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Sekaisuru kado

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Thread replies: 521
Thread images: 126

These human and their useless chairs, primitive language, and limited amount of electricity.
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>hold talks openly and make them fully accessible to everyone unaltered in any way
Good job, zaShunina and Shindo. No chance of anyone creating conspiracy theories and news spin this way. Government and pundits BTFO.
America ready to drop bombs next episode, because obviously no one is going to share the infinite energy balls.
This IS Childhood's end.

>offering people unlimited power through some completely unknown device

And next fucking episode people already fight over it.
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zaShunina's logic for choosing Japan first is genuinely good. They're so rich and prosperous that they won't be too desperate to hoard everything for themselves and as a stable first-world country with no large territories to watch over, they also understand the concept of peaceful foreign aid.
So why so much CG?
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Well I was afraid this was gonna remain nihon centric but at least this development alleviated my fears for good.
>also understand the concept of peaceful foreign aid
No it doesn't.

It has been confirmed that giving people food and resources cripples their ability to produce their own food.
Same shit here. Giving humanity completely unknown power source creates more problems than it solves.
If he really understand it, he would give everyone knowledge how to make such devices.
Instead of loaves and fishes Space Jesus bestows croissants and infinity electrical generators.
we all know humanity would bend backwards for this tech, I would
He's not actually trying to make humanity self destruct, is he? Because giving a few of them infinite power and making them fight over it seems like a good way.

I don't think >>156187854 is enough to stop japan from acting like the average greedy capitalist country.
Electricity is just a tool, though, not a final objective. It's up to each country how to develop from there and what to use it for.
What if the device breaks?
What if there is something malicious in it?

There is just too much risk in it.

It pisses me off that the negotiator woman didn't immediately scream at him to take it all back. Such dangerous and risky objects shouldn't be accepted so quickly.
Electricity is a ressource. It being infinite doesn't resolve the issue of how to share it. There's the issue of the network too.
What he gives is more than the whole planet can use. If the world's governments tried to cooperate for once (which they should, since it's essentially an unlimited resource), it'd be the best chance for establishing relative world peace ever.
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How many more episodes until he gets decapitated?
They didn't accept it yet. He offered and is now waiting for the official response.
He can cut off his limbs at will. I don't think it's even possible to harm this particular alien.
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Who cares, he can just reattach it.
He's a higher dimensional being. I don't think he can be killed. At least not there. He seems to be using a faux body as well if I understand correctly because it was the only way for him to interact with that universe.
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Kek, somebody really hated the video.

All the alien tech so far seems to be following the same disyllabic naming pattern.
I've never been more hyped for negotiations in my life.
>If the world's governments tried to cooperate for once (which they should, since it's essentially an unlimited resource), it'd be the best chance for establishing relative world peace ever
I think you overestimate humanity. Every contry wants one, sure, but nobody wants other countries to have it.

It's just like that greek myth. A god (I forgot which one) went to a village and a villager helped him out about something. So he told the villager: "tomorrow I'll come back. Think of something you want, I'll give it to you. But just remember that whatever you want, I'll give your neighbhor twice the amount of whatever you asked for yourself."
The villager was like "okay" and he thought long and hard about what it is he would want. A nice house? But his neighbor would get two... A pretty wife? But his neighbor would get two... Money? But his neighbor would be twice as rich as himself...
The god came back the following day and asked the villager what he wanted.
"Gouge one of my eyes out, please".

Many people would rather hurt someone else than enjoy what they have knowing someone else has more.
You get a Wam! And you get a Wam! Everybody in the audience gets a free Wam!
What did she mean exactly? What is so dangerous about what he was doing?
His human body is a lower-dimensional avatar of sorts. His real body, if he even has one, is in the higher dimensional space. He may be essentially immortal.
B-bureaucrats are so cool!
If only the Festum were as reasonable and approachable as zaShunina.
>look at me, dropping small trans-nuclear balls all over the damn place
Weird choice of translation. Yabai has many meanings.
>Yabai! this house in on fire!
>Yabai! this guy is handsome!
The meaning here is closer to the second example.
I think this is just a mistranslation

"YABAI" is a slang word in japan which can mean many things, including "awesome" or "cool". In fact, kids use YABAI so much these days that some schools have even considering banning the use of YABAI
zaShunina is conducting an absolutely massive amount of energy to human-made stuff. Without some really good conversion, he could blow up the entire power grid. It's awesome (yabai) in more ways than one.
>Electricity is a ressource. It being infinite
Literally solves all of the worlds possible problems.

>inb4 capitalist scum find it unprofitable
Forget unprofitable, the Arabs have just lost the only thing keeping them relevant.
Calling it now, next episode someone tries to snackbar the cube.
Either that or they abandon the one in Mecca and start worshipping Kado
Fucking memesubbers.
I want to fondle his magical alien balls.
Why did she laugh?
>third episode
>many balls are already touching
>electricity flowing everywhere
How is this show so gay?
Because of this discussion >>156188804 and the way Shindo shoot down the alien.
Can't stop staring at Shindo's bulge
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>Wants to advance the world.
>offers them all this glorious electricity.
>People will be released after a month.
What is this guy really up to.
Shindo and zaShunina squabbling like an old married couple over linguistic trivialities looks surreal and weirdly funny, considering how much is at stake.
>Your word?
>Discord, disturbance-
>Nevermind, we stick to mine.
He's gonna have humanity destroy themselves by making them fight over balls
both to share and not to share will create a shitload of conflict, economy will break down so hard
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She can appreciate a good dynamic/manzai routine between male characters.
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The show would be pretty decent even with these two alone. They're hilarious.
He wants the right answer
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I heard the show is about the civil service. Is it actually about the scummy internal politics or does that get thrown aside for a first contact kind of story
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That look at the end
>I'll remember this, stupid sexy alien
It's both, except now in a global format.
At least he managed to stick the landing. Can anything phase this Ace Negotiator?
How many people would lose their job because of wam(mu) ?
Still hard to say what direction the show will take from now on. There is a good chance both scummy internal politics and first contact will shine equally though. Though we have yet to see any "scummy" behavior coming from any civil servant.
Around 7 billion.
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NIPPON STRONK once again!

Seriously, Japan was never too keen on social policies. WTF, the alien should have chosen Scandinavian countries.
I liked that Tsukai mentioned how Shindou is way too calm about Kado and zaShunina.
Is this The Day the Earth Stood Still?
You'd probably like episode 0, you'll see a bunch of characters from different departments. See if it catches your interest
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Yep, tax evasion is SO low in Japan, folks!
I feel like you'd have to be into international politics to like this show.
Meanwhile in America, Trump is tweeting like crazy.
>Illegal aliens are stealing our coal jobs! Sad! We won't let them stop us from making America great again!
We still haven't heard what zaShunina told him in the plane cockpit during ep 2. That might play a part in it.

But yeah Tsukai really is impartial towards Shindo. No wonder they chose her to be humanity's mediator.
"Because you guys don't have any ressources" might have come off a little scummy so Shindo briefed Zashunina on what to say.
Did you guys notice the ed change so that Hanamori and genki scientist girl are standing in front of a different part of the cube and have no shadows? They're in the middle too.

You guys think there's any meaning to it?
The Scandinavian countries are so small they're very easy to pressure. Their absolute wealth is also much lower.
BTW, isn't it ironic that it's coming from the mouth of the same guy who voiced Shiroe in Log Horizon? Is the studio/director picking on Mamare?
Or aliens and the unknown. There's plenty of interesting concepts that can be brought up about both politics and first contact so you could enjoy it for either.
I can't help but feeling anxious about this higher being delivering Free* Infinite Energy Balls to us.

*if you have the right answer
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>"Because you guys don't have any resources" might have come off a little scummy
I'd buy that.
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>ayylien's human body is a construct
So what's his true form like then? Tentacle goo monster? Something out of NGE?

Personally I'm rooting for it to be an actual cube like pic related. And also for Alcor parallels.
Their social programs are pretty generous, actually.
What he means is that Japan is a stable first world country.
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>tfw anime where public servants are in the spotlight
Pretty sure it's a test.
If we fail we all die, if we pass we'll get a brand new, evolved, and generous society.
So is the Correct Answer communism?
Lazy do-nothing
I'm pretty sure their women can't even work and get low payed maternity leaves without essentially giving up on their job.
If that's the case we've failed
You can always trust someone to fuck things up at the last moment
you know who you are

not bad
Yes, zaShunina playing with his energy balls in public.
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Two nukes wasn't enough
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>zaShunina's logic for choosing Japan first is genuinely good.
No. Japan is one of the WORST 1st world countries to choose.
In the real world, China would go apeshit and invade Japan, which would trigger the US to retaliate. Of course, they would never ever hint at that in anime.

There are plenty of developed countries that are rich, with Gini coefficients lower than Japan's, with no territorial disputes and that have no enemies/lunatic neighbours.
Sharing and cooperating is often the right answer. Wouldn't say it's communism though, though that certainly doesn't make it capitalism.
Life is 90% cooperation, 10% competition.
Higher level dubs.
>for example?

Most other first world countries have active terrorist threats
If humans can pull it off, yes, communism is the future

China is hardly eager to invade anyone. Their entire economy depends on product export and you can't have product export in chaos. If you look at their positions when it comes to international matters, they tend to value stability over anything else.
>Playing with balls
So he's a gayylien then?

Also it's only being a day and they're already arguing like an old married couple. RIP Hanamori you've been replaced.
So will zaShunina preach an advanced form of socialism?
The correct term is "anisotropic".
So is "the right answer", the "correct" answer to a question, or the answer that he wants to hear?
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>Japan doesn't
North Korea exists, buddy.
>most other first world countries have active terrorist threats
What does that have to do with choosing a prosperous country with a culture that values sharing?
or wanna fug the alien or the cube
>According to Yumiko Watanabe, the head of nonprofit organization Kids’ Door, which provides an after-school environment for children whose families cannot afford to send them to cram schools
That's a rather odd definition of poverty.
The fuck am I reading.
Is this the alien version of making it rain?
It could be both, we don't even know how he thinks or what he values in an answer.
There's absolute poverty and relative poverty, you know. If you can't afford to educate your child, you're a poorfag to me.
NK is backwards and incompetent as fuck. They're more likely to blow up themselves than anyone else.
Found the Korean shill.
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It's not invasion if that territory was yours to begin with.
We Zankyou no Terror now.
zaShunina and Shindou's bickering is hilarious. That guy is really brave to be challenging a being so strange.
An occasional bloodless saber rattling is not the same thing as active belligerence. China is shitty in many ways, but they are pragmatic to a fault.
If japan was actually given unlimited electricity for real they'd wipe out korea and china in a day
Shindo is an alien. Calling it now.
What are you trying to prove with the map?
Maybe he's just a sociopath
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He knows him better than any human and their minds are as similar as they can be for beings so different. He has no reason to be afraid of zaShunina directly.
How? They have a hidden laser cannon or something like that?
>So what's his true form like then?
It's a programming code.
No, a fully operational gundam
It's good to know that it is intentional on the author's part. Now I wonder what will be the payoff of this.

>yer an alien Shindo
>Obi wan never told you about your father, Shindo
Please no.
She is going to absorb the alien and became a god in the end.
Why are cube boys the best?
Just saying invasions are often both spurred and justified by a claim on said land.
i like the idea, but it would have killed the show
I'm saying this in an ideal situation.
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So he is a god after all?
More like he's autistic.
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Those two are intellectual soulmates.
As a science nerd, this arouses me
As that reporter guy said, he's not truly a god, but close enough.
Chaos is the only true answer. anime
Poor Hanamori.
zaShunina strikes me as naively idealistic.
I can't help but wonder if our Space Jesus isn't actually a child by his own "people's" standards.
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Hey, they should just have a threesome. Sharing is caring, right?
This. The anime even forces this down your throat by giving these two the same color scheme. With complementary color proportions.
>I can't help but wonder if our Space Jesus isn't actually a child by his own "people's" standards.
That makes way too much sense.
>episode 12
>alien government representatives arrive and put zaShunina on trial for treason
>back to status quo
How mad would you be?
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Maybe something like pic related, but in reality we have no idea. We can't really visualize higher-dimensional beings.
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Why do you think he talked about "the resolve to drop a bomb"? He knows exactly what he's doing.
His race, if you can call it that, has sharing of abundance as one of its inherent principles.
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This needs a good doujin or two.
I called it last thread.
Space Jesus is actually Space Lucifer.
I wonder. It is suspect he came by himself.
I think he's just a being of pure energy and consciousness. that or something that is so far out there that a human would explode just trying to comprehend his form.
So, world war 3 is going to start and then he'll come out and say humanity is fit to serve under them, right?
Then they'll all unite to fight the ayy lmaos or something?
Where is your proof?
Shinawa nearly orgasming from all the higher physics was funny as fuck.
Just read Childhood's end
In a misguided attempt to elevate humanity, he's going to get cast out of "heaven" (his dimention).

You heard it here first, folks.
Mayychael comes to disrupt his plans and gives wams to China.
Her and the journalist were the only ones with a sane, believable reaction to all this.
But then again civil servants are drones. They can't help it.
>he's actually Prometheus
Why wouldn't he? He needs nothing else; he can even transcribe himself in and out of our universe with his own power.
I think he is his whole race desu. like, they've evolved so far that they finally achieved ultimate unity by merging together into one omnipotent being.
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I don't know the right answer for humanity.
But the right answer for you three is a nice free helicopter ride.
somolia, lebanon, iraq ,syria, afganastan, have active terrorist threats

first world has terrorist incidents
The older government bureaucrats were too mind-boggled/worried to get really excited and most journos were freaked out.

Is it, though?

Even if you accept that these are an infinite source of energy, the negative impacts are huge. For one, everyone who's job is even remotely related to energy production is out of work.

But you still need energy transport. Power lines, transformers, etc. Also, what kind of power do these balls generate? They seem to be smart enough that their output is able to match the draw at multiple different voltages and amperage at the same time, essentially matching the requirement of whatever is connected to them.

But you still need to transport the power. So do you just place these balls at the start points of power generating plants to keep the grid as it is?

Is there a limit to how many of these balls he can make? In which case, isn't it more efficient for every house to have it's own set? Or hell, just have every person carry a set and use it to light, heat, power whatever they use.

But if everyone has infinite energy at their disposal, that means you can suddently make all that nice technology we've made by couldn't because of power limitations. Space flight is now cheaper than driving a car. Power suits. Lasers, hover cars, hover houses, robot bodies, infinite computing, whatever. Our current level of technology is already capable of EVERYTHING, as long as we have the power to do it.

Having an infinite source of power is way too big a change. The implications are too much. It's better to control access to these, keep the status quo, and dole them out slowly... Or is it better to just say fuck it and go wild, have humanity colonize fucking Pluto in the next year?
>He is the result of Instrumentality
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Will humanity ever follow?
Bureaucrats, if they are actual, good bureaucrats, must realise that this is so not gonna end well.
The Overlords did nothing wrong. It wasn't even their idea.
They are still accomplices.
>this much linguistic autism
Glad to see you back, decimal point-kun.
>fighting higher-dimensional math concepts
Good luck with that.
>He may be essentially immortal.

The easiest way to understand it is video games. He's like a player, and our universe is the game. No matter what happens to the player character in the game, the player himself is unharmed. The only real danger to him is psychological infection which would cause him to self damage.
"All in good measure". The problem with zaShunina's offer is that too much (infinite) of anything is never good.
That is a good way to explain it, actually.
>tfw our "universe" is a simulation, and zaShunina is a player who just wants to install a mod
I need a screenshot of zaShunina's smile near the end of the episode when he says "advancement"
no, because the right answer is to keep thinking
>decimal point
Triggered, decimal commas are superior.
>Space flight is now cheaper than driving a car.
Now that's just not true. Infinite energy won't help you get into orbit. And though ion engines would benefit enormously from these balls' 100% efficiency, finite amount of them would limit the space travel to 1 or 2 ships at best.
infinite energy is nice and all, but can it solve a food shortage?
Maybe he was alone in this anisotropic place and came here to make some friends.
Your wish is my command.
What if this is just a test?
If humanity accepts, they will destroy themselves.
If they decline, zaShunina will give us something more valuable?
Thank you so much
How comes he has his own language, one so subtle and advanced he struggles translating it for lowly humans, if he were the only one speaking it? Doesn't that kinda defeats the purpose of a language?
There is no food shortage in the world as a whole. If anything, overproduction.

With infinite energy, you can now turn water into hydrogen and oxygen. So you can make a plane that flies to the limit of the air for it's free electric props that now turn faster than turbines (since these balls also generate no heat while they generate power). Once you reach the limits of the air, you break down water into oxygen and hydrogen for your rocket to exit the atmosphere. Usually this is super inefficient, but who cares when power is infinite and free?
I don't think he is capable of being shifty or malicious.
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Maybe that's just how shifty he is.
I think the best course of action is to nuke him. Just in case.
I think zaShunina genuinely means well, but is naiive and overestimates humanity's generosity.
I think a big part of his character development is going to come when he realizes just how big a mistake he's made, and learning how to fix it while dealing with negative emotions he's never had to experience before.
You still have to bring more or less the same mass of water (as a fuel) with you, so there's no considerable benefit.
>My ayylien can't be this cute.
Why not just use the Wams as your fuel source?
Negotiator-kun should explain to him just how much he fucked up.

No you don't, because you're not launching from the ground. You're launching from the upper atmosphere where you're already going at mach 7 or 8. You'll barely need any fuel to pop into orbit from that height and speed.

Think about this. We can have propeller planes that can now go as fast of not faster than current jet turbines do with this.
I want him to sing more.
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>zashunina is naive
I think you guys are the naive ones for thinking this.
I wouldn't go so far as to say he's malicious. But I'm pretty sure he knows exactly how much of a struggle this will require of humanity as a whole.

How do you turn electricity into thrust with no atmosphere?
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Cutest smile is top right.
So with unlimited energy, Japan will be finally able to build a real Gundam? Just because they can.
>brock smile
Yeah, no. Cutest smile is clearly bottom middle.
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>All these imprecisions are intolerable; can I just beam my thoughts into your fellow humans directly?
>Absolutely not.
>Oh well. Primitive language it is.
Space Jesus is hilarious.
Yes. By introducing cheap as dirt means of transportation.
Because with rocket propulsion, you need to throw something to gain momentum. In chemical rockets it's fuel that reacts, gets hot and fast and accelerates your ship. You can accelerate ions with electricity, and it's used on spacecrafts, but the acceleration in these types of engines is much smaller than 1g so it's impossible to get to the orbit using them. Therefore even with Wam you're more or less stuck with traditional rocket designs. In theory you could use Wams to heat some matter to very high temperatures and use it as a propulsion source (instead of chemical reactions), which would somewhat simplify the task. But still you have the usual design problems about complexity and high temperatures and so on.
>This kill the fujo's.
I approve.
He looks the hottest in top left though.
So what did zaShunina do to make Shindo capable of hearing his thoughts without mindrape?
Mach 8 is about 2.5 km/s, which is still much slower than the LEO speed of about 8 km/s.

You can build shit that would blow the fuck out of a gundam. Think Heavy Object, but with bigger guns, more armor while being smaller, and they fly.
You think this will end up with a "humanity is contagious" scenario re: zaShunina?
Is this GATE 2.0?
>watching Heavy Object
zaShunina's deadpan reactions to things (and Shindo) are great. Gonna miss it when he starts to emote more.
I think they just talked for a really long time to clarify everything. Keep in mind that they had like 23 hours to talk things through in private.
Keep accelerating thing. You have unlimited power, so at this point, you can keep accelerating in atmosphere until you reach the limits of friction before you turn on the rocket to fly out.
>higher being recognizes that socialist policies are superior

it's Arrival: A Space Odyssey: The Animated Series.
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Not even close.
They need to interact in show. zaShunina's stoic vs her genki will be amazing to watch.
No, it's Childhood's End: The Arrival of Space Odyssey.
coil gun
we have infinite energy
>cute alien has detachable limbs
How lewd can one Space Jesus get?
I mean, it is the utmost endgame of human civilization. but at present, we're not even close.
Didn't "sharing" only convey 51% of the meaning behind the concept he was describing? Will this pose an issue later?
Why hasn't he asked for an internet connection so he can dump all of his world changing data for free for real? If his goal is to advance humanity in a fair manner, that would be the best way to do it.
Telepathy wasn't what he tried to do during the mindrape. That was an attempt at sending information over multiples "channels" (sight, feeling, smell, echolocation, proprioception, etc) simultaneously. But it seems we're too weak to doubt and uncertainty to withstand that.
Descartes wouldn't be pleased.
well, America's dropping the bomb next episode soo...
Why wouldn't he just evenly distribute the Wam? Why trust all of them to Japan? He's obviously plotting something.
Add 'Trailblazer' and 'in the Azure' somewhere as well.
You would still need many new technologies to make that, even with infinite energy. Materials, mechanics etc.
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I would watch a sitcom of these two. zaShunina reminds me of Castiel from Supernatural in his deadpan expressions, the way he reacts to human things and missing social cues.
not everyone likes to read. he has to make a youtube channel and do 5 minute videos(anything longer than that would bore the casual viewer).
Are we sure it's America?
Get out.
>is that good fujofriendly scifi anime similar to that trashpile isekai haremshit
No, and thanks god for that.
What was the other 49% then? Will it be mentioned later on? Will it come to bite Japan in the ass in the end?
I don't even watch that shitshow anymore. Only liked Castiel for this particular outsider-POV-of-humanity reason.
Reciprocal altruism (aka pragmatic, controlled sharing) is indeed the most stable and widely beneficial form of social interaction observed in nature. The cheaters are a problem, but it still works remarkably well across the whole animal kingdom.
nah, but Japs stereotype Americans as being gungho so it might be them. that or China.
Japan is going to be the one to drop the bomb, considering he mentions 'the resolve to a bomb"

Japan is going to decide to nuke America before America can ruin it for everyone.
That would be hilarious. I wish this show would go the Level E route now.
The UN Security Council consists of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Russia and USA are the only ones who consistently cause discord there, so I bet it's one of those two or even both.
part of the test. and Japan or humanity has to find the right answer. how and who is Japan going to share wam with? North Korea?
>Russia and USA are the only ones who consistently cause discord there
>omitting China
See >>156188382. He'd get a lot of likes and dislikes and little else.
Russia would get really fucked by the infinite energy, also.
And a lot of angry /sci/ and /g/ nerds shitposting on 4chan.
China tends to go with the majority opinion in most cases. They rarely use the veto power.
So are we eventually getting some kind of conflict or is it going to be benevolent alien helping the human race and the human race adapts the technology without any bigger issues?
One of the many things that can go awry here I assume. Shindou wanted to get it out of the way quickly because he might have spent too long trying to explain it
There will be no conflict whatsoever.
Did you or did you not watch the next episode preview?
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The older I get the more I'm surprised we're part of the UN security council. Whoever it was that successfully negociated this was a genius.
so this means that we, from the 3rd dimension, can enter a lower 2d dimension and be gods to our waifus world?
Re:Creators thread is next door
>without any bigger issues?
kek if only the human race was that mature.
No, it's The Three Body Problem.
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We are at episode 3. Think, anon.
This will be the best sci-fi anime of the year, mark my words.
Thats why I said _bigger_ issues. Are they going to go into this in the appropriate length? Or is it going to be some kind of format a la
>magical alien drops new technology
>humans have to deal with some issues, then adapt it
>repeat in a 2 episode cycle
No, the Wamu are better than Shizuma Drives.
It already is, by premise alone, for me. Even if it bombs mid series I'd be glad for the ride. And I doubt there are any more worthwhile seinen scifi series scheduled for this year anyways.
I have watched too much anime where in the end nothing fucking happened to let this be an argument.
Atom: The Beginning.
Who am I kidding.
I feel like ID-0 is pretty stiff competition, even if it's exploring an entirely different angle.
That being said, I adore both and am extremely happy we're getting such solid shows.
Depending on how it's handled, it'll either be the anime of the year, or the disappointment of the year.

The pacing seems really odd. I hope we get an episode or two devoted just to character development.
Japan is a legit choice for this.

It's in the top for HDI, wealth, total wealth, GDP, tech. It's nominally a part of "the west" while also being a part of Asia. It isn't the biggest around so it'll have to share, but is big enough and has big enough allies to protect itself, it's geographically isolated.

Plus the author is Japanese, so he went with the government and societal reactions he thinks he knows best.
You said it. I don't even consider mecha as scifi anymore anyways.
How long till some radical tries to assassinate ZaShunina?
As if that would do anything. zaShunina's body is, at best, a remote unit. He'd just have to build another one.
Its also one of the countries who have went full fascist in the past and is still MUH SUPERIOR NIPPON FUCK GAIJINS. Not to mention their burning hate boner for Korea and China.
Hopefully next episode. I want to see how he'd deal with that. It would probably be hilarious.
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>Infinite energy
We Ideon now lads things didn't end up well for humanity the last time that infinite energy was a plot device in a chinese cartoon
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Why not?
The CGI prevents it from being anime of the year by default.
While it shows we've come a long way in terms of CGI, it also shows we have a long way to go before it's viable to make an anime with it.
All mechas aren't scifi. There are isekai mechas, uchronic mechas, steampunk mechas, etc.
You recognise the variety within the genre, so why are you throwing all mecha into one bag of 'not sci-fi'?
Why is everyone bitching about the CGI? Everything looks so good I don't even notice it anymore.
That's a very good question. I suppose because, assuming there is a hierarchy of genre, scifi would be higher? Yeah no, that's dumb, just pretend I didn't say anything.
Maybe he meant to say "Not all mechas are scifi" as in he cant recognice it as scifi just because it has mechas in it?
Yes, this, thank you anon.
It's super noticeable even when they're not moving.
It's also why most of the backgrounds are ridiculously simple.

The one advantage CGI has over drawn animation is that it's less costly to have lots of moving things on screen, and you're able to avoid recycled frames. Besides Kado (which is cool) itself, they aren't really taking advantage of that at all.
>Its also one of the countries who have went full fascist in the past

Which hasn't?
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This show is so good. Definitely the hidden gem of the season.
Well, my point would be rather that no single country but the world itself would need to be involved in the entire process.
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>no Hanamori this episode
I was wrong, he'll be even less relevant than expected.
Yeah but the general public and unhinged guy at home wouldn't know it.
zaShunina demonstrated that his limbs are entirely detachable in front of live cameras. He also explained what he is in detail.
I don't think they're trying to make you forget you're looking at CGI here. If they were they would have ditched spline curves (automatic in betweens) in favor of stepped animation.
Do you understand the concept of unhinged? And what of the people who did not watch the livestream and get their news sensationalized?
I am sure the entire media is reporting this 100% unfiltered without any bias, cuts, censors or anything else added to it.
Fair enough. But still, the shots with his arm floating all over the place should be pretty persuasive.
Come on man, there will always be retards who'll feel personally insulted by Zashunina's existence, enough to attempt to kill him. Be it christian fundamentalists, the next door friendly psychopath, a General Eletric executive, Isis, buddhist ninjas, curly haired jews, a cult who worships sponges, etc.
are they going to give a ball to North Korea too

He'd have to land in international waters or antarctica for that, and that still limits it to certain countries only.
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>letting limeys and burger eaters take charge
No thank you.
So this will turn into edgy shit about how the alien is evil and humans can't handle technology, going back to a status quo end?
>Deterrence has kept the world safe
In other words, it isn't you per se, but nuclear deterence that kept the world of of WW3 thus far?
Well yes, I agree.
>mfw both russia and the US have roughly 7000 nuclear warheads
>The third highest is some brown people shithole with like 100
>In other words, it isn't you per se
No, it is.
Other countries besides Russia (and China, but their nukes are shit so it doesn't really count) don't have the balls (or money) to build up a nuclear arsenal that could glass every speck of dirt on this planet a few times over. That's what you need for deterrence to do shit, because advancements in missile defense systems make it feasible to fight (though, with lots of casualties) countries besides the US / Russia / China without having your country entirely glassed.
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zaShunina is definitely not evil. His actions may end up being harmful for some, but considering his behaviour so far, there's little reason to think he doesn't mean well.
Yeah no man check up your alternative facts my country has 300 nuclear heads.
maji yabai kunai
Why is no one commenting on the fact that zaShunina pretty much confirmed infinity is a thing?
>implying Trump's attention span is long enough to sit on emergency UN SC meetings
He'd just write some angry tweets instead.
is this a mamare show?
Meh, I'm frankly not knowledgeable enough to know whether having 7000 or 300 nukes makes much of a difference from a strategic standpoint. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
>Nips ripping of the Arrival but doing it worse
Jesus fuck, they are like the Chinese at this point.
Because he didn't. He noted that the word "infinite" (as suggested by Shindo) is actually inaccurate, but for the purpose of mankind's energy needs it can be used to make things simpler.
At least read Childhood's End before you start whining. Kado is much closer to that than to Arrival.
Anon please, the japanese had a reputation as genius copiers way before the chinese became important. They basically earned their place as a major power during WW2 by reverse engineering every western technology they could put their hands on.
So basically the alien wants to give humanity the ultimate device for everything to go horribly wrong. Nice.
>Le muh evangelion grandfather sci-fi
Are you implying the studio got the money and manpower to do something that wide in scope? Nah this will be akin to Arrival.
The Wam remind me of the Coils from Dimension W.
You know that they made a tv-show out of it right? Is basic normalfag series now.
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>tesseracts in the Wam
wew lads
The show was garbage compared to the book.
>muh average Murrican dad
The largest nuke the US has has a 3.33mile kill radius and 7 mile blast radius (the thermal radiation is more of a long term effect if exposed to it for long enough, so in warfare its only relevancy would be medical costs which aren't exactly the biggest concern when the world has gone nuclear war mode). For the most part though, the majority of the world's nukes have around a 1 mile kill radius.

You're not going to be able to glass Russia, China, or the US with just 300 nukes. Not to mention like 70+% of them would be shot down by missile defense.

That's why the US and Russia have so many. People make fun of them, but in a world war scenario, a couple hundred is not going to cut it.
To add on, when I say 70% that's taking in the factor of ones that fail, miss, get intercepted, and shot down. Current missile defense has about a 50% success rate, though they're hoping with recent advancements we'll be able to get that to jump up quite a lot.
This is hardly like Arrival, that was more about trying to set up a communication, while here, the communication problem has been resolved in 30 seconds and it's moving into the compromising part that Arrival never went into. In Arrival, it was "here, have our language, now I expect you guys to help us 3000 years later, kthx bye."
>You're not going to be able to glass Russia, China, or the US with just 300 nukes.
You don't need to.
All you have to do is target large population centers.
Take out Moscow/St.Petersburg/Yekaterinburg or NYC/Washington/LA and you'll virtually paralyse the country for months.
>All you have to do is target large population centers.
There's a reason we spread our missile silos around the midwest and not in population centers.

You either glass the entire US / Russia or you shoot yourself in the face because a nuclear attack on a population center gives the authorization to glass the country that attacked and all of their allies.
It is not working this way, anon.
Nigga china isn't sinking their whole economy over some nationalist shit flinging over a pile of rocks.
Pretty much. Arrival seemed to assume that squid grammar would fix all the world's problems; zaShunina clearly doesn't expect that.
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>Happiness for everybody, free, and let no one be left behind!
Does it matter that you can fire back, if Washington and New York got nuked?
Your chain of command would be paralyzed, missile silos in the midwest or not, there's a high probability you'd surrender.
>the one child policy has been abolished only recently
Authoritarian rulers do not understand either reason nor economics, anon.
Childhood's End in the Azure: The Trailblazing Arrival of Space Odyssey
Well it doesn't look like zaShunina came to Earth for a picnic, he's here with a very definite proposal.
That being said, when are we going to see people trying to get to the Kado to deify it?
Sounds good.
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Why deify the Kado when you have a literal space Jesus?
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>Deterrence has kept the world safe.
>This is what murrica believes
Not how it works. Chain of command extends very far, and when it's severed there's usually a contingency to launch a retaliation strike.
Plus there's NORAD which will give up to a 25 minute notice beforehand.

If you attack the US with an ICBM your country is glass, period
Judging from all "god" comments, soon. Though chances are that they'll try to deify zaShunina and not Kado.
Never thought to wonder why the USSR and the US never went to war with each other despite the difference in ideology being greater than that of any ideology difference that's triggered war before?

It's because of nukes. That's all.
And now make WEG out of it.
Don't forget the autism moe.
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this is kado's home
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My little Space Jesus can't be this cute.
Still upset how fast this got a scale compared to other series. I'd probably still buy it though
That's interesting, thanks for the info.
Intelligence below average?
Now I want to see him in that bocchan outfit.
Seems Toei is strong on merch. Sasuga Toei?
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Just look at the main visual for a second. Zashunina is the one getting the messiah treatment. Even if the narrative doesn't end up doing it, at least a few people in universe should.
>Chain of command
You realize one of the battle strategies for not just US command but even for common soldiers is that when chain of command is paralyzed they just fucking attack everything indescriminately and push forward anyway?
No I didn't know, that's why I baited people into answering to that question. Also thank you.
Well, that sounds dangerous.
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I want one of those.
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They're stable, but my qualm is that ayylien's reason to come to Japan was what Japan lacks. They have a lot of "sharing and sympathizing" problems. They have been raised to not trouble anyone and mind their own business. Their adoption and Child Protection Services system sucks because they believe in blood relatives and that the blood parents should take care of the children even if there's some abuse (obviously a lot of abuse will get the child taken away but major decisions still belong to the shitty parent). For this reason their police also do not often get involved in domestic spats. Women have a hard time getting police protection for stalking since they believe the couple should sort it out. Women and men believe they should not call out on train groping as being defensive will cause a disruption. Etc. The writer could've bullshitted a different reason.
>Chinpo da.
How would he react to porn of him?
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Do not lewd Space Jesus.
B-but his outfit lewds itself.
It's fine, it can just be explained by the aylien's standrads for sympathy and sharing being different from our own.
Infinite gay.
Is there porn of Jesus?
I'm too scared to check.
He can eat?
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>So, simply viewing the breeding process itself is pleasurable for humans? But the prints are of my likeliness, does that mean you wish to self-insert as the faceless being and copulate with my body?
>detaches dick
He better, I want at least one SoL episode that only consists of Shindo taking him out on a date.
That sounds awfully accurate.
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Now I can unironically use "*teleports behind you*"
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Stop, I need this now.
Maybe in that drama cd that comes with the BD.
Where are the KADO fics? Damn fujos are slacking off.
Not many people watching this in the first place.
The storytelling is too detached and sterile for the show to gain much appeal, sadly.
Detachable limbs opened a whole lot new opportunities.
I need this porn.
More like Space Prometheus, which ties in nicely with the idea that he is acting independently of his own "people".
>zaShunina's logic for choosing Japan first is genuinely good.
In-universe, yes. However, when he was going on about how Japanese are the ones who love to share the mst I had to pause the video to laugh my ass out.
He should have chosen Russia. Throught our history we have been developing our periphery as much as we could, to the point where we sometimes didn't get enough bread for ourselves. Some of those countries turned out to be greedy cunts though.
Reminds me of anons coming up with all the different scenarios you could fuck a dullahan girl in. But now with unlimited possibilities.
Japan was pussified after ww2, they lack resolve.
Next ep is about resolve so this whole thing is just an imperial propaganda piece.
Nah. Finland is the right place for the cube to land.
Listen closely to Shindou, he does use the word localize. They're not even meming.
>giving Finns endless source of vodka
>they drink themselves to death
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Juan Posadas was right.


>Beginning in 1968, Posadas also became known for his theories concerning UFOs. If anything like UFOs existed, they could demonstrate the existence of agents able to master a very sophisticated technology, something that would be compatible with what in this planet was advocated by socialism. If UFOs existed, they could be allied in addressing some of the major problems in the earth.

>In his pamphlet Les Soucoupes Volantes, le processus de la matiere et de l'energie, la science et le socialisme (Flying Saucers, the process of matter and energy, science and socialism), Posadas pleaded that "“We must call upon beings from other planets when they come to intervene, to collaborate with the inhabitants of the Earth to overcome misery. We must launch a call on them to use their resources to help us.”
Anytime some country tries to go the good communism route, they are shot down by the west and jews, makes me think.
When I started bleeding humongous amounts out of my nose on the street in japan, passerbys practically fought between themselves to give me handkerchieves and bottles of water.
The same can't be said of russians, not that I ever went to Russia, anyways, checkmate russian.
/leftypol/ pls go
Japanese people would hand me umbrellas when it rained so it's not that bad

They're still a bunch of racists though
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>les Soucoupes Volantes, le processus de la matiere et de l'energie, la science et le socialisme
Holy shit, that's one hell of a title.
>Juan Posadas
I didn't know the guy, thanks for the info anon.
Melenchonist pls
Still much better than Russia! And, come to think of it, Japan.
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>The same can't be said of russians
>not that I ever went to Russia
Are you retarded?
It's called a joke, russian. Not that you would know anything about that.
He didn't say Japan loved to share, only that it had good conditions for supporting sharing. Poorer countries don't have them by default, since they can't afford it.
>modern Russia
>doing anything to better the world
Good joke, will laugh again.
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And sharing only conveys 51% of the meaning
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Just look at the OECD and UN foreign aid. EU, rich Western countries and Japan are the only major contributors because everybody else is either too poor or too shit (like the Gulf countries).
What's next?
a) Dirty businessmen try to control all Wams and refuse to share for free.
b) Everyone gets free energy. Youngsters around the world start wrecking shit. Whole planet becomes a giant street fight.
c) Countries want Wams for themselver. World war starts. Humanity is thrown into medieval times and Wam-powered corpses are now known as Habanero.
d) The rest of the show is more talking. Nothing really happens.
Reminds me of this doujin. Ever since I read it, I've wanted to be able to detach my dick and still have it retain functionality (feeling, cumming).
You'd be amazed how much resources we are pouring into Crimea right now.
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It's always d), silly anon.
zaShunina will make 8 billion WHAMs so that every one gets at least a pair.
7. Dow Jones tanks, next day business headlines read "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT MENACES THE WORLD"
>He took all of our jobs! - various energy companies
Think next episode might have conflict with other countries because shit always happens when one country suddenly has something cool and the rest don't. Though if this series is what I think it is that'll be resolved instantly so d for sure.
I couldn't stop laughing when he just blurted out "pan". Shindou has his work cut out for him.
I have a pair, thanks. I wish he made me a woman or a harem to use that pair on.
Should have thought twice before invading your neighbours and stealing their territory.
You want to electrocute your waifu?
It's Wam, you illiterate Earthling.

>>156200468 watched too much JoJo.
This negotiator is VERY cute.
Electric Ben Wa balls already exist though. I know because my mother makes a living out of putting those into women's vaginas.
I'm not really sure zaShunina have had an idea that there might be some "country"/"nation" or other distinction concept on Earth (or at all). He's from super-globalized society.
Is this a medical device? What does it treat?
Literally WAMU.
Hell, he doesn't even use the word "country". He always says "region" when he has to mention it.
What the fuck?
>translationfags vs localisationfags
Post delivery traumas, uterus prolapse, urinary tract infections. It's there to train and measure the tonicity of your perineum.
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I'm really curious how electrical signals send to the womb could cure urinary tract infections. Do enlighten me, kind anon.
It's not an invasion if Ukraine allowed us to keep army there in exchange for cheap gas.
Oh, by the way, after Crimeans went to Russia and took the land with them, that ageement stopped working, so there's no cheap gas anymore. We are so to the letter!
And those "vacationers" in the Eastern Ukraine wandered over there by mistake or something? Stop stirring shit and chasing some delusional Great Russia ambitions and maybe you could actually put all that gas and oil money into improving the lives of your citizens for once.
The perineum is a muscle. Electric muscle stimulation works the same there as it would for any muscle.
The training of the perineum doesn't rely exclusively on this though. A great deal of my mother's method relies on Kegel exercises with the probe.

She doesn't cure urinary infection per se though, at least I don't think so. It just so happens that many of her patients are urinary incontinent, and urinary infection is a side effect, I think? I'm not a doctor.
With all the autism, too.
>muh accuracy! muh intent!
>your accuracy and intent doesn't matter if nobody can even understand you
Man, those people on the plane are gonna stink after a month
Speaking of which, I'm still mad Crunchy translated 'chuunibyou' as 'delusional' in Kokkuri-san.

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But that's what made the whole scene cute and interesting.
I hope they keep having these arguments, hell I wouldn't mind 9 episodes of nothing but those.
They are lucky if they don't die of fecal infections and other diseases first. Some of them will lose it and get PTSD, for sure.
You rang?
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What kind of chair would suit Zashunina?
I suggest pic related
Would you accept the world's smallest handjob?
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It was done a long time ago, though.
Why are you so lewd, anons?
Space Jesus is not like that.
Patrician tastes.
Wow, these guys were civil servants? The white dragon guy too?
It's been so long, I don't remember anything. Except for that piece of music, the devil's trill, that was good stuff.
That hand looks like it's just about the right size to seize my clit in its grap, so yes, I would. Gladly.
if only the id-0 threads had more posts.
>Space Jesus is not like that
How would you know? Hell the guy showed his balls for everyone to see and is currently stuck playing fujobait with another guy. Things happen.
I had honestly no idea this stuff even existed until now, I'll try watching it.
It's like the episode from south park about the space police and the alien dollars. It's just a test
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Yep, that's their workplace.
The white-coated dragon guy was a doctor.
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Jesus christ, Anon, you just startled the shit out of me. I'm not used to other people posting my husbando.

Enma's building is a mirror image of the Japanese Diet, the OP is the one part of the anime that shows what's supposedly going on between each case. The characters are dead people serving time before they can be reincarnated, but the MC has financial debts amongst other things holding him back too.

Muraki, the villain, was a black market doctor taking university cloning research grants and stealing loli organs in foreign territories.
>my husbando
Superior taste.
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He's a pure superior being, he's not interested in stuff like that.
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I want to slap her butt
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I'm trying to convince my friend to watch this but he won't unless I prove that Zasu is as cute enough to be worth it. He desires legs.

Please help me make him watch this. Ideally gifs or webm of ayyliem's legs pls.
You think too low of your country man.
Don't bother. This is not the sort of person these threads would need.
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Thank you. He is infinitely precious.

Could really do with Shindou in the current manga arc though, his ability to negotiate with gods only goes so far. Fingers crossed Hisoka has some advantage in it.
It's not a matter of thinking lowly of it, it's a matter of being in a state of inferiority at the time and yet still managing to come out on top.
I looked it up, it appears we secured the support of England who wanted more than one european country in the council, england itself secured the support of the USA on our behalf, and that's how we got there. Our history as a superpower of europe helped too.
It's mostly because he dislikes CG anime and isn't sure if he'd enjoy it that way.

I want to show him that the anime is good, and that the characters look nice.
>Enma's building is a mirror image of the Japanese Diet, the OP is the one part of the anime that shows what's supposedly going on between each case
Wow, I didn't know, thanks for the info anon.
>muraki, the villain
Wait, I only remember him being an edgy love interest though? Were my goggles too tight?
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I stopped reading the manga when the art went to shit.
>those two bottom panels
Holy cow.
Nips don't have nukes enough to turn Earth into radioactive wasteland. They have no other choice but to share. While Russia (or US for that matter) might come up with some stupid ideas.
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Toei did CG before and it looked fine.
>It's a Japanese Propaganda episode.

dropped but not really.
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He's a rapist serial killer who cut the MC's head off for a moment, killed the teenage MC, etc. The anime took out the vampire moments with him and reduced his motive to reviving his dead brother as an immortal he could relish killing repeatedly, but he was still bad.

Those chapters have been mostly redrawn in the vol 12 and magazine releases. If you've read to the end of those (where Touda strangles Tsuzuki) then you're about a chapter ahead of the current publication, but missing extras on the Nagare side. You'll also want to look up the Summer specials from 2005-6 to see how Muraki survived the Kyoto fire thanks to Enma.

Anyway, let's get back on topic.
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>edgy love interest though?
>Were my goggles too tight?
Anon, Muraki was molesting the MC, he also raped the MC's colleague when he was a kid, then put a curse on him and when the poor fella finally died, he found him and tortured him for shit and giggles.
I strongly suggest you check your ability to memorise things.
It's just a poorly masked /r/
Knowing humanity, first thing america will do with these is turn them into a bomb which can destroy a multiverse.
Would they exist as a probability cloud, rather than a real existence?
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It's not though. I have every picture for this serious saved on pixiv. I just want my friend to watch this series so that he starts translating 4koma and pics with out me begging.
>I strongly suggest you check your ability to memorise things
Give me a break, it's been like 10 years since I first watched it. I was practically an infant.
>Muraki was molesting the MC, he also raped the MC's colleague when he was a kid, then put a curse on him and when the poor fella finally died, he found him and tortured
>He's a rapist serial killer who cut the MC's head off for a moment, killed the teenage MC, etc. The anime took out the vampire moments with him and reduced his motive to reviving his dead brother as an immortal he could relish killing repeatedly, but he was still bad
Holy shit, I think I'll just rewatch it all, that sounds hilarious.
>We have evidence that the alien has used chemical weapons against children.
>America cannot stand idly by in light of this!
I recommend timing how long you can sit through the English dub the moment Hisoka or Muraki speak. Also quickly audio switch while chicken is talking.
Make it yourself then if you want to convince your friend. We're not here to convince you let alone your friend.
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Unfortunately Japan's take on international politics is that they are the most rational, peaceful on the face of the earth and all other nations are lumbering cavemen.
Don't all nations think this to some extent?
>it's not me, it's them
Did you by chance have a Rayman fetish growing up?
They'd attack the Wams to steel rods and throw them into the ocean for more efficient whale hunting.
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Can someone just kill this bitch already?

She's barely been in this shit and it's time for her to go already
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What did he say?!
Personally I'd rather kill you. SCIENCE-chan is great.
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Oh god no, on the contrary, this guy used to scare me.
Growing up, the closest thing I had to a husbando was pic related.
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But she's great, you're just bitter you don't have half her passion.

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>The Japanese are the most charitable, resource-sharing society
Is this from the same people who made that Bubuki Buranki show?
I think Japan is the worst offender.
Do they even have any allies besides the US?
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My dear but apparently stupid compatriot, would you please mind keeping your shitty /pol/ butthurt out of /a/? Pretty please.

My point was that he landed in the "world" and initially wasn't aware that there is a country and there are more countries out there.
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>and then America launches its full nuclear arsenal on Kako for threatening the petrodollar by offering the WAM's infinite free energy to NOT AMERICA

The Prime Directive explicitly forbids interfering in pre-warp societies because if you give a world this kind of "gift" before they're ready for it, they'll just blow themselves up fighting over it.
Broke my sod desu senpai

Japan is full of fucking greedy shits and pilotical corruption. They also super xenophobic desu. Do these animators even understand how fucking ironic having him say that is?
Wam violates the NAP
>I feel an unorthodox attraction for you that prompts me to try reproducing with your body
>in other words, I love you
meant for >>156201148
Doujins when
The Prime Directive explicitly forbids interfering in pre-warp societies because if you give a world this kind of "gift" before they're ready for it, they'll just blow themselves up fighting over it
I'm pretty that's what Zashunina is aiming for. I'm not sure Shindou has realized it yet though.
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>it's a Q trolling humanity episode
Wow, bump limit.
What if zaShunina is just a self-executing code? What if something ('compatriots'?) alters this code and zaShunina turns into malware?
>2 threads reach 500+
>decent IP count
You're alright /a/
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No. /a/ has always been sick. Nothing changed.
>You're alright /a/
Easy to say when there's not even school tomorrow.
Where's "nonsensical"? Alice to Zouroku is getting hit with that this season.
>These characters do not act and/or respond in the way I would if I was in their situation
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yaha what the fuck is your game you know what you did

this mother fucker

rip everyone
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>Trying to justify attacking Stalingrad
You're the fucking reason we lost. Literally Hitler.
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Was that a haiku?
Make a new thread or let discussion die?
>No edit where the Wams are (You)s

Let it die, lest it turn into the worst parts of /his/ infused with /pol/ and /int/.

Hanamori is going to fuck things up somehow as retribution for being sidelined. Either that or he's going to whine about being left out like a lost puppy and still fuck things up because he's not being included in the big boy stuff.
>tfw these threads are actually stimulating
Seeya next week.
I want to see Hanamori teach zaShunina about fun and drinking, and for zaShunina to comment that it is more than he is capable of handling at present. Shindou understands.
>If he really understand it, he would give everyone knowledge how to make such devices.
They came from outside the universe, outside of the fundamental laws humans were created and exist under, we can't even perceive HOW they exist much less how to fucking make them
>zaShunina just admin spawned infinite energy in front of the entire media and the whole world.
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Have messy feet, see you next week guys
Everything is going to go to hell and only the people inside of Kado, aka Yaha-kui's Ark, are going to live.

Mark my fucking words he landed on them because they were the highest concentration of 'sympathy' or what ever.
i wish this would be the case...
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