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JoJo Thread

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Thread replies: 510
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Spoilers: https://yonkouprod.com/jojolion-chapter-63-spoilers/

New chapter should be out today! Hoping to see more Speed King, the best stand in the series.
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You fucked up again anon.
I could glue together random stuff from a junkyard and it would still look better than Shit King
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Honestly if it's drawn without the retarded mouth in later chapters I could dig the design, it looks creepy.
I need help finding a part in the anime where a character, I think it may have been Polnareff or someone with a similiar voice, says "Ora" 3 or 4 times in a mocking fashion
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Post Killer Queen
I feel glee at the sight of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
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Can most of us agree that Killer Queen looked more gorgeous than ever before in the last 3 eps of DiU's anime?
Doppio doing nothing wrong ever
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Last time I read jojo it was chapter on part 8 where some dude ran into an electric fence. I stopped reading for a while because I was confused and never bothered to re read, also because monthly releases are BORING. Now Beetle fucker's stand has a re-design? More importantly, he revealed his stand?
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Yes because around that time they've finally decided to stick with the actual design instead of that aborted fetus they had for a couple of episodes
love u doc
dafuq is that filename
>heels aren't on the ground
I am triggered
arigato docu
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its time
Gappy is going to fucking end that baby
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I think if we didn't see the original Speed King's original design it would have received better. We have Anon's edits of closed/smiling mouth as well as the original head last thread >>154676542
I'll parrot my previous thought that making the face plate into goggles was a big mistake.

Thanks doc
Yausho is best girl by far.
Blue Hawaii looks so cool. Shame it was given to a muppet.

Poor Jobin.
Whelp, nice knowing you.
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Jolyne is thicc.
Thicc Jolyne best Jolyne.
Dolomiti forgot the one rule
Bitches and snitches get stitches
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>It can even possess flying bugs
Now that's just not fair
Well I'm glad it's finally over
>Dolomiti talking about how dangerous the Rokaka is
dude calm down it's just a fruit.
Dead threads
What else can it do honestly?
It gives you something and it takes away something from you to various degrees
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It have Jesus's power, that's pretty crazy.
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Nice chapter. That baby kinda got to me a little.

Waiting for the next one is gonna be tough though because you never know what to expect when a fight has just ended. Anything could happen.
Requesting rip of that running sailor for mematic purposes
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This chapter was really good.
That was a good moment to put Born This Way helping gappy.
But idc
This chapter BTFOs the people who called Yasuho a damsel
>Family members don't know the ability's true nature

Hidden abilities still confirmed, i can't fucking wait to see them.

Good chapter though, i liked:
No weakness
Josuke not wanting to kill the baby
Super fly
Badass Yasuho action
Dolomite's accent
More Blue Hawaii
>when the new chapter drops and its orgasmic.png
Is Blue Hawaii the strongest stand in part 8?

>Almost infinite range
>You can't block his power
>It can even use a damn fly
>Get complete control over you if you got infected.
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Give me 10 minutes.
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Do you think they'll go on another date after this?
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Thank you
>get's fucked in close combat because user is a cripple

actually i'm pretty sure that's the only weakness Blue Hawaii has, and even then that's because Dolomite fucked up trying to save a blind girl
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>Josuke not wanting to kill the baby
>damn fly
literally anything cause it got that bird too
also it looks like its limited to 1 possession of a host body at a time
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What does he mean by "the fruit turning into a new species"?
Mixing that fruit with something else, like idk, oranges or a banana.
Imagine a mass production of rokaka
That rokakaka fuses people, anon.
I think he just wants to sell drugs on the street like Diavolo
I think Dolomite is going to get Axl RO'd for spilling his guts. Josuke or Yasuho aren't going to kill him anymore, but I don't see a character like him being allowed to live after how much mayhem he caused.
Is Jobin the Diavolo of this universe?
Realistically, all he'd need is a partner to watch out for him or to just have an actual hideout rather than a pong and he'd be good to go.
Maybe Speed King evolved while we weren't looking?
>josuke is emasculated to make yasuhoe look good
Jojo really is dead
Yeah. After that shit he pulled this chapter with the baby and him spilling the beans he's done for.
Jobin's gonna melt his brain or some shit
>I think Dolomite is going to get Axl RO'd for spilling his guts
If that happens Joubin won't be able to escape like Valentine did. It'll be boss fight time
so badass and independent haha WOMYN RULE
Araki is a hack
Yasuho>Jolyne in acting cocky.

Thanks Araki for the VA reference.
Maybe he just looks different based on what he's doing. Original Speed King didn't touch anything so he didn't need his goggles.
I mentioned this in a thread almost a month so lemme say it again:
>If Joubin gets rid of Norisuke he'll be the heir or Kaato would
>Burying the Rokakaka near the wall eyes with multiple fruits and seeing what would be the effects of a fused Rokakaka can offer many opportunities
>But it wont be good for business if the miracle fruit makes some other weird shit happen to you
>So theyll keep testing and fusing the Rokakaka to find a mix that eliminates the downside of equivalent exchange by taking it out entirely and only gives a positive effect
>Selling the cure for any ailments mixed with banana and strawberry in a very tangy milkshake for 300,000¥
Thanks Doc
>Yasuho will get the last blow on Jobin

calling it now, araki cucks his own MC
He simply just changed his headpiece like he his changeable robots toys.

Did u miss the part when Hatto beat the shit ouf Damo after Josuke was all melted on the floor?
where's the image of that kid with Speed King goggles pulling the exact same face as the Stand?
what VA reference?
Yasuho whacks Dolomite with a pole
Trish whacks B.I.G. with a pole

Yasuho beating up Dolomite with the pipe like how Trish was doing it on Notorious Big.
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I wasn't working on my IPS montior so I missed a couple of spots.

Here's another version.

Kyo deserves it more from a story standpoint.

Look that all the girls got to beat the antagonists because they were had some kind of connection to the story.

Karera on the Twins.
Hatto on Damo
Now Yasuho on Dolomite
>People still think Jobin is the main antagonist
Kaato is obviously his boss
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Trish stabbing B.I.G.
love you a ton doc
Are you fucking acoustic? Absolutely everything is pointing towards Jobin being the antagonist. There's no way he's not at this point. Kaato-fags just want her to be the main villian because she's a hot mom, other than that theres nothing special about her that makes her main villian worthy. Also she was in jail for a while, she couldn't have been bossing the rokakaka organization.
>People still think Kaato is the main antagonist
You fool, Joshu is the mastermind, Kaato doesn't even do shit. She's not even involved in the Rokakaka.

She's just the Part 8 equivalent of Kira's Dad.
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Yes, it was pretty much the ideal design.
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>someone actually using my shitty edit
You have made me a happy man
fuuuuuuuuu I fucking loved old speed king's face, it was so scary-looking, now it looks literaly like a meme.
>Are you fucking acoustic?
I think he's electrical anon
I know its a typo cause you're ass is probably on mobile so dont worry its just a pun amigo
Theyre always being used even the real terrible edits ive made are still floating around
His boss is himself, he's the doppio/diavolo of the part
She has split eyes like Josuke, and she killed that kid.
>But she couldn't have been running things she was in Prison
Did you forget the part where she had a phone hidden in her deck of cards?
Didnt she get her deck back after being processed out?
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How do I become more like Dio?
Did Jobin used to be a fuccboi like Diavolo?
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Tsurugi on Aishou too.
i know >she
But the point stands.

That robot looks close to the ones Jobin was playing with too.

She got them when she left prison. I don't think she had them on the inside.
Im sure if Yasuho ever sees Karera meeting with Josuke again, she will beat her up with that pole.
>SPEED king
>temperature (i.e. speed of particles) power
>true ability """"unknown""""
really fuckin subtle araki
Probably, just look at nutman, he probs had a rough puberty as well.
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Or maybe it means Cocaine, which has a slang term: Speed.
Look at its face, cocaine probably made it look worse than it did thirty chapters ago. Speed King is an addict and it needs help.
Fuck literally anyone that has something for you to gain
so long as you can use them and control them with your holes youll be DIO in no time anon
Speaking of Karera, I wonder what she's up to because we haven't seen her in forever
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What is it with spiked caps?
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Yasuho confirmed best girl again, glad that after being away for 2 years she's getting some great treatment. Hope her and Gappy get out of this together and happy
Blue Hawaii couldve defeated most of the JoJos desu.

Only Johnny and Giorno could defeat it.
yeah that shit is nearly unbeatable
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When we first got Speed King's at the back of Chapter 39, I didn't mind the whole "It also has other abilities" because Araki was obviously indecisive about Jobin at that point.
Now, it's just a little but silly. Cute, but silly.

Spikes pop bubbles? Maybe Yasuho is wearing as self defence from the cum bubbles like that one Garik art.
She doesn't have split eyes though. Her eye's are drawn stylized in one panel but every panel afterwards she has normal eyes. Plus she got her cards after being released.
Anyways, having killed a kid doesnt amount to jobin's
Being a rock human
Part of the organization
Secret stand abilities
Wants to kill josuke
Will kill his family and destroy morioh if need be
Active as hell throughout the past few months as he grows as a character
Plus the whole "starting at zero" monologue is totally main villian tier.

But I mean, speed king having hidden abilities kinda just makes it obvious
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I like it.
nice try, Jolyne is still queen
>kq still has that dumb forehead ridge
Why is this allowed?
then whats the point of Kaato? Its weird to hype her up as this mystery if she isnt going to do something big
What are the similarities to part 5 so far?
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This chapter reminded me why I like JoJo. Fucking Araki outdid himself on that one.
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I love JJL!
I love Gappy!
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Last time we saw her outside of the flashback she expressed interest in the fruit and said that when she'll be back is a secret. Clearly she's going to show up at the very end and be like alternate Diego.
Polpo was in jail and giving Buccellati orders so I wouldn't be surprised if Kaato could do the same.
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I actually kinda like new design, has this goofy sort of charm to it. If it turns out Jobin is a fusion then it might be a good representation of when it fucks up since if he is one it's clearly imperfect, or at least not as smooth as Gappy's creation was.

Speed isn't slang for coke, it means amphetamines. Similar effect so it still works but I'm neurotic about stuff like that.
She's Norisuke's foil. As Josukes foil is Jobin.
Kaato is going to put the family in a state of confusion as to who's side to be on, while Jobin does the big bad stuff. It'll be much easier for the rock humans goals to be completed with Norisuke and his family not getting in the way. She's a diversion, but i feel like over time there will be more to her.
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Two people in one body, KING stands, Jobin has his own fruit route like Diavolo with his drug routes, main villain's mom is a criminal, etc.
>Josuke knows that Jobin attacked Yasuho
Nigga is fucked.
Bland MC
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Good post
Pretty sure Josuke won't harm Jobin because he promised Tsurugi
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So what will happen next chapter? Gappy fucking murdering Jobin for making Yasuho bite the dust? A filler? A flashback? Joshuu redemption chapter? Karera coming back?
I know but he is definitely going to be confronted. First Josuke is going to see the fruit guy though.
There's a bunch of little allusions to Passione, especially with Damo's little group.
Plot relevant info dump
Meeting fruit guy. Probably a flashback after that and then confronting Jobin.
GER rock man when?

It was great but Hatto trashing Damo was a more memorable and a very satisfying moment
is part 8 actually connected to part 4 in some capacity or does it just reuse names and concepts for familiarity

minimal spoilers plox I'm still reading part 6
I'm betting on this
It's probably going to be a Jobin info dump
Why are you asking if you don't want spoilers, retard

I could even see him Joshuu beat Joubin up once he learns of the recent incidents.
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He's the miracle of the universe.
I am hoping for some character development, it's about damn time. Everyone is bland as fuck so far.
Not at all
It's just has a couple of minor callbacks in a fan service kinda way
>shittaste-away spray.png
Gappy's pretty violent though, he killed Damo for threatening his family and his whole "she's the only woman I know" thing he'd probably choose her over the higashikatas.
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why is everyone running?
>Gappy gets zombied
>Yasuho BTFO Dorokama
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Speaking of Tsurugi, back during Aishou's fight he promised he'd protect his dad. I can't really see him turning against Yasuho again after she went out of her way to help him, but who knows.
Josuke won't hurt Jobin because he promised Tsurugi, but that will give Jobin an opening to attack Josuke becaues he doesn't give a fuck about his family. Josuke gets BTFO by Jobins hidden ability and escapes to the plant appraiser where he forcefully fuses with him and hides in morioh (much like how kira did in part 4) with his new body.

Screenshot this.
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Bastard better keep his promise

...and this is why I don't think he will.
If he ever gets unfused or Gappy decides to regurgitate Kira. Then there's your promise loophole

We will see.
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inb4 leddit
Why do people think Jobin doesn't care about his family?
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Is Karera in with Jobin for making money?
pic related
because he "MUST BE EVIL" oh and he seemed distraught that Gappy killed Damo but i dont think he knew that Damo attacked the family
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>you will never fuck speed king's mouth
He literally said he doesn't care if Morioh were destroyed in the process. Meaning he doesn't care if his family were affected. Plus he's a dick to Joshuu but that's besides the point.
>never interacts with his wife or son
>doesn't give a fuck about his town
>keeping the fruit hidden from his son
>parks down the road while damo is threatening his family
>shits himself more over damo being killed than his family being threatened
>403 forbidden
Everyone's a dick to Joshu and i wont stand for it
^ This
>That zombie infection
>that Yasuho
>that Joubin is a gofer reveal

When will this wild ride end
>he's a dick to Joshuu

But that's everyone. It's okay though, they'll learn.
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Wait what's a gofer?
>making money

she wants the evolved Rokaka fruit, just look at the last sentence
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>There are 3 Owson in JJL now
>The first one is when Josuke walks to the Hospital during Born This Way
>The second one was shown off before Gappy and Joushuu walk down Shakedown Road
>Gappy ran into an Owson this chapter
an errand boy,literally the lowest guy in an organization
A person who runs errands.
Jobin is the busboy of the Rock Humans.
>Gappy murders a fucking baby
Oh so he was a errand boy for Damo
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You wouldn't decapitate something this cute.
>Gappy is now more gruesome than Giorno
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Fucker beat me to it
So do you think this chapter confirmed Jobin's status as main villain or not
He got caught specifically because he didn't want to let the baby die though.
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>errand boy
>for Damo

first of all it's Damo-san, and second Damo-san could have been some competition
He was probably manipulating the Rock Humans or his own goals
Joubin is a red herring. The true main villain is Mitsuba
It's really no surprise if you remember the way Aishou talked to the bus.
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But he didn't kill the baby.

Despite being a ruthless killer when he's determined, he still has a soft heart. This chapter made me appreciate him even more.

This is a chapter I hope to see animated in my lifetime.
the true villain is Emporio who is trying to get back into his universe using the Rokaka fruit variation
>Jobin is the fucking Leaky Eye Luca of this Rokakaka operation
The ride never ends
Honestly i don't think we will see any more new Rock Humans
oh yeah the baby didnt die cause it touched his Soft & Sneaks 12s and BLUE HAWAII'D him.
requesting Scary Zombie Gapps
>Leaky Eye Luca LEL
The true villain is all of the Higashikata family fused together with the evolved rokakaka
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I feel like the main focus will be on Jobin/Kaato as the villains
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There's still the mangaka Araki mentioned back in one of his interviews.
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>just pretending that everything that Damo did was out of his control
>it's just an elaborate goldberg machine, guys
>implying Araki would remember something he said for a vidya manual half a decade ago
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>Josuke didn't just trap the fly in a bubble

He trapped my heart.
I wonder if the Rokakaka Fruit can evolve?
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No I'd cut it into 36 pieces and mail it .

The VA shit is real.
>Sorbet and Gelato -> Twins
>Guy with textured skin who responds to food who ultimately doesn't care for the other person. Secco/Dolomite
>The Trish/Yasuho thing mentioned above.
>Special Rokaka is the new Beetle Arrow
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>Speed King's current design

So Araki still hasn't figured out its final design or constantly changing its appearance slightly is part of its thing
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>No, probably not. I'll never make it to a place like that
I smell a mistranslation again. I'd bet actual money that it's meant to be Yasuho speaking, saying "YOU'LL never make it".
The Rokakaka that Josefumi and Kira grafted was a more complete/evolved version.
If i were to guess Jobin was just working with the rock humans to get the fruit
Yeah, that was weird. The text didn't seem to be coming from him.
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Yeah, I kinda felt this was the case too.
There's also that yacht torture scene. That one was full of small parallels.
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>Yasuho is actually the flashback girl
>constantly changing its appearance slightly is part of its thing
>alluding to the degrees Seed king can change
Deerest Lobe
I definitely on the side of Jobin being the MV but that could be wrong but i definitely think Kaato will be important
I want Josuke and Yasuho to be happy together.
So any speculation on Speed King's true nature
if Kaato is the main villain then she really doesnt have much buildup compared to the others; thats why Joubin is probably it
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>Gappy gets abducted by an Eagle
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Oh, not again.
Choose: "i like you" or "i hate you"
the nigga is even holding the eggs in his hand, fucking madman
is that just the phone screen translation? what about the rest?
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>Special Rokakaka is the new Beetle Arrow

Speeding up molecules until they reach an intense heat that even surpasses nuclear levels. This is called Absolute Hot. With this ability to produce heat at levels of absolute hot, Speed king will be able to destroy parts of time and space as well as matter itself.

>s&w, look at this
>choose: "i like you" or "i hate you"
>me too <333
>Contemporary models of physical cosmology postulate that the highest possible temperature is the Planck temperature, which has the value 1.416785(71)×10^32 kelvins
Nigga, that is way too fucking powerful
>gains power to use the power of the Bubble Nebula
>new stand name is [ SUPER BASS ]
>S&W, look at that
>Make a choice (2 seconds left) Love / Hate
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hang in there.png
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>S&W, Look down here.
>Choose (2 Seconds Remaining) Love / Hate
>Me too
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What the fucking fuck does Jobin want??
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Jobin wants to save Tsurugi while Gappy wants to save Holly.
He just wants a cure for his son.
But at the last minute Kaato is gonna snatch the rokakaka and go on a rampage
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To sell fruit at a reasonable price.
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I only just saw >>154695553
and can't be arsed to re-do the phone.
Who is our guy - Jobin or Gappy?
Kaato vs Gappy/Joubin?
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Nut Burger King.jpg
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An excellent response.
Is there a difference between zombie and vampire? It seems to use them interchangeably in parts 1/2. Or maybe it's just the subs
The vampires are the ones who used the stone mask. The zombies are the minions they've created.
Pillar Man make vampire with mask
Vampire make zombie with some random shit like their blood or something
Zombies are low tier, mindless drones, fodder.
Vampires have different powers, stay sentient, etc.

Vampires use zombies as drones, Kars and co use full on vampires.
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You're gonna sell me some bug spray now.
I bet a lot of you are really cool people. I hope your family is okay and everything is going well in your personal life.
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You, take that.png
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Thanks anon, you too.
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not with those fours
Love you too faggot
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Stay back, omen bringer
w-what did he mean?
Also thanks, dude
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Please fill this with every other running Gappy panel
Trips of love!
Thank you Anon. Stay away from Italians.
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Have a nice day anon.
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Well holy shit, someone used one of my edits for the OP. I'm honored.
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Something is wrong with your post
Is Josuke the first JoJo to be possessed?
Jotaro was possessed by an evil spirit
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No, anon thank (You)
Did they fucked after that?
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Johnny almost goes dino.
Also pic related
No Aishou gets cucked by Jobin

Not even joking.
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I still can't fucking believe I waited 3 years for a jorge joestar translation and it was fucking garbage.

Even worse than I could have possibly expected, what the fuck went wrong.
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Heard you've been talking shit...png
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Is he the fastest JoJo?
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Begone with those trips
I'm not falling for your tricks you demon!
It's the feeling of "I don't have it, so it's good, I need it, because I don't have it" and now is "I have this, isn't special anymore"
That one was a prank tho
no, because I fucking loved purple haze feedback and I was hyped about it before I read it
>implying they are both Joubin's side hoes
Purple Haze is good, jorge joestar "was good" because no one know what the fuck was going on.
Well if it makes you feel better, the person who wrote Jorge is a complete and utter retard
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How come Josuke's gramps isn't with the rest of them? Did they forget about him or something.
He's drinking whisky and fucking whores in heaven.
Let that old man rest in peace godammit
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did yotsuyu foreshadow jobin?
Maybe yes, maybe not.
Remember that Norisuke was so shady and "evil" in the first chapters.
He even looked like the main antagonist
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I don't know why you were expecting anything good from Jorge.
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>Tfw only a couple of pieces of porn between the three of them
Damn Yasuho stop poking the fujoshits with the stick.

Kyo also said something similar
Retrospectively this should have been more obvious considering Jobin instantly vanishing in 10 pages at the end of S&W
I thought it might be because it's only Kira's victims, but Keciho is also there so I don't fucking know.
Wow, this actually bothers me a little now.
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Honestly what did you expect ?
You knew about the spoilers already, you could have seen what kind of shit it was.
I mean it was way worse than what I expected but I didn't expect much anyway.

I knew that, the moment Jorge Joestar would be fully translated, everyone would see it for the tryhard randumb crap it was and it would instantly lose all appeal.

I find it funny how Buddy Waters goes on Reddit to unironically defend the book as a masterpiece but he can't even really defend the book itself, just suck the author's dick and hold up him being nominated for literary awards.
I mean, hell, maybe the guy is good, but he sure as shit can't write for Jojo.
It got published, and it got a jojo license.

Being published used to mean something.
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Has "JohDai" been discussed here at all? I don't ever see anyone bringing it up.
>Jo Dai
>Jo Die
>Jojo Dies

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What's so special about it?
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I'm wondering if it's merely some kind of "lucky land" in the SBR universe
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Go away Boris
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Guys, where can find all of the Thus spoke Rohan Kishibe stories in good quality? Preferably in a format you can download.
All right now this is scaring me.
Is this the company Jobin is traffiking fruit too...
and also forshadowing all the Jo's family deaths
shit niga
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Jojo dies
didn't say which one
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What did Araki mean by this?
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Shows up in New York even during the SBR race
>Jo Dai
>Josuke Daiya
It's one of those pairing nicknames.
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New Speed King looks way scarier, I like it. Dig the new body too

>"Even the Higashikata family members do not know the ability's true nature"

Main villain confirmed?
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>Shows up in New York even during the SBR race
>Norisuke I having the two navels could still mean something
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MANY such cases
Whoever this Johdai person is, he must be VERY rich and immmortal
Most LNs tend to be shit
Someone mentioned it like 2 years ago
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Yeah I remember someone posting this link a couple years ago. I think it's just an easter egg thing.
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You've gone too far, anon. I have to deal with You.
>Daiya will never lovingly peg you while you eat out Yasuho
It hurts to live
>Gappy throwing out thrash
I sincerely doubt Araki would read and approve of things like Reimi painfully shitting out a Stand arrow or one of Jonathan's descendants being molested by a zombie puking on his dick.
I think he just drew the cover and let it being published and didn't think much of it. Probably did the same thing with Over Heaven.
He said as much he doesn't really care about what happens in the spin-offs (and we shouldn't either)
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Get raped by an autistic person.
Rate the chapter folks
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Jotaro may not have the most pleasant personality of the Jojos but I'll be damned if he isn't one of the funniest and most relatable in how he deals with problems
would BTFO Amputee man again
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fucking great
>his headband in that pic
It's so nice to know Dio made the choice to be a working gal during WWII. We can do it indeed
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I'm going to marry Jobin's corpse / 10
Would give the cripple snitch stitches again.
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JoJolion has been hitting a really great streak ever since Damo showed up besides the Milagro Man chapters which were good
I think part of why he's so funny is because he's not trying to be, he's just socially awkward without really realizing it and he comes up with the dumbest one-liners.
He works really well with a character like Polnareff or Josuke, acting as the deadpan stone-faced autist to a more goofy and energetic character.
>Joubin is a gofer of the organisation
Does anyone else realise how big of a game-changer this is?
Joubin may be the first villain in the series that isn't above the protagonists in any way. Holy shit I'm looking MUCH more forward to him as a character now, he has so much room to grow and develop. Now all his manchild antics and his nervous freakout when he saw Damo get killed all make sense, he's actually on the same level or even below Gappy in terms of power.

Place your bets, I say he's going to develop a shit ton in the next few arcs to the point where he actually becomes main villain-tier on his own. Now his own goal makes a shit ton more sense.
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>He didn't love Joshuu's Bizarre Adventure
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How long until this handsome motherfucker pops up again?
I feel like a volcano can't launch someone into space
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>ywn see Dio dress up as a working gal from WWII
>ywn see Dio get brutally double penetrated by Gappy and Yasuho

just forget about him
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>it's the boss of AU rock passione
>flashback girl is Yasuho's mom
jobin's going to end up being the best villain
Yasuho is another character whose design kept changing every other chapter for a while.

It solidified years ago but even now when you look at recent fan art of her the artists mostly just sort of do whatever they feel like when drawing her hair
I almost died laughing when Jotaro told Josuke to say something cool in the Ghost Dad part of pt 4. What a fucking dork
kind of possible.
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>2.93 MB
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>around the same age as Jobin

>flashback girl is Jobin's wife
>you will never get the succ from Yasuho, Karera, Haato, and Daiya at the same time
I really hope it's Jobin - at this point so late into JoJolion it not being Jobin would be disappointing but i wouldn't be too annoyed if it was Kaato
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I've said this before even the "Other abilities" from the takoban it's a really big reversal in the usual Jojo villeins. Araki strives to keep them unique and separate.
His stand is weaker, he's a manchild to the point where his kid jokes at him, he's emotional and a spoiled brat. Look at the beetle fight, he had to cheat like a child and couldn't figure out Gappy's stand. Araki drew him ugly and spiteful in Event Data Recorder to show much of an obnoxious wanker who is two steps behind the main cast despite being overconfident.
He THINKS he's a big smart player and he's probably smarter than most but isn't near the level of the rock humans or Gappy. I know we joke about "That one kid" but surely we have all bumped into those pseudo intellectuals who spouts quotes and whose ambition far out weighs their ability. (Like Rimmer from Red Dwarf)

I think that's why Araki purposely i making those PB call backs with Joshu and the knife. Everything is pretty grey morality wise and the Jojo is the invader who is more powerful, who much be "Overcome" and allowed to go any "higher"

Be warned, this post may transmit autism,
I'm honestly just really excited to see where Araki goes with all this. We've never had an antagonist that fears the main character this much before. Everything about Joubin makes it seem like he's going to be the one with the most development to the point where a stand-off with Gappy will be the apex of both character's character-arcs.
When are we gonna get an alternate version of this where Kira shaves off Josefumi's pomp?
Even he doesn't up being the main villain he is still a great charcter and one of the most intresting antagionists we have had
I'd rather have one where Narancia tattoos a 4 onto Mista's forehead.
>Jobin arrives to kill Dolomite for spilling the beans
>Just before kills him
>"Oh yes...your Mitsuba, perhaps I'll take her to this Blue Lagoon tonight. My wife and I haven't gone on many dates this year after all."
>finally seeing That One Pseudo Intellectual Guy as an actual antagonist

I wonder if Araki did this on purpose as like a statement? I know the anime market is flooded right now with those kinds of people as protagonists, and I can't go one day without seeing that kind of person at my college. Do you think this is a sort of statement about that kind of mentality? Or do you think he just saw this as a potentially good personality for a villain without much thought on it culturally?
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>after all
>not after alllll!
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beetleman's world.png
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>not after a~~~~~~~ll!
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>not after a~~~~~~~ll!
Got an example of that?
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>Dead babies
wtf, Araki
do you want the shitty porn edited version of that scene or do you want actual porn
It got its mother's blood on it, but it didn't die
Happened in Part 1 you faggot. Baby didn't even die this time.
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Just a bit of cranial fracture and brain damage, no biggie.
I thought him being a low tier grunt was kinda obvious cause of the way Aishou was berating fake-Joubin
Johdai is a handbag model
I didn't think much of it, just thought it was Aishou getting a bit too cocky. It all makes a lot of sense now though, wonder where Araki's gonna go with all this.
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u sure?
jobin retaliates against the rock normies for being ignored for too long
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Soft n Rapper.jpg
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Im sure because Jojo cant turn me on, but you might aswell post it anyways.
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I think it's a trope in general that is rarely ever looked into any more than superficially. I bring up Rimmer from Red Dwarf because even though the trope is played for laughs (Same situation, Dad was talented, he's a rich posh boy) he manages to have some truly tragic moments of self realisation. I think Jobin will have some equivalent of that.

I don't think Araki is making a cultural statement,
Perhaps it's his own reflections, even minor villains like Cioccolata spout ideologies who fully commit to them, are driven to survive fatal wounds because of it. So to apply that to a character who hasn't (as far as know) overcome anything major, who was one of the lowest rungs on the ladder while still thinking he was above his father.
There is a difference there between Josefumi's will and ideology towards a dying Kira, compare that to a manchild who is in over his head to the point of ignorance over what Aishou was actually saying.
So I think it will come to pass when "True happiness" and the "Shallow happiness" come together.

Now I feel like one of those stereotypes. But I'm typing on the toilet so that's my excuse.
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don't wanna get banned but ok
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might wanna fix that
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Digits be blessed.
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nice trips, and the image isnt all that bad either
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Perhaps. It wouldn't be the first time.
Araki has described once that he likes to write main villains who reflect a current mentality people have. JoJo always tends to reflect the time period it's written in and Araki's fascinations with culture. It is, after all, his ode to humanity.

>The enemies up until that point like DIO and Kars were all aiming for the top—it might have been symbolic of the Japanese economy up until that point, like the bubble economy (laughter). Back in those days, DIO’s might have been the more natural mindset and you might unconsciously sympathize more with that.
>When I was drawing Kira, what people were looking for was tranquility. The idea that happiness is not about standing on top of others. Kira’s awards since he was a middle schooler were all for the #3 spot. Not #1 or #2, but #3. Not conspicuous, but still respectful. He himself has the talent to become #1. But standing out, making enemies, being chased, feeling pressure, feeling expectations he can’t handle that at all. There might be a lot of adults who think like that

We see that Dio and Kars were written out of people's desire to be at the top, and Kira and Diavolo were characters who had clear desires to stay hidden and protect their identities to live in peace. And Pucci and Valentine are similar too, they are evil religious men who justify their evil deeds with what they deem to be heroic purpose. I'm not sure if Araki even follows American politics but Valentine almost seems to act as political commentary for self-righteous religious politicians (he literally uses the corpse of Jesus Christ to fuel America's rise to power).

So perhaps Jobin is indeed meant to act as a reflection of something. Maybe it will be made clearer in the future.
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kek pistol.png
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damn straight
Jobin is a reflection of the worst parts of teenagers/young adults nowadays. Manchildren who are in over their head in terms of both arrogance and self importance believing that they can truly make a difference and are only after shallow forms of happiness like drinking and drugs. This is just speculation
>like drinking and drugs

or harrassing people on the internet for laughs, using that bloated ego to justify trying to force someone into dating them, or the other things these kinds of manchildren do
Could be, but I think it's too early to make a coherent speculation as to what Jobin reflects (IF he reflects anything at all).
I'm personally very excited for our new main villain.
I will be sad if he doesn't end up being our main villain
>Jobin uses Speed King to shitpost on multiple computers
One of its secret abilities is going to do with entropy.

Mark my words.
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Kaatofags are merely on damage control, do not fret anon. Their "muh girl villain" cries won't do them much now.
Am I the only one that thinks Joubin is doing this for the sake of breaking the family's curse?
That's pretty much the only thing Gappy and Jobin have in common right now. In the prologue of the Part it says the story is about breaking a curse.

Half says he wants to make hella money with the Rokakaka, half says he wants to cure his son with this cure-all that will sell hella money.
If he was honestly he would have have told his father from the start
I've been trying to masturbate to this for the last thirty minutes
Why can't I jack off to jojo characters
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nutman doesnt give a nut.jpg
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I think this also ties in to how Jobin relates to Joshuu.
Last year I pointed out that, despite being the "cool older brother", Jobin is just as much of a manchild as Joshuu, he's just charismatic and rich enough to not get called out on it, and that this is most prominent when Damo dies and we find out he was involved, and the first thing he does is call his mom to whine about it and ask her for help.
And considering Joshuu appears to be heading to a pseudo-redemption arc, to me this feels like further parallels. As in, Joshuu is trying to make an effort to not be as pathetic and whiny (not that he's doing great at it), while Jobin refuses to grow up and almost condemns the city to a zombie apocalypse for petty reasons.
It's like in Phantom Blood where Dio and Speedwagon have this clear comparison point of both of them being born in shitty circumstances and forced to fight to survive, but Speedwagon was redeemable while Dio was not.

Honestly I think Kaato is going to serve a similar role to Yoshihiro.
Araki has been dropping hints on our heads of Jobin being the main villain for 6 years now, while Kaato has barely shown up and hasn't even really done much.
Maybe they are going to work as a duo.
do you want me to give you all the pics i can find?
just cut off the head part in MS Paint and it no longer looks like a jojo character
but shinobu is hot
Do it.
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Might I help?
Fuck anon, good shit
Keep 'em coming
Link it on imgur or something instead of directly posting it in the thread
Jobin reminds me of Part 4 Kira but also different enough to make him a very interesting villain
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considering making a pastebin that'll be a hub for all jojo lewds via imgur albums. lots of rares that get posted here once and never again that bent over jolyne and paisley park only have the censors found now anyway, but i dont know if its worth the time or effort.
Reminder that Jobin said he wants to rise in life always "going on", so he'll probably want to overthrow is own organization too.
Since he's just a gofer and a new crew is basically confirmed, is this the halfway mark of JJL?
>Jobin is a pathetic gofer

I like him even more now

A lot of stuff is on paheal and pixiv. People are just too stupid and lazy to find it
Nah we are definitely past the Halfway Mark
translation of the last image?
I want to sex Jolyne so bad
can't find good shit yet
Fuck, that did the trick. Thanks a lot anon.
Don't be like this idiot because the mods will tank the thread
Autism, maybe?
Do you want me to dump another doujin?
I'm already done but some other anon would probably appreciate it.
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I don't think you'd need to for general shit. But maybe it wouldn't hurt for things like the full res / pateron dumps / Draw friends work but not for things found casually.

Things like the imgur >>154700450 in would be useful. But their uncensor folders are a mess (but at least the gay shit is seperate)

For sure. Things are really coming together.
Completely different direction than I ever thought. JJL will probably be my favourite part if it continues like this.
But it may be clouded by the monthly theorising.

job done finally
Damn anon that's a really nice Daiya. I really should make a pixiv account for my waifu needs.
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if you want more then click the tags to the side
Nah JoJolion is a really great part if a bit on the slow side for some problem
So is Dolemite going to die now?
i have served the thread well, now brb if thread gets deleted i'll come back in the next one
So is Joubin the main villain or what
JoJolion has been a great part but can be a bit on a slow side

"JO"suke "DAI"ya

Josuke x Daiya official ship confirmed
Mitsuba will reveal herself as the true villain and head of the rockman fruit import operation
How come the stuff Daiya gets is infinitely better than every other JJL girl's?
Still waiting on some actually good Hato/Karera anal porn, the suffering continues.
>tfw no Kyo x Josuke doujins
I know there was this picture where Yotsuyu's Stand raped Karera but I didn't save it.

maybe one day
One day brother, keep holding out.
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I kinda suspected that this is what was on Jolyne mind throughout most of Stone Ocean.
Now Google has confirmed my suspicions
>Do it, Pucci
>Do it, Weather
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That reminds me, does anyone have that picture of Jotaro pounding Pucci's boipucci? I need it for reasons.
Johnny would've killed that baby.
Johnny was a stonecold killer
I dislike the idea of there being a hidden Rock Human who is the main villain
That's because regardless if it got Johnny or not, its not like he would be able to WALK back to Dolomite.
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you monster
>Johnny gets possessed
>begins crawling to Dolomite
>gets stuck immediately because he cant open a door

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just found this on crunchyroll
looks pretty baller, there a place I can get the rest of this model line from?
I want to FUCK Johnny.
>this entire arc
fucking brutal man
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It's not like he'd be able to feel it
it's perfect to check dubs
like the one i get right now
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>best girl continues to be best
Gappy/10, made me happy.
How do you think Dolomite's going to die?

I predict that they'll just push him in the mud pit while he screams, flails and begs for them not to leave him, and it'll be ambiguous as to whether he sunk for real or not.
i don't think dolomite will die in mud puddle he is a rockman
>Calls Jotaro a dork
>When Josuke's insult basically sums up to, "No, you"
Jotaro just tried to pass on his one-liner-ness to his continuation since Jolyne was too young. Jotaro is the Batman to Josuke's Robin.
you retards have to be baiting
Johnny wakes up confused because of all the shaking and thinks that there's an earthquake until he looks up notices Gyro fucking him. Meanwhile Gyro's going on about how good Johnny feels around him and making sex noises and stuff.
Isn't this like the fourth or fifth time she's saved Gappy's ass at this point?
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I decided to do a version with google translate.








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I feel like we've uncovered something we shouldn't have
new speed king is better
They need a constant air, as seen with Yagiyama. He could turn into a rock to survive for an unspecified amount of time, but with no way of getting himself out he'd eventually die with no way of getting himself out, it's why he's so scared of it.
I hope you're kidding
It's just Araki shilling a handbag
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>Old Speed King vs New Speed King - Which is better?
Any post with shit like 'womyn' in it is going to be shitty bait.
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You know too much
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>No lewd art of Yasuho and Daiya together
Kill me
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>no foursome with the two of them, Karera, and Josuke
Waste of a good harem.
Nah. New mouth and nose ruins it.

He was much more menacing with thin lips and hollow eyes.

Unless it's a reflection of Jobin's deepening insecurity.
>not Yasuho, Daiya, Kaato, Dolomite, Hato, and Karera all going after Gappy's four balls

>Dolomiti will never find his waifu and go to the Blue Lagoon with her
>tfw it'll another 6 to 7 years before we see Part 8 animated, if ever
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>yfw we're only halfway through JJL
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>yfw Araki starts pumping out 2 chapters a month now
I need your fattest jojo pics, /a/. I know you fuckers have all those gross fucking ones, I need to prove a point.
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Fly feathery faggo.jpg
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I'm just going to post really well-drawn art instead.
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>mfw we're actually halfway through
>mfw gappy's four ball ride will be over sooner than i think it will
That Rohan's kinda cute
At first I thought Dolmite was going to be an evil son of a bitch but he doesn't seem that bad.
>you will never use Dolomite like some fucked up living fleshlight
What is bossu thinking about?
>turns people into self mutilating zombies
>turns a baby into a zombie
>makes Gappy try to drown himself
>Not that bad
Yfw no lewd of tsurugi and yasuho-chan
>>turns a baby into a zombie
That wasn't exactly his fault. Besides, it is more of Jobins fault for having Dolomite unleash his stand
There's lewds of Tsurugi
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>wanting to lewd Tsurugi
>he doesn't like traps
Fuck outta here
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Forgot pic
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hot trap.png
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About how fun it is to just fap and roll in money all day
Kek, literally my reaction, Jobin is a nobody.
Man Yasuho is fucking based. Hope she doen't die.
It's ok if she's being lewded with Yasuho
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>Hope she doen't die
>Not thinking this is a red herring
Wow you are gullible as fuck

If dubs or better she is dead
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>Hope she doen't die.
Which JoJo would've killed that Zombie babby?
Joubin being the main villain is a red herring
>1 post late
Seems like Basuho isn't dying yet
Johnny maybe but I doubt it. Jojos don't kill babs
Only Johnny
Johnny, but only if it's really in the way.
I don't have fat, but I have weird.
>Dolomite's accent

he had one?
Thread posts: 510
Thread images: 192

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