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Tokyo Ghoul:re

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Thread replies: 393
Thread images: 96

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Kaneki and Touka's wedding here:
I want to suck Kaneki's dick
He better fucking protect her
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How did /a/ react?
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>impregnated Touka and now married her
I literally can't wait for Mutsuki's reaction to all this.
All those etocucks and fujos are hypocrites. They just want kanekis eternal suffering.

Fuck touka, Kaneki got a reason to live. Im ok with that.
>fuck Touka
He did, more than once.
Unbearably cute.
Best girl wins in the most awesome way. Based Ishida.
There's a reason these threads die so fast nowadays, I'v never seen a series go from OH-WOW-SPECULATION to literal -who-gives-afuck.
V reporting in.
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Former Etofag here, what are the top ten (10) ways to suicide?
Nevk yourself. Quick and painless. No need for you to keep suffering.
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Can we appreciate Touka's rack for a moment? I mean god damn.
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A couple threads ago some anons were saying that the live action got a good reception at anime expo
Has any anon seen it already?
No, but it will get an instant release in germany and perhaps some other europe countries, so no idea what's going on, but it must be hyped.
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It's perfect, not too big, not too small, just large enough to grab a handful.

pic related.
She grew up nicely.
Feels good that I was btfo at the start of the story
She is pregnant retards quads.
You forgot to take off your trip, young tripawadan.
I wonder if they're going to make a second movie. As far as I know this one only covered the plot of the first 3 volumes for the most part.
Fap non stop to X chapter until Toukas face turns Eto.
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wait a second...
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Will touka die
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You're getting good at this, anon.
Marriage and promises to be protected are both death flags so yeah truck SOON
That one-eye-covered-by-hair look is seriously doing her a diservice. I don't care if it's supposed to mirror Kaneki's one-eyed ghoul schtick, she looks way better when both her eyes are visible.
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Why did Ishida's art get so shit and inconsistent to the point where Touka looks like Hinami with a wig on?
Only if it's promised after the war/skirmish.
Kaneki did everything worth doing before going out to fight, so he's essentially subverted the tropes.
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>mfw I'm an etofag
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Eto a best, just not best for kaneki
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I predict we have two more volumes left like the original with Shirazu on volume 13 and Sasaki/Kaneki on volume 14.

The final two battles with V/Oggai vs. Black Goat and Kaneki vs. Dragon will commence, ending with both their shitty ends. Furukek wins.

Part 2 finishes in December. Part 3 begins in January 2018.
She looked way more mature like this. I guess when Touka only appeared every 10 chapters or so Ishida tried really hard to make her look beautiful as fuck but now since she's around pretty much all the time Ishida doesn't really put much effort into it anymore.
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IIRC its already been announced that there'll be 2 movies
They will have to replace Touka's actress tho, since the girl who was playing her quit acting and joined a cult
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Not to be bring /his/ into the equation. But the dresses that Kaneki and Touka wore for the wedding were quite striking. I thought that they would arrange their wedding in a traditional Japanese manner, but instead their clothing was completely foreign from the east. Idk what it is, probably made by Ishida himself.

Closest thing it reminded me of was Byzantine clothing, with all the hanging decorations and the like. Very beautifully drawn, but also given some imaginative twists to it by the artist. I give Tokyo Ghoul the /his/ seal of approval.

Thank you Ishida. :3
Honeymoon when
Ayahina when, don't make me wait as long as you made me wait or touken ishida you hack
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This looks a lot like a highly improved version of his part 1 art. Look at her cute big ears.
Since when did Touka become a moeblob?
>yfw this guy proceeds to make her wedding dress
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>this whole thread
So why did she dye hair?
hi guys it's me again, the dude that doesn't know anything about this mango

kaneki looks like a weakass, how was he able to become the king of these basement dwellers?
>Ayato fucking Hinami for 18 pages
First time was to change her appearance after the Raid. Second time she wanted to look more like her past self after being reuinited with kekneki for nostalgia reasons.
what cult? and how can i join it?
To look more appealing to Kaneki.
Through hard work, guts, torture and cannibalism
He also has an ultra OP kagune too, I guess that helped
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Don't even think about this.

>25 ips
>5 actual toukafags circlejerking about cute touka and also saying ayahina when
>One guy with the "will touka die y/n shit
>15 """toukafags"""" posting "Fujoshits and and etofags btfo`d meme with the etofag falseflagers, some of them like >>159529122 you cant even recognize if they are posting it ironically
>LoN screencaps
Ignore it, thread will soon die, next friday things will go back to normal,
>implying ayato wasnt banging her while she was in the aogiri
By going through hell and back several times.
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Well Anons? What did she mean by this?
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Not for long.
>things will go back to normal,
So back to be the become the... and after this I'll...?
She's probably worried about their future.
She probably feels uneasy that everyone went through this for her at such a disturbing time.
You only say this because...
>butthurt Etofags
>cancer Toukafags
Touka ruined this manga. I miss the days when we were simply shitposting about Arima killing Kaneki.
still better than everyone discussing how cute touka is, how fujo/etofags got btfo/etofag here, more LoN screencaps, and the only discussion being if touka will die
>still better than
Nah, clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right~
But almost every thread has been like this ever since chapter 122.
>butthurt etofags
I am a etofag, and I still dont get why I should be butthurt about the chapter itself
The only thing that I get "butthurt" is by how the quality of the threads has been lately.
But yes I miss old threads a fucking lot, still remember the kaneki suitcase edit and that shit, good times.
I still wonder what threads being this shitty, because I still dont remember.
I remember in one of the 82s chapter in cochlea arc the "etofag btfo" began just because touka appeared on kaneki in a chair or something. Before that threads were pretty decent.
Now its only be the become posting shit, etoposting (which I participate), clownposting furuta posting. And in some chapters like this one, 122 or 125 toukafags go on a rampage and shitpost like fuckers
I know some retards started some oldfag newfag meme last thread, but I dont remember this hardcore shitposting on OG tokyo ghoul and the begining of :re
>that entire post
Wait a fucking second. Are they holding hands?
>almost every thread
Not him but not even close. those has been the 122 threads, 125 threads till tuesday, and this thread. The rest were retarded shitposting, this is cancerous shitposting.
Both are shit, but these are even shittier
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damn those hips
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RIZE KAGUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's a sign that ghouls interbred with regular humans from many different ethnicities at some point in the past. Very few of the ghouls we've seen have a "indigenous" appearance like the inuits, the indians, or the samis. Unless "ghoul" is a recessive trait in humans.
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o her hips
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anon you only say this because
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>hurr I'm Kaneki I'm not gonna search a dangerous undercover CCG agent for tracking devices

Literally the first thing I would've done and I know jackshit about being in a leader position. Also fucking pic related.

Why does Ishida force Kaneki's retardation so much? He fucking had Furuta's head on a plate when they met in that alleyway. But nooo gotta let him be in charge for now because it's "more convenient" for us. FUCK OFF
Tsukiyama is pretty talented. That dress is some shit.
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>no shachi
Why would Kaneki care about Shachi? I doubt he even knows. No Hide is more alarming.
Why would shachi be there?
>no hide is more alarming
Are you blind?
Bottom right retard.
Kaneki deserves everything that's coming for him. He is too stupid to be a king.
So when is eto coming back because the king she chose is an incompentent retard?
When Furuta is about to kill him, hell maybe she even has to rescue Touka's as again.
Who's this?
Non Tsukiyama.
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She'll realize this and take appropriate countermeasures after preying on his moment of weakness following the loss of Touka and or the baby. It's coming. This "I-I can't hurt muh ningens" is coming to a screeching hault very soon.
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Who are these guys?
Hinami's mom and the mom and child Yamori killed before Kaneki.
Rize and Akira's mother+little brother
The true Tokyo Ghouls.
All I now for sure is that Kaneki is going to suffer again. That's one thing Ishida has been keeping on hinting through his illustrations and that Eto is not done yet with Kaneki. Going by the facts that multpile illustrations showcase Eto's hands
Being a Toukafag has never felt so good.
Why am I still a topic? Why are you this fixated on me? It's a bit flattering, anon, but I don't swing that way.
Toukafags saw Eto as a legitimate threat to their ship, so they lashed out and EtoKenfags returned fire in kind. Since then it has only escalated and now that Touka is on track to becoming a happy housewife of Ken's one-eyed spawn the groups are at each others' throats.
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Eto "fixing" Kaneki's shit lifespan by boning him when?
I would bone her before she bones me for sure, if you catch my drift
Man it's so sad to see this series go down the gutter like this. Even being a toukafag i have just become so numb about everything that i don't give a fuck.
Tokyo ghoul, soma, prison school just to name a few. All were great the first 2-3 years and then went straight to shit. Fucking hell.
Uh what? Ever since :re started Etofags here shat on Touka 24/7 mainly because of her "abusive behaviour" and her irrelevance in :re.

Then she got relevant again during the Cochlea arc and everyone lost their shit blaming her for everything that is wrong with the plot for no fucking reason. Toukafags were finally able to talk back to Etofags in years and Touka herself got more popular here in general especially after the post clown siege chapters. Now you're claiming "T-Toukafags lashed out first" which is complete bullshit.

If you can't stand people talking back to you then you might wanna leave this place.
>Etofags shat on toukafag
>Etofag boogieman meme
Everyone shat on toukafags, etofags and non etofags, but when the opportunity to show they are decent comes they go full comand retard? Thats not pretty intelligent. If ishida somehow kills touka and etofags shit on them again this time they have it perfectly deserved.
>Tfw when lurking for the og chapter 143 shitstorm thread but I didnt found it (the eto queen of /a/, where the 143 spoilers first came out)
>Find this
What went wrong?
>it's been months since touka banged kaneki
>etofags still in tears
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what did he meant by this?
>Everyone shat on toukafags, etofags and non etofags

And how does this refute my point? Etofag or not people still kept talking shit way back and Toukafags certainly weren't the ones who started it.
>eto as the final boss
This would have been the superior route.
And we wouldnt have catfights about who has kaneki dick and who hasnt
When did Tokyo Ghoul become so shit?
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Since this page.
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>Yeah Nigga, Amon is dead
So are hide and eto, kek
At least we learnt the lesson
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>Amon is dead
Would Amon be a better leader?
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>waaaaaaah saicow kill me
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Who is the girl in the uppermost right corner?
Kaneki's mother
Amon was shitted on so hard, he better stayed dead since >>159539082 cant wait for eto and hide characters to get ruined too by ishida hands
>Kaneki goes out to lead a hunt
>Touka apparently stays behind
>Guy they captured has a tracking device in his tongue
>Incoming raid
I don't want it to end in tragedy but it's going to end in tragedy.
Ayato is on his way don't worry
I don't remember her looking that pretty.
Touka gives a shit if Ayato is there for her wedding. OEKEK
>What went wrong?
A combination of factors.
>1. The anime adaptation cultivating a larger, and by consequence, cancerous fanbase.
>2. The massive degradation of writing quality from that time to the present. This leads to fewer thought provoking discussions and welcomes shitposting.
>3. We were not swarmed with underage cunts and the SnK audience fully yet with "My ship/waifu">>your ship/waifu" every topic and discussing the story was actually possible.
>4. No gimmick posters. No clownfags. No bethebecomefags. No ididn'tunderstandsomethingfags.
As a result, we had nice clean and comfy threads. But those days are now long gone.
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its canon soon
That's Ryouko Fuguechi, Hinami's mother.
It's Hinami's mother
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Why not? He can't do much worse.

I figured it was. She looks yuong. Like a high school girl.
God i wish i was that chair
He's the biggest disappointment in the whole series. Even pre education Naki would be a better leader than him.
hard question, because both characters are pretty shitty. Takizawa and kurona are way superior as oeg characters to them. And not counting oeg, even ayato right now would be more competent as the king, his cochlea plan was retarded, but at least he made moves
Touka is DEAD

I stopped reading the manga ages ago but this is just fantastic.
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I noticed that nobody talked about this page so far. Ishida and his fucking flowers strike again.

-strong roots
-good health and wellness
-Healing from emotional pain and physical injury alike
-long lasting happiness
-overcoming challenges
-wish fulfillment
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There are many disappointments from this sequel anon. Ranging from fuckin Tatara to fuckin Arima to fuckin Bitchneki himself
>roots strong enough to crack a wall apparently
Probably means that they're gonna surpass (break) whatever challenge (wall) that comes their way, neat.
That's boring as fuck.
I think it represents more that even in the shittiest hole, flowers can bloom.
Arima and Tatara were never as present as Amon throughout part1. After TG ended Ishida took a huge pile of shit and shoved it down Amon's throat degrading him from 2nd protagonist to random shitter with no objective who's been completely irrelevant for 90 chapters straight.
Ishida uses the language of flowers rather frequently, this is not one of those things left to interpretation like the poems or the tarots.
kinda, it could get better if what they surpass is a pretty bad tragedy.
That they dress in traditional Ainu clothes for their wedding makes it a little more elaborate a message than just 'they will overcome difficulties'. It's saying something like that ghouls (and Ainu) are the true first people that Japan belongs to. That they're driven down into the underground (and into near non-existance at the margins of society) at all was a crime. And that in any just world they will find some way to rise up and throw off their colonizers. Imagine a story where vampires were all Native Americans, to compare. You can see how it's saying more than just a normal monster story by folding in this history.
Errrr funno senpai, after reading this chapter I unironically want Kaneki, Touka and the baby to be happy, even if it means we get a boring ending.
Dandelions are notorious for their resilience. They are the single worst weed you can have in your garden. They have strong roots that bury deep and will entangle and choke the roots of other plants to kill them and steal their nutrition. They are also terrible for asphalt roads, easily breaking through solid asphalt with their roots. Solid cement takes longer, but they can pull that off too.
There is someone else who matches perfectly the poems and the deathflags. Yoriko. Recently married, probably pregnant and also starving. Even her name is related to baby.
The wall is cracking which means that is the reverse of all that, the chapter is called " two meanings"
Nice try Etofag
>The wall is cracking which means that is the reverse of all that

Now that's a stretch. Dandelions always crack through walls because of their powerful roots.
When will Ishida stop being a cringey DEEPFAG with his faggy symbolism?
>they think all is going to be colorful and that they're going to be happy

Ohwew Toukafags really are a thing
Come on now.
It's how he foreshadows. Other authors leave hints and red herrings, he uses symbolism and character interactions.
>look there's crack

I must say you are getting desperate.
Yea anon's they are going to be super happy, this manga isnt Tokyo ghoul
>have one sex
>instantly marry
What is this?

>zombie marrying another zombie
you think he'd stop after 270+ chapters? are you clinically stupid?
yes ?
>One sex
He's banging her every night
Ghouls in Tokyo Ghoul are ghouls in name alone. In truth they're more like vampires, but without the burden of being an extremely overused trope everyone has already seen and read about more than a dozen times, and the taint of belonging to the same genre as Twilight.
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I'm the biggest Toukafag in the world but I can't fucking wait for Eto to return solely to witness the godlike threads but also because I love Eto as well
my negro
what was prophetfag's planned titles for the different chapters again? Did he get any of them right?
She's the wife of the king, she's allowed to be a little demanding of her people.
Hinami knows Touka is going to die and is waiting so she'll be there to comfort Kaneki and become his new wife.
Ayacuck BTFO
Akira will save touka when the oggai attack and no one will care because the entire arc will be side character garbage
>130: Entrance
>131: Trap
>132: Ashes
>133: Judgment
>134: Red love
>135: White wings
>136: Friend
>137: Useless
>138: The burnt
>139: The rabbit
>140: Death and Sin
>141: Goodnight
>142: The bridge
>143: Sen
The plotlines are way wrong too, because Kaneki found out about Touka being pregnant in the chapter immediately after he originally posted this.
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I like to think that most people here like both of them but it just happens that 5 or 10 retards yell at each other back and forth for most of these threads.
But I love the side characters more then the main ones now. Too bad they're all mindless sheep.
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>tfw some people actually believed this guy's bullshit
>wish fulfillment
Is ishida an ainu
The most obvious sign that he was bullshitting wasn't even Nishiki blurting out to Kaneki, it was this
>130: Ayato keeps going into the underground, but the 24 ward ghouls are too strong and retreats. Before leaving, he notices the figure of a one eye looking him
>Touka looks ill as fuck
>Kaneki is missing
To date Touka has not shown any ill effects from consuming human food aside from the initial gagging.
And now the queen is asking for cake.
How long until Tokyo Ghoul ends? Its basically a corpse now.
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>To date Touka has not shown any ill effects from consuming human food aside from the initial gagging.
mmmmmm delicious asspulls
If Touka dies this manga ended at chapter 132 for me.
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Why wasn't I, Vancouver (Burrrning!) invited to the wedding?
This manga ended at chapter 143 in the original.
>muh symbolism: the manga
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Reminder of what happens when you decide to take care of someone
Has anyone else noticed how quickly Kaneki changed his mind and started questioning his decision to become a martyr for the cause (dying in style 2.0) after he found out about the Kaneklet?
Chapter 128
>I'm going to casually imply that I'm slowly dying
Chapter 130
>Sarcastically talks about killing Furuta before he dies
>Nishiki drops the bomb. He's in shock.
Chapter 131
>Flashback revealing that he's actually dying and has given up. Struggles to make a decision, gets confirmation from Touka about the pregnancy. "Marries" Touka, a sinister omen of his impending death and resolve to fix their current situation.
Chapter 132
>All smiles
>"I love her and I want to live"
>"I will live and protect her"
>All the troubles of the universe melt away as Kaneki discovers THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK TO FINDING INFINITE CORPSES
>Leaves on an expedition to save Touka's friend, kill Furuta and feed the entire colony of starving ghouls all in one go

Their relationship was at a stalemate for longer than 2 months, they were little more than fuckbuddies. Then Touka goes LOL BABY and now Kaneki wants to be a family man. These Kirishimas are a menace.
Why is nobody commenting on how cute drunk Yomo was?
>These Kirishimas are a miracle

Touka has a honey pussy
People are too busy shitposting about MUH TOUKAFAGS/ETOFAGS
It'll probably go past the 200 chapter mark.
Part 3 practically confirmed.
Absolute garbage we've already seen this shit back in part 1.
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Touka is one of the reasons why I am still reading this.
Please no. Let Ishida move along and do other stuff.
Why does Kaneki still have zero self-respect?
Clearly the crack is the present times while the dandelion is a foreshadow for what's to come. They won't rise up if the concrete is not cracked, no?
There's something wrong with his head.
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desu I always wanted Hinami to end up with Kaneki, as fucked up as that may sound.
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Just ask for top ten suicides like Etofags and Hidefags. First girl winning is law and always will be.
I'm just glad kaneki at least got some pussy before he died. Idc who it was, at least my nigga got to cut.

However, I always wanted Kaneki to fuck Eto out of sheer dominance. So he could be the alpha male (not to sound manosphere), and so he could teach that green haired spoiled bitch a lesson.
Did her breasts get bigger due to the baby? Do Ghoul moms bleed out of their nipples to feed their children?
>Ainu clothes
Fuck, now I know why they looked so familiar
Did her breasts get bigger due to the baby? Do Ghoul moms bleed out of their nipples to feed their childr
EEWWW fuck you anon, made me want to puke
when will they both die?
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I swear to god, I've never wanted someone to delet something so much..

>Getting erectee while thinking of bleeding nipples
You sick fuck
What the fuck man, why is joining a life ruining cult so common in japan anyway?
I am an etofag and its funny, eto is suposed to be te crazy bitch and touka the normal one of the two, but then toukafags are sick fuckers who get hard while thinking of bleeding nipples.
But actually the question is interesting, do ghouls even produce milk, I mean, suposedly they would reject it right?
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So, have we actually seen the world outside of Tokyo? That comment the retarded molemen made about being humans made me question wether the world isn't actually some sort of post apocalpytic society that had remade itself from the ground up, granted this is probably retarded but at this point I really don't know what to expect and they have a entire actual city under their feet
The cult of the tokyo ghoul
Germany and China, probably France. Not too much info though.
>TOKYO ghoul
>expecting anything outside of tokyo
Anon are you okay?
Thats what I had in mind, they talk about the places but not much else, I always found it weird that in the world of TG humanity actually managed to survive since ghouls are much better than humanity at fighting and are their natural predators while the tech to make weapons out of ghouls is aparently pretty recent
I just really love world building and expected some outside view of the whole conflict, as I said, its pretty retarded
It sounds like they quickly realized about Ghouls were a thing on Japan and quickly set a cage on Tokyo with the foundation of V and the CCG. The Ghouls on othe countries seem to be minority. But we need to remember V and the CCG are also ghouls so there might be some shenanigans there.
I understand what you mean, i wouldnt be so autistic about it if they didn't say shit like kaneki ia changing the world and that he's the strongest in the world and all that shit yet they've never set foot outside of tokyo.

I don't read Tokyo Ghoul but have seen this referenced everywhere, how did the fujos get BTFO?
How the fuck do you think? The mc turned out not to be a faggot

Isn't the first chapter the MC going on a date with a girl who turns out to be a ghoul? What were they thinking, hoping for him to be gay
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That's supposed to be a rack?
Fuck off cowfag
Ok stop there, the fujobait was hard with Hide and Tsukiyama.
It was always shit
At least our boy Urie is getting some of that neet genius pussy now.
Tfw when I'd be op as fuck if I were a ghoul.
If they aren't cowtits they're not really a "rack"
This is just as sad as Sakurafags trying to prove she has tits by freeze-framing Naruto Shippuden episodes
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they're the perfect size you turbo nigger
>no eto
>no shachi
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Just finished rue island/second cochlea raid...
Tbh, I loved this manga before the tower arc, but things got shitty very fast.

So be honest with me /a/, is worth reading after chapter 100 outside of kaneki/touka?
Unfortunately it keeps getting worse. We don't know why ishidas genius has disappeared.
By tower arc do you mean rose arc? I loved that one. But yeah it only gets worse and worse after that.
I just saw the episode new surge on toonami and i want to know if there is more to the anime or is this it? The wikipedia page says the second season is an orginal story. Does that mean its diffrent from the manga?
It's not that I didn't like it, but the end with the defeat of owl by kaneki came out of nowhere (SSS my ass), also the regeneration kagune and all the new things that were appearing felt really out of placed (the knight maiden and Shirazu death were good tho).

Now after this last arc, it seems that this manga become a war of snowflakes.
Ariama and Co were super humans, only half ghouls are relevant...wtf is left for the rest of humanity and full ghouls?

And I don't even want to start talking about the mess that kanekis character arc has become, I can't even tell if his character will stay consistent for another 10 chapters or if he will keep changing personality and life goals like a set of clothes.
I can't delete a post that old. Sorry anon.
Do you think ghouls and nishiki know kaneki didnt kill arima and that arima was on the ghouls' side.
dead thread
dead manga
Does anyone remember what chapter the book signing was?
>worth reading

Just keep going. If you've been reading all of the shit before this, why quit now? It's not like it's a lot of work to keep up with this.
It doesn't look like ainu clothes, the others might be but Kaneki and Touka's clothes are a bit too elaborate and open to be considered traditional Ainu garbs.
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In the end the ones who have the last laugh are....
autistic shitposters like you and me
nevermind it was 108
Oh shit i just realized kaneki didnt tske mutsuki's stupid ass invitation right? Wasnt it from the 13th to the 17th? And it's the 21st now, at least he's not THAT retarded.
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>turns from a skinnyfat emo fag into a complete edgelord over the course of 2 chapters

woah. Bravo, Ishida
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Blame the Oedipus complex.
>Leave the ghoul who killed arima to me
>not caring for your fav author's death

How fucking cold can you be?
>no shachi
>not caring about the one who took you to the school of hard knocks and showed you the ropes
Kaneki is a fucking monster.
Tg threads went to shit with Re, after haise was hinted to be Kaneki which for some reason people during that time didnt find obvious.

Basically the anime is to blame, people saw it, recognized it was shit and came here to laugh at the manga, then they started reading it to shitpost saying that Re ruined Tg while its as solid as before but they just dont know because they havent read it.
>after haise was hinted to be Kaneki which for some reason people during that time didnt find obvious

People actually didn't immediately know? What the fuck?
>mfw this is actually trap made by GOAT

by securing the food they mean to lure CCG down and slaughter them all and keep as foodstock while losing some ghouls in progress so their food consumption is reduced.
They're already refusing to even eat the investigators. Why would they form an elaborate plan to lure them down if they could've just eaten them all along
>tsukiyama are you insane? We cant leave the base unguarded
>now let's go retrieve food and leave the base ungaurded.
They're small
>implying they won't split the groups
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but Touka is there, anon. Surely she can keep watch. What's the worst that could happen?
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Who was on the phone, eto or yoshimura?
I thought that, but what makes me doubt it is that shachi even had to ask whether he could kill him when that person has already mentioned him. If yoshimura mentioned kaneki to shachi then he clearly would have stated how kaneki is a former member of anteiku and someone he cares about, but if eto mentioned him it might just be like mentioning an enemy that they might encounter thus why he even felt the need to ask.
Shachi only used that phone to speak with Yoshimura, so it can't be anyone else. That's why in the epilogue you see him trying to call someone, but it doesn't work out, because yoshimura's captured already.
I am lagitemately not gay but holy fuck guts is got a nice body
Is there any tumblr salt this weekend ?
Or did they collectively hang themselves already ?
There are a couple dedicated fujoshits left who still bitch about muh Hide and Tsukiyama but that's pretty much it.
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>If they aren't cowtits they're not really a "rack"

Anon I...
most of them already hanged themselves like the scum they are.
Is this ending any time soon? I just want to marathon it all.
I don't see it. Looking at the current situation this might go past 200 chapters.
I hope Ishida just sticks with re and when re is over tg is over in general. I don't want some part 3 bullshit.
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the fuck
Why do the ghouls all have bird masks?
It's definitely Eto. There's no reason at all for him to reaffirm the answer to killing Kaneki with Kuzen, as he would already know not to kill him. Neither would he call him "strange" for sparing Kaneki. That does not make any sense. On the other hand, Eto had already pegged Kaneki as her chief OEK candidate and wanted him to join Aogiri. Added to that, Eto was the one who stopped Shachi from killing Kaneki in Root A, which may have been one of the few things adapted from Ishida's original draft.

And I'm sure you realize this, but you can use a phone to call more than one person.
>It's definitely Eto.
Eto never talked to him or anyone using a telephone, meanwhile it was confirmed that Shachi used to call Yoshimura and vice-versa to check up on their deal. There's literally nothing to discuss here.The deal was only too look after Eto, having to let the other one-eye alive was probably just irritating to Shachi that's about it.

>Neither would he call him "strange" for sparing Kaneki.
Actually he would.
>hey you know when I told you another one eye exists
>yeah I'm about to wreck his ass
>pls no
>No Hide
what does it mean?
Are you blind?
>People have gone so long without seeing Hide they can no longer recognize him
Because she isnt dead, baka
Same with rize and yoshimura, they are in potato status, but not dead, thats why they dont appear there
Cant tell if shachi is alive or not though
>Eto never talked to him or anyone using a telephone
This is the most retarded line of reasoning a person can use to counter an argument. Him only using that phone to call Kuzen is your headcanon. Context matters. And it makes no since for the recipient of the call to be Kuzen, which is why the original anon posed the question.
>There's literally nothing to discuss
If you've already closed off all other possibilities and now fixated on a single headcanon, sure. We can stop right now.

>The deal was only too look after Eto
So? Are you trying to say he made no contact with her whatsoever as far as her plans for her organization he joined? Get real. He called because he knew Kaneki was valuable to Eto. You'd have an actual point if the subject of Kaneki was ever addressed by Kuzen in the flashback. All he spoke of was protecting Eto.

>Actually he would.
So you're telling me Kuzen mentioned the fact Kaneki existed, but failed to mention his actual relation to him and that this boy was targeting Aogiri? He also failed to mention to not kill the young man either if Shachi were to ever encounter him? And then Shachi decides to randomly call up Kuzen about the also random OEG he mentioned to see if killing him was okay? Sure.
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>wish fulfillment
Self-explanatory. Ishida is playing you like a damn fiddle. And you faggots still say Toukawhales are in denial of Touka's death, but it is you who are falling for Ishida's cheap tricks again. He started living his life through Kaneki. There WILL be a happy ending with million of Touka panels with shoujo flowers and bubbles every time she says her standard waifu lines. Something will asspull Touka's baby into living, Ishidadrones will call him a genius again and there's nothing you can do about it. You won't meme her death into reality. Even Truck-kun wouldn't help. It's a lost cause.
yoshimura previously mentioned to shachi about kaneki and if he brought him up he'd clearly say that he's important to him I doubt he was juat like yo shachi there's this other one eyed ghoul around and not say anything specific, but shachi still had to ask if he could kill him?
>we never saw eto use a phone
Yeah I bet she has never used a phone in her life since we never saw it, aogiri probably never bothered to use phones as contact when away from each other you're definitely right.
I meant if yoshimura spoke to shachi about kaneki, which i doubt.
>two characters are associated with a phone
>both characters' plot line already ended revealing that they were talking to each other
>I bet its this third person was actually phone
You're retarded.
>You're retarded.
It's actually the other way around, seeing as though you are incapable of reading with anything more than first grade level tunnel vision.
So you really plan on sticking to shachi having a designated yoshimura phone despite everything logically pointing against it being yoshimura.
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Nah, you'r defenitely retarded, seeing how you base your fanfic on a shit translation.
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Yes, I am pic related. I wonder who Shachi would call to protect someone?
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Hmm, just no idea, who could help Shachi to protect something. And why would that person mysteriously want Kaneki to stay alive and stop answering Shachi after the Anteiku Raid, who the hell could that be?
>shit translation
Joke's on you faggot, I can read moon.
There is no sex or gender mentioned. Try again.
Ah, look. A completely unrelated subplot to the original phone call in question. You sure showed me, anon!
just watched chibi live reaction jesus fckin chirst what a meme, MY BOI
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>Joke's on you faggot, I can read moon.
>proceeds to ignore the relevant bubble

>let's ignore the only person associated to Shachi's phone calls for literally no reason so that my headcanon works
I see.
Why are you even trying at this point? It's okay to be wrong. Trying to save face like this with "n-no u" is pathetic.
You're the one ignoring the manga, Don't project that on me.
>You're the one ignoring the manga
>Y-you clearly debunked by delusions!
>Y-you're ignoring the manga!
Sweet irony.
How is it irony when I'm the only one posting relevant pages and you're in denial about them? Literally nothing in the manga backs up your delusions otherwise you would have posted those pages.
More like we can actually read the manga and comprehend what we're reading. Can't say that applies to you, though.

way too much death flags
Why are they dabbing?
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Why is Furuta ALWAYS one step ahead of everyone?

And why is Cuckneki of all people getting married before bestboyyyyyy??
>relevant pages
I am going to break this down at a pre-school level so that even your double digit IQ can understand.

Your argument is:
>Shachi used a phone to contact Kuzen at the end of the manga!
>S-so he had to be calling Kuzen before he was going to finish off Kaneki! Even if the context doesn't hold up!
>See!? Haha! I'm right, retard!
This is literally you. As for the "relevant pages", this is the headcanon you are trying to shill via confirmation bias and blatant misinterpretation:

>Shachi is calling someone about not killing Kaneki! Who could it be!?
>Showcases a panel of Shachi calling Kuzen, who we learn was a contact of his in chapter 65 of :re.
>This somehow confirms that Shachi called Kuzen during chapter 91 of TG, despite the context not making an iota of sense.
And you supported this nonsensical idea by inserting delicious headcanon
>"Y-Yoshimura told him about Kaneki, guys! B-believe me! H-he j-just didn't give any details about him! I-I don't have any panels, b-but if you don't believe me you-you're retarded!"
He called his superior, Eto, who mentioned Kaneki and co. As she clearly expressed an interest in him (eg. potential OEK) - he wanted to clarify whether or not it was okay to kill him. There would be no need whatsoever to do this with Kuzen, and no amount of mental gymnastics you pull off is going to convince anyone with a functioning brain otherwise. Can't wait to read whatever delusion you pull out of your ass next.
How butthurt were fujos when Tsukiyama was not only happy for Kaneki but planned and arranged the wedding?
How can you call an opinion based on the manga headcanon, but not see that your headcanon based on nothing in comparison is just that?
>N-no u!
Guess we're done here.
Tsukiyama isn't a character at this point. He's just another yes man. If he was, he would resent Kaneki a little for what happened to Kanae.
But it isn't a no you. You were given three pages supporting one stand. You have given 0 pages supporting your headcanon.
because he's just real fucking smart and Kaneki is a predictable, emotional idiot
Why are you still arguing with that faggot?
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>You were given three pages supporting one stand
Except those pages had nothing to do with the original point. I'm sure in that walnut sized piece of grey matter you call a "brain" - they click. But they don't. Shachi relented on killing him due to Eto's perceived value in him. It does not take rocket science to figure out. Nothing points to Kuzen aside from "a phone existing" as far your "evidence' goes.
Stop replying to yourself.
>Except those pages had nothing to do with the original point.
>discuss the person on the phone
>yoshimura is the only confirmed one
>had nothing to do with the original point.
No, you just don't want them to have anything to do with it, but they do.

>Shachi relented on killing him due to Eto's perceived value in him.
See the page you posted now doesn't devalue the ones above. Even better Shachi could easily recall Yoshimura stopping him from killing Kaneki after Eto mentions her interest in him as well. It would still fit the argument - father and daughter interested in the same guy. At this point you appear desperate.

>Stop replying to yourself.
Not me, but nice try.
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Stop replying to the butthurt etocuck.
>No, you just don't want them to have anything to do with it, but they do.
It's not that I "do not want"", they legitimately have nothing to do with one another aside from being linked to Shachi's phone. It takes a special type of delusion to link them together to unequivocally reach that conclusion.
>At this point you appear desperate.
Your projection amuses me. I posted that panel merely to demonstrate that Shachi is fully aware of Eto's interest in Kaneki. Again, Shachi would never need any reason whatsoever to re-confirm whether or not he could kill Kaneki.
>Even better Shachi could easily recall Yoshimura stopping him from killing Kaneki after Eto mentions her interest in him as well.
Holy headcanon.
>Not me, but nice try.
>"Not me"
Okay, anon.
You are some special kind of retarded.
Nice 4chanx.
Oh, it's you.
>It's not that I "do not want"", they legitimately have nothing to do with one another aside from being linked to Shachi's phone.
Well, if only one person is linked to it and he never called other characters like, I don't, Naki or whatever with it, I see it as pretty relevant.

>Your projection amuses me.
Now you're pulling a "no u".

>I posted that panel merely to demonstrate that Shachi is fully aware of Eto's interest in Kaneki. Again, Shachi would never need any reason whatsoever to re-confirm whether or not he could kill Kaneki.
Well, actually he would. Imagine if he killed Kaneki and Yoshimura was upset enough to break their promise?

>Okay, anon.
Well, you don't have to believe me, but I know it is true.
>they legitimately have nothing to do with one another aside from being linked to Shachi's phone.
Which is literally what you are discussing, retard.
>Imagine if he killed Kaneki and Yoshimura was upset enough to break their promise?
Because Kuzen would have made it unmistakably clear Kaneki was valued member of Anteiku. He also would not find that "strange", whereas Eto keeping her enemy alive for unclear reasons is certainly "strange." Again, context.
>Which is literally what you are discussing, retard.
Says the actual retard who isn't comprehending what I'm discussing.
>Because Kuzen would have made it unmistakably clear Kaneki was valued member of Anteiku.
That's your assumption. As far as we know, they only properly discussed Eto and Rize. I doubt Yoshimura told him about Touka, Kaneki, Roma, Nishiki and Tsukiyama etc. Meanwhile it wouldn't be weird at all if he confirmed to Shachi that more than a single one eye exists.

>He also would not find that "strange"
I would find it pretty strange if I'm looking after a one eyed ghoul and my partner tells me to let the other one eye live too for some reason I couldn't possibly know about.
>hey phone must be x
>but y is phone
>that has nothign to do with it
>That's your assumption.
The assumption being made here is that Kuzen mentioned a word of Kaneki to Shachi at all.
>The assumption being made here is that Kuzen mentioned a word of Kaneki to Shachi at all.
No, the actual faulty assumption is that Shachi would contact anyone but Yoshimura with his phone.
So we are trailing back to the
>"He is only allowed to contact one specific character with his phone"
-fallacy, even if the context which caused the original anon to question it >>159565375 does not hold up under any type of grounded support outside of
>"Maybe Kuzen offhandedly mentioned a nameless one-eyed ghoul to him"
>>"He is only allowed to contact one specific character with his phone"
Why would you assume that's not the case? Most people in aogiri were illiterate, they wouldn't be able to use a phone. Tatara still has trouble with reading japanese and Noro is a mystery I doubt either off them called Shachi when they needed him. You are basically assuming that besides the CONFIRMED "secret" line he has to Yoshimura, he must have a second one to Eto when nothing implies that.
>he must have a second one to Eto when nothing implies that.
Except I made no such implication. All I said was that he made a phone call to Eto to confirm whether or not killing Kaneki was what she wanted or not. Where are you even getting that from?
>Most people in aogiri were illiterate, they wouldn't be able to use a phone.
You mean ghouls like Naki. Dialing numbers is not rocket science. They clearly had to have a dynamic of communications for the organization to function. If you are arbitrarily excluding phones to suit your argument, then its clear what your bias here is.
>Most people in aogiri were illiterate, they wouldn't be able to use a phone.
Added to that, why does this even matter when the ghoul in question is Eto?
>Except I made no such implication. All I said was that he made a phone call to Eto
If you are this schizophrenic then what's the point of this discussion?

>You mean ghouls like Naki. Dialing numbers is not rocket science.
No, actually being uneducated and illiterate is the norm for aogiri ghouls, so I seriously doubt people like that would use phones. Just because the few named ones seemed like they aren't braindead, doesn't mean the majority was like them. Don't call me biased for not being a speedreader.
Why would Eto and Shachi call each other when she doesn't do that for anyone else?
>If you are this schizophrenic then what's the point of this discussion?
What the hell are you even babbling about at this point? Honestly? There is no "secret line" to begin with: Shachi is just using a damn phone. And there is nothing preventing him calling Eto. What is this delusional shit?
And you know this how? Do you have an actual cogent argument besides "I've never seen Eto or anyone in Aogiri use a phone, therefore they don't use them?"
>What the hell are you even babbling about at this point?
I would like to ask you that instead.

>Do you have an actual cogent argument besides "I've never seen Eto or anyone in Aogiri use a phone, therefore they don't use them?"
Besides that obviously, I already explained that most of them can't read and have a small vocabulary. Which just implies that they aren't anywhere as advanced as you'd like to pretend.

You're basically saying
>hey instead of Shachi calling Yoshimura like always, all aogiri ghouls use phones and he called eto although tatara just send him to get the woman and probably kill anyone who gets in the way because shachi is a really random guy
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>T-they don't use phones!
>Yamori, literally the guy educating naki uses one, so everyone does
Ah, so no real argument after you got proven wrong and are now desperately trying to shift the goalposts. What a fucking faggot.
>So no real argument
Nah, that's you thinking Shachi would call Eto when Yoshimura already got confirmed. Try harder.
>You're basically saying
I actually said:
>Shachi calls whoever he wants/needs to and wanted to double check with Eto to see if he could get the okay to kill Kaneki.
Nice seeing that you still can't read.
>Yoshimura already got confirmed.
Literally delusional. Him having Yoshimura as a contact was confirmed in :re, which gave context to the epilogue in TG. It has absolutely nothing to do with the first phone call we see him making in regards to offing Kaneki. What part of "Kuzen would have explicitly made his relationship with Kaneki clear" and how Kuzen wanting him alive is not "strange" does your retarded ass not understand? kek
>>Yoshimura already got confirmed.
>Literally delusional.
Stopped reading right there. You can live in your fanfics, I don't care.
Why cant Kaneki and his waifu just live in peace?
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>Stopped reading right there. You can live in your fanfics, I don't care.
Good to know! I feel the same.
Because you touch yourself at night.
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Can someone shop an actual good Eto pic in there, where she doesn't look so old and retarded?
I haven't read Tokyo Ghoul RE since the white reaper guy died, can someone catch me up
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>shit tastes
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>we've lost sight...of the reason we all read this. We've become numb, tokyo ghoul has become trash and like you said we ought to speak out against it. because i don't want to be treated like plebs somewhere down the line
>but how....
>we must find a way
>and if there isn't one?
>then we'll just become shitposters, okay?
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>reddit/ Toukafag paradise
>calling out Toukafags
This makes no sense.
Kaneki frees Hinami during an attack on Cochlea, kills Arima, goes back to the ghouls, Furuta is now in charge of CCG but many investigators are doubting him and his methods, he created 100 half-ghoul kids with Rize's kagune to hunt down other ghouls.

Kaneki forms an organization of ghouls called Goat with Yomo, Ayato, Tsukiyama, Naki, some defected Arima squad members I think, he also fucked, impregnated and married Touka. Takizawa teamed up with him for a while but he said he just wants to live his life like a regular ghoul, doesn't want anything to do with this shit. Amon and Akira also fuck off somewhere and probably won't come back.

Ghouls are now pretty cucked and have to hide deep in the 24th ward from the investigators. Kaneki leads the ghouls but he's a beta who wants to bring humans and ghouls together so he doesn't allow the ghouls to kill humans, hoping this would make people sympathize with ghouls in some way. They found and saved a kid, thinking he's a ghoul, but he's actually one of the Oggai and has a tracker. Many ghouls are leaving their underground base to gather food for a while and the Oggai will probably go in and rape everyone who stayed behind.

Meanwhile Ayato went further down, looking for the original one eyed ghoul who raped the CCG in the past, thinking he might help Goat out or some shit. He found an underground city with all sorts of weird shit, some kid ghouls talking gibberish about something or someone destroying the entire city, probably the one eyed old fuck.
Forgot to mention that the Oggai are Furuta's half ghoul kids

Suzuya, Urie and Saiko have also expressed their discontent with this new CCG and might consider getting the fuck out
Seems pretty gay to be honest, I don't know why I thought maybe Kaneki wouldn't be a faggot, even after fucking Touka
yea he's a supreme beta cuck. The only hope at this point is honestly Touka and/or her kid dying and Kaneki going full edgelord again
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>tfw Urie became the only likable character left
Really makes you think.
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Also that matsuri was gay for urie and died getting gangbanged by V and eto got hide´d (also know as """died""") also amon got hide´d by saiko but already came back and like that anon told you he kissed akira and fucked off with her, after kaneki wasted a whole arc to save akira. Kurona came back and also joined kaneki team. Mutsuki is a yandere who loves kaneki and saiko confessed to urie, who has become the superior Mc now that kaneki is as that anon told you a massive retard (pic related, below is 15 chapters ago, above is now after getting assraped by furuta) and amon is a jobber who fucked off the story
Urie >>>> shit >>>>> current Kaneki and I say it as Kanekifag.
>that pic

literally seething. How can one person be so fucking stupid?
While it's true that Kaneki is retarded, Amon is probably the biggest piece of shit in the series. I hope he won't return, but who am I kidding.
I find amon comedic, when kt comes to kaneki i just feel pissed off.
>piece of shit

Amon is one-dimensional and bland as fuck. He's not a piece of shit, he's just boring
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>there are people who don't like Urie
He's a total fuckup, but I think that's what makes him endearing. I've loved him since Shirazu died.
Urie blaming Kaneki for Shirazu's death and Kaneki pointing the finger back at him and saying "who was fighting alongside him? Whose fault is it?" was fucking great.

Urie was a real piece of shit before but he has really improved since then. He's definitely one of the best characters right now
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>you can actually see the bite marks on their shoulders
>no we can't attack furuta, because we can't leave the base unguarded
>now let's go and scavnge food while leaving the base unguarded
I know ishida had been dumbing down everyone for furuta's sake but this is just getting obnoxiously blatant, kaneki just fucking contradicts himself in the SAME fucking chapter and it just so happens that when kaneki takes everyone to go furuta already planned on raiding their hideout now through hajime. How fucking convenient for furuta.
I want to KISS Kaneki, not Touka

Why is he so cute, bros?
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Amon's fascination with Kaneki was very interesting. Pic related was exciting as fuck, but after first part ended Ishida decided to fuck this up just like everything else.
>Yomo drunk and happy

>ishida had been dumbing down everyone for furuta's and touka's sake
Fixed that for you.
This is so stupid that i cringed.
>and touka's sake
? Touka isn't really shown to be smarter than anyone else.
Kaneki is mine, back the FUCK off.
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>literally does nothing
>literally won't do anything now
>t. Mutsuki

please rape me
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