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/weg/ - Western Erotic Games

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 898
Thread images: 135

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Snow Daze - Jane Color WIP.png
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Emptiness Edition

Western Erotic Games / Demos / Betas:

Western RPG Maker Games / Betas / Demos:

3DCG Games / Betas / Demos:

Other Resources / Game Development Links:

Previous Thread
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Kingdom of Deception 0.png
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Divine Arms 01.gif
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The qualitiest weg ever
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>still nothing
Every fucking day I gotta see this shit and be reminded there is still no fucking demo
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Twisted Occupation
I've never gotten here this early. At what point in your opinion can you claim a VN transitions into a game? Or should the maker drop the VN title entirely and call it a game? Or can it be both?
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The more people post that game the more disgusting I find the art. And I thought it was OK when I first played it.
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Monster Girl Gamu.
that depends how you define novel i guess, some people could call games like mass effect novels, so dunno
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All visual novels are video games.
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Actual dating sims used to have gameplay were managing stats and dating girls (And manage them if the game has a jelously system) was a challenging part of the novel were also events were dependant on your stats and the girls affections. Those even tend to have mini-games as well.

I consider them games.

Visual Novels are not games since the only thing that you can do is make a choice which is the equivalent of choosing to move to the next scenario like say the Liru flash video which is NOT a game.
I guess I would define VN as a simple reading and clicking. not much interactivity involved. In the last thread I saw some anons talking about how every "game" that comes out is really just a VN and they should drop the "game". I was curious at which point you could call a VN with a decent amount of things to do in it whether it's choices, minigames, or activities where you could describe it as some form of game.
I feel the same way about Twisted Occupation. Something about the art disgusts me. Probaly the heads. It is always the heads.
Don't take my word for any of this. Google the research, it is there.

Go to Google and find some research into the efficacy of SSRIs, then take a neat package of abstracts and conclusions to your psych and tell him to get you off these fucking things, they are snake oil.

Look into MAOI diets, blood pressure, tyramine content and starter cultures. All these MAOI warnings are based on data from the fucking 60s and are irrelevant. Bring them with you so he doesn't try to weasel his way out of getting you MAOIs by scaring you. Again, don't take my word for any of this. The research is easily accessible for anyone who doesn't trust his psych and the "SSRIs are much safer" bullshit they try to peddle.

Also tell him to get you some fucking psychotherapy. Bring more research to prove its efficacy and the utter lack of negative side effects. This is something that requires his time, he'll try to weasel his way out of that as well. The world of medicine is a business and it needs a return on the investments into research. Its a necessary evil but one you can get around if you are willing to put in the work.

Do you want to wank to russian incest rpg maker shit, anon? Better start googling.
Newlife 0.4.6 link?
Where is this scene?

The answer is stop caring. It's all video games, the rest is pure semantics and autistic my-definition-your-definition arguments.

... and at the end of the day, they will all play/read whatever it is anyway.
(assuming it's good)
when was this last updated?
can you get cucked by the neighbour yet?
Where is this Image from?
I don't think it was in the latest demo
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Not so far in the future! We just need to finish the next DiCK update and we'll switch our focus on TO. She (Agatha, the nazi hypnothist and medic) is the next character in line to be done so, there is that :D

Also not lewd but we got our first BG finished for the game, once we get funds we will finish pay to finish the color, but for now as placeholders we believe they work just fine
compared to all the alternative western erotic games (read:nothing) i'd say its pretty good - decent at worst
if you really dislike it im pretty sure you just are unsatisfied with anything that doesn't have anime art
>ive been a patron since the start



I'm mostly talking about from a personal enjoyment level. You don't want to just click and get the content, but at the same time you don't want to waste time grinding just to get at the porn. I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea of a "sweet spot" where you're doing stuff to get the porn, but it's not a hassle to do so.
where do i get the first chapter of snow daze?
It says wip so it's probably not implemented yet
Chapter 3 has all the previous content.
Yesterday (only a small update though)

No that's an edit, i highly doubt he will ever do anything interesting that doesn't feature the MC
Any word on SU update?
Yes between now and a few days
Every time KikeCookie updates his game it just gets more and more broken.
Can't access any scenes.
>aunt standing right there in the yard
>click the garden
lily of the valley soon?
Am i being baited or is the level of inbred autistic retardation really that high itt
Are you retarded?
Nothing works in the game.
You could access more scenes 3 months ago than you can now. Every single update you can just access less and less content.

>random chicken scratch lines edition
>unrealistic poses edition
>shill edition
>I don't know the board rules edition

At least be a bit creative when making a new thread.
You realize the current patch out is the bugtest version right? In any case, all you have to do is load the save in 11.0 and pass the part and you can continue to play it in 11.15 after that. Everything else works fine, there is just an order of things happening to you then everything happening all at once.
Did u ever learn how to read?

Do you have your inbred goatfucking father read this thread out loud to you?

Its a B U G F I X I N G version - its right there in the name and there's probably even a watermark ingame

Every single time you mongoloid fucks complain about a playtesting version having bugs, your chimpanzee mother throats 15 more negroid dicks. I shit on you from the highest chimney you imbecillic shit eater
As if the regular version was any less buggy
>She (Agatha, the nazi hypnothist and medic)
Fucking hot
Black n white is fine
If it helps you to save resources needed for other stuff then i support it
>triggering you edition
yeah, it cost a third of the finished piece, and they are faster to do, so in this early stage is very useful, considering our budget which is small for now.

Once we have the first demo of TO we would like to make a small goal crowd sourcing campaing in order to get enough funds to pay for most of the assets and services, so the BGs an editor, and if it goes well maybe even original music, which would be cool but is not priority (and is pretty expensive too).
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fucking kek
Really hope he puts in the CG for the second andrasxrowan scene in the next update
>no noir weg
I'm guessing the "Public" stat in Four Elements trainer is the difference between making Azula your personal cum dump and the town bicycle.
>play A Zombie's Life
>it's incestual paedophillic nonsense
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Katie's Corruption v0.3
This is like a 3D VN, early in development but not bad. OP post it in the 3D pastebin.



Can you draw some noir porn?
Borderline, but you forgot the most important flaw
>quad Ds on every woman
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Hey guys! Its ya boi Marcus!
of course not, I'm just dreaming and begging
Looks nice.

Really hyped!

It's worth mentioning that simple stat-tracking is not stat-managing. For example, Dating my Gobo tracks affection and friendship on a visible meter. These stats are available in nearly every visual novel ever made. Your choices affect the girls affection for you, obviously. They are just not visible in most of them. That is not gameplay.

Just off the top of my head, Majikoi uses hearts to show your progress with the girls (or hermit crabs) on a menu between scenes. And that has never been questioned on whether or not it's a visual novel.

lab rats is a good example of what just barely crosses the line from vn to gameplay. barely. any less gameplay than lab rats is solely a vn. i'm still 50/50 on whether or not lab rats is a game but its close enough to consider
>These stats are available in nearly every visual novel ever made.
Not really.

Varely few VNs have any kind affection system to them, most VNs just rely on an string of choices that must be made in order to access their route. So if you dont make certain choice you are locked out of them rather than failing to meet an stat requirement.
.4 is already in the pastebin
What are peoples favourites in the WEG pastebin?

NTR is bad and you should feel bad

Congrats on getting funded.


Why does Jane's model change so much, she doesn't look like the same person in more than two images
how do I screw Kimberly in UD? got BJ in toilets and that's it
How come the pastebins arent being updated ATM?
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Total seduction with premium code entered please
the game is still in development
what ever happend to the goblin creator ICSTOR?
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>$14 on patreon
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>YFW not one of them
Holy fuck it's real.
You haven't done anything and retards are giving you money.
>Yes. Well done, Patrons. Well done.
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It's a simple formula that I was testing.

Now picture what will happen once I release a snippet demo and activate maximum shillinus.
so what's new in SS 11.5? I get errors when loading 11.0 saves so guess I have to start again.
just wait for the proper version
So why havent you updated the patreon with no Bruce Wayne anymore?

It's the exact same mechanic, just implemented differently. They're both systems where you build affection. The end result is identical.
No they arent.

I am playing Taboo Request from him right now. Jesus christ it is the worst fucking city layout I've ever seen. The right side road is blocked by a military base, and the entire central area is surrounded by a river with no bridges except on the south side. Your house is on the northeast side, meaning you have to go all the way to the west, then south, then east again just to get work because there's no way down the middle of the toewn. I swear, trying to navigate this shit is going to make me drop this game.

So you're saying a visual novel does not have a system where making the correct choices leads to advancing the romance with a girl?

Okay, sure thing, boss.

dating my gobo gives tons of bad ends, like getting your dick sucked by elena is an instant bad end regardless of points. you can get locked out of scenes by choosing to have dinner with the secretary or responding differently to the photographer. but because it has affection points, its different than a vn?
Got anything else from that patreon you could share?
Im talking of a point system not a choice based system.

You can actually fuck up in point system dating sims and still fix it up by making the correct choices.

A VN will lock you out of them if you dont make even one or two right desicions.

Have you ever played a dating sim? Like Tokimeki Memorial? Like Pia Carrot?

Otherwise might as well talk with a piece of brick.

Its diferent from your usual VN.
SU when?
Meant for >>1291813
Which engine can I use for a tycoon style game?
Help an anon out pls.
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Best girl
RPGMaker or Ren'Py.
Easy to learn, infinite possibilities.
Unity or godot.
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>UAB 2 never
>Instead we gettin new goblin game everyday
Why live?
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Will we ever get a good Avatar/Korra game?
Any changes/new content?
Can you draw good Kora/Avatar?
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Man this game would be gold if MC was an OC.
I said GOOD
Yeah, it's weird being Lex. I find myself thinking Lex is too classy to have sex with skanks.
Doesn't look like Korra at all.
Didn't bother to play it, just poked around the art but it seemed like not much.

A new character who owns that dog in the park, the mom vacuuming the house

you can shag her in a different position and she can suck you in the shower .

the aunt has a broken shovel and you can dig a hole, i think for worms for fishing, although i never unlocked the pier last update.

most from last update, pizza, poker etc is all untouched
> my tastes are objectively correct, if you don't share them you are wrong
So just bugfixes?
Will we ever get a good Star Trek game?
Is there a link to the brothel game?
Link is dead.
It's shit.

Work more before you release shit you greedy faggot.
So no then.
who the fuck cares about star trek lmao
fuck you
Does Star Trek even have women hot enough to make a porn game out of it?

If there was one i bet Spook would make a great protag.
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old focks i guess

Can't tell if this is intentional or not, but it made me laugh hard

Not sure if you're interested because of the picture attached to it, but if that's the case, steer clear. The game is straight-up pedophilia.
Also the videos are stolen from SFM sites, you may as well fap to the originals if it's what you're looking after.
rule 34, tumblr, etc.
i hope su has sex in it finally. i want to plunge deep into batgirl
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So i downloaded this game it said 'bugtest version' it looked good at first but wtf this thing is riddled with bugs? Like i cant even play it i get stuck because of game breaking bugs? Fucki g shitty ass developers releasing half finished garbage
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Is that Schulz?
>guy releases 10 minute long v0.1
>is now almost at $3000 a month

wish I could draw, to get in on this easy money

>that charlie chaplin reference

>he fell for the schulz meme
I'd make it but I wouldn't get them patron bux
is snow daze worth a play? worth a jerk?
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Game idea: Take the most popular, successful elements of /weg/ games and combine them to make an absolute killing on Patreon.

Goblin Cuckold Quest begins production now.
she makes me think of jontron
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They're coming for our games next.
Both like to get fucked like dogs?

Well that bites. I liked a decent bit of his stuff.
Someone has to have the newest version of meridianas magical investigations

can't believe oct 2016 is the latest release.
What are the chances that your mother gets pregnant by Marcus and you fuck your sister when she is of legal age?
RIP Hilloli Clitton game dream.
what did this retard expect?
X'zaratl 1 and Jezexia are the next scenes to get CG.
What is your point? Numerous western nations consider loli to be child pornography, and it can carry relatively severe sentences.
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Man finally it's time to use this image i saved. i have waited for so long.
get triggered pedo
>this nigga thinks cartoons is people
any news on SU update?
what are the originals
im curious
There's a lot of SFM artist making his living off patreon, they usually post their art on tumblr, and pages like rule 34 compiles them.
Just google "SFM porn" or something like that.
Swagger is all Schulz is
RIP Hiloli
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Honestly? He deserves this.

I'm not saying it to be some moral fag but Shad truly crossed the line.
>Let me make piss edgy shit for shits and giggles
>Draws little kids

I hope he's shut down permanently
He had this "i can do whatever the fuck I want" mentality since day one.
Good to see he can't.
Given where you are, that's a really shitty attitude for you both to have.
Checked anyway.
Chill guys, this is not the first time he's in trouble.

The legal issues are over his site, not the content. basically nothing and it'll blow over quickly.

Thanks, based anon

Moralfags btfo
What's wrong with drawing what you want?
he has legal issues with the website, guys, not with the content.
What were you testing? I need money to fuel my freemium game habit.
Anybody have Harem Villa or Cohabitation v0.42?
Uh, maybe because those little 2d girls have rights and feelings, shitlord?

It's a proven fact loli leads to rampant child rape. Just look a Japan.
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Desperately waiting for that SU update to drop.
Any minute now...
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>Attempting to justify
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to be fair,
I'm just happy to see his ship burn because I genuinely think his work is a pile of horseshit and way too overrated for no apparent reason other than the edgy up the system attitude.
Shadbase is like the youtube prank videos of porn.

nothing at all. But showing it to the world and expecting it to not get called out on is just as retarded as getting mad over it. I know I know, muh freedum and muh 1st amendad
Summertime saga 0.11.6

Windows - https://mega.nz/#!ldlVxAhQ!O1lj18mIr_DcYvkbUEbbiYL5iaknfkogG9H2DGNo1io

Mac - https://mega.nz/#!wM0zhbTK!rjx6pLLqRpDUIDCwZJrjFtq14FysJmN7HI9iU7-CGHo

Android - https://mega.nz/#!QcUGRL5J!Fab8tqKIqu4EsS79t3tJxG0Ox8wj5uCfx5aF08uNVQg

>New Mini-game (Fishing)
>New Terry dialogues
>2 New locations (Forest, Attic)
>New character (Anna)
>2 New Mom H-scenes
>2 New Mom dialogue scenes
>2 New Aunt Diane dialogue scenes
>Mom story flow rework
>Telescope rework
>Menu VFX
>Menu soundtrack
>New backgrounds during dialogues on click (close up DOF)
>New items around the house (quest related and easter eggs)
>New cut-scene (garden)
>Bug fixes
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>being a moralfag on a Sri Lankan pornography swapping bbs
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Wow just fucking wow. This guy is earning $1000 on patreon.

I spoke to the dude months ago when we were planning to make a game together. He has shit art, 4 different patreons that aren't earing over $10. His english is worse than Rena's let alone the fucking skills. Believe me when I say this, he has NO clue on designing games.

He then decides to set up a 3D game and is instantly earning $1000+

This right here is what is wrong with the patreon community.
DESU I hate him because anytime he tries to "start beef" with someone and they threaten him he immediately backs down and whines like a little bitch.

He's also edgy as fuck and acts like a god damn 16 year old.

He draws nice asses though.
>Pledges via 1 paid post
>Per month...

What's the difference?

He may aswell set it to monthly?

/pol/ made a WEG?
If he misses deadlines, he won't charge his patreons.
expect 7-10 hours more.
>Sri Lankan


...ah, Ceylonese.
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Also 0.12 ETA 4 weeks
I guess it's fine to hate him as a person or dislike his art, but wishing bad things on someone who provides porn is too much to me. It's not like you're forced to socialize with him or something.

I dislike half of his main fetishes, but I'd never wish legal trouble on him or any other person that has provided me free fap material.
Which one is the sister?
the granny
Is it a British thing to still refer to it as Ceylon or something? Like with Burma and some other places.

Have only seen Ceylon used in connection with the tea grown there.
I guess that makes you a better person. I wish his house would burn down.
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Make your pick
Damn, man.

Is only porn, anon. Why you heff to be mad?
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A lot of poeple don't understand how easy it is to make these 3D games. They think it's painstaking work and developers are sculpting and shaping everything by hand. Then people throw money at them accordingly.

See this picture? Literally 45 seconds for me to make. Less than 30 mouse clicks. Give me another 90 seconds and I'll add text to it. You can do it, too. And once you realize that all the models come pre-made, you begin to wonder why so many of them in these games look like complete shit.

Don't be fooled.

Nah, Lex is fucking fantastic. You can't have the kind of aplomb and motivation in a character without drawing from some established in-universe stuff.

Plus, you get a lot of interaction between characters that wouldn't be possible with a Blank Slate. Would the Joker be as funny? Would Lois' fall be as compelling?

Using Lex was an A+ decision.
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Quality writing.png
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What's wrong with getting you dick sucked by a dwarf every once in a while?

into le trash it goes
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My nigga.

>tfw you hear his VA from the animated series in your head while playing

Lex is the best.
any way to skip the grinding and get money quicker?
No, you.
kys yourself

The engine does its job just fine. Just don't use stock characters. I don't think you realize half these 3D games use HS Studio. You can import backgrounds, animations, and customization characters out the wazoo.

Then there's games like Lab Rats where the fucker is literally using default characters (the middle girl in the picture you're replying to is the sister in Lab Rats, also a default HS character). WTF
never mind I'm an idiot.
oh I'm not mad, it's one of those moments when you know something is shit and when you finally see it burning the smoke smells delicious. Like watching bioware or ubisoft shitting out unfinished games and watching fan reactions, you know the stuff.
>Just look a Japan.

What, the 6th lowest rape rate in the world? Ya, ok.
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you dense mothefuker
Make a game. And incest and you'll be making bank.
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>more mom and aunt scenes.
>2-3 more updates before you can actually take sis to bone zone

Can I fug someone outside the family pls.
I like incest but damn he's really blueballing with the other characters.
Yeah I'm in it for the brown girls, Erics mom and pizza milf
People fap to his absurdly terrible 'so unique', bloated plastic caricatures? I thought he intentionally made his art bad as a joke, apparently its just bad.
wew lad, sick burn
So he takes a blowjob from some dude just like that?

What a faggot.
>Make a game. And incest and you'll be making bank

I do. And I am making enough bank to not work. I put about 20 hours of work into monthly updates and no one complains about the amount of content added.

Obviously, I'm not saying what I work on. Just something to keep in mind.
He takes giant demon cock up his supposedly virgin ass "just like that".

Who's next depends on patreon voters.

0.12 - Sister
0.13 - Mrs. Johnson (Mom of fat friend)
0.14 - Mia and her parents (Apparently you'll be able to fug her mom)

Next Poll will be when 0.12 comes out.
Is it me, or this font is dancing?
So far, it just dictates how she presents herself when doing princess stuff. It's the difference between whipping criminals while fully-clothes and fucking them while wearing nothing but a strap-on

Also, goddamn, the Fire Nation has a shitton of female criminals.
He's fucked up, he should have stuck with the school first and had the fatty in the cubical be your first fuck, the teacher being the first adult

why would the guy who is fucking twins go back to porky pig on a shitter?

This is a reasonable question. The only thing left to do would be to make porky unique in some way, like an absolute dirty sexslave that is willing to do stuff the others won't. Since she's in the bathroom, scat/golden showers could work.

Turns out that drawing child-like characters in his public pornography website wasn't a good idea, who could have known.
What game is this again?

Why are you playing that route...? Are you a faggot?
Well he's doing what his follower want so I don't blame him.

Also when you start new game you can get to her panties (well boobs) faster than to Aunt's and Mom's. Also she's candidate for prom date quest I guess. I don't imagine you could take your mom or aunt there.
I don't know what DC did, but he's figured out how to stop people from opening the SS archive.rpa.

Downloaded 11.6 and STILL can't rip the assets. I saw that somebody else figured out how to do so the other day, how did they do it?
Which incest game has the most content so far?
I'd probably try this game if it was text only
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>always thought that Lex Luthor was a lightskin nigga
>turns out he's Telly Savalas

mind blown
Why? Writing isn't strength of that game either...
Why does Kojak sucks lollipop like a whore?

Kojak Trainer when?
When will weg be able to satisfy my plastification fetish?

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Hope it gets leaked soon after.
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Just masturbate to the Mii Maker
It always does. Why wouldn't it this time Anon?
nigga show some class
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>urban demons
anyone progressed with Sarah beyond blowjob?
Still see him as a light skin black guy
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You want to know how to get this hot new art?
Yes, please.
/weg/, please...

copy and paste the depack.rpy into the game folder, come back out of it and run the game, it might error, but a new folder with the art will appear. just delete the depack.rpy file and the game should run properly again
Found a Condom in my sisters room and now?
>every update the fucking script changes

Stop it!
your sister is a slut
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Hey thanks, anon, you're a pretty cool guy.
>not wanting Andras' GDC
I bet you also let him fuck your wife
This guy's never passed on a fat chick!!
The demo for 'Sissy trainer' is out. For all my fellow deviants.
>Sissy trainer
is that the one with 3 whole scenes in it?
I know of Sissy Maker, but what's Sissy Trainer?
sorry that you're so poor that you can't afford $5 a month to support one of the few consistent devs out there
At $5 a month, you've already spent over $120 on a indie game... At the pace he is going, you could very well end up spending over $240 for ONE game.

It's not a matter of poverty, it's a matter of not being fucking stupid.
from star trek TOS
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star trek enterprise was terrible but theres this too
> i bet Spook would make a great protag.
Vulcans only fuck every 7 years
You can also finger and have sex with the mom in the shower. The sex part is bugged though, and you can only engage it when you're able to sleep with the mom.
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It's by Chaotic Naughty. It's a pay what you think it's worth.
post the link then
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ST Voyager

This has always worked bruv

Now promise me to make lewd montages alongside sameface memes

Move to a less shitty county.
Hey retard, here in USA we have something called freedom of speech, something unheard of in your commie-stan but here we respect peoples right to express their opinions and artistic vision in any for they like
Robert Z'Dar is so underrated
https:// chaotic-naughty. itch.io/ sissy-trainer-welcome-to-black-city-demo

Remove the spaces.
Cannot unsee
>"B-but Muh other countries exist"
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>drawings are now real people
What next? Electric chair for killing trash mobs in games?
If you're not into the homosex, then it's a little off putting. Also, it doesn't warn you that he's going to do it. It just says "Hey pose for my statue" and you think to yourself, "Ok, sure." and he just up and blows you. It's was a weird experience man. At least almost every other character interaction, you can gauge that there might be some kind of sexual encounter depending on your pick. That one just sneaks up on you.
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>they want you to pay for this
yeah, how bout no
More like BLM tbqh
Art i way better than sissy maker
what's your problem ? are you gay ?
that would be kinda cool. Think of all the dudebros necked on the sidewalk, meanwhile I'm cashing real money for building and managing a cities and shit

He's got those Niggar lips.
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A Zombie's Life I'd wager.
>a default HS character). WTF
There are plenty of trash in the weg market, if people are dumb enough to pay for Lab Rats or whatever is their problem.
We are here to pirate shit after all.
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>that art
Why can't we have CUTE traps?
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still has more character than agent47 in young justice
Any difference from the bug version?
better $120 on an indie game that's actually quality than $60 on a garbage AAA game that's the same shit every year
not to mention i get to influence the game, they already used two suggestions i had, can't get that with AAA games
$5 is nothing to me, like 0.1% of my income

Can someone get a mod and remove this guy from here?
Anyone got the link?
Anyone have a copy of the newest version of Pact with a Witch?

F95 still hasn't delivered
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it is really hard just to draw a girl and add it a fucking dick? seriously.
>hard just to draw
Apparently, yes.
A flat girl.
>Fuck you Charles I'm not joining your shitty school, I'm the Superman, bitch

There's something in 4 Elements Trainer that really fucks me up. You can casually go from fucking Katara's ass to her pussy, but IRL this is an excellent way to give the girl a urinary tract infection.

2/10 for realism, the dev has clearly never had anal sex IRL.
>Caring if some stupid slag you're fucking gets an infection.

She isn't the MC's wife, girlfriend, friend with benefits, or daughter. Just some whore slave that will eventually be disgarded.
it's really late and I'm really tired but I'm really hoping that's a part of your joke
who gives a fuck what the girl gets? her roastbeefs can rot in hell for all I care

stop being a little bitch
considering he called superboy superman, it obviously is.
how do you sleep with the mom? I'm stuck on hj's in the shower.
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>WEG devs
>environmental design and landscaping professionals
or is it tied to stats?
back to the park to battle tyrone then, shit. Thanks senpai.

This is why you hire Mexicans and not Brazilians.
When she's in the shower you go into her room and spank it on her bed. Doing this twice will proc an event where she comes into your room at night and touches you. The next day during the evening an event will proc where your mom and aunt talk in the kitchen. Afterwards your mom will ask you to get fish for a dinner, your aunt shows up, that night your mom blows you in bed, next morning you wake up to find a note and you sleep with her.

So the urinary tract infection thing triggers you, but not the MC shooting his cum into the girl twice in 5 seconds? Or the farm where women have babies in 20 days because of a magical leaf and get their tits milked daily because the elite love cap'n-crunch-and-human-udder-secretions for breakfast?

Sometimes, you just gotta let stuff go. The only thing that bugged me was there is no happy-end for the prison girl. So cute, and so sad.
Charles as in Charles Xavier, cause he looks like him

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This shit needs to stop.
nigga, the prison girl is possessed by a spirit, she ain't bothered by shit
since superboy is a clone of superman and luthor, and charles is from an entirely different franchise it's not THAT obvious
Whether you like it or not in the US they are.
Having problems with 4 Elements. I've done various sex acts with Azula, but I was never able to do footjob or BJ. It would say Azula won't let you leave now. Now every sex act says that except for sex which just gives the default no still. What's up?
When I mentioned "bugged" in my last post, it was before I realized the newest build was out, which I assumed fixed the issue (haven't gotten that far yet) Basically what would happen was, you'd be able to have sex in the shower, but subsequent showers straight up had the option to pick "sex' removed.

I based the idea that you'd have to be having sex with her before you can do it in the shower, because previously whenever I had clicked the "sex" option, she'd say she was too sensitive, and rub one off for you.

I assume everything is supposed to be gradual in this game, given the conversation she has with the aunt. still haven't checked to see if you can climb into her bed and gradually do more things to her as her affection grows. Instead of being allowed to do everything when you can finally sleep with her. I imagine that's supposed to be the end goal any way.

don't ruin this for me, senpai!
>vag to mouth
>ass to mouth
>vag to vag
>ass to ass
Yeah, irl those aren't good ideas, So?
A bug. I believe the cause of it is not initiating the footjob scene early enough, although I don't know specifically where that point is because I've never run into the bug. Hope you have a save file that goes far enough back.
They went full faggotry with that one, the dev is probably paying to the dude behind F95.
f95 went to shit when they started withholding links if the authors ask them. it especially sad when some cunts like avenger that use copyrighted stuff do that and get what they want
What do I at with the vacuum part? I tell her I want to help, then what?

Damn, my shit does go back, but I'll lose like 40-50 days of progress.
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Version 0.4.15 of Four Elements is out.


- New Azula scenes, including a scene winner's choice (made optional)
- New story sequences
- New ty lee scene and subsequent scene
- New rei scene and subsequent scene
- New throne room scene
- Additional versions of almost all Azula scenes
- Auto battle function (BATTLES JUST GOT AUTOMATED SON)
- New Azula apparel
- Stat screen
- Lots of new art
- Lots of bug fixes
- Lots of new dialogue
- New training quests
- Sokka's journal
- Changed tons of code to now be android compatible
- You can now directly click on opponents instead of clicking "attack" first (to make fights easier)


>- Lots of new art

How about a new artist?
Thanks mate
Nice try akabur

Vag to mouth and vag to vag are harmless if all holes involved are clean.
where/when the fuck do I read the sister's diary in SS?
That's all there is, her solo BJ and BJ with Lisa. Sarah and Lisa are getting a sex scene each in the public build next week.

Also anyone else get a bug where during blowjob scene with Kimberly after you have 5 hearts the text stops after the first few lines and you can't do anything but press esc to force the scene to end? This is purity route.

Do you guys prefer purity or corruption routes? I kinda prefer the purity, since corruption dialogue is just "i hate this, i hate this" till you max affection/hearts then it's "i love this cock." Atleast for Sydney, Ms Amos, Sarah and Kimberly. Mom and Mrs Jennings corruption dialogue was fine, I think Nergal is slacking on the dialogue. He should make it so talking to the characters outside of sex scenes changes to reflect progress, like talking to Mrs Jennings before and after school.
we can go deeper, next game will be pre pre tech demo
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>What do you mean there is a love route?
>The next day during the evening an event will proc where your mom and aunt talk in the kitchen. Afterwards your mom will ask you to get fish for a dinner,
I think this happens way too quick. Judging by the dialogue, you are supposed to climb into her bed and rub her and be refused sex which raises the sexual tension enough for her to give the bj scene.
Yes, Future Fragments is definitely worth 4x Witcher 3, Shadows of Mordor, Pillars of Eternity, etc... It's definitely worth over 10x Mark of the Ninja, Shovel Knight, Trine, etc... Wait, no it's not.

How about this, don't assume someone can't afford to pledge because they don't want to pay $240 dollars for an amateur indie game. And, Future Fragments is a decent game by weg standards, but don't even try to pretend it's better than some of the better side scrollers out there, it's not. Without Triangulate's porn artwork, it would garner about zero attention.
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how old are you? 40 ?
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you realise if I was 40 I still wouldn't have been alive when the original Star Trek aired, right? There are these new things called VCRs that allow us to view old series.
top kek

No problem.
You play as a young, charismatic kid with a giant cock and you cuck adult men until their significant others worship your cock. The girls are monster girls and several of them are related to you.

There is one shortstack character and a futa.
Also, you can the train girls.
Also, the girls cuck you as well.

You can mail me the check
please help me reach orgasm by answering.
how do you can a whole train girl?

Biologically speaking? Yes. A healthy vagina is "Clean".
It's designed to shove your equally fragile dick into, as well as pass newborn babies with shit immune systems.
>Changed tons of code to now be android compatible
Wait, what? We're looking at an eventual mobile version?
Honestly I just played it last night, and I enjoyed it. A little bit more content and it would be really worth playing, but I still could fap to it. Also I see some people unhappy with the art somehow? I honestly thought the art and voice acting were better than loads of adult games I've played.
So I just picked this one up. Who's all available in terms of full sex other than the mom/aunt? They're the only ones I've seen serious progress with so far.
Gates The Opening game 0.8 + Walkthrough
I like the art and voices as well. Like you said, content is lacking and the progression is so fast. Will the game end after day 5?
Will SunsetRider7 liberate /weg/ from the buggy and meh updates?!
Will DarkCookies finally fix his game?
Find out in the next Episode of
/weg/ - they will (not) complete their games
renpy games by their very nature are android compatible.
its really just a python interperpreter that gets packaged into the apk along with the game.
code however needs to be changed in terms of resolution and input etc.
many people making renpy games are not advanced enough programmers to actually make dynamic variables and just hardcode a lot of things.
its april 1st in over half the world now.
if the SU update is not out in the next 8 hours i will go to /x/ and try out every ritual to summon a demon and send them after sunsetriders7
fix the dumb ass guard will not let you leave bug shit broke my game twice and i dont wanna start over again
help my penis
Other than them only the sex shop worker (BJ, titjob, cowgirl and reverse cowgirl sex). She's basically prostitute so you must pay her some shekels.
Some tester on Discord says some villain stuff got added.

They still haven't fixed that shit yet!? "Nevermind common game breaking bugs, some random dude donating $20 a month wants to see Azula's asshole from a different angle."
yeah but the update is supposed to be out by now.
I don't remember what triggers the scene where sister leaves the room so you can read her diary but the password is BAD MONSTER.

You still can't have sex with her so no much help to your penis.
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Linux/GNU is the future
Can you view her Webcam yet?
>not running an arch server at home
I know, i over exaggerated a bit, I also know the password but I never ever encountered that scene, is why I'm curious. Thanks anyway
slice of venture .25 is out somewhere
Friendly reminder that 85% of all wegs posted here will never be finished.
every game you just mentioned isn't garbage, but they're pretty boring and are loaded with filler.
you realize most of the games you listed were crowdfunded and had people dropping hundreds and thousands of dollars on tiers right? is shovel knight worth 50x witcher 3's?
disagree on triangulate's artwork being the sole reason, myself and others are personally invested in the story and gameplay just as much as the artwork. it's one of the few games where women don't become cockhungry whores 5 seconds into the game and with believable personality to the characters. also really into worldbuilding shit and FF has lots of that.
its $5 to pledge too not $240. where are you even pulling this out of your ass from?
I haven't played 0.11.6 yet but I don't think so. Sister content should be added in 0.12 (ETA 4 weeks)

I had trouble triggering the scene too in earlier builds. I think you have to steal her panties, do some scenes with mom (masturbate twice on her bed) and then when you come into her room there is option to tell her that mom is calling her.
how young are you? 5?
85%? Wow guys we got optimist here.

Do you know what the differencr is between future fragments and all of thosr other games?
All of those other games are finished.

At least wait for FF to be finished beforr sucking it's dick.
that's being optimistic as fuck
You can also get a handjob from Judith.

Someone needs to be in this sea of negativity.
Does anybody have a guide to the latest summertime saga? I need to know in which order i have to do what, 'cause it kepps bugging and looping
We don't take sides. We are realists. We tell it how it is

P.S. you're waifu a shit
>P.S. you're waifu a shit

That's not a very nice thing to say about your mother.
No, it's me, your friendly neighbor, Marcus!

Also, clean your goddamn room you little shit.

This guy is one of those assholes that always has to tell you the bright side of your situation, while you're bleeding to death in the gutter. "Hey, at least it's Friday!" ... yeah, that guy.
>This is why you hire Mexicans and not Brazilians.

Underrated post.
>how old are you? 40 ?

Nothing wrong with having some experience in life. Seriously, though, it was a different time. Back when you could look a girl up and down and all she'd do is grin when she caught you. When you could disappear into the woods for an evening with a few axes and lighters, and no one called out an Amber Alert. And, we literally never got caught. No security/phone cameras everywhere. No one monitoring your every move. Even if you did, most parents and teachers would just scold you and be done with it. Now, they call the fucking police if you have a pocket knife.

I feel bad for my kids, man.

Now, back to my furry scat cartoons.
If you can think of something lewd to make i'll give it a go

the new stuff has left me with a lack of interesting things to do.
And blowjob from Lifeguard. But that isn't full sex scene this anon asked for >>1292877

> joke
> -------->
> your head
Are people really more interested in mom/son sex than father/daughter? It looks like that from all the games. I just don't buy it. Is it because kids have never actually seen a woman over 40 naked and bank their beliefs on porn where mothers are played by 25 old arts majors?
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You can sort of fix it yourself with save editor and reset the flags on the events back to 0.
Do you know what the difference between HW and a lot of other devs is? He finished a game and manages to update three games at once weekly and do monthly demos. That's why I suck his dick.
Really, going through moving platforms and side areas to find an obscure data terminal is not filler? Okay then...

If Future Fragments is not done in 2 years, it'll cost you $240 at $5 a month. As I said in the first reply. Finally, Shovel Knight costs $24.99 and Witcher 3 $59.99, so no, it's not worth 50x. If you crowdfunded it, you paid ONCE and followed the entire development. If you pledge to FF, you pay MONTHLY, big fucking difference.

Magic Matchup... okay, a real gem of a "game" there. Btw, how many other short games has he produced on that Patreon in 2 years? Wasn't the whole purpose to have quick, short games frequently?
oedipus complex yo
Self-insertion, you fucking brainlet. Everyone has a mother, not everyone becomes a father.
How far do things with the mom go so far anyway? I haven't been able to progress with her past showers/kissing and getting caught for the second time in her room. She's leaning over the counter now but I can't do anything new.

I'll have to remember this for the next time it happens.
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I honestly don't know if I'd want to trade the internet for a life like this
Just do chores for her (cut the grass, repair sink, renew car insurance) and then after dinner with aunt (you have to get a fish from pier I think and then invite aunt over) you can fug her.
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Demons and dwarfs are not humans so it's not gay.
Where is the SU (((update)))?
>It's was a weird experience man.
You should try it irl too.
Bushes were standard on women, I'd rather stick with what we have.
She's channeling Caine there.

"It doesn't matter if they're children since they're soldiers!"

Though to be fair, Caine would kill children regardless of them being soldiers.
Caim, not Caine. Got confused.
So we have Superman, Superboy and Supergirl where is Superwoman?
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It's because they're self-inserting as the son. Most people who jerk off to this kinda thing aren't fathers so 'ya can't really self-insert as a father if you aren't one. Father/daughter is way more commonly a female fetish than male one.
>Everyone has a mother
I-I don't, anon.
When is someone going to make a game featuring a MC with a realistic penis size?
5,1 inches is the average penis size, it's time to bring common sense into wegs
you guys gotta stop this shopping, these scenes you are making are ridiculous
I laughed when I saw the MC penis in Dating My Daughter during the dream handjob. It's stupidly large, the daughter will have to dislocate her jaw to suck it
he's removing most of the terminals and replacing them with cutscenes with interactivity, this has been public news for months now
i would rather have that than riding a horse for 2 hours through an open world in witcher or mindlessly killing enemies with no story in shovel knight
future fragments is reportedly on track to be done in a year from now and i believe it with current progress
you missed my point about shovel knight, it was crowdfunded https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yachtclubgames/shovel-knight and 3 people paid the $1000 tier and 16 paid $500. so is it worth 50x the witcher?
future fragments is $10. you pledge $10 once and you have the game at launch and never have to pledge again. cheaper than both games you mentioned.
he started up the small game patreon 1 year ago and internal interrogation should be out in a few months. hes been fucked over by four artists now that all dropped off the face of the internet and it wasnt randos either. they were well known artists like people working at fucking riot games and shit but sometimes artists are fickle. still not his fault, i have total faith in him.
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Like calling 0.1 as 1.0 is any better.
Surprisingly Magic Camp being has 4 hours of content, so version number is not really helpful in determing how much content game has.
Also not recommending this game didn't fapped even once, but i don't have transformation and sissyfication fetishes, just was kinda curious by story it's all kinds of fucked up.
is there a free program for extracting images from dll exe files?
Pornolab does this shit too but only with russian devs.
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Only because you never lived it.

Besides, this life still existed in the 90s. People born between 75 and 83 had the best of both worlds. Then the internet grew up and destroyed the great lives we once lived. Enjoy your 3rd wave feminism.
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If girl really loves you, she should be able to handle ass to vag to mouth.
I don't know man, I love me some bush
It's a crime that he's skipped her and won't touch her for at least another 3 months

Trimmed is really the only way to go. Best of both worlds for women and men. Shaved is only for the visual effect, like most of porn. That's how it started. Porn. Trimmed provides the utility that pubic hair is meant to, such as lubrication during grinding. With shaved, you pretty much have to put lotion on your junk afterwards because it's like grinding a porcupine.
Trekies are really retarded they force themselves to sit through this cringy badly written shit because it's original Star Trek.
Voyager is best Star Trek anyway.
Also Babylon 5>DS9
>a realistic penis size?

I'd rather have realistic boobs, personally. So sick of cow tits. They look even more ridiculous in those 3D games.
Agree. I want to put lollipop into her poophole and then lick it.
>akabur art is somehow good enough to make it big in weg business
Does this only bother me?
Better make game based on Hana Hook works.
You will become really rich.
Yeah, despite being the cover image character, she's on the back burner until patrons vote for her and patrons aren't going to vote for the "mean girl".

He's just soaking up donations. If he gave what everyone wanted right away, he'd probably lose some followers. Do you honestly think that people wanted the aunt more than the sister? I'm not buying that.
And he should never have listened to them

Now we have the situation where you are fucking your mum but not even able to kiss the girl next door

The intro for Roxxy is there already, keep doing homework, she keeps needing to copy it, it escalates, and if your stats aren't high enough the boyfriend kicks your ass
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>it's one of the few games where women don't become cockhungry whores 5 seconds into the game and with believable personality to the characters.

I like his art. It is bright, fun, and has good style. It perfectly reflects his writing style, which is also upbeat.
>Do you honestly think that people wanted the aunt more than the sister?

Yes. Aunt is best girl. Fight me!
You don't want that.
Life before normal broadband internet was boring shit.
Go away bakaru.
>Do you honestly think that people wanted the aunt more than the sister
the sister isn't guiltfree momcest with milk filled titties
>patrons aren't going to vote for the "mean girl".

no way. royally wrecking the mean girl is an imperitive part of any porno game. making her eat her shit and submit to your demands and ramming her up the ass like the whore she is. there isn't a man alive that would say "oh, she's too mean, let's just let her keep berating us for 3 months with no recourse"
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>Everyone has a mother
He's been around for a while and has made quite a few projects, my favorite being the flash stuff. Not always a fan of his style or erotic themes, but it's usually nice to look at and has pleasing coloring
The broad walked into my office, tall and leggy. She had lips as red as her hair and eyes the color of a broken bottle on a rainy night. She had her finest pout on that evening, the kinda mouth that knows how to get a man's attention. Through the smoke, she swayed towards my desk, all sex and broken promises. She leaned down and gave me a view any man'd give his left hand to see. I offered her a drink or a smoke, but she wasn't after any of that.

>implying you have to have a daughter to fantasize about fucking one.
>implying you have to have a Ferrari to fantasize about driving one
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If she were all that high on the patrons list, there would be something, anything, with her, but there's not. Hell, even the side-character lifeguard has more content.
When I wos in Bhirmuh
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>these scenes you are making are ridiculous
So far those scenes are better than what we have in game

List is rigged. I'm calling it. It defies logic that the sister isn't at the top and everyone knows it. That's why the subject was brought up.
you are special kind of stupid, aren't you?
>I'm calling it.
I'm calling your mom

says the person that thinks you can't fantasize about something without owning it. kind'a ruins the point, doesn't it, smart guy?
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Agree we need more futas with realsitic dicks and boobs.
She is third most desired after Mom and Aunt. I find that pretty easy to believe.
>Enjoy your 3rd wave feminism.
I wish that was our only issue
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>4 people bailed on 1
>not his fault honest
His art is ok?
It has style which is not tumblr or animu.
>and if your stats aren't high enough the boyfriend kicks your ass
What? He kicked my ass regardless of my stats played both normal and cheat versions.
anyone got the link to the new claire's quest update that just got released?
When is the sister going to get some fucking hentai scenes in summertime saga? An update aint an update without fucking my sister.

I bet she's a totally submissive cumslut and i cant wait to fist her.
That's not the point. It doesn't change the fact that lot of men, especially younger ones (the majority fanbase of weg I presume), fantasize about older women.

I am 23 and I honestly don't find father/daughter fetish that appealing. Mother/son on the other hand...
Any news on the SU update?
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Ask in 6 Hours again.
Next update 0.12, ETA 4 weeks

Stats system isn't implemented fully yet. I think only charisma is useful so far.
Why can't I work on the garden in summertime? even in the latest release i can only click it at night.
>He should make it so talking to the characters outside of sex scenes changes to reflect progress, like talking to Mrs Jennings before and after school.

It really triggers my autism.
Like, you literally just blackmailed your teacher into a titfuck, and a couple of seconds later:
>"Good day anon!! ^^ Enjoy the rest of your daaaay~"

What's this from and does she force him to dress like a maid

what about judith? i cant wait plow her land tracks.
What's the new Azula apparel? Is it suppose to be the ear rings?
She has a penis you know?
What is Akabur working on these days as Star Channel seems to be dead.
I've seen the mother touching you at night, but the aunt never visits me despite having the mom sticking out her ass all the time (but MC refusing to cop a feel).

Am I missing something?

yea, it's called my dick inside her and fertilizing her fucking womb.
swag me the fuck out.
No typicall Akabur.
>be dead for 4 Months
>"Hey guys i finished the game"
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I'dunno, i find it pretty believable that she's right after Mom and Aunt.
the other 15 people working with him haven't bailed at all, so yes sometimes people are unreliable, welcome to business
from what i remember one person just quit porn altogether, another one was way too slow, another one sucked at listening to instructions and kept fucking up art, and the last one just sucked at drawing sex scenes
people getting fired happens when you actually have a quality dev work on quality games and they refuse to let the game lag unlike most devs like darkcuckie and akajew and suckdickpurple that are fine letting projects take forever
you actually like braindead characters that are unbelievable in every way? virgin for life i guess, sorry man
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>Now we have the situation where you are fucking your mum but not even able to kiss the girl next door
>implying Mia would be allowed to dress and act like a girl with a mother like that if she wasn't naturally a girl
Sorry for the bad news but she's one of the least popular. That means she is going to be probably one of the last to be updated..

I don't see any penis on her...
>finishing anything

Pick uno.
Princess trainer Gold edition?
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So it's not gay if she has a feminine penis
Glad I didn't even need to explain why you're so retarded.

Too bad you've been working in HW's Ministry of Truth so long that now you actually believe all the dumb shit you say.
Fake news.

least popular among gays. judith is the hottest ever. you fucking uncultured pleb

Judith has dem jugs. And innies. Shits great.
>$10 for full game with more content than most wegs will ever have
yep definitely sunk costs
let me know when any other weg comes close to the content FF is promising and already has that you can get the full game for $10
Are they actually shops though

Or get prescribed Selegiline. Selegiline (irreversible MAOI-B inhibitor) is a god tier medicine that actually does its job for serious depression. You also don't have to avoid tyramine as long as you're on a low-moderate dosage [high dosages it also attacks MAOI-A].

There are a lot of dumbo doctors that can't use their brain and think critically about shit like this. That's what happens when you memorize a bunch of crap and use it as a substitute for critical thinking. Most doctors are overpaid and notorious for underthinking.
She's one of the least popular among patreon voters. They are the ones who decide what content is worked on in next updates.
What if the mother always wanted a girl?

They're gay. I wish I would have rigged the patreon vote.
Again, you have some sort of brain defect that can't process the fact that if you spend $5 more than once it adds up to more than $5. Or $10, or whatever you're claiming now.
GT0 0.8- https://mega.nz/#!iIxSkCwa!UPiM4u_-YcEkkCT5S1zzdnaiaAxO0d_vMV_kzybM4mo
walkthrough- https://mega.nz/#!cEhEmbrZ!3JWLqC73sQv7uHC7aPLW4__5rxcExsQOiZCpUrhyfiM

Jesus, even ignoring the atrocious art style that obese pig looks like a lump of wet clay.
Just tasteless.
Yeah that actually makes sense. That could be the reason why she's so strict with her.

Also doctors insisting they know more about a patient's mental health than the patient is like a blind person telling you they can tell exactly what you look like.

It's a laughable joke and a huge number of doctors are blinded by their god syndrome and hubris. The bulk of doctors are to healthcare what autistic people are to social skills. Clearly out of their expertise.

Medical education is a house of cards that barely trains to know anything. It's also no substitute for common sense, which is something a HUGE portion of doctors lack.
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She wouldn't allow her daughter to get a boob job.
I don't have problem with SS's artstyle but yeah, I don't like here design either.
SU 2.0.4 --> SU 2.0.5 Changelog
Fixed ---------------------------------------
- Some problems in device upgrading
- Henchwoman GUI problems
- Lockup on Mercy cutscenes with new costumes
- Lois BJ and HJ
- Mercy dance scene sprites
Added ---------------------------------------
- Raven content
- new portraits
- Artemis content and costumes
- Casual costume
- Normal costume
- Schoolgirl costume
- Intro Scene
- Normal costume Scene
- Dance Scenes (GS + cell)
- Strip Scene 1
- Special 1
- Cheshire content and costumes
- Normal mask on/off costumes
- Intro Scene
- Dance Scene
- Strip Scenes
- Naked mask on/off costumes
- SportsMaster content
- Portraits
- Ra's Al Ghul content
- Portraits
- Hawkgirl content
- Special one
- Lois content
- BJ animation retooled
is this real life?

Looks like he is running out of issues to fix and is finally starting to do content again.
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i can't get the mother/aunt scene to trigger in summertime saga, am i just retarded? i got the mother to come in at night and now can't get shit.
Oh fuck yes
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No Galatea content?
Gah, that's unfortunate.
It's just coincidence bro

I've never really tried out SU before. Is it a good time to start?
plenty of content already there.
though if you start now it will leave you wanting for more
always more.

What the fuck are you all getting exited for? Fucking headswap nudity?

I am fucking done with this, i am milked out and not in the good sense
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They added Raven content so I give it a pass
Same. After you start blackmailing her Jennings should angrily tell you to just go home or not talk to her, but then gradually shift to lustful greeting/goodbye where she hints at wanting to be fucked again.

Also the game could use a few more locations, I don't want to fuck every character in the park toilets.
>I don't like it so I am mad when other people do like it

/aco/ in nutshell
I don't know. The only thing consistently updated is him fixing(?) Lois' HJ and BJ.

Two MORE characters that have no sex content. Wow.
Don't bother.
Who do those fags vote for besides Mom, Aunt and Sister?
I posted it here several times... >>1292318

After that it's gonna be either Mrs.Bissette (slutty teacher), the sadistic principal or library girl since they got pretty close last time.
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Well she just shows up when you go to defenses
Don't know what triggers it though
Well I'm okay with that. Was hoping to fuck Mia's mother, strict puritan wife into cheating whore would be fun.
I don't want porn of her, that's why
New adventures of tara beta is out to 20+ patrons. How long till we get it?
you might have the brain defect if you can't figure out that $10 is less than $24 for shovel knight or $60 for witcher
>Lois content
Let me guess, still no sex. I appreciate the variety SR7 but god damn give us something
Why are they using "you" to describe Lex actions?

Why not use he or him?
One sex scene per year goy, now shut up and enjoy your pole dancing in 300 different and exciting reskins.
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Something fucked up all the ??? led to Cheshire
I'm not that guy, I'm the one that called you a retard initially and went to sleep.

You said you had pledged from the start, you've paid over $100 for a game that is incomplete and is vastly inferior to games worth 1/4 of the price.

You keep shilling HW's games so hard even though anyone else who plays them can tell they're not worth it, you're just too blind. When finished they might be worth <=$20, until then they're worth $0.

You suck his dick and say he can do no wrong to try to justify it as well. Actual sheep.
always start a new game when a su update hits.
>vastly inferior to games 1/4th the price
the game is $10, what games are $2.50 that are better
>anyone else who plays them can tell they're not worth it
he's making 9700 a month on FF alone im fairly sure they are worth it given how skeptical people are of patreon after breeding season, you're just bitter bro
you exaggerate your claims about the quality of his stuff despite it being better than most wegs ever made. actual cynical bitter retard.
I did
>the game is $10
a month
How do you unlock Artemis?
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>BJ animation retooled
So have Harley and Tala gotten better ones now?
anyone got the link to the new claire's quest update that just got released?
It's amazing how the retarded hw shills popped up just after he finally "left" this place for good. Though one guy suggested it's some autist who used to troll by doing obnoxious SS shilling now switching up since people stopped caring as much about it, seems plausible too.
Personally, I want the chubby big tittied nerd girl the most out of the non family options. The mall goth chick seems gud too
>cant access new mei content on old saves
>have to grind for gold again
fuck me, is there a way to cheat in gold? i cant be bothered with this shit. what is the new mei stuff anyway?
2nd April: Early Access II
4th April: Early Access I
5th April: Public Access
there were people like me saying HW was good way before he left retard, i bet you think the earth is flat too
how is it so hard for retards like yourself to comprehend that someone with 2000 backers might have people that like his shit on 4chan are you seriously that retarded
no you dumbfuck cuck, it's $10 for the entire game, learn how to read, every one of his reward tiers says you pledge once you get the game at release from one pledge of $10 even if you never pledge again, god damn you guys are dumb
shit happend to me too.
keeps creating new instances of the ???.
dont know if this affects having other people in the cells yet.
Pussy slayer detected.
With that kind of taste in cartoon porn video games, you must be drowning in pussy.
I know, because I too am a gentleman of taste, and enjoy a bounty of pussies irl.
My hat is off to you, good sir.
>Artemis is an Arrowette knockoff rather than an edgy Wonder Woman.

Fucking secondaries.
Yes, pledge a single time to get the game "at release". Absolutely retarded, I bet you pre-order games too.

We're calling you specifically fucking retarded considering you've paid over $100 for demos and a promise. It's not like there's another option which is pledge when the game actually looks closer to completion, or you know, is completed. You fucking idiot.
Pretty obvious it would be based on YJ Artemis
It's easier to pretend you're surrounded by shills than actual retards who will probably join a cult in the future.
Too late.
Zombies life has way too many nighttime sex scenes.

upload the game you homo
link to goblin's villa is dead
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Help me out here anons. What does this mean?
clearly something is trying to invoke the split method that does not exists if the right class is not present.
it means a nomethoderror occured in line 381 of "nergals advanced scene player" script
Script isn't working.
Any way to fix it or is it just entirely fucked?
fix the script
edit the script or wait for fix.
How does one go about doing that?
Are you going to keep asking these stupid questions?
It's 4:30 am over here and I've been doing work. My brain is fried.
It's not like there is a lot to do at night during zombie apocalypse
You can just reload, it should be working second time.
I'll give it a shot.
Thanks anon.
Well I did it without cheats this time and the same shit happened so it's fucked
Not all of us are computer whizzes. Some of us are just adaptable perverts.

Aye, this man gets it. Using Lex was the best choice, as he has preestablished relationships with every character in the game, which not only sets up many of the scenes by itself, but also allows you to alter to flow of every conversation.
The vacuum is just a nip slip scene.

Yeah, I would agree with this assessment. I would guess the end goal is supposed to be a gradual lead up.
Have the thugs come and punched you in the face? The thugs proc the shower scene, and from there I was able to finger, get blown by the mom. The aunt shows up at night, and in my play through, I was already plowing her in the shed by that point, so it may have some relation.
apparently not that adaptable
You know, mate got me back into yugioh again recently and been enjoying taking the shit slowly. Just pulled up some of the tag force games in an emulator on my phone and it made me think.

Yugioh trainer when? Now hear me out: tons of female side characters with varying degrees of character depth (lolserena), dimensional travel which and already prevalent plot holes mean that consistency is basically a non-issue, and the Tag Force games already have the MC set up.

I mean, you're a generic self insert mute character who time and dimension travels (at least in arc-v tag force special) and meets up with all the ladies. Plus, half of them are already feeling for you in the games themselves. Shit practically writes itself.

"maybe I'll do something about it and rake in those patreon bucks with my awful coding and poor deadlines". I mean I can at least draw but fuck I'm lazy.
I can understand the annoyance with it. I would think/hope at some point when they're at a high enough affection point (either singularly or all together) you'd be able to smash during the day.

Like what is it, the first time you get the sister/teacher threesome, the teacher's all awkward during the event, but the second time you engage it, she's happily agreeing to eat your cum out of your sister's ass. There should just be a point where you can do it whenever.

Or you could just sit in the cheat room and spank it I guess...
What's the premise? Are you going to go the direction of a VN or an actual game? Are you going to have to card duel for poon? card dueling fits the theme obviously, but seems tedious just to see some skin.
this is every single entry level popular jrpg tho. golden sun, digimon, MMBN, tactics ogre etc

I hadn't given it that much thought, mate. Just started drinking with my roommates and figured I'd throw the idea out there while browing what "new" shit weg had to offer. (So basically the same shit from a week ago, but hey some people posted. Wooh.)

Cardgames would be an assload of work to what amounts to basically a shitty sim of already available yugioh dueling stuff. So I doubt that. VN is so fucking overdone, but I don't know. If it works, it works, you know?

Yeah, but cast is kind of different. I mean, yugioh has a huge fucking female cast. Quite literally a fetish for everyone. Digimon and Pokemon could work for that, but Pokemon is everywhere already. Fuck, hadn't even considered Tactic Ogre. Haven't played that glorious gem in years. (Going to have to do that later.)

The appeal to Akabur's art is that it's distinct while still maintaining an air of familiarity.
How do you unlock Artemis in something unlimited 2.0.5
Yeah. I would think someone making it would have to be pretty familiar with the canon in order to put together a game that makes sense, that's something other then... I don't know, using the gold things to mind control sluts through time and space or something. I just can't think of an ideal thing to occupy the players time with.
What about a trainer with Youtube stars ?
Tactic Ogre is fun as shit. I have the SNES and the GBA games. Shits awesome.
i want to stick my dick in jontron while he tells me the truth about the holocaust
How do you get Artemis?
And if any of them found out, have a "someone made a game where you punch Anita game so we have to hunt them down" witch hunt again? Good luck with that.
yea SA is fucked ATM - I got full ??? and so the game crashes when I go to HQ now even after a game reset at day 25ish

In all honesty, a Yu-gi-oh game would probably work fine if you just incorporate...Well...Playing Yu-gi-oh into it.

Shit, Dueling Network managed to stay up and running for what felt like a decade before it got pulled down, and Koonami wasn't even the one to do it.
We could split the profits 50/50 with her. She's Armenian so she'd totally go for that merchant shit.
>Sorry for the bad news but she's one of the least popular.

b-b-but i was assured that everyone loved thicc. the internet wouldn't lie to me like that

After binge watching basically all the seasons except Zexal (fuuuccckkkk those first few were so bad I don't even have the desire to keep watching) I could probably follow cannon.

You're right though, finding a way to work all that shit into it would be a challenge in how you go about it; slavery type shit (Orange Trainer basically being Akabur 2.0 atm kind of kills any desire for that), mind control, naturally falling in love, using crazy yugioh artifact plot bullshit, etc.

I guess most viable would probably just do multiverse theory where you just "happen" to go to the verses where everything is the same but the girls are less into the protags. I mean, tag force kind of does that. Half the female cast is all about the MC, but more PC about it. ('cept Ishizu. Bitch is thirsty.)
So how do I unlock the Toyman costume for Lois?

set toyman on defense and follow the quest lines for him
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>Asking me to suck his dick on the first date, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
How do you get Artemis?
Talk to catwoman in the bordello.
I wasn't speaking specifically about her being in the game, but any of them could see it as damaging to their "brand" and you also can't account for the fans coming for blood if the story blew up. Not worth for some minor shekels IMO.
no hot youtube stars that is popular among weg players. female ones i mean

I'm mostly drunk, so hear me out. I can't see the amount of work at all being worth it so like... what if you basically just said what style of dueling you liked. (Or archetype or whatever. I mean, shit like Fluffals) and it'd just change the dialogue as if you were dueling with those kind of decks.

Either that or, based of standard weg practice, a really awful and boring minigame that either entirely relies on RNG and savescumming or fucking your wrist with carptal tunnel.

prob the most commonly wanted ones would be either screeching bitches people want to put in their place or nerds like dodger i mean it's weg so most people prob just want to beat it to 2d 3d girls
Maybe if you laid it out like SS, where you're in a set location and you can wonder around and talk to people, unlocking different events, depending on the choices you pick as well as the odd activity you can accomplish. May be promise there, but again, I'm not familiar with canon, so I wouldn't know what you'd be "doing" in this location.
it would be worth iy if the game is something including all yu gi oh girls and like 200 HCGs. basically AAA for wegs.
Just rule 63 some male ones
I agree that the work for a full emulation of yu-gi-oh would not be worth it but enough to give the IMPRESSION of yu-gi-oh might be fine.

Could easily work within canon. I mean tag force special basically does that shit. You just go to each gen of the show and it has basically all the people there. Though it's severely lacking in anything outside of just dueling and some cg here and there.


So basically impossible lmao.
is Beggar of Net the worst western erotic game developer in the planet?
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>a trainer with Youtube stars ?

That's why you don't use girl youtubers. You make ambiguously named Rule 63 versions of male youtubers, since most of them would probably take it in stride, and even laugh about it as they play it on their channel for views.

>A chubby gamer girl named Joan "JoanTron" Safari and her pet conure Jacklyn.
>The super rich most popular girl at school and Swedish exchange student Felicia "QewTeePie" Kegelberg
>Ariana "Ergoraptor" Handson, that really fucking loud girl that screams nonstop at partries, sometimes dresses like a man, and husbando's Solid Snake.
>Carly Akkad, the EXTRA T H I C C liberal but not really liberal but I swear I'm liberal guys history teacher.
>Michelle Stoklasa, Jaylyn Bauman, and...Rich Evans, those two girls and their fat guy friend who sit around by the bleachers all day drinking beer and talking about Star Wars, shitty movies, and shitty Star Wars movies, and nobody says anything to them.

Shit like that.
Well then you might have something there, as long as you can come up with content that is relevant to location you're playing in.
pastebin's karmasutra megalink is the buggy one, was the patched version ever uploaded?

it seems fun, but i hate the random screen freezes

and you wouldn't even need oc- half the fucking male youtubers already have r34 of them, or at least i know all the ones you listed do
>There is r34 of both Mr. Plinketts

What a time to be alive.
Sounds p gay
>Carly Akkad
I had a good chuckle because I enjoy his content.

I mean maybe? But the people playing it would realize they're beating off to these people. I...Can't speak for everyone, but I don't really think that would be something I'd be interested in playing. Who knows, though.
Feels really good not recognizing half the 'inspirations' to be desu

This is gay as fuck, kids.
Is Four Elements Azula path bugged?
I finished watching Azula get fucked by the monster, recruited Mai and Ty Lee, got a BJ from the Captain, and now I don't know what to do.

I talked to Rei and she said if I wanted to help the Fire Nation I need to come back to the tower at night, but when I go to the tower the only option I have is "Warn Rei" and a spirit tells me I cant do that.

What the fuck do I do? Azula's at 21/11 sluttiness, 3/3 public, I have 3/3 rank and 10/10 firebending. No idea what I'm doing wrong.
> there's r34 of shit from random sub 1k youtubers to shit like rhett and link

if you're into jerking it to internet personalities, boy there's a search for you

Known game-breaking bug. Over a month old. You'll have to restart your game. Next round, hammer the mid-day trials in the palace and do all the sex scenes with Azula ASAP before moving the story forward.
Also forgot to say that whenever I go to Azula's room she tells me to fuck off.
>Carly Akkad, the EXTRA T H I C C liberal but not really liberal but I swear I'm liberal guys history teacher.
Should instead go with historical Sargon's daughter Enheduanna, who incidentally is one of the earliest poets whose name is known and also her main body of work was 90% about how great she personally is

Yes, same bug still. I am pretty sure it's triggered by not initiating the footjob scene (the very first sex scene you do with her, where she gets pissed off at you) soon enough.

What's supposed to happen is Rei should help you out to earn Azula's forgiveness after that scene. But you can't talk to Rei, because you're supposed to be informing her about an assassin. And you can't inform her because Azula's "depravity" isn't high enough. Which causes the entire process to lock up, which is what you see now. You have to get that footjob from Azula before the assassin shows up, which is after the swamp scene. Otherwise, your game is busted.

so fuck azula before she gets fucked by the tree. okay.
That Star Trek talk earlier reminded me of a certain holo program series name dropped on DS9, Vulcan Love Slave, Vulcan Love Slave 2: The Revenge and Vulcan Love Slave volume 3. I wonder what kind of smut it was it keeps me up at night I want to jack it to a Vulcan waifu
Don't forget Filthy Francine aka 'Jodi' Millher, the half australian half japanese insane girl who dresses up as 'Pink Girl'.
theres enough content for an entire game there alone
I mean, fuck. An entire game of romancing rule 63 of Filthy Frank characters. Help Pink Girl promote her new album, save Mome from space cancer with the help of Safari Woman. Rub Salamander Lady's nipples.

I don't think I want it.
>I don't think I want it.

vivid imagination for something you're not interested in, eh?
you don't not want it, eh?

some of us have to come to terms with what we really want
m9s, I think that youtuber shitposting got stale

watch your language. this is a cartoon forum. think of the children.
We need some voyeurism in Summertime Saga. You got the telescope, should be able to spy on neighbors undressing, masturbating and fucking. Mia's parents and maybe Eric and his Mom if her storyline goes in that direction.
God please kill all rpgmaker games
I imagine there will be eventually. Look forward to it next year.

I was hoping we'd get to see the Catholic mom turboslutting it up, but after playing the game some, I don't think it's likely.
yeah doubt it. you can catch her berating the husband and praying and shit seems like if you get any content with her it'll either be fetish shit, or you corrupting her
>bugged again
Now, I did 3/3 for every sex event except when I try to get a footjob or a blowjob it says "Azula won't let you leave right now".

What a mess of a fucking game.
Earlier in the thread an anon said you will be able to fuck her according to polls or response from cookie to patreons. No idea if it will be corruption, making her husband a cuck or maybe she's secretly a dom.
yeah i can easily see her either being a closet dom struggling with her religion or corruption, but that'll only happen based off polls and everyone is basically voting for incest atm
What ever happened to good old-fashioned cheating? That's technically cuckoldry, but nowadays people have turned the meaning into having the guy watch and beat off and I can do without that shit entirely, thank you very much.
thats not fetish enough, cheating is pretty much mainstream
>What ever happened to good old-fashioned cheating?
Nothing. The pizzeria wife can do that. Harold is a beta who gets yelled at by his wife all the time, so cuck shit fits him.
two different things, because people use the word cuck so fucking much. cheating is fine, but its a different fetish from cheating. cucking is theoretically the same as cheating, but when it comes to fetishes the cucking one is usually either getting hard at some other dude raising the kids you fucked into his wife, having him know you fucked his wife, or him getting off to you fucking his wife. small overlap with normal cheating where you get off knowing shes going home to him (or reverse genders if thats your thing) but eh.

its more like cucking is you getting off knowing shit is going on whereas cheating is usually the wife getting off on it or seeking satisfaction.

alot of cucking has the woman falling into depravity which isnt really overlapping with generic consenting cheating. all in all its all bullshit semantics tho.

You have to make sure you do every sex act with her. If you skip any of them you'll get that bug.
I'm getting this too, is there a way to avoid it?
I think it's the opposite. She could go full sadist sub on you, but that might be pretty raw and in your face for the game. If there were ever to be a dom character, it's obviously going to be the principle. If there were ever to be a pegging scene, my money is it'll be from her.
True. Could be a masochist. Actually that would probably be the best choice for her, nobody else really fits it and religious masochist punishing herself is a thing.
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Still looking for a mega for "Pact with a Witch" 0.4.0

fuck that shitty gayme. it isnt even colored in.
fair point, when it comes to the principal something is going up someones ass its just a question of who and if youll be involved or watching
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I don't think you're wrong, but ugh.


attention whore namefag fuck off.
Yeah I feel you mate, the game isn't even in the pastebin list.
Anybody know what version Stranded With Benefits ep 2 is on? Pastebin is 0.4a, but a comment on the patreon says 0.6.
Hell no, some of those are the best ones. Virgin Island, Ariadne, Magica, XVI, Salvation, Sangeki of Gear. I enjoyed those far more than Renpy games.
Ariadne is a 10/10 even if you took out the porn
Does anyone have a full collection of 3dgspot's stuff? Terrible art, but it sure is hilarious.

Sometimes a funny fap is a good one.

i kind of agree with both of you, desu. on the one hand, some pretty solid games out there in rpg maker. on the other hand, the amount of bullshit is staggering.

like, a solid 70% of the pastebin and rpgmaker games in general would just be better as vns or shit.
how do you have missionary sex with Mom in SS again? Was only able to do it the first time.
jerk it jenny trainer when?

no fuck you and your shitty bad drawing faggots. you're almost as bad as the autist who made a claymation game. you and that dude should go pour jack daniels up your assholes
Anyone have a link to Bastard Girls 0.0.3d

I don't draw. Anyone who is neither an artist nor a developer who dons a namefag, is an attention whoring faggot for no reason.

You have to be a real faggot to try and strap a nametag to yourself in a website where everyone is anonymous for no reason other than "I want attention".
Does anyone have the latest link to family therapy 0.5?
When you draw it.
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I'm a very important nigga and im naming cuz what i says goes. Also i have a very important name, it commemorates my lovely sister, because i sure love to bend her over and twister
Any other games due to be updated? Was hoping for next part of Dual Family. Beats me how people take months to make 20 minutes of reading and still images.
>Now, I did 3/3 for every sex event except when I try to get a footjob or a blowjob it says "Azula won't let you leave right now".

There has to be specific steps to take to avoid that problem. I know there are people that are further along in the story than this.
>like, a solid 70% of the pastebin and rpgmaker games in general would just be better as vns or shit.

Yeah. Most just use the overworld to run back and forth to trigger badly 3D-rendered scene (I don't even understand how that's possible with simple 3D character modelers, but I digress). Some will wedge retarded combat in the middle of it just because they can. I was playing on earlier, Taboo request, where I had to fight zombies in the sewer and mice in the attic. This wasn't a zombie game, mind you. It was just hamfisted in there.

I didn't mind RPG Maker games at first, but I've grown very tired of them over the last few months. No resolution adjustments, no quicksave, half won't even let you turn off the retarded MIDI music. Renpy feels like a breath of fresh air.
>Vag to mouth and vag to vag are harmless
Anon pls, vaginas are like little ecosystem, bacteria are normally found in a woman's vagina.
Pounding that shit into another woman vag is like invading Pyongyang.
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>No security/phone cameras everywhere. No one monitoring your every move.
Those were the days, what went so wrong?

sterility aside, that whole area between a woman's legs is just not the magical wonderland that you think it is when you're 16. Once you're 40, married, and shared bathrooms with multiple women,you have a pretty good idea of just what horrors lurk down there. Just imagine your taint on any given day, increase the constant relative humidity by 80%, and urethral discharge by 400%, then multiply the smell, bacteria, and stray fluids by 500%. That it your magical wonderland. But, whatever, enjoy it before reality sets in. There's a reason Japanese people always bathe before being intimate.
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>Wasn't the whole purpose to have quick, short games frequently?
Gates The Opening is the best 3d weg
everyone should take a bath before fucking, who doesn't?
In summer time saga 11.60 how do you get the scenes where the son plays with the moms underwear?
Every time I go to the moms room her underwear is not on the bed
I think you have to see her masturbating first
wtf I love 2D waifus now
even though i hate how su just keeps adding moer stuff without finishing a character off Cheshire is great
How do you trigger that?

I'm 45, and as much as I would looooooooove getting into this, I'm sure it'd get me banned for being off topic. heh.

Nobody likes politics in their porn. Can't blame'em.

I really wish we'd get more game mechanics finished, like the defense and threat levels, the high end heists, and hashing out the whorehouse completely.

I think the problem might be it that most simply can't be done without adding more women first. Oh well.
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baby come back

you can blame it all
>We wont get Overwatch trainer because of some heartless cunt kicking her son out of the house.

Women get shittier by the day.
>Overwatch trainer
>literally 2 pics in 4 month

Wow, that's a really uncomfortable pose. Do they have chronic diarreah?
Ask her, not me

Gonna need this made ASAP
at the rate of 1 drawing per month, you probably had to wait 4 years.

Also, we dont even know if this guy knows how to code, write, or else. We know he is a good but lazy artist, so i dont have my hopes high
>i dont have my hopes high
t. weg
He's also a pretty fishy with that convenient kicked outta the house story but dammit give me Rogue-Like with this art and a fresh coat of paint and I don't care if he says martians abducted him
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Talk to Catwoman
>dammit give me Rogue-Like with this art and a fresh coat of paint
No. But can have 1 pic.
Talking of Rogue Like, i was gonna fuck Rogue at the showers but Xavier caught us.

Will i be always caught if i do any sex outside our bedrooms?
Not always. Just usually.
You can mindfuck Xavier to make him not care anymore. You gotta be a pretty high level and relationship with Rogue though.
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so how buggy is the new SU update?
So i just reload anytime he gets us?

She said something about obeying any order i make through the phone, how far is that?
Complete fucking mess
Still no huntress special?

she was one of the first characters
Happy End (QSP) was unexpectedly good. Play it if you like QSP games. It's on f95.
do you have a link?
the same scene reoccurs casuing a game crashing bug on like day 30, one of the new ones, it's when you capture Cheshire and thus fill all the cells, when there's no more room the game crashes, at least for me
no? His art is better than 90% of the pastebin or jap shit. You just have shit taste.
yeah, just savescum if he catches you and you want to do the outside scenes.

Sadly saved when he cut my allowance.

Your art is shit, akabur.
If you make a new save you won't get anything done
Still better than 100% of /weg/'s art.
>that feel when no TGWTG trainer
Its suffering
>not Susan Bauman
You blew it
Tala's looks pretty polished.
Harley's is still a horror show from the early days of flash animation.
So Where is the sex in this Karmasutra game? I'm guessing not with these random enemies?
What about Pauline Josephine Watson
You sex with bugs.
>expecting sex in a weg
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Not much though.

The son of a bitch is actually going to do it. He's going to fill out the entire dungeon and roster of Hypnosluts and Henchwomen, adding great girls upon great girls and taking literal years before there's any actual sex scenes (apart from Livewire, who was basically an Easter Egg).

Damn you, Sunset Rider! Damn your cockteasing ways!
How do you unlock her?
>you wish
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Regularly check into your lab.
At some point Lex will talk about his cloning operation and how to get it back up and running.
This leads to a few heists where you need to steal technology.
There are three different parts you need to steal and since it's randomized, it might take a while. You might wind up stealing the same bit over and over again before getting the full set.
Then you need to get samples from Cadmus.
Then you need to start the cloning process and check in with the clone every 5 days or so.
If you leave it alone for too long it mutates.
After 30 days or so, you should have your very own Electra-complex having Power Girl
Walking Sim 2017
This Karmsutra game might be the least find grinding game I have ever played in my life holy fucking shit

We have a mega link for the new one yet?
Where can i download chapter 1 of Snow Daze/Home Invasion? Never noticed it before, the art looks pretty slick
in this very thread

Whoops. Blind as a bat. Thanks m8.


No, Cheshire is bugged out and eventually makes the game crash if you started a new file

wait till it gets fixed
I agree how do you make the fighting in this bareable?
Should we rename weg into /wbg/?

Western Bugged Games.
Why Bother Gaming
Western never finished games
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>have to make a new file for Galatea anyway
>Cheshire crashes the game

I can't win
Just call it /we
You don't. The enemies fucking scale. Why is there a system to become more powerful if you make scale, fucking cancer.
The people developing the games, don't have the coders or artists on hand, and commission them to do the things most of the time. These people also have other things they do and this particular commission could just be one of many. I mean sure, any sane developer sets deadlines, but ultimately it's outside of their control. Which is the reason most developers give to warrant not spending their patreonbux on outsourcing. I can't think of any weg that actually have some kind of development team.

I often think if I hadn't broken up with my ex, I possibly could have pitched the idea of making a weg on the side since she was a pretty good artist, and I could have picked up the coding for these games.

That's my take on it any way, although there are people that are straight up milking the current system for sure.
Nvm, found it
When she's in the shower is when you can go into her room and spank it on her bed. When she asks to teach you how to kiss is when that whole thing starts off, and that only proc'd when I was plowing the aunt in the shed. It could trigger earlier though, but that's how you get inside her room any how.
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>SSR7 just adding new characters every month.
>new characters are not even from Justice League Unlimited

should probably remove something unlimited from the pastebin. There will never be any porn in the game
>When she's in the shower is when you can go into her room and spank it on her bed.

Just like you said when she is in the shower but the underwear is never on her bed
Everything else will happen except that
Oh! In that case it happens after the thugs come in and beat your ass. Which unlocks the shower scene, which should allow you to go into her room when she's in the shower. Thinking back, that was when I decided to go into her room after that event.
Sister content when
I did and still nothing also will it still happen after she jerks you off in the shower?
4 weeks
Next update, in 4 weeks fingers crossed.
Possibly? How far are you with the Aunt? Because I didn't start going after the mom until I had everything done with her, and as soon as I went back to my house the mom started talking about "teaching how to kiss" and I basically just did all the chores and stuff, and after the shower scene I remembered about the jerking off (I had thought that whole thing was removed or something) and I just kept trying to get in there but he would always say that he shouldn't snoop. Then I finally realized I had to do it when she was in the shower, and I could. I did finger her and have her blow before that though.

After the two jerk off sessions, she'll sneak in and touch you, then she has the convo with the aunt, then she gets the dinner ready, then she blows you in bed, then you go to her room and bang her.
so has anyone figured out what triggers cheshire or ra's in SU?
Well I've done everything except the stuff in the shed with the Aunt and I have been kissing and showering with the mom and nothing in bed with her yet
0.12 update, ETA 4 weeks

It's like 4x in this thread...
Is there a new Aunt sex scene in 11.6? I saw one in the stream, another milking one where she sits on your lap.
Nope. But he said that he'll add some new mom and aunt content alongside sister content in 0.12
you had like 2 months to start a new save what took so long
Blame Patreon jewery
TiTS 0.7.33 Backer Build


.apk (ARM):
Not Released.

>I don't keep old versions hosted. If the above links don't work, check if they are for the most recent release. If not, search the thread (/dgg/) for the most recent build number.
No. Western Erotic Goblins fits fine.

virgin detected
Why does the Moms new art for when she is in our Bedroom look better than her other art?
Your mom's husband is a virgin. They're not Goblins.
You have to be 18 to post here
How do you repeat the missionary scene?
You go back inside the Aunts house
No, with your Mom.
what asset file is the new Raven content in?
Code is missing. It loops back to her riding on top.
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none of them

all it is is more sprites of her blushing and shit
Need to randomly help her vacuuming three times. Then kiss. Then you can rub one out on her bed then she is in shower.
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Will that Titan Trainer have Raven scenes, dont like the SU version of her. I want the young one.

Heck has it gotten any updates at all?
>Titan Trainer
Check /stg/, Titan Trainer is officially dead.
"Dev" said himlesf.
Thats too bad.

Guess he didnt got enough patreon bucks.
someone had a pic of her stripping

is that not added yet?

...and nothing of value was lost.
90% of wegs are basically "trainers"
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Moar like AVGN's cuck adventure
even ones with trainer in the name aren't

Jafar didn't need the genie at all if he already owned the school that Jasmine actually gets trained at, just send her there in the first place
>Akabur's "games"
2 out of 3 wegs are "trainers"
This is the best weg
>Injustice/Something Unlimited
>Game Breaking Bug after 30 Days playtime

>Four Elements Trainer
>A bug can make your savefile use less
>fixable by starting a new game

>Summertime Saga
>Unplayable without Cheats/Story change every update/ Poker game is bugged

>Asia Grinder/No Life
>Level scaling

>Seeds of Chaos
>A wall of text
>>Unplayable without Cheats
did he got cucked, opr how this meme was born?
How to get new Raven scenes ?

His movie just had his both his side kicks (WF+BM) get together.

His wife later went on to said he works with too many white dicks.

James himself kinda just ignored the insults and drama like he always does, guess being a dad really takes priority.
thanks for the info, sounds fun
>>Asia Grinder/No Life
>>Level scaling

Are there any cheats for this?
You forgot part where he says they are in "open relationship".
JJBA trainer when? Who should be protag? Pucci? DIO? Tamami Kobayashi? Rohan Kishibe?
There's only a new portrait.
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Memri trainer when?
Ur gay?
try it play without cheats.
You can't get up your strength.
Ergo you can't fuck your Aunt.
I cant get the fishing event to show up
>Bought a new laptop so i cna finally enjoy these shit games
>Already found a dead pixel

It's amazing how for almost a decade now buying new toys feels like a problem and headaches instead of something that makes me happy.

>Getting hyped for a SU update.

motherfucker. Last time I experienced this was during Princess Trainer Gold.
Wich skill level i need to possess to be employed by weg development? Or at least acquaire some currency for my artworks. I dont need much, since im from Ukraine and $ here cost alot
Don't bother it's bugged to hell and back
I did that yesterday mate
what're the best end scores you guys have gotten for snow daze ch3? I'm at 11/15/10/10
What are you talking about? You can get your strength up. Aren't you playing bugtest version?

And btw don't you actually need charisma points to pork her? I don't think strength stat usefulness is implemented.
I say it depends on the dev. Some of them draw themselves, others insist on high quality, and some commission really shitty artwork, so, really, depends on who you wanna work for.
whats wrong with her face?
I don't think the 3/3 is required in the new version
By Allah, you people are dogs.
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The Brothel Apha 0.1
Ok we got past the demo phase now i added 6 new sex scenes and a better story and engine
for this first alpha
1 Full aniamted 3d scenes
2 all extreme fetishes implemented
Today will give full public release download link
there's not enough lara porn
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Patreon is against me
player.power = 60
Level scaling is not happening with this ie you can one shot all enemies but you can still be one shotted by enemy skills especially if there're 3 enemies and they all use skills.
It seems knowledge/spirit stats are broken
tho heal skills which heals based on spirit works so maybe it just knowledge.
Claire's Quest WHEN
for the time being got a mega link?
How do I find a spotter for the gym in summertime, REEEEEE
it will take time to upload
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Also funny stuff, items you can equip bugged as well.
I got risk taker(+60 hp - 1 all stats) from some mob equiped it and after i unequiped it bonuses still stay.
You can do that several times and bonuses will add/substract again.
Talk to the guy in the cafeteria, who will send you to the fat kid, who wants you to buy a game before he can take over the cafeteria guy's shift.
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its the start of the month, shouldnt a bunch of patreons have new releases today?
>In school, go upstairs and inside cafeteria you'll find /fit/ gay dude. Talk to him.
>Then go to Eric's house in the middle of the day (when you have 2 "action" bars left), go to basement and talk to him.
>Ask for favor to replace /fit/ bro in cafeteria, he asks for some video game
>Buy video game for Eric for 100 shekels in mall and give it to him.
>Go back to /fit/ bro and free him from his duty
>Go to gym and make some gainz
Like 4-5 games were released yesterday
More like bugged vns
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I only found two scenes
Overgrown Heart centre you will encounter Asura she will ask to spar with you pick for a price.
After sex you can't spar with her because it results in crash welp
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And Sama Pare
After boss battle with picrelated
Only attack boss and not her helpers or it could freeze(it happened to me atleast)
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I decided to start skipping some updates since SU is generally light on content
its dreams of desire
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I have suspicion you can fuck Prisha, she all about lust and flat out say it's better to learn about lust in practioce than in theory, but as sin/merit are most likely bugged she chastised me for having too much merit even tho i only picked sin options.
So disappointed by this.
>Episode 1
When i seen that i thought it has decent content, but it ends abruptly after 2nd day.
Mom model is nice i guess.
>ends abruptly
Its a teaser meant to farm shekels. Of course theres not going to be much to it
Thanks, based anon.
Fucking infuriating that the ''wiki'' just says to find a spotter. Useless cunts.
His patreon model is literally "Pay the most money and you get to decide what content is in the game". Literally pay-2-win shit that will mean bestiality and other gay shit will be in.
This the same artist as that god awful fairy tale one?
what was the russian 3d game where you would walk into a deserted motel and have sex with what looked like hookers?
there was also a bear you could outwit to get into a rape dungeon where some chick was caged
Sounds like all of them
I predict the game will suddenly become furry shit
how do you set that to 60 ?
No idea.
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Well obviously.

Where do you think we are right now?
Ok /weg/ , what are your top 10 must play games at this time?
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Edit renpy/common/00console.rpy
config.console = False
config.console = True

shift+O in-game

type player.power = 60 press enter
anyone got a savefile for milf's villa 0.2b?
I love you man. No homo.

You know, there's really no such thing as open relationships and cucking on the scale it appears. Maybe 1 out of every 50 guys is crazy enough to allow it. But none of this stuff is nearly popular enough to warrant it being mentioned in every other post. Everyone has been completely snowed by this agenda that's been pushed by the feminist crowd. Men don't benefit from any of this. It is extremely rare and strictly rooted in fetishes and bad relationships. It's obvious why women have pushed it so hard since it encourages them to be unfaithful and get away with it. Stop being brainwashed.
SU bugfixes when?
>i added 6 new sex scenes

Oh, you found 6 more to steal? Good for you.
Haha, cute joke
next month. he never releases bugfixes
tfw no download
Can't seem to trigger that convo.
>Megan Fox and her husband, Brian Austin Green, set up a half-open relationship. "They've agreed to an open relationship where Megan can see other men but Brian can't date anyone else,” a source said. Sounds like a great deal to me.
he has to fix this.
this is gamebreaking.
even going into an older version staring a new game and going into 2.0.5 still causes the issue.
Haha, cute joke
The whole thing with buggy releases ... This is our fault, really. Back in the day, all developers had teams beta testers, usually a team of 20-30 volunteers, sometime 200+ all using different hardware/software configurations on AAA titles. Not "paid pre-release alpha" or "early access" for $29.99, but actual beta testers. The trend stopped because of piracy. Nothing burns a dev worse than games being leaked before the retail release of a $100million game. Again, another reason they use pre-release version sales now.

That's why so much shit is released full of bugs now. That and how easy patching has become, but that's more of an effect than a cause. The days of beta testing are gone. All our shit is broken out of the box.

Cute joke? You've been shilling that game for a week now with stolen fan-animations from Witcher 3 and shit.
>implying small one man devs can hire teams of testers

their only option is to release their stuff and have players "test" for them
it's not about the art its about the game idiot just don tplay if you dont like
wanna hear something funny? I didn't encounter this bug, and I'm using 2.0.4 save
do elaborate.
how much shit did ya do.
all of it. I had a complete save with everything you can unlock unlocked with batgirl in the cells and MM not
weird the same for me.
i tried several saves.
a complete one, one that was somewhat halfway done and a few new saves to experiment.
all had the same issue.
how do you get artemis?
was there anyway to get a scene with the sister in the current version of summertime saga? and where do i find a fishing rod
Talk to Catwoman in the bordello.
That gif gets me everytime
CTRL+F "Sister" in this thread and you'll find out you fuck
aw shucks
The New SU is a bit dissapointed

Add Artemis and Chessire well but fuck you could stop adding new characters at once and finish some

What problem does Lois end up with for example adding the sex and anal scene?

In the end you will have to change the title for unlimited dance and striptease because it does not add other things
In summertime sage I can't progress with the Aunt's quest. I get the right bug spray but I can't use it on the garden or tell her I have it. Any ideas on how to fix it?
Get the newer update. You're still on teh bug version.
New game from the makers of four elements trainer. Its pretty good.
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Delete system 32
I'm using the one posted on the pastebin. is there a more recent one? if so link?
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>New game from the makers of four elements trainer
But four elements is still "in development"
anyone with Corruption 0.25 ? :) it's been out for less than an hour but who knows, I'm kinda impatient on this one
I guess it's april fools joke?
Never mind didn't realize that the guy post the links for everyone on his patreon. for anyone else who wants 11.6 here is the mega link

Last build is 0.11.6 and you need to buy bugspray with green cap and use it by working on the garden again. Then you tell the aunt you dealt with problem.
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Sho funeh XDD
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Wait is this really an april fools joke? Art looks better than "normal" game
and you got no other link for the download?
Better than SS.
Everything, including shit, is better than SS
>some kind of polyamorous bisexual weirdo
But he isn't. He isn't bisexual. He's straight, and he makes that fairly apparent several times in the game.

> this down to earth family man
Your parents had sex to make you.

Simon and his wife experimenting when they were like in their 20s is pretty normal, and it was Wendis who wanted it anyways, not Simon. (I remember that one scene where Simon meets an old war lieutenant who basically outright says that Simon would have probably never gotten laid if it wasn't for Wendis)

What I love about TLS is how this smut game makes me absolutely disgusted with sex by just fleshing out the world the sex inhabits. We all want to see sex in some idealized abstraction, to paraphrase Ginasta, it's almost as if they have no idea how real people think and act. In that regard it's easy to see Simon's sexual appetites (which to be frank, are all pretty vanilla) as being weird.

Any times he thinks or acts like a perv, you can easily trace that to corruption as a result of the soul shard. (shit even him having a harem in the beginning weirds him out, and how these kind of games usually just have the mc mindbreak random women to advance the plot is satirized with Yarra) And even then, it isn't very noticeable unless you force it.
my dick thinks otherwise
(S)he's obviously been pumped full of estrogen since a young age
You should make it clear on your front page that the artwork is NOT yours. Credit them right up front, or it looks dishonest.

You should also contact them and make sure they are okay with you using their artwork. Otherwise, you WILL get reported eventually, and they can ask Patreon to remove the content.

Finally, if your patreon does well enough, you should just commission your own artwork, as it will always look at least somewhat shady taking other's work and making money off of it.

He is 100% telling the truth though, you did steal all the artwork in your game. It'd be one thing if you created the game and added artwork, but you've been shilling an concept with stolen artwork. Money is obviously your primary goal.
>>implying small one man devs can hire teams of testers

>implying people wouldn't pay THEM to test the game.
>hasn't seen sales figures for pre-release and early-access games on steam
>it's not about the art its about the game

... what? Art assets are, at minimum, 70% of any game. They are the most expensive and most time-consuming aspect of development. And also the most seen and interacted with by the player.

Stop trying to make excuses for stealing other people's work. You represent the absolute bottom-tier shit of WEG devs.

man that guy can draw so much better than I can. seriously.
Fuck now I have to do this
That shits realy good and creative by the way i didn't expected that from a 3D stuff.
>good and creative
Go away, shill.
haha it's over
It's over for good when "choose the option that cucks your husband" is considered creative by literally anyone

You nerds make it sound as if a visual novel in babby's first game engine needs testing
new thread:
clearly so considering summertime saga

3D modeling is really, really easy. It doesn't take much to learn the software. You can take pre-made girls and edit them to your liking just once, then paste them into 1000 scenes. That is why it always astounds me how many of these 3D games look like complete and utter shit. The software pretty much does the work for you. How can people be so ... bad?
>HAES member
Is TiTS worth trying? Or is it just CoC in space?
I believe it proc's in the middle of the day in the kitchen.
I've gotten most of the into double digits. Who'd you get to 15? Highest I've ever seen was 13, I believe fore...Jane?
If it isn't fixed yet sin and merit are reversed.
You know right they use famous videogames characters first and they just make animations so fuck em
Also the game is free so fuck off
rich evans is best girl
Wait, this shit is not finished yet?
Dude, he's shilling the fuck out of his patreon. He's in it to make money, not offer a free game. If he wants to use other people's work, don't create a fucking patreon.
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