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One Punch Man

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>if Murata never redrew OPM the anime would have looked like this


What went wrong?
I would unironically prefere it this way
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>the anime will never get to this because they're basing it off the murata version
I agree. It's more in character for Saitama and the tone of the webcomic. Trying to make Caped Baldy look epig is missing the point.
Did the Mob Psycho 100 anime look like that video?
You mean like this
This is pretty gay.
Sort of. ONE has help on that manga so the anime ended up looking more refined yet still true to his style.
murata will do this too, but will add extra shit along the way, r-right?
That uses the Murata designs.
I don't care if it's perceived as "hipster", I like ONE's very rough aesthetic with the series more than Murata's flawless perfectionism, at least once ONE's art becomes a bit more focused with the Monster Association arc.

I think characters being by and large average or ugly looking is fitting for the world and tone of the series.

While I think Murata is incredible I'm somewhat dissatisfied with his approach to character designs. Everybody is either absurdly gorgeous or intentionally designed to be weird, fat, ugly or a combination of the three. For example, I like Tatsumaki as a weird looking midget with a chip on her shoulder rather than this upskirt flashing super model tsundere. This is possibly has to to do with ONE and Murata's approach to interpreting this characters in the manga rather than purely Murata's design choice though, I can't comment on that too much though.

It's not like I'm trying to be a contrarian, I recognize Murata's technical greatness and I've been involved with art myself. I just really like how ONE has been drawing the series since the Monster Association arc.
Murata is so far off from where the webcomic is that he won't catch up for another few years at the rate ONE is giving him storyboards.
MS100 is much more stylized from the manga than how that video is.
Also that fight is much closer to the manga than anything else in the anime (and looks cooler as a result).
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yeah i can't see the scenes where tatsumaki is supposed to be psychotic working with the loli version
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I wish it looked like this, fuck Murata and his shitty sameface character designs.
but you have to admit a lot of ONE's characters look the same too

I almost like the plain Tatsumaki more.
But they look different from what you usually see in animu and mango, while ONE's artwork is totally unique to him, not to mention how it fits better with the actual tone of the series, while Murata's version is more action oriented, which never really felt like the point of the original webcomic.
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ONE's tatsu is best tatsu
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One can occasionally draw well
His assistants*
He doesn't have assistants on OPM. It's just a hobby
>Trying to make Caped Baldy look epig is missing the point.

That was exactly the point of the opening though. Making Saitama looks a super epic badass superhero who is nothing like the real one.
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Nigga what. It works perfectly.

Murata draws her well but not like some kind of moeblob. Her piercing looking eyes are great. she's actually not that different from ONE's version.
>while Murata's version is more action oriented, which never really felt like the point of the original webcomic.

Bullshit. MA arc is mostly action and ONE really showed with it he enjoyed doing big fights with the Saitama vs Garou.
The longer the remake goes on the more I appreciate the webcomic
When are we getting an update? Place your bets now lads!
the label t-shirts were so good, i wish they kept them in the animation
>One needs assistants to draw OPM
kek now that would be embarrassing
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I wonder how Murata is going to draw monster Garou, will he give him a redesign or just keep him as a scribbly silhouette?
That doesn't work at all, she just looks like a sex doll.
1 arc of the entire series, wowza
Stop embarrassing yourself with lies.
Oh yeah, only one arc, one arc which is near half of the series.
That's kinda hot
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As if Murata would give up on drawing Garou's detailed and defined muscles
is it wrong if I prefer this?
Not at all
I think you are the one missing the point.
The opening was even explained by murata with a genos sketch
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Fucking lol if you actually believe that.

It would've looked like an infinitely shittier version of the Mob Anime, and Mob's only looks that good because the interest of the Marata adaptation anime in the first place.
That example is bull shit. It doesn't express anything that face
The boros ship was a black hole in ONE's version so probably garou is gonna get some detail too
Not a "sex" doll but definitely a doll like expressions. Her appeareance and all the pose Murata draws her in don't fit tatsumaki at all. I wonder why One isn't intervening
2 month
They always keep those stuff
Probably because it actually fits her. ONE can't draw a proper looking girl to save his life. He didn't mean to make Tats like an ugly goblin, he just can't draw in another way. You can tell he was trying to make her looking more proper in some shots of the MA arc.

Murata's Tatsumaki works perfectly and there is even her doodle mode for the silly scenes.
> n-no it doesn't works because I say so!
Really compare that face to how she looks here in a similar scene >>159633554 and the differences are obvious. I'm sorry you don't want to fuck ONE's version.
King is the best
Oh yeah, let's not take in account in one she's unharmed while in the other she's heavily beaten up with blood spilling out everywhere.

Her eyes are the same dumbass. That's the most decisive part.
Can someone explain to me why there hasnt been a proper new chapter since January? Is ONE busy or something?
Yes. Busy with writing OPM.
He's been working on Mob, which was also delayed recently because he's sick.
One retired, Murata is suing him because of breach of contract since they were obligated to produce content until 2019.

Hopefuly they come to an agreement out of court and resume their operation.
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>He didn't mean to make Tats like an ugly goblin
Compared to characters that are canonically attractive like Mask and Flashy Flash or the female characters in Mob, yeah Tatsumaki is meant to look plain. ONE could have drew her in what he feels attractiveness is, but he didn't. Murata turned her into a generic loli.

>You can tell he was trying to make her looking more proper in some shots of the MA arc.
She looked the same as she has for the rest of the series. In fact I'd say that's her at her "ugliest" since she's getting tired and angry.
Next year, 2 pages
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I did something
Mob being a popular manga is why it got a series, ONE has a few other comics that haven't been adapted.
The One Punch Man Anime was a mistake.

The Murata Re-drawn manga was a bigger mistake.
After they took some magic mushwroom
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Saitama and Genos got a giggle out of me
Maybe he'll just be pitch black like his shirt
I'm happy
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>wahoo bling bling
I love the small details
well done
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They should've actually found a team of madmen to do it this way. Someone has to break the mold of japanese animation. Lining up outliers like ONE and turning their work into yet another seinen is what kills anime. At least MP100 got it right most of the time.
Thanks guys, glad you liked it; I can't for the love of me decide on a resolution, I want the writings to be readable
Are people unironically comparing this >>159633554 to this >>159635523? Really?

I don't read OPM, but the latter looks better in every way imaginable. You have to be blind to not see this.
Style > quality.
Nigga, no. The first looks lazy, it could be be drawn by any talentless hack while the other one takes actual skill, talent and craft to pull off. I can only speak for myself, but I don't read manga/watch anime to see unappealing and ugly shit. The first panel just makes me want not to read that, it's disgusting
Thanks for spouting your opinion on why you think style isn't > quality.
>it is okay to be retarded if I explain it

Nope. I'm sorry but that is not how it works.
The second one has both.
For style to win over quality said style needs to have quality in the first place. Lazy/ugly art is bad no matter how much ''style'' it has. Second one has both style and quality. First one is just an ugly mess that you are calling it style to make it look less bad.
What a dreadful thread.
new chapter when?
Also, this is like
>Make a terrible drawing
>Call it your style
This is the reason modern art became crap
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If Murata never redrew OPM, in all likelyhood ONE would have stopped making comics and you wouldn't have gotten anime neither for Mob nor OPM.
There's already large hiatuses between OPM and Mob chapter releases
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>yeah Tatsumaki is meant to look plain

No, she isn't.
ONE outright said in interviews that he was at a bit of a crossroads and considering not drawing anymore when Murata contacted him.
The end made me giggle.
New chapter when???
>It's perfect for someone with no confidence like you.
Fuck that cuts deep.
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That's Fubuki
Good, ONE designs are honestly shit. OPM anime was successful thanks to Murata and Mob flopped because he was not there to fix one scribbles.
>Someone has to break the mold of japanese animation
No, it does not. Not everything needs to be revolutionized or changed. Japanese animation looks good, it works the way it is and always did. Changing something that's working, is liked and proved itself to be successful in favor of another thing just for the sake of changing paradigms and breaking molds is stupid.
>Mob flopped
Did it though?
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No shit. What do you think she is she saying, anon? Who is she talking about?
>variety is bad
That's your point right now
She was referencing Tats abusing her throughout her childhood with monstrous psychic powers and psychopathic attitude, not that she won beauty contests in her stead, ya dingus
Not really. I'm just disagreeing on your stance that the mold of Japanese animation needs to be broke. If you want variety in terms of artstyle, we already have that with many outlier anime out there. Having variety and braking the mold as a whole are two very different things.
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No, she's saying Tats outclasses her at everything, even looks, you goofball. Part of it could be argued to be due to her inferiority complex, but there's no doubt that Tats is a beauty.
>This art
How can people disagree that this look like garbage? It looks like was drawn by a westerner.
I think it IS bad, but it's got it's own charm. ONE makes up for it with his writing and composition.
>caring about the art instead of the story
>Caring about the art in a medium that is art and writing put together

I wonder why.
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I think there is something special and unique to his style that I really love. Sometimes he puts more effort into some panels and they look pretty interesting in my opinion.
Why don't you go read a book then? Art is just as if not more important than writing when it comes to manga/anime. Also, Murata OPM looks good.
the art doesn't matter if the story is easily understandable and you know whats happening
ONE may not know how to draw well but his paneling and story composition are well done and easily understandable
The art absolutely matters, and the criticism on his art is usually justified. However as I said, ONE makes up for it with writing and composition. That doesn't mean the art doesn't matter though.
why don't you watch anime if you care so much about visuals?

Yusuke Murata is quite literally one of the greatest artists to ever grace the paper and the pen. In an alternate universe we are wondering how fucking amazing the manga would be if an artist half as good would be drawing it instead. We should be grateful to live in this timeline.
Because animated visuals aren't inherently better than drawn, juxtaposed visuals?
I'm convinced that ONE is secretly an amazing artist and is just fucking with us
He really isn't, but he's gotten better and he has good grasp of some artistic fundamentals, that's why he can do ok stuff with effort.
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Because manga art and anime art are different and have different appeals? For example, Berserk manga looks infinitely better than the anime.
CG abominations don't count as anime
I was referring to the 97 adaptation and the movies. Point being, when you read a manga you read the dialogues AND look at the pictures, if the pictures are ugly you will be basically forced to look at ugly shit as long as you are reading said manga.

When you watch anime you look at the animation and AND listen to the dialogue, so it's hardly different in that regard. Both story and visuals are important in both mediums.
This, murata is a mistake
Without Murata you would never have seen the end of the Garou arc.
That still looks too good for ONE's art.
i'm okay with this
>playing games at 5am
Do people really do this?
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>Garou in a skin tight bodysuit like Sonic's
M-Make it happen Murata...
Who would win between Sonic and Garou in a game of sex?
When's the next chapter?
You don't need to be attracted to every manga character you know
Sonic since he looks like he is used to pleasing old men for money, unlike Garou who is pure
Everyone stays up late to do stuff. From business men to NEETs.
I feel bad for Garou here
Sonic would win, but Garou would take his loss as a stepping stone to get stronger and then immediately take on Amai Mask.
Have another (you)

New season should be soon right? Need to catch up on the manga first.
Considering the parallels, I would love it with OPM ending with saitama just quitting straight up, now totally bored or with no energy left for it.

I'm really glad things have worked out as well as they have for ONE, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for him.
He really deserved the recognition.
I could have sworn I first heard about OPM years ago on /co/ where someone was posting some of the origional "pages" years ago. Not really being involved with /a/ material yet and then seeing one day randomly it had an anime and a redrawn and ongoing manga blew my mind.
and gave me hope that anyone, with a good enough idea and enough persistence can still make it big in an over saturated creative industry.
murata's (technically perfect) art has siginificantly different connotations than those conveyed in ONE's. as brought up already, murata has a hard time drawing 'average' looking people because he is so skilled that almost everything he draws will look good. the imperfections of ONE's art allow us to see more clearly the nuances of his characters, and when you look at ONE's tatsumaki you see and understand that she's a psychopath. ONE's style (heavy contrasting, dark blocks against plain characters) against murata's (bright and realistic lighting and characters) convey two separate messages entirely.
>the imperfections of ONE's art allow us to see more clearly the nuances of his characters,
Yeah right. The imperfections lead to misunderstandings like people thinking Tatsumaki is supposed to be ugly.
Don't get me wrong, ONE's scribbles often have a lot of character and sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally they have fantastic expression (kind of like MSpaint comics of way back), but that doesn't mean every line he's put there serves a purpose, often they're just a mess people are interpreting to suit their impressions.
what gives you the impression that tatsumaki is supposed to be drawn like some short stack miss universe when she is depicted as an ignorant little child who's been given too much power than she should have?
>doesn't mean every line he's put there serves a purpose
well tell that to the people who unironically think NGE was actually written with 'deep philosophical biblical allusions' in mind.
>what gives you the impression that tatsumaki is supposed to be drawn like some short stack miss universe
The fact that Fubuki, who has a very high opinion of herself, considers her sister to be above her in looks. Also, the fact that ONE still has to approve of Murata's designs.
no, fubuki's point was that despite all of her looks, intelligence, leadership, etc. she was still the vastly inferior sibling because tatsumaki was the most powerful esper in the entire world, and thats where her inferiority complex comes from. if your reading comprehension level is so low that you dont understand that, you should think about the fact that tatsumaki has the body of a 10 year old and fubuki has the body of the hottest woman on earth. ONE drew the garou arc after Murata started drawing the series from scratch. just because he approves of the design doesnt mean that the design wont veer off from what he had in mind originally.
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>If Murata never redrew OPM we'd be up to chapter 300 of the webcomic by now

If he had a different design in mind, why doesn't he draw her substantially different from Fubuki in the "serious" panels like >>159643447 >>159643848? Why did Fubuki clearly state she did not have anything over her sister after explicitly pointing out she was proud of her looks as well as her power? Do you have a single shred of evidence implying she's not good looking besides, the fact that One draws everyone ugly?
>mob flopped

uhhhh no it didn't.
What? No he didn't. ONE has said that he received numerous offers to serialize OPM but went with Murata because of his technical skill. At the time, he was at a crossroads because his original plan was to keep working (for 1 year) until he could accumulate enough money to start working as a full fledged mangaka, as by that point he had an office job.

ONE always planned to keep drawing, he was the most popular web comic artist in Japan.
So is being a hero hard?
I like One's style for Mob Psycho, but think it looks bad for OPM.
if murata never redrew OPM we wouldnt have a OPM anime.
I agree completely. I think ONE is also a better panelist than Murata. He has great comedic timing and has a good understanding of when it is okay to pull off a gag while also progressing the story.

Meanwhile, Murata is too busy drawing Fubuki's ass to pay attention to the fact he has kept the story in some weird side character filler to the point where he hasn't even progressed into the MA arc yet.
>Meanwhile, Murata is too busy drawing Fubuki's ass to pay attention to the fact he has kept the story in some weird side character filler to the point where he hasn't even progressed into the MA arc yet.

Yeah, clearly by following ONE's storyboards, it's Murata's fault we're in side character filler.
Who has called her pretty, beautiful?
Fubuki, indirectly. And she's drawn similarly to Fubuki, who is supposed to be beautiful.
Where? In the "I can't beat her at anything"? Any other character that has said something like that?
I don't remember if they have, but that doesn't change the fact that Fubuki specifically mentions her looks as one of her strong points right before saying Tatsumaki outlasses her at everything.
Tatsu is a better singer, artist, gamer, and is better at taking a dump or burping?

Who has called Tatsu beautiful or cute? In those words. Creepy if we take into account she looks like a child.
So you're just gonna move goalposts? Fubuki specifically compares her own beauty to hers unfavorably. Fubuki herself is said to be beautiful, and ONE draws their faces very similarly in non-gag panels. Murata drew her beautiful, and ONE approved of that.

So yeah, she's pretty much confirmed beautiful. Sorry, but one's ugly drawings were just ugly drawings, not drawings of uglies.
I only see people calling Tats a brat. Saying she is hot is creepy. Fubuki's beauty is not a child's beauty.
She is not a child. People call her a brat because of her attitude and stature.
I know she is 28 but she looks like a child or not?
Fubuki is supposed to be a top tier beauty, it's logical for Tats to be good looking too.
Not in the same category.
Tats is small breasted and very small sized. That doesn't means her face can't look good.

In Sora no Otoshimono girls were mostly rated by the MC based on the size of their tits, with flat ones being called kids, it can simply be the same kind of joke here. For an adult woman having the stature of Tatsumaki is more than unusual.
Since the body type is completely different we'll stick to the face? I think it is not the same playfield. I don't compare school child pageants with playboy pageants.

One is cute and the other is hot.
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Reminder that OPM never needed to be redrawn and ONE's drawing is better than that other gook who draws it.
> One is cute and the other is hot.

They're both. Fubuki is the more "classic" tall and big breasted beauty while Tats is an extreme petite.
Actually Tats is actually cuter/hotter in my opinion. And I usually go for large-breasted women. Actually I counter in the personality and shit and Tats has a cuter personality. She's a bitch in a cute way but Fubuki is a fucking cunt.
Tats is hot?
> but Fubuki is a fucking cunt.

She's like the total opposite of that, did you even read the series?
Fubuki is a total bitch.
She's weak and thinks she's hot shit because she recruits B-class heroes into her gay faction.
Then again I'm only at the part almost right after they met because i started the series couple days ago
But from what I know is that Fubu a cunt. On the other Tatsu is a loli and the bratty loli is a turn on.
>perfect art
>can't draw average looking people

That's not perfect. A good artist can draw ugly things, average looking things and beautiful thinks without problems.
Murata specialized in drawing gorgeous looking things as well as knowing only to draw "clean". Everything he does is so clean and sterile. The lines are perfectly straight or curved, there are no irregularities. He's drawing perfectly by the rules, meaning he's not holding up the last rule which is break the rules once you know them.
>Everything he does is so clean and sterile.

How about you stop bullshitting and act like you know what you're talking about.
I agree however I forgive murata for the blessing that he has gifted is that is his version of Fubuki
>those hastily drawn kindergarten tier flowers in the foreground against the awesome looking giant in the back

This is why I love ONE
Japs love this you fucking idiot, original Madoka opening? Watamote OP? Gakkou Gurashi OP? It's a part of their culture, that is this particular trend is trendy with Japs so they did it for OPM's OP as well.
That's pretty good
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Is Saitama really a hero?

He just seems to be the exact same as Goku, only smarter and going through his personal hell.
Saitama isn't as stupid as DBS Goku and he's way lazier.
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>For example, I like Tatsumaki as a weird looking midget with a chip on her shoulder rather than this upskirt flashing super model tsundere.
Murata's art is sex don't get me wrong but with tatsumaki in particular, something important was lost in translation.

Not for King though. Murata's King is perfect
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>something important was lost in translation.

No it wasn't.
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Really nigga
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Psykos is hottest villain desu
No, if Murata never redrew OPM the anime would look like this
>tatsumaki is this small
It still amazes me. Fucking her would be equivalent to fucking a 4 year old.
>Fucking her would be equivalent to fucking a 4 year old.

Is that a complaint?
>is that a complaint?
Muhammad have mercy on you.
Fubuki's insecurity is cute
Thanks for reminding me how Hype the OP is
We don't know anything. It could be editor, Murata or ONE himself who proposed the idea of prolonging the arc.

Yeah, webcomic is definitely hindered by ONE having to essentially rewrite the entire arc for redrawn version.
They really should've gone with Murata making the faithful adaptation of existing chapters, while ONE is working on the newer stuff.

That's fine.
Are you dumb? It's clearly shown in webcomic that she essentially stopped growing after the laboratory events. She's literally stuck as a child.
>It could be editor, Murata or ONE himself who proposed the idea of prolonging the arc.

It seemingly come from just ONE, as Murata mentioned he wasn't sure about the reason, which implies they didn't really discuss it with the editor either.
I see. I hope it'll set up for the next webcomic arc, and he isn't just going to scrap webcomic altogether.
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I think ONE regretted not giving some roles to the other heroes in this arc, and just overall more screentime to others, and that's why he's extending it. He also probably had the monster king concept idea between that time and wanted to insert it as well. Give more focus to martial arts as a whole too, to build up more the final fight with Garou.

It's 100% improvement, nothing to complain about it really, it only makes the MA arc better. I'm at the moment much more looking forward to manga releases than webcomic releases, because we're getting both the extended plot + Murata's art.
I liked the original arc's pacing way too much, it was just a pure wild ride with Garou in its center, so I'm not sure about the remake being considerably slower.

But waiting for manga releases more than webcomic releases, what? Are you serious? Webcomic release is a rarity and its something definitely new, while manga is bi-weekly and just an extension of existing arc.


God no. He has horrific same face.

His 'quality' of work is great and he is amazingly hard working and consistent but he's hardly great.
> so I'm not sure about the remake being considerably slower.

It's not "slow". It's just that the releases takes time. if you read it in one row it's pretty fast. I loved the MA arc in the webcomic but I do think extending some parts can only be beneficial.

>and just an extension of existing arc.

JUST? It's an extension of the best and most hype arc of the series, no less.
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>a few characters among the hundred of existing ones of the series have a similar face so he's shit!
what aren't you understanding? The opening is from the point of view of genos and that is not retarded.
We aren't comparing art, obviously murata is better but we are comparing the way they express feelings, in the second one murata doesn't give the right expression to tatsumaki while in the webcomic there isn't an expression that is out of place.
That actually means that tatsumaki is more beautiful than fubuki, damn murata biased.
Murata it's a drawing genius but he can't tell a good story,
Wow. People weren't kidding, Murata fanboys really are this
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> in the second one murata doesn't give the right expression to tatsumaki

He does. Don't mix "deformed expressions" with "proper".

Murata's is WAY more diversified, going from angry to smug to cute to psycho easily.
It's even more clear with Fubuki whose expressions are miles better and more interesting than in the webcomic.

Anyone calling them moeblobs/sex dolls is fucking retarded.
>ONE has said that he received numerous offers to serialize OPM
Yes, another asspull
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>tries to beat saitama because he didn't accept to join
>tries to kill saitama with pyschic power, failed
>tries to kill him with a paper cutter, failed
>tries to play dirty to recruite saitama but king stops her
>comes other house and steals others food
>tries to fit in the "saitama" group to feel "strong"
Yep, she is definitely drawn better than fubuki and she has visible giant boobs and this is something ONE didn't even draw for fubuki.
The only reason fubuki is drawn so well is because Murata specified in one stream that ONE gave him full freedom for her design.
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>tries to play dirty to recruite saitama

Saitama just had to read the rules. Not her fault he's a retard.

>comes other house and steals others food

A few others does that too and she wouldn't expect Saitama to be such a cheap fuck when he supposed to be that strong.
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>obviously murata is better
>murata is better

It would've made sense if they made another OP from a different point of view. Just explaining it in an interview or whatever sounds like a copout.
What? It clashes with how he looks in the Anime, that's plenty enough. Are you really too stupid to figure out something so simple by yourself?
ok give me that panel info, chapter and number
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Tatsumaki's day off extra chapter, not like she's got ton of chapters where she appears.
>i know nothing of what im about to judge but i will judge it anyway
yet he's still right. That sure tells about the level of intelligence of the ONEonlyfags.
>can't understand people situation
>can't understand that people living in an abandoned area in a cheap ass apartment are probably poor?
>doesn't bring anything at the house as a guest
>tries to outsmart people
>rules made by that party that gains
>so high consideration of herself that the prize is to go out with her
>tries to evade the promise to go out with them
>brings them to a high class restaurant knowing saitama is broke
Wtf do you mean?
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>can't understand that people living in an abandoned area in a cheap ass apartment are probably poor?

When it's someone as strong as Saitama it does makes no sense for him to be poor.

>brings them to a high class restaurant knowing saitama is broke

You know she was the one paying right? That was the whole point of going to a restaurant, because he wasn't paying.
Sonic isn't scared of pri pri.
He's 2slow
Wtf is this bullshit. She sicked her dudes on saitama and he kicked their asses and then hotpot and then Monster Association battle?
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What does this expression tells you?
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> tfw garbage image quality
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Not exactly, but it has a fair share of weird looking art, thick lines, etc.
>tfw you realize that King is basically Hercule but weaker
Who says? And what the problem? The concept of OPM is very short.

Like murata , you don't understand the joke
>Murata version has Saitama lose confidence and having doubts about his motivations
Did ONE forget that Saitama also strengthened his mind by leaving the AC off alongside his training? His hero hobby is a serious hobby.
>I had never seen one before so I was confused about what it was 【dick pics】
King is a full non fighter. Satan was a legit art martial champion and the people on earth didn't know about the Z fighters.
Did you understand what I wrote? Why should she think he is rich when he lives in a fucking 2 square meter apartment.
I am talking about proper way to behave. You don't bring a poor to a high class restaurant without giving him proper clothes or at least some indication. She just wanted to feel superior.
>didn't talk about this man that just defeated a s class villian in one hit to the HA
If you can also answer my question
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Yes and no.
It looks much closer to the art style of ONE than one punch man but it's also more refined in places and more experimental in others like the paint on glass animation that made multiple appearances through the series but most notably the whole ending was done in.
In episodes it was mainly used for spirits but it was also used on mob in a couple of scenes to show his deteriorating mental state like this scene and the one where he was given expired milk.

According to reddit, the next update will have 40 pages long and Sonic will be in there(probably the chapter that he was drawing last Saturday).
That's not the point. I was commenting that they're similar in the way that their powers are extremely exaggerated.
Also people believing them to be the strongest and they being rich as fuck.
>and they being rich as fuck.

King lives in a normal building and only ever buy video games related stuffs. He probably refuses most of the money he could get.
Heroes aren't actually rich. Sweet Mask is rich, but that's from his actor/singer side rather than from hero work. Higher ranked heroes are definitely paid better, but they're not going to be millionaires. King's probably paid enough to live a super comfy NEET life, though.

Apart from the advanced technology the HA uses, the rest of the money they receive from donations is probably embezzled by the corrupt executives.
Some money spec was given in one of the manga special and the s class are rich as fuck. King is writing books and he is also developing games so he gets money from that sector too.
shock, irritation, slight disbelief
> and the s class are rich as fuck.

None of them are shown being particularly rich (except Genos but that was already before being a hero) or living in a luxurious place. Even Tatsumaki lives in a normal house too.
>was given in one of the manga special
Which one? Give me a summary of events of the chapter. I have them all saved.
Wonder why genos, king and zombieman doesn't tell the HA about Saitama
Fubiki doesn't understand how broken powerful he is so I might let that slide
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>it's a midgetfags pretend that their favorite gremlin is beautiful episode
It's like fucking Higurashi and Umineko threads.
How can Fubuki redeem herself in Saitama's eyes?
Thank god for that, the original art for OPM is godawful. I wouldn't even bother watching that type of garbage nor will I read it.
So what?
There's no redemption in acquaintance zone. It's a purgatory with no return.
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There has to be a way to escape.

Fubuki can't let her oppai go to waste.
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So which is the sexiest and lewdest sister?
The one where saitama tries to get some drink from a vending machine but doesn't have any.
I mean in opm world you can't squander your money. The next dragon monster could destroy your house that you bought with all your savings.
Is the trunk and the right hand just mirrored and zommed?
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>tats is hot
>no fubuki is hot
>no tats is hot

Why is it that the only thing muratafags seem to add to OPM discussions are always 'MUH WAIFU IS BETTER THAN UR WAIFU!!!!!' or 'FUBUKI IS HOT!!!!!!' or 'TATSUMAKI IS HOT!!!'? Holy fucking shit mangafags are pure fucking cancer. We fucking get it, Murata has perfected the art of luring loser hikikimoris to buy body pillows of his characters, stop fucking posting about it in every thread.
Actually most of the thread was about whether or not Tatsumaki is supposed to be good looking, not a Tats vs Fubuki, did you even read?
Do people actually think ONE's version is better or are they just shitposting?

ONE even said he liked Muratas better.
Tatsumaki will never give me psychic hand job
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ONE is a humble chad that is too busy sniffing cocaine off of j-pop idol assholes while driving his lambo to care about his illustration being intrinsically better, especially considering he is the mastermind behind this extremely successful series.

Meanwhile, Murata is a beta who has the creativity of a peanut and had to leech himself on a successful series because his magnum opus before that was literally drawing 2d sports manga about handegg (a sport that isn't even fucking popular outside of flyover land).

Yet, brainlets like you somehow think Murata is better than ONE despite Murata literally being his employee.
When is the next chatper?
I like both art styles

Why would you want the anime to get to that part if it's just going to be exactly the same? You might as well just read the webcomic.
I like it.

Most likely next week, Murata started doing a new chapter last saturday.

Cant wait for Sonic, I wish he gets to meet Garou. A fight between the 2 would look awesome.
why can i only see garbage created by weeaboos whenever i search for something on NND? i want to see what kind of videos japs like, not trash I could find on youtube
Saitama slightly lost his way but he's still a hero
>and I'm certainly not doing this as a hobby
No wonder Saitama acquaintancezoned her.
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What do you think of the remake pilot style with the super thick lines?
He is too superior for us.
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>needing assistants to draw a scribble webcomic
wew lad.
This looks cool
Come on, even Muhammad drew the line at 9 years old
Ah yes, the man that made the serie popular leading also to the popularity of the second one of the shitty artist mangaka that got almost instantly an anime is a peanut.
Ah yes, the boss always better than the employer, I remember this old saying.
Ah yes, the man that draws 14+ hours for you shit to be able to understand what is going on is shittier than ONE
Ah yes, the man that always delays his storybo.. oh wait, That is not him
Fuck off.
is that a jojo reference?
Or course ONE's style is superior.

The series is called ONEpunch Man. Not Muratapunch Man.
tweet it to ONE and murata
It was an average restaurant and Saitama & co. Picked it.
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I've only read the first chapter of the manga and like 80 chapters of the webcomic.
No but this is
>good grief
Yare yare daze
>made the series popular
The webcomic was already getting millions of hits in nippon.

Mob started the same year Murata wanted to redraw OPM
Well, its gag manga. Simplistic art is half the charm.
this is /a/, ppl want to be contrarians

one is better than murata in everyway for 99.9% of the viewers, but of course, the 0.1% is on /a/
milions of views in the net after 3 years in a super popular japanese site, wow
>Mob started the same year Murata wanted to redraw
yeah and nobody knew mob until opm anime
>its gag manga.

A real full gag manga is like Dr Slump.
Is not only a gag manga, tho.

Captcha BETHESDA 1300
Nothing better than Saitama and King playing video games
Is it just me or does the character King chose look like Bulma when she puts on a bunny costume?
Well, it was just a bunnygirl, don't think it was supposed to be a particular reference.

Knowing Murata I wouldn't be surprised if he really ends up making her look like Bulma though.
>according to Reddit

pls go back
>football is popular only in flyover states
>when 1/4 of the country watches the superb owl

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Me too actually, fabuki is the only good thing about marutas version
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worse yet we will never get the conclusion to these events
>raven hair
>emerald eyes
My fucking kryptonite
>Is Saitama really a hero?
Definitely not in the traditional sense, since his motivation was never to help/save people or to make the world a better place. He just thought punching monsters would be fun, until he got too good at it. The fact that he does help people inadvertently is enough to make him a hero but at the end of the day, the only reason he does what he does is because he literally has nothing else going on in his life.
>his motivation was never to help/save people
Thats just not true, words < actions
He's really not acting determined to save people most of the time.
That's awesome
I fucking love that NEET faggot
i didn't even see it... he went... he went between the cells!
Not even a slight on the anime's quality but i'd rather have more pages of manga than an anime in almost every situation.
At the end of the day we're getting everything, and improved at that, so why complain?
there's nothing else to do really.
Improved is just like your opinion man
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rally, mate, really?
No, that was the exact chapter I was thinking of when I said what I said. Salary improves, but at the end, they're not being paid to become millionaires even at the S class. The HA is, fundamentally, getting by through donations.
I hate how makai no ossan doesn't get any love

He means that that all the United States is flyover land and the rest of the civilized world doesn't watch handegg.
Yes he is. People die anyway because Saitama's source of information are the news on TV and the media aren't instantaneous.
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I beg to differ.
they spent bilions of trilions to rebuild the HA main base. I think they get enough donations.
No one died in that one, it was confirmed by some news later on the anime.
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I need help to identify this monster.
underground king, his design was very different in the webcomic. Notice the white flag on the left.
Thanks anon.
I completely forgot him.
You can't look at flaming rocks raining down on the city and think "none of their trajectories will hit a person, let's call it a day and go home".
They were all evacuated. It was stated even in the manga that there were no casualties if you want something"canon".
We still were seeing ton of people in the city and it was said to be a "miracle".

Some people most probably died too when he punched Beefcake.
Really looking forward to when ONE shows him actually have to fight.
Probably many died because beefcake fell in the city, What could have he done though? Leave the monster rampaging so he would have killed another thousands? Like there wasn't any alternative.
Punch him really fucking hard in space or just so that it wouldn't fall on the intact parts of the city? Even Boros can send him in space, don't tell me Saitama can't do that.
Boros could punch Saitama to the moon because he's indestructible. When Saitama punched Beefcake he blew a hole in him. Even if he tried to, he'd just disintegrate his head and thedecapitated body would fall on the city. Hell, if he tried punching even harder he might create a shockwave that would be just as bad for the city.
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For people who says Murata can't draw average girls.
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For people who say that ONE isn't good at drawing
a whole different tone than
Not really. both are threatening and psycho looking. It's just that one looks good.
In my opinion the ONE picture, Tatsumaki looks more threatening. In the Murata one, she looks more surprised than angry
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A-are you fighting both sides, anon?
Eyelashes looks much more of a goblin than her here.

> In the Murata one, she looks more surprised than angry

Maybe if you totally ignore the text and context? but that's really pushing it to m. Though anyway she's clearly not as angry to me. I'm waiting for how she looks in the MA after getting beat up.
Right eye is too little. And I can draw this too, it won't take me 2 minutes.
Quit nitpicking.
Do it then
And when he falls we have again the asteroid situation.
I don't think so
genos is a hero and he doesn't do anything
What chapter was this? I've forgotten
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Not him, but that reminds me of my edits from 2015 when the chapters of this part where coming out, it was fun.
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Original for comparison.
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wait nevermind, i found it
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This is a sexy Fubuki when ONE tries.
Is Dynamite man the only good jihadist?
>His constant worrying somehow awakened a power to actually live up to peoples expectations
>Turns around looking cool as hell, everyone is amazed
>Instantly jobs super hard
Where is fubuki?
Reminder that ONE's art is more interesting than Murata's.
Especially his version of the spaceship. It's like modern art.
Murata is run-of-the-mill so kawaii xD artist
ONE doesn't focus on the looks of his characters and more on the story
When did Saitama slip on a banana peel
One punch man would literally not sell if Murata did not draw it.
Dunno anon, do fans usually do this?
I never used twitter
Again, OPM was already popular before Murata redrew. And westerners like MOB just fine so you can't say they wouldn't have liked OPM is Muarate never drew it.
>muh waku waku suru ze
Goku is a fucking joke now. They butchered him to hell and back after end of frieza arc.

He can pull cool stuff like this, but it bothers me how the the the full body shots he draws still feel blatantly flat and 2D.

If he fixed that he'd improve inmensely even with shitty anatomy.
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Gary, if that bit about his monster shell forming out of monster guts and metallic debris, remains true - He'll probably have a texture similar to that of Xenomorph - i.e, freaky and hard to decide whether it looks artificial or natural.
Seeing the most ancient and noble meme of Goatse for the very 1st time.
>Yo Big Sis! Check this out!
Ah yes, because Mob would've gotten an anime adaptation regardless of Murata and One Punch Man blowing up in the west and japan. Yep, that sure was going to happen.
that's mob psycho
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who would've won
Probably a stalemate with both getting KO'd
I think Murata or ONE said that if he would've landed the hit right there Metal Bat would've killed him.
>you were born just in time to experience this

God is great
Always bet on Bat
didn't garou say in his internal monologue that he'd lose if he got hit?
Is the new volume finished drawing?
Not his exact wording.
Garou's inner monologue is faulty as all shit. He might be a prodigy martial artist but he can't gauge his opponents worth a damn
>haha dogman a shit
>oh wow guess I got trashed
>damn if darkshine hits me I'm dead
>just kidding going to overpower him with my ribcage still in pieces
>oh wow look at this weird baldy. Must be a B-class
I wouldn't take Garou's own word on anything seeing how he's delusional through and through
Are we all in agreement that Black Sperm is the best character?
>dimple 2.0
No thanks
He hasn't really developed that much as a character yet, certainly a far cry from how much Dimple's changed since his first appearance. He only has the "potential".

For sure, though, he's got a pretty cool design.
Didn't black sperm make his debut sooner than dimple?
>browsing 4chan at 5am
Do people really do this?
>tfw will never hold genos and protec him
That was to save electricity.
Saitama is just incredibly fickle.

The recent chapter, the mosquito thing; both of these are in line with the "Uh-oh, Genos is gonna leave Saitama, but not really" chapter in the kind of joke they were going for. You thought Saitama was depressed and angsting? Nah. Bait and switched.
it's hard than a villain. Saitama is completely right there. All a villain has to do it sperg around and destroy shit and try and defeat heroes. Heroes have numerous more things to qualify them as being a real hero.
Saitama is depressed though bit in a very realistic way of him just not seeing how his life isn't as bland and boring as he makes it out to be.
The whole being too strong thing is just an excuse he uses but he has always felt out of place.
>muh frieza arc
shut it
What chapter is the most recent? On Batoto its only up to 109. Is this the actual most recent chapter or is it the most recent chapter scanslated by /a/nonymous?
Are there any anime that came out in black and white?
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What are the chances ONE watched El Chapolim Colorado? I'd say pretty high. As a superhero enthusiast, he might have done field study and watched all kinds of heroes. He then based a sub-type of his heroes on the model of the "spanish super-hero".
What are the odds he watched some random sudaca tv show? Pretty low.
You mean her left eye? Not really, it's called perspective faggot.
There is no other way to explain the design of Smile Man. The outfit, logo and color (in anime) is already coincidence enough... but he also has the same signature weapon, a hammer. It's unexplainable, unless ONE watched the show.
> In FES to go out lads are heating up. I also had, what the Hey ~

That's not related to OPM I guess?
>I like the original better

All these idiots that don't realize Murata and ONE are a perpetual machine, each inspire eachother to do more, ONE was originally inspired to even do OPM because of the art from Muratas earlier projects, Murata found out about the webcomic and was inspired by the amount of time and dedication a non published or paid person was doing putting in almost mangaka tier work for the comic (despite the shit art)

I enjoy both for different reasons but I won't say "X is better" because it's a duality that I understand that without one I sure as hell wouldn't be seeing the other, hell even now that can almost be extended to the anime as well.
>but I won't say "X is better"

The remake is technically "ONE + Murata". Of course it's better because besides Murata's art ONE also improve it with more plot content.

There is no fucking duality.
You've got people saying "But nah, ONE's version does this thing better" and then treat it as if it makes the webcomic absolutely superior, whether or not other people agree. They put a LOT of weight on small, individual panels, which shows you the exact way they "win" their arguments.

Looks like Murata might stream again at 11am east time.
Shut your stupid fucking mouth
>5am for me, 5 am for everyone
Infact, he is writing.
it's a pretty generic design, among thousands of heroes that already have tons of overlap.
also that's not a hammer.
I dun see the difference
Tatsumaki's face in the second panel dude.
Ah, gotcha
>those big misshapen tits


Next chapter will be released next thursday.

Yes, considering he will plan the next chapter next thursday.
Murata is streaming.

Drawing Sonic and of course he still has a long way to go before finishing the next chapter.
41 pages will be next chapter release.
> long way to go

Last time he drew 42 pages it took him 5 days to finish it.
It seems we're seeing lots of new characters, so I guess it takes him more times.

MA HQ focused chapter when. Wonder if it will be really 41 pages only around Sonic, that's a lot.
I wonder if that guy with the scar is related to Sonic.
that new guy sure is dbz looking
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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the leather club is 2 blocks down
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I guess the average of doing 1 manga page is 2 hours.

It would be funny if that Ninja is at least as strong as Suiryu.
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I hope he doesn't pass out on stream again
Still incredible, it's weird how ONE's "scribbles" still work so well in animation
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Looks like Sonic got BTFO again

He has a whole week to finish the chapter, so he should be alright.

Wondering in the whole 41 pages will be focused on Sonic or we will get to see the MA being involved here too?

One way it could connect to having around 17 monsters in total, is if Sonic and all those Ninjas kill the Demon monsters that didnt appear in the webcomic.
so much bullshit.

It was a sneak attack, still better than jobbing to dog shit.
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Might as well be naked again
>Basically drawn him naked
Is Murata gay?
no one is and he is the one giving the story board so...
Why not? Mob psycho got anime even without Murata, so it works
yeah it is because of opm popularity that mp100 got any fame
This is what we should have got from the beginning.
But we get many different styles of artwork meshed into one anime that give it a truly unique and interesting look. Are you just a spiteful purist?

He looks like that chick Pink Hornet.
I also think Tatsumaki in ONE is a lot better, she is basically a relentless monster, she has no fear, pity, or compassion, she is totally badass

In Murata's version she's just a generic loli tsundere Patter Louise No. 02, she's the only disappointing thing about manga
>i think
fake news it is
So ONE is pretty much presenting all the strongest humans besodes the heroes in the new content, this guy is definitely S and a strong one at that if he beats Sonic.

He's from his "village" isn't he? I guess the MA will attack them too.
> In Murata's version she's just a generic loli tsundere Patter Louise No. 02

The fuck are you smoking, she's exactly the same. Did you forget ONE writes both?

Well somebody has to dispose of all manga original Tiger/Demon monsters.
>she's exactly the same.
The Manga and anime version downplays how truly psychotic she is and is presents her in a more tsundere light.
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Pardon me?
"Somebody"? What? You mean "everyone". They can just get killed by the S class in the raid, Tatsumaki wrecking the HQ should kill all the remaining ones.

You mean the S class to deal with all of the manga original Demon/Tiger monsters besides the ones we know from the webcomic?

You are pushing to DBS/One Piece level of pacing.

WDM wont take part of the raid probably because Q city is the only safe city for the looks of it and he is forced to stay.

I doubt Drive Knight will join, it will be too soon to see him job.
You could say the Anime maybe downplays her a bit, but not the manga at all.

She's not a "psychotic monster". She's an extremely asocial person with good intentions who followed too wisely Blast's advises. The "day off" chapter is totally part of her real character too. After Dos escapes, she doesn't say something psychotic like "your underlings should kill themselves because they're so incompetent", no, she says "they should just evacuate like everyone else". In the webcomic she also saves all the S class by keeping them safe underground when destroying the MA HQ. Her talking about killing Fubuki's group in the last chapters was obviously a farce.
All the demons gets killed in 2-3 chapters in the webcomic. They mostly serve as jokes, only exceptions would be Pureblood who will definitely get a proper fight and long hair who gave a hard fight to the 3 samurai. Even more if you make all the remaining fodders gets killed by Tatsumaki in the HQ wrecking it won't change anything to the pacing while still cleaning up things. There are supposed to be a fuckton of them in the HQ, this sounds like a proper choice to me.
I love Saitama but I hate how he is always so unwilling to do shit especially when he is so bored al the time
I mean in the chapter 108 he doesnt wanna change the hero assoc. because it is so much work.
Come on m8, be more entertaining

Thats way too much Tats wank, approaching Caulifla/Erza level of wanking.

I forgot about Nyah, he is the only one with a purpose besides Do-S(rematch vs Fubuki), for PPP to avenge his lovers that turned into monsters.

PPP getting a win in the MA raid arc before jobbing to Garou makes Garou win mean something unlike in the webcomic.

King was calling him out for that.
The fuck? Killing fodders is nothing. Tats just fits more befause unlike the rest she can destroy everything the HQ. And just after that she gets totally humiliated by Psykos. Tatsumaki has always been at a very high level, yet you're saying showing her clean up the fodder is "wanking"?
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He's the one retard that's always sweeping out his retarded headcannon in threads, it's better to ignore him
Tatsumaki is top tier since the very beginning in the OPMverse, hell, it has never been confirmed how she would fare at full power against Boros/Garou, but at worst she's still 4th by a wide margin.

that comparison with Erza/Caulifla is totally retarded. Every overpowered girl counts as mary sue wanking now? Garou and Saitama are way more wanked and gary stu than her.
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Food Time
Is 109 the most recent webcomic chapter?

Saitama is still Kings bitch, so he isnt a complete Stu.
The king one is the most recent.
Which is that?


Most recent is 109 yes.
Ye OPM comic is funny asf
Retarded enough to fall for the "ONE's art is better" meme bait?
Wow, ONE is fucking salty.
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>Still no Garou posting

What is wrong with you not posting best Husbando?
Salty about what?
Okay good idk if Batoto had the most recent
I'm pretty sure Saitama right there is a stand-in for all the fans who complain about female characters, or the lack thereof, in his comic.
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I wouldn't really call that salty. ONE just seems to legit not think about adding girls. Back then that is, Murata's influence is showing, the extra content had 3 monster girls, LinLin and ring girl.
Pink Hornet too.
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More smug Genos when? Will he get another bitchin' haircut?
jobber genos is the only genos
Wasn't there only five in the webcomic?
As dead as smug Fubuki.

similar vein, pretty good imo
the part where saitama and garou are growing up in parallel gives me chills
>many different styles
>OPM anime
You're thinking of Mob Psycho 100
You can't say it wouldn't have happened given ONE was already a well known mangaka before Murata's redraw as people keep telling you.
1/1000th as popular as he is now maybe.
No he wasn't. Damn stop always saying this.
Shut up, moor faggot.
No one even translated the webcomic until after 1 year of Murata's remake.
Really activates the brain almonds
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What about when he chose to be vindicated rather than the defeated heroes after defeating sea king?
Or when he refused to kill Garou?
Or when he protected a cleft chin kid before removing his limiter?
Or when he protected Fubutsuki against Tats?
He's not the hero we deserve, but the one that we need right now.
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I was better after getting serious and a year of my daily anatomy and form study
One been a professional mangaka for 5, FIVE!!! years now

This is Murata after a year.
One dosnt know anatomy, dosnt know perspective properly and cant stay consistent in his own style.

Hes just a lazy fuck, thats all. He does this daily but refuses to study the basics, he could even ask Murata to teach him, but noo, why bother.
Are you serious? At least one of her eyes are completely fucked. There's no perspective you can take to look at someone and see that unless their face is horribly malformed.

Maybe once we see Genos vs Garou redrawn.
Murata is like One Punch Man. He just gets better and better because he constantly tries to improve and innovate his work. ONE doesn't want to improve, hence he will never improve.

Funny and cute how Genos looks very gullible.

Looks like Tome.
Any chance we get a Season 2 PV by the end of July?

It would be fine if the chapter gives us more hints Sonic and Flash are siblings.
At least Do-S is still alive, for now anyway.
So Puri Puri Prisoner is just a serial rapist who nobody feels like stopping, right?
it's not rape if he's forcing them to consent
>Who is Anpanman?

They better reveal she and Goddess Glasses are siblings
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True, i mean look at this.

That art is probably worse than Kubos.
Well, he did bust out of prison.
And then I guess they just sort of forgot about him what with the endless stream of world-ending events and cities being blown off the map. Pretty impressive they manage to maintain a government at all, really.
Hopefully something like that happens, Goddess only had three pages in the webcomic.
Are they all insomniacs?
So can anything defeat OPM in universe
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This seemed out of character for Saitama desu.
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Are you retarded?
He's tripping loser flags on purpose.
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Eyesight lasted longer, and her memorable scene was this.

The anime should have Underdog Number 22 motorboat her ala Roshi did to 18.
he lived as he died, an true hero
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Any idea who will defeat this guy?
Someone else versed in Gorilla Warfare
So darkshine?
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That's racist

His group seems to be very chill, enjoyed their extra chapter.
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Air would be more fitting opponent.
It's not rape when it's in prison. All he has to do is jail people first, which he does. Truly a hero of our time.

The Garou fans will be back once we see him taking on Death Gatling.

Looks like the fusion of King and Mohawk.
>implying Death Gatling will even happen at this point
Have a good reason why it won't or are you just being a fuckboy
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>"good looks" missing

wew lad
Garou already hunting S class
Golden Ball
Murata's art is boring and I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't for ONE's amazing art
The first time I tried reading I was reading Murata and I didn't even finish chapter 1 because if how boring his style is

It wouldnt make sense if she mentioned the good looks because she is far prettier than Tats.

In the webcomic at least it made sense because Fubuki looks were average and Tats is cute.
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