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Kobayashi-san no Lewd Dragon

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 503
Thread images: 167

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They know.
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I love Elma!
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Chorogons are NOT for lewd!
I love to see her go.
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alolan mareep
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Everyone is for lewd.
So what's Tohru's gift to Kobayashi, I don't get it.
Elma's a dork!
A big, fat, dumb dork!
With a great ass.
Elma is my wife
Human-Dragon marriage is not legally recognised in Japan.
Reminder that the BD is out.
Kanna is cute, I want to adopt her and make her mine and Lucoa's child
that's racist
Kobayashi-san No Bandragon.
Kobayashi-san No Mermaidragon.
Kobayashi-san No Indoragon.
Kobayashi-san No Icelandragon.
Kobayashi-san No New Zeelandoragon.
Kobayashi-san No Avocadoragon.
Kobayashi-san No Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Doragon.
Kobayashi-san No Nudoragon.
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More like poop dragon.
where is the art from?
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>kanna's poop
Did the special air on TV?
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I love her more!
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To be honest i just randomly found it on YT and decided to share it on the previous thread, wish it was subbed.
>flop dragon
I want to use Elma's boob and/or butt as a pillow!
I can't believe theres still no rips
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We`ll have to wait for the blu-ray.
Burn yourself while hanging from a noose, pedo!
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Ep 10 Kanna Hop.webm
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Post more Kanna.
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After you, my dear.
But I want to jerk off to Elma instead right now.
>tfw she perfectly syncs up to the beat of the song you're listening to
very cute special
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All of you, get in there right now!
I want to sniff Kanna's cute butthole.
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Is there a Kanna in there?
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Lewd Shouta
Why is he a vampiress (male) now?
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Hope there's room in that cruiser for Lucoa.
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Lucoa did nothing wrong
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It's not her fault Shouta is so sexy.
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Do not speak ill of the goddess
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My mummy Lucoa is world class. Please don't bully her.
Lucoa's not that old, she's an onee-san!
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Xochiquetzal when?
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So...who´s the top between Kobayashi and Kanna?
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Too Late.png
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Too bad you pizza-gate apologists, she's going to jail!
Depends on how much alcohol and/or aphrodisiac Kobayashi has had.
>literally prehistoric ancient god
Really makes you hmmmm
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Stop this immediately
How original Anon, here's your prize, (You)
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That pic is the answer itself
But there are rips, in that certain site which goes nya~
Don't eat the curry, Tohru. You don't know where the chef's hands have been.
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conuting kanna
Can we remove the loli lesbian?

Ruins the show desu
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I don't know what pizzas have to do with anything, but you can't arrest a goddess.
she's fast
Remove yourself from this world instead, at least from this thread, you're ruining my experience (and possibly other people's too).
I really want to find you and rip you bones off, london
HIDF get out of /a/
Episode 10 had a 95.5% rating on nico. I honestly thought it was going to be lower. Didn't find the episode to be as entertaining as others.
What are the ratings normally?

Shouta is a lucky shota.
For this show the average seems to be around that. 4th episode was the highest rated with 97.4 and lowest was ep1 with 86.4. If you mean overall for all anime then I'd say somewhere around 75-80.
What does the chi in the title mean? Its driving me nuts
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I have cum absolute torrents because of this fucking image set. God save me, I want so badly to be a little boy with a lewd and fertile mummy.
That makes sense, thanks anon!
>Kanna saying "Namaste"
Fucking cute.
I need more of Kanna's japanese voice saying non-japanese things.
Is this real?
>San kyu veri matchy
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So what was it?
They're putting too much effort on visuals of the specials.
They should make bad art once in a while to show they can still be entertaining even when they draw with their butts.
This looks really cheap compared to other KyoAni shows
Was it made by the B team or something?
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Is this a Hyouka thread now? I'll take it over this Lucoa posting.
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You mean like the k-on specials?
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I'm surprised she never got bullied for being so autistic.

So Kanna have some kind of electra or oedipus complex? Or she´s just horny as fuck?
No one cares when cute girls are a little autistic in a cute way.
She's a deadly carnivore grooming her prey for slaughter.
Idealised anime worlds.
Probably one of the saddest quotes in the whole show.
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Will Iruru make it into the anime? How many more episodes do we have?
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I don't think so, we'll probably got Tooru's father for the final episode anyway.
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That makes sense. I figured as much...
Maybe in the OVA.
I want to taste Elma's armpits.
This art is cute. I wouldn't mind tumblr if they made this kind of shit more frequently.
OVAs are not for the exposition of heavy plot points. Specially Kyoani OVAs, they're just comfy rides, we'll probably get an onsen episode.
Does she still want to breed with Kobayashi in the latest chapter after that Schoolboy got introduced?
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Know what?
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Reminder that this show is written by a diaperfag.
This is disgustingly hot.
As usual Kobayashi is the best. Comfy acoustic guitar >>> electric guitar trash
How does Lucoa put on and take off her hat?
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I-it's not like that makes me like it more!
It's her scale
>Kanna saying Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do in the special
I want to put my penis in her but I'm not sure where
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Well, Mega Ampharos IS a Dragon.
Forgot I'm on mobile and got the sad panda. Fuck.
is specist actually
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>Kanna grows up to be a goth loli punk
where did we go wrong in raising her?
>search elma on danbooru
>only 75 results


Give it time
Don`t worry Kobayashi, it`s just her scenic persona. She`s still a good loli back home.
The Flanderization in the last episode bumped this show down from my show of the season to third place.
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Are you expecting some character type no one has ever seen before?
Oh, thanks for letting me know, m8
Subscribed and commented.
anyone else love how cute Tooru is with her hair down? bean
A real dragon bean.
>Kobayashi giving a fuck what kind of goth loli Kanna is as long as she's not disrespecting maids
She`s clearly worried about her daughteru.
I wish she kept it down more
>Kanna Kamui が一人
>Kanna Kamui が二人
>Kanna Kamui が三人
better than the original
I forgot that this was a thing. Pokemon got kind of weird.
This will still probably be my (or one of my) show of the season but I didn't care as much for this episode either. What are your other shows? I like Acca and Kemono Friends.
Konosuba and Demi-Chan. Machi being cute in the latest episode really won me over.
I want to pick up and cuddle this sheep and watch her little legs wriggle, trying to escape
>those stockings
muh dick
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Will there be merch?
loli loev burg
Elma > Kanna >>>>>> Tits > Tohru
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Is there a transcript?
Whats so sad about it. Thats just how it goes.
It's rather deep, but not sad.
If you don't understand there's no point in explaining it.
I do understand. But you just cant stay a kid forever. You can still be a kid from time to time but 90% of your life will be " adult " stuff.
Thats life right now and if you focus on the sad part you'll just get depressed.
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>watermarked top corner
Why would anyone be a pleb catgirl when she is already a superior dragon
>Whole slice of cake on a knife
Jesus fucking Christ.
Fork you mean.
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What, no, the strawberry is clearly on the fork. Who the fuck eats a cake with two forks?
>Who the fuck eats a cake with two forks?
A dumb dragon? I don't know.
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Good catch!
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>Lucoa will never take a bath with you
nice condom
>lucoa will never lick your rectum
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>Kobayashi lives with these gems
Consider me jealous.
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This is a terrifying dragon!
There wouldn't be room for me and her in a bath with her gigantic tits. I'd rather bathe with Elma anyway.
Good, I wouldn't want that bitch and her gross fat tumors anywhere near me.
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elma happy.png
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It is kind of scary how much I want to FUCK that dragon.
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>You will never give Lucoa a hornjob
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It begins
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Is it wrong that I think Tooru is cute no matter what form she takes?
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She is a fat derpy dragon. What's not to love?
Got my dragon tail today. It is pretty much a neck rest.
Post pics dont get carried away and eat it
I want to coax this dragon slut into sex by offering her food and then dump her when she gets too pudgy.
You know those things that a camera takes.
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dragon tail.jpg
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It is pretty small, all things considering. I also got a Tooru daki too.
Excuse me?
Can you fuck it?

How's the quality? What's the interior feel like it's made of?
Anybody got a gif of the dragons wiggling in dragon form in the OP?
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What the fuck are you gonna use this for Anon.

The real question is:
>Is it Soft?
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I think its appropriate to post the daki too.

Very bizarre and cute, thanks anon for sharing.
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The hell you can't. If you can't handle prison walls then quit playing with shota balls.
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Shouta a cute!
C U T E !
I was thinking of ordering it as a neckrest for long transcontinental flights, is it worth the price?
Really waiting for the day he gets Lucoas OTHER milk
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2MB, 3024x4032px
Too cute to fuck

It is OK quality, it is worth the 25 dollars I paid for it. Interior feels like cotton, if I had to take a guess.


It is actually very soft. Like a teddy bear.

What else did you expect, it's Elma.
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Nah anon, boy milk is where it's at.
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It is kinda awkward since a large portion of it is to one side, but the one thick side is pretty comfortable.
Where is the tail connected to ?
I want to taste it.
I want more of this. I need more of this.
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I hope you enjoy them anon. I wish i could at least get the Lucoa keychain.
I'm sure it tastes better coming out of a girls cock
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nom hora.jpg
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>it is worth the 25 dollars I paid for it.

>Anon even took the less lewd version.
Truly a man of culture, I see.

I wanted to buy the exact combo you had there.
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There are only lolicons and shotacons here, and a faggot.
Kanna is for daughterfu-ing ONLY. No lewding.
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what is this anime
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Me too anon.
Boku No Pico
wait a minute.....
But the thighs
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I had to rewind this when I first saw it. Couldn't believe my eyes
So i think we all can agree than Lucoa is worst girl right? She's only popular because of spics and niggers, right?
Yea yea, whatever you say Tohrufag.
Hnnng. I want to get felt up a shotacon dragon girl.
I keep wondering about that...
Presumably she has no butt-cheeks.
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>worst girl
It's probably the girl who's whole shtick is that she eats a lot right?
Where the fuck is this from?
I never knew I wanted this.
Fuck, i really need to sink countless hours into learning chink.
These Last Few Episodes seem to have been Anime Only Episodes. I read the Manga, and some the stuff you guys have been seeing aren't in there. They coulda probably did Iruru if they didn't FUCKING HOLD BACK
We need futa Lucoa x Shouta doujins right now.
Are you doubting Kyoani's vision?
I want to fatten her and watch other OL's bully her!
I'm a degenerate mother Fucker and I'm honestly surprised there isn't any Fatty Art of her yet. Like, actually, she eats like a Cow. Perfect for Fatty Sank stuff.
Wank* i want to die
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Post more Lucoa. Or face the punishment of absolute death!
It's now or never. Most people still have the brain of 12 year old after 1 year
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Exactly how I want to die.webm
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If it will be a death like this then I'll stop posting immediately.
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Can't blame ya
i knew it
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deviantArt's too busy with Lucoa.
>implying that's not his best doujin
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>Lewding Kanna
Stop That
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that looks dangerous. hope he's ok
this is a good collection
I'm always impressed by people who make models like these.
What's FFA?
Can those be shared as per presets or such? I'd love my hands on this whole collection, you have good taste.
I will never make a dragon blush. One of these days I'm going to end it all.
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Check on N777's twitter page. A lot of them are from there.

Password is n777@

You can grab a lot of new mods from here.
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1MB, 1920x2038px
Thank you very much, you are a kind person.
I will use those intensely soon.
Of course.
This guy has all my fetishes.

No wonder I love Maidragon.
Can someone tell me the name, i'll search it myself.
Lucoa actually looks so great with her hair like this, maybe its because shes not wearing the hat
Younyuu Mazen by Cool Kyou Shinja
[Cool Kyou Dai San Shibu (Cool Kyou Shinja)] Younyuu Mazen
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Thank ya kindly.
put it in your butt now
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if you want max comfy, I'd recommend buying a neckrest with a built in hoodie
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>You will never be shouta
>You will never be small and cute
>You will never be able to do magic
>You will never have a busty overprotective onee-san to take care of you and cheer you on always
>She will never try to dress you up like a girl for a play one time

I keep holding off on watching episodes because each episode makes me more and more envious of his life. All I can ever think to do is post about it, and I keep doing it but it doesn't fix it. I want to be him so bad, I don't know what to do. I don't know what I'm going to do
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mune ga shimacchau ne.webm
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I really like this look of hers. Maybe its me being a weeb but i really like this traditional japanese look.
I wish Kanna's hair was down all the time, it's cute.
anytime the dumb hat is removed she is improved
It's really nice

her hat is good too don't make fun of my big sister please
What game is this?
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I summon

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>you will never have two fat cows as your dates
how does Shota do it?
>no human sacrifice
Thanks for breaking my immersion Kyoani.
oh boy here we go
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>human sacrifice
I want white boi to leave
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Again, she looks great that way i cant even!
>She will never show up to your school event and do this

im going tof fucking kill myself
Hazme vato
>hangs out with 3 cow-titted onee-san's and a chill office lady
>friends with a dragon loli who's the most popular girl in her class

>not a lolicon but can't resist those thick thighs
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>not a lolicon
Stop lying to yourself.
That art would have been great if it wasn't for her stomach, wtf Lucoa is not fat, she just has big breasts
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I really, really want to relive my life growing up with and eventually marrying Kobayashi.
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Kanna avocado <3
If you guys want the special just tell me to start encoding it.
They're for Saikawa.
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Why aren't you wearing a dress too Shouta ?!
go ahead senpai
>Heard you were talking shit
I want to rape Shouta.
One day, I'm going to be Shouta.
what the fuck is this
Would you fuck his tight, little boipucci?
Shouta's boypussy is exclusive property of Lucoa's massive, knotted dragon cock, stretched beyond the ken of any lesser penises.
I'd fuck his tight little ass.
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Mahou shota.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
I want to be Shouta.
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>You will never be Shouta
>This will never happen to you

i fucking hate my life, please save me lucoa nee-san
I want to be Lucoa and fuck your asspussy after draining you dry with my tits.
>Lucoa will never call your dick cute
got a TL on those world bubbles, boyo?


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How much longer until the mass suicides of people hoping to be reincarnated as Shouta in their next life?
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Only if we get to cuddle afterwards.
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Not long, friend. Maybe I'll be one of the first at this rate.
I'd rather be reincarnated as Lucoa. I can't fuck Shouta if I am Shouta.
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kanna is for tha fauna
Not if I beat you to it!
You may never get to be Shouta and I may never get to be Lucoa but maybe we can do the next best thing to stave off the pain.
Kanna does things for me. I wanna draw her.
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I don't know what you mean and discord is scary to me

also four of those posts were mine. I really, really want to be him
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Here you have anon:

Propositioning random people on /a/? You're a slut, anon.
He wants to rape you.
Thank you, Satan.
but why? i dont even like guys
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many thanks
I'm not. I just want anon to realize his dream of being anon and get raped by Lucoa's huge dragon cock.
I agree, she's too noisy,
You are subhuman.
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>samefagging satan
I'm just human.
being Shouta*

ha ha that was a screwup
She's riding a ghost sperm
Exeggutor is a dragon now

Anything goes
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I-I don't know anon, how would you do that?
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>tfw that's genuinely the kind of thing I would do around six years old
Enterprise Resource Planning.
I want to kiss Shouta.
b-but im scared of doing that and im not very good at it either thank you very much but sorry anon
I want to be shouta and I want to be kissed by lucoa
>Tohru is literally the titular character
>No one gives a shit about her because she's a dyke and can't compete with a loli and a shotacon with even bigger tits

Isn't it sad?
Jokes aside, I genuinely get the feeling she doesn't really know any better about her dress or behavior.

Stop looking at me Kobayashi!!

Don´t judge me!!!
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Best Chubgon.
Well that's your choice and that's fine, but it's never a bad time to learn how to do things.

According to her introduction, she believes that to be how she's supposed to dress in the human world. Looking at how Mexicans dress, I can see where she got that idea.
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Being a goddess, she probably thought to cater to the 'common folk', and her suggesting to "offer her body" to Shouta is her being woefully outdated in politics and customs.

It'd make senses considering Tohru and Fafnir's characterizations too
Well, If I was 2D I could meet my waifu, so yes.
But she also remarks how Shouta's being "assertive" when he slaps her boobs in his sleep.

I think she knows she's being sexual with him, but she also just wants to take care of him.

By the way, I think it would've tied into the themes of the show more if Shouta were a lonely kid whose parents didn't have time to hang out with him. It'd make sense to get a dragon as a cool older sister, that way.
What do I have to do to make lucoa my friend and big sister?
I feel it's a bit of both. She didn't intend for him to be play with her tits, but at the same has no qualms about it.

Sorta playing in what you said about her wanting to take care of him, and being a cool older sister.

Remember she's a dragon goddess, and while more benign than the others of her pantheon still doesn't quite grasp "humanity",
its really difficult to focus on what the characters are doing or saying whenever lucoa is on screen.
if you remember YUKI YUKI YUKI
it's like that but with Tooru

Bend over and take her cock.
"Kobayashi-san" is too long. Not as catchy as YUKKI
Its not nearly as good, too long a name.
I-I don't know if I can...but, if it's for her, I'll try my best!
You can be. Just ram a bottle up your ass dry.
So how many discs will Maidragon sell in its first week? I'm hoping for at least 4k.
In the last stalker it was above Konosuba
Who is best girl and why is it Elma??
Only for like 2-3 hours. Based on the average rank of all 4 versions of volume 1 and how they're still ranking pretty high even now after it came out, I wouldn't be surprised if it sells over 4.5k total, but first week will probably do around 3.9-4k.
How many episodes is gonna have?
The Dude absolutely love Loli Oppai.
As in loli with boobs bigger that the rest of the body.

>***,*51位/***,*51位 (**7,791 pt) [*,325予約] 2017/03/24 この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 2第1巻限定版 [Blu-ray]
>***,177位/***,183位 (**2,014 pt) [*,*46予約] 2017/03/15 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 1 [Blu-ray]

Ain't anymore.
Probably will sell 4k or so, with a ceiling of maybe 6k
Reminder that Maidragon is BiliBili's most popular show. With China streaming money, BD sales come second.

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Stupid sad panda...
>streaming "money" even remotely comparing to Blue-Ray sales

whatever makes you sleep at night
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Which category do you think Blue-Rays fall under champ
not the same anon but, isnt blue-ray supposed to be a type of merch ?
Not in the anime industry, it's listed as its own thing.
i see i see, thanks
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And to be honest, that chart is for mainstream anime like One piss or love live, shit with tons of merch and pachinko, not the average late night anime. That still relies somewhat on disc sales to survive.
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So who's the thirstier lesbian monster girl, /a/? Tooru or Mikoto?
Tooru's love is eternal. And ravenous. Seething beneath her warm, maid exterior.
>it's listed as its own thing
where'd you hear that
I believe in you anon
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Well, that explains a lot about Shouta and Lucia.

>ビデオディスク:ディスクメディアの映像記録媒体。DVD、Blu-ray Discなど。

Learn to google.

But I also thinking all forms of Streaming also fall under "video", so the original point the anon was trying to make seems null and void.
Yes, but foreign does count as foreign streaming, mainly china.
That's "Delivery and Shipping"
>tfw you dont get the sequence right
I really feel dumb
Sure, but that value of streaming is probably proportionate to the domestic Video sales. I think Foreign is just a "unique" way for them to further split up the pie, when it reality they could just take Foreign merchandise, Foreign song sales, Foreign live events and so on and equally enter them into they corresponding categories.

Because you can be sure that Foreign merchandise > Foreign video.
So I heard of a certain thicc loli, how about a quick rundown?
How about you fuck off retard.
Fuck off back to lwa thread
What happened to the Elma art? I thought she was popular? Where is the Elma art?
I like the fact that Kanna has embraced being Kobayashi Kanna. She's genuinely happy to have Kobayashi as her family.
Fuck off of our LWA then you dragon turds!
Shit show is stupid and boring, to be honest. Where's the plot even?
I found it a bit insulting that this 1000 year old dragon will ditch her parents' name for Kobayashi, whom she has known for less than a year.
Ignore that dumb shitter. We dont need to shit on other threads, now we're getting crossboarders here from them because of Kanna
> will ditch her parents' name
Literally kicked her out. All over a simple joke.

I would do the same thing.
you don't want to fuck a dragon
It's a character driven series, slow burning at that. There's no plot but character development.
Same but I wonder if her parents ever come through and see how they fucked up. It would make for an interesting couple chapters, ending with Kanna's parents asking her to come back. And Kanna says no
Come on, even my angels are having a plot about smuggling demons in heaven.
I'm just waiting for the Dragons vs Military conflict
I came for THICC lolis
I stayed for the comfy family.
Her parents were never really parents, they just kind of threw her out there and told her to figure shit out for herself, then exiled her when the stuff she did for attention pissed them off.

I feel like that would be too much of a repeat of Tohru's father chapter.
Introduced much later than the other characters after drawfags had already latched onto Lucoa and Kanna
>No Iruru

What is Kigami doing with episode 13, they're wasting his talents.
what is happening in this image
Elma acquired food.
from who
Elma kinda sounds like that girl from new game
Old men
You like haremshit. You have no taste.
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her future wife tooru____
you mean kobayashi's future wife tooru
Am I a pedofile for thinking that Irururu is the best girl? It's genuinely bothering me at this point... I do find Tohru and Lucoa hot, like really really hot, but Irururu just BTFOs them so hard... I don't know what to think?
Shouta looks like a picture of good health
Go and pray some. Expel the pedo devil!
If I was a war veteran I would sure as hell want to spend my last days being entertained by walking embodiments of pure lust
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This is what war veterans truly want to see for entertainment
>that multi-plug

That would be enough for six Kannas.
Can I have six Kannas?
And they got it, hair down and all.

Jesus, why doesn`t Tooru let her hair down more.
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I wish we could see this
M-Mommy, please don't hurt her...!
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the look of betrayal on her face is just perfect



On a side note. I hope we get a Shouta x Lucoa focused episode.
Shouta trap doujins soon right?
That would only be good if it would consist of more than "Shoouuta, bathe with me" - "Noooo, I'm too gay".
>final episode
So it's going to end then pretty soon huh,and no season 2. Fuck

>Kanna raping Kobayashi
Is this shit real?
What chapter is this? Or maybe it's just a fanart
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ywn get suffocated by elmas thicc thighs
New Zealand got a mention. That's like the first time I've heard my country in anime
We already had elves in maidragon before.
No, anon. I have the loli fever too. Fucked many girls at least 7/10. Nothing fixes the itch quite like it.
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Why do people keep saying the show's flopping? The Stalker points and rank have been pretty high lately.
Tohru has the right size.
What a fucking loser
It'll probably sell 4k or a bit less, not really a flop but nothing impressive.
nice humblebrag, normie
>final episode
So it's going to end then pretty soon huh,and no season 2. Fuck

>Kanna raping Kobayashi
Is this shit real?
What chapter is this? Or maybe it's just a fanart
I want to marry Tooru.
She would be a great wife if you`re Kobayashi, duh. Try Elma instead, she`s free.
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kanna riko headrub.webm
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Kanna is a good girl and so is Riko.

>Maidragon is a commentary on immigration and homosexuality

Guess there's more substance to this show than one would realize.
I see no low is too low for those for-CR shills.
I give a shit about her
they know what?
The show's message can really be bended in a number of ways to fit with this homosexual/immigrant narrative, although the immigrant allegories are there without the need of much twisting. But the guy is acting as if Kobayashi was actually a lesbian and they were in a real homosexual relationship, that is headcannon at best. The manga pretty much confirms she's straight but her female form has no libido.
Belly buttons aren't this low.
Judging from the art,i think it 's fanmade
I think it is in the anthology
Is she Edward?
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Now that`s the guy you can always count on.
Countryside school. Everybody's probably dodgy in some way so she fits right in. Also big influential family.
People who lack common sense would believe this or ((people)) with a agenda
Who is this? I just thought it was filthy frank but after actually looking at the dude he is older than frank.
It literally says his name in the next video. How could you even not know who Melonpan is and be on /a/?
Because i'm ignorant to most of the posts as I did not find them funny, so I didn't care enough to know the name until now.

Is it really that hard to figure out what they're saying? I know enough Japanese to ask for directions to the bathroom and I got what they were saying just fine.
Alright, here's my honest opinion on Kobayashi's Meme Dragon.

Its a good anime. The concept of having a dragon girl cosplaying as a maid to be a maid for someone who 'accidentally' saved her from the verge of death is pretty nice. Besides, I may have been living under a rock, but you don't get to see dragons, a Meso-american god, and an Icelandic dragon as a human in an anime frequently, mainly because they're dragons. The show would be a perfection if it weren't for some flaws of course.

Alright, so a slice of life anime about a stoic programmer living with a dragon girl maid. In my opinion, what really flawed the show is the loli yuri thing going on between Saikawa and Kanna. Its a slice of life anime, not a yuri loli thing or whatever. Maybe they're just trying to show off Kanna's cuteness, but that would still be a flaw. I mean, it feels like the show is overfeeding you some moe shit instead of the real stuff, but thats just my opinion.

One more thing that really REALLY bugs me is the mythology. "Tohru being a dragon that's so strong, she can bring forth Armageddon". First of all, that is NOT how it works. You can't just be the harbinger of the end by casting magics and shit to completely wipe out the human civilization and then call that an Armageddon, no. Also, Quetzalcoatl is NOT a dragon. While the anime got some of Lucoa's alias' correct (Serpent goddess and something idfk), they didn't nailed it still. Although surprisingly, Fafnir is the only dragon that got his own lore correct, although his human form isn't a dwarf lmao.

Anyway, another one is Tohru. Not just her, but also Kanna, Elma, Lucoa and Fafnir. Yes, I'm talking about the dragons. Dragons? Are they really dragons?
Overall the show is may not be accurate to the real thing, but its still gud. I like Kobayashi.
Nice blog, where do I sign up.
>Also, Quetzalcoatl is NOT a dragon. While the anime got some of Lucoa's alias' correct (Serpent goddess and something idfk), they didn't nailed it still.
Then you have no idea how ancient mythologies work. It seems you know nothing about dragon lore and instead think only about recent post LotR dragons.

Hint: There is next to no differentiation between giant serpents and dragons. Dragons were never an actual species, it is just a term for dangerous mystical reptiles.

>that cheeky copper grabbing a feel
Nice pasta
>Fafnir is the only dragon that got his own lore correct, although his human form isn't a dwarf lmao
That's where you got your own lore wrong, fucknut. Dwarves weren't alestout beardaxe o'forge shitters until Tolkien. Dwarves were originally just mystical spirits like elves.

tl;dr: you're not only autistic, but you're WRONG autistic. Remove yourself from premises.
They were dark elves weren't they
>Macchi ga iranai?
I wonder if the bank he works for knows his mental condition?
Trying way too hard, Anon.
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Yup, it´s from the Anthology, you can find some interesting things there.

Most are not canon but its still fun

Can someone translate this page please?

I want to know if Kanna survived
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Stop using that word, it just reeks babbyness and newfaggotry by post-2000s.
everything about your post reeks babbyness
How are you supposed to get past the fucking sad panda?

I made an account on the forums, downloaded the Firefox plugin, then I went to the exhentai.org page and got the login screen... typing in my username and password does nothing, I just see the login screen again. (Typing something other than my actual username and password gives me "Incorrect login", so I know the account exists.)
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No loli is getting me to enter a stranger's car ever again, no matter, not even if she made it look like a police car to fool me into thinking it's secure in there.
so youre not going to help him
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You can understand why Tooru only had Fafnir and Lucoa as friends

Her rival would be perfectly fine doing it with Koba, Iruru wants the Kobadick and even the loli dragon that is practically her daughter wants to fuck her Kobayashi

Fafnir only feel attraction for one human and is a bromance and Lucoa like little boys so they are safe in that way

This shit also explain why she sometimes its so jealous of Kanna, she knows.
If you take Maiddragon as an allegory for immigration, then this anime is telling me that immigrants are mostly bigoted leeches that live purely off the good will of the native population. And the ones that don't leech can only get work by forging qualifications.
That's obviously what they're trying to tell you.
Apparently you have to do a few things to participate on the e-hentai forums first before you get access. Guess I'll give that a shot.
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>kobayashi-san no doremifasolasidoragon
fucking lost it

How many favorite pages you have?

I just have 2

You need to visit e-hentai and login to get a cookie or something like that will allow you to enter exhentai
Already tried that. Even if I'm logged into e-hentai I get the "yay" and "igneous" cookies every time I visit exhentai. If I delete them and refresh the page they just come back. I guess you do need some posts on e-hentai first.
OST when?
I've never post or comment on exhentai and I can log on just fine, not long ago I wasn't able to get in, tried in private mode in firefox and login just fine, after that the problem fix itself
I've never posted once. Play that rpg game they have and get a few levels, wait a few days, clear /all/ of your cookies, log into e-hentai WITHOUT VISITING EXHENTAI then try again.



you don't have to do any of that. Let your account mature for a few months then check back.
Took me 3 months, another person 2.5. Be patient.
It's dead, can't keep it up with the sins.
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