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One Piece

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Thread replies: 505
Thread images: 113

Well Brookfags.. what do you think?
Is that a Jojo reference?
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I love SanjixNami lots and lots. I know you people do too.
Will probably be better than the anime
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There goes the thread
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Post some new SaNami art. I need to update my folder.
Is this filler?
No, but autism is repeating the same thing over and over.
Has "Jojo reference" overtaken reddit as the new cool effortless way to discredit and ridicule things?
too small
I don't get that meme
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Post a One Piece character without actually posting them.

Can you please explain to me how you even got close to that conclusion.
Jojofags began to get out of hand with their memes once Youtube faggots began introducing it to the normie Shrek meme crowd.

Completely unrelated videos started getting infected with "le sneaky jeje refrance" comments which only served to propagate it further.

Jojofags became reviled for being memey tards and people began making fun of the whole "OMG I GET THAT JOJO REFERENCE" bullshit.

Obviously it came to a point where people were making fun of it all and ridiculing it. Then shitposters caught on and saw that they could make Jojofags mad and stigmatize shit they don't like with that one simple question we all know so well by now. Kinda like what happens with the words "reddit" and "meme" already.
Sole King
Eh, okay. I guess that makes sense if you really don't know what >>152036527 is a picture of.
I still can't believe brook is the first strawhat to throw down with a yonkou.

If you told me this was going to happen, I would've called you a madman
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for what?
>brook is the first strawhat to throw down with a yonkou.
Yeah, except it's not gonna happen.
It's already happening wtf are you talking about.

granted he doesn't stand a chance but he's not backing down
Luffy x Robin when
When you stop having autism.
So never.

Brook is also first Strawhat to die.
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I wish Jinbe joined back in Fishman Island, but it's still not too late I guess.
To kill kaido of course !

but this impossible my friend. how?
Shut the fuck up you fucking cuckhack
The glorious return of swole Moria of course
wtf I hate Jojo now.
Sorry for answering a question, I'll never do it again lest I offend your sensitive feelings.
I truly appreciate the effort, but the actual panel still has much more impact.
Luffy will become nightmare gear 4 and beat kaido with moria's help, it will be an unfair win
I don't know much about Jojo nor the whole Jojo reference thing, but I'll assume this post is true since I have noticed the trend, and I was there to see the shift of the "le reddit" and "nice meme" memes going from counter-culture to mainstream culture.
What's wrong?
No, he's not. He's the first dead Strawhat. Not the first SH to die cause he was already dead before joining the crew.
She's her tomodachi

Will Absalom totally BTFO a commander of Kaido? A lion zoan of course? Sicilian/Absalom team when?
Oda didn't write it.
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She's one of her first lesbian partners
Unless Hogback upgraded him with a 1000% more muscles, no.

He might've done it. Absa might've simply trained too.

People want to see a swole Moria and i'm totally into that. But i also want Absalom to have improved. Him being able to use his signature move but with legit raw strength this time would be a nice touch.
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Absalom is just a reporter now. He is kind of the Peter Parker of One Piece
Parker was strong though
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>Oda took 102 chapters to reveal Weevil

Time sure flies, fucking hell I remember waiting a whole month for the timeskip like it was a week ago... Damn.
It only took him that long because that's the whole arc of Dressrosa.
god, she looks even uglier and scarier here
What's Pudding's endgame?
She erased Lola's memories of Mama being fearsome and she wishes she were brave enough to do the same
Is that Crocoboy in the left corner? Can't wait for my nigga to appear again
VIZ when?
Probably, since there is Jimbe and Mihawk on the other panels as well. Moria might be on that Thriller Bark ship too
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I drew some tits
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Now in 3D
I think it would look better if you slowed it down a bit
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Year of Jinbe's death
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Year of you getting BTFO
This one is better
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Please fuck off already
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Pepe is working with Capone I think.. look at nitro
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Nami better be Sanji's prize
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>Young lady
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Nami should just not wear clothes.
That'd make her character more interesting.
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>meme meme fruit
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all the waiting and Weevil was a stupid character after all.
Don´t expect a good new admiral, it would be shit
What's Carrot's nickname for Chopper in Japanese?
Lionel Johns Skips McGee
IF Jimbe lost any limb, it has to be his left leg. Otherwise, I don't really know what was the outcome of that roullete that is actually a dart board.
He lost one of his Dicks
I'm pretty sure he lost something. I don't think Big Mom simply let him back out.
arigato gozaimasu
If Robin lost her right arm, could she still spawn more right arms?
There's no way you're this dumb.
Thanks for proving my point that you're dumb.
Not only can you not even type correctly, you fail to understand even obvious things.
Robin makes her wings out of many copies of her hands.
Oh, and you don't even know what the word autism means either.
>I can't actually think of anything to say so I'll post a reaction image to try and make myself feel epic
Accept you are wrong and just move on with your life.
I bet you're extra mad today because you couldn't make a thread before the bump limit was hit in the previous thread.
Why don't mods just ban the first five posters of each popular thread since they always end up being the same copy-paste shitposters?
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Which Big Mom crewmember will she BTFO? A commander? One of the other major children like Galette?
Nobody. She and Chopper will just continue to meme around in the Mirror world until the end of the arc.
There's nothing wrong with shipping Sanji and Nami.
It only makes sense
>mods have things to do
haha, nice one!
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>no chapter for 10 weeks
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>No chapter for 11 years
>Jimbe probably landed on a Big Mom part of the board
>It was her choice what to do
>she made him a special guest and just told him to not go into the castle, then had tea with him as to try and mend the bond between her and Fishmen Island.
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>Oda died
spoilers when?
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nothing happens




ルフィ「ちがうぞナミ! 腕ちぎって・・・ぶっ飛ばすつもりだったんだ!!」






ルフィ「え~~~~!! なんだ事情って!?」


マム「いいかいジンベエ! ダーツの目は絶対!!」





「やっぱりいい男だねジンベエ! できればここで引き返して欲しかったが───」


「射抜きなジンベエ! 自分の運命を!!」




「支払ってもらうのはジンベエ・・・! あんたの掲げる王の首!!」


マム「あんたが国に帰り一国民に戻るのなら その国の王、ネプチューンの首を!」

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Who is the best parent figure?
Said parent figure, Dragon didn't raise Luffy.
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Like mother like daughter.
You mean Dadan and Garp then, right?


I'll just point out what the other anons should have said from the beggining: Robin doesn't sprout wings, what she sprouts it's a net of arms and hands in form of wings.

It's not a weird mistake, the wings, specially in the anime, aren't drawn detailed enough, but in the moment she says the name of the technique you can see the arms sprouting and making up the wings.
Whose head?I don't get it, someone explain.
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>onepiece-naruto spoilers

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I would go with him. All of the Straw Hats' parent figures are pretty neat, but he didn't give his children any vice.

It's weird, I would have swore they were hands, but I guess it's just Oda weird style.
they are...
Fuck you, anon. Fuck you.
Now you're going to have to listen to it with me.
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>Nami's epithet also means "husband stealer" in japan.
I-Is it happening g-guise?????
Will Bart and Boa ever meet?
Bart vs Boa, who wins?
Idk as reddit.
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Do you guys want to hear the theory of Nami being pregnant with Sanji's child?
of course!

We've seen her Love Love Beam go through solid objects before, Bart's barrier wouldn't save him and he's definitely be susceptible to it
Also, presumably her fruit lets her turn his barriers into stone upon kicking them (as what she does to living bodies, cannonballs, Pacifistas' metal bodies, etc), which means she'd have an in through his barrier even if the Beam was stopped by it
Bart is Strawhatsexual, he'd just wonder who is the whore clinging to Luffy-senpai
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>My theory:Nami is pregnant with Sanji’s child and Sanji and Nami will end up getting married.

It may not count, but we have seen Nami in wedding clothes a total of three times, all in relation to Sanji. We’ve even seen their daughter in filler, and in the historical episodes they live together and run their own restaurant. But even if we don’t count the filler, Sanji and Nami have plenty of specific moments that set them apart from most of their crewmates. Of course the wedding in Thriller Bark is a big tease from Oda, and there are plenty of interesting things to talk about regarding Oda’s choices there. (A little more on that.)
But there are so many more times where Sanji and Nami have had moments that kind of stand out. I am referring to things like Nami stepping in against Kalifa, Sanji explaining Nami’s situation with fishmen to Jinbei, Sanji’s sacrifice against both Enel and Doflamingo and even the body switch at Punk Hazard. It may seem trivial, but fact remains that Oda has often decided to highlight Sanji and Nami by using the other person in those situations. In fact he’s even pointed at SaNami (for example by using Luffy) kind of letting us know how important they are to each other.
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Then if we look more specifically on the theme of children, Nami and Sanji again have been quite prominent. Chopper is a great example of Sanji being fatherly. But I guess the best example would be recently with both the kids in Punk Hazard as well as Momonosuke.

Nami is obvious, but at least it shows how Oda is making a point out of showing Nami in a type of motherly role. Same goes with Sanji, because even though he acts crude he obviously cares for the children and with Momo we’ve had a few moments showing Sanji being quite fatherly.

All in all, Oda has been showing us small hints of Sanji and Nami acting parental and also has given us both more romantic moments in the manga as well as marriage-related material. Even with characters like Makino, Mr. 9 and Miss Monday, Baby 5 and Sai, Kyros and Scarlet, Russian and Señor Pink (Mr. Pink reference that relates to Sanji?)… There has been a clear increase of families and marriages in the story. (Perhaps Oda has even drawn inspiration from his own wife and daughter?
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But even so, as we’ve seen several moments of Sanji and Nami caring for each other, what really got me thinking about the whole pregnancy scenario is mostly based off the recent chapters in Zou. Basically it just fits very well with both the “hints” from the cover pages and how the story is progressing. Especially now when Nami is off to stop Sanji from getting married. So, when it comes to the pregnancy part I’m going to go through a few points, so bear with me.
1. When we first see Nami she’s sleeping
In chapter 806 (which coincidentally has a married Makino with a baby as the cover story…) we finally got to see Nami (and Chopper) again. And Nami is sleeping, in what seems to be in the middle of the day. (It’s before meeting Inuarashi, so it’s definitely daytime.)

So, with the head canon that Nami is now pregnant, this isn’t really that weird.
Feeling very tired is normal in pregnancy, starting early on.
A woman can start feeling unusually fatigued as soon as one week after conceiving.
She also seems rather tired after Wanda shows her gratitude by cuddling.
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I’d say this is rather unusual for Nami, and I’m not sure why Oda has included it, but to me this works really well with the head canon of her being pregnant.
We also have this moment of comic relief, but I decided to include it anyway because we kind of have another symptom:
Dizziness and fainting. These may be related to dilating blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and lower blood sugar.

Another symptom for pregnancy is…:
“Breast changes are another very early sign of pregnancy. A woman’s hormone levels rapidly change after conception. Because of the changes, her breasts may become swollen, sore, or tingly a week or two later. Or they may feel heavier or fuller or feel tender to the touch.“ Just saying…
Being protective over Nami
We have the fact that Chopper kind of seems overly concerned when she’s about to fall.
And I can add the “Worried about or make sure to protect Nami“ points throughout the whole Guru-wara flashback…
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Though I suppose this doesn’t have to mean anything considering it’s Sanji we’re talking about (mostly at least). But at the very least it shows how many “moments“ Oda has given them. I find the panel of Sanji specifically asking Nami to stay interesting, as he does not tell Chopper to stay only Nami, but I guess it doesn’t have to mean anything either. Again, it’s Sanji we’re talking about. But he does seem to have an extra amount of “worry about Nami“ moments.
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Congratulations Nami
Then there is this odd part of conversation. I honestly just thought it was a weird translation at first, but I checked the Japanese one and it’s the same.

The thing is, I find it kind of strange that the minks are congratulating Nami in this panel. I mean, do you usually say “Congrats, your crew has arrived”? It feels like there would be other better expressions to use. Like: “Isn’t that great”. Especially since they only say it to Nami and not Chopper. My head canon of course makes this about her pregnancy, and the minks congratulating her on it.
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>this thread
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Nami’s reactions
I can’t help but think that we’ve seen a somewhat more sensitive Nami since we got to Zou, and that fits perfectly into Nami being pregnant.
Mood swings. These are common, especially during the first trimester. These are also related to changes in hormones.
I mean, she’s usually getting angry and frustrated with the crew… (Which is why I didn’t include any of those moments) But we don’t see her cry all that often, at least not as often it’s been this arc.
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She didn’t drink any alcohol
Oda made a point out of showing Zoro getting some fine special sake, so I just added into this theory that Nami isn’t drinking any of it during the party. (Though that applies to many others as well.)

She even has a different color on the fruit she drinks from… And from what I can see she is the only one who has a white colored fruit (or maybe Oda has just done a weird coloring choice). This could, if we push it, even be an early sign of cravings or changed taste.
She’s also the only one not accounted for during the second party. The three “grownups” are standing guard, and we can see the other 4 in the party picture. But Nami is missing for some reason. My head canon is that she’s off somewhere being restless and worried about Sanji, or possibly sleeping again.
Why are people saying it's going to be a while before the next chapter? It's this week, as normal, right? Three fuckin' days.
I wonder if it can get worse than this.
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It’s rare to see Nami being defensive in the way she responds to Zoro. We also have the fact that she seems to feel guilty over Sanji leaving, and despite Robin telling them it’s not their fault she still mentions it as an excuse to go with Luffy. This is more a sign of Nami caring about getting to Sanji, and FAST! She does not want that marriage to happen. (Nami’s way of handling the subject also feels suspicious from time to time.)
Also, if we look closer at chapter 813 and the the “secret whisper”, it’s interesting how Oda decides to focus on Nami right after Sanji’s question… Especially since we already got a reaction pic of Brook, Nami, Ceasar (and Chopper). In my biased brain this type of placement makes it related to Nami.

With this head canon somehow they’ve gathered the information that Nami is extremely important to Sanji (not that difficult considering people noticed in Fishman Island too), and it’s specifically her they threaten. This is shown by Capone going after Nami when he’s letting Sanji know he doesn’t have to hurt him to make him go.
typically meme forcing
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Nami might suspect this had something to do with her later on, when she learns that “someone who’s been involved” with Sanji has been threatened, which is why she feels extra responsible.
Then depending on if we want Sanji to know about the pregnancy or not, this panel could also be included in the head canon:

It’s definitely a moment that focuses on Sanji and Nami. But also note how Sanji is looking down, instead of into her eyes. He’s kind of smiling and considering his hand is already close to her stomach it doesn’t take much to imagine an extra moment of touch or care to signify their unborn child.
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Now, we all know that Sanji has got fire-powers for some unknown reason. It’s even been highlighted recently with Capone.

If this is something related to Sanji’s heritage and is possibly inherited (as we know know Sanjis genes was modified ) it’s a possibility that while Nami is carrying Sanji’s child she too gets these powers.

As mentioned in the latest chapter (822) Nami also likes to sleep on Father Yomu’s stomach in particular. I find it a funny coincidence that not only does he have the title FATHER and Nami loves sleeping on him, but his name Yomo could possibly be taken from the Japanese samurai and poet Ōta Nanpo who amongst others went under the pen-name Yomo Sanjin. (He was Maybe it was too obvious to name him father Sanjin?)

Either way, as you can see these moments and circumstances could all be woven into quite a nice canon compliant fanfiction. And honestly these are a lot of “coincidences“ which makes it rather interesting to consider at least a few of them as intentional. If so, it’s actually possible that Oda has planned for some SaNami since the very beginning.
Probably not, but these idiots will somehow find a way.
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I doubt Boa would want to fight anyone captaining such a glorious ship.
When has one piece ever followed such logic? Zoro fought with his chest literally sliced open, I think Jinbei can throw a punch with one leg
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So this theory is based on quite a few points, starting with possible hints by Oda that are shown recurring in chapters that in some ways can be tied together with Sanji and Nami.

The hints within the story:
>Increase of romantic and family oriented stories in the manga.
>Sanji and Nami having been associated with wedding storylines.
>Nami (and Sanji) having caring moments with children.
>Nami possibly having different symptoms of pregnancy (fatigue, dizziness, mood swings, fuller breasts)
>The secret whisper (threat) and Nami feeling responsible
>Congratulations given to Nami
>Nami doesn’t drink alcohol and is absent from the party
>Nami’s urgency to get to Sanji as well as >Sanji (and others) acting protective over Nami
>Nami gaining fire-powers

All together with the general way that Oda has decided to focus on Nami when it comes to Sanji’s current situation, not to mention the care and worry they have shown more frequently in recent story arcs, we’re in for a treat. Surely there will be plenty of more SaNami to come, in one way or another.
I apologize for the length of this post. I hope you all could enjoy it anyways and perhaps got at least something interesting to think about. I had tons of fun doing this, even though I just kept digging myself further down into Oda’s possible genius. Let me know what you think? Any parts you found interesting? Or perhaps I even missed something obvious? If anyone wants to talk theories don’t hesitate to contact me. THANK YOU so much for taking the time to read this.
Let’s hope Oda keeps on giving us nice moments to bend into fiction~ ;) ~
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The best One Piece film. If you disagree you're objectively wrong.
Shipspamming is the new, improved version of wikispamming that these autists came up with in their /a/-patrol IRC channel.
The best opening 30 minutes for any One Piece film I'll grant you that. The rest was worse than cursed sword.
>Luffy throwing Nami out of the way of a giant fist and takes the hit for himself and goes Gear Fourth.
>Worse than Cursed Sword

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Dont be rude...Thoughts on the theory?
Implying Bart would anyway be into the whore empress. He only has eyes for Luffy and the other SHs
SW > 3D2Y > Gold >> Z
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Post moments in One Piece that you are waiting to read.
>We’ve even seen their daughter in filler

I have been a long-time jojo fan since 2004 and when wryyy flashes where all the rage on /f/, I read all the volumes in the dark DWANG translation era.

however the anime really blew out of proportion and I still have to keep contact with "normies" on places like FB due to work, those guys are unbearable non-aware retards who think jojo is the best shit in the universe and the IS THAT JOJO XD!? spam is unbearable.
3D2Y is an abomination.
any good swordsman actually tries

seriously, so far none of them have; shanks, zoro, mihawk, ryuu, fujitora, vista

no one so far
Im assuming you mean try postts? Zoro tried against Mr 1 and Ryuuma. They were both good fights too.
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Yes, during the foxy arc.
Pic related
the undead samurai who easily could have beaten zoro but didn't for some reason

yeah post ts would be better
>who easily could have beaten zoro but didn't for some reason
Maybe because he was fucking dead? You even said it in your post
the buggy one always makes me kek
>Zoro having an all out fight
>Void century flashback/exposition
>Mihawk flashback
>More Bonney
>another tiny fun adventure arc
>Monet comming back just for shit and giggles
Oh, now I remember, thanks.
>no curly brows
Why this. I hope she's at least slutty then.
I want to see Dragon taking over the Reverie. Just that. All of a sudden the room filled with nobles has the top revolutionaries dogs in there ready to blow the entire room
Leave me alone
I like the part with her not drinking alcohol, really makes you think.
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mad fuckin dragon.png
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Anything involving the man himself.

I think that Dragon has the strongest CoC in the world and I'd love to see CoC that could make a strong person, like an Admiral, shit themselves, even if for only a second.
>Dragon assumes full control
>Room is super tense
>Suddenly Vivi/Shirahoshi/Dalton/Rebecca start up a praise-heavy discussion with dragon about Luffy
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not really
If anyone has the strongest CoC it must be Shanks. It's pretty much all he's been shown using.
I'm waiting for the moment he's revealed to be as goofy as his son and father.
Was I the only one disappointed by him? The trailer showing his golden golem form made it look like he would be really fucking strong, but in the end he went down fairly easily
His right hand man is a fucking tranny and his men all wear silly hats.
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fuck, forgot pic related
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He is the son of Garp the MOTHERFUCKING HERO and is in his prime. I want to believe that he is the absolutely strongest and manliest man alive of the whole One Pieceverse.

He is the savior we all asked for. Bet he witnessed all kinds of messed up shit and injustices involving the world nobles and pirates around the world.

I really follow the ideal/theory that passive CoC involves charisma, and I'd think Dragon, the leader of the one revolutionary group against the big bad World Government, who instills such insane loyalty from his subordinates, would definitely fit that.

Regardless, Dragon doing anything badass would be wonderful.
His golem was shit. He puts all megadeus to shame.
He suffered from plot-induced stupidity almost as bad as Shiki

>Could have just tentacle-raped Luffy with gold tendrils the moment he got his golem
>Instead makes it a blunt-force POWER STRUGGLE with a goddamn rubberman

I would have liked to see more of the Power-Up side of his powers, could have had his Armor ability give other DF users artificial awakenings.
Yeah but it's not unusual for OP, look at Crocodile and Bon Clay, Enel and the guy who forgot to breathe, or Luccy and the giraffe zoan guy.
Preach it. He's basically seen the Chapter Black of OPworld.

I don't understand why people continue to think he's ex-Marine.

What's up with people hyping CoC as some incredible power? It's just a materialization of your ambition. Don Chinjao talked about what kind of king Luffy wanted to be. If there's someone with the strongest CoC it's Luffy. And it will never be more than way we have seen, it's not a fighting tool that can be trained.
Excuse me sir, are you underestimating the destructive ability of a giraffe?
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Because it's confirmed idiot. There's a picture of him. He's around the same age as Aokiji/Akainu/Kizaru.
>yfw he even says showtime
That's definitely not Dragon. He doesn't have his characteristic nose.
Wasn't Kuma one too?
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Oh please, that's reaching. He doesn't even have a scar.

Still believe it's him. And him being an ex-marine is what make the most sense story-wise. He's the son of Garp and vow his life to an organization whose sole purpose his doing the job of the corrupt Marines while directly opposing them.
big mom is namis mom
I can see him being an exmarine, but he's definitely not that guy you circled.
>him being an ex-marine is what make the most sense story-wise
Nobody knows anything about Dragon, other than that he is Garp's son. If he was an ex-Marine, he would have been known. Stop.
Who gets epic BTFO this week?

Truthfags again? Puddingfags in general? SaNafags? Sanjifags?
How high do you think the government would pay for his head.
Kuma is one of those big OP enigmas.

>Why is he called 'The Tyrant'
>Why did he become a revolutionary, a spy in the Sichibukai and finally allow the WG to turn him into a human weapon
>Why is he the design base for all Pacifista and what's his relationship to Vegapunk
Brooke got wrecked by the Yeti Cool Brothers.

Brooke is shit.
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Jimbe is fucking boring
Sorry but not even Dragon would make Kizaru give a fuck.
Instant World Noble status + Unlimited access to Stella.
Did Brook manage to awaken his fruit during the timeskip?
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Why doesn't Luffy just punch things harder?
You're running out of decent questions. You're really reaching now
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Brook's awakening will be him controlling the souls of the dead. He'll soon use his power to call upon his fallen former crew
Not enough oxygen in his muscles

> If he was an ex-Marine, he would have been known.

What do you mean?

And you will see. His whole goal/characterization revolves around the Marines. Ace/Luffy/Sabo became pirates because of the influence of Gol D. Roger. I persist, Dragon is a fallen marines, it's one of the main theme of OP.
I tried to go for something really innocuous because last time is caused a thread long argument.
Really? Well carry on then
You weren't there for the whole star navigation thing?

That's what that was for?
Pls no
I rather not.
>His whole goal/characterization revolves around the Marines
Well technically he's more opposed to the WG and seems like he's mostly freeing oppressed countries, opposing the Marines is a necessity but not his cause.
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>Nami and Franky talking
>Sanji talking to Robin a lot
>Sanji not talking to Nami at all
>le edgy Luffy
>weak Zolo
>Brook and Nami talking
Now I remember why I don't watch OP movies. Everyone is so out of character in them.
It focused on less common character interactions, that was nice. It's not like they don't talk.

And Zoro was not weak at all. He was caught because of an OP fruit where it works best, and after he was free he couldn't be stopped. He even used Mutoryuu, that was great.
>random no name
Zorofags, everyone!
Has Luffy become too big of a deal for OP movies to just be random adventures?
He just does that part time to keep Moriah informed of the world's movements. Notice how he's still on the mini Thriller Bark, which was the last place Moriah was known to be? Absalom was the one who took Moriah to safety at Marineford.
How long is it going to take to Luffy come back to East Blue and see Gaimon? I miss Gaimon. I need more Gaimonesque stories in One Piece.

That was Sanji's imaginary future, in which he nailed Nami. Sanji would fuck up any girl, no one makes a difference in front of his eyes.
Reminder that Jinbe landed the 'lifespan' option in the wheel but big mom couldnt make him scared so they pretended he run away like a coward
>Have probability hax as a fruit, most broken shit ever introduced
>Get beaten by Ussop
This was intentional.
>the undead samurai who easily could have beaten zoro but didn't for some reason
He would have beeaten Zoro if it was the living person, but the zombie itself was just Brook's ability amplified to close to Zoro's level.
Not saying you're wrong, but that guy circled is the only unidentified Marine in that whole spread iirc.
So did Zoro. They used gas weaponry from afar. Also how can you not know how to use the masculine Brook spelling?
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If you could be any non-human race in the OP world, what would you choose?

Giant for me. I realize a lot of people will probably pick Fish/mer-men for the extra strength / ability to live underwater, but being a giant just seems like a fun lifestyle.
fuck you
Hey, it's not my fault people turned it into a huge shitfest.
Furries belong into the trash.
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I really want to get into One Piece because the newer arcs seem much more interesting than the former ones, sadly i've no time, what do?
just speedread that shit, only people who care about minor details are the autists in this board anyway
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We've come a long way, Brookbros.
The newer arcs are literally the same as the former ones but with different characters.
Same plot/different characters.
literally and unironically this, if someone put his mettle to it, he can predict every arc outcome 100% accurate
Just read the manga and you'll be caught up in a few weeks max. Coloured manga helps if you're more into the anime liveliness.

Sabaody Archipelago remains the highest point of the series, followed by Enies Lobby.

Honestly, though, if you don't like One Piece from the beginning, you probably never will.
yeah like everyone thinking pudding was good, that brook was going to figth tamago and that luffy was going to figth sanji seriusly rigth? :^)

i bet you are one of those that thinks that luffy will defeat big mom this arc because its a shonen.
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>wiki says that chapter 443 was released on februrary 5th of 2007
>Thriller Bark was 10 years ago
>it's been 10 fucking years since the last time we saw Enel

Luffy will never be a Yonko. He will only defeat Kaido (with help) and Blackbeard. He's not going to fight or defeat Big Mom at all let alone now.

They're pushing the idea that you can't survive in the New World unless you either join a big faction or lead one.

Also, Luffy has made it clear that he's done fleeing from powerful opponents.
I dunno, I didn't really like it for the first ~20 episodes. I started with anime and later read the manga though.
You have to watch/read until Alabasta, that's when everything gets interesting
just read the wiki
>reddit and reddit tier forums couldn't predict Oda
Do you really think the people who scream "GODAAAA" "GODAAAA IS SOO GOOD, SO UNPREDICTABLE" are capable of predicting this repetitive manga?
I think not.
I'm pretty sure some people here called out Oda's false flags.
Instead of normal food, just order and eat the manga's pages that way you can learn the story through your metabolism.
Blackbeard was the one to kill Whitebeard and literally took his spot right then and there, and yet didn't become labelled as a Yonko until over a year passed and he actively destroyed the remaining WB pirates. Just because Luffy will beat Kaido wont mean he'll become one, especially since he likely wont do it solo, and by the time he defeats Blackbeard he'll have already surpassed the Yonko "ranking" and become Pirate King.

>They're pushing the idea that you can't survive in the New World unless you either join a big faction or lead one.
The idea was either you oppose the Yonko or go under them. Luffy is obviously opposing them but it doesn't really mean he'll have to become a Yonko at all.
>Also, Luffy has made it clear that he's done fleeing from powerful opponents.
He's not running away because she's a powerful opponents, but because defeating her is not his goal. He literally said a few chapters ago he doesn't intend on fighting her, because his aim this arc is to rescue Sanji and get to Wano asap.
Fuck off you fucking nigger
What did you think about the theory?
>100k people read the chapter

>the new introduced girl can be either good or bad

>50k people says she is good, the other 50k that she is bad

>she turns out to be bad



>a story is bad if its predictable

with that logic you must love asspulls since you cant predict them
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Are you a grill?
Nice numbers faggot. I'm pretty sure all of reddit and most of you fags here thought she was good.
The people that thought she was bad weren't many.
Reddit and cancerousjackson are still making theories about how pudding is still good and just acting.
She said so herself anon, she's a really good actor
It's shit. It's a good fanfic idea that I would read.
But it's just wishfull thinking when it comes to the manga's direction.
Is Hancock the first person Luffy has ever hugged?
This. During the scene when Shanks sacrificed his arm for Luffy.
Maybe he lost his reputation
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That scene with Shanks was not a hug. He just had both his hands pressed against his chest as he was holding onto him as he could not swim.
What the fuck is that webm.
Oh, thanks for correcting me.

Been a while since I saw that scene.
Chopper? I don't really remember.
I watch an ass load of them. And that scene is still not a hug.
Mr. 2?
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Hey Youtube! Joyboy here.
So today...
Fire up the colored manga from kissmanga, if you're in a hurry just skim pages till something looks interesting, visually the story conveys itself pretty well and adding color makes it easier to follow what you're seeing. (not a speed reader please don't roast me)

Cast iron balls.

Even though he has no balls.
>powermanga won't work on anything
>nobody else translating the colored mango
Why the hell is Shuisha delaying the release of 722+ so long? They literally coloured the entire manga super quick now that they got a little close they decided to slow it. They should have beaten the anime to finishing Dressrosa easily.
Will next chapter be filler shit?
I'll admit that I ended up enjoying this movie a lot more than I thought
Kaido is a team battle, afterwards Akainu (below Kaido) is a solo battle, Blackbeard is a wildcard and who knows when Oda wants to use him
blackbeards crew are the anti strawhats.

It'll be a one on one battle between the strawhats and blackbeards 10 commanders.
Legit horrible taste.
filler for what you fucking idiot?
filler is only for the anime, anything in the manga is cold hard canon and part of the story whether it's good or not
Non Canon => Filler
Not the other way around.

If that's too difficult for you, you can have canon filler.
if it's posted in the manga, it's canon, there's literally no way of getting around that
>you can have canon filler
>there is no filler in the manga
is this a difficult concept?
do you actually think there is anything in the manga that isn't canon?
Oh, but there is. Stuff like the whole affair with Ryunosuke is filler by any definition of the word. Doesn't mean it's not canon.

At this point I'm not even sure this is trolling or plain retardation.
filler, by definition of the word, is episodes of an anime made while the manga artist is making more chapters to fill the gap between canon episodes and are generally not written by the mangaka himself

there's no filler in the manga you retard
wait do you think filler means "small" things happening in between the "big" events

because that would be the most shallow, retarded understanding of how manga actually works
And this chapter was not canon filler.
First of all, filler isn't a word that was made for anime. Your definition is one particular case that would fit what is a filler episode.

Filler means any material that's used to pad out the content, used from anything to albums to shows. The manga can't be all serious all the time, so Oda sometimes gives us little filler moments that add nothing to the plot.

Not at all, filler is everything irrelevant to the plot. Not all small things are irrelevant, but when you have the greater part of a chapter dedicated to a gag, that's definitely filler, as One Piece isn't a gag manga.
it seems really stupid to assume a single part of a bigger narrative is irrelevant, no matter how much it "adds nothing to the plot"

it's not up to you to say anything is irrelevant if it's part of the full story, and anything you do say is irrelevant is simply objective, AKA your opinion.

i think the whole ryunosuke part was important, as it was the way that they were able to make it to the top of zou, as well as showing small character developing moments as the different straw hats react to his inevitable death

who the fuck are you to say what is and isn't important, keep that shit to yourself
Is there a place where I can just read a summary of the arcs and whats going on currently?
Do you know how many fucking episodes of OP there are? No way I'm sitting through all that.
Who ever said it was irrelevant? It's irrelevant to the plot, it doesn't mean it's completely irrelevant (though it can be).

I also think that you are overthinking that part, it was just a gag and not real character development.
Can you stop posting with the reddit double space please
it's fucking obnoxious
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The wiki.
Don't be a lazy faggot you can think of these answers yourself.
can you fuck off back to your mom's basement?

yeah i over exaggerated a bit but i was just trying to make a point, character development can come in lots of shapes and forms, and yeah ill agree not everything is relevant to the main plot at any given time but it isn't fair to arbitrarily say what is and isn't important based on nothing but saying it is
Guys I'm hungry, what would Sanji cook for me?
Well, one can have an opinion on exactly what is and isn't. I just thought of the Ryunosuke example quickly, but the point I'm trying to make is that filler isn't necessarily a bad thing, and it isn't the same as non canon content.
but saying what is and isn't filler as a fact is a tricky subject since my ideas of what could be filler might be completely different from what you think is filler, therefore causing misunderstandings and flame wars
That's another discussion completely. This whole discussion started from some guy asking whether next chapter will be filler, so of course that won't be an objetive thing. Doesn't mean you can't talk about it.
but whether the next chapter is filler is in itself an objective idea, since we all have differing opinions
text spoilers when
3 weeks
2 weeks
Akainu is final boss. Blackbeard is the enemy to reach Raftel, Akainu is the enemy after Luffy find the One Piece.
Blackbeard vs Luffy
Shiryu vs Zoro
Burgess vs Sanji
Van Augur vs Usopp
Laffitte vs Brook

We still have Doc Q, Sanjuan Wolf, Vasco Shot, Catherine Devon and Avalo Pizarro, with a total of 10 (for 10 mugiwaras if we count Jinbe).

I can see Chopper fighting either Doc Q or Sanjuan Wolf, but I can see Franky fighting Sanjuan Wolf too.
Nah. Akainu is going to get taken out by Garp.
And Cobby is going to be the final boss.
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Yonko > Admiral = Mihawk > Yonko Commander

this is just about right
no wonder Mihawk bitched out both times Shanks appeared
Sort. But you have Grarp > Yonko > *
to add on to this, luffy and zoro and doffy are stronger than SOME yonko commanders, and weaker than others

but mostly weaker
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Good thing Sanji was there to save Robin by repeatedly kicking this defenseless security guard
>Sanji needed help with this shtter
Why is everyboy saying that text spoilers are in 3 weeks, if the chapter is going to be on the 14th of Jan.???? Are u nutzerz?
No chapter for 11 months.
Where was it said so, lol? Or is it another joke about yearswitch?
>Blackbeard vs Luffy
>Shiryu vs Zoro
>Burgess vs Sanji
>Auger vs Usopp
>Lafitte vs Brook
You're on the right track anon. I would add:
>Doc Q/Stronger vs Chopper
>Wolf vs Jinbe
>Avalo vs Franky
>Devon vs Nami
>Vasco vs Robin
Spoilers when?
Shouldn't we be getting them early this week?
Hopefully tomorrow if we're lucky.
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None of that stuff matters.

The one thing that seals the deal in terms of Nami staying with Sanji for life is Sanji's search for the all blue.

What if I told you that the "All Blue" was a constantly moving point on the seas because of chaotic currents that could only be tracked by a navigator as skilled as Nami.

Then, what if I told you that simply by pursuing that current, you would travel all over the world of One Piece.

For me this seals the deal.

Their dreams are very compatible, and Oda is a man who has strong convictions about dreams.
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Are all the puddingfags dead yet?
No. There are a growing number of them on orojackson
>Evil Pudding shitters jumping on the meme-train
Evil pepe is best pepe
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>Luffy's first friend made on his journey will also be his final opponent
I like the sound of that.
This is the best BB v. SH final fights prediction list
that dude's a shit theorist
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Dubs confirm.
luffy should 1v1 kaido or else he will never be the strongest

roger would 1v1 kaido, if luffy wants to be the pirate king he must too
Luffy will reach there by the end, but if he single handedly beats Kaido that makes him the strongest by default, meaning the last few arcs/fights wont be so good because he'd be the strongest already.

Luffy's goal isn't to become the strongest (though he likely will), but to be the freest man on the ocean.
>roger would 1v1 kaido
[citation needed]
>or else he will never be the strongest
No Goku 2.0 please, it'd make the last leg of OP even more predictable and generic than it has already become.
Am I stupid for holding on to the theory that Scopper Gaban became Kaido after Roger's demise? Anyone still believes this? It would explain many things...
Tell me anon, what would this theory possibly explain?
If Scopper suffered some trauma/madness derived from Roger's demise and became Kaido it would explain the quickness of Shanks and Kaido's clash before MF, Kaido's suicidal hobby, his hate for the world... I know it's incomplete and probably dumb but iwanttobelieve
don't be stupid, its actually meadows who is kaido
just do what i do and pick it up from the latest chapter friend
this shit doesn't have a plot to begin with
Brook doesn't stand a chance. The fight will be interrupted as always.
>that brook was going to figth tamago
Now that you mention it, I'm kinda mad that this isn't happening. But Brook fighting Big Mom and still standing makes up for it.
Luffy punched Blackbeard, he sorta counts as yonkou.
I see a shitposter has awoken from his nap.

Why do you need time? Seriously even if you read 10 chapters per week you're good. The longer it takes to catch up the better. I ever so miss the bliss of not being caught up. Don't rush it otherwise you'll be stuck weekly and regret it.
He'll be fine
Brooks influence over souls counters Linlins Homies, He's pretty fast to avoid serious damage and she wants to take him alive Yohohoho
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On Thursday as per usual.
I love this theory
Sanji and Nami will be canon by the end of this arc

Nobody can really deny this
>soul king can't beat a fat sow with soul powers
I hope so
When is Big Mom going to join the straw hats?

God i don't want that fatass fish or that furry bunny joining the crew

You're going to be so disappointed :)
Not him but I do feel like Sanji and Nami's relationship will change after this arc.
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Jinbe is already a crewmember, suck it up you underage crybaby.
Kill yourselves

I want all of you shippers to die in the most painful way possible
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I'm not a shipper, you sperglord.
Is there any Big Mom doujin?
Just read the greentext here >>152048717
Basically a tldr
hahahahahahahaha sanji is such a failure xD
all anons look same
since i cant tell apart
the only solution is kill everyone
sense make?
I hope shipperfags finally shut up after this arc is over.
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why my friend?
Holy shit
I just realised Marineford Arc was pretty short
TOP KEK! Luffy, Ace is dead! LOL
Because I can't stand the cancer in these threads anymore. If SaNafags get their shit in these next couple months they can shut up because they're satisfied and if nothing happens they can take it as ultimate proof that nothing will ever happen and hopefully that'll shut them up too.
You do know posting about how annoyed you are by them encourages them to shit the threads up even more, right?
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Why did Oda copy Fairy Tail?
>i've no time

It's /a/ you have nothing but time
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>no chapter for 65 weeks

She took a bunch of years away from him. He only has little time left to help luffy. Jimbe dies once Big mom is defeated
imagine how it's going to be when OP ends.
>tfw no new chapter forever
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>tfw oda has lung cancer and one piece cancelled for 6 years.
>kill everyone
so lead the way senpai
then I'd be finally free
didn't know you could draw with your lungs
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Can he?
truly best flashback, no contest
Bonney is prego with Ace' baby that's why Akainu himself showed up
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Why did Akira Toriyama copy Fairy Tail?
He also has the secret name H., just like Oda. I wonder what it stands for though...
that's just a mangaka inside joke
it stands for Hentai, don't ask me how I know
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>mfw Luffy is canonically a smelly Brazilian
But Fujitora was cool
Toriyama is that you?
But I like shrek memes

I don't like this meme
When is Luffy going to use King Kong Gun again?
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>You betrayed me that time
>lol jk, now the movie is ending I remember that you actually saved me that time

Film Gold was as shitty as pre-Strong World OP movies
Thanks, doc
>Shitty version of Arlong park
I like it. Good job.
Is Luffys dad a jew?
Why can't One Piece anime have such a nice artstyle, fuck you Toei ;_;
How is Strong World in any fucking way similar to Arlong Park? Nami's situation isn't even the same

>Is being blackmailed under threat of her village into serving Arlong
>Is kidnapped and held against her will by Shiki
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350 dollaroos have been taken out of your 4chan account. If you are going to shitpost try posting Sana, or maybe Pudding.
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Predictions for next chapter?
It will have a chapter title
19 pages
And fan art before and after the chap
and also a double page spread
>And fan art
It's so nice of Oda to do this. Where do you think he gets them from? DeviantArt?
Chapter this week?
I can't tell if this is serious or not
Worst One Piece movie since 5. It was truly awful.
>baron omatsuri

off yourself
No chapter for 7 years
>nice artstyle
>generic moeshit
fuck off
I thought it would be a fun plot involving a casino as the backdrop. Instead, the authors must've thought a casino alone would've carried the movie.

>SHs go to casino
>fight gold and luck dfs
>give them new outfits
>make Nami frienemies w/ a baddie
>I thought it would be a fun plot involving a casino
So did I. But the movie just felt like bad anime filler. None of the other movies felt like that.
I mean. It'd be cool if this was another Luffy-Enel situation. Not that someone like Big Mom wouldn't actually be strong beyond just her DF abilities, but still, if her DF is what comprises the greater portion of her combat ability, being able to offset that would still be a big win for Brook.
I still remember laughing my fucking ass off at this page
I will give it two years before we are getting Roger's adventure
that's gonna be a total shitfest if it introduces original chracters

He was on the Roger's crew and went to Raftel. What's funny about calling him a living legend?
So now that the dust has finally settled, we can all agree that Film 6 > Z > Gold > SW, correct?
Reminder that Buggy will be the final boss and the last thing on Raftel standing between Luffy and One Piece.
no one else is called living legend
it's even funnier because buggy literally did nothing with his experience
he would've been a smalltime pirate in east blue if it weren't for luffy
I get what they were going for there and it makes sense. They just executed it wrong. The first time they showed the flashback they should have just revealed the whole story then, but by showing the other half with Carrina later it makes it seem like Nami just realized/remembered her coming back. That wasn't what they meant to imply at all.
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yea, because what we have right now is perfectly ok
Film Z>Gold>6>SW>>>shit>>>>>all the other movies

This is the only correct list and you're a retard if you disagree.
yes, this is my list too, except 6=Z, Omatsuri has good style and story telling, but that is it
he can still do that, you haven't actually seen quite a lot of old characters in quite a while.

It's because Weevil will join Luffy in some way and be a major powerhouse.
this arc is much more better than dressrosa.
Not understanding sarcasm is one of the main symptoms of autism.
It's a practical hug.
Aokiji and Sabo combo on black beard. Instant shit ton of water. He fucked.
>implying Dressrosa was bad
chapter spoilers when?
i will fucking take it if it doesn't look like every fucking other anime ever
maybe having autism is not being able to realize sarcasm is much more difficult to recognize when it's read rather than heard, you fucking idiot
T. Oda cocksucker
3 weeks
Secret Island barely count as One Piece tho. It's like the Straw Hat pirates entered a wormhole and went to a completely different universe
Chapter is scheudeled on 14th of Jan so, well, spoilers must be somewhat NOW
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>Jinbe literally one-shotted Opera
What did Oda mean by this?
that's not the face of someone being knocked out
sorry fishfriend
Opera is still conscious.
he didn't go to raftel

Yes he did. They all did.
Volume 777 had backstory about Gild losing his wife and stealing the Gol Gol no Mi from Doflamingo. If that was actually in the movie I think it would be much better.
still is the best one piece movie
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>getting two Devil Fruits stolen
>three if counting the Mera Mera

What the hell is wrong with Doflamingo? Take care of your shit, dude
Lets face it, a straw hat has to die. We still just dont know who is going to take the bullet.
Brook already died
The bravest warrior of the sea
luffy can't swim
I never got this, why do people think Ussopp is gonna die?
What was racist about my post? It's perfectly possible to be a Brazilian and not smelly.
No one is going to agree with a shit taste faggot like you.
It isn't good but when did that anon imply that?
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>tfw downloaded and organized all of the one piece manga
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Nah they didn't.

Tho it's possible Buggy and Shanks went, but I doubt that, as there's nothing suggesting they did.
Where's the tattoo?
What I don't get is how someone who can get powerful fruits like the Mera Mera and Gold Gold end up with his subordinates using shitty fruits like Diamante.

What? Neko and Inu weren't even real members, just temporary. It's not the same.

A lot suggest that they did actually.

1. They were member of the crew
2. Rayleigh said all of them (the crew) know about Raftel.
3. They don't want to go to Raftel or anything. Most probably because they know and it's not their destiny.
what's the point of raftel when you're not equipped with the D

Damn, i want to do this from where? It will be usefull to shitpost effectively on /a/
>2. Rayleigh said all of them (the crew) know about Raftel.
He did? Must've missed that.

But yeah, wouldn't surprise me if Shanks or Buggy did go.

I guess, yes.

But tell me why Roger wouldn't have taken Shanks and Buggy with him? There's a high chance he din't even know how special the island was before going there.
Most people even remotely related to Roger were assassinated after Roger's execution. I don't believe all the crew went to Raftel. Of all people we know as of now:

Only two of them are known to be there, and one of them is dead, Crocus joined after Roger got sick, Buggy and Shanks were just novices.

I don't really know, man. Only time will tell us
Probably he got shitty fruits first for the the family and when he starting getting good ones it was already too late for them to use.

Doffy, Sugar, Gladius and Pika's fruits are pretty powerful on their own, anyway.

Monet and Trevol seem to have a lot of potential too.
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he could hear the voice of "all creation"
maybe it told him

this is all I can find on raftel and the crew
Wait whats the third?
law's fruit
nm Law's, yea thats kind of ridiculous

That's what i'm referring to. I was looking for this panel. For me the "We... knew all of history" imply the whole crew was there.

Crocus and Shanks speech also imply they know. They are both waiting for the successor of Roger and Crocus seems to know where's Raftel. Buggy is obsessed with treasures but don't give a single fuck about the One Piece.

For me, it's clear they were there. I don't see why they shouldn't.
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One Piece is a Tesseract
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>Brook's line

Because Oda is a hack.
What do you mean?
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I don't understand.. it doesn't look like anything to me
well brook is over 90, and roger was executed around 20 years before the start of OP, when he was around 40.

so that means brook was already an established pirate when roger was just starting out
>Buggy doesn't give a fuck about One Piece
Doesn't he think he can make Pirate King when all the convicts ally with him or is that anime only?
He was already a skeleton when he executed, and he took five years to reach his body...

Although Roger's journey's time-line is pretty messy. He seemed to grow pretty big before actually going to conquer the grand line with Buggy, Shanks and Crocus joining him.
That'd mean Roger would have been a pirate for over 30 years?

Assuming he met up with Rayleigh at around age 20, that'll mean Rayleigh himself is around 70. Seems fitting.
yup, that all checks out
Read the SBS, faggots
D: Mr. Oda, since you're the creator of One Piece, have you ever worn a one piece dress yourself? Also, please tell me how old Silvers Rayleigh is. P.N. Jabras Rayleigh

O: Of course I always wear a one piece whenever I'm working. Rayleigh is 78. As a sort of a bonus, Roger is 77, Garp 78, Sengoku 79, and Tsuru 76.

When was that? WB was 72 when he died. I'm curious to know how old Kaido and Big Mom are. They must be around that age too.
she just went ?! when called a young lady

Mom will now thirst for Soul King's boner
>Roger is 77

I know it means he would be 77, but I still chuckled
>Garp 78,
wow I always thought he was in his mid 60s.
This is after the time skip.
2 SBS ago
Tsuru is 76 and still looks older
Big Mom has 39 daughters and 45 sons. So 84 kids.

Let's assume there's a couple twins in, so let's round it up to 80 with a 9-months gestation period. Let's also assume she started at around 15.

That's 720 months of non-stop pregnancy, aka 60 years, so about 75 years old.
I miss Baratie. Most people say east blue counts as one arc when ranking but honestly top 5 arcs, here we go

>impel down
>drum island
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Garp flashback arc when?
5 minutes
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this hiatus has been going on all year, ENOUGH Oda
imagine how her vag must look now...
One Piece films should show some of the history of the older/side characters
ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
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He is implying Roger is alive.
Is she part giant?

According to her size and the size of her childrens i doubt she even felt anything.
Maybe she doesn't give birth to them
Maybe they're an extension of her soul



New thread
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Luffy is starting to look like Roger
Why is Robin looking at Sanjis ass?
Does she like him?
Maybe never. or it will be tied up with Rogers
She's checking how buttblasted he got in 2016
I dont think big mom waits 9 months..
She just shits them out
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Kinda forgot how cool Franky was in the Dressorsa arc.
Is that a kiss?
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faggots back
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