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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 508
Thread images: 107

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Saga that takes place within Universe 6 when??
fucking wimpy looking saiyans
Never if it focuses on Cuckbba
Hit arc now
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> That's my son

This scene reminded me of that time Gohan almost achieved SS, when training with Goku in the RoSaT
>Yes, that's my boy. I put the fate of the Universe on the line and forcefully dragged him back into a lifestyle he wanted nothing to do with, and he's finally meeting my expectations despite already being highly successful in his own endeavors

Why is Goku such a cunt lads?
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Posted without comment.
Official U7 Job ranking list
>half-saiyan son of a low class warrior is once again stronger than the prince
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Vegeta is still a manlet during flasbacks.

Why is that?
so why was it named SS4 when it was completely different from any other SS form
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Jeice looks too tall, same with Dabura. Vegeta is probably a bit taller and Nappa a bit shorter.
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Why is she so perfect?
Why does everybody hate Cabba so much?
Shut up Cabba.
probably because we wanted actual saiyans
the girls are cute though

keep dreaming pan
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Will Whis/Vados train any other Saiyan?

Will we ever see another SSB?
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Why was it called SS"4", when it wasn't a natural progression from SS3?

Why does SS4 alter your clothing?

Why was SS4 weaker than Base Kid Goku?

So many questions...
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So Vados was asking him for a Saiyan Harem?

Lucky guy
>Vegeta not at the top

Hello Bejita!
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>Tournament of power ends
>All universes but u7 are gone
>Goku: "I wish we all had 100 million zenny!"
He's a ningen
>not at the top
Hello KuriMERDE !
What the fuck is this translation. Shit is just as bad as Belmod.
>>Goku: "I wish we all had 100 million zenny!"
Well, he promised it.
Just call him Dumbo or whatever elephant name
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Because she's mine.
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What the fuck are you talking about?
GT said they know the name doesn't fit but it's suitable
Why create a new name when you can be a lazy retard and just add the next number to "SS"?
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I want to see them grown-up already in Super.

And I'm not taking about their GT selves
Because he's shit?
What's there to like about him. He's a generic driven-but-flustered scrappy underdog character. He'd be the MC of Dragonball if it were a 12-episode high school moeshit show.
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If Furiza can grow body armor, Goku can grow parts.
Is DBS the age of waifu?
>loli Angels
>Bulmas sister
>Future Mai
The Tournament going to come down to U6 3 saiyans and freiza, U7 3 saiyans and frost, and the Pride Troopers. Then the big bad shows up and shit hit the fan
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>What's there to like about him. He's a generic driven-but-flustered scrappy underdog character.

Why the fuck do people like Gohan so much then?
why does everyone think she's going to be lssj
>that actress cutie from the gohan episodes
Picollo can create clothing...
Vados is still best angel you U10 bandwagonners
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>Yfw one time skip away before bulma's age hits her like a truck.
there was a reason bra had to be born
And Goku isn't Piccolo
>everyone thinking that the L in LSSJ stands for legendary
it's lesbian
Hermes? You mean the U2 god? That's Helles
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You mean Toriyama's new art-style

Hyper-muscular isn't in anymore
Because he's not a generic driven-but-flustered scrappy underdog character? He's not an underdog at all, he's the alpha male who doesn't want to accept his alpha-status and so delved into academics instead, but when he does flip shit he becomes borderline-sadistic because he's not a natural fighter.
He's an ENTIRELY different archetype. Are you literally so infuriated by a character in a children's cartoon you're going to pretend he's something he isn't?
> taking

How the fuck is Piccolo standing over Berter?
Color scheme aside

SS4 gets a new size for pants. And instant-no shirt
na mayne
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Is this literally the worst design to come out of the series?
He's like Tarble if Tarble was somehow more pathetic and anorexic.
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Unless you watch the latest episode. He got his groove back.
>implying Bulma,Chichi,and Videl wont use the dragonballs to slow their aging.

Real Saiyan Housewives of DB
he's tied with teletubby, purple penis head, and swole ayylmao
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>that scrawny bitch

Just wait til they turn SS

What was the alternative?

>let's not drag Gohan into this, even if the universe gets erased at least I fought with some strong people
Botamo exists
I cum in your fetus
gohan is buff in EoZ so they needed to bring back non-wimpy look
They should've kept Gohan's base form hair the same as his RoF hair-style
>the old toriyama art style use to make their characters more thicc?
new art style made them slim down.
imagine Kale if drawn by toriyama's old art style
No they shouldn't have.
>when you remember that new Namek is basically 100 guys growing space cabbage and aside from that and Earth not much else is going on
How is U9 even worse?
No one gives a shit about Universe #6.
only hole small enough lol
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Me wife is stronger than your favorite character.
I do, just not for the saiyans.
there is nothing worse than a furry, there is nothing worse than a furry universe
Yes she is, but she can't into rocket punching or appreciating birds.
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>Caulifla is also my favorite character
i bet yours can't go blue
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Toei a shit
They're both shit.
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She can go many colors

Here is black and white
>kale drawn by old toriyama
your mom enjoyed last night tho
You should meet an otherkin.
yes because it was Mother's Day and I got her some candy at work.
They should have an arc where Vegeta goes to u6 to train the saiyans and vegeta is the only person from u7 in the whole arc. We need a vegeta centric arc.
second this
not in my universe's lifetime.
The 10x gravity on planet vegeta does a number on your height
Imagine an otherkin universe.
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Reminder that Piccolo was the only one to accept Goku's invite with no questions asked.

>offers to make sure Gohan is up to snuff
>trusted by Goku and doesn't have to be deceived with lures of fake promises or prizes
>open to working with others on the team

Piccolo is best bro and hardly anyone appreciates him.
I just realized something about the super dragon balls
if either u6 or u7 is erased, what happens?
aren't they supposed to scatter through those two universes?
vegeta's asshole appreciates him
That universe doesn't exist anymore, praise Zeno.
Goku and Piccolo is a good team.

No one wants to be his friend because he's a people pleaser.

He offers himself for free without asking something in return.
They go somewhere else
How hard will he job?
Is she really stronger than toranksu?
second this. I feel for vegeta, he's a great fighter but the low class warrior kakaroto is always surpassing him. He's never had his time to shine, it's always kakaroto who steals the spotlight
can we just wipe every universe and start over
But goku might wish it back by accident.
but where?
Has a serious fighter ever been introduced who was weaker than any Z-Fighter sans Goku from the previous arc?
Given the fact he's the only fighter that gives creative freedom to the writers.. probably not that hard.
He will job when the writers run out of weird ideas to do.
Other universes

Like Earth DBs but with the multiverse instead of a planet.
I don't think so
There you go.
Yes, Cell, C19, C20, Dabura (Super Perfect Cell level), Cabba himself, and I can't think of any other but still.
they made a movie about that

>Cabba being monkey raped by two super saiyan girls in heat night and day
>Vados and Champa stand by to make sure they make plenty of saiyan babies

he's not lucky at all
Main antagonists don't count because they're overcome through the arc and Dabura was weaker than Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan.

C19 and C20 were only strong because Vegeta wasn't there and Goku caught Worfitis
A true Saiyan is only proud of his son if his song is physically strong.
Cabba wasn't serious, he was just treated as an opportunity for Vegeta to show some character development.
What happened to their tails?
What does that have to do with what I said? He asked if any serious fighter was introduced that were weaker than any Z fighter and there were, I just named some.
Also, Piccolo fucked C20 so it's safe to assume he's stronger than C19 as well.
That's heaven to me.
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>two super saiyan girls in heat night and day
>not lucky
if cabba won't I WILL!
C19 and 20 were originally the main antagonists until the editor shut Toriyama down.
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I don't see a difference besides one being black/white

Also according to Toriyama, Cabba is SUPPOSED to be skinny

> b-but it's Toei's fault!!
And? They were still weaker than Vegeta, Piccolo and Goku.
Just pointing out who the characters were weaker than.

But generally, despite the exceptions, Caulifla has a good chance of being stronger than Trunks if she has anything to do with the plot.
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Yeah, I was just using them of examples of antagonists that are overtaken through their arc. Vegeta goes SS and beats 19, and Picke fucks Gero because he knows what he's doing now.
Friendly reminder that Cell is the only major vilain in DBZ that isn't a fucking manlet
Calm down, buttblasted Gohanfag.
Oh alright, don't worry then, glad we're in an agreement.
>I'm gonna post my headcanon picture about a non-canon character like it's factual
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This me wife.
Her friends have knife.
They take me life.
Time to make dem donuts
And eat em
That has nothing to do with SS4's magic pants. Stop defending shit, Pedro.
it's okay son, there is no need to be so fanny flustered at a children's chinese cartoon character.
What even is this?
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toei please.png
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It's Toei fault because they use a different art style than current Toriyama so they are supposed to adapt the characters. It's like anime-Black, he looks skinnier than Goku because Toei is too stupid to know when adapt the art (the same shit that happened with Trunks' hair, kid Trunks hair was blue in Toriyama's art but they adapted him to be purple in the anime but they didn't changed future Trunks hair to purple as well).

>I don't see a difference besides one being black/white
Then you are blind.
>Toeicucks go into denial mode
Par for the course lads
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hi cute
>supplemental daizenshuu
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My opinions > your opinions
There's no way she's stronger than fucking SSB Vegito so she can't be stronger than Trunks
Vegito just loosened Zamasu's asshole.

Trunks + Humanity killstole
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>supplemental daizenshuu
Not canon.
Not canon.

Therefore your shitty headcanon picture=not canon.
Trunks still fought on par with Merged Zamasu for a little while and ultimate got the upper hand in a way Vegito never managed to. Pretty certain that makes him stronger.
>dat pig nose and/or weak chin

the anime is better and this image proves it
>not canon
We know. Your point?

>headcanon picture
Yeah but that's wrong, anon.
Bait harder.
This desu
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What will happen to U10 during the tournament?
Merged Zamasu isn't really that strong. He's just immortal. Goku also managed to fight on par with him. Does that mean Goku = Vegito?
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take your (You).png
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>it's not canon
>b-but it's not headcanon!
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because he's a thin boy
Goku fought on par with an arrogant Zamasu who wasn't at full power and wasn't taking him seriously. Trunks fought with full-strength Zamasu.

>Merged Zamasu isn't really that strong
He's stronger than Goku Black. That makes him strong as fuck.
Their fighters will be weak fodder to give the weaker members of U7 like Krillin a chance to have a real fight.

Then they will lose because their team sucks ass.
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U6 Cabba.jpg
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>using the wrong pics
Hopefully they get erased. Gowasu is retarded and inept, Rumoosh seems like a fucking dipshit, and the loli is irritating. Erase the filth that spawned Zamasu.
Holy fuck what an awful manga panel to choose

> he looks skinnier than Goku because Toei is too stupid to know when adapt the art

No, he looks skinnier to make them different and because that fits his character more than being bulky.
You could at least TRY to know what you're talking about.
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>Then you are blind.
That would be you

You can dislike "skinny" Cabba if you want, but that's how he's supposed to be according to Toriyama.

Same with Black.
I want some (You)s too, if you would be so kind
>say they're both shit (including Toei)

Buttblasted Toyopedro.
Cabba is a mistake whatever the format
Muscular Cabba is non-canon

>t-there's no difference between anime and manga cabba!
>y-you're blind!
Why are all Toeishills stupid as fuck?
>Muscular Cabba is non-canon
Top kek
>th-they use a d-d-d-different style!

See: >>157244464
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>backpedaling because you've been found out
>n-no I'm not a t-toeishill!
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So according to you if I say "Tapion had a sword", it's headcanon because I'm talking about something that isn't canon?
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>Vegito just loosened Zamasu's asshole.
>Trunks + Humanity killstole

You mean SS Rage Trunks + Base Goku + Base Vegeta + Shin + Gowasu + Humanity
>get disproven and BTFO
>blatantly strawman

Another day, another Toyocuck left in a quivering mess of tears and sorrow.
Toeichads scoop another win
How can you be so stupid? The green-yellow color scheme having anything to do with Broly's power was never mentioned or alluded to or anything of the sort in the movies. Tapion had a sword in his movie. They are two different concepts. You autist.
>T-Toriyama drew a character skinny because of his new artstyle!!
>that means that character being skinny is canon!!!!!
Vegito did all the work. M. Zamasu was half-dead and Trunks just cut off the dead parts. Then it turns out only half a body can't function, so Zamasu turns into mist.
>toyopedro in tears
>I don't know what strawman means
Are you retarded? Did you even look at that post or are you too stupid to realize it was there?
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>this flagrant lack of reading comprehension
>Shin + Gowasu
Why do people keep on lying about this? We never see any of them giving any Ki.
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>implying ANYTHING is worse than being a Toeicuck
Reminder that nobody ever actually beat Zamasu
>this toyopedro crying as he takes an L
>not a thing because it's not specifically stated in the movies
huh OK enjoy this last (You)
>dat Piccolo
Damn no wonder he started eating.
>he's acting like this is a difficult concept to grasp
Are you mentally stunted?
Zeno and beerus rekt his shit
We already know they win, they used the time rings to go to the future in the Zamasu arc
>We never see any of them giving any Ki.

Same with the Human Resistance and Android 8

Trunks' Spirit Bomb seems to take your energy whether you like it or not
Rage Trunks VS Mystic Gohan
The Sue-ness would cancel out and they'd both become Raditz-tier
>Toyopedro crying
>Same with the Human Resistance and Android 8
Wrong, someone needs to rewatch that episode.
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so people give retarded people (You)s but they won't give me when I ask nicely
>seems to take your energy whether you like it or not
You mean like Goku and Vegeta?
Except timelines were changed since Goku brought Future Zeno to our timeline.
I seriously hate this design and his voice. Zamasu did nothing wrong killing this faggot.
> cloud disappears
> FRIEZA is there
Does your dumb ass not see the motes of energy coming off them?
Calm down Zamasu
>irony the post
The design is great, especially because it pissed off Indiafags, but the voice is fucking autism
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>no argument
I accept your concession.
Thank you, thanks so much
I can keep breathing one more day
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>no argument
Why are you guys still watching this? Honest question. Like to see how shitty it can be or nostalgia factor or genuinely hyped or other reasons?
Still not an argument, Juan.
>Toriyama drew kid Trunks with blue hair
>Toei adapt him to have purple hair

>Toriyama drew future Trunks with blue hair
>Toei don't change him to have purple hair too

>so Trunks hair is purple but future Trunks hair is blue in the anime

>Toriyama drew Goku's body skinnier than the usual Goku's body from the original manga
>Toei adapt him to have the usual body style from the original manga

>Toriyama drew Black's body skinnier than the usual Goku's body from the original manga
>Toei don't change him to have the usual body style from the original manga

>so Goku's body looks like the original one but Goku's body controled by Zamasu looks like Toriyama's current style in the anime

B-based Toei! There's no problem here!
Train wrecks are fun to watch, besides it tides me over until the manga comes out.
No Indians were pissed, it was just a fucking burger who saw an opportunity to whine.
Sunk cost fallacy from the age of 9.
Wallpaper Zamasu was pretty fun indeed. Is the manga any better?
Well /a/ is in love with Vados-san, and Cabba is currently mating with her, so it would be only natural for us to hate him.
this shit is fun.
>Is the manga any better?
Read it yourself and form your own opinion.
Shippers acting retarded
It's moderately entertaining. Why do you watch anything?
Opposite of Vegeta, where everyone likes him regardless of him killing thousands. People hate him for saving thousands.
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What is sex with a Saiyan like?
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So... no leaks yet?
Won't job, even if they rip him apart his dismembered limbs will take out other fighters from the ki that he somehow stored in those ripped limbs.
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So we're posting lewd angels now?

I'm fine with this.
like fucking a dirty monkey
>asks for opinion
>urh form your own
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they are 3 times tighter than earthlings and they having the stamina to ride on you dick for day with a tight leglock as they drain every last drop of semen in your nuts.
super saiyan to double the experience
>someone needs to rewatch that episode.

Yeah. You.

Did you not see the confused faces of people when their energy was flowing out of them?
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>design is great
>dude put an elephant's head on a human lmao

It looks like shit something a fucking 8 year old would come up with or indians on drugs.
Have they done anything interesting yet?
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Exhausting, sweaty, and intense
Who the fuck asked you faggot
I dont want to sound /pol/ but saiyans seem too thuggish for gender equality to even be a thing in their race.
>Whether you like it or not
Are you implying that the spirit bomb is basically a metaphor for rape?
They were the only ones that gave away their energy on purpose

Maybe they gave more than normally would've been taken?
>Gowasu is retarded and inept
He's not retarded anymore, he was only retarded when Zamasu was around
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No, you see, the girls are thuggish too. They weren't given the chance to be entitled.
Yes, and that group is American, no one in india cares enough to complain.
>sits around freaking out and not choosing a single participant for the ToP
>would have just been like "Uhh sorry Zeno I didn't find anyone in time" if not for Rumoosh
>not inept
But the men are stronger and more violent than the girls, I know a saiyan woman has more test than a human man from 30,000 B.C but still.
>Yeah. You.
Nope, you do apparently. There are no scenes of Shin and Gowasu giving any Ki.
I said he wasn't retarded, I never said anything about inept.
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17 on suicide watch.png
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Gohan is stronger than 17.

Only Toeipedros are in denial about this.
Saiyan hierarchy is based on powerlevels, and powerlevels don't depend on your gender. Saiyans won't care about your pants as long as you can fight.
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>People ACTUALLY believe the Frieza rumor is real
You retards are so fucking gullible. I'm going to mutilate my dick on stream if Frieza is actually going to be part of U7's team, screencap this
>F starts playing while Frieza is there
It looks like shit.
But the men are on average stronger than the women by power level as well.
I'm trying to download the latest English Super dubs, but KamiFS now requires an account to download from them and they aren't sending verification emails.

Where can I download Super from?
>Erase the filth that spawned Zamasu.
But Zamasu did nothing wrong
Well technically most of of the components of semen is produced in seminal vesicles and prostate, the testes only contribute the spermatozoa which account for about 2-5% of semen.
At least make ugly elephant' skin darker, elephants look stupid with light skin.
Is there a new "nyaa" then?
Elefun has a good theme though.
>Only to then have the Perfect Cell theme make its return
>No universe 11 angel
Doesn't know about the hidden pink elephant pun.
Not really, we just see more men than women. DB has never said that men are stronger than women on average. Caulifla is said to be far stronger than Renso, despite Renso being apparently very important. Kale can go LSSJ, there's A18 who was the first person to beat a fully powered super saiyan. All the female angels and Helles, Pan can fly as a toddler.
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>There are no scenes of Shin and Gowasu giving any Ki.

Like I said, that doesn't matter. Pay attention.

The Human Resistance had their ki flowing into Trunks without them knowing what was going on.

Trunks was absorbing their ki whether they chose to or not. If you were on Earth, some of your ki was taken away.

Goku and Vegeta knew (the only exceptions), and purposely gave Trunks more ki.
fuck off ye stupid cunt
pink elephant is best or accept your free punch
Nope, your taste is shit and wrong. I bet your favorite is the fucking mouse.
Its a shitty pun.
Kale is a freak of nature, also we are talking about saiyans only why the hell are you mentioning non saiyans.
>Like I said, that doesn't matter.
It does actually , since without it you're just spamming your headcanon.
>Kale can go LSSJ
>source my ass
So are universes 6,7 and 11 the only ones worth giving a damn about in the tournament?
I didn't know we were talking about saiyans alone. Anyways, Caulifla still stands. Kale might be an exception but she still is a woman with extraordinary power. You have no reason to believe that saiyan women are weaker than men on average, when the two saiyan women we've seen yet in the show, not in flashback, are said to be ridiculously strong.
Seems so, but I feel like 6 is mostly there because we already know them and they'll get wrecked to hype up 11.
Not him but Helles is my favorite, those green eyes are the best
Sadly, if only the U6 tournament didn't happen so a different universe had more focus
It looks enough like LSSJ to call it one. Even if it isn't, she can still access a new form.
Biology dictates that the male will always be bigger and stronger than the female in any vertebrate like species anon so the boys are stronger than girls on average I am sorry faggot.
Ramush looks like shit because the elephant is not proportional to his body.
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Is Gohan finally the best at what he does?
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Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo and Tien have a contest to see who can perform the biggest job in the ToP.

Who wins and how?
I am LITERALLY SHAKING reading this right now

How about u watch the episode?

The Human Resistance were just shouting "Go! Trunks!" and their energy was being taken away from them.

Not only did they have confused faces, but their hands weren't in any position to give energy to Trunks. But it went to him regardless.

So it's safe to assume that Trunks received Gowasu's and Shin's ki as well
I mean, that's objectively incorrect. Look at snakes, female anacondas are miles ahead of males. And no, I didn't have to Google it. I just really like studying zoology, I can give loads of examples.
And 2nd, even if you were correct, physical Base strength means absolutely nothing in DB, NOTHING. It's all about ki, I mean, Cabba has no muscle definition, he's still one of U6's strongest person.
Only difference between a male and female Saiyan is the squishy bits.

Not true for several species of fish and birds.
Yamcha wins
>How about u watch the episode?
Yes, you clearly didn't.
Show me a screenshot of Gowasu and Shin giving Ki or fuck off.
The girls are smaller than the males thus weaker so the male saiyans would be stronger and thus treat the females like cum dumpsters with no human rights like how men treated women from the start. Only the saiyans would be too sociopathic to care about virtue so they wouldnt go all Islam on their women.
>So it's safe to assume
So you're saying "accept my headcanon because I say so" then? Alright, Pedro.
The episode indicates every living being on earth including animals and plants gave their energy to Trunks without having to raise their arms/do anything conscious about it. Therefore it is safe to assume Gowasu and Shin also gave their energy.
There's also no reason for them NOT to, it would in fact be detrimental.
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Shut the fuck up you disgusting fucking retard. I'm getting so fucking sick of you idiots making fun of Gohan.

Gohan is fucking based. He's the strongest Z fighter in the series by far. His potential is infinite.

Stop shitting on him because of your own pathetic insecurities and git gud in life. You might end up like Gohan as a well respected scholar and fighter, plus a banging hot babe in Videl.

I'm drawing a line. From this point forward, anyone below who makes fun of Gohan will officially be a square.

Anon, I don't know what the fuck you're on but saiyan women = saiyan men. In a warrior society if you can fight, you get rights. Raditz and Tarble are the ones who would get raped.
>Show me a screenshot of Gowasu and Shin giving ki

Can you fucking read you retard?

They don't HAVE to.

Again: Ki will be taken from them regardless which was already confirmed by the Human Resistance.
I want all the GoDs to pull a Roshi and get swole at 100% power output. Let's retcon SSG while we're at it because gods looking so underwhelming when they're serious is stupid.
Holy fuck how ignorant can you be?
calm down Vegeta san
>accept my headcanon


And fuck off retard
Woah there Geets what's the problem?
I am just saying the gender equality in Saiyan world doesnt make much sense at all, because they are bigger jerks than human men.
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Biggest jobber is still Trunks.

>attains massive power upgrade
>manages to defeat the big bad boss
>boss actually merges with the universe due to Trunks' actions
>ultimately fails to prevent his universe from being erased

Gonna need to have multiple universes erased to top that.
What kind of autism does it take to write this kind of shit?
All I see are "muh indications" and "muh assumptions"

Guess what Paco? It's still your unconfirmed headcanon. Get that through your taco-sucking skull.
Being on 4chan helps
Both sides of this arguement are faggots.

Got nothing better to do?
Shit taste

No the manga is shit
The "problem" with women is that they were relegated to child-rearing and housekeeping for so long that they can't function as a man does in society due to the societal and sociological values of humanity. Human psychology sees and relegates women into these roles.

If man and women carried their weight throughout human history equally, as the Saiyans have, there would be no real psychological difference between man and woman aside from basic instinct.
So if something is not clearly shown in front of your eyes it didn't happen?
Are you literally retarded?
Because you would be accused of being insane irl?
I understand that you're only trying to bait people, but I'll say this regardless.
DB villains almost always seem to be more dangerous the smaller they are. Vegeta was way shorter than Nappa and Raditz, Freeza's final form was smaller than his 2md and 3rd forms. Perfect Cell was much smaller than Semi-Perfect, Kid Buu was Buu's smallest form. Again, size means nothing in DB, everytime someone trying to increase their muscle mass or size, it tends to put them at a disadvantage. This happened with Piccolo, Trunks VS Cell, Goku VS Bergamo. Gohan wasn't even half of Cell's size and he destroyed him, Goku was even smaller compared to King Piccolo.
>A true Saiyan is only proud of his son if his song is physically strong.
>That moment that Vegeta had a grin on his face
Those two wimpy fuckers won't ever know how proud their prince was.
Because it's fun.
Narrative consistency is out the window but that's not the only thing that makes a show. DBS is still a good deal more fun than most of the shit out this season.
The only seasonal thing I like more than it is BnH, maybe Alice.
Because it has Dragon Ball on the name
>thus weaker so the male saiyans would be stronger and thus treat the females like cum dumpsters with no human rights

But that's wrong. They're part of the fighting crews.
Saiyans live to fight and keep their babies in capsule things so they don't have to keep from fighting. Saiyan women were never treated as less than men, so they didn't become less than their male counterparts. Saiyan society is gender equal because gender means nothing besides reproduction, which they only do out of instinct, not pleasure.
>Biggest jobber is still Trunks.
Still stronger than Vegetto.
> Strong evidence for an argument
> "But it didn't happen IN FRONT OF MY FACE!"
t. Toei representative


You apply saiyan logic then the women would be treated less since they would be weaker.
>if something isn't shown
Yes Rogelio, if something doesn't fucking happen in the episode, anything you say about "assumptions" or "inferences" or whatever shit you pull out of your ass is headcanon.
post cute Kale
Are you mentally challenged?
What makes you think saiyan women are weaker than saiyan men?
>inb4 but in nature the male is bigger and strongerer
It's not true for all species. Size also means literally nothing in DB as evidenced by another anon.
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reminder monkeys are monkeys, just imagine saiyan females forming groups because they'll tend to have lower power levels than males to avoid raep
But they aren't. They fight with the men, drink with the men, and live as the men do. You're using flawed human gender logic. Saiyan women have evolved to fight, not to take care of babies. Human women, however, have evolved to raise children and cook mammoth meat for big strong cave husband
>strong evidence
Keep telling yourself that Eduardo.
Have you ever read a book you stupid nigger?
i fuckin wish senpai
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she da cutest
how fucked is Cabba when Kale goes MAXIMUM?
They were gonna fuck before so
Have you? Or do you just look at book covers and make up a bunch of headcanon based on the pictures? Is this inferencefag?
Saiyans look human so human biological constants like man strong woman weak apply to them as well.

Let me explain why human women are weak. When the first walking apes began walking, child birth became a hassle leading to women having to focus on shitting out kids this in turn lead to walking ape males protecting them from danger which overtime lead to walking ape females gradually muscle and bone density making them far weaker than men whos muscles and boners became denser to survive. This is the real reason why men are stronger than women on a genetic level because our muscles are denser, we can take more damage because our bones are harder, even the skin of women is more delicate and easier to harm than men.

As such the hominid female is a coddled gender built to be nothing more than a fragile incubator for new hominids. It sounds kinda hot to be honest.
>And 2nd, even if you were correct, physical Base strength means absolutely nothing in DB, NOTHING. It's all about ki

Ki raises every physical attribute evenly until we see evidence to the contrary
Cabba would be stronger than anyone with less Ki,
>Saiyans ever giving a shit about sex

Damn, the saiyans might be fighting autists, but at least they aren't at retarded ningen levels like you.
At least irl it's easier to keep comments like what you're complaining about under wraps. They're said, and are brushed aside for the most part.

Here, you have to post, and often enough you stare at it long enough for it to sink in until something gets triggered. Some can handle it, others can't, often to the point of feeling the need to rant ad nauseum about it if only to feel they've attained the moral high ground. I mean, it's no different than the anon pushing gender issues in regards to saiyans. They're under the assumption that their opinion matters in a place where it goes away with just a simple scroll.

I'm not ruling out the insane part, though. I've taken my share of kicks to the head...
Humans evolved to fight other humans anon, why do you think we get excited when we see violence?

See the episode and look at look at their reactions when they notice energy is flowing away from them.

See: >>157245848

Look at their hands you desperate fucktard
You're assuming that the race that evolved to use sticks and rocks to protect their shitty brains evolved the same way as the giant apes that shrunk down to human shape.
What does this have to do with Dragon Ball where some 3 feet tall white lizard is tyrant of the galaxy, an anorexic cat is literally the God of Destruction and some kid looking blue guy is the strongest person among all the universes? There's nothing to say the average saiyan woman is weaker than the man except "muh biology which doesn't apply since they're an alien race EVOLVED to fight".
You also haven't rebutted any argument concerning the fact that they fight and drink with the men.
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Humans evolved to build and use tools. Why do you think we use guns to fight instead of fists?
>...an actual smart person on a super thread.
Become a youtuber anon. You are much better than this.
Oozaru isnt evolution its a transformation dumbass saiyans always look like humans with tails.
Use tools for killing other humans, why do you think the first things hominids invented was rock fashioned in ways to kill people? Heck boys have been observed instinctively making spears.
You keep screeching about the Resistance like we're arguing about them giving energy. You fucking stupid piece of autist retard shit, we're talking about the Supreme Kais. They were not shown giving energy. There is no evidence that they gave energy. The episode went to the trouble to show every other fucking person who gave energy. There is zero evidence that they did. Your headcanon is retarded. Stop fucking posting, Pablo.
Exactly, it's Ki based. Your body structure means nothing in DB universe.
So we can kill more people and be much more efficient with our killing methods.
Why would they NOT give energy? You're so fucking retarded holy shit
Or you're just a master baiter, in which case bravo.
No, guidebooks speculate that the Oozaru came first.

And spears were used for hunting. If humans welcomed conflict we wouldn't have military drafts.
What evidence do you have to prove that female saiyans are weaker than males when I've shown loads of points proving the opposite, while you have been screeching about real life humans.
Boy saiyans are born with higher power levels.
Yes, and the fact that we had to build a tool to kill effectively means we didn't naturally evolve to kill things effectively on our own. Humans are violent engineers. Saiyans are violent soldiers.
women when in short supply can take a group for themselves as long as they become the group fuckslut in return for protection from the stronger males becoming a high rank female in the process
Pan had a higher PL than Gohan did as a kid.
Also they already proved that time isn't linear in the dbverse since they beat the androids in the android arc but the future was still in ruins.
I'm sure Yamcha can beat her.
Not even close to being relevant to the show.
We've seen the birth of two saiyans in DB yet, Pan and Bra. Pan so far has been shown to be far ahead of anyone else has been in their lives at that point. Bra is barely a day old. So you're 100% incorrect.
Any theories why U6 Saiyans are naturally stronger than U7 ones? (sans Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, etc.)
We used sticks and stones to fight anon, and while we evolved to use much better tools the concept is still the same. KILL OR BE KILLED
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Its already confirmed in my head canon that he will use the super dragonballs to wish King Kai back to life.
They're all tailless hybrids a la Goten and Present Gohan

Also they weren't kept under the thumb of a galactic dictator who hated them and not inherently chaoticly destructive.
>t-t-t-there's no proof that they didn't give energy!
Holy fucking shit, Rodriguez. The episode systematically showed every single individual that was giving energy, from the Resistance to Hacchan to fucking Turtle. If it didn't show the Kais, it's because THEY WEREN'T FUCKING GIVING ENERGY.

Your spic-like autism knows no bounds.
>present Gohan

Fuck, I meant Trunks.
fuck off with yer saiyan wanking
>Guidebooks speculate
You mean the GT Perfect Files? You can't use anything from GT as a source.
So fusion can create new clothes but transformations can't? Even when the fused participants clothing would not equal the result?
yamcha manga
U7 saiyans relied entirely on Oozaru. They didn't have to train themselves. Their society was basically kill or be killed, so, if their partners would get heavily damaged, they would probably be killed off in read of healed to get a zenkai. At least till they got under Freeza, after which they started getting stronger really fast. Which caused Freeza to obliterate them. The remaining saiyans who bothered to train and abuse zenkai got very very strong very fast. U6 saiyans don't have tails, so no Oozaru, because of this they had to actually train and increase their Base strength. They are also good people do they probably heal and abuse zenkai if they can get them.
Also, we don't know if U6 are stronger than U7 on average. For all we know, Cabba, Caulifla and Kale are outliers. Caulifla's gang members didn't seem any special, Raditz was probably far ahead of them.
hey man I'm sorry your nu waifu is a slut
fusion is magic
Why would the Human Resistance unknowingly give Trunks their ki and not the Supreme Kai when both of them were literally right next to Trunks?

Why WOULDN'T they give their energy to Trunks?

Are you so autistic that you need to be shown everything on-screen, no matter if a precedent was shown and no matter how obvious?
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I'm arguing that female saiyans are naturally stronger to fuel my femdom fantasies towards Caulifla
>showed every single individual that was giving energy
>regardless if they knew what was happening or not
>regardless if they had their hands up or not

Okay. So the Kai's DID give their energy to Trunks then?
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did ya miss me chaps?
Yes, but we didn't evolve the tools
I just cant wait til Kale is in xenoverse
NOT CANON, (retard)
best kai
I so disappointed of the elephant god, I thought he with be like the real life element, powerful and wise
No gender is naturally stronger in DB universe.
That will take years, the DLC for Xenoverse 2 only goes to the Black arc.

elephants are stupid, that's why they're about to go extinct
Why would the episode bother showing every other party except the Supreme Kai?

You really need to apply some critical thinking skills, Alejandro.
any u10?
Same, but I guess all the universes in the choosing block have bad gods, except for U11 which shouldn't be under the block, considering how efficient U11 kai, God and ningen seem to be.
xenoverse 3 seems likely anon, it's pretty easy to make these games
He was designed by Akira Toriyama and was put in the anime at Toriyama's suggestion. He's canon.
>elephants are stupid
But they never forget
nothing to support that baitlord

I think you're just intimidated by women
are the freezer race hermafrodit like the namekians?
Elephants are amongst the smartest animals around. They have very strong memories and have been shown to have intelligence just below cetaceans and primates.
Also he's mentioned in the manga.

Freeza's Mom was retconned
Did they show every tree/plant/fish like they did in Namek?

No? So because it was off-screen it didn't happen?

The jury's out on this one. The grammar is very unclear about this and anyone who says anything with a confirmation outside of toriyama is lying.
Didn't it take like 1 year for Xenoverse 2?
Freeza's mom was never a thing you dubtard
>Why would the episode bother showing every other party except the Supreme Kai?

Because they already shown how it works: Trunks didn't ask permission to borrow energy (or didn't know how to).

Once you know that, you can tell what happened.

You want them to hand-hold you every step of the process?
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Good to see that shitshow is over.

Post db girls
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And yet
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>The State of GT
>Goku becomes kid again
>He looks like goten
>Not kid goku

Still bothers me to this day, fucking garbage series, did they explain it anywhere?

Also why did he become brown
Are you fucking brain dead?
>INDIAN elephants
Haven't been keeping up. Do both female saiyans have "Broly" transformations? Or just one?
Why is the dialogue in super so bad like everyone has autism

and yet official artwork exists
Xenoverse 1 came out in February 2015, Xenoverse 2 came out in October 2016

expect Xenoverse 3 in early-mid 2018
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The shy one, Kale, is the femBroly we've seen. Caulifla is probably just a regular SS.
Elephants are people in a different form, they have human level intelligence but we cant see that obviously because they aint got no thumbs and shit.
It's a kids show made by Toei.

O I am laffin!
alm down dude, I'm sure she'll give you a chance after she's fucked everyone else.
ain't no shame being a strong independent sexually liberated woman, just remember to clean her with your tongue
What the fuck are you talking about
What does that show?
Just one for now.
>Frieza mentions his "parents"/"loving parents" to Goku on Namek in the manga, anime, and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z whereas he simply mentions "his father" to Goku in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 and Dragon Ball Z Kai

She was retconed in DB Gai, but Toy-llama has an obsession with asexual homosocial races.
he looks more like Goten because the art style is more angular like Z instead of rounded and smooth like early DB, they both basically look the same anyway
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He is right tho.

Does this look like the kid goku in GT?
It's the same in Super.
>durr hurr hurr I don't understand the point
There were only a few groups that existed to give energy. The episode showed them one after the other to reinforce the fact that they were giving energy. The Kais were left out of this sequence of shots, indicating that their energy wasn't taken.

You are fucking cataclysmically stupid, Roberto.
>a literal toddler is flying in space
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Yamcha is coming back right?
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Oh, neat. Honestly I hope they give her a regular SS form.
>Because they already shown how it works
This argument falls apart when the episode shows literally every single other fucking group besides the Kais. If it was only meant to "show how it works" it would have shown Goku and Vegeta gasping at their energy flowing into Trunks' sword and then maybe a shot of the Resistance. Instead it showed everyone. It really isn't that hard if you're not a brain dead fucking retard like most of you seem to be.
>Saiyans look human so human biological constants like man strong woman weak apply to them as well
>Giant 20 meter rage monkeys that shoot lazzers out of their eyes are same shape as humans so they have same biological bodies
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>animals that are easily hunted by naked africans with wood spears are human

Did the guy ever make the video of him slamming his dick in a door?
Freeza never said "parents" in plural in the original japanese version, dubtard
Apparently YOU are brain-dead since you cannot process how Trunks' Spirit Bomb works, when it was shown in front of you
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your senseless fanon against Lord Frieza's canon
How exactly would you survive against bush hunters without using weapons made by someone else? Also, Bush hunters aren't elephant hunters mostly, they are way too dangerous for that. Big level poachers with huge guns do that.
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Different art style you literal retard

GT Goku, kid Goku and Goten have the same exact body
>I'm talking about the original japanese version
>he post mistranslation

Unironically kill yourself
> Bush hunters aren't elephant hunters


Keep trying tho
Why would the Kai's be an exception when:

1: It was shown that energy was given without the people knowing (Human Resistance)

2: When the Kai's have every reason to help

You're only argument is that just because it was off-screen, it didn't happen EVEN if it goes against points #1 and #2
I'm gonna miss Goku's tail
the universe 6 saiyans are Asians while universe 7 ones are white just like how on earth their
Why is everyone chimping the fuck out?
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You're full of shit, in the japanese version he uses the word 両親 which means parents in plural.

Go back to namek, asexualfag.
Must be a full moon
My argument is based on fucking context clues you autistic brainlets. If every single group BUT the Kais was shown giving energy, there is literally no reason to believe that the Kais gave energy. It would have taken two more seconds to show them glittering and giving off energy, but that never happened. Why? BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GIVE ENERGY.

Jesus Christ. I can't believe some people are so stupid they need this explained to them. It's like you've never fucking experienced any form of fiction beyond Dragon Ball Super.
That's why I said mostly, they very rarely go after big games like elephants, unless they get desperate. Have you even SEEN Nat Geo?
didn't Black and Zamasu murder all the Kais anyway? or are we talking about the present Shin and Gowasu who had time traveled?
>Unironically liking Bruce Faulcuckner music.
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>not posting the superior version
He does have his own manga.
How fucking dare you talk about any other form of fiction when you're so retarded you can't actually see all the evidence given by the show while saying "nuh uh they didn't show it it didn't happen"?
>You are fucking cataclysmically stupid, Roberto.
Not as much as you anon, the chances of Kai's giving energy compared to them not giving energy is is 8 to 2.

You're missing the point: elephants are dumb.

It doesn't matter if they're rarely hunted by buttnaked sargents, what matters is that when they are, they always lose to superior human intellect.
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>lying on the internet
親 (oya), parent
You clearly don't understand the meaning of context clues and camera shots used to convey meaning. I feel sorry for someone as dumb as you. Stop posting, you'll just embarrass yourself further and force me to continue ridiculing you.

>statistics pulled from my ass
Again, it's not my problem if you're too stupid to understand the meaning of context clues and a specific sequences of shots that is used to convey meaning. Kill yourself.
I want to hug the U10 loli angel.
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Nice photoshop.
>These retards are still arguing about this shit.
I'll say it again
>Show me a screenshot of Gowasu and Shin giving Ki or fuck off.

And Gohan might unlock the Dragon Fist once he gets his new form.
I wish that Gohan's "Higher form" that he's supposed to be reaching returns the tail.
I know it won't happen, I know that saiyan tails are basically non-existent even in flashbacks, but I so fucking wish that both Gohan's and Goku's push beyond their limits restores their tails.
>T-teach me how to become a Super Saiyan, Cabba-san! I'll offer myself to you!
That's so cool.
It's like watching age of empires: the movie
I'd like to see a 'smart, intelligent and sophisticated' adult human without any weapon facing and defeating african bushmen with spears by himself or with their family without any weapon and in lower numbers.

I don't think elephants are intelligent as humans, but it's not intelligence itself what puts them in the condition of being prey - elephants could be killed by an ambush of lions and that wouldn't make lions as intelligent as elephants.

Humans can be killed by an ambush of wolves and that doesn't make wolves smarter than men.

You are being fallacious as fuck.
Cabba x Kale will be canon. Toriyama/Toyo made Caulifla for us Westerners.
Good, can't wait for Pride Troopers DLC
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I know right.

There was a time when killing living beings actually required skill.

Nowadays any beta upriser can just grab a gun and kill a buch of people. That's why most modern war movies are boring.
Well, yes, they are not nearly as smart of humans. No one thinks that. I posted that they are just under primates and cetaceans. I'm saying your argument that they get hunted so they're stupid is fucking retarded.
I am so glad Caulifula ended up being a different character and not a redesign, Kale´s design is so much better.
>It would have taken two more seconds to show them glittering and giving off energy, but that never happened. Why? BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GIVE ENERGY.
That means nothing though. Considering how rushed that ending was, maybe the reason they didn't show up has to do with the production of that episode.
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Is she /ourgirl/?

Fact: lions are smarter than elephants, that's why lions are not going extinct.

Survival of the most /fit/test, my friend.
No, she's a ningen
This is an intelligent human.
The one he's replying to is not.

Both of you would be killed as fuck if you were put in front of 20 hungry black spearmen.
Dude, do you even know what natural selection is? How evolution works? Or why the population of elephants is far lower than lions? You're dumber than those elephants.
Literally two seconds, anon. Are you telling me they couldn't spare two seconds?
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oya 親 = parent.jpg
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>I-I'm not wrong i-t is just photoshop
Just give up
Took you a while to reply
>source: PETA

all animals are dumb by virtue on not being human, according to the Bible book of genesis
>Again, it's not my problem if you're too stupid to understand the meaning of context clues and a specific sequences of shots that is used to convey meaning. Kill yourself.
First, using insults as a last ditch effort to save some face is really dumb thing to do, even in db threads where that flies better than monkey shit.
Second, you can't prove your point and that anon can't prove his, both of your nagging is headcannon.
Until proven otherwise the Kai's both did and did not give their Ki. However the chances of Kai's giving their Ki is significantly higher than chances of them not giving their Ki.
>>statistics pulled from my ass
If you did not understand the 8 to 2 odds then my dear anon you are either
1: Being a really dedicated bait meister. and good for you
2: Actually being mentally limited/handicapped. Hopefully it's #1.

Until we get official info both of you are both correct and false, a Schrodinger paradox if you will or to use your term 'Headcanon' .
Not to mention on call baby sitter
Because I looked for the entire manga in japanese

Check yourself and shut up you dipshit

No they wouldn't.

I could probably challenge all of them to a game of chess and I'd wreck them.
He's doing the thing where he pretends to be trolling because he realized he's an idiot.
Sure showed me

Darwin: "The apt adapt, the stupid perish."

Elephants are fat and ugly, so their low reproductive rates don't surprise me at all.
If that were true, you would be dead by now.

The idea that /fit/est is the strongest or in better shape is stupid. To fit, in the idea presented by Darwin, means to be better adapted to the environment you live. A pack of lions wouldn't survive in the North Pole in spite of being stronger, faster and smarter than penguins - and yet, penguins do just fine.

If strength and intelligence were the only things that mattered, cockroaches, rats and pidgeons wouldn't be such a problem in the big cities.
Look at how many hits that elephant took before going down.
No wonder people used to use them as fucking tanks.
So what was the final conclusion?
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>G-guys, don't believe his lies, photoshopping a manga is impossible
And it didn't really give a fuck at the start, just stared at them with asian parent eyes of disappointment.
"Really guys? REALLY? The fuck is up with everybody?"
>Is bleeding all over
"I might have fucked up"
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Higher res
That's not how this works. It depends on adaptation to surroundings. Humans are the smartest beings on the planet, yet compared to insects, we're a joke as per survivability.

Here's the true rank of intelligence:

Humans > dogs > cats > snakes

all the other animals are for food or indifference
It's nappa
What's your fetish with snakes?!
Fucking feetless lizards are much, much dumber than any whale or elephant in the world.

And yet, the seduced Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden

they pretend to be stupid but they're way smarter than they let on

they're holding back just like Roshi
I realize that you're trolling, but since the thread is almost complete, I'm gonna bite the bait anyways. All those animals are food too, humans, cats and dogs don't even occupy the highest level of a food chain. Most snakes don't either. Even the biggest animals end up as humus for plants and fungi.
>new form
Jobing is not a form or new.

bitch, are you retarded?

plants and fungi aren't even animals. bacteria doesn't count either.

humans are apex predators according to all sociologists, so its settled science.

dogs also clearly outrank wolves, and wolves outrank bears, so by definition they're semi-apex too.
>highest level of a food chain
But it's a chain, so there's no actual highest level/point since it's basically a circle
>Buu is out sleeping
>Frieza is in
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Hopefully not too hard.

meme magic

4chan predicted Gohan would stop jobbing and it happened, same with freezer
I know they aren't animals, what does that have to do with anything. The point is that being food for something else has nothing to do with their intelligence. Apex Predators don't get hunter by other animals, that'd why they're "apex", humans are hunted by a variety of Predators, we are not Apex in a scientific way.
Yes, which is precisely my point. All living beings are food for other living organisms. It's a fucking circle. What does that have anything to do with intelligence.
You cannot take context clues can you anon?
You're literally fucking retarded.
Thank you.
He got a tan from being in the Indian sun.
What if Frieza steals a wish when they use the super dragon balls?
>Present Gohan
Well you are still correct.

I mean Future Gohan is dead.
Post yfw

>U7 wins tournament
>Wish time
>Freiza jumps in and makes a wish to become a God of Destruction or some shit
>Next Arc is Freiza again
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