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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 510
Thread images: 194

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Goku vs Zamasu.png
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Genkai Toppa!
Holy fuck we're operating like a normal fucking thread for once
Where's waifuchan?

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ssb goku vs golden frieza.png
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Leave resurrected Frieza to me!
>Lord Freeza will never look down on you with disdain
>he'll never torture you for fun
Why even fucking live?
I wonder how he'll deal with the fact he can't kill anyone. Cant picture him fighting fair
can't wait to see how they fuck it all up
I want to know why he's in his golden form. Like where is he? Hell? Doesn't look like Earth to me.
>can't wait to see how they fuck it all up
knowing freeza can screw them all over at any point will make it interesting
I feel that would be too boring and obvious. Then again it's a show aimed at a pretty young audience so it's almost a guarantee.
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Tsundere Frieza inc
Probably hell
Can't wait for the stare down between Freeza and Frost and the possible banter.
>5 years later
>dragon ball NEXT
>friezas son and pan go on adventures
>friezas son is tsundere for pan
That's all he did to get so fucking strong?

So then I wonder why he's golden. Maybe he attacked Goku.
>Frost: Why does this guy look so much like me? He must be a poser.
>Frieza: ME impersonate YOU? Ho ho ho. Looks like I'll have to correct this error.
Probably killing the hell teddy bears

Anything Frieza-related would bring in dem ratings.. but can you imagine Goku and Frieza becoming related if Pan and Kuriza become a thing?
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Buuhan gets rekt 2.webm
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Why doesn't Super look like this
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I honestly can't wait for this. So glad we finally have a female ssj

I really hope Toriyama won't bench her into irrelevancy after this tournament
Super does look like that though. Lots of repeated frames with constant zoom on the faces that also only use very few frames. The only difference is the poor shading in Super.
1) No source material to replicate
2)Nu-Toei just uses mostly Toei Phillipines for DBS and rushes out content.
>repeated frames
yeah bro lol definitely better than super
>U7 is the only surviving tournament
>Goku and gang use Super Dragon Balls to revive defeated universes
>Grand Priest and Zeno only allow under the condition they live in U7
>Caulifla, Cabba and Kale live with the Z gang

Please. Make. It. Happen.
she's going to be Freeza's wife
she will probably get side lined in favor of a more powerful Kale
how nice a fate for the first female SS on the show
>FRIEZA! NO KILLING! ... you'll be disqualified.
>What about maiming?
>Looks to judges who nod
>Oh goody
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depends on how the top ends

doubt something like dragon ball would do "tales from the multiverse" style arcs
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why can't they shade better
Money and time. It clearly took more time to shade properly and give things a more colorful look. It's much easier to just use three layers (highlight, color, shadow) with filters and whatnot. We live in a time where money is more important than quality, unfortunately.
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Why doesn't Super look like this?
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>yfw he tells Goku to fuck off and is never seen again.
>i can't draw gentle girls
>who is gine

That interview is definitely old, very old. Toriyama has since retconned himself.
I thought someone else drew Minus.
I hope Lord Freeza kills her.

This...needs to happen.
no it was toriyama unfortunately, along with the rest of the jaco manga
Aren't they like immortal?
I must have been thinking of the episode of bardock then.
I want to rub Kuriza's head.
can kill them even more
you're thinking of Naho Ooishi who drew the one shot of Bardock.
>Frost getting cucked by his AU
Can that guy get a break? Sure, he's a con artist, but this bully is taking too far.
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Broly God vs FPSSJ4 Broly.png
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What's the craziest shit y'all have seen in the franchise?

This includes spin-offs, specials and games.

>Frieza humiliates Frost
>Frost is consumed by revenge
>becomes pure evil
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What's up with spics and their boner for the "Let's use the dragon balls to bring back planet vegeta and the saiyans" meme fanfiction?
What is it about Frieza that makes him so entertaining.
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>Freeza becomes good while Frost turns pure evil
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more like Supreme CUTE of Time!
He said craziest, not sexiest.
>seconds before Frieza shatters his jaw and laughs at the irony
Hit can't save you when he's busy trying to buttfuck his new homolust buttbudy Goku.
they want Gine and Bardock back
Doesn't she have a crush on bardock?

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But then Frieza would get bored eventually.
I love the xenoverse series because it perfectly captures the idea of an OC donut steel beating up bad guys and training with Goku and Vegeta that every kid that ever grew up with DBZ had.
>surly XV3 will fix all the massive fuckups and flaws of the first two
u underestmate his hateboner for hell
>surly XV3
c-can Kais get drunk?
>perfectly captures the idea of an OC donut steel beating up bad guys and training with Goku and Vegeta that every kid that ever grew up with DBZ had.
Eh, fusions is a bit better on the story front, and that's not saying much.
xv4 will have everything that was supposed to be in 2 and xv6 will have everything that was supposed to be in 3
Hey it's his fault for trying to be be a clone of Lord Freeza. He deserves to get bullied at the tournament.

I find it insulting that Lord Freeza has to deal with cleaning up trash like Frost.
At least pick a nice scene.
Why doesn't Super look like this tho?
Being a hateful racist towards the Saiyans. Treating his servants and allies like trash. Being a complete cunt in general. He's like everything funny.

>Frost is a literal narcissist
>he's obsessed with looking good to others
>being humiliated by Frieza would crush his pride
>from that moment on, he'd be plotting REVENGE against the one who humiliated him, the greatest guy from U6
>implying Freeza and Vegeta will let Hit take Goku
So are we going to get Vegeta vs. Freeza vs. Hit vs. Jiren after the tournament?


Seriously, how big is Goku's harem?
True. An eternity of torturing teddy bears might be like heaven for him.
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Why doesn't Super look like this?
>Frieza keeps pushing his shit in until he's bored then drops him off on an uninhabited desert planet to be even more of a hobo
Smug Gohan is best Gohan
Why can Super Gohan be like this?
Frost bullying is good because it takes attention from Shin bullying and he needs the break.
So since we know how Jobgeta will do, I guess it will just come down to Frieza, Hit and Jiren. Hit might get sidelined depending on how strong Golden Frieza at full power is. Then it's Frieza vs. Jiren.
Frieza coming back might be the worst thing that will ever happen to Frost. You just know he's going to get flat out embarassed.

Best Girl is going to win this, obviously.
Yamcha bullying is timeless and universal though
>implying Shin is off the hook
Nice try Kibito.
Jiren is going to hold Frieza by the tail and deliver a forceful and mighty blow of JUSTICE to his backside. He'll keep pounding Frieza mercilessly, for every crime the villain has committed, all while Goku watches. He'll keep at it until Frieza is broken and crying on the floor.

And Goku will just smile and go "Wow you sure are a strong guy, Jiren!"
If Frost was a legit good guy with no space pirate conspiracy who would you want to win Freeza or Frost?
jesus christ is this real
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I loved Frost until I saw the ugly anime art for him, then I lost all interest for him.

Frieza. Frost is a faker.
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Now you're getting it! It's the only way to defeat these villains for good!


>Lord Frieza losing to mere ningen

Nice try.
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What do you mean you don't want that smile to protect you?
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If only more heroes were as brave as this one.
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Why don't you cucks realize that traditional cel animation is dead in Japan, and with the exception of that one long lasting anime, has been dead since the early 2000s? Do you miss that style of animation? Me too, but unless someone gets millions of blank cels and months of dedication, it will never come back.
>U10 still has low universe quality as well
What would be the issue? Skewed view of justice? Just way too many criminals?
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I hate you people so much.
That gold looks gross on Frost.
A blue version of cooler's final form with some changes might be better. They already referenced movie characters like Broly.
Why does Frost have nigger legs/tail?
You're not dealing with your average ningen hero anymore! He has realized the legend! He is a NINGEN GOD... OF JUSTICE!
He likes to wear pants
I'd rather frost get a neomorph like form
I miss Toriyama's storyboards and panelling more than cel animation.
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Toppo vs Black.png
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Could Toppo have defeated Black?
First canon female SSJ was she-broly.
Every single piece of material was all about she-broly. A character that was created for a quick one off joke where master roshi will grab her tits and either make her go all brolli or defeat her by grabbing her by the pussy.
Can't put toothpaste back in the bottle anon. This is just a sad attempt to make a tuff feminine female looking SSJ the first in anime canon to fix some things.
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Clearly, someone is holding back on delivering the punishment that these villains need. Do you see what happens? Jiren, your universe needs you, all universes need you. Only you can do this!

Jiren, you absolutely must rape the Goku!
Is this seriously a question? Lord Freeza of course.

I'm not worthy of Lord Freeza's smiles.
Regular Black. Not Rose Black with the scythe.
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One more day, lads, before we see the first canon female super saiyan

>Raping Goku
>and it's not Frieza

>H-how dare you, Jiren? THATS MY GOKUUUUUUUUUUUU

Enter Diamond Frieza
Who cares?
Have him use a pseudo cooler transformation as his last resort and have it be a good vs evil kind of battle.

Would love to see him standing triumphantly over him with Frieza vowing eternal revenge against him.
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Dragon Ball Super? A Super huge pile of fucking dogshit more like. Repeat frames, shit art, shit animation, shit plot. Fuck Super.
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I'm ready. Best girl.
Random loser cunt no one gives a fuck about from champa's universe?
Would have rather seen pan from the future.

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Hell yes. About time.
Why do people care about this so much?
Honest thoughts on Frieza replacing Mr Buu?
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Hell yeah I am!
Good riddance to that fat fuck
If Toei were to adapt the original Dragon Ball manga with the animation of Resurrection F, do you think they would do do a good job?
its literally two people samefagging
I swear she needs to be humbled.
Slightly disappointed about it, but you have how damn flexible of a role in the tournament that it might be too much.
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>Caulifla this week
>Kale next week
>Frieza next week
My body is ready.
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You wish
I was actually kind of hype for Fit Buu. He would have had a fun rematch with the furries.
But Frieza will always be the more entertaining villain to watch, especially now that he gets to interact with new saiyans, a guy from his race, and U10 superheros.
Not him but if you don't see why people would care about a female super Saiyan after 20 or so years, you're pants on head retarded.
U11 superheroes not 10.
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>S-stop liking this thing!
Your butthurt is amusing.
>there were people who believed Kale and Cauli were the same saiyan
how btfo were they?
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Happy. Frieza is infinitely more entertaining than Buu.
Why are you so autistic?
No, I just don't care.
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Heroes has literally NO excuse to give it to Pan now.
It's going to happen, and we have Caulifla to thank.
Retards just exist anon, god doesn't care enough to explain why you came out as one.
More like the Supreme Kai of Prison Time
Why would I be retarded for a bunch of autists caring about trivial shit?
Why are you even in these threads if you aren't?
Tracetarocucks are STILL in the Zamasu arc lmao
Why don't you answer my question?

I'm retarded because I don't care about some Saiyan?
>samefagging autist
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SSJ Pan.png
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>They skip straight to 3
It's going to happen.
>if you don't care about muh female super saiyan then get out of the threads
Who let tumblr here?
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Your butthurt continues to amuse me.
>I'm retarded because I don't care about some Saiyan

We get it man, you don't care. Congrats. Other people do.

It's like I don't care about Toyotaro's manga, but you shitheads argue over it and powerlevel headcanon everyday.

Just because you don't care or like it, doesn't mean others will. Jesus Christ, how fucking dense are some people. It's like you've never interacted with real people before.
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Toriyama's chosen successor .jpg
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>Toeicucks eternally assblasted Yamamuro is tracing Toyotaro as the Character designer
toppest kek
Reminder that unless Bulla is shown flying in space as a newborn she's gonna be naturally 10000x weaker than Pan.
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Smugpup did, haven't you been paying attention?
>It's like you've never interacted with real people before.
where the fuck do you thing you are newfag?
You're the one calling others retarded because they don't care about this character.
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Prediction: Goku wins tournament, but someone from other 4 universes snatches super dragonballs while everyone is focused on watching fight so destroyed universes cannot be revived.
Next arc villain would be whoever stole them
That's a very horny Bra.
He's training his Golden form in the same manner Goku trained SSJ1 in the Cell Saga. Remember that Frieza only lost in RoF because he could only sustain the transformation for a short while. A mastered Golden Form would be overpowered.
These samefagging cauliflafags made me hate the character, now I hope she jobs miserably
>Guys I don't care about the female Saiyan, despite taking the time to care enough posting such when no one asked for my opinion
Reminder, Frieza has mastered the art of Holding Back already. Truly, he will be unstoppable!
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Yamamuro tracing Toyotaro.jpg
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Will Toeitrash ever recover?
>A blue version of cooler's final form

Yes please
She's a guaranteed jobber man. How else will Kale get angry enough to transform into berserk form?
If you aren't God tier then you are fodder.
>triggered tumblrite mad that nobody but him gives a shit about his female super saiyan agenda here
So you're a hipster. Good to know. Take a break from these threads.
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>arguing with himself
Agreed, Frost looked 1000x better in the manga
She's turning SSJ to impress me ;^)
I never posted about my indifference to her, though
Pan you're underage, get off 4chan.
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>triggered tumblrite mad that nobody but him gives a shit about his female super saiyan agenda here
yeah you did

because gohan's smugness is a character flaw he's trying to overcome.
Yeah that's probably the case though this would mean that they let Freeza out of the cocoon before Goku arrived or something.

Same. Though she'll definitely job so it will be worth it.
>Everything looked 1000x better in the manga
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Thread .png
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>Though she'll definitely job so it will be worth it.
I hope so anon
>A couple fags on 4chan made me hate the character

Really? That's pretty sad.
Ignore that samefagging Caulifafag, He'll get bored and head on back to tumblr soon.
who hurt you, landwhale?
Of course, and then to get attention, he'll make threads before the bump limit like he always does
Up until Frost appeared, I always thought Frieza would look infinitely better without the homo lipstick and nail polish. After seeing Frost, I realize how incredibly shitty Frieza would look without the faggotry. I still like Frost more than Frieza though, just because he's a dick compared to Frieza just being an asshole.
If Zamasu were there you'd have all the main antagonists from Super duking it out. It would be shocking if the Muscle Universe brings him back out of desperation.
Reminder that DB fans are cancer, they're the plebbest of fanbases and are proud of their faggotry.
>all these people samefagging

Gotta win those fictitious internet arguments to make yourself feel better I guess
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You all are fucking samefagging cunts.
Now post the most obscure piece of Dragon Ball trivia you know!
You have to do so within five minutes or this thread will be destroyed!
Cauliflafag, just because more than one person doesn't like you, it doesn't mean they're all the same person
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Gohan's original age before it was retconned.
In the filler episode with the cars, the speedometers got electrified and burnt when they reached 88mph.
Anti-Cauliflafag, just because more than one person doesn't like you, it doesn't mean they're all the same person
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Trunks probably waited out 3 years after giving the heart medicine to Goku since he couldn't adjust the time coordinates.
Maybe Jobgeta shouldn't even be there. Zamasu would fit there more appropriately.
Somebody's feelings are hurt~
No one fucking cares if bra ever fights.
As a matter of fact if she only gets saiyajin saga level strong and never goes beyond that I'll be more then happy.

She's going to take after her mother and be a super brilliant super slut and bit of a coward. She's also going to take after her father and be a super prideful cunt who thinks of herself as royalty.
Nice rebuttal. Now do you see what we mean when we say you're the personification of cancer second to smugpup?
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>people posting the Saiyan girl triggers my autism!

That's basically what I'm getting out of this thread
Did you know, it's objectively impossible to not feel lust toward Bra Briefs.
Goku was supposed to have red hair.
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That shot was in the anime first, dumbshit. Toei Traceimation
simbly ebic.
Funny, you seem closer to tumblr for getting so triggered.
not really. that faggot has been hated from more than just spamming with his autism, but he's had a habit of making threads before bump limits and filling the OP with his waifucancer
>pisses herself in SSJ
>piss goes away after returning to base
Can you fuck off already? Caulifiafag is so annoying.
You're right.
Yeah like what, all 2 or 3 of you?
>Caulifiafag is so annoying.
This. Really needs to kill himself.
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kale lssj.jpg
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And next week we get this.
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Whatever you say Toeishill
Ki energy evaporated all the piss.
Nothing is stopping you from using filters you snowflake

Maybe Reddit is more of an ideal safe space for your faggot ass
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Refuelling the Time Machine became 3 years not 8 months later down the line, probably to match the initial 3 year wait Trunks made after the medicine.
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Zimzam is my jam. You're just upset.
>recommending someone reddit because they point out your autism
You're not helping your case, Cauliflafag
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Vegeta is a shortened term for "Vegetable", and many Saiyan names are vegetable-related puns.
If Kale really is a lesbo will it bother you?

For me I'll just be frustrated because every anime girl that I favor ends up being a dyke.
t. tumblr
Literally a triggered tumblrina
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I..It's toriyama's decision!

I'm actually embarassed about this shit now. God, some oh so clever pencil pushers who're hoping to pull in....somebody... has been just FLOODING DB with homosex from top to fucking bottom. Goddamn.
Who even draws this type of shit
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>Cartoon about 400 lbs of muscled men grunting and raping each other
>Not homosex

t. GTfag. You still in denial of your homosexual tendencies? You're always so scared of the gays.
Pride Troopers using propaganda to make the people hate the legendary SON GOKU!
Caulifiafag stop it.
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I don't know.
Not helping your case, tumblr.
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Why so upset?
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What did she mean by this?
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>p-pls stop
>Cartoon about 400 lbs of muscled men grunting and raping each other

So uh....
The first thing to pop into your head when watching DBZ was their muscles, them grunting and man on man rape?

Anon, the DeNile isn't just a river in Egypt. It's also the name of a gay bar.
I think you should visit one.
>[joyful monkey noises]
>[scared monkey noises]
>[gay monkey noises]
>samefagging once again
Is this your trump card after being BTFO, Cauliflafag?
Yamcha and Ox King are canon wise, the best cooks on Earth, if not the ubiverse, according to Toriyama.
Excitement and jealousy, probably from witnessing Cabba's golden bush.
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I wouldn't like it because I'm not a /u/ fag
t. Frieza
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Triggered little bitch should go back to his safe space.
I'll like it better if she rapes anything that moveds once she goes legendary.
Why are you samefagging Caulifiafag?
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Bitch you know I'm right.
How rough is Cabba and Caulifia's sex and how rough will it be in ssj? Does Kale watch or join in?
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I'm glad I know posting Caulifla triggers the autismos so much, I should do it more often
Except you're the only one who seems upset, Cauliflafag.
>using "triggered"
>telling people to go back to tumblr
Can't wait for Lord Freeza to silence that noisy chimp.
No, I'm not actually.
Spent a good chunk of my time deep in queer media of all kinds and worshipped the club scene of the 90's.
I basically serially raped a bitchy reverse trap co-worker for months.
Went through a hatefuck tomboys, bull dykes, and andro chick phase for a year.
Have sunk all nine inches into more masculine bitches then I care to admit.

Just becauase DBZ has stuff that attracts the fags doesn't mean that it's made for that purpose. DBS has been full on gay as fuck for a while now. The entire black arc was FLAMING and had an undercurrent of anti-masculinity. Current arc is going full lezbo bait.
It will be as non-existent as most of the U7 Saiyans once Frieza is done with them.

Stop replying to that autist. He's just baiting at this point.
Says the person who constantly whines and complains about Caulifla posting
>Stop replying to that autist.
Don't have to worry about that.
>Current arc is going full lezbo bait.
Nice headcanon faggot.
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Do U6 Saiyans use birth control or any other types of contraceptives?
Best zenkai boost ever?
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I see a whiny little bitch who gets upset when people post a generic monkey.
I see a triggered little cunt resort to claiming samefag when it pushes him out of his safe space.
I see a you for what you are, and what you are is greatly amusing, if just a little sad.
Cauliflower is a canon dyke.
Kind of hilarious that the first canon supersaiyajin is a tranny broli and due to the outright bewidlerment or even worse disgust of the fanbase they created this new chick...who's as gay as a french picnic and less feminine then whis.
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Then he'll just reply twice to the same post to make it seem like more than one person agrees with him.
>Spent a good chunk of my time deep in queer media of all kinds
Bitch I bet you haven't even watched Legend of the Blue Wolves.
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What headcanon?
It's outright screamed in our faces.

>Gay girls
>Especially the butch kind like her
>Worry about birth control ever

LOL anon.

Holy shit. Zamasu was such a complete and utter faggot. Oh my god.
I didn't watch romance or porn. And no, I am not going to watch one of the most infamous yaoi pornos on the planet for some fake street cred.
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Says the passive little sub.
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>Gay girls
>Will be revealed next week one of them is romantically interested in Cabba

Prepare to get BTFO AGAIN, just like when you thought Kale and Caulifla were the same person.
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can't we all just get along?
Why is this a thing?
I'll never get to worship at the feet of the perfection that is Zamasu, what is even the point of living?
>I didn't watch romance or porn
>Spent a good chunk of my time deep in queer media of all kinds

You watched Boku no Pico and you liked it you cute little boy.
Because it's cute.
Truly, there is none. All ningen should spare themselves from such continued suffering!
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Same reason this is a thing.
bunnies like carrots

2hus like broccoli?
>Base Broly being allowed to have a personality
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Two things.

1.There's a 99% chance that they'll float the gay thing for a while to see how people react then drop it later when it garners no popularity and makes things worse.

2.No one ever thought they were the same person. They were the same person.
Cauli was pulled out of Toei's ass at the last second because the visceral reaction to She-Broli was so bad that they had no choice but to pretend that they were only baiting us and released this newly created character to act as the first canon SSJ.

The first canon female ssj in all of the material toei released and the first showing of the OP online looked like broly with tits and not a single solitary person I can even think about was happy with it.
Hell, even a man that was PAID and had his livelihood as a tv personality had a look of outright disgust when he first saw "kale" transform into broly.
No one gives a fuck about these fucking saiyajins. Everyone is pissed that the first "canon" female super saiyajin was she broly with the second being this loser cunt no one knows or cares about.
EVERYONE would have been happier with pan going ssj as a toddler just because she saw goku doing it and flying around or pan coming from the future.
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Majin Caulifla.jpg
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Despite what a huge vocal section of their community says, queers can do more then just have cagey sex.
Although that is like the most celebrated portions of...all of their media
>Cauli was pulled out of Toei's ass at the last second because the visceral reaction to She-Broli was so bad that they had no choice but to pretend that they were only baiting us and released this newly created character to act as the first canon SSJ.
>The first canon female ssj in all of the material toei released and the first showing of the OP online looked like broly with tits and not a single solitary person I can even think about was happy with it.
>Hell, even a man that was PAID and had his livelihood as a tv personality had a look of outright disgust when he first saw "kale" transform into broly.
Hi Geekdom. Still pushing your conspiracy theory, huh?
How's that Frieza thing going for you?
Most of these are from the same artists.
Draws the same shit non-stop.
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Of all the cancerous DB YouTubers, he's the worst for some reason.
This isn't a conspiracy theory.
This is a fucking fact.
Litterally fucking everyone who gives a shit about DB knows it, and anyone who can't be sued into the ground over it is vocal as fuck about it.
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Geekdom, just because you repeat your headcanon to yourself constantly doesn't it make it any more correct.
I feel stupid for never noticing that that until you pointed it out.
I hate bad fanfiction crossover shit.
At least Super isn't that awful yet. Fuck, not even GT's that bad in comparison.
I don't know who this geekdom person is. But it's fucking obvious what's going on.
Let's just drop the bullshit.
This thread became shit so fast wew
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Hi Geekdom!
You should be in bed.
>I hate bad fanfiction crossover shit

It was fascinating as a kid tho
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Are you the same retard that keeps spouting "Dragon Ball Ultimate" bullshit that posts in these threads sometimes?
Why is the Namek arc considered the best in Dragon Ball?
Good for you.
Why did Sidra hakai an entire city? What was even the fucking point of that? lmao
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>Ginyu Force
>Super Saiyan
Wiping out ningens who chimp out is a GoD's job.
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>no more Caulifla posting
>Retarded crossover spammer
Every day I'm reminded Art/=/Writing, and many can't do either.
The fuck's the point in using a characters skin when they're not acting like the character and by proxy no longer the character?
>No more ningen posting.
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Man, you must HATE things like Smash Bros.
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>Even in toohoos, Vegeta is bullied
All is right in the world
>Broly as a 2hu spamming omega blasters in a bullet hell
>bomb is one planet destroying OB that wipes the screen

I'm awful at these games, but I'd love this.
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He has Bulma, he'll be okay.
That would be cool.
how did this thread become shit so fast it was comfy at the begining
They could do that effect when the screen has a spreading negative effect for the bomb Omega Blaster.
They could've animated Neko Majin Z instead and shoehorn Pan there if that's going to happen.
Anon gets triggered by Caulifla
Shitposting ensues

Nah tho, Kuriza and Bra
Pan, meanwhile
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Oh the good old days were i was amazed by all the doujins i found on my super slow AOL
Oh shit.

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An fair enough
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Would it be possible for Kuriza to become a third generation Z-Fighter like Uub or Pan?
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Very cute.
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thats why freeza is coming back. The ToP is Freeza and Cauli's Love story
So what new excuse did Toyocucks make for FPSSB?
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What is this abomination?
Last one.
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Are you implying Kuriza is Half-Saiyan?

How would that work?

Would he go Golden or SSJ?
He'll go both cause he's daddy's special boy
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Humans were actually a mistake by the gods and were supposed to be wiped out immediately.
They kiss his ass in the reddit discord.
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So is base Broly actually soft spoken and meek or is that just the lobotomy jewelery Paragus put on him?
>People STILL think Caulifla and Kale are different people
>People STILL think Frieza is coming back
Come on guys you can't be this stupid
I believe that it's the latter.
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When the Daddy Issues Hit hard.png
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This is some tasty bait, what is it, blue raspberry flavored?
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>tfw I've reached the point where I enjoy Super more than Z

Aside from the fights and animation which are unarguably worse, it's better in every way. Characters, humor, pacing, and scope.
Would y'all want the Time Breakers to become canon?
truly the dragon ball z of our generation
When's Cell coming back?
He's one of the last unannounced members of u6 alongside a new set of androids of the recently resurrected earth of the univers 6
That would blow my mind.

But without Goku, why would Dr Geno make cell ?
>The first canon female ssj in all of the material toei released and the first showing of the OP online looked like broly with tits and not a single solitary person I can even think about was happy with it.
>Hell, even a man that was PAID and had his livelihood as a tv personality had a look of outright disgust when he first saw "kale" transform into broly.
>No one gives a fuck about these fucking saiyajins. Everyone is pissed that the first "canon" female super saiyajin was she broly with the second being this loser cunt no one knows or cares about.
>EVERYONE would have been happier with pan going ssj as a toddler just because she saw goku doing it and flying around or pan coming from the future.

What the fuck is this about? I thought it was pretty funny, why do DBfags have to take everything so serious
anon is just shitposting
What if, in an alternate timeline...

It's the Legendary Happy Meal
>That's all he did to get so fucking strong?
>yfw Frieza literally got Golden through push ups, sit ups and plenty of juice
Why were the Bardock and Trunks special episodes so good?
>Frieza is suitably impressed by Frost's tenacity
>Hires Frost to replace Captain Ginyu
Maybe he was created to fight against frost and his elite force of Saiyans
I don't think he'd stand hearing his own voice come from someone else's mouth
There is nothing stating that Dragon Ball GT ISN'T canon besides westerners
>There is nothing stating that Dragon Ball GT ISN'T canon besides westerners

GT hell.
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that's nothing, i let myself get absorbed by cell
Just make Broly canon already.
We aready have a superior version
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Dragon Ball doesn't have a 'canon'. The only way Broly will be apart of the main story is if Akira Toriyama wants him to be like Bardock.
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I dunno. I have to see if her personality is as likeable as broly's. The fact that she's female, has noodle limbs in her base, and just doesn't have those cool clothes like Broly does is already making me think she won't be able to replace him.
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Delicious Saiyan Cock.jpg
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I want to taste the Torankusu
Maybe the fact that both Toei and Toriyama are doing their best to ignore it and make it impossible to fit in the overall plot?
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>Goku goes to hell to visit Frieza
>Finds him having a tea party with the angels and fairies
>They helped him recover from his post-death depression and now he's disgustingly nice
>Frieza is overjoyed to see his old friend Goku who helped him see the error of his ways
>Will gladly help him in any way that he can
>Has spent the last two years in his golden form because the fairies think it suits him
>Matches his heart of gold
>Purging the evil from his heart has made Frieza 10x more powerful
>personality is as likeable as broly's

Pls be baiting
Side effect, he speaks in monotone like a robot and seems to have no actual emotions and is overall creepy.
I guess that makes up for murdering countless innocents, committing genocide on Goku's entire race, threatening his new home three times and killing his friends.
I'm not. I really liked the way he talked and acted in the first movie, and how he is in a lot of the games.
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His voice is great.
Does he also keep trying to get Goku to bring home a strange looking carrot?
17 is out of character in GT, and the characters are far too weak in comparison with the power they have in super
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Who's ready for Frieza to hatebreed some filthy Monkeys
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Remember the 6 gorillion sajyans
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He also ends up being a better husband and father than Goku and Chi-Chi remarries into Freeza and both have babies together
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ayy lmao
Based ayy arrived to get rid of the saiyan scum
Guess they didn't show the Frieza one yet?
Shut the fuck up and fuck off with your forced meme
>no halo Frieza figure
Fuck off Goku, based Jiren will kick your monkey ass
Kale vs Vegeta?
>Ayy lmao the gray
>forced meme
Back to U7 !
>Jiren will have Kenshiros VA

How can the amerinigger dub even compete
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Toriyama doesn't really like Chichi as a character and wanted to stop drawing her in the story. As a way to spite himself and force him to draw her, he decided to marry her and Goku off so that he would no longer have a choice but to continue drawing her.
I miss Vegitto.
>we got robbed of Goku and Bulma for this
>Vegeta is fighting Kale, the legendary SS
>Goku and Jiren the Gray are clashing
>Gohan is about to job alone
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>Goku and Bulma
Why wasn't it ever spelled like this? That's how it's pronounced, so it's more accurate than the other translations.
>Vegetto, tricking people into thinking you say "jet"
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I think I'm expecting way too much of Jiren
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Assless suit.png
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Consistent terminology for Dragon Ball will never happen

>Lord of Worlds
>King Kai
>Lord of Lords
>Supreme Kai
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A cute
>Captain Ginyu and Freeza are mutants with blue blood
>Toei gave Ginyu blue blood, and Freeza red blood

A fag
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Who is the Super Saiyan to the right of Vegeta?

>Red upper body clothing
>Grey shoes with light blue wraps above them
>Grey pants

New character? New fusion?
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Heroes characters

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Beat a best
Its not a sword, its Goku Xeno power pole
>Since he's no longer a threat, Goku revives Freeza again with the dragon balls.
>It's all according to keikaku.
>Freeza, unable to move inside the cocoon developed mind control and psychic powers
>He made the fairies to set him free out of the cocoon
Resurrection F Part II
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I figure Pan should take the Gohan route of becoming powerful without relying on the SS form. It's likely the intended route or Humans and Halfbreeds anyways. Gohan gets his boost and SS form from his Father's bloodline, but the "human hidden potential" from his mother. I'm assuming Gohan is on his way to proving that half breeds should be pursuing their hidden potential route instead of the SS route.
Your point?
Broly is a big guy!
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ayy vs black.jpg
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Busting out an old classic
Did Toriyama have all this in mind when he wrote the Freeza movie?
Toyotaro is a cuck
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Freeza and Frost.png
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It's part of his master keikaku
Frost will become a full evil guy and Freeza a redeemed villain
>planning ahead
pick one
dumb phoneposter
>being so underage and shitposter
So what are the chances that Frieza ends up as a GoD?
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Why does this exist.png
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>not named after an alcoholic drink
Not happening
>Pan goes into overpowered ultimate mode
>Bulla unlocks Super Saiyan Ikari
I'd read that fanfic
>Freeza will replace Vegeta as Goku's main rival and partner

I feel sorry for any Vegetafags still out there.
For the lulz, and because an anon mentioned it looking like the first image was ass squeezing heads to death in the thumbnail.
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he's freezer where all the drinks are kept
Then he would be the next Zeno or Grand Priest
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Her name is Chronoa
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>It's like you've never interacted with real people before.

Welcome newfriend
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this is my new form Vegeta-chan
Found the retarded post of the week winner
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>Gohan slips and slides out of the ring
Omatase, senpai
XV2 was basically a shitty mod for XV1.

Will XV3 be any better?
XV2 is superior to 1 in every single way, it's more like a remake
New thread
Wait for the bump limit retard.
I can't even play it. It crashes continuously. The first game never crashed on me.

Did you struggle with this?
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Blushing Mai.gif
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So massive
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sword so big even trunks needs some support
Yes, he really is perfect
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gotta love Mai 's crazyness
she would run in regardless of danger to try and help him
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>tfw love Frieza but like Frost too and would have loved him if he was legit a good guy
Fuck I can't pick. Maybe Frost, though that'd just soil Frieza's track record even more.
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waiting for the FT arc to end.png
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Shin bullying will be back full force whenever the manga finally starts the US arc.
He had dark red/magenta blood in the anime. Another note is that the Kaioshins should have red blood, but are given purple in the anime (which is weird, because Beerus and Champa have red blood).
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Shin is already being shat on
How is he so cute.
Disappointed for Buu but way more excited over Frieza and all the possible interactions he'll have.
>Making mistakes
Either you are terribly mistaken, or there are no gods
Of course anon, she couldn't just sit there and watch that fag beat up her Torankusu
>I always thought Frieza would look infinitely better without the homo lipstick
Shit taste.
>he replies to make sure people know he doesn't care
I still believe Either Bardock or Raditz should be re-introduced and join the Z Fighters
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>she couldn't just sit there and watch that fag beat up her Torankusu

of course not
Jiren's face looks like shit there.
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That was a while ago, and even him being trashed by Zamasu was a while ago. Why is this arc so long.
>the Kaioshins should have red blood
How so? They aren't ningen. And the cat bros were ningen before so it makes sense their blood would be that color.
I'm not really enjoying the US arc, so I don't mind the manga taking its time with the Black arc.
yeah.. really expected to manga to be at it's end by now.
Seems it's one or two more chapters to go though
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She just wants to protect the future father of their babies
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and with his healing and stamina restoring.
they can keep going and quickly make a little army
>I'm not really enjoying the US arc
To be fair, I'm almost certain a good chunk of these episodes we've been having are Toei padding. But even so, I don't know, I've been enjoying almost everything that doesn't have to do with U7 aside from some exceptions. Why aren't you liking it though?
I was expecting the same too. And yeah, I hope so.
the only thing i hope for in the manga is trunks and mai getting a proper goodbye.
even if it may cost most of the final chapter
I don't know about costing most of the chapter but definitely agreed on them getting a proper send off. Their send off in the anime felt so rushed.
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a good amount of the chapter if we get two or three more chapters. Will probably be just as bad if we only get one more chapter though

>definitely agreed on them getting a proper send off. Their send off in the anime felt so rushed.

yeah. I really disliked that. felt like they were quickly rushed out to get back to the normal cast. and followed by a filler ep too...
Truly put on the bus... or time machine in this case
>a good amount of the chapter if we get two or three more chapters
Oh, I could get behind that then, because if not and we only get one more, like you've said, it'll be as bad as the anime.

>felt like they were quickly rushed out to get back to the normal cast. and followed by a filler ep too...
Seriously. Why couldn't they split all the stuff that happened in 67 in two episodes at least? Almost everything about it felt like they were playing everything out in fast forward. And after all the filler that followed it, I don't understand the logic behind all their rush at all.

>Truly put on the bus... or time machine in this case
At least he's getting a break I guess. Being Trunks is suffering.
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>because if not and we only get one more, like you've said, it'll be as bad as the anime.
that's what i fear

>Seriously. Why couldn't they split all the stuff that happened in 67 in two episodes at least?
at least they could done that but...

>Almost everything about it felt like they were playing everything out in fast forward. And after all the filler that followed it, I don't understand the logic behind all their rush at all.

same. we have been with these characters for 20 episodes. who wouldn't prefer a decent goodbye for them over filler eps?

They got rid of mai and trunks in less than half an episode. an episode with quite some "quality" too

>At least he's getting a break I guess. Being Trunks is suffering.

i'll be honest. I don't even want to see him back because they will screw him over again.

Just show him with F Mai , F Bulma and maybe a kid of his own eating like in his vision from the gohan ep in the epilogue of super and i'm fine with it
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