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One Punch Man

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Thread replies: 528
Thread images: 160

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Garoufags epic BTFO
Translations WHEN
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Patiently waiting for translations
On a scale from Saitama to the big chinned kid, how weak is Garou?
I would say he's at about Dog-Jobber levels.
I can't belive Garou fucking destroyed WatchDogMan just like that. He's the best.

weaker then licenseless rider at the moment.
I hadn't realized he jobbed to make wdm look good.

I was too busy excited how he lost
Weak enough to job to a furry
Watchdog Man's chew toy level
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Terror or Hell, which one do you wish for?
Would sarin kill Saitama?
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>WDM was just another stepping stone for Garou

WDM fags on eternal suicide watch as Garou's arc goes on and on.
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Reminder that the OTP is SaiKing

>Well then, as a handicap, I will use nothing but these two fingers.
>What did you say!? This time I'll crush you for sure!
Both please
two fingers in Saitama's butthole
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Strongest man after Saitama.

Ugly kids are the key.
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Tonight, I dine in Hell
So, is him sucking so much dog cock just a clever ruse by Garou?
He's closer to the kid than he is to Saitama
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This needs answers
>"WDM will make Garou too scared to fight S classes" retards said
>literally the opposite happens

It's like these faggots don't understand shit about ONE's characters
>i-it's not like he sucks, b-because he didn't stop sucking after the first dong
How can two fingers be stronger than one punch? Just how OP is King?
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Garou knows how to train any dog now. Even the one Saitama is going to adopt.

Thanks for wasting your time furfag.
I couldn't have predicted that losing to WDM would have been so detrimental to Garou's ego that his first thought is to go commit sudoku by fighting king

Then again if I lost to a furfag I wouldn't want to live either.
>I-I was just pretending to be retarded
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>trains dogs by giving them blowjobs
fuck off blackstar
even at his peak he wasn't stronger than Boros
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This >>158781724
So who are the resident autists in OPM threads? I can see that one garoufag being complete cancer and the tripfag being caner too. Anyone else who's regulary shitposting in these threads?
>Garou will absolutely go after Gatling because of WDM
>I swear guys he will
Blacked Star, who are you trying to fool?
Typical gallows-level evasion maneuver. Still gets beaten up by the sheer skill of the good boi.
they are talking about a video game
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>Yfw when Pedigree raped Gallow
> "WDM will make Garou too scared to fight S classes"

Yeah, but getting absolutely BTFO by King did.
SaiKing going strong:

Samata tells King that by become the strongest, he has lost his goal. He feels unfulfilled with any fights, and arrogantly told King it's something you'd never understand.
He never thought becoming a hero would lead to such loneliness.

But King debunks Saitama and tells him that strength does not define a hero, and heart or heroics is to help people.
You might have become the strongest hero Saitama, but that does not make you the "best" hero.
A hero should seek his identity in helping others and the world, not solely from excitement of battle.

Also, there's more to life than becoming the strongest.
To say you're "bored" and do nothing to broaden your perspective to other facets of life is limiting yourself.
Life is an endless journey, and to find excitement you have to LOOK for it.
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>trains dogs by casually one-punching them just like Saitama

Bye bye furfag~
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So Garou will think King was the one who hit him since he was so focused that he didn't notice Saitama at all right?
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Literally who?
>b-but there is a dog h-he punched!
Will that ever be enough to heal the hole WDM turned Garou's butthole into?
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ok autists, gonna need a fast translation on that garou vs WDM segment
M ost definitelöysdi
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The good boi who raped Gallows
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>Mfw they waited for an entire year to "see garou beat WDM"
>This is what they get
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there is only one correct answer
You're retarded

Saitama gives Garou amnesia every time he knocks him out, Garou won't remember shit and will resume fighting every hero he meets indiscriminately
The money first
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Literally who?
Garou didn't have amnesia after the park punch.
>WDM keeps going for the "shake hands" trick
Why does he have the mind of a dog too?
The guy who got raped by WDM. You should try following the manga
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Because he is facing a human. Meanwhile against monsters he just nukes them.

That speech by King is soooo Reigen, I still want my OPMxMP100 crossover, ONE.
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Dogman barely hurt Garou compared to many other guys he's fought.

And Garou still used him as a stepping stone to grow stronger. Kek.
>that smile

His Vegeta level is steadily increasing.
>And Garou still used him as a stepping stone
How? He lost against him and didn't figure out how to beat non-humans. He couldn't block even one (1) paw.
He did have amnesia

Busaiku explained what happened and Garou couldn't remember Saitama's face until the end of their fight
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>Garou still used him as a stepping stone to grow stronger
translations still not done?
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>Literally who?
what was proper translation of his name?
>Garou transforms into a monster
>Saitama thinks he's just wearing a costume
>because Saitama knows that deep down Garou is only pretending to be a monster and still remained a human all along, so he was wearing a metaphorical monster costume

He didn't have amnesia. He just got kockned out directly so of course he didn't understand what was going on.

He remembered his forgot at this point, but with everything that happened he didn't directly remember when they were fighting.
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Challenge fuels him, secondary-kun.
>I just read the webcomic it's pretty good guys
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... and? I mean what are you trying to tell us with this? I mean it's not like this wasn't obvious to any 12 year old who read it or anything
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Can garou be considered a jobber now
He always been one
>Losing twice in one chapter
Even Genos couldn't accomplish that
He did have amnesia - he couldn't remember Saitama at all until Something clicked, you ESL retard
Then you are using the word stepping stone wrong, ESL-kun.
But he does it off panel that's kind of worse
So everytime you forget about something but then after a bit of thinking you remember that means you have amnesia?

Don't be retarded.
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Man I expected Garou to lose, I mean, WDM was the last class to be shown in action either in manga and comic, but still that was glorious
You guys think WDM gave garou a lick after his beating?

Like a parent does it's puppy.
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>G-Garou will destroy Watch Dog Man
>h-he's just dude with a dog costume
Garoufags got an epic BTFO
Yes he was
>Stepping stone
>an action or event that helps one to make progress towards a specified goal

Gotta thank Dogman for giving even more fuel to Garou, kek.
>King's eyes focused on Garou even though he's been kicked at an incredibly high speed

How fucking OP is King?
>WDM will never take a piss on you

why even live
no he wasn't
that's the power of vidya
A stepping stone is the one you using as a step, not the one falling on your head
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I will go ahead and post the translation
Memory loss is a better term to use as amnesia is an exaggeration

Either way he barely remembers shit when Saitama knocks him out - he forgets faces of the people he fought
>Garou was attacking seriously
>WDM was just shaking paws
>Almost jobbed to metal bat , till a loli saved his ass

>Jobbed to saitama a dozen times

>Jobbed to a furry

>jobbed to bang

>Even when he's having his big moment, beating all the s class heroes, he just ends up jobbing to saitama again
He is in Sonic's level when it comes to jobbing, hasn't reached genos though
He didn't progress though, ESL-kun. Being motivated (as he was before too), isn't progressing.
I very easily forget people's faces I only saw a glimpse of once, to not say everytime.

Does that means I have amnesia?
Can anyone do an edit of Garou in a dance room or some shit? Dude's got some serious ballerina game going on there.
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Fuck you
He did tho. Now he can job not only to old people, but to animals as well.
Did those people beat the shit out of you or did you beat the shit out of them?
Fuck you are right, Garou is fucking pathetic.
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>being literally retarded

Thanks for wasting your time and helping Garou grow stronger, furfag. If Dogman totally ignored Garou you wouldn't be so assblasted now.
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fuck off blackstar
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Reminder that Tatsumaki and Saitama were made for each other.
You should really work on your english skills.
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>Thanks for wasting your time and helping Garou grow stronger
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>Gajob got his ass wrecked twice in a chapter
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I can taste some Garoufag tears
I have never seen damage control this desperate. Everyone knows Garou becomes really strong after darkshine but I will never understand why his fanboys are so upset that he is weaker than other people in human form
>Being motivated isn't progressing
Are you retarded?

His character grows stronger with every challenge and motivation is the exact thing that keeps him going. Challenging him and strengthening his motivation is only helping him progress.
saitama goes incredibly well with high strung women, which happens to be both sisters
If he's so motivated than why did he jobed to WDM?
>Are you retarded?
Are you? He was just as motivated before WDM violated him. Look up what progress means. He didn't learn anything nor changed in anyway.
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terror's legs
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Hell's tits
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>that panel
>that foreshadowing of Garou becoming the strongest man after Saitama

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>WatchDogMan is literaly trending in japan
>No mention of Garou
And people think that Garou won, lol.
They can't even comprehend that him getting so ass-blasted is part of what makes him an interesting character to begin with. They could use that as a foolproof argument but always end up taking the bait and beating around the bush about how he wasn't beaten up THAT badly, it's pretty sad honestly.
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Was that guy hit the worst by Garou?

All the heroes got beat up while he got his arm torn off in addition to getting beat up.
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You have 3 minutes to post the translation. Niggastream. Otherwise I'll have to use "that".
watchdogman fan art is about to shoot through the roof

pretty sure there will be a doujin of him raping garou as well
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You couldn't mean "that", could you...?
She is set up to a punch line , from how it looks ONE is up her gaining feelings for saitama in the blast arc and the joke can go 3 ways

>one ,Saitama rejects tatsumaki

>Two, the joke is that saitama cares so little about who he ends up with, he decides to go along with tatsumaki

>Or three, ONE is parodying the shonen time skip ending , and having they're entire relationship off screen
>what's foreshadowing
apparently it's another word for "body shaped hole in a wall" as I've learned today
But only one has the tits to take it all the way
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Challenge makes him stronger. You'll have to live with this fact, poor furfag.

You're quite literally retarded. Read his inner monologue and conclusions about technique right before he says that he's going to become stronger. He's learning news things and surpassing old limits as he goes. He's even more motivated now than before.
fuck off blackstar
It's a forshadowing of him being BTFO'd by Saitama for the third time. The funny thing is he would probably be BTFO'd by WDM too if he was there.
>he doesn't see the horns
Not your time yet, Pig god
>tfw PG would have one shotted awakened garou but he wasn't that great of a threat to him
Terror or Hell
Let's rock
Oh this face is right
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All you need is ass
Which remained the exact same as before the fight. You are quite LITERALLY retarded, no one else.

>conclusions about technique
He makes none, nice try.
>The funny thing is he would probably be BTFO'd by WDM too if he was there.
I know you're trying to shit on Garoufag here and I appreciate it but that kind of takes it to far don't you think
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Good thing Fubuki has both
those are his fucking hair you moron. I know hair don't have enough force to leave marcs in walls but that's kind of a cartoon comic relief thing that has been done for centurys already
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>garyfags being this mad
>Challenge makes him stronger.
From how it looks in the manga, it's more like it makes a human-shaped hole
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Don't click on this image, it's just too much.
I can almost hear the whimper
>Literally Who Man fags this delusional

Garou before the fight with Saitama was already training Saitama's future dog and shitting all over Saitama's own Dimple.
>but that kind of takes it to far don't you think
Not even closely far enough. I want Garroufag to lose his shit completely and develop a deep religious awe for all the dogs in his life.
There's some in the previous thread
Garou's hair is way bigger than the horns left in the hole though.

But that doesn't necessarily foreshadow anything, Garou always had that devilish appeareance to him.
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good boy
You know, your terrible English makes your weak arguments even weaker. And I'm an ESL-poster myself.
>tfw the mangastream scanlation team are the garoufags so they skip this chapter
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Mind Blown
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>no face
fuck of blackstar

I typed
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>Garou discovered certain limits of his technique
>this fight only strengthened his motivation to grow stronger
>h-he didn't make any progress!

You're literally delusional.
He developed an awesome technique of leaving a human-shaped hole in a wall.
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Garou got KNOTTED
I had to stop driving I had tears in my eyes I was laughing too hard. Watchdog man playing shake with him was too much.
>You're literally delusional.
Nice projecting, you just don't know how to use the expression "stepping stone" properly. Get over it.
Anon what the fuck are you talking about?
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I still don't know what face you're talking about do I? Fucking hell blackstar fuck off
The size of Garou's crazy hair cones is much larger than the horns that made a hole in the wall

Either the horns are growing beneath all that hair or it's just subtle foreshadowing
He still ran away like a bitch
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WDM is best boy
So, what's the secret behind WDM strength?
What rank is WatchDogMan again?
From where is this again?
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Update when?
>dog suit is moving
Into the trash
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Stepping stone is a thing that helps someone progress further. This is exactly what Dogman did, as shown and stated in the chapter.

Gee, Dogman wasn't the only stepping stone that helped Garou grow either! Since his arc is so damn long.
WDM is the suit.
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It's the face expression, Saitama has it, WDM has it, Tatsumaki has it occasionally (that's why she's almost as strong).
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This is your GOD(backwards) now.
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He didn't progress because he didn't figure out how to overcome WDM, instead he had to move on to someone else. A stepping stone isn't someone you encounter and learn nothing from. I'm not even insulting you, I'm completely honest, you're using the expression wrong, that's just how it is.
>you're just a stepping stone!
>First I jobbed to an old guy
>Then I jobbed to a dog
>Now I'm almost ready to job to a bald guy!
Suiryu had it and Genos has it sometimes
You are an idiot
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Zombieman cracks me up here
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How wil Garoufags ever recover?
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Fucking saved.
Thank you for this.
Top kek
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No u
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>g-guys WDM will totally humble Garou
>Garou goes after King himself

Poor furfags.
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This one for shitposting purposes I guess.
>Garou is so dumb he can't learn his lesson at all
Truly a perfect jobber material
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That Fubuki pose, where did I see it again?
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>WDM is S-Class rank 12
>he's stronger than Garou
Ranks don't mean shit
Flashy flash is rank 13 and he'd wreck Garou's shit silly. Ranks don't mean strength .
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I think Sweet Mask should have made you realise that before.
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Weird pairing.
The "i know better this language thus o win the argument"
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It's more of a "not only your argument is dumb. it's also hard to comprehend"

The feeling of tears running down my face after a loss... or the rush of emotion after a close victory, I've forgotten it all.
My ability to feel emotion has become so dull that...
nothing makes me happy or angry anymore.
I wonder if this sense of loss is a result of becoming too strong...
This feeling of living in a completely different world from everyone else...
As the path I chose myself, there might be nothing I can do about it but...

To think that the path of a hero would be this lonely...

Saitama, you lonely?

Well, I guess so...

There are dance classes in front of Z city station; why don't you take a look?

Huh? Why?

You just said you're lonely... Why not try meeting some people outside of the whole hero thing?

No, that's not what I meant.

Why not?

Whaddaya mean why not... I have no interest in that kinda stuff...
And there are monsters everywhere recently, I don't even have the time to do stuff like dancing...

Well why don't you take a trip somewhere once all this stuff finishes up?

A trip...
Hmmmm... There isn't any place in particular I wanna go...

Ugh... For god's sake.
You say you're bored but refuse to actually do anything, nor do you challenge yourself while saying you want stimulus...
I went through a phase like that too, once.


Listen up, Saitama...
Life is just a trip with no destination...
In order to see new sights, you've gotta blaze a trail yourself.

Have you ever even been on a trip once?

Saitama, aren't you confusing having become strong with having reached a destination?
As a hero, I don't think the path you walk can be something as easily attained as that.

It's not like you can talk when you barely do any hero stuff...
Ask him to explain better then
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Surpassing a certain obstacle at a certain point in time isn't the only means of progress. Gaining experience and strengthening your motivation (so much that you feel ready to take on Kingu-sama) to improve are a means too. Garou literally learns some limitations of his technique here.

Garou didn't get to use the combo vs Bang and Bomb either, yet he was able to absorb it at that exact moment, which helped him in a future fight.

You're just in denial because Dogman only managed to give more fuel to Garou instead of "humbling him" like you hoped. It's okay.
>It's not like you can talk when you barely do any hero stuff...


No wonder King infinite combos him
King knows what's up.
Can you just admit that he got blown the fuck out? Even if he did get more resolve he was literally toyed with. WDM didn't even take him seriously.
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Hell's shapes.

And the one with the flower in her hair.
>yare yare
>Garou is so determined he grew stronger than the entire HA in mere days

Perfect MC material desu.
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At this point you're replying for the sake of it, I'm sure you understand already that you're wrong and just want to have the last word. You can have it.
Garou wasnt kicked in this panel. He dodged Saitama's kick so fast that he ended up throwing himself into a wall.
So where do we put WDM after what went down in this chapter?

Between Darkshine/Flash level and Bang?
King truly is the greatest.
Perfectly summerized garou fans logic
go on bby...
> strengthening your motivation (so much that you feel ready to take on Kingu-sama)
Even if he didn't encounter WDM, he would have still attacked King, are you high?
isn't that his special ability or whatever. Job and then get stronger for the next opponent
Above metal bat and that is it
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These garyfags are the most obnoxious beings in these threads.
He really doesn't.
He might have a point about how Saitama wants to feel miserable but he is a coward who lives from deceiving people.
King doesn't know what it takes to be an actual hero.
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Throwing himself into a wall also improved dramatically his durability.
Gauro is truly a genius.
Reminder that WDM is Blast's pet. He is not leaving the town because he is waiting for his master.
But he left it once before already.
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Can you just admit that Garou gained more experience, is energetic as fuck and feeling pumped enough to attack even King after the fight? That's a fact. Your fanfics about Dogman "humbling", "crippling", "sparing" or being "1% serious" with Garou aren't, sorry.
>King doesn't know what it takes to be an actual hero.

>rescued the kid while all the heroes squabbled getting praise from tatsumaki
>saved a bunch of heroes lives against dragon level monsters
>defeated a bunch of assassins without anyone getting hurt
>ended an altercation with another s-class hero without civilian causalities

There is no better hero
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>tfw still not Season 2 start date announcement
I don't mind if they're taking their time and making it as good as the first season but GOD I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO SEE KING'S ARC ANIMATED
>You say you're bored but refuse to actually do anything, nor do you challenge yourself while saying you want stimulus...

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>Garoufag is so traumatized from this fight, he still believes in his delusions like a pitiful child and can't admit that his hero us a jobber

It's okay anon we understand your condition.
reminds me of the shoryufags
Fubuki looks shit
I would, if he wasn't a faggot.
THIS. If only there were more of you guys in this thread, it wouldn't be this bad.
He's not a coward. He's a regular guy. Anyone would be terrified of the monsters he sees. But it just so happens that someone else mistook him for a powerful hero and decided to start paying him a ton of money. But he's also a socially crippled NEET and was never able to get it across that they had it wrong. So now he's stuck in a situation where he needs to play a certain role because it'd probably be dangerous for him if anyone found out he was lying.
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Not much longer until she returns, lads. Zombieman's investigation is getting closer.
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he isn't a neet

He is a professional hero
Yeah, now he is. He was probably a NEET before that though.
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He would have attacked King before the fight for sure. But all Dogman managed to do was help Garou test his technique and give him more fuel for growth. He's literally thankful there.

There's a reason why so many retarded furfags desperately wanted Garou to be "humbled" by the irrelevant Dogman. His character feeds on challenge.
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I'm not anybody you've argued with. I literally just asked that question because it seems like you're the one trying to dodge the fact that your character just got no sold by a man and a dog costume.

He can get his zenkai power up all you want he still got his shit pushed in.
>There's a reason why so many retarded furfags desperately wanted Garou to be "humbled" by the irrelevant Dogman. His character feeds on challenge.
You have used this several times in this thread now, but I've noticed that no one itt nor in the last two threads unironically said that. This is like your opposition riding around on Garoufags saying he'll oneshot WDM or outplay him. It makes no sense in this discussion right now.
Why? Because his master had called him of course.
>furfag upset the fight with Dogman only managed to give more fuel for Garou and Dogman is back to being absolutely irrelevant now

I almost feel sorry for you kek.
How when Blast wasn't with him?
WDM vs Beerus who wins?
Probably WDM
i can't believe a human made this post. you know garou can't fuck your ass, right? he's not real
This was the best chapter of this entire filler arc, not because of Garou getting BTFO, but because it went and adressed Saitama never bothering to find another hobby or interest.

Feels like ONE decided to insert of a bit of Mob Psycho into the middle of OPM, and I think I like it. It also helps that this chapter works wonderfully as a closing speech and closing gag for S2.
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>Garou is such a jobber that he can't even win against "irrelevant" furfag character

Anon just stop embarrassing yourself you're making me feel bad.
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Fuck off DBfag
> filler
Chapter where, raw=
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I'm not denying that Dogman challenged Garou's technique.

Now how about you don't be a retard and deny that it's a good thing for Garou, who just got more fuel for his growth.
Those were plain shitposters, theres no such a thing as a Shoryfags.
Now, Garyfags are a thing and there are a lot of them.
Season 2's climax is Garou vs Saitama.
I thought that was just a non-canon drawing. It'd be awesome if she really did show up, since the doc and Gorilla don't seem to be a threat anymore.
>I'm not denying that Dogman challenged Garou's technique.
But you're denying he beat the hell out of Garou which is the point. You're delusions and mental gymnastics are admirable but he lost handily.

>Now how about you don't be a retard
Like I said. He gets his little Zenkai boost. But he still lost.
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>destroyed off-screen
>didn't even beat anyone
>didn't even see Saitama beating him
>became comic relief

That was even more pathetic than Suiryu. Suiryu can definitely beat him.

I have Metal Bat now ranked at the same level of TTM.

Lets not get fooled about TTM just because he jobbed in comedy fashion by Tats and Metal Knight, he only got defeated by Garou because he got punched in the nose twice for understimating him.

And iirc the Tank Top Tackle damaged Flash..

Attaining a sense of fulfillment from fighting is at odds with the very fundamentals of being a hero.
Wouldn't defending and helping the world be closer to the meaning of being a hero?
Leading on, you might be the strongest hero in the world but not yet the best hero in the world...
If you think of it like that, you could say
you still have room to grow as a hero if you chase the right ideal, don't you think?
So if you think of it like that, don't you think that your comment about
having fully realised your growth was foolish and arro-- born of inexperience?

'What does it mean to be the greatest hero?'
Until you discover the answer, there's no time to be wasting feeling bored
if you're going to continue living as a hero, I think. So, well...
That's at least what I think.
(That was also what was written in that manga)

King... Wow, that was incredible...

(The greatest hero...)
(Think about the right ideal, huh...)
I dunno man, somehow feels like it'll get even more boring.


If you're that bored, wanna come over and play some fightan games?

Games? Nah, I don't feel like it.
Losing or winning in stuff like that doesn't make me feel a thing.
It's like I'm hollow no matter what I do.

C'mon, it's been ages, let's play.

Nah, it's not like you ever take it easy on me anyway...

Weren't you talking about wanting to taste defeat every once in a while? Just leave it to me.

I'm not falling for that. Nice try though.

In any case, I don't get angry or anything if I lose in a game.
It's because my emotions have already started to become numb...


Is that right... Alright then.

How about I handicap myself to two fingers only?

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You need to lurk more. Retards quite UNIRONICALLY posted "Dogman will humble Garou and he'll go back to hunting A classes!".

Most other guesses about the fight were ironic shitposting.
He one-shot him... He's going to become even more of a fucking angry cunt!
Why the fuck did it take so long for Garo to fight WDM?
This manga is so incoherently paced.

Well King is technically Reigen in OPM, hell Saitama/King relationship is similar to Mob/Reigen.

Garou never begged for his life or asked for help.
>"Dogman will humble Garou and he'll go back to hunting A classes!".
Just like you posted before that Garou will definitely defeat WDM. What was written ages ago is irrelevant now. And if you want to make this about dumb comments, I'm pretty sure the garoufags ones are far greater in number than wdmfag ones.

>Most other guesses about the fight were ironic shitposting.
So a specific one you didn't like must have been meant serious, but all the other retarded ones undoing your point must have been ironic? You're a tool and you know it.
>Saitama, aren't you confusing having become strong with having reached a destination?

That's actually a very interesting point.

Its more like he got straight up stomped by WDM to the point he had no choice but leave Q city.

I could see the anime extending the fight because Murata mentioned the anime will be different than the manga.
>Retards quite UNIRONICALLY posted "Dogman will humble Garou and he'll go back to hunting A classes!".

Not as much as "Garou will make WDM his bitch". And you were most clearly among them.
You need to lurk more. Retards quite UNIRONICALLY posted "Garou already saw WDM fighting, he learned his moves and will counter him oneshotting him in the process!".

Most other guesses about the fight were ironic shitposting.
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Could WDM defeat Gouketsu?
Yeah, and he also "never ran away from a fight". At the very least before this chapter.
That build up was beautiful.
It's even worse, he decided to become a monster.
>zero character development too

Thanks for reminding me
>he had no choice but leave Q city.
What does this mean?
Is the rest of this arc just going to be Heroes vs Monsters then?

Oh Saitama...
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Can't to see the infinite combo synced with Garou getting the BangBros.com action.

>Leading on, you might be the strongest hero in the world but not yet the best hero in the world...

Even if King is just cribbing the broad strokes from a manga, I think it's really good of him to know when and how to say something like this to Saitama. I'm really glad that ONE had this scene added.
Didn't know OPM is THAT popular in japan
literally itt
Yes this chapter was excellent. A good build up to the infinite combo scene too.
How hard is to suck dick with that for you
Gotta love how this chapter address how Saitama is just being melodramatic with his "loss of emotion".

King is great character. His "normal" thinking adds a lot, he's the only guy around saitama that isn't a hero and doesn't only think of him highly because he's strong.
I want to ask something,
Is OPM the only popular manga that is free in japan?
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>It's a one guy can't stop spamming mediocre fanart for no discernible reason thread.
I just found them...oopsies
No tits + fat ass > fat tits + fat ass
Everyone expects someone with a nice rack to have a matching butt, the contrast between small cute breasts and a big sexy booty is far superior.
The WDM fanarts? They looks fine.
>free in japan?
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What exactly is this "dick" that you implied I will be sucking?
>saitama says he doesnt feel emotions like anger anymore
>infinite combo will have him frothing at the mouth
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He didn't "beat the hell out of Garou" anon. He countered a technique taught to Garou by Bang. Seeing as Garou is used to this technique he chose to retreat or some shit happened to stop the fight.

You're denying that Garou is standing and feeling energetic enough to take on King right afterwards.

He's not mortally wounded or mad and you're using Zenkai boost incorrectly. Had Dogman harmed Garou severely, he would've most likely gotten an actual "FUCKING HEROES" Zenkai boost.
There needs to be more smoll women like Tatsumaki.
It's free online
>It's the garoufag is assobliterated post

Infinite Combo with with just 2 fingers, why is ONE making King more OP than in the webcomic?
I dont think the infinite combo is with two fingers. I think the two fingers is apart of why saitama got so cocky and then king stops holding back

It will mirror garou vs saitama
Seeing as Garou is used to this technique he chose to retreat or some shit happened to stop the fight.
You win the gold for mental gymnastics anon. I can't argue against a guy who refuses what's in plain sight.

>You're denying that Garou is standing and feeling energetic enough to take on King right afterwards.
I never said that, and since Garou gets back up from every beating he takes what good does arguing how badly he got hurt is here? Either way he lost and you're in hard denial and trying to spin this in his favor.
Thank you Master King. No wonder you're the strongest.
That was fucking awesome.
Also, Watchdogman is a fucking beast.
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To each their own I guess, but I still prefer a nice set of tits with my ass
garou got knotted
The season 2 final. The season starts with king being the weakest, finishes with king destroying saitama. Perfect
It's gotta be the next chapter right? Can't wait.
Source? Google gives me mechas
Google is trying to send you a message

>face never changes

so is wdm going to be cyborg or is he just that strong?

still find it hard to believe the other heroes don't speak of him like they do tornado or king.
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Nice try.

Suiryu's leg bands, Dogman killing Garou and Garou offpanelling Dogman are examples of ironic shitposting.

Suiryu being able to defeat Bakuzan because he broke his toe, Gouketsu losing his head to Bang/Tatsumaki and WDM humbling Garou are examples of totally unironic shitposting.

WDM was always going to be just another stepping stone for Garou = fact. This is what I've always said. Kek.
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But I don't need message, I need fubutits.
Yeah, I bet you always believed that Garou would be BTFO without even being able to land a hit on WDM. Quite the stepping stone, he learnt to be a bitch.
He is similar to saitama in more ways than the face.

He doesn't report his kills. We just had a chapter how monster ratings work. He was literally the last ranked hero before they put him in S class. If he doesn't report his kills they have no way of hyping him. All they know is he keeps Q city safe.

We as readers know there are a shit load of dragon monsters who get killed without the HA knowing because of Saitama. I assume a similar thing happens in Q-city when they have literally one hero defending all monster attacks.
The more sheer and higher the cut on Tatsumaki's dress becomes, the more I'm tempted to stray away from Fubuki's perfect bod. So this is the Terror...
>implying garoufags weren't serious
No, your post is a nice try.
All saitama is saying is bs. He feels a lot of emotions.
> he vs bang
> he vs mosquito
> he in search for the little girl cat
> he vs tatsumaki
> he when someone mentions baldness
> he and genos interaction
> he vs top tank
> he vs fubuki
> he vs sonic
WDM is actually Blast!
>X was only ironic, but Y wasn't
>trust me, because I said so!
>reddit spacing
Truly the end of garyfags
Bing is the answer then
Oh wow. Saitama and King wasn't even looking for a fight. Garou just flew at them by pure luck.

Well, his bad luck I guess.
99.9% anon here visit reddit including you
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You might want it with a bigger size.

I'll try to do it now. My tablet is fucking with me though, it won't help.

Also, finally got back to having some time to draw and I was thinking of doing some Takoyaki waitress Mosquito girl
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You're a godsend

Would a person really strive to fulfill the standards of being best hero if it's just a hobby? It was an entirely selfish endeavor from the start and motivated with attaining personal gratification.
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The only one denying what actually happened is you and the furfags who didn't get to see Garou get "humbled" or "destroyed" by Dogman.

Garou on that page literally says that the fighting style he's used to was countered and proceeds to think about the reasons why.
Why did this spic punch the poor dog?
Nice projecting, but no.
Dog trainer. Mexican is trying to assert dominance over dog in order to show retards that a dog is a partner and a pet not a family member or human being.

Well, Saitama DOES disregard the whole idea after considering it for a bit, so yeah.
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>on that page literally says that the fighting style he's used to was countered and proceeds to think about the reasons why
Because he lost. I get it anon. It's ok. You don't have to pretend I have anyone else's argument but my own.

Garou Lost and is reflecting on that loss. Don't turn into those delusional Hisokafags in the HxH threads. Accept it and move on.
garoufags had nothing to worry about unlike wdm fags who shitposted reddit memes 24/7

wdm fags unironically guessed one thing right - he gave garou trouble because he moves like an animal
what would we be discussing if this garoufag didnt exist
>So if you think of it like that, don't you think that your comment about having fully realised your growth was foolish and arro-- born of inexperience?
Did King stop himself because he thought he was about to piss off Saitama?
I've been saying this FOR A FUCKING YEAR.
How long it takes translations to come out
Actual chapter fucking WHEN? I need King laying hard truths on Saitama right the fuck now.

Honestly stuff like this makes me really glad we got so much added material. People are always giving Murata shit because they just can't bear to wait when we get to the meat of the MA arc but there's been some legitimately amazing new content.

Yes I know It's still ONE that's writing all the added stuff but that's another problem, everytime something doesn't please webcomicfags it's because Murata had a hand in it and ONE couldn't possibly have written this.
>garoufags had nothing to worry about unlike wdm fags who shitposted reddit memes 24/7
You don't have any self awareness.
Oh i have a theory
What if blast is really a new guy that we haven't seen? Sounds crazy huh

Yo debunk you and your theory, tatsumaki saw blast
He didnt want to insult his friend. He does piss of Saitama with his teasing later. No Homo.
>Trolling in the net in a troll site
>people fall for the bait
He is just trying to argue
she didnt see him wearing a dog suit though.
oh look, a tripfag on an anonymous imageboard.
You're so special, aren't you
why the fucking tournament arc existed in the first place
Ah yes the face completly changes when i wear a suit
they are all japanese so they have the same face anyway
To fuck you

Maybe because Saitama isn't really foolish nor arrogant?

My bet is that King was quoting a video game.
They are in a fucking another world where there is no japan

Nah, he later goes and humilliates Saitama for 5 straight minutes without giving a fuck about his rage.
you are good>>158787943
>Actual chapter fucking WHEN?
A manga, there is even written
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No, he explains exactly why and how the fighting style (Bang) taught him was countered. He's reflecting on that and thanks Dogman for the fight as he's going to grow even stronger as a result.

Accept this fact and move on.
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Garou's arc

because ONE abandoned the webcomic
i'm afraid you don't have any anon

wdm is reddit the character
Translator-kun, please continue. Your're doing god's work!
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>Accept this fact and move on.
I accept that Gary lost and is learning from it. You can have the last word but I'm done here. You won't accept the truth but that's not my problem anymore.
>If i remove the suit will he die?
It will be extremely awkward.
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>Garou with short hair will literally look like next gen Bang

Murata will get there in 10 years
>my character is stronger than your character
>in an opm thread
I hope the irony isn't lost on you people.
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>wdm is reddit the character
How is a character reddit in a japanese manga made by a mangaka that has probably never been to reddit in his whole life nor does he care for your baka gaijin memes. Neck yourself.
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What is going in here?
Honestly I'm fine with this.
So they're adding new filler and content in each chapter. I remember reading the webconic to like chapter 102 a couple years ago and I don't ever remember Garou vs Watchdogman.
Assdevasted faboys crying.
Why? Tatsumaki is already perfect.
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did he died?
power level discussions are a sign of autism, they can't be helped
Why? Fubuki is already perfect.
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I accept your concession. Now say bye bye to Dogman who only managed to temporarily test Garou's technique and give more fuel for his growth.
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Maybe Garou should have tried crying and whining over heroes more, that usually helps him power up
Bang pretends to be wise, but he was probably the same as Garou when he was young and looking for meaning
Fubooty's booty
Can someone translate the page where Garou looks at King and envisions all these different positions of him?
reddit is a mentality and its secondary slaves meme about certain types of characters 24/7 anon

saitama, wdm and most recently suiryu are reddit the character
it's just a buzzword used to denigrate something you don't like or you disagree with
To expand on Saitama's character, introduce monster cells and the differences between natural monsters and manufactured ones, a bit more backstory on Garou, introducing Suiryu who will probably be a recurring character, set the stones for Saitama vs Garou where Garou momentarily could dodge Saitama's attacks because of his martial artist history, introduce Orochi who will probably be Tat's big opponent in the MA raid, showcase various heroes that usually don't ever see the spotlight like Drive Knight, Flashy Flash, and WDM, and for entertainment.
W-we're still getting the MA's attack on Garou before he gets BTFO by Saitama r-right ?
I'm pretty mediocre, we can wait until niggerstream get theirs out for the gary and wdm stuff. I just wish it'd hit the main story again instead of this fillershit. King is the only good part and why I dropped in today
>tl note: hayai means fast
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you sure know a lot about reddit
Bang was definitely reckless

I'd say more so than Garou because even edgy Garou at 18 years old doesn't need another person there to stop him from murdering a human
>this nigger's trial is taking so long that Gyou will be conquered before he dies
>still no dine n' dash
>Saitama just KO'd Garou so there won't be for a while either
>still no infinite combo
>still no interaction between Garou and MA besides him telling them to fuck off
This redraw is killing me.

I also wonder how they will handle Orochi.

Either he gets killed offcreen(This is ONE we are talking about) or killed by Tats(who was forced to use her full power), then Psykos sneak attacks and fucks up her head.
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>Predict [his moves]!!!
>Prepare yourself!!!!
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you'd know a lot too if you witnessed every opm thread here since s1 release
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iirc he'll commit sudoku the year after this war
I'm gonna miss him 2bh
Bomb is there to ensure Bang doesn't go soft if necessary, not the other way around
What I don't understand is this garou posting
We already know that he will be stronger than all heros except blast and saitama so why do some anons shitpost about him?
Of course he is going to job over and over and gaining strenght in the process
>all these unrelated reaction pics
anime was a mistake
>thinking monster garou can out-paw wdm
I hope you're ironic or you're making wdmfags look bad.
Because people keep taking the bait.
Yeah but now we finally get an arc with the 'main character'. I wonder how everyone would feel if Hara made Ousen like King, everyone suspects him of shady shit and it turns out he's just luck shitting his results. Like try going over all his chapters and then putting it through a King Engine filter, it actually works quite well.
I hope you're ironic or you're making garoufags look bad.
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If anything this chapter makes Garou more badass. He tanked like 5 hits from Watchdogman, who we know can 1-shot demon level threats.

I mean mostly this just confirmed what all of us dog-cock-hungry furfags already knew, that WDM is several tiers above the scrubs at the bottom of S-class, but they both won this chapter a little.
Why do you assume wdm would ever use real hits on garou, a human whose hand he was shaking nonstop?
this looks more like a fusion of Tatsumaki and Fubuki

Garou isn't a monster though. Why assume that WDM was actually fighting him seriously? He is a hero and man's best friend, I doubt he would strike a human with lethal intent.


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>WDM acts like a dog
>le wavy fist doesn't work
Did Garou need to almost die to monsters to finally understand how to brute fucking force his enemies?
He also has gotten smacked down by several heroes including Saitama and lived, why? Because they don't use full power against him...
I'll be convinced once Garou joins the Broken Limiter Club.
no way, there is too much planning behind his actions to be all luck based
You don't go from Low-mid S class to completely outclassing all known S class heroes in a day.
So WDM wasn't at the MA/Gary showdown because he only bothers to defend his own city?

Truly best dog. Gives no shits
Exactly this, just look at bang, he doesn't go around deflecting shit, he fucking blows holes into dragon level monsters through sheer power
People are enjoying the fanboys getting riled up, this is common

Garou is basically a step below Saitama in nonsense with his magical learning ability and the monster transformations that have him recover from lethal wounds and surpass everyone but Saitama, it's just at this point in the story he's not stronger than many characters and his resolve isn't strong enough yet so people get more invested in the powerlevel arguments
L-LILY'S 14 YEARS OLD??? I need to un-fap.
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What did you like the most abut this chapter?

I don't get what you're even trying to say here to be honest. Garou's whole stick is that "whatever doesn't kill him makes him stronger". The more he loses to strong opponents, the stronger he will become in the long term. How can you turn that around into being unable to accept the term "he lost"? I most generous you could be is to say he "loses the battle but wins the war", but a loss is a loss fair and square.
Garou avoids brute forcing heroes like the plague anon, he 'spars'. Only exceptions are Blue Fire and Zombieman.
Alright, here is it. Took me some times to check Murata's twitter, there were much more than I tought of Fubuki in it. Also replaced some of the older pics with HQ versions from Viz's releases.
WDM giving him the paw

Too much best for my plebeian eyes to handle.
WIthout all this bullshit we would probably already be anticipating the Garou fight
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Also, makes think I never posted the HQ version because it's way too big for 4chan, here is it :

it's still really fucking big even though I managed to cut the size a lot though.
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>completely outclassing all known S class heroes in a day
But that's exactly what Garou did because he doesn't know how to stop and there was an ugly kid he needed to protect

Dont remember that sketch right next to Fubuki sitting on a chair.

She looks like Farneze.
>since s1 release
>bragging about being a filthy tertiary
Not at all better than reddit desu
Thanks anon
It was a sketch only posted on Twitter.

Actually every drawing on the right side of the chair drawing were only for Twitter and either sketches or abandoned drawings.
>Ousen preserves his strength on the fort
>King Filter
>Ousen was just scared and turtling up

>Fakes out Ordo then counters Karin
>King Filter
>Literally tries to run back to Mougou because he's scared and forgot the battalion of archers he stationed near the back only to find the enemy running into their kill zone right as he remembers to pick them up

>Manipulates civilians to swarm the city and deplete rations
>King Filter
>Decided that there was no fucking way he could take Gyou and just wanted to take some tiny cities so he wouldn't get punished too much
>Wanted to be a nice guy and herd all the civilians to Gyou because it's nice and safe and he won't be attacking it anyways only realizing later the brilliance of his move

I dunno I think it could work. At the very least it would most definitely work if there was ever another Kingdom volume remake like the one during the coalition arc with the hundreds of mangakas.
Could this be how the trap works out then?

Garou is frustrated and stops caring about hunting the S-class, he just starts lashing out at random heroes regardless of rank again which leads to him running into Death Gatling?

What an odd series of events, Manga Fubuki I mean...

>That perv Murata gets involved in a sausagefest of a story to draw
>Only gets to draw a couple of chicks early on, one dying instantly and the other with the restriction of a flat midget body.
>Once she debuts, Murata is pretty much forced to only be able to let loose and draw T&A with her 90% of the time
>On top of that, it seems Fubuki is his honest to god waifu

What at first seemed like the world losing a lot by not having Murata work on a manga with a good supply of women to draw ended up turning into Murata compressing all of his lust into a single character and turning her into something one step above.
>That bottom bikini one
Ladies and Gentleman garoufag(s). Avatar posting and deluding themselves to avoid the reality of their precious wolf getting knotted by the real top dog.
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Abandoned drawing for the start of volume 11 I guess.

Tatsumaki had one too.
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>time skipping is parodying

12 year old detected
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Garou says it when he's lost fair and square. He did so against Saitama and against the monster trio in the webcomic as well.

Garou literally tells you in the chapter that Bang's technique, the one he's used to, was countered. Not that he "fought using everything he had and lost".
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OPM threads in /a/ are only slightly less pathetic than your average Wolfenstein/Beyond Good and Evil 2 threads in /v/.

God damn.

Then why retreat instead of changing up tactics?
>against the monster trio in the webcomic

>not loving cute Shiba Inu
That's some massive damage control right here.

He litterally said "I WAS LUCKY I COULD RUN AWAY".
He's parody most parts of action shonen cliches , it's believable that he would parody the time skip
wow, it could work if it wasn't for him using Heki as bait in Sanyou (although he got owned by Renpa in that occasion)
sensitive snowflake detected
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Aw say bye bye to the furry now.

>only gave more fuel for Garou's growth as expected
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Im looking to see this in the manga.
Yeah Heki was the one time where he flat out admits his cunning shit. Every other time he was just being silent so you could easily have him freaking out in monologue.
Still kawaii desu
Psykos didn't even appear yet.

But a sneak flashback before all that would be neat. Maybe we could get her real name (no way Psykos is) and then the revelation that they're the same people atfer we see her current appearance.

What with Murata drawing Child Emperor and Tatsumaki together?

This is like the 4th drawing.
Meant to quote
what did madhouse mean by this?
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Kids have to stick together
Most likely because something happened to stop the fight and draw Dogman away.

Garou is a nutjob so he doesn't easily give up on fights, even when his life is on the line.
>implying it isn't Ousen jealous of how Heki managed to repel the enemy while his own forces were getting steam rolled and due to his pettiness he used him as bait

The one time he actually tries using his brain, it backfired on him, kinda. Plus you all forget something. The Ou in Ousen can mean King. Do you think it's a coincidence?
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What was Murata trying to say with this?
Metal Bat was fighting a monster when Garou interrupted, and he didn't let Metal Bat go back to finish the job. If Watchdog Man was preoccupied with monsters, and Garou still wanted to fight, he would have persisted. Instead, he fled.
Thanks anon
What? That's just an average line man

They need to build up Fubuki vs Psykos, its supposed to be the most important fight of Season 3 aside from Saitama vs Garou, and it felt less important than Zombie Man vs Hobo Emperor in the webcomic.

Set up a Fubuki vs Do-S rematch with Fubuki finally killing her, add more flashbacks of Fubuki and Psykos when they were kids, and when Psykos met Orochi and decided to create the MA.
you never watched Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan? Dude basically is in charge of re-training dogs and their owners. Most trouble dogs are troubled due to shitty owners, so he teaches the owners about dog "social" structure, and how to communicate in a way their dog will respond.

It's a pretty good show. Right there he's trying to train a dog out of "food aggression", and establish dominance.

BTW: I would take hell every day of the week. I'd motorboat those fun bags.
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He says he was fortunate to escape because he was taken off-guard but you have no idea whatsoever how that really happened or how the fight ended exactly.
i hope murata just straight-up draws HS Fubuki as Tome
Is anyone going to translate the rest?
>Talking about /v/ on /a/
Fuck off
I never thought Garoufags were actually this delusional. Of course Garou wasn't going to fucking die in the fight, he has a future arc to complete. Attempting to act like the fact that a character DIDN'T die=victory is some HxH shitposting tactics.
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Is TL anon still alive? Can he translate what Fubuki is saying there?
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But Murata's Tome looks nothing like that, although she is a semen demon as well
He wouldn't have persisted if Dogman jumped the fuck away to fight said monster or the monster crashed in on their fight.

MB fell to Garou right from the sky and only a small child yelling NO VIOLENCE could make Garou back away from the fight.
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This is IMO Muratas best sketch.
Anon, you should know by now. What Garoufags are most skilled in is deflecting, like Garou himself. No one moves goal posts like Garoufags.

Nah, she will look like BNHA Kyouka but more emo.
Of course Garou isn't going to die.

Dogman barely hurt him and in the moments when Garou says he's about to die for real he goes on and accesses that Zenkai Boost instead.
Why fucking speculate when you have the picture right in front of you retards
We still waiting for actual translation? Skimmed the thread (very lazily) but didn't see anything.

Better to wait for Mangastream tomorrow, getting OPM, BNHA, HxH and Berserk translated the same day is awesome.
There's literally nothing wrong with being retarded.

Or maybe he realized he was hopelessly outclassed?
Some anon translated all the way up until Garou
isn't that because wdm only protects q city?
Maybe it's his home city?
Murata looked like she drew them in semi SD style, I'm expecting highschool Fubuki and Psykos to look more detailed and that and more fitting of their age, highschool girls are already supposed to be grown up, they should be both curvy already.
He isn't going to die because right now he has literal plot armor because the plot says he has to survive until he gets ruined by Bang, Darkshine, and Saitama.
>but you have no idea whatsoever how that really happened
Neither do you but you're still pushing your headcanons.

He didn't give up against Bang and Bomb, and even against Saitama until Saitama did his speech and momentarily took away his reason for fighting and living at all.
yeah, he only protects there and doesn't give a shit about the others
that's why he's lower than some other s-class heroes
He had some bonds with Bang that made him push himself more and unlike WDM they didn't let him run away.

The WDM fight also didn't go his way at all because he didn't trigger him about heroes unlike Darkshine.
That's the entire point desu
Someone make a new, I have to keep talking shit about Garou
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>right now

The plot is: Garou grows as he fights and Zenkai Boosts when he's severely wounded, loses to Saitama religiously but still lives because he dindu nuffin and then Saitama opens a whole new world for him to grow even stronger.
The plot is Garou is going to survive until he becomes a temporary story centerpoint, and then he will show up once or twice more in the future.
>Dogman is popular and loved by children
>face doesn't change
There you go. Garou got ultra mad because of Genos' face alone.

It's unclear how the fight with Dogman ended at all. Garou doesn't back away from fights easily, period.
Too bad he stops being relevant after that and ends like WDM, a strong guy that appear very rarely.
Saitama's actual friend is King. King is the only one who knows how Saitama feels and Saitama always seems to talk to him about his feelings
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What the hell, Murata?
Is Saitama dirty or clean?
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The plot is Garou is going to survive because he's always evolving and has literal Zenkai Boost to pull limit breaking shit out of his asshole so that he's second only to Saitama, who ultimately teaches him that they have the same fucking hobby, which is extremely convenient because Bang retires right after.
Redraw, definitely. Unacceptable.
Get over it
You see, I don't have any problem with that.
It's Murata who will redraw those pages like 5 times each. He's a crazy bastard
Too bad Garou:
>is the 5th most popular character in the series unlike Literally Who Man
>is mentioned in the aftermath of his arc more times than Literally Who Man
>surpassed Literally Who Man + his friends overnight and is casually decapitating hordes of monsters as we speak
>once or twice
Are you fucking dumb deluded or both?

Garou is replacing Bang in the story
So are DBZ allusions merely a symptom of autism, or is it the fact that you watch DBZ the cause?
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Boost was first mentioned here by an actual autist who didn't even know the meaning.

Just rubbing it in for giggles. Could've give a shit about DBZ.
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