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Xeno thread no.??

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 186

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Last thread died without a replacement

Smut Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bnGqZyDNVtFLpjsDaEOhXyhByMlNLXoOnLF9e9iIc2o/edit?pref=r&pli=1
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>the only thing Asari are good for
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But it's still alive and has been for the past four days:

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It ain't showing up on the catalog. Explain that sorcery to me please.
It's showing up just fine for me, though I have it pinned. Check hidden threads in the catalog, maybe you accidentaly hid it.
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I can't fucking belive this. It was there, but the faggot OP put the "Xeno Thread" as his name not the thread subject, so all that shows up in the catalog is the Smut and Quest. So when I ctrl+F to find it after restarting my PC it showed nothing.
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Guess this is the new thread then
Anyone got some good shit that's related to this movie (Mars Needs Moms)?
>my pic is the thread image

life accomplished
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>That feeling when you remember a smut you read some time ago but forgot to bookmark it and don't remember where you found it
>That feeling when you wrote a smut, one of your friends figured out you did it, likes it, and wants you to read it to your gf
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You make a lot of good OC while fullfiling requests for free m8 you deserve the attention
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>le funny WH40k maymay

Please no. As much as I like it this only harms the thread and has been done so much it isnt funny anymore
This is why no one likes /tg/
>Hey look im clever an stuff.
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It's Canon.jpg
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As best girl Tali may be, this ship is just too good…
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Close Encounter.jpg
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this world needs more classic ayy porn.
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Wat Do.jpg
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They're entire shtick is experiments with a clinically sexual tone, you'd think there'd be more stuff out there.

I want more like this, but thiccer.
What was it about?
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For the super special posts.gif
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I wish I had money to buy you Reddit Gold, good sir!
>two threads

better grace both with the beautiful forest goddess known as Neytiri
more lke shitiri
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Neytiri is perfection and the na'vi are top cute

Imagine an endless log of shit falling into a bottomless pit of diarrhea. That's Neytiri.
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Doing requests again.

No copyrighted characters.
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alien in timbs.jpg
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#nyxenos deadass love them some timbs
Faceless xeno teasing the viewer?
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Big, busty, muscular alien girl from some warrior race ripping off her wet t-shirt on wet t-shirt contest.
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Here's something like that.
thanks, you draw so damn fast dude it's impressing
Shortstacked version of the classic Ayylmao grey
A reptilian quadruped with low hanging multi-tits licking her lips at the camera.
She's had enough of your shit.
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Here ya go.

Not in the classic form to be honest. It has chibi genes in it.
Man how do you get so creative?
>that book
kek This give me an idea, can we get alien masturbating to the "Nerdy human men" magazine?
U smort. U loyal.

Can we get a thicc ayy trying anal for the first time and loving it? Preferably in a missionary if possible,
I hope this will do.
Well I messed up the title, but close enough I guess.

Busty Amazon Grey
>file name
That entire situation has "INTERGALACTIC INCIDENT" written all over in bright red, so I imagine I'd let her sober up on my couch, then see what I can do to help her in the morning.
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You are the best thing about these threads.

Due to the appearance of her skin, she's sometimes known as the "mummy mommy."

She's either protesting or failing to grasp the point of the contest.

She looks like she's getting ready for a good time.

I am convinced that she's modeling for a magazine cover.

Let me guess. "I read it for the articles!"
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Ayy == Grey?

Well here's that.
That'll do meandraco
That'll do
How about an insectoid lady showing off how long her tongue is by titty fucking it.
Can I get a VERY THICC bright orange ayy spreading her ass for the viewer?
How about an hexapedal ayy with a long tail, and she has a second pussy at the tip of it, which she's currently eating herself out. Bonus points of the cum is all sticky like syrup.
How the fuck can make so much quality art so
>She's either protesting or failing to grasp the point of the contest.
Well, she is from warrior race, maybe any failure would bring shame onto her, so she is just determinate to win at any cost. Even if that cost is striping to naked.
>How the fuck can make so much quality art so
Meandraco is himself an alien.
His species is far more capable at artistic endeavor than humanity.
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>yfw the reason why MeanDraco draws so well, so fast, and so creatively is because he's actually a real alien
I like the concept behind this picture, but art is just bad, not to mention the cringe author logo.
He's a wonderful representative of alienkind, then.
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Bleh kinda getting tired of grey ayys.
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How about something based off the mutons from x-com?
Thats only because grey aliens are so rare in porn that you're getting so many requests for them.
I'm closing shop but I'll make these three little later. I gotta eat something.
Will do this too.
>no yellow alien
I think this photo is fake.
That isn't /tg/. If it was, they would know recent plot developments have the Imperium working with xenos.

Its /v/.

Other poster is right, there's just a lack of greys despite them being our most prevalent alien archetype.
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>that feel when you notice that Neytiri has a imprint of Jakes hand on her breast

they probably did all sorts of lewd things after they got reunited. Not to mention after the battle when they had to start repopulating the omaticaya and look for a new home

>Puazi invasion

>Colonization of Pandora
Do you people just not understand what no copyrighted characters mean?
Puazi are copyrighted?
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jesus that entire reply chain is cringe
Looks amazing. I meant ayy as in any alien you wish, but that is perfect.
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The Soldier glam shots.png
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Could you draw my OC taking some dick? I leave the choice of orifice up to you.
"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat all these eggs."
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flash 4.55.59 PM.png
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I'm willing to take some requests if anyone has any.
An alien with tentacles arms getting fucked while holding that human down so none of the seed would escape.
Nothing so bizarre.
Are the experiments from lilo and stitch allowed or are they considered too furry?
depends on the mod/janitor currently working and that changes with each one and they may change their mind at a later point
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This is the first time I've seen rule 34 of something lilo and stitch
there's a shit ton of it
I'd rather not see any of it
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delet this now
this intrigues me
As in yes too furry.
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I'm just going too request a shortstack grey too aby drawfags.
>That isn't /tg/
Bullshit it ain't. /tg/ is the only one who still finds 40K memes funny.
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Sorry it took so long.
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And topless version
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Also the orginal
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Quick Tyr'ahnee sketch. She's personally my favorite alien.
If you still taking request, maybe her>>1371825
showing off her ass.
I would but the cat is sleeping on the chair I use to draw with so it'll have to be later.

A xeno nudist beach seems like a good idea, on a xeno planet where Earth men are seen as sex objects.
anybody have those four images of the sex xenomorph life cycle? It's like, egg, groinhugger, etc
Moar of her???
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Here's a silly lady.
That's one nice ass, thanks.
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Her no, but the artist drew other female from this race.
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They also look very similar to Xalers, aliens from indie game Relax-Expect Nothing. Maybe it's a commission from the dev.
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Here's an orange ass.
Thanks meandraco
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Here's that thingie.
The best.
>doing anything related to 40kids other than relentlessly shitting on it
>(and occasionally waifufagging)
It's /v/, because they're the ones who still have faith in the franchise, and that's only because of the recent surge in vidya
I'm still struggling and have been too busy to practice my drawing.

Then a week goes by and my art deteriorates. Maybe I have brain damage?
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Geiger truly was the realest nigga
C'mon, man.
Nah, the kids at /b/ and /v/ still love them as well.
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I gotchu senpai
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Are you german?
Do you do something different between one drawing and another? Like use references for one and none for the other?

Meandraco is a hero and a saint.
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A Risky Quickie.jpg
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I try to use a photo as reference for the pose and multiple photos for anatomy. The second sketch was an attempt without any reference material. Guess I havent reached that level yet.
Even the absolute best artists use references.

dont give up!

Good artists use reference and steal from other artists.

Steal one thing and youre plagiarizing, steal 100 things and smash them together and youre a genius!

What >>1373802 said. Your stuff is already pretty good, and it will only get better the more you practice. Everyone uses refs, so don't even sweat it.

Good luck!
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Asari vs Ansari.jpg
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Try to fap to an Asari after discovering from who they are based on.

Not gonna lie, this guy's art alone has be me excited for the new Alien. I don't care if it sucks, but at least we'll have some xenomorphs.

Of all the "humans with extra body parts and painted skin" aliens, Twi'leks really are top notch.

Never gonna see them or Togruta outside of animation again.
The four arms thing gives them an insectoid feel to them that I really dig. I like to think that their society is like that of honeybees or ants.

>98% of their race is female
>big, tall, amazonian ayy women
>other than queens, most of them haven't even been in the same room with a male
>they get all shy and self-conscious around human men
>they're extremely submissive and turn into a spastic pile of sexy ayy once you're inside them
>constantly want your D in specific once they get a taste
>almost all who leave their homeworld take their new boyfriends with them to "keep them company"
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>tfw no loving and caring na'vi gf

What makes you think that?
>human lips
Man if I was younger this won't bother me so
k how about an animalistic alien with teeth on her V, presenting herself to the viewer
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You exist as about as any of these gals do.
I like to believe my alien wife is out there somewhere
Giger was onto something when he made stuff like this. Well the design is sorta similiar at least. He's a man I can like, I suffer from nightmares mostly and see odd dreams of twists, turns, how things work and sometimes I dream alien species up.
I keep forgetting them though, I just can'y recall most of them.
As I life long New Yorker from the Bronx I will never get this stereotype. Ok maybe I get it but it really isn't THAT pervasive. It is funny though 0.o
We'll damn, I'll still consider you my lord and savior for posting the others. Thank you.
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Sorry this made me think of germany lel
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Dumping art from the /b/ artist
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Could be get a bipetal insectoid with nice poofy neck fuzz?
Black three-head ayylien with long tongues giving a blowjob.
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>Relax-Expect Nothing
I expected nothing, and I'm still disappointed.
Shit, beat me to it.
delet this now
"Just cleanin' this planet of xenos and mutants, sir."
that was just overkill
That's an underwater old god.
>doing anything related to 40kids other than relentlessly shitting on it
They have like 8 fucking generals dedicated to it and it's godawful memes, retard. Quit trying to false flag this shit and own up to how shit your board is.
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the worm loves you.jpg
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Yoa are at the spa, wearing only a towel. You open the door and see this. What do you do?
Holy shit...
>furry calling others scum
A dude actually getting fucked by a xeno for once
Anyone have that story that got posted with the Evolve monster?
Apologize to garrus for annoying his harem.
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He won't let you suck his cock anyway.
imagine how much oral blows the minds of Turians, male or female
Yeah, they don't have lips, so they might don't have the concept of blowjob. Just imagine their confusion when warm, soft lips close around their inappropriate parts.
Also do anyone have screencap of that post about turain gf learing about kissing?
If you are still here, what about some turian? Maybe one chilling out on the nudist beach with only swimming ring around her waist.
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Forgot my pic
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>Turian GF learning about kissing

That's more YES than you can shake a dick at.
Gimme a couple of hours I'm gonna write that.
Snekguy, if I pitched a idea, could you use it for a story?
God speed brother
Best girl in a terribly executed game
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Ok I shat this out really fast and I'll finish it off tomorrow because I'm up irresponsibly late.

2500 words (in progress)
tags so far:
>kissing, Turian, oral, interspecies

I'm super backed up with commissions and such but I'll give it a look and see if the muse takes me. I finished today's quota for my current project and thought I'd bang this out in the wee hours.

Expect more Borealan cuddlefucking in the next couple of weeks too, I'll post it here when it's all finished.
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Neytiri hair.jpg
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straight hair Neytiri och braided hair Neytiri?
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So I’ll keep it short. On a fledgling colony, a guard unit is being bolstered by a group of Borealean recruits, some Polar and some Equatorial. Story would follow a sergeant or staff sergeant, lets call him Joe for now, as recent openings in his section are finally filled in by some Borealean troops. Events go and force the section to be deployed to a valley a little ways off from their base to search for a recon unit that ceased communications. While their, they encounter some /k/-meets-/x/, “Skinwalkers in Space” level shit. The staff sergeant Joe, a female Polar medic and a female Equatorial marksman all get cut off from the rest of the section and wind up playing cat and mouse with this thing while trying to get back to the LZ and slowly grow to form a triangular trust/bond.

Couple scene ideas that bumped my head were as followed:
Soldier gets jumped by thing, Joe pursues and finds the mauled man, moves to check, but only finds the thing mimicking voices of the dead body as a trap
Post-inevitable-threesome, Joe gets incapacitated or mimicked by the thing and it tries to get close to the Borealeans to kill, but one thing is missing: The big red love bite on the side of his neck.
Beautiful, I love me some qt Turians
inb4 mass Na'vi genocide comments
such rudefigs should just be ignored. Everyone knows na'vi are for loving
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I can elaborate on set up if needed
>keeping them alive or wiping them out
>not raping them to interbreed into extinction
Ah, the muslim method. Very popular.
More of humanity in general. It's how our ancestors got rid of neanderthals and it's completely common for a conquering culture to interbreed with the people they defeated. It's why so many Americans have some small degree of Indian heritage in them or what Spain did to the natives of pretty much every place they set up shop.
shhhhh let my topical joke be
>what is south america
>or the philippines
>or literally any other colonised territory outside of dindustan
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na'vi are for loving peaceful co-existance!
Also the only way for humans to have children with na'vi would be avatar-bodies, which are basically na'vi to begin with. So any offspring would just be a bit buffer na'vi.
Not to mention avatar-bodies are outrageously expensive and that earth is on the brink of total collapse in lore
no copyrighted characters?

what are you scared off? some mega autist pulling suit?

you are on a anonymous site, drop the trip and stop giving a fuck
He just wants to be cre8ive. Let him have his fun.
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Is this Predator sufficiently sexy?
Why do all of these threads devolve into pro and anti Na'vi posts?
seems like people have gotten tired with/more annoyed with the na'vi waifu spammer constantly going on about the shitty smurfs
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I think we should just learn to live with the fact that the distinction between "Furry" and "Xeno" is wafer thin at best.

I mean technically Krystal is Xeno. Shes an alien in Sci-fi game but we both know that shit is weapons grade furry.

We should be true to our own selves and just post more pics of Turian girls as penance.

Because there is no difference between furry and xeno?

Xcom proved that.
Never claimed otherwise. Hell, the furry fandom originated from scifi con nerds due to how a lot of aliens back then were animal people, mainly cats for some reason. Most aliens are just taking an Earth animal or several and combining them or making them more human-like anyways. It's all xenophilia anyways.
Honestly there are much worse designed aliens than the blue cat people. Sure they ain't what most people are looking for in a thread like this but I feel like it could be worse.

[spoiler] Honestly I'm not really here to fap. I just like checking out alien designs and seeing what xenos people find the best. [/spoiler]

So what are the sexiest aliens, anons?
>mainly cats for some reason

I think this has a lot to do with how well cats can be integrated into a lot of different designs with different intentions. Adding a lion or other big cat into your humanoid can make them appear fierce, noble, or scary depending on how its done. Smaller cats and large cat eyes can make a character look cute and innocent. Cats features can also make a character look elegant which isn't really something you can do as easily with a non-wolf dog. I mean look at the Na'vi spam on this thread. The race was intentionally designed so that the audience would find them 'innocent' and 'elegant and willowy' instead of actually developing characters and putting effort into the movie's writing.
If the na'vi acted more like cats Avatar would be a horror movie closer to Aliens than Pocahontas in space
This. He's annoying and cringy, and considering where we are that's saying something.
It would also lead to interesting character development and bring up the problems, discussions, and conflicts that Jake and Neytiri should have had over liking an alien. I understand that there needs to be a (in a normal relationship) some form of common ground in sentience and perspective but to summarize the movie Avatar had a lot of ideas that could have made for a very interesting movie had they not been glossed over for a 'save the environment through the white man helping and becoming the leader of the natives and winning' bs story. Like the whole concepts of having artificial bodies a la 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' is only briefly touched upon when it could have been explored in depth with all the complications that could have occurred etc etc.

I would have preferred a movie that had no action in it but was more of an exploration and debate into how the different cultures could compromise instead of one culture being the 'right' one.

Essentially I'd have rewritten the whole plot and characters…I know that's saying a lot but seriously. Not like it'd be hard for any of us to make a better movie than it turned out to be.

I guess we can only hope that the other movies aren't so bogged down by this premise.
The Xenomorph was practically designed to be sexy.
>tfw totally forgot i wrote some smut years ago and it's in the archive

>(2015/09/04) http://pastebin.com/31C6DHPa Writefag: Another-One (Tag:Male h/Female xeno, xenoy, large insertion, mild femdom+mild maledom, mild cum expansion, lovey-dovey)(title: nightfall on the black savannah)

>(2015/09/02) http://pastebin.com/FwGAiKEp (title: dance of the sister-suns) Writefag: Another-One (Tag: Male human/Female xeno, xenobiology, excessive fluids, MILF, lactation, pregnancy fetish, fem mindbreak, lovey-dovey)

did anyone actually like these?
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Finished the Turian quickie:

3600 words
>kissing, Turian, oral, interspecies, Mass Effect, female ejaculation, vaginal, creampie

That's a pretty cool idea, I've been looking for an opportunity to have a Polar and an Equatorial fight over a guy. I'll take that down and maybe I'll have time to get it to over the next few months.
You did Dance of the Sister Suns? I really enjoyed that one. I was wondering if there was any more to it.
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Fuckin bueno mate, Ill be here with eager thoughts and hopeful heart.

In thanks, I shall dump what I have of Sangheili
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Some of OPs Work,
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Yes I remember when you first posted them.
Now if only we could get plazmon to come back as well.
not that i was considering, i literally just wanted a story behind that meandraco pic
you know the one
Anyone else have more like this? I need help designing a humanoid lovecraftian xeno.
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I just want to share cute Neytiri pictures and discuss na'vis. But I suppose I can hold off for a while, I'll just post this last pic
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Write another one and I'll make a new pic of her, based on the thing you wrote.

nonchalantly get inside and when asked pretend you genuinely thought they were males
hope they don't have the personality of a stereotypical tsundere in a non hentai work and then dare them to demonstrate to you their sexual dimorphism in action
Do it satan
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finally got the motivation to draw something

thoughts on my xeno flexible girl?
Would totally fornificate with her for the sole purpose of procreation.
draco you temptress
although honestly i'm not sure where to go with it
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launched into orbit.gif
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>chief's actual drawing
every fucking time
see >>1380954 and the rest of the comment chain
That is a NOICE butthole.
Bless you
I love your work mate
Somehow I feel that this will become important to me.
Please do another so M does another pic

Looks pretty good man
>ywn have a drell cum inside you
>ywn see bright colours swirling in your vision after kissing a drell
>ywn have hallucinogen-fueled sex with a drell
why even live?
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more buttholes please because that is great
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Excerpt from Human and Ish-Roks conduct
"When engaged in human male and ish-Rok female copulation, the human must make sure to mind gari barbs. These semi flexible barbs are located on the inner walls of the vagina. These barbs, when engorged by arousal, are angled to allow penetration and block any form of pulling out until the female becomes unaroused..."
Because furfuckers will do anything to slide their abhorrent fetishes into any given thread.

Xenomorphs are fine
Halo is fine
Traditional Ayy's are fine
On a more personal level snake-ladies are fine

na'vi are no better then somebody rolling in here and claiming that any generic yiff garbage is xeno content. It's low effort
You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.
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Na'vi are xenos whether you like it or not.

You can argue about the quality of them, how good or bad their design is, but don't try to claim they're just "furry" and "yiff". That shit is retarded.

Especially when you go ahead and admit you have a thing for snake-ladies.
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sketched another one
You're amazing, thank you. Are you willing to do futa or do you prefer strictly hetero? If you can, I'd love to see a closeup of that tasty butthole, balls or otherwise.
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I disagree. Your furry cat-monsters are furfag bait first and formost
that's an insult to all the better furbait aliens that regularly get posted in this general and anthro designs in general
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Whoever wins, we screw.
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Last sketch for the night.
God bless your soul, that's amazing!
At least he's posting porn you /tg/ autist
>On a more personal level snake-ladies are fine
>na'vi are no better then somebody rolling in here and claiming that any generic yiff garbage is xeno content
Please tell me you at least realize the hypocrisy you present here and are just a self-aware faggot instead of a blind one
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So much hate here. We need some snek love to counter balance
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Author here, those images are patreon-only. Delete them right now!
>0.34 shekels have been added to your account
It's disappointing how so few artists do this with snake-girl genitals.
Nice bait, they wouldn't be on E621 for months now if they were deemed DNP.
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Bait wont stop snek
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absolutely civilian.jpg
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Shut it jackass, at least he's dumping
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doubs Trips checked
>snekguy and female turians
I really love all the xenos, especially the xenomorphs. But goddamn those fucking lips ruin it for me, I like xenomorph because she's primal and scary and the lips completely draw away from that and make it too human for me. I like the fangs better.
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some xeno gal I designed, could be better but eh
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Very nice.
>terror from the deep remake comes out
>aliens join up with xcom to defeat them
>your xcom recruit's snek waifu dreams come true
You heard it first here
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turian grill

Screw the Navi (and not in the sexual sense)

Earth comes first.
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Anyone have human women being turned into aliens?
Fuck off. This is not the TF thread
turian butt next?
That eyepatch and the missing arm reminds me of Venom Snake.
kept you waiting huh?
when i'm done with my warframe stuff I'll do it
Thread posts: 342
Thread images: 186

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