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Homesmut General #34

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 134

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Old: >>1031526

Image resources:
mspabooru.com (SFW only)

recommended fic list:
pastebin.com/8XfBnwf8 (Got a recommendation to add? Post a link here.)

MSPARP room:
msparp.com/acohsg (Does anyone still use this?)

old HSG smutbox

Strip poker game by Anon:

Homestuck mods for HoneySelect:
post john butts
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dave's butt.jpg
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all I have is Dave's butts
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john's butts are covered by skirts.
i am disappointed but I appreciate you and your efforts my friend, thank you.

you're god damn right
good thing skirts are easy to flip.
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or tear off completely.
There's not enough woman in this thread.
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that, however, Johns enjoys not so much.
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do not worry, anon. Now there's enough woman for all of our needs.
Big Fat Kitty Tiddies
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even less butts.png
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yeah, you might be right. We better add some more woman in here just to be safe.
It's really a shame the Leijon girls aren't given a lot of time.
I had a dream about John last night, we were playing video games together and kept switching the controller between us. Whoever wasn't playing was sucking the other's cock.

Why can't I find a cute nerdy boy IRL?
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Not looking hard enough?
I guess, Idk up until now I've never really tried looking for a bf. Where do I start lmao
If you're a guy, a gay bar. If a chick? A college or something.
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>John' sitting on your lap while he plays some online game
>he's wearing a cute skirt to show off his butt
while he's playing you pull his panties to the side and slide your cock deep in his ass
>He tries, and fails, to keep from moaning over the mic but that doesn't stop him from playing
> your fingers are digging into his hips, holding on for dear life while you pound his tight ass
>after what feels like hours you can't take it anymore
>you throw him down onto the couch, climb on top and fuck his ass raw
>He's moaning and screaming into the voice chat until he let's out one final howl as you unload inside of him
>""heh, sorry guys he just came in my ass"
>you pick him up, kiss him, and put him back on your lap and he keeps playing
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black inches.png
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>Rose setting up John to be kidnapped by the Felt for their sleazy brothel
>they put him in a live sex show and dress him like a slut
>Rose buys tickets for all her friends so they can watch John lose his virginity to Snowman's strapon
>she psychoanalyzes his reaction as he's forced to paint the inside of the booth white
Amazing. After all that, you're still the biggest faggot here.
when did Glub do these?
you only posted ONE pic. read the sticky maybe?
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long long ago. Someone was requesting the 50 Nepetitas meme so he drew one fat Nepeta instead as a joke.
>posting one pic
>not linking to it in the old thread
>doing nothing as it descends up to page 9
yeah, it's definitely the mods to blame.
You've posted this enough times to know that nobody's taking requests. Either commission it or write it yourself.

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I wonder who paid for these
Some furry probably
They give the impression of being jokes first and porn a distant second. Though I would totally Nepeta.
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So are any of us in a discord server / do we have one to chat and share porn?
>not liking horsecock
Idk for the first, but I wouldn't call the second furry
For how long has the discord been around ? 'cause man, it's not a lie when they say it's the bane of threads
neither of them are, really. futa with novelty cock shapes and jade in kemonomimi.
What the hell is the point of setting up a place to discuss shit for a thread which is a place to discuss shit?
Besides the dubs in this thread (witnessed)
>mfw I see this in my homesmut thread
that's... kinda the point I was trying to make ?
somewhat related has anyone gotten to try BD's Ika? I'm torn between that and the tentacle for some rose nudestuck I'm doing as a bday gift
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any one know what happened to the homesmut artist "pitkin" their stuff used to be everywhere now its pretty hard to find
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he decided to delete all his accounts and asked paheal's staff to remove all his images. It's been discussed already many times, so just look through the archive and see related threads:
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The discord got me to make this shit
Is the discord beta kid friendly?
Yes. The discord is friendly in general.
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Something about this is oddly creepy. I think it's the shadows? Not saying I don't like it.
Pitkin archive, gathered from desuarchive, mega, sadpanda and multiple boorus. Dupe checked and sorted between Homestuck and Non-Homestuck.

Young Rose will never stop, that's creepy
just checked out the /h/, anyone here got the dl for the Xmas stuff for HS?
You drew that?
Just one. Well, two.
And that's two.
isn't this one 1 or 2 years old ?
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What is eve happening in this
pretty sure he meant the honey select xmas mod, which you can find on hongfire
Oh its a mod, I thought it was an actual update, thanks senpai
Yeah I thought the same because I asked someone else in these threads if there was christmas dlc and they said yes
I need more john and terezi hatefucking. That last minute shipping fodder actually was sort of appealing.
Theres that one piece someone commissioned for lb, I think its on angels nsfw
who's angel?
how new are you
I'm fresh off the turnip truck, in search of smut because my interest was rekindled with HiveSwap showing up on greenlight.
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Well if that's not the hottest bit of xenophillic smut I've encountered within the last week. Thanks m8. is the artist's name just angel or is there something a bit easier to google? google won't even give me results for the image saying that it's "no longer publicly available" or some shit.
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nsfwjelly or paradoxjelly or something like that
Didnt say you wanted new stuff.
Wasn't that commissioned for that one cunt
Nah, I just wanted to be sure
A friend did commission that for me once I finished the comic yeah
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And you voted down on that, right?
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Finally got around to making a Roxy
Whoops, didn't mean to reply
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It's nice, but what kind of lingerie is she packing?
Ika is nice, I prefer it for penetration more, but the tentacle is better is oral
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Jesus, when did he make THAT?

probably from his patreon.
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Who made THAT?
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it's written in the picture.
Anybody got some piss related stuff?
You already got your piss stuff in the last thread. Now piss off.
satanicfruitcake drew that aranea?
Is mindwipe the best homesmut artist, or the BEST homesmut artist?
Post examples so we may judge them
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only time I've seen professional nudestuck if that's what you're asking
source for anyone wondering
Well. They're definitely in the running
Him being prolific doesn't make him the best.
He draws the same vag for every girl, I know it's not what dudes want to hear but not every slit is a pristine balogne sandwich
It's porn. I'd rather have boring perfection than the bony manfaced uggos that tumblr girls like to draw.
Its the same bland pussy every single time, aint no one able to fap to that shit
it's not just with pussy. Almost everything Mindwipe does is very bland and samelike. Not to mention the artstyle, which is far from perfect, yet haven't improved since forever.
Once in a while he does something pretty good, but most of the time it's unfappable.
Neither. Shitting out the same bland poses over and over again doesn't make you the best, just the opposite.
Speaking of, I need to check up on my commission with Angel soon.
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He's not a good homesmut artist. But he's a homesmut artist and that's why we like him.

Also he's one of the few size/expansion artists left. Audiokitsu is going through hard times. I guess Angstrom's pretty active. (I'm a bit iffy on their styles either way)
Do you think the Handmaid gives good Handjobs?
>not using the handmaid exclusively for degrading hottdogging
I just like him cause he did a comic of Dave knocking up Jade
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Bhloopy Aradia makes me cum so hard, holy shit
We need more Aradia.
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I'm doing ahegao requests rn so like, if you want anything you might as well drop a line
Jade and Jane?
serious question - how often (if ever) people criticize your art?
Half serious answer - nobody criticizes it more than I do, and if you ever notice me trying different color styles or line techniques every third drawing it's because I hate what my art looks like and just try to overhaul everything. There was a solid 3 months where I didn't post anything this year just because I couldn't look at anything I made.
There was a slash, color Homesmut cartoon, done on Tumblr (ofc), w/ our two gay heroes on a couch when John admits he's ready to "fill a bucket" w/ Karkat, who becomes speechless as John waits for a reply: "That was really hard to say!"

Upstairs, on a bed, they finally get to the dirty deal when Karkat's back hits the ceiling. John's lost focus and floated them up.

The author was a male-identifying girl, Latin Am., I think, and the style was super cute. I lost the series on a stolen external drive. D: ty if anyone knows.

I had/have no other HS pics than that, sorry. It really stood out.
>gay heroes
>filling buckets
>male identifying girl
why there's so much mental illness in here?
Mom Lalonde getting filled by John?
everyone line up for the boob cruise
Basically there's a problem with the "sameface", or rather, "samehead". Also, anatomy should do a lot of polishing in this pic it's just disastrous.
Yeah i've been trying to fix the "samehead" issue because I know exactly what you mean. It's just been a problem of trying new things and getting a "this looks weird" response.

I've got some time this week to sit down and try and work on a lot of this since I haven't had any time this month to really care about anything that wasn't a commission (even these were just 10-15 minute things to get me warmed up before working on someone else's stuff), so I think I'm gonna try and bang something more solid out before the weekend.
That said knowing other people are aware of the same problems in my art I am makes me more motivated to actively fix them, so thanks, I guess.
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The version linked by
is incomplete, and
requires an e-hentai forums account, so here's a direct download instead:


Whoops, those last two post references are the wrong way around, the order is meant to be
and then
'Cause MI's yummy, straight boy.

:-o You fucking demons. Anon delivers. ty
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Guess what I-I-I-I found?
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Can't grab all the originals. Yet.
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The verify is killing me. I will keep a eye out for the rest of the series. Oh, and the author was rasuzu. Mass account self-deletion, very sad.
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Forgot to thank anon in the last color/edit thread for this beauty. Good shit anon.
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How is this /aco/?
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Nepeta_Leijon daspyorno.png
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nep abs make me hard
That's it?!
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Has no one done a lewd version of the two screenshots?
>Roxy teaching and coercing Joey into sucking off the boys she brings over when she's too lazy to do it herself
i gotta say that's a new one
I-is there art of this
I found the full comic on a Weebly site. Enjoy anon.
Open your mind and corrupt all around you with your cock.
is there anything for rose/kanaya in their halloween costumes as each other's mom
yes more homestuck foot fetish please
Got a blog I can check out? Do you have any more Jade/Bec?
Anyone got Rose scarf bondage? Specifically that one picture with Eridan(?)
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look it's dave.png
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Jade having stolen Dave's clothes
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Alright, I got these done just in time for christmas
Looks like you wasted your time.
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And there we go, that's probably the last thing I'll be making for honey select, unless some revolutionary mod comes out that makes posing stuff interesting again
Thanks again to people who enjoyed my mods, if you see anyone posting new honey select stuff from this point, it'll probably be the other guy
Oh that's pretty sweet!
Thank God.
Bless you anon. I'm still trying to figure out how to successfully install the whole damn thing.
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Zulenha, nsfwee, and galactic-overlord are my favorites. Zulenha in particular, just because she really captures intimacy well and did a drawing for nearly every conceivable pairing.
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Well post of the rest of them, please!
Is all her nsfw Homestuck art archived anywhere?
I once made sure as hell to collect them all, so there shouldn't be anything missing.

Remember folks, for your own and others' good, upload new stuff you find to paheal.
Nice, love Jade with doggo tail. Got a tumblr or anything?
Holy shit.
Oh my god.
Post. More. Honey Select babes.
Whatcha want in particular senpai
Aradia and Rose getting FUCKED. You can decide the outfits.
No more fatties plz
I want high quality 2D porn and no more of these squishy dolls of yours
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Too bad.
I want to add a chapter to my pregnant Karkat fic, one where Terezi smells Kanaya's spawn inside him and persuades him to let her sniff and eat out his trollcunt.

The problem is I wrote myself into a corner. Karkat has established previously that he doesn't want to be passed around by any more crazy bitches, and Kanaya isn't about to allow Terezi to go sniffing around her Baby Daddy. At least, not if Karkat doesn't want her to.

How do I make it happen, /hsg/?
We need more rape.
if you're gonna insist on posting lazy, lumpy 3d poses, at least make them female only because those male dave models are fucking atrocious
hopy shit source pls
accept your limitations and finish the fic, knowing you'll never be able to create every idea that comes to your mind, but coming to accept it?
It's already finished. I never leave things on cliffhangers, I just add vignettes in the same setting whenever I think of something that would be fun to write and read
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Have some shitty OC
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boxing day.png
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Any chance of some more John/Rose stuff with dialogue like you were talking about doing?
Thanks, I'll keep on trying!
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Clever girl.
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someone is offering up a complete archive (185 Gigs) of nudestuckers? anyone interested
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don't really have a lot of homestuck atm actually, the interest has kinda dwindled so *shrug*
i do miss drawing fanart though :,)

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jane 4.png
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I can tell you now, I'm interested in any art you've got. Any chance you could open up your asks?
New from PoJ! http://planetofjunk2.tumblr.com/
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the link for the giant nudestuck archive is on the screencap. not sure exactly how to join the charade being offered by that guy since his post is seemingly a rough and semi-incoherent english translation from a different language (so it looks like broken english) and i'm also not familiar with that site. i'd be down to join if i knew how to get in contact with that guy
Thanks for the interest man, I always forget to enable asks for New accounts
Im not really sure how to configure stuff on moblie yet so ill probably have tem open by Tomorrow
I checked out the thread shown and found no mega links posted. There were only a couple older, dead links from old posts. That thread is two years old at this point and chock full of people asking for archives and dumps. The dude sitting on that massive archive is asking for... I'm not even sure what. His English is broken and he's hinting at what I can only describe as some kind of combination secret society slash mailing list. I don't think he has any intention of sharing his stash with the general public. Even if he was, I don't know of any file sharing service that can handle a 185gb archive without shitting itself. Mega gives me trouble around the 2gb mark.

Something else I find odd - his archive contains less than 30,000 files and takes up 185gb. Meanwhile my nudestuck archive contains over 20,000 files and is only about 12gb.
>Someone made an edit to remove the "bimbo lips"
does yours include videos? cuz he kinda claims that he had a small team to collect all that information, which not only included pics but also videos and recorded cam sessions.

desu i was only interested cuz they allegedly had nudestuckers that are now long gone and i liked their content and there were some vids from them that couldn't be found anywhere.
>I don't think he has any intention of sharing his stash with the general public.

also i think i get why he's being secretive about this. he probably doesn't want this to be the next happening. i mean would YOU be more willing to share your own NS collection than vladdy over there.
Is nudestuck really worth bothering? It will be mostly ugly fat people with zero cosplay doing things as "tranny chubkat licks a dildo ( = literally some sweaty fat random dude licks a bad dragon)" and such. It's a waste of time and resources, and... WAIT, 185gb?????? Holy fuck, that's like 3 times my PC's capacity! Holy shit. NOPE nope NoPe nope I don't want anything to do with it. Go away with that shit.
>185gb?????? Holy fuck, that's like 3 times my PC's capacity!
what's it like still living in the bronze age
Sorry, this is an 18+ board. Please leave.
I already shared my nudestuck collection. For some reason it wasn't in the first post copypasta. It's not even really "my" collection, I just sorted it and added to it a little.


It's all pics though, not video.
thanks for the offer. i'll check back at that other thread to see if something happens with russian dude's nudestuck shit that makes yours look insignificant cuz again he has shit that peaked my curiosity and has stuff not in your own archive.
honestly, id rather have a complete cosplay collection than a complete nudestuck collection
I would have been the one too if they didnt
Does anybody have the pic where dave is fucking rose and john is fucking jade and there is a board with tally marks behind them?
if we're talking about nudestuck, anybody got this shit?


it's essentially a bro/jade sex tape with two now-deactivated nudestucks
No that wasn't it, i remember it was in doggy postion.
So is she SMELLING Nepeta's tits, or...
Fuck, I know the one you're talking about. It's old as hell and I thought Crablouse drew it but if so it's not tagged properly on Paheal. Currently trying to find it.
Yeah thats it, thx anon.

And done. Turns out it wasn't that difficult after all.
Mmmm. Sex Slave Rose and Jade...
Can someone recreate this with honey select?
I would.
Now that it takes 2 whole days to download shit from MEGA, does anyone have any torrents of the mega archives?
Sorry, I would make a torrent but my ISP has bittorrent completely blocked, so I don't think it would work. I also don't know how one goes about setting up a torrent in the first place. Mega is the best I can do.
Which girl is the best for ladyboners?
Terezi or Vriska, naturally.
There's also the "dog dick Jade", but that's bland as fuck.
Maybe if we fill the thread with straight ships, everyone will be happy.
Are tentabulges only a thing in HS and the frenemy fandom? Whatever are we going to do when HS is truly over?
SU likes them too
sigh, staerk.tumblr.com did this.

I used to talk to him a lot and he kinda dropped off the face of the earth after some IRL issues.

I miss this guy.
continue not jerking of to tentacle dicks?

They're off-putting as fuck.
I won't be, John's a sack of shit.

I Think You Will Find That Actually They Are In Putting

At Least In The Case Of Your Mothers Ass
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color me interested
i bet that russian dude from the other board who has the big nudestuck archive >>1087649 has that video. i dunno what'll happen now with him and his stash. doesn't look like he's really that keen to outright publish it altogether. but really, anything could happen.
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Yeah, I got just a couple thousand files in mine and it's just a little over 800 MB. Unless it's primarily videos and zip archives (both of which I doubt for obvious reasons), I'd be wiling to bet this is fake.

Even more damning, I think this dude is asking for us to mail him a form of identification? All this sounds like some poorly constructed plot to expose leakers within the "Nudestuck community" desu. (He does say he is looking for people *favorable* with the Nudestuck community.)

And the more I think about it, the more I realize his broken English is broken *wrong*. I'm a native Russian speaker, there's no reason for him to mix up "no" and "not" (in post #850829 on the 8ch thread he says 'no censored' rather than 'not censored'.) It works the exact same way in Russian as it does in English. (As opposed to Spanish, where I think they use 'no' for pretty much all forms of negation.)

My verdict? I'm not gonna send him my social security number lmao but if this is real I hope someone else does and reports back
>All this sounds like some poorly constructed plot to expose leakers within the "Nudestuck community" desu. (He does say he is looking for people *favorable* with the Nudestuck community.)
my personal theory is that he (and possibly a team of people associated with him that collected this shit) doesn't want this to be the next fappening.
the only legitimizing things about it is the fact there was definitely a russian guy around in that thread over a year ago (he got banned because he threatened to dox people), and the fact the screenshot shows an awful lot of names, itd be a lot of effort to compile that many nudestuck names just for some sort of plot
>pose editor mod in honey select lets you scale parts very specifcally
>can use it to give condy giant hair
Hey... Where's his dick in the last panel?
rails don't pail, delet this
What the hell happened to sheathedpencils?
got uncovered, panicked out and deleted everything.
could never get those mods to work properly
But if you can scale hair, you can probably now make a convincing Anna Claire, or other characters with big poofy hairstyles
Giving him the benefit of the doubt, saying no instead of not could easily be a typo.

Dissecting his screenshot a little more - his screenshot was taken at 2:00 in the morning and was posted at about 2:00 eastern US time. His calendar is also set to the backwards American MM/DD/YYYY style. Combined this seems to indicate that this person is American. And the username on his computer is Yuri, probably the most stereotyped "Russian" name there is. Something else that I find odd is the name of the screenshot he posted - " thearchive0357.png." What the devil does that number mean?
More, please.
that's not even a new one though
Why is Nepeta eating Equius' intestines? That's not right at all.

More like this one
I know, but still. More HSHS is better then none.
this whole nudestuck archive thing over at that 8ch thread looks shady. surely someone from that thread (or maybe even this one if anyone here might be a lil bit interested) should find a way for anyone to easily access that archive (if it's legit...)
>looks shady

No shit
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Ok, so I know this is James, but where did you get it from? Also, how about posting not a thumbnail?
This dude's art is like the antithesis of fappable for me. Everyone looks like an uncanny plastic mannequin. Doesn't help he's incapable of drawing people without manly jaws.
I've realized, over the years, that John Egbert in lady clothing has set my standards so incredibly high when it comes to the guys I'm attracted to.

Thanks for the smut anon.
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Don't let it die, guys
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Image edit for a fic I wrote over at http://transformationstuck.tumblr.com/post/155295423029/you-love-roses-smiles-you-can-never-help-melting
vriska rawdogging nepeta
vriska getting rawdogged by horsedick jade
basically anything involving vriska getting fucked hard/fucking hard, hatefucking, ect.

frisky visness
that sounded better in my head than in text
totally unrelated but you just reminded me of all the super dope porn I had on the laptop that got stolen.

seriously so much hard to find stuff on there, half that shit probably only existed on mine and the 5 or so other reprobates who grabbed it before the thread got pushed out.

I miss the old internet... well, at least the new internet has traps I guess, that's almost a fair trade. but not really. well... maybe. i dunno.
This is why sites like Paheal, various Boorus, rule34.xxx, even e621 exist. Artists are fickle and websites are temporary. If you see a picture you like, you should always act as if the artist is likely to delete it soon and upload the image to everywhere relevant.
Seconding this request. Vriska getting fucked hard, hatefucked, raped, whatever.
Where is that from?
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Original by planetofjunk.
Kill this thread
Most of those aggregate sites are run by knobs who purge through their stuff for dumb reasons (artist asks, advertiser asks, tagging/wiki-esque drama/meltdowns, ect.). And the ones that are more stable/reliable are usually super poorly tagged & organized.

I was talking about stuff I'd find on /b/ mainly anyways. Even if I had uploaded all that stuff, I doubt I'd ever be able to find it again. Hell, most file hosting sites from back then don't even exist now, basically just dropbox and rapidshare, not even mega was safe.

No doubt, felt like I stumbled onto a goldmine when I found these. I dunno what you mean by 4-part series though, is there like a comic/narrative or order to these or something? what do you mean by series (i assuming you don't just mean 4 pictures cause there's more than 4)? if this is actually like a full comic/series type thing that would be amazing, i've only got like half a dozen pics.
It's only a very loose narrative, but there's 9 "pages" that I know of:


Plus this one that should be just before the last entry but isn't tagged properly:


Don't expect a continuation though, the last post tagged #homestuck was in May.
thanks guys. great stuff.
need upd8 on nudestuck archive over @ 8ch...
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>Most of those aggregate sites are run by knobs who purge through their stuff for dumb reasons (artist asks, advertiser asks, tagging/wiki-esque drama/meltdowns, ect.). And the ones that are more stable/reliable are usually super poorly tagged & organized.
>I was talking about stuff I'd find on /b/ mainly anyways. Even if I had uploaded all that stuff, I doubt I'd ever be able to find it again. Hell, most file hosting sites from back then don't even exist now, basically just dropbox and rapidshare, not even mega was safe.

What a colossal pile of bullshit. I would like to explain how wrong you are on everything, but I don't even know where or how to begin cuz both your statements are just out of touch with reality. Also,
>shits on paheal but posts a picture from paheal

Tl;dr, don't listen to this dipshit kids and develop a habit of uploading stuff you find to paheal from time to time.
a lot of what he said is true though, especially the part about artists asking to have their stuff removed
though you can always upload it again (and should)
>especially the part about artists asking to have their stuff removed
this applies only to paheal, because it has "special" rules, that aside, it happens so rarely that it's redundant. For every artist that asks his stuff to be removed, there are thousands of those who don't give a shit.
I stand my ground that almost everything he said is bullshit, gives a wrong impression on the subject and is terribly misleading.
it happens on the mspa specific boorus too
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Less drama, more porn.
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wtf but she's still blind in this picture dumpass
Never post this image again
With people like this no wonders why artist and cosplayer quit the Homestuck stuff
I mean I wasn't saying don't upload to sites, I was saying the big sites aren't really stable (I say that because a shitload of stuff got purged, it's not really a matter of opinion) and shouldn't be counted on. Anything you want to actually keep should be in multiple backup drives (well tape if you really want to be safe but if you're gonna go through all that it better be some fucking life changing porn on there).

And I've consistently found most of the lesser used, less rule-heavy boorus poorly tagged. I dunno why you took issue with that, anything franchise/board specific is pretty sparsely tagged, although maybe your experience has been different. The second part of my post was pretty much just things that happened. I don't know what there is to argue about, most file hosts from that time are long gone, it's not really up for debate.

I dunno why you took that so personally (do you volunteer there or something?) but at least post some porn next time. this is a porn board you know.
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I'm sure people like me played a huge part, mainly by not having any contact with artists. I'm sure they knew, though. They could tell. Pick up on my wavelengths. They'd say "should I make more homestuck porn? not while that one fucker is around, that's for sure. that one that doesn't want porn sites deleting stuff, that mother fucker".

And don't even get me started on the cosplayers. I may not have gone to any cons, or met or even talked to any cosplayers, but let me assure you, I was and will continue to be the bane of their existence. I'm not sure how yet, but it's really no wonder. it's sooooo obvious. god, some people. ya know?

Sidenote: People like me (we've got our own society to coordinate all manner of fuckery and no you are not invited, you frickin jabroni) are also responsible for the giant hiatuses that actually caused the things you're bitching about.

Footnote: if you wanna bitch, post some fucking porn. this is a porn board, not a "bitch at internet strangers about your dumb non-problems" board.
anyone here have any stuff with jade and space powers, or at least know where to find it? i see expansion shit with her being posted in these threads every so often but it seems pretty rare
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jfc->Jeez, what a Fucking chill and generally Cool seeming dude

did I get it right?
I think you're legitimately autistic so I won't make fun of you.
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>We are seeing levels of stupidity that shouldn't even be possible.

Okay, let me brief you on what an imageboard is all about. It's not for yourself. It's an archive. If you want porn for yourself, you, like any other thinking person, run a personal collection by saving all the porn you want saved on your computer. Now, an imageboard, it seves several purposes:
1. It's for sharing art. Between people, between generations. There are thousand of sites where artists upload new content, one can't possibly know of all of them. But when someone uploads fresh content to, let's say, paheal, other people gets access to it too. If you have a 100 people actively uploading new smut here, you are almost guaranteed to have access to >90% of all new material. It's like working together for a brighter tomorrow. The only people who don't understand this are selfish, reasoning-unable fucktwats, who clearly doesn't understand how much of their self-interest lies in here.
2. It's for tracking art/artists. Let's say you have an artist, that has produced shitton of art through numerous sites. Let's say you want to see their art. You could: a) check all their sites, thoroughly, which will take a lot of time and efort, and even then, there is no guarantee you got it all (I'm not even talking if the artist has deactivated his accounts or something). Or b) check paheal (and possibly several other sites) for quick, simple access to all (or at least most) of their art. It's especially relevant when you aren't willing to save everyhing the artist has produced, but you also don't want to lose it.

3. It's for sourcing. When you find new good art (from here, tumblr, anywhere) and want to check who drew it, in case there is more. Sometimes google won't provide you with the surce. sometimes even having artist's name will give no results. There's where imageboards come to help and let you get instant informatiuon on source and oyher stuff the artist did. I especially like paheal and xxx, since it's results are displayed on google.

tl;dr imageboards are good and people should contribute to them. It provides benefits not only for someone else's good, not only for the community, but for yourself as well.
you're both fucking autists jesus christ
retarded for wishing people use imageboards since it provides many advantages for us as a community and in general encourages to actively share new content?

Also, new: >>1106268
Thread posts: 316
Thread images: 134

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