in popularity lately because of Vetra, but what are you guys think about krogans?
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I'd guess that Kaminoan women would mostly be lithe, any boobs like that would be outrageous to them.

That was... something
i'd love to see that cute face on a normal, less repulsive body
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Buddy you already have tons of fanart

Yep, that's one busty Kaminoan.
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Me too, one of the reasons why I saved it. maybe some draw fag could use it as a reference or something at some point.
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>A creature covered in hair, mucous and pustules, but is skinny = acceptable
>A cute alien with nice tits and a cute face that happens to be fat = REEEEEEEEEEE
The degeneracy of impotent dullards.
> fat

no nigga, that's a fucking blobfish
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that's pregnant though
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got any more pregnant aliens?
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who is this character?
someone's OC
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Ok, but last time, someone threw a fit and temp banned me.
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And these only exist caused based Snekguy
How on earth is this xeno?
Because they're an alien species from another planet. Remember, furry itself came from scifi novels/star trek. Hell, why aren't you also complaining about all the anthro snakes in this thread too?
See >>1407506 for the why,

For the biological explanation, was convergent evolution on a planet with much higher gravity.

At least the stories they're from embrace the alien aspect
I thought you mean na'vi from Avatar.
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No. I dont like the space Smurfs
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Open for requests if anyone has any.
any restrictions?
Any restrictions?
>getting called autism because you spam your fetish in the thread
>spam even more

Geez, you show me.
>you loudly announce that you don't like something
>somebody starts posting the thing that you don't like
>you start bawling
Somebody is laughing at you.
You know that, right?
See >>1407717.
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Won't do any weird fetishes or na'vi.
Could you do a Sangheili woman rubbing herself off while staring down a UNSC marine?

I'd like a caption request for this one, something very NTRy.
Meant for >>1407743.
Turian blowjob maybe >>1406480 >>1406469
I got you senpai
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Quick sketch.
Man I honestly find the Na'vi really hot, too bad most of the porn is garbage
too bad Neytiris sister is only mentioned, they lost the potential of having a threesome.
Maybe they'll reveal that she never died and she'll come back

yes, much of it is traced garbage
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ntr captions.png
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Thats real good
Saucing, please
Found this.
I almost missed that second mouth from the Xenomorph due to how light it is. Nice one though
many thanks mang, Is great

Ah, right in the fetish.

Nice. This would make a great short comic, and also goes with that sex story.
Got you covered
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Thanks mate.
Another, slightly over-stylized one
source on that?
I wrote the sex story to include scenes I drew for the threads. Not sure about doing an entire comic though.

Wish I could pay you to continue.

There's just too much to work on at the moment.
Artist was Vial on FA
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So that's how you extract samples from Earth creatures!
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Anything from Endless Space 2 yet?
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the question is, can you fug the space dosh lords? She looks like a humanoid lamp without any holes.
At least she'll brighten her surroundings!
It's 2017, sex is no longer just putting a penis in a hole.
She has two working hands and that picture already tells that she is familiar with working a shaft.
this thread from actual xeno thread to fat and pregnant fetish people ruining it
fuck off you guys you both have seperate threads for this
was there even shit from the first one? I was hoping for females of that one "techie" race but never saw anything. btw source for your pic? XD
I know that artist. Dude is schmuck. Met him over on pregchan and he was wanting to find a writer for his little comic he was working on. I was literally the only person who contacted him. He tells me he wants it written in comic book style. I ask for names and details. He fucking tells me it sounds to star trek in story telling and that it inst in comic book style. I tell him to put it in boxes and speech bubbles and then read it. He ignores me and never responds. So fuck that guy. Later he pops up on da and fa and posts his concepts and begs for writers again and eventually gives up.
His idea was literally a fucking rip off of avatar and john carter.

There's only, like, two other pieces of ES porn, but they're really shitty quality.
Anyone know where to find more xeno stuff?
If you're looking for some written shit, there is the smut link at the top
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bye bye miss american pie
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I have a more basic version of the image that anon posted
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intelligent ayys.png
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Y'know, friendly, possibly down-to-fuck xenomorphs could've been a real in-universe possibility at one point.
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What a wonderful thing it could have been
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Xenomorph is bae.
>until the Chestburster begins losing appendages and becomes more and more harmless
So we nearly got either Nagamorphs,
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Or paraplegic Xenomorphs.

… I'm okay with this.
What the fuck
Begone cuck
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Greys can be pretty sexy.
>pointless tripfags, fatfags and ntr
Is this what xeno threads have become? Disappointing.
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It's ruining the sanctity of the alien porn!
You wouldn't be into guy aliens either, would you?
And when I ask that, I mean for the thread as a whole, I'm not asking about your sexuality. Sorry for the piss-poor vague wording.
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I am not sure what they suppose to do in this drawing. Is he trying to push her away or are they posing for picture?
She's cuddling up to him and he's a bit hesitant.
>hesitating when hot naked martian priness tryes to hug you
The only reason I can come up with why he's hesitating is that he brings up her martian girlfriend to family reunion but forgot to tell her that humans attitude toward casual nudity is completly different that on Mars, so he tries make it as less akward as possible.
Some humans are weird, but that's an interesting scenario.
This thread will die soon anyway so you can dump whatever you got.
Personally male content is on a plane of complete disinterest and a waste of the image limit. But, since the gays are 10% of the population, as long as the male content doesn't waste more than 10% of the thread I'll tolerate it.

>I'll tolerate it.

That's very unfortunate for you.
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Hey xenofuckers I'm back with another story.

Or Die Alone:
>When a shipment of weapons goes missing on a remote mining colony, Agent Boyd is sent to assess the situation. What he uncovers is a plot to take control of the planet, but during his getaway his spaceship is shot down. Stranded on the planet's moon and with only his survival suit at his disposal, he must find a way back to civilization, all while trying to deal with an unwitting alien companion.
79,782 words.

>large breasts, long tongue, kissing, handjob, size difference, biting, scratching, consensual, blowjob, deepthroat, creampie, oral, face-sitting, tailjob, female ejaculation, vaginal, leg locking, pillow biting, tail pulling

Ebook: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=11312767&i=1060840

Links to all my other stuff should you be so inclined: https://pastebin.com/dHd9iFCN
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>79,782 words
Don't worry approximately 21,022 words of that is straight up fucking.
Even better.
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You have returned!

Also, i shot an idea by you a while back, if you are serious about using it, i can provide some more details or things that shot through my head since.
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ah hell yeag.jpg
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Shit, linked wrong post

You have returned!

Also, i shot an idea by you a while back, if you are serious about using it, i can provide some more details or things that shot through my head since.
You are vastly superior
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ded thread
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Gee i wonder why that is???????

New thread >>1416248
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Thread posts: 335
Thread images: 223

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