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Meta thread / mod agenda

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Official meta thread - sub theme is recent mod or mods pushing am agenda. I was banned last week for saying I don't like Kemono friends. Yet I see mods allow bashing of other series. Let's discuss what we can do to fix this
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I propose dubs
Growing a spine would help.

Even a good humor an can be helpful
Delete /a/ with these dubs
The mods need to use more warns - if someone posts something that's borderline shit post, just give them a warning.

No need to ban everyone who insults your show mods. Grow up.
My dubs are the dubs that will pierce /a/
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We need to allow all LN, VN, and Japanese game discussion on /a/. 2D culture belongs together
And I was banned for shitposting in the previous meta thread. Evil mods are evil.
ban him again
Is it not allowed? Post in /QA/. Iirc another board got a rule like this implemented by Hiro. I think it was /v/ allowing anything Vidya related, not just games themselves
Repeating digits.
I feel like you are probably leaving out some important details here.
/a/ has no problems. /a/ is literally the perfect board.
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Mods are good guys, you don't get banned from shitposting, only a warning is issued. That anon probably posted /pol/ tier garbage and got what he deserved.
Ban western live action adaptations.
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>I was banned last week for saying I don't like Kemono friends.

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Gookmoot was referring to /v/ with that post, these threads are against the rules.
Not OP, but I've gotten 24 hour bans for saying Kemono friends is a low budget kids show. Was banned for rule 3. Apparently stating facts (it does have a small budget, and it was originally targeted towards kids) is a rule violation

Most of the mods are cool, it's just one sad mod with a personal agenda to ban anyone who doesn't worship KF
>>159923387 Why the fuck is this allowed?
See ? Didn't get banned.
>he made another one because his previous thread was on autosage
Kemono furries is fucking shit lmao
They probably were the ones who kept constantly posting it in the official KF threads.
He created the rule in response to issues with /v/ but stated the rule applied to all boards.
This. Literally the mlp of anime.
Shouldn't trap, catgirl etc threads belong on ecchi boards ?

Boruto threads should be banned too
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pics or it didn't happen
For a site that is engrossed in making fun of muh triggered culture, they really will get triggered as soon as they see a black person in their favorite form of media.
Kemono Friends is shit
Kemono Friends is great
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You're free to trash talk Kemono Friends outside the main threads.
Remove drawthreads
I'm eagerly waiting for your public execution.
Fate x Vivio!
I saw a retard jantior ban all the posters he didn't like in a recent panythose thread

death to all managing staff
Is this the shitposting thread?

Grow a spine or get a sense of humor, OP. Your ban was not exactly severe.
You deserve to get banned if you're making metathreads

I like that Nipplemod is back that retarded fuck.
> and it was originally targeted towards kids
No, it wasn't targeted towards kids. It was translating at 01:35 AM. What kid would watch it at that time?
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Not me, but found this on /QA/. What's /a/ think, is this a ban able offence?
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Delet this
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watching japanese furry CGI should be a banable offense, yes
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It'd be akin to us if the studios put in black people for the sole sake of diversity
>ever mentioning MLP in any context outside /b/ and the designated containment board for it
fucking kumiko poster
Why is /v/ so fucking garbage?
Its bait.
Its bad bait, but its bait.
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Let us discuss Majikoi

It even he has a fucking anime adaptation and threads still get deleted it's bullshit

Similarly, Katawa Shoujo threads get deleted and that's a /a/ as it gets

Don't force us to go to some retarded general on fucking /vg/ to discuss I beg of you mods
That thread was moderated? If he at least deleted pictures that are not official anime and manga, but I didn't see this happening.
they ask the same of /a/.
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Because it's been full on invaded by /pol/, threads on evo were pretty shit to watch over the weekend, evo threads, where race and where you're from has never mattered since it's well known the fgc is full of minorities and acceptance is all about skill, were spammed with people just going on about niggers and not at all about the games
Most boards refers to /v/ as the shit board though.
>Katawa Shoujo threads get deleted and that's a /a/ as it gets
Oh god please no. Do you even know why those cesspools get deleted?
Lots of nice digits in this thread
you're stealing from /jp/ that way
I don't mind that discussion but if /jp/ dies /jp/ will come back

they got separated out for a reason
LN's are allowed when they're getting an adaptation, the rest of that stuff belongs in /jp/ though
Yeah but black people are American so it makes sense for them to be in American media. I know it triggers you though.
http://desuarchive.org/a/thread/159894514/#159918282 check out all the garbage cans, he really went on a rampage. Should have just deleted the whole thread instead of trying to force arbitrary, non-transparent rules
>some retarded general on fucking /vg/
so you want the retarded general to move here?
you understand what's wrong with it and why it's there and not here, and you still want it here
end yourself
That's a pretty impressive amount of shitposting
/pol/ is among us
So this will be one of those threads? Alright, have you guys seen that the next L is being played by a black dude? Discuss since it's totally anime related
check mine
/pol/ is just reverse tumblr, they get triggered just as hard
>wanting Katawafags on /a/

Just merge /r9k/ with /a/ then
Lol you the mod?

I do have a sense of humor, but getting banned for shit like this is just butthurt mods. If they I closed a funny ban message that'd be funny, but just banning anyone who doesn't like their show is just dumb
Belongs on /tv/ desu.
/v/ is nothing but shitposting.
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Suggestion: OP should stop being a bitchnigger.
I agree that many of tripfags need to be removed, but some do useful things.
Some translators, e.g. MPT in Joukamachi threads, use tripcodes to authenticate that the posts they make are indeed from them. Removing tripcodes would just make that harder, which in certain cases, is a bad thing.
The way I see it is that tripcodes in themselves aren't inherently bad, it's just that many people who use them are dicks.
One solution to this would be to make it easier for tripcode users to be banned, then they have an incentive to keep the code unsullied.
This. White people are pretty ignorant when it comes to the impact of representation because they're always represented in media. They only have a problem when something doesn't represent them at all or if they see a character of a different race in an otherwise full-white cast added in, a decry "tokenism" or "shoehorned."
The difference is that everyone thinks /v/ is shit, while /v/ delude themselves into thinking "W-well /a/ is actually worse!"
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Don't ever mess with Kemono Friends again.
What is wrong with "lol"? This word is older than 4chan.
Who cares? It's the same shit as elevens switching genders of famous western heores, it's the directors trying to appeal to their home audience.
No anon, can't you see? Death Note is an anime and therefore we discuss every 3DPD stuff that's based on it
Lurk for two years before posting.
lurk more
Can we please get rid of the fucking drawthreads here? They are literally bringing Tumblr fags.
Only because they hate anime and want it gone from the site
>how to trigger a board in one post or less
That's kinda dumb considering the site is based on anime.
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When are we getting a board specifically for moe shows so I don't have to interact with the rest of the /a/ cancer?
/pol/ has been pushing the idea that the site isn't for japanese shit for a while now
Don't expect too much from newfags.
plenty of people who hates anime comes here despite that for some reason.
if I hated anime as much as these people did 4chan would be one of the last places I'd go.
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Why would they do that when moe shows are still considered anime.

In that case, when are we getting a board specifically for shonen fags so I don't have to interact with the rest of the /a/ cancer/
Tumblr has nice art though
They're like barely over a 10th of the population though, and they're not evenly dispersed over the US, quite a lot of the the black population in the US is in the southern states, like for instance Louisiana.

So it's really not even remotely odd if an American work, or a work set in America, features, few, if any black people, because they're a considerable minority and not prevalent in all parts of the country, and if that if you randomly picked 10 dudes from one part of the country vs another, there could be a tiny chance of there being any blacks at all, while in others there are more (yet still few).

It'd make more sense to add more Latinos and Spaniards, but even then you come back to that thing about how demographics aren't even across the nation, on top of people being much more likely to interact with people of their own demographic, and that people generally try to write about what they know, and finally, that altering works just for the sake of appeasing Identity Politics fanatics is not a good use of anyone's time, money or talent, just let works grow naturally.
Kill yourself
They were already coming here.

*Some* of it does. A lot of it doesn't.
Wow, /v/ is full of galloping fucking retards and mouth breathers, more at 11!
>mouth breathers
Who the fuck does this?
>Thread is once again on autosage
How will the board culture ever recover from agenda pushing mods?
Why exactly was /v/ mad about black people? I don't see how it's a problem unless it's historical revisionism or something similar.
No but I was a moderator of Gaia Online and I am a prominent member of Gamefaqs.

I don't care why the mod did it. Man up, pussy. A week without 4chan isn't gonna hurt you.
It's /pol/ invading everything, mods just allow it the site has basically become /pol/ and some boards no one bothers to moderate
I do, because I have no functioning nose.


Ironic racism was always a part of 4chan, /pol/ just took it to the next level and couldn't resist derailing everything on every board with it
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>moderator of Gaia Online and I am a prominent member of Gamefaqs
I'm not even OP and was just pretending to be retarded, anon.
It's okay to be jealous of my internet pedigree.
Surprisingly the elitism mindset is more widespread. Most of the active boards shun each other, and all for the same reason. "At least we're better than them." The delusion goes both ways...

...but good luck getting anyone to realize that. Literally casting pearls before swine.
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I once got a warning for posting this image for "announcing reports" when I didn't actually report anybody.
Ban every single fucker who posts "..." unironically.
But then why would you post the image in the first place? Something is missing in your story
false reporting is still announcing reports.
what do you gain by telling someone they're being reported.
Reported faggot. Enjoy your ban!
We don't need them finding their way here.
The only reason the multiple drawthreads are allowed here is because one moderator is circlejerking his dick off in there.
Why the fuck are KFfags such triggered speshul snowflakes. Can you niggers grow a fucking pair
It was a joke akin to "I'm calling the police" because the guy was talking about sexualizing lolis or something I don't really remember.
Someone posts yotsuba or something similar in a sexual connotation and you post the pic. Not hard to imagine a situation where the picture is applicable without being against the rules.
I see, but someone could've taken it seriously(which is especially true considering there are a lot of anti-loli posters)

should've just posted the webm of the loli sitting in the police car
you forgot one>>159971251
Man, /a/ is shit today
>We don't need them finding their way here
In case you haven't noticed, it's no longer 2005 and we can't exactly 'hide' 4chan from undesirables anymore.

What you should do is just to attack shitty tumblr behavior
I have only one request.

Destroy /pol/. Erase it from this site.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make anon. You yourself admit that demographics aren't even across the nation, so there's no way to evenly represent what one location looks like to compared to another. But even then, what of it? Even if black people are only a tenth of the population they're still part of it, so it doesn't mean anything.
True, its why I don't use that image anymore. It just makes me think how mods generally don't look at the context of posts before acting.
Can't blame them though when they have to sift through tons of shit.
Leave Kumiko alone!
Hard to do when the moderator is protecting this shitty behavior.
My point is that works shouldn't be altered to appease Identity Politics.
Mods were always lazy, true, but have you ever stopped to consider that maybe you've just grown out of touch with the users of 4chan?
What exactly is 'tumblr behavior'?
Is there some type of posting style that indicats said anonymous user is from Tumblr?
/pol/ is so bad that I can't imagine anyone thinking, "I feel like discussing politics, let's go to /pol/".
Thank god we have /news/

>Let's discuss what we can do to fix this

less canadian mods, there problem solved

let's try it out, KEMONO FRIENDS IS SHIT, SHIT!!
Neither can they which is why they discuss them on every other board
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So including black people in video games is appeasing identity politics? Sounds like /pol/ to me

fuck off, nigger lover
>Out of touch with 4chan
>/soc/ emails, blogs, and other links outside of /soc/
>Excessive use of emoticons and literal made up words to sound cute
>Not to mention the regulars there are out of touch with /a/ to say they hate 4cham and that's the only place they visit

I can continue on, really I could. I can also show you the thousands of deleted posts that happen every weekend.
Ain't that the truth.
No, really, I wanted to go to /vr/ to hear simpering dipshits try to argue that communism has never been tried and isn't a horrible ball of death and poverty.

Which I never said.
Most of that shit is basically done by one or two persons who everyone there hates, but I do agree that the people who "only go to the drawthreads and hate the rest of 4chan" can just go fuck off, those people can very well leave.
Do you know which series will be adapted into 3D next, anon? Haruhi. Now guess who of them will be the black one and the fat one
Delete Umaru threads till s2 starts airing
They're nothing but a bunch of circlejerking /c/ retards spamming the same pics. Not to mention the pics are often from tumblr, streams or fb

>Out of touch with 4chan
What is that mean, not keeping up with the latest memes or something?

>>/soc/ emails, blogs, and other links outside of /soc/
Well I can imagine someone posting their blog/etc if they're an artist.

>Excessive use of emoticons
That's just someone being underage

>>Not to mention the regulars there are out of touch with /a/
>regulars 'there'
I've never been in a draw thread. I thought you were talking about Tumblr behavior on 4chan as a whole, not a specific thread
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>Is there some type of posting style that indicats said anonymous user is from Tumblr?
You should be able to identify anons from /v/, /tv/, /pol/, /r9k/, /int/, reddit, tumblr and MAL by now. These boards/sites have their own culture so they have their own unique posting style.
>page 9
It's ogre guys
Board specific mods when?
I'm sick of those fags that allow t., kek, lol, wtf and all that cancer.
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This thread is garbage ban complaint thread.

Worse than meta threads. Worse than general threads.

Its a combination of three. I hate it!
you can't bump a thread on autosage dumbass
Honestly I stopped caring nearly as much about that a long while ago, don't have the energy for it.

I think it's just better to call out people who are being fucking retards or who have really shitty taste or opinions.
>their own unique posting style.
I think you're looking too far into it. The only solid way of telling is if they posted literal memes from said boards.

Then again I don't visit any of those boards so I wouldn't know what to look for. Just /g/, /a/ and /vg/ for me.
>Board specific mods when?
Are you new?
tbhfam you should calm down

Dumb frogposter
Nice rеddit spacing
No, but looks like you took a very long vacation.
He hates it!
Then we have this new retarded 'reddit spacing' meme. I'm not even that anon and that's how I've always typed.

This shit is stupid.
Can someone define Reddit Spacing for me? I've seen it thrown around recently but I've seen it applied to someone who just divided up large paragraphs/blocks of text for convenience, which just seems retarded to complain about.
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The eternal newfags right here, lads
Wow, it's like a fucking /v/ post from 2012, you should get raped with a pineapple for posting that.
its a shitpost meme, ignore it.
Maybe, unless for some reason they have gotten rid of Board specific mods, but from what I heard they haven't.
It's a shit /v/ meme.
Not really making a good case for yourself on a /v/ meme that's only been around for a short while.
>I've seen it applied to someone who just divided up large paragraphs/blocks of text for convenience
That's basically it.

>which just seems retarded to complain about.
It's merely a shitposting tool.

But to be completely fair.

Even if it's not leddit.

These kinds of posts that are formatted awfully.

Are pretty fucking shit.
So all it is, is /v/ermin hating convenient and not shit looking formatting because they think it's the same thing as someone pressing Return every time they finish a sentence?
Board specific mods have been gone for a very long time, the only specific kind of moderation is fucking janitors.
Not it's you being newfag.
Sure is summer in here. Pretty ironic for a meta thread
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Don't do


this instead. It doesn't have to make sense because it's all about that sweet ad hominem.
>Well I can imagine someone posting their blog/etc if they're an artist.
It's not even that, people keep asking for each other's emails or even remind someone to check their email if they don't get reply fast enough, like the drawthread is a chat or something. And then there is discord, communities behind the threads and all the drama that comes with it. The latest hit story is a literal crackwhore who supposedly fucked the other lunatic from those threads and aborted the resulting baby. Then fucked a dog. Either those stories are true or not, that kind of shit is the norm in the threads that are supposedly about drawing. It's actually more about politics, communities and who is friends with whom. The comment about people coming from tumblr - due to the amount of art generated mainly by weekend threads that later gets posted on tumblr, and sheer popularity of waifu communities behind those threads, more and more tumblr rejects come along to act like they have waifus, just so they can socialize with other "cool waifufags". When you get to the bottom of the issue, WWD and, ironically to a lesser degree, general drawthread are nothing but /soc/ and degeneracy that clearly outstayed their welcome on /a/. 90% of general requests are coming from the same insane person anyway.

Removing that shit will only make the board better.
Well obviously, but it's not the same as actually formatting large blocks of texts to be actually visually appealing.

Board specific mods is like Communism, some fags think it's sounds good but all that happens is that a bunch of inane bullshit goes down.
"Reddit spacing" looks like shit, get over it.
>Linking your shit
>At all

>Allowing underaged faggots
>At all
By the way there was a 15 year old roaming around in there.

>Regulars there
Literally the same requests are made every thread. Literally the same people are there to the point where they have stream and discord names.

You cannot defend this.
No, fuck you. I used to call it gook spacing, because I thought corean scum typed like this, but calling it plebbit spacing is much more convenient.
You will always be looked down upon here if you type like a fucking retard.
>lol its shit xd
>The latest hit story is a literal crackwhore who supposedly fucked the other lunatic from those threads and aborted the resulting baby
Those are two chronic shitposters who have nothing else in their life and everyone hates them.

They seriously account for like 80% of all the shitposting and low quality posting in the thread.
Then there's one guy who makes like like 40% of all the requests in any given thread (on more than one board, by the way).

The drawthreads (and 4chan in extension) would probably be a lot nicer and a lot less shitty if these three individuals were lined up against a wall and fire squad'd.
Communism is good faggot.
im glad i never touched those threads.(mainly because I figured 90% posts would just be requests that never get filled)

sounds like shit
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Nice capitalization, punctuation, and leddit spacing.
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Seems like a dumb meme from /v/. Crossboarders are always the worse.
Why do the meta threads dedicated to fight all the bad in /a/ always contain the very things they want to eradicate?
Are you purposely ignoring the /soc/ circlejerks that accounts for almost the entirety of those threads.?
Thanks for proving my point, now go back.
Because that's what meta threads are, they are the worst cancer made manifest, hence why they're banned.
Actually, yes, I don't pay attention to most conversation there because it doesn't interest me. Why would you?

Stay mad pinko.
If that was the case /im@s/ and /DJT/ wouldn't have been banned from here.
thank you
It attracts those kind of posters.
Fuck if I know, I didn't go to those threads and I don't really care about them.
Those are just the biggest examples, but there is plenty of other retarded /soc/ shit plaguing drawthreads.
It's full of adult or nearly adult people acting like cute 12y olds in order to get free art, make friends, then backstab said friends to get more art, because there is nothing left in their lives but to be a bunch of two-faced assholes. I shudder in disgust every time. Especially when I see their deviantart tier self inserts.
I guess that's why I drop my request and leave, a lot of the people are just shit.

I wouldn't argue with you if you said that the threads should be cleaned up, because I still think that Drawthreads as a concept have value.
For the record, I think the all /a/ purpose drawthread is alright.
The weekend drawthread needs to go.
I made pasta today. It's kinda dry because I didn't use a saucepan large enough to contain all the water I needed when boiling it.

Also the sauce was too little for how much pasta I had. I'm still learning really.

But it's just food. What's important is for it to fill you.
I guess we're at odds there.
I like seeing my less known waifu being drawn in different styles.

The weekend threads could be nice if the weeds were pulled out.
You are the problem, fuck off.
You don't need a separate thread for your waifu shit.
If you say so.
>What's important is for it to fill you.
The important thing about food is it being oishiii
Why are these threads always full of people complaining about things that have been here for years and now all of a sudden I hear people caring about these things?
Is it newfags?
Those things became a bigger problem over years.
Half of this shit that's being complained about haven't existed beyond 2011.
>he doesn't know
You're the newfag, anon.
6 years is a long time at this point anon.
Ban all loli threads.
The fact I see people trying to bump this thread tells me all I need to know about most of the people in here being newfags.
No need to sage. This thread's on autosage anyway.
So, before it dies in the archive, and aside from weekendwaifu-social drama, what real problem is currently plaguing /a/.

Currently, I find that /a/ is in a lull. With no hyper-popular anime show to aggregate all the youngsters, one can tell that the only ones still making dumb threads are just a bunch of boring oldfags pretending to be dumb newfags.
Kemono friends
All those full of newfags.
This post gave me cancer and whats with people being upset over one people yelling at each other in one thread over 3 days?
Not like effects any other threads and that thing has been around for what like 6 years now?
Imagespam CGDCT threads
Kemono Friends / Kancolle / etc.
Thread posts: 223
Thread images: 29

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