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Kemono Friends

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Thread replies: 529
Thread images: 220

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Daily plea to please not lewd the Friends.
Moose is awful. I bet you can't even describe her personality.
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I'm not falling for you tricks today, lewdposter. No amount of falseflagging will make me fill up the fap folder you're too lazy to fill yourself.
This was posted a couple of threads back. Not friends but I can't get over how adorably this pic portays such a horrific scene.
Strong willed, determined, leader, caring.
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I did a little research.
>Also, they get along badly with "honeybee's" from the same bee family and they can often be seen fighting over the same men. One on one, the hornets are stronger than honey bees by far and there's no way they'd lose, but when honey bees come in large numbers, they get pinned down. After having their entire body covered in Alraune Nectar and getting teased all over their body, the pleasure brought about is so intense that they become unable to do anything to fight back.

>Hornets who have had that happen to them are then brought into the honey bee's hive where they continue to be immersed in even more nectar and pleasure, they're made to thoroughly savor the sweet pleasure of honey bees. In this way, honey bees change hornets to have a gentle personality preferring sweet sex with men almost like a honey bee. These hornets eat Alraune Nectar with the honey bees and maintain their body.
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STOP. The Moose is too big. It will not be tanoshii. Please consider the other friends.
Headpat friend.
Took me a second to realize you were talking bullshit.
Where precisely is this from?
I found it from Google searching that image. Did you really think I was talking about real animals?
I was skimming and didn't pay much mind to the "fighting over the same men". Oddly enough "Alraune Nectar" didn't tip me off.
>getting teased all over their body, the pleasure brought about is so intense that they become unable to do anything to fight back.
At this point I was suspecting you'd replaced words in something about bees and hornets, like "pleasure brought about" originally being "temperature" or something.

Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
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I want to marry Geimu.
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Now you know why Moose only goes for strong Friends.
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Just finished watching this.
At first I thought the love for this show was ironic and stopped after ep 2, but I'm very happy to have come back for ep 3 and the rest. Friends really are sugoi!
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Kinda want that Luluco shirt
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>deleted immediately
It's not KF related would be my guess.
I can't begin to imagine how nazi our moderation has to have gotten in order to forbid posting pages of manga that have the same theme as something else in a thread for that thing.
Unless whoever deleted that post thinks it's porn, despite the fact that Kemokko Zoo is published on a normal non-R-18 magazine and how that page doesn't even show anything lewd.
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The page in question in case the archive is fucking up: https://files.catbox.moe/xzfa5z.png
It isn't even the first time I see that series get mentioned or posted in KemoFure threads. I don't understand.
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Absolutely disgusting
Please do not bully Prairie Dog, she's just doing what animals like her do.
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I'm bullying anyone with enough brain damage to draw that or share it with anyone.
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bad dog.jpg
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Less lewd posters
More bully posters
Don't bully Mine either.
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>using wolf images to supplement your bullying
Serval wouldn't do acid, would she?
See this? Anti-lewdfags like bullying, they aren't welcome in Japari Park.
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Why does something so wrong feel so good?
Has de arimasu become the new nanoda?
Kissing is too lewd for the janny.
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Who knows
Need saliva string.
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I want to give cat Friends moon sugar.
lucky's ears vibration
owls fall off the balcony at the end
a+ sterling
No, de arimasu is the de gozaru of nano da.
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>de gozaru
So what's Armadillo's catch phrase?
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Is she a sticky moose?
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Serval and Kaboy's child is so cute.
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Would Fennec be a good bike?
Fennec is the one supposed to ride you.
Look at this cute Bag! Just look at her!

What is Chameleon doing to Armadillo?
Also oh shit, this has four episodes already?

I can't fucking believe how much this show revived the nico community.
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the moose is aggressive.jpg
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So was this little thing ever translated? Was there even a need for me to do this?
Probably not.
What font is that?
Is it possible for 2 female friends to have a child?
Can friends have offspring at all?
Jag is the best target for bullying because she's strong, but too nice to refuse anything and easily confused. Tsuchinoko is second best target because autism.
Sandstar penis.
A lot of them are dead animals brought back to life in the body of a human and you ask if 2 girls can impregnate each other there
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too big.jpg
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Anime Ace 2.0 BB
I noticed she was speaking aloud, so I decided on different words.
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Perfect prey for Moose.

Japari Park is truly a magical place.
Of course it ends in impregnation, i wouldn't expect less from the master.
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pls don't bully the snek
Tsuchinoko is prime teasing material, the perfect Friend for me.
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Oh no I won't. I'll let Sand Cat bully her with her manzoku autism.
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These two are the best
Sadly they're most likely just hair in strange shapes, just like Moose's antlers.
At least hairjobs are okay too.
Page 2 and 3 got swapped, sorry.
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You seem to be a Friend who isn't very good at counting page numbers.
Anons keep speculating on what happened to humanity. Obviously all the spray Moose uses to keep her hairntlers looking right destroyed the ozone layer. Cataract and skin cancer rates soared and now humanity lives in underground shelters.
The count is fine, I just swapped two pages because they had twitter file names and I wasn't paying attention. I did this one a long time ago.
Looking closely, I think they're more like helmets.
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Geimu desu ka?
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So cute
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Two of my favorite Friends.
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Red's problem solved. More geimu time for her.
God dammit I'm such a bitch, almost cried at the end. I thought this was just a meme series, it's gud
"I won't rest until all oneesan in the park are carrying my children"
-Moose to her troops
>-Moose to her troops
Before or after she impregnated her troops?
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I cried multiple times in the last few episodes.
Before, they can't fight pregnant.
Sad New - Arai-san is called "Trash Panda" in America

Do the nips not get that its an affectionate name?
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> affectionate
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I prefer "wash bear" myself.
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けもフレ4 20,803

Same as it ever was.
"I've been impregnated by you 51 times and finally made it here. Since I first saw you in the plains, I've wanted you to carry my children. Thanks to my harem that dream will finally come true today!"
-Moose before she and Lion got each other pregnant
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>51 times
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Good Arai needs to be bullied
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Anyone excited for the fighting game? I'm not sure how big the playerbase will be - I'm sure not too big - but I want to play regardless.
Seiji Mizushima (anime director who the the director in Shirobako was modelled on) has been getting interviewed about Kemono Friends


I remember he praised the show on twitter after watching it actually and praised Tatsuki.
>Stop it.
kek. I love it when nip comments seem so similar to ours.
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> Artist has a Potemayo character as their Pixiv icon
Aw yeah.
He literally calls Kemono Friends an "epoch making" work.

He seems to compare it to how you can still enjoy old anime today despite the animation sometimes being weak, after a while the if its well written the narrative gets you interested despite the initial bad impression and then your evaluation changes to positive.

Then he goes onto say in that sense Kemono Friends isn't really new but recently he thinks aiming for high quality animation has been a big focus in the industry and that something like Kemono Friends being a success despite its animation could refocus it towards strong narratives, thus being "epoch making".
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Why is this suddenly gaining traction
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This happened dozens of times, before Kaban intervened and gave them an actual strategy. Just think about it. I guess maybe Moose just like fighting and don't mind losing so as long they can regroup and fight again?
>could refocus it towards strong narratives, thus being "epoch making".
Here's hoping, but I'm betting on a focus on lower budgets and low res CGI instead.
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I don't know, but I'm liking it.
They're only that shiny because that's how wet hair looks.
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You aren't lewding Friends, are you?
That won't last long if it happens. If any studio is dumb enough to try that without having a high-quality narrative to carry the show, they're going to crash and burn. Granted it's not like they'd lose a huge investment, but the chances of success are astronomically low.
based tatsugod saving low budget anime once again
Mirai is a virgin past 25 who lives alone with her cats!
Serval will deal with her in much the same way.
She's actually 18-20.
But the rest of the statement is true.
Is it fine if I'm just lewding guides?
Did the last bit of Kemokko Zoo get posted yet?
Friends play "hunter and pray", instead of hunting for real.

Friends play "????", instead of reproducing for real.
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What if I lewd Mirai-san?
I shouldn't have said he then goes onto say that. The last line there isn't literally his words but my interpretation of the points he is making. Should have said that seems to be the argument he is making if you follow the lines of the conversation. He does literally call in an epochal work though and for those reasons how I interpret it.
A new translated chapter came out today, if that's what you mean.
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Pretty patriotic for a trash panda.
Last bit?
A number of chapters were dumped here >>159035712
surprisingly quality lewds, panda a cutest
Oh sweet
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It's playing mating, of course.
Where at? We got cut off at a really fucking awful spot last night.
What's in Mirai's fanny pack
I took a look at the raws so far and it's pretty great (and very cutelewd) indeed. My only regret is how the fennec chapter barely had any fennec.
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Rape King of Japari Park.
Oh, yeah. That one got dumped yesterday. We had the guy livetranslating the horse chapter.
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Serval, I'm already a Cerulean...
How the fuck Kemokko Zoo is KF related? I didn't know this is animal girls general.
A few people have talked about it, but it gets its own threads too.
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Uh oh, the thread policeman's here, better rap it up guys.
On that subject
He says in this 3rd interview on the topic that he thinks it will be impossible for other established proper 3DCG studios like Sanzigen, Graphicana and Polygon Pictures to be able to imitate Kemono Friends success because their whole system and workflow is completely different. He says that if it was going to happen it would have to be something like a small company that maybe usually did small bits of 3DCG for things outside of TV anime and then some otaku there gets the idea to make a TV anime being inspired by Kemono Friends.
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>How the fuck Kemokko Zoo is KF related?
It isn't, and I don't know why they insist to talk about it here.
Animal girls are animal girls. Why would there be any harm in mentioning the series in these threads? Why would there be any harm in mentioning series outside of their own threads, for that matter?
Because there's nothing wrong with talking about a manga that focuses on a certain theme in threads for a show about that same theme. I'd understand it if people suddenly hijacked this thread but for fuck's sake there were just a few passing comments. Please chill the fuck down.
Because I want to know if the damn translation got finished after the thread 404'd last night. Take a chill pill and put down your wannabe janitor's badge.
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It's a different franchise. Does the thread title say animal girls? No it bloody does not. So get the fuck out, and stop bringing it up. No one wants you here, so just go away and do whatever you like somewhere else.
Mentioning it is one thing and dumping it is another, only the former is really appropriate.
>Why would there be any harm in mentioning series outside of their own threads, for that matter?
Self inflicted ghettoization. It's one reason long running generals go to hell, quality wise.
I'm pretty sure this is a Kemono Friends thread, not some sort of general where the slightest mention of any other series is forbidden. Stop getting so angry at this.
So I think this audio comic is based on a part of this panel.


Can anyone give a basic translation?
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Stick it up your ass faggot, this ain't a fucking general, a passing mention to a similar series isn't hijacking.
I want to take all the cat friends and stack them on top of each other so we can climb to the moon
Although, at least the fennec chapter had a fennec that acted like a fennec
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Would you try it?
Moon sugar is fine, it's skooma you need to worry about.
There is only one way to find out
You can't just take dirt, color it with acrylic paints, and then expect me to sniff it.
You could get lung cancer this way. This isn't healthy.
Serval has tanoshii if you have buns
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All girls are gay. Anyone that says otherwise is a total dumbass.
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>Otter is a junkie
This isn't tanoshii at all.
Tanoshii with Serval's buns?
Maybe Sandstar is only addictive for ceruleans. It might just be pure clean fun for Friends.
I love this
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>All girls are gay
No, they aren't.
And there is nothing gay about mating with your best friend.
who might be behind this post?
Explain why all Kemonos mate with each other in that case, because that's gay af.
Ceruleans only need to consume sandstar because they are inorganic
Friends naturally produce enough Sandstar to sustain themselves.
A special, special cat
For Margay, idol hands really are the Devil's workshop.
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>Friends naturally produce enough Sandstar to sustain themselves.
Then why were Fennec and the the Owls worried about Arai-san's and Fennec's Sandstar level?
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>help I'm phoneposting
There's a simpler version that was posted before that one with Otter but I can't find it.
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No idea, but it's most likely something gay.
Well I mean the action comics #1 homage is really great, suck attention to detail in the first one. The other one is great too.
How the fuck am I supposed to meme at my friends with this shit
I guess it'll just have to wait until I'm back home.
For some reason I always like this one better. Probably due to using Jag and Otter and the stupid look on Otter's face.
What happened to 60k per BD?
It's funny how the simple version (made by some anon) came first, and then Japan made the more complex one. I wonder if it was just a coincidence or if they were inspired by the version from here.
Margay is gay because that's actually her coping mechanism. Her previous life consisted of countless impregnation in the name of conservation.
Don't they say that this BD tracker has never been accurate for books?
I like Moose
Also I like Rhino
Also this show kinda sucks
>she gets bored before you finish
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It's me on the left.
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I am not a fluent man.

Fennic: Have you ever been sad (I swear, it says "sad" but maybe I'm just missing some idiom here)? It was great, and I couldn't run away. It was sad.
Arai: Nezumi? (???)
F: Mnn.
A: You've kissed before?
F: I've kissed before, yeah. So?
Arai and Serval: EHHHH
F: There's no problem, right?? EHH, NO WORRIES, RIGHT?? NO PROBLEM AT ALL--!!
A: HAA??
A: You kissed?! Wait a second!
A: You scared me!
S: Wait, wait, wait!
A: No way! You two?!
F: It's true!
S: Oh my~ Well, not worth keeping it a secret now! I wanna see!
A: AH. No! Wai-- Uh. Um.
-Something about a broadcast. I guess that's the original context. Probably something like, "We're broadcasting now. Wait until it's over, then I'll do it."
A: Wait, I didn't hear clearly.
S: Hahaha, you probably don't like it, huh?
A: Are you really gonna do it? It's not like it's a bad thing...
F: You do it too, right, Senpai?
A: EH? What now?
F: Kiss.
A: No, no, no, really, I'm all good.
F: (she doesn't say this in the audio, but it's written in text) Oh, I see. You have Kaban-chan, don't you?
A: Fhoo, my face is all red.
F: But it's kind of amazing! It's a little sad (??), but warm and also somehow really happy!

I mean, I could also just be swapping sad with fun because tanoshii and kanashii, but I swear to high heaven it's kanashii. Anyway, the clip was adorable because it's basically just them freaking out about kissing.
Who the fuck
You tried, here:
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Japari live.jpg
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Japari live

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It's addicting.jpg
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>when you realize japari park is a shit island so you decide to snort 40 pounds of sandstar and just die.jpg
Oh boy, answer sheet!
I wasn't expecting this much of a breakdown, really appreciated thanks! FYI You kinda made my night actually. Been pretty dreadful.

It's what happens when there's no Kaboy.
I always said Kaboy is better than self inserts, it's time everyone recognize that.
I want to play with Kaban's bag.

That's a testicle joke.
Very funny.
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You're gonna have to explain this one to me.
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>Bird friends don't lay eggs
oh i see
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Bird Friends laying eggs, just like Tsuchinoko being nopan, will always be canon to me until a new guidebook disprove it.

my submission to the berserk OP thread
Mirai-san just wants all the friends to herself to lewd, doesn't she?
I want to sandstar Penpen and other mascots.
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Show up in season 2 or else I'll lewd all your friends.
I'll fuckin' do it, man.
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Mirai-san is a fiend.
What makes Tsuchinoko nopan?
I hope she shows up as an old woman
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True until proven false
But what did the guidebook say about it? I haven't gotten around to reading those yet.
Nothing, so it's still true.
Very sugoi
Maybe it's just kemonoplasm that phases into existence at the exact moment you'd catch a glimpse of some naughty bits.
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It only reports sales from 3000 stores compared to the BD/DVD/CD ones that report sales from 22000+ stores. It doesn't report book sales directly from Kadokawa either and they're one of the major sellers of the series, same with animate. There were around 15k bookstores in Japan in 2015 so it's missing quite a chunk.
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What kind of drunk is Wolf?
For a second I thought she didn't have ears and it was weird.
I've been listening to japari cafe all day long
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fuck off
The cover made me expecting something so much worse.
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[muffled dubstep in the distance]
wub wub wub
foxes dancing to snek's theme
Yes, I would love to have some milk tea.
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Are there any salamander friends?

Furthest to the right is a group of salamanders
>Look at Kemono Friends fanart or doujin
>Hear Serval's voice in my head every time I read something she says
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and I forgot the picture.
Interesting, leopard tortoise might be the only friend who wears a business suit.
how big and fluffy is Ezo's tail?
it's losing its shine and luster from being sat on in front of a geimu console all day
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another life lost
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She has the biggest and fluffiest tail on the island no friend could resist using it as a pillow.
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What if kaban didn't met serval...
I can't believe Serval is fucking dead.
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twice in the same episode
Be honest, have you even heard of a serval before this show?
I think so, yes.
No. Nor a japanese crested ibis. Or even a shoebill. And certainly not a campo flicker. What even is a campo flicker??
Just because it's better doesn't mean it's good.
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Do the other islands have Sanstar volcano/mountains as well? Just trying to think how Sandstar can criss a big ocean to make more Friends if they don't have one.
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Why is Moose impregnating everyone?
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Kawaii as fuck desu.
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It's hard to say at this point. The guidebooks are the only thing confirming that the park spread through several islands in the anime continuity, but the guidebooks haven't given an explanation for the first appearance of Sandstar yet. The game's explanation isn't applicable here, since it just fell from the sky one day, no volcano.

There's this legend in guidebook 4 about a legendary "Beast of Good Luck" (which inspired the robot's design) that apparently spread a substance similar to Sandstar called "Sand of the stars (Hoshi no Suna)", but it's all just presented as a rumor rather than fact.
big enough eruption could cover a suitably large area, think Krakatoa or similar that actually changed world climate for a few years afterwards
Maybe it's mating season.
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Ocelot w/ special cat
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We were somewhere on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.
>Trade Winds carry Sandstar to all over the world
>Friends are created everywhere

>Ceruleans are created all over the world too
>They proceed to kill everyone and everything
lion tricked her into giving a massage.
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>What even is a campo flicker?
A cute woodpecker.
Doujin where sandstar landed on a googles. Alpaca and Toki befriended him right away and because this is an H doujin, Alpaca spilled tea on his crotch and one thing leads to another.
Google's what?
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In Metal Gear Solid, yes.
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we 400m now
is it just me or are 'su' and 'goi' two different sound bytes?
Nope, KF was probably one of the most educational things I watched in a while.
so violating all known rules of sandstar, which state that its reaction with inorganic material results in ceruleans, not Free! characters
I'm glad it had a happy ending at least.
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kemonofriends&JRA Collaboration
Scheduled release page
I can't even express how much I love this.
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I can't believe it
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I like this one better
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>lewding Hepalize
The Owls aren't even that smart. . .
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Hakase can read some Kanji
Then how do you explain how they manage to be gourmands?
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Big deal. Even I can read some Kanji. 3 does count as "some", right?
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I'm a big fan of nature documentaries.
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Here are the sources.
rude and wrong
Yeah, it was actually the reason I started watching.
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Actually the mini-serval is a character in this guys story line in his comic.
Did they fuck or something in the game?
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I'm honestly confused as to why you would come to that conclusion.
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>not a single joke about being horny
Oh come on.
Handsy. Instead of fooling with Friends minds, she starts undressing them.
Do you still finish?
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Serval, Nature's Sisyphus.
Whatever drug it was, it must have been a happy drug.
Needs more Hotline Miami art.
I absolutely detest monster girl encyclopedia
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The Friends that dress as Maids are the best Friends
They're the coolest aren't they?
Mine's drawing of Ocelot and Margay together might suggest something. I just think quick and dirty.
>Ears touching
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Murder friend
I want to hear rambling from a drunk Princess
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Make Japari Park great again!
You get two choices:
- Intact fully functional Japari Park but there are no Friends, only normal animals, it's kinda nice and not too full though
- Intact fully functional Japari Park with Friends, but they are always busy entertaining the numberless hordes of visitors who want to see and meet and touch cute Friends
- Derelict empty Japari Park that's falling apart, no visitorts, just Friends lazing around
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Does anyone have the paw print logo without the faded duplicate behind it?
Why did you include two more choices when the third is clearly the correct one?
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I have all 3 in png.
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Thank you
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Sailor uniform Friends.
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Kill that cerulean
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Numbers reinforce veracity.
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>Little owls in swimsuits
I like this.
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Why the hell was there a stealth bomber on the mountain? Is Humanity fucked?
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>swimsuits with leggings
I like this even more.
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Kemono Friends Prequel.jpg
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you are very late anon
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what celurean?
There's another frame in that episode of unexploded bombs too.

I'm told that the stone marker there is supposed to indicate that you're half way up a mountain....a mountain that they're at the top of now.
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this abomination
But she's cute. An abomination can't be cute.
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Obviously incorrect because she exists
A cerulean sympathizer huh?
I don't like these.
Fennecu please save your wife.
Why is she so sad?
Not being abused enough.
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Stop this fiend.
that's not a celurean.
Have you ever been a salaryman
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Based Triple-Q does it again.
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This is wrong.
I'm a physical therapist...
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>my life
>my soul
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Is that why Tanya is fucking insane.
what is this?
Better speak up, boy
Didn't he first make a video of "killing" serval? Bandwagon much?
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Cerval is a good girl, I wont tolerate your bullying of her.
Arai realizes that the real world is tsurai
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I actually had a cat that turned out to be one. Ran away though.
It's over. Also please remove yourself from Japari Park.
Wait, what?
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Bite me anon.
I want to give Jaguar a liter of kittens
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Why do we allow Cerval to live? Isn't she just a evil Cerulean who eats Friends?
Cute, cute!
Is this like a real page in a book (I mean, textbooks for kids are filled to the brim with licensed anime figures, IIRC) or just fan art?
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Lion sleeping in the Jungle.png
4MB, 2271x1676px
> Lion Sleeps Tonight
I learned the history of that one recently, apparently people thought it was based on an African folk song but the version that got turned into the Tokens' song (called Mbube, which means Lion) was actually done by a guy named Solomon Linda in the early 20th century who got tricked into selling the rights to it and didn't get any money from it despite how popular of a song it was, but then when Disney used it in the Lion King his family found a loophole in copyright law that let them basically smack Disney with millions of dollars in royalty fees (though it took a big lawsuit to pull it off).

> Measuring kittens by liquid volume
The implications are gross.
Don't worry she died with the game, hopefully.
I don't think she's evil.
She's cute and looks like a nice girl.
imagine how stupid they felt when they realized they just had to dump water on it
Now you've done it, Arai-san.
The guidebook 3 mentions "Cerval's Hill" with a castle. And that's all new information, rather than from the game.
It'd be neat if they met Cerval in season 2 in her new home.
Cerval is final boss of Season 2, she's now the ruler of the Cerulean hivemind
Woulsn't flying Ceruleans harden and eventually crash onto the surface like small meteors?
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This BD had considerably less shocking information than the last ones. Still worth it though.

I accidentally bought two. Suggestions on what I should do with the extra?
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Please stop bullying Cerval, or I'll be forced to take action.
Maybe that's what meteors are?
It's from pixiv.
find a way to rip it on nyaa pantsu/cartel?

Wait some years and bid it off?
God I wish nakinyko was still alive. I'm tired of being subbed to these autists just because they might release one good mashup a year in between the hundreds of memefests
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Well, seeing as there's not been any scans of the past two, it'd be nice to see stuff aside from what's been going around on Twitter. I'm more interested in location stuff, and I'm not sure how much of it was posted on Twitter out of whats in the book.

Basically, I'd appreciate if you could upload the location pages, even if they're phone pictures.
Moose, calm down. You can't even spell correctly right now.
I'll be mad as fuck if there's no threesome doujin with Raccoon and Fennec by the end of this year. Or anything with Bear and/or Monkey without Kaboy meme. Or at least some nice Otter bootyblasting (why the fuck are 95% jap artists ignoring her fat ass?)
All Ceruleans must be exterminated, anon. Getting that disgusting little shit killed is a price worth paying.
I had read one recently involving tentacles ravaging both Serval and Kaban
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An effort was made
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Listen here you fucking inbred mongrel, Cerval is a Friend and she would do no harm. You're the only disgusting little shit here.
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Just turn your head
100% match.
It's fine. Image editing software exists for a reason. Thank you. Are there any more pages coming?
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It was fucking grabage, like most doujins scanned so far.
The only really good one right now is pic related.
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Last one. This one was after the Episode 8 section
It was pretty cute. The one with Wolf was good too.
>inexplicable self insert
No thank you.
The one with grey wolf wasn't bad.
There is literally nothing wrong with the third option.

I want to see a battle of wits and courage between her and the two owls. They should come to respect each other for their intellect, but absolutely hate their counterparts for their different approach to problem solving.
Thanks, I've only seen parts of the first two pages on Twitter. If there's anything else you think is interesting, feel free to post.
Thats an alien, not a friend. It needs to take a dive in saltwater just like its dog pal.
Try buying it anon.
I have, I just wont be able to get it for a week or two because it shipped to my parent's address.
I dont get it
Your opinion is shit and wrong, and a monster like you should feel bad.
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get off the internet, cerval, no one likes you
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Here, I fixed Cerval. This is what it should look like from now on.
Bullying Friends is wrong, I won't stand for it.
It isn't bullying, just banter.
Wtf I hate Cerval now.
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Objectively inferior. Fennec's hair is perfect.
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Would you "banter" about how stupid a 5-year old child is in front of them? Cerval is a delicate and precious Friend and does not deserve this kind of vicious treatment.
I agree, there is no point in bullying Cerval. A quick blow to its core will do the trick just fine, no need to prolong its existance.
Enough, awful people like (You) need to leave the park.
This sense of humor reminds me of /b/
But she's a evil Cerulean!
She isn't evil, go read the game story again.
But she's a Cerulean, and they eat and kill people!
We all went to school with a kid like Prairie Dog.
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Somehow managed to get second place in cosplay competition as Toki. I was really surprised since the whole design is quite simple and there was so much more better ones out there. Winner was chosen by audience poll thought
Is it kind of weird that Ceruleans have the ability to revert Friends to their original form? It's almost like they're trying to combat the changes created by the Sandstar. What if the Ceruleans are trying to contain Sandstar or something.
Theories on what kind of animal Kaban is?
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They also eat minds of regular humans they come across, so your assumption is incorrect.

>>>/cgl/ no attention whoring allowed on this board
Her cuddlability goes up tenfold with long hair though.
Sandstar is an evil alien entity. It creates humanoid creatures that humans will mate with, systematically infecting the population until it can be completely subjugated and harvested for energy.
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She's a cobra.
you're kinda late aren't you
I'm okay with this.
They are not necessarily combating the Sandstar's changes when they still exist even after consuming a Friend. They are more like a natural predator or something similar.
They are made from Sandstar though so it's like Sandstar trying to recontain itself.
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>no Aardwolf in local zoo
Oh well, at least I had my fair share of tanoshii.
Have you visited your zoo yet, /a/?
Yeah, i love animals.
So we're back to Sandstar being Tiberium?
Post more gay friends.
Maybe life developed on an alien planet that was based not on carbon, but on Sandstar. When a giant deposit of the material ended up on Earth, by some stroke of luck it managed to interact with the local fauna, and a parallel Sandstar ecosystem developed on the planet by accident.
Do it yourself lazy fag. Preferrably on /u/.
She is the Cerulean Queen.
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What makes Margay special special?
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I think she's a Common Backpack.
Kemono Friends is /u/ fuckface. Now post some gay friends.
so if sandstar turns whatever it touches into a Friend how come there is no Grass Friends or Planet Earth Friends
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I think I'd get banned for going too much /cgl/ as >>159115512 said, and I'm too insecure for that since the skirt in that is really way too short and maybe the reason for most of the votes. Quite many took pics thought so there might pop up some at some point
It only reacts to certain animals (no bug/fish friends) and inorganic matter.
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Red tights are godlike. The voters knew what they were doing.
She's obviously a goat.
> There will never be a Dragonfly Friend

Feels bad.
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But they're all gay.
She needs to be ravaged
And needs a good dicking
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This is true.
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I must agree with this anon.
Sandstar recreates its natural environments and biomes while converting preexisting ones and all the creatures that inhabit them. That also isn't to say that Sandstar itself is alive, because it is not.
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I want you to understand that this friend at the wheel is my bossu. He's not just some robot I found on the savannah, man. He's a lucky beast. I think he's probably human made. But that doesn't matter, though, does it? Are you prejudiced?
she's not a celurean, (you) retard. don't shoot (you)r mouth off about subjects (you) don't know anything about.
cerval doesn't even have a core.

no, she isn't. she stopped being one when she got those funky rainbow wing-ears. learn to read.
Their screams were not cute
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Otter comic.jpg
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Nice, reminds me of another comic of a friend having to deal with real life. Only difference is she is not wearing different work clothes (still waiting for the fanfic by the way).
All they had in mine was hyenas, no aardwolfs sadly.

Did get to see a shitton of humboldt penguins tho, like about 30-40 of them.
>>159089807 needs to be a continuation to >>159117474 comic then otter-san gets all high and comes to work afterwards then gets fired where she ends up with Aria-san in a sad situation.
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You can't help but wonder if the guys behind these comics have any sort of first-hand experience with this.

>*parody of "safety first"*
You don't say.
Campo and Alpaca should work together.
>salesfags are still lashing out against the slightest mention of KemoFure in other threads
This is kind of amusing.
Why do you keep coming back here for validation? Nobody wants to deal with your autism
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> lashing out at Kemono Friends when Granblue is the perfect target due to people buying it for the mobage bonuses rather than the show itself
Or are they doing that too?
Tapir is cute! Cute!
It's sad how you can't say anything about this show on other threads without making people angry, but then you remember who those people are and it loops back into being funny.
Don't worry about me though, I avoid saying anything about KemoFure out there because I don't want to attract them. Just commenting on something I just saw happen.
Wow fuck you
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Please accept this love & peace bird as apology
Ya'll c'mon now. Let's be friends.
There are legitimate reasons to dislike Kemono Friends that have nothing to do with sales. Granted, most of them are associated with shit taste. But the fact that autists like yourself will immediately label anyone who bitches about KF a "salesfag" proves that you're just as obsessed with meaningless numbers as they are.
Not him but I have never once seen someone make any argument for hating Kemono Friends that seemed as if they actually watched anything more than 3 minutes of the show. There are maybe 3 main attacks l have seen, those that go with the furry angle, those that think it is for children and compare it to the pony show, and those that hate CG blindly but I have never really seen any intelligent criticism of the show here.
The reasoning doesn't have to be intelligent. All the things you just said are common reasons for why people hate KF, and none of them have to do with sales. Yet some people continue to push the salesfag boogeyman
I don't really think they can be called "legitimate" reasons when they are based on ignorance for the first two and dogmatism for the last.
I'm not arguing with the "salesfag" thing at all though. There are clearly reasons people dislike it besides that even if the fact that it was successful and they hate things about it gets their back up even more.
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I only wish that Kemono Friends would expand bigger than just the anime for it seems only main friends from the anime get tons of doujins and other things for them. It's a pain waiting for the next KF animation project to come out for I am ready to meet some new friends.
The salesfag "boogeyman" happens because the most likely reason as to why someone would hate this show so much is exactly how well it sold and how popular it got in Japan. The biggest proof of that is how other shows that feature anything similar to the other points that >>159118951 mentioned have never gotten this much hate.
People seem to be slowly drawing more art of Friends that didn't show up in the anime, especially as new volumes of the guidebook come out. I don't think they'll show up that often in doujin manga (ero or not) though.
Those salamander girls are sexy AF
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There's already 3 games announced.
>have never gotten this hate
Because the vast majority of shows like Kemono Friends don't have extremely large and vocal fanbases on /a/ and other Western sites. /a/ hates stuff that they see a lot. The actual sales are secondary, and popularity in Japan is irrelevant.

I wouldn't even have a problem with it if you fags weren't coming in here and smugly bringing it up, acting like you're any better than them when all you're saying is "lol they just hate it because it's popular, right guys?"
Wait three official games or three fan games. I must have missed the link for I skim through the threads more often than not now a days since I've given up trying to follow every single post on the thread. Wasted many days on Kemono Friends thread reading because of that.
Official games.
>no bug/fish friends
wow that's so lame

where are my Great White friends???
3 official? I knew there were two. But the 2nd didn't have an official announcement to my knowledge.
I'm not really sure if it's 3, but someone on those threads said so, so it must be true. Right?
Only two I'm pretty sure. One which is a mobage by Bushiroad and another separate game which hasn't had any info said about it. Also the mobage won't be a rhythm game.
Maybe some guy meant the doujin fighting game was the third.
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