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Fate Grand Order main story finally ended, and it was a wild

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Fate Grand Order main story finally ended, and it was a wild ride

Anime confirmed soon
I want to bully mashu with my dick in her ass.
This is Primate Murderer, a.k.a. Merlin's pet. Say something nice about him

Solomon fights the entire Ars Goetia combined into a single demon that is called stronger than anything Earth can produce, stronger than Arcuied, stronger than the planet.

Because it burned all of human history backwards, it obtained more power than the planet itself, enough to potentially restart the world or the universe, its not really clear.
Fate is dying
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Does it have a sad or happy ending
>no merlin
>no quetz
>no ishtar
haven't rolled a 5* in 10 months. Why even bother playing
Bittersweet, Roman dies, Primate Murder stays a cute fluffy familiar with no powers
>one of the biggest cash cows in mobile gaming
>Prisma movie
>Extra anime
>HF movie
>FGO OVA and TV series
This. Lost all interest when i couldn't roll lancer Kiyo.
Final battle at the end of the world, every heroic spirit ever summons themselves to help you out

Solomon who you've been fighting all along turns out to be a fake, is really Ars Goetia, who is one of the seven sins of humanity that erode away human history. I think his sin was "compassion" or some shit.

Real Solomon was Dr.Roman all along

Mashu dies stopping the end of world attack, because even though Goetia is stronger than anything, Lord Camelot conceptually can't fall or break unless the user loses heart. Although the heat of the attack still melts her.

Solomon uses his power to erase himself from history and the throne to weaken Goetia, make it killable again.

You fight Goetia repeatedly, it hangs on barely, it wants to restart human history to reach a different ending, but its wrong and shit for reasons.

After beating it you try to leave, but space is collapsing, and the road is destroyed. You're saved by Mashu who is alive again

Cut back into the past briefly, as Fou reveals that he was Primate Murder in other worlds, but in this world it developed differently due to Merlin. He offers to save Mashu, at the cost of his intelligence and power he's been saving up.

Mashu, Da Vinci, Guda, and Fou all look towards the brighter future now back at Chaldea. Human history is saved, humans are back, and Chaldea has its work ahead of them still. Also there's a lot of nice looking CG's.
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this is your present for the night

Isn't it kind of pointless for Mashu? She has less than a year left to live.

But still, time enough to fuck her senseless.
>上から『冠位(グランド)』、『色位(ブランド)』、『典位(プライド)』、『祭位(フェス)』、『開位( コーズ)』、『長子(カウント)』、『末子(フレーム)』

>Saving the entire human species qualifies you for Rank 3/7 at the Clock Tower


PM also made it so she'll live a normal human lifespam.
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CGs of the end
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Don't care I lost all interest in Fate after playing GO for a few months and noticing this was all a clusterfuck. A clusterfuck I spent my time discussing like a retard when in reality the maker gives less of a fuck for consistency.
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Shouldn't you guys go back to /vg/? Fate is kinda dead on /a/ for good reasons.
Also its more like Fou could become Primate Murder, if it was allowed to feed off humanities negativity and shit and grow limitless. Instead it was shoved into Avalon before it could start, and raised by an emotionless incubus.

So it never developed into its real form.
shut the fuck up nerd. You can't even read the source material so who the fuck are you to criticize it EOP?

They are going to have SO MUCH sex to make up for lost time.
Who are you to even claim such shit about me you fucking autist?
You can't even speak English properly nigger, I guarantee you have reading comprehension problems.
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>Goetia > Arc
>PM is a mascot pet
Tsukifags mass suicide when?
Says the fucktard who can't capitalize. Stop the baiting its pathetic.
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As someone that has not touched anything other then the original VN and Anexia tell me why i should care about another spinoff that doesn't even have best boy in it.
You shouldn't, its a cashgrab piece of shit of game.
So, what not? What happens now that the main story is over? Is there where FGO dies?
Mashu a cute.
>FGO dies
Lets hope.
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Now FGO2

As long as the game is profitable, it won't die. Nasu said the game was originally going to be two parts if it proved a success. Its literally one of the most successful mobage in the world now.

Fighting the beast wasn't the real goal of Chaldea, it was more a diversion of sorts. Now we save humanity for real, and fight the other beasts along the way.

FGO is a collab/apex between every Fate story, the original idea is that it had to include every character from every fate story or there's no point. Of course he appears.

This is basically the accumulation of all the Fate series to date combined into one grand adventure. Have you ever looked at the roster of this game even slightly? Its every servant.
Wow, that's a truly epic ending deserving of Nasu. Anime of this when?
Fuck off instead, you could not pay attention to it if you don't like it, instead of pretending its somehow taking something away from you and you have to hate it because others like it.
How does that work? Even all the servants in the world weren't enough. How far could a Master possibly go? Is it time for other players to join the game that aren't servants?

Don't know if you're being sarcastic, but the anime starts this month supposedly.
>Anime of this when?
A 1.5 - 2 hour OVA for the first chapter of eight comes out on New Year's Eve.
>Fuck off instead
How about you deal with it you fucking nerd. FGO ruined Fate so hating it is perfectly fine.
>main story

U say main story, so there's going to be more?
Or is this the Solomon Arc?

What About the other grands?
O-oh wow! It's like Christmas came ear- Oh wait it is Christmas.
You didn't even read it, how can you say it ruined fate?
>How does that even work
Servants appear as servants, masters appear as CE's mostly
>Even if all the servants in the world aren't enough
There are always more servants, and they were enough. But there will always be more. The ones that appeared at the end were just the ones you met along the way to repay their debt.
>Is it time for players to join the game that aren't servants?
No, they have to be servants within some right to be servants, that's kinda how it works. Although pseudo servants allows some people who are sort of fanservice to become servants temporarily for this story.
>How far could a master possibly go
They just saved the world
>What happens now that the main story is over?
We killed Beast 1(Goetia), Beast 2(Tiamat), and indirectly defeated Beast 4(Fou/Primate Murder).

There's 4 more Beasts to go.
Nasu talked about having a second part of the story already planned last year during an interview.
>You didn't even read it
Did your mom tell you?
>how can you say it ruined fate?
By adding ton of unnecessary shit for the sake of money.
And Gil alludes that Beast VII might already been awake, the awakening of the Beasts is a chain reaction.
Then there's Boudica mentioning that her Saint Graph may have been tempered with.

Probably something to do with one of the Beasts?
And what happens when all the Beasts are destroyed? Fate universe is forever done?

FGO specifically took place in a world where someone else won the Fuyuki grail war properly.
That particular branch of the Nasuverse should be safe forever, but there's still an infinite number of worlds to choose from for new stories
Lesbians can't have sex.
No, she just claims that because the current her doesn't hold a grudge against Nero, despite having every reasons to do it.

As a different class she might, but the current her doesn't want to be angry anymore.
>Then there's Boudica mentioning that her Saint Graph may have been tempered with.
That was just Nasu acknowledging how out of character she was in the Rome chapter. Rider Boudica is absolutely nothing like her legend.
So basically this was just the Solomon Arc right?
>Rider Boudica is absolutely nothing like her legend.
Of course.

But what if Grand Berserker is Boudica
What was Grand order even about, I watched all the Fate anime, could someone explain?
Super robot wars for Fate basically
Saving humanity by going back in time to fix history.
I wish FGO was more enjoyable in terms of gameplay. I couldn't even be bothered to finish Babylon.
Selling waifus. The story is just an extra.
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Roman ;_;

Its Dragonball Xenoverse
Did the Grand Servants ever show up?
Merlin as Grand Caster
King Hassan as Grand Assassin

We know there are more as we got a leak revealing the VA for Grand Saber
You meet 2 of em.
King Hassan, who willingly summoned himself as an assassin, and Solomon.
Does that mean Grand Saber isn't actually Arturia
Ayako is voicing Grand Saber though

We just don't know the deal is yet.
What is King Hassan's abilities that he's the Grand Assassin?
He gave the concept of death to something without death, also his NP is Azreal.
Give anything the concept of death
He can insta-kill things.

He has an ability similar to Mystic Perception of Death.
And that's as a regular Assassin.

At full power as Grand Assassin he could probably solo ORT.
Is this the one witt Tamamo?
He's a badass Old Man and the origin of the very meaning of the word assassin. He can literally kill anything.
He looks like a muscular death God

Nope people gotta fling shit on Christmas. Fitting end to the year I realized anime and it's fans really are the definition of human trash
>similar to Mystic Perception of Death.
He either has the original or something outright Superior.
Mystic eyes of death can't Grant death to that which has no concept of death

Lord Camelot is one hell of a defensive NP.
Wew. Is that Taiga alter?

I want to fuck her.
I'm starting to get pretty damn tired of Fate already. It seems like the overall anime scene and community got a whole lot shittier as it got more and more popular again lately too. Also for some reason it's fans can't shut the fuck up about this mobage despite having a thread on /vg for it. Like tall about the special when it airs but like you might as well tall about video games here now too at this rate
>Saving the entire human species qualifies you for Rank 3/7 at the Clock Tower
Man, some scrub with minimal magic being the 3rd highest ranked would really be the thing that pisses all the noble mages off.
It can tank anything Gil could possibly throw including Ea as the Shield itself is not the power but the willpower of Mashu.

Only reason she was killed was she was against someone that would destroy the world and while LC never fell her body couldnt withstand it.
>I want to fuck her.
No son, SHE fucks YOU.

> hello ma'am nice to meet you
>your son calls me Mommy too
Pseudo servant is when something that can't be summoned normally posesses a human host, in order to be summoned, kinda like Angya or something.

Usually this is the method divine spirits used to be summoned, when they feel like it. It nerfs them a lot.

She's possessed by a south American Narhwal Jaguar spirit.
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this is another example of pseudo servant

As random tsundere is posessed by Babylonian spirit Ishtar.
>Mystic eyes of death can't Grant death to that which has no concept of death
>Tohno Shiki actually did that in Tsukihime.
No he didn't

He can only see death in things that have death

No him creating death for Arcuied by cutting Earth isn't the same at all.
No he didn't
>Also there's a lot of nice looking CG's.
Can you post them?

Fuck, I knew Roman because I suspected him but I feel bad for thinking even once bad of him ;_;
Yes, he did. Shiki found the source of what prevents Arcueid having a concept of death. By killing the connection, he brought Arcueid's death into existence.
>Autistic screeching

No its not the same thing. He took a perfect being, and basically gave it the gun god treatment by adding a concept of death since he is death itself. What Shiki did is what anyone with eyes of death could do, change the environment to weaken a non perfect being that normally has lines of death anyway.
>What Shiki did is what anyone with eyes of death could do
Only Shiki has been able to do that. Even Ryougi can't because it requires her to kill something that is way too old for her to see the origin of.
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So she still had the concept of death, but the source is preventing her from dying.

King Hassan gave the concept of death to fucking Tiamat, the primordial mother of all life. Tiamat cannot die normally unless she's the last living thing left.
Why would you kill the mother of all life
Because she's giving birth to new life and said new life is murdering everyone?
>fighting the personification of all 72 demons of the Ars Goetia
>kill him by punching him in the fucking face
Ginger boy aint shit
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Soujuurou 2.0
>stronger than Arcuied
So Arc is no longer top dog in Nasuverse?
Can it beat ORT?
She never was

Not since NOTES happened, and we meet the other Ultimate ones that dwarf her a lot. in her current form she's an incomplete TYPE, if she was a full TYPE she'd be on par with the other ones. The strongest thing for ages has been ORT. Also inside the Mooncell there's things stronger than planets it seems.

Kingprotea can potentially break stars and planets easily if she's allowed to grow.
She was never the top of the universe. She was the ultimate of Earth. These beings are creatures who have surpassed Earth.
And that includes all Grand service
Yes, and ORT can't possibly beat it.
I don't know, I'm just asking because Arcfags tell me reports of F/GO's power levels are greatly exaggerated and that she's still the strongest thanks to being born of Earth+Moon and being a reality warper.
What actually happens:
Roman gets catfished by Merlin and is so embarrassed that he erases himself from history.
She's the ultimate creature of Earth. Not the entire nasuverse
>Planet level vs Universe level

I don't know, you tell me.
So who are the Grand Servants anyway?
Other than Solomon.

Also did Merlin ever appear or was it just his pet?
Only 2 we met is Grand Caster Solomon and Grand Assassin King Hassan.

Yes during Babylonia.
>are greatly exaggerated
Only the Beasts are pretty damn fucking powerful.

>Tiamat gave birth to all life and will continue to give birth to life if she's not stopped, she's also unkillable normally. Her mud is able to corrupt living creatures(Including servants) and give them abilities like self-regeneration, self-cloning, etc. All of her children born from her mud will kill every living thing
>Primate Murder(Yes, it was in FGO) never became a huge threat in FGO's timeline, but with its stored powers it can fucking revive the dead

King Hassan is Grand Assassin, though he appeared in Babylon as a normal assassin willingly.
Merlin appeared to help you deal with Tiamat. Merlin's pet is actually Beast 4, Primate Murder.
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This is Merlin's pet: Fou Aka Cath Palug, Aka Primate Murder Aka Beast IV
Merlin was a huge part of Babylon Order, pretty much the main helper

He's a total dick
Will the anime cover each singularity?
Long as the anime has money
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>FGO is mobageshit they said
Last few Orders were basically as long as a route of FSN each

Its literally a VN at this point, even if we pretend otherwise.
Reminder Babylon is 15 hours long that's if you skip all the dialogue
Rage of Bahamut had a huge budget thanks to the card game, lets hope FGO is the same
Grand order is finished but the remaining beast will came out one after another in chain now. How much remain?
4 of them remains.
Beast 1: Goetia
Beast 2: Tiamat
Beast 3: ?
Beast 4: Beast of Revelation / Primate Murder
Beast 5: ?
Beast 6: (said to be nega-messiah)
Beast 7: ?
Beast 8: ?

Couple other things have been called beasts in passing as well, BB was called a newly created Sin that surpassed all evils in creation. Ameratsu was maybe called a beast. Angya Manyu might be a beast.
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Press F.
Yet it burned down FSN/FZ, KnK, and Prisma worlds too, because they were in the singularities.
To be fair, it was barely alive after Solomon's spell.
God got confirmed as a thing by FGO. Solomon returns his powers and gifts to him to martyr himself in order to depower Goetia and make him easily defeated.

Not a god, THE God.
So beast 4 here in FGO is different from the one IN prototype right? or maybe they will connect it later to prototype story?
Fate powerlevels really got out of control.

I miss when the most we had was Arcueid vs Gilgamesh arguments with maybe some ORT and Primate Murder here and there.

My limit has always been World-level, if things start getting Universe-level then the powerlevels got way too much out of control.

Thank god for lol Zelretch so all these things happened in a parallel universe and everything else is unaffected by this clusterfuck.
Yeah FGO goes wacky because it has no issue with the rule of cool.
I mean hell Ishtar basically shoots AN ENTIRE PLANET at her enemies.
What's Nega-Messiah?
Nasu is beginning to split the canons. It's possible that Arcueid, if she exists in Fate universe (a serious incarnation not a meme Servant crossover), is kind of like Fou. The explanation is that the human order/principle is strong in some worlds, the ones where Heroic Spirit Summoning is possible, while weaker in others, which gear toward anti-humanity and Servants can't exist (while DAA exists). So Arc can still be the stronger in one reality, but this doesn't mean she is in all of them. Melty Blood manga also remarks their worlds are different in evolution and all.
Fate franchise is pro-human and human-based, so the force of humanity > force of the planet. Stated in FGO. It can easily not only destroy the whole planet before it was formed but replace it with another of their making.

It's possible that instead of Arcueid, Gaia did Excalibur as weapon. It was strange that GoA said Excalibur was Gaia's greatest creation, it meant Arc isn't. But Arc is, just in another continuity.
>Primate Murder is not ORT pet anymore but now a Beast that embodies a Sin and it's also originally a magical poddle
I'm not sure how to feel.

I always imagined it as a huge-ass gorilla who was raging around while 7 CG EMIYAs were trying to contain it. Kind of like King Kong.
If God exists in Nasuverse then why does he allows all that bad shit to happen? Check and mate Christianfags.
Because Shiki killed God.
>Angya Manyu might be a beast.
He's Anti Beast, because "All worlds evils" (evils that kill humanity not are destroyed by humanity" are actually "another word for humanity". That's why Angra with Bond CE is good vs Beast class.
So let me get this straight. Counter Guardians are basically mercenaries right? In contrast to actually Heroes
No counter guardian's are like earth's personal body guards.
So what stuff is still ongoing now with G/O "done" for now? Only Strange/Fake, right? Oh, and Prisma Illya I guess. There's the Extra game that comes over here next year whose name I forgot but apparently It's Nero - The Game - Featuring Nero - The Nerotion - Umu.

What the hell happened with Apocrypha? I've never seen something disappear from general interest as hard as that.

I hope whatever is next goes back to a more down to earth holy grail war-thingy. Since CCC I feel things have exploded way too much and the power-level has grown immensely as well. Even things like Gilgamesh or Avalon or Shiki eyes feel insignificant nowadays.
As much as I enjoy the other stuff I'd like a more down to earth HGW as well, simply because it's the minority at this point.
Wait, Servants and Dead Apostles can't exist in the same World anymore? Jesus, that's a massive retcon.
More like Earth's personal bitches.
Almost none of what you thought PM was is what it was described as. The only thing about PM known before this was that it followed Altrouge and that it was a white dog. It just said that 7 were needed to restrain it but never that it actually went around killing people.
>Almost none of what you thought PM was is what it was described as.
I know, I just said it was my imagination after all.

And yeah, I somehow mixed up ORT with Altrouge somehow. My mistake. Maybe I should just go sleep.
Joan says god is powerless to stop it, he can only watch and cry out in pain hoping for people to be saved. She's the only one that can hear him.

Another interpretation is that, why should he stop all suffering? Suffering is what makes us human, it what makes humanity stronger. Its literally how we evolve and grow. If you take away suffering then you don't save humanity, you doom it. God never was there to make your life perfect, easy, and a picnic in the Bible. He literally tells you that if you follow him you will suffer badly and be persecuted at every turn even if you do it perfectly, but he says that its worth it. By suffering you will hone your spirit, by suffering you will be made strong and whole, and you will become steel.

He doesn't ask you to take anything easy, he asks you to take the hard path. Because lieka parent, he knows the hard path is what won't make you a shitty person. Philosophers or atheists who ask this question have never read a bible, and don't know what he's about. If he saves you from all suffering then you end up a shitty person. You've never been tested, you've never been honed, you've never become steel. You simply lead a quest meaningless life. If you lead a life like this then the first time you're ever challenged you'll break.

A sword is only forged in heat, suffering isn't bad in itself, its something we need.
You aren't supposed to take that post seriously anon.

>Joan says god is powerless to stop it, he can only watch and cry out in pain hoping for people to be saved. She's the only one that can hear him.
Still, how can he be literally "powerless" to stop it? I mean, it's God after all. There's not even a "Nah, I'll sit back here and watch you guys go through all this shit. It's just a test bro, no need to take it so seriously" or something? If God is literally unable to do something against it and is going full panic mode then that's a pretty shitty God, specially if it is supposed to be THE God.
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They exist in the same worlds (fucking Strange Fake has a DA master) its just that humans are the top dogs in Fate verse and the DAA don't exist as an organisation but members such as Zelretch (and possibly Nero) exist independently of their DAA title. I guess Nasu did this to stop power level discussions between franchises and narrow it down to "Fate verse=humanity fuck yeah. Tsukihime verse=vampires rule".
Apparently the age of gods ending took away their power to intervene with the world of man directly.
Fate and Tsukihime worlds are officially split and shit develops different in both. Read Labyrinth and the new Melty Blood Manga. Basically, what changes is the human order/principle, whether is strong or not. In Fate world, you can summon Heroic Spirits, for example, but DA don't become DAA. In Tsukihime world, that ritual is impossible and DAA exist.
So basically: World where Heroic Spirits exist and can be summoned as Servants: no DAA exist but DA still are

World where DAA organization exists: Heroic Spirits aren't for reasons. Or is it that they are but they can't be summoned as Servants for reasons.

Does that mean Edison > God?
No, the three figures that ended the age are Gilgamesh, Arthuria, and Solomon. Edison just ended the age of mystery.
>DAA don't exist as an organisation
Nope. It's explicitly stated DA are far weaker in Labyrinth, that's why they cannot achieve the apex of becoming a DAA. BECAUSE the principle of humanity depowers them. This same principle allows the summoning of Servants.

>But Strange Fake
Narita had no fucking clue because Nasu published this shit way after his novels. So I feel for the guy.

DA exist, DAA don't. Like Fou/Four exists but Primate Murder doesn't. Fou is Merlin's pet and the bad end one is Manaka's pet.
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Merlin raised him well. Even if he goes tsundere with his daddy.
>Tiamat cannot die normally unless she's the last living thing left.
But that actually proves that Tiamat still has a concept of death. You just have to force it to appear.
Can you explain how the Age of Gods I haven't been following Fate since F/GO started. Also what's this with Age of Mystery?
>Tsukihime verse=vampires rule".
It's less vampires and more anti-humanity shit gets a stronger advantage.

Melty Blood/Tsukihime isn't affected by Grand Order events unlike KnK, Fate and related universes because they are dealing with their own end of the world for another reason.
DAA is simply a title given to DAs.


But what I don't get is how how VAMPIRES RULE makes Heroic Spirits unable to get summoned as Servants and vice versa.
The gods were aliens apparently, at least what we know of most of them. Maybe not the ones born from the original Earth goddess. They were mostly wiped out by Sefar (another alien). Sefar is VELBER 02, VELBERS are tasked to destroy lifeforms every 16k years, while CELLS protect worlds from VELBERS (yes, it would be Mooncell). Even in the settings without CELLS, what happened (at least in Fate universe) is Sefar getting one shot by Excalibur after killing most original gods.
>Nasu published this shit way after his novels
Its not like Nasu wrote this the week before it was released. He's purposely let Narita do whatever the fuck he wants and encouraged wacky shit. There's a difference between playful spats between friend writers over Edison and not spoiling Babylon versus letting Narita do something that totally goes against what he is making the universe now. I mean Zealot's master does nothing to contradict these new developments.
King Hassan summons the angel of death for his NP, which Shiki can't do.
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So if I'm getting all this right Ars Goetia is the current top dog of Nasuverse that we know of, right?
No, still ORT
Shiki is the one who can bring death to his targets. Don't need to summon anything.
With all the bullshit FGO made, ORT is still the top dog?
Is the "they are weaker and cannot achieve the title of DAA" in this setting difficult to you to grasp? Nasu did not mention it as a mere title, he's talking about how it's impossible for powerful DA to exist. Period. Like you can't summon a Servant in Tsukihime. Period.

There are powerful vampires, but they aren't DA or True Ancestors. They are the ones fueled by a legend like Dracula. Which has, well, human origin. Again, this was explored in Labyrinth.
I don't know what the fuck is going on. All you said flew over my head.
I think all the levels of bullshit is leading us to comprehend just how broken TYPES are

Although power levels may have hit the peak in CCC
Angels are things that listen only to God. King Hassan being able to command such n important one is a pretty big deal. Shiki can fry his brains depending on what he tries to kill, plus the shortened lifespan.
>Ars can destroy the universe
>ORT is a shitty planet
Which is bigger you faggot?
Void Shiki is fighting with (you) in the last chapter, she can barely do shit to fucking DEMON PILLARS, let alone a Beast. The one in her party that wrecks the Demon Pillars is the Count of Monte Cristo.

This is Void. Third Personality. Buffed because she's a Servant. She ain't impressive.
She has NO concept of death lore wise, what can't you understand? Maybe she could "die" if she's the only thing in existence, but in no way she could be killed, not even Divine Spirits could kill her and she was only banished after genesis.

She was only killable because King Hassan (a guy who could kill anything even concept and immaterial things) gave her the concept of death and dragged into Irkalla, the underworld where nothing is alive.
>he's talking about how it's impossible for powerful DA to exist.

This is you bullshitting hard, we know DAA don't exist as a title, but we absolutely know DA exist. Nero Choas wiped out the crusades in Fate world line once. The second time around another powerful DA appeared and was only repelled by enemies and allies working together, Richard and Saladin and all of their men.

You saying they can't be strong is just you creating shit.

Wallachia was even named in Fate Apocrypha, as what Vlad's ultimate form could potentially rival if he managed to escape Semi's fortress.
Goetia can simply blow up a planet and recreate them HE can become the planet. Although granted it wasn't HIS power, it was Solomon. Solomon wouldn't use it like that.
>The remaining officer put himself under the protection of his noble phantasm spear and charged with all his might. But Jester used just a finger to stop the spear that had been coming for him with the speed of the claws of a carnivore.
>"In other words," began Jester, looking at the shattered spear and the despairing officer with a smile full of pity.
>"Heroic Spirits validate human history. They protect the rules of the human world.”
>Fiddling with a piece of the shattered lance with his fingers, Jester gave a slight shake to his head.
>"We Dead Apostles deny human history. We have existed to defile your rules."
>"Deny…human history?"
>"Yes indeed. Therefore, we can deny the power of noble phantasms made by man or noble phantasms god prepared for man. It might be a different story with noble phantasms god made for god's own sake, but how easily are you going to find those? It's all pure compatibility. I am a snake, and you are frogs. That's all.”
They opposites. Super DA existence fuck up HS summoning
You know what makes me sad?

Despite all these clusterfucks there's still nothing where it's humanity vs a Type or anything with the Types. Fuck Nasu for crapping new stuff instead of working with what he already has there but has been unexplored completely.
Kingprotea destroys stars and everything in the universe except the universe itself. BB and Kiara are potentially stronger.
Also for got to mention that King Hassan only has to tap his sword on the ground to instakill things. Doesn't even have to touch them.
Void Shiki is limited by Ryougi. We have always known this. Ryougi is still the one that needs to understand shit and from all accounts that we know of her feats, she can't handle old shit. Tohno Shiki doesn't give a fuck about age.

Right. And Shiki's eyes are directly connected to the fated destruction of everything. That's his power.
DA exist, but they are WEAK. This is explicitly STATED. There are powerful vampires but aren't DA.

Fucking Extra Robin doesn't think them as particularly strong opponents, neither do Grey or Waver, by the way.

> Nero Choas wiped out the crusades in Fate world line once
Not in Fate universe. See "Primate Murder is replaced by a fluffball who loves humans" as one of the differences.

Richard never mentioned it was a DA. Sure, Narita certainly had that intention, but seeing how Nasu fucking retcon that, he could get away with saying "well, it was one of those vampires." Maybe it was Radu turned into a mythical vampire like his brother, Vlad.

It never even mentioned it was Nero either.
That makes it look like DA > Servants more than anything.
Yeah, he's just bullshitting. The same as that fucktard who kept equating Grand Servants to the 7 CG example Nasu had.

DAA is an organization. DAs aren't weak in Fateverse. They just didn't end up organizing.
Not all DAs are as powerful as higher tier DAs. You are jumping many logical hoops to get to your conclusion.
>Although power levels may have hit the peak in CCC
Hardly. Kiara was trying to reach the reach the level of a Primordial Demon and those things are with TYPES at the top of the food chain. So we've technically still peaked with Notes.

It wasn't even really Solomon's power but he was used to unleash thousands of years of energy.

>Kingprotea destroys stars and everything
She can potentially reach that level. Even a group of HS can take her lower, but still powerful version down. I'm sure that if TYPES answered Gaia's call to kill humans they'll answer a call to take down a giantess.

Nasu seems to want to ramp up to that now. Maybe he thought he blew his load too early with Notes and is working his way back up with stuff like CCC and F/GO.
Goetia using the power of humanity to BTFO planets and reshape them because humans > planets should tell you who wins vs TYPES.

But this is possible because he has Solomon's power.
>Extra Robin doesn't think they are particularly strong opponents
>the same game where a DAA tier Arcueid brutally destroys everyone she meets while being NERF as heck
Forgotten franchise, barely breathing in survival as its waits for remake

now the center of everything as Mahoyo, KnK are also connected to it

Heroic Spirits > DAAs. Human Order won.
If 27 DAA exist Servants can't be summoned but if they don't DA are weaker and can't reach DAA level. It works both ways
>It wasn't even really Solomon's power but he was used to unleash thousands of years of energy.
Like it's not Zelretch's power, he's using prana of other dimensions, eh? It was only possible to gather that because he possessed Solomon's body.

Solomon had to kill his existence so Goetia became a weak fucker who didn't spam his apocalyptic autism.
Mahoyo and KnK are also connected to Tsukihime.
And next time you'll tell me Shiki can kill 100 Servants? She was a joke cameo.
So it's basically an arms race. Whoever does the thing first completely cockblocks the other side forever.
My point is that it took a really long to time to pull that off. Those demons were in for the long game.
This. Why /a/ doesn't just play FGO to actually not get baited like this, I don't understand.
KnK at least, it's not anymore. Because KnK was burned down by "Solomon", it means that world had human order as main principle.

This doesn't happen in MB because human order isn't the principle.
Because fuck mobage and fuck reading 日本語.
Who is the strongest in the world?
Type Earth aka Arcueid.
>why not just play a fucking mobage
Gee I don't know anon, maybe they're human beings with a level of intellegence that isn't severely lacking.
Actually, the planet busting was something they could do from the get go. What took more time is to gather was energy to reshape the planet and reality. This is mentioned in the climax. Goetia's goal was to create a world without death, only eternity. He did it out pity and love for humanity.

These gifts were given to Solomon from God, he was ridiculously overpowered but he never really used his power because he was a glorified tool to the voice of God.
Dead Apostles are not "weaker" in timelines where Heroic Spirits can be summoned. Where the heck are you little shits even getting this from? Stop reading lies from fgog.
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Then why are they here?
(you) and your servants.
>don't play mobage
>participate in unhealthy powerlevels thread
Yes, so it's ridiculous to discuss it.
In Fate, Heroic Spirits are stronger.
Tsukihime, DAA.
In Fate. Humanity rules everything. Fuck, Extella revealed the timelines where humanity does not evolve in a right pace, get pruned/wiped out from existence.
In Tsukihime. Humanity is the underdog.

End of the story.
Reminder that Extra > Everything else

Extra has a better story, characters, setting, powerlevels but more importantly everything is also much better explained and concise and to the point and logical with no retcons but just additions to what already is there on every new game.

Also it has FemHakuno and FemHakuno > Your favorite Type Moon MC
Melty Blood Manga.
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Basaka can beat her.
>Except the Fate stories with powerful DAs that take several HS to defeat
Name 3
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The long and short of it is that its a mobage and even /fgog/ gets summaries instead of line by line translations for a lot of the content. Its like the media where people want to hear what's first and not what's necessarily true, but the barrier of entry is a Japanese only gatcha game. Also some people may just want something to be pissed about to reinforce their bias or they just want to reply to bait out of boredom.
Hard to disagree with you there.
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Mahoyo colab when? More chapter translation when? Mahoyo 2 when?
>Dead Apostles are not "weaker" in timelines where Heroic Spirits can be summoned
Fate Labyrinth literally say they are
>Mahoyo 2
>When Mahoyo 1 was poorly received by otakus who want porn
>Extra anime will be using Male Hakuno rather than FemHakuno
I'm still mad.

Why do they do this? The Granblue anime and GO anime are doing this crap too. The male MCs are far less popular. God, I hate SI-fags so damn much.
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Forgot pic
Why can't heroic spirits be summoned in certain universes?
Never mentioned as a DA. Just a vampire.

Vlad became a vampire, not a DA. Yes, it's established in Laby that there can be vampries who are just men who are shaped by legends, specially heroic spirits. No, it's no longer connected to Wallachia but the whole human belief shit.

A cameo crossover boss who isn't a DAA.
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Fighting Tiamat in general is a pretty bad idea, because she's constantly shitting out monsters and spreading her mud(which makes more monsters). You try to get close to attack her, there's a million monsters in your way. That's pretty much what happened in FGO. You just fight nothing but her babies once she appears until you get to her fight, and then you have to fight her like 4 times before she dies for real.
"Normal" Dead Apostles are weaker in F/L. Which they should. High-tier DAs that would count as DAAs in timelines where the organization exist aren't.
Extella has it's own version of the Extra war, which Nasu summarized on his blog. He also accidentally leaked that the anime would follow that plot. Male MC will have Nero and eventually get Tamamo as well. FeMC will will be soul-less and have a half burned Archer
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Can these disgusting DAfags fuck off now. Pic related who would be the DAA number 1.
Vampires are DAs. DAs are vampires.
>just give the Otaku porn
>make cash

Everyone wants that fabled Touko/Aoko incest end anyway.
Stop bullshitting and get back to Boy's Love.
Whatever, non-Japanese reader.
No, idiot. Not anymore in Fate, there are vampires who have SHIT to do with DA or TA autism. Again, you show your newfag.
The only reason Fou didn't become PM is because Merlin shielded it from humanity during its formative years.
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>Becomes harem midway
>We get Hakuno and Archer but they are not he mains and just fodder
You are not doing anything to quell my rage, if anything, you are making it stronger.
>Extra Anime will have both MC and FeMC

That's Great news too bad for FeMC but atleast she's still in the anime. Did Nasu ever leaked how CCC ties into the anime or would that be season 2?
>Pic related who would be the DAA number 1.
He's only fluffy because Merlin is his master. In Tsuki world he's a monster because Altrouge
>Invincible killer. White beast. Gaia's monster that follows only Altrouge. Although not a Dead Apostle, he mimics Altrouge, so he got a taste for human blood.
F/GO ruined nasuverse lore
DA is the word for vampire in Nasuverse. It has nothing to do with TAs.
Oh, spoil me on something else. Do they also kill Rin and save the literally who instead of her? Because that seems like something they'd totally do too.
I think Nasu is getting mixed signals from the fans if the Japanese are anything like us:
>These ero scenes suck
>Seafood memes
>They're forced as hell
Then when he doesn't include it:
>Fucking Nasu where's the porn?

Must leave that mushroom confused.
TM powerlevels never really change.
Translator anon from /fgog/ made a pastebin
>Grand Time Temple Solomon
In Tsuki world any "normal" Dead Apostle can become DAA level given time but in Fate worlds they are weaker and will never reach DAA levels
Fou was running with him in Camelot, what the fuck are you talking about? Artoria was aware of it and fond of thing.
What was the point of making her this cute?
So next part of F/GO will shouw us loli ORT and PM? Tsukihime characters as servants?
Not anymore, how thick can you be? DA is a name for vampires who get stronger because of the weakening of the human principle.

But not all vampires are like that. Vlad, for example, who IS a vampire in FGO gets stronger because of human principle. Same as Carmilla.
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Well he should understand that "Sex sells" regardless of any complaints.
That has been a truth that has existed time immemorial and will never change.

Now that Fate is his main thing, people now really just want to see large scale conflicts between multiple parties as a standard thing.
Mahoyo is always going to be unable to fulfill that as long as it focuses on Aoko/our boy Soujuurou/Alice.

I think the only way Mahoyo could shit out two more parts is if you raise the stakes to the maximum in Part 2 where Aoko would need to be spamming Blue and then going into MAXIMUM OVERRIDE in part 3.
This is Primate Murder >>151400982
Rin and Rani both die.
Well, its PM if it didn't become the monster that it is.

Still retardedly powerful though.
>Can fucking revive the dead
Sounds like a total mess.

I guess at least the threads will be good for funposting.
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Where the fuck is that autist who told me Grand Servants = Counter Guardians and they are fighting the Primate Murder. Apologize for arguing with me, retard.
Well I can only hope that all the time he's taking is to refine his sex writing skills for when Soujuurou pounds both Alice and Aoko while Touko angrily masturbates in the corner.

>Part 2 where Aoko would need to be spamming Blue and then going into MAXIMUM OVERRIDE in part 3.
Sounds pretty sugoi.
Hiding because they were BTFO so hard about their headcanon.
That's not very impressive. And took all his power and his sentience.

Anyway, the point is PM will be never be a thing in FGO: it became an useless mascot. Unless Manaka fucks him up.
Can revive the dead using magic stored up for thousands of years and becomes a normal animal afterwards.

Reviving the dead is an actual big deal
TV Series? Wasn't it just the OVA?
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>Never mentioned as a DA. Just a vampire.
Jester in strange fake literally called DA.
That guy's an EOP ESL retard spouting retarded fanfiction bullshit, ignore him.
I don't belive you. I don't want to belive you
>English only peasant English as a second language
>who kept equating Grand Servants to the 7 CG example Nasu had.
Retard detected.

The 7 CG who fight Primate Murder

Primate Murder is Beast IV

7 GS fight beasts

they're the same
If PM is so powerful and HS can't be summoned in Tsukiverse, who's stopping Alt from taking over the world?
Zelretch, duh.
Primate Murder has to be fought with 7 CGs

Beasts have to be fought with 7 GSs

Primate Murder is Beast IV

Kill yourself retard
He's weak in Tsukiverse though, because he burned out in his fight with CM.
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I don't have any hope in nasuverse anymore. The truth is painful
>Beasts have to be fought with 7 GSs
>Beast II Tiamat was made killable by King Hassan without his "Grand" title
>Beast I Goetia was finished by (you) with command spells

Of course faggot!
You mean Arcfag.
>Beast IV (Primate Murder) was defeated by being raised in Camelot by an autistic wizard and pillowing in Mashu's breasts
>Tsukifag assblasted
This was published before Nasu started to retcon everything, you know.
Jester was supposed to be a DA, but Narita wasn't in the know about Nasu's new autistic world building.
Arc powerlevels are wierd. In CCC we had some universe tier powerlevels which theoretically should be above Arc but then Nasu went and said that Amaterasu shits on them and that 30% Arc is the only one in CCC that have any chance of fighting her
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Read >>151401251
In Fate universe, PM is Merlin's cute cat/rabbit/pet thing.
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Fuck off. Fou is pure.

And this CE is tragic now. RIP. They were too pure for this gay world.
So which HGW is the one Solomon won? The 5th?
Said autistic wizard also defeated Beast I by catfishing him.
And yet Aoko did it no sweat.
And so did Illya.
I think Nasu changed his mind after CCC. CCC was supposed to be his last Fate work, but then he did FGO and started to dig out the outline of Prototype for his world building. That's why he started to separate Fate and Tsukihime and creating internal rules for each.
It makes no sense Amaterasu is more powerful now because she calls herself one of the Beasts/Sins in her scene with Hakuno. While probably Nasu had no idea what he typed and only did it because it was cool, he had Gilgamesh state that BB was a new sin/evil more powerful than the others. She also has the Potnia Theron ability which, uh, allows her to control Beasts.

Apparently one could use the Grail as a regular wish granting device without all the weird magic shit the Einzbern and co wanted to do, and the winners used it that way.
>Holy Grail can actually grant wishes normally without Angry Manjew autism
That makes no sense.
1st. In FGO, there was only one Fuyuki war.
>there is a chance FGO2 will have english in the new client in it
Is it really so shocking that the Einzberns managed to create a Grail that actually would've worked had they not fucked it all up by poisoning it with All the World's Evils?
You're stupid.
>A time line where the Holy Grail didn't got corrupted by Angry Majew autism
>And the First Grail War was in Fuyuki 2004
>Somehow makes no fucking sense
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So Kerry suffered for nothing? And Artoria YAMEROOOO'ed for free too?

Ah, that makes more sense. So there was no angry manjew fucking up everything here.

>Not fucking up
It's really shocking, yeah. They always fuck up somehow.
Yes, because the original pre-3rd War Grail didn't grant any wishes either, it just did Heaven's Feel.
Aoko could potentially destroy all universe with this shit she pulled out
And Illya didn't revive dead she just moved Shirou soul from one container to the other
Wasn't the whole granting wishes thingy Einzbern propaganda in first place?
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I prefer old Nasuverse. Powerlevels are just ridiculous right now. Even F/SF looks like joke compared to F/GO super saiyans.
Yes. The "Greater Grail" is just a device that accumulates mana for 60 years and then adds that of 7 heroic spirits on top in order to materialize the soul. "Granting wishes" and "Holy Grail War" were baits to lure foreign Masters so they could get 7 of them.
Tsukihime remake should still be WoD. I hope
He's right? What's so difficult for you to understand?
F/SK is fun because despite the relatively high powerlevels it's shit that people have always wanted to see like full power Herc, an Assassin that is not a jobber or serious Gil vs Enkidu.

So what's the deal then? Don't tell me the Einzbern somehow managed to make a wish-granting machine by accident and the fake shilling they did actually ended up true here?
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>Primate Murder can revive people
So what's the point of True Magic in new nasuverse?
Tsukifags don't want to believe his special snowflake dog(cat) got defeated by boobs
True magic is shit
The wish-granting part is for most purposes real. The Greater Grail has so much mana you can just power through stuff that would be otherwise impossible.
>So what's the deal then?
Fuck if I know. FGO is a waifu mobage for retards to dump money in anyway, don't expect Nasu to stay too consistent when writing for something like that. It's a dumb plot point, just like a lot of other things in that game.
>Kerry suffered for nothing?
Well, there was that timeline where he became a CG and never met the Einzberns.

PM can revive the dead, but it takes all his power accumulated over hundreds of years and his intelligence. He would just be a regular animal after doing it.

>they just totally won the grail war normally, and reached the grail. But Malihoweveryouspellhisnamebilly doesn't want to activate the third magic and reach the origin and use the Einzbern's wacky shit, and uses the grail as an actual real wish-granting machine. Apparently it CAN work as a real wish-granting machine. He uses it to get money while Solomon uses it to become human
Not to mention the wishes Maris-Billy and Solomon asked for were exceedingly trivial for the grail to grant.

Maris-Billy literally just wanted money.

Solomon wanted to be reincarnated as a human, which the grail has already shown to be able to do.
Instead of using centillion of mana units you just use True magic?
Don't foget Maris-Billy also scammed people by faking his death during the war, so he could keep the Nuclear Powerplant he brough in France
>Well, there was that timeline where he became a CG and never met the Einzberns.
And proceeded to become a real hero of justice fighting for the sake of humanity's survival, alongside versions of his wife and kids from various different timelines.

Irony at full blast.
>PM can revive the dead, but it takes all his power accumulated over hundreds of years and his intelligence. He would just be a regular animal after doing it.
Which is fucking dumb considering at the end of the campaign you have like a dozen grails just lying around in storage.

If PM can just brute force revive people using tons of mana what's stopping it from doing it with said grails instead of his own mana?
But the idea has always been that regular magic is the "shortcut" that skips ahead of what regular means would take too long to accomplish, while True Magic are miracles that are outright impossible contradictions even with regular magic.
>a dozen grails just lying around in storage.
And Irisviel with the Dress of Heaven, who shits out the Grail everytime she uses her NP.

And Enkidu, who said that he could become a grail if he has enough mana in his My Room dialogues.
And two or three versions of Gil who should have a Grail considering he gave one to Kingu in Babylon
Just think, if Kerry had summoned Gil as his Servant instead of Saber he could've just asked nicely for a grail to make his wish on instead of jumping through hoops so he could use the Einzberns' instead.
But Illya already could pull out "almost" Third with just mana from the Grail in F/SN
To bad it was summoned by a Tohsaka who can't even use a phone without something blowing up.
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I don't want Tsukihime being separated from F/SN.
>WoD and nWoD

Primate Murder has powers beyond true magic.
>ask nicely
>let mongrels touch his treasure
And it wasn't even at full power when it revived Mashu.
Maybe if he summoned Caster Gil instead of Archer Gil.
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If nothing else I think we can agree that Mashu is the cutest and best TM heroine Takeuchi and Nasu have ever designed.
If F/GO so big why F/GO ova looks like low budget trash? Really
Well, he was made by the World so nothing surprising.
To think that she could have been the main heroine in stay night.
Gaia BTFO True Magic once again.
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>was going to drop dead and die soon due to shortened lifespan
>ended up getting incinerated even sooner
>gets revived and with a full human lifespan to boot so she can become Guda(k)o's wife and breed like rabbits (with Merlin's help)
Why couldn't Illya get an ending as good as Mashu's?
Because it'll never be at full power in Fate universe. Because he'll always be Merlin's pet who he unleashes so he can create a beautiful ending. Fou took after Merlin, he hoped for a happy ending for humans.

Unless Manaka does something. Even then he was fated to be BTFO by Arthur.
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So he's some Kaiju level threat in Tsukihime? How come humanity still live all smiles instead creating giant robots?
Stay upset illya fag
Because it's not just going around murdering people.

Turkeyhandle has the world going on just fine, arc says it herself. The vampires hide because if humans knew that they existed vampires wouldn't last very long. These things do not expose themselves to humans as a rule.
Mashu was supposed to be main heroine too in fate stay/night right? i heard that her story and character design is scrapped and then used in FGO. Wonder what the original story was supposed to be in stay/night?
>The vampires hide because if humans knew that they existed vampires wouldn't last very long.
With Alt having PM as her pet? Nero himself would require few nukes to take him down
Read the materials and find out instead of asking to be spoonfed.
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>hurr DAA doens't exist in Fateverse because the human foundation principle is too strong there
>but even in Turkeyhandle where the human foundation principle is weaker to allow DAA to exist they'd still get BTFO if humans actually found them out
This genuinely sounds retarded
No, vampires don't expose themselves because humans would kill the shit out of them with numbers alone. This is all there is to it. Arc spends like, 20 minutes of your life talking about this in turkeyhandle ffs.
I figured people might be smart enough to figure out the shit Nasu does considering that Notes was published fucking 4 years before Tsukihime and basically explained the same shit.
PM is now Beast 4. All Beasts are world ending threats and he even have special ability to kill humans so yeah. I guess Alt doesn't want kill all of her food
Don't believe Dartz's lies.
And it would still lose, this is the shit nasu does every god damn time. Why does this still go over people's heads?
A skill possessed by the 6th beast.
>And it would still lose,
He already lost.

He says to Mashu that by watching Chaldea fight against Goetia he managed to stay pure and tells her "congratulations, you defeated me, the fourth Beast, without swords or bloodshed".

Love and friendship triumphs over all
I kinda want to know how would Nasu asspull his way with this. It doesn't make any sense. I mean he could create party of heroes who could take him down, like team Misaki plus some help from church and mage's association but regular humanity should be fucked
a lot of assault rifles and autocannons.

Or just some kind of heroic feat, maybe a bit of church relics, remember that they do actually have black barrel.
Black barrel is anti-Gin. It's only good against Types and other ayylmaos. It wouldn't do much against beast of Gaia
Shitty phone games from a shitty franchise should stay on /vg/.
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Reminder that by saving humanity's ass, (you) was given the 3rd highest rank in the Clock Tower.

(you) is a scrub when it comes to magic, and that person is now the 3rd highest ranked person in a place that does magic shit.
Weren't you actually given a title of Cause, which is third from the end in the hierarchy?
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>"Congratulations, good people of Chaldea. The Fourth Beast was defeated by you." (pic)
They defeated him in a different way, they basically just made him fond of humanity.
That's Fates Fluffy Murder. We talking about Tsukihime Primate Murder
>Solomons power comes from God (YHWH), as does Goetias
>Goetia > Arc and bitchy little Types
>abrahamic God still the best

Feels good to be christian.
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Fuck of YHWH. You got yourass kicked several times already
So how long before Nasu caves and makes a neutral universe where DAA and Servants are on equal footing?

In before >Nasu making anything non-Fate again
You mean the 3rd lowest, 3/7.
Presumable grands still exist just none of the servant grail war shit
>Nasu EVER making anything non-Fate again

It's the truth, sorry.
Takeuchi wants to retire so Nasu has to finish that Tsukihime remake.
>So how long before Nasu caves and makes a neutral universe where DAA and Servants are on equal footing?
It was, originally untill F/GO trash.
>shits on them and that 30% Arc is the only one in CCC that have any chance of fighting her
He didn't say 30%, he said sane Arc with all abilities functioning normally including Ultimate One would would make her +1 the opponent. She's not 30% if she's utilizing ultimate one against someone stronger, her parameters raise beyond 30% and become whatever they need to be. Also she can make the enemy 1/6th of its real ability.
Apparently what Fou did was beyond any True Magic here.
Why? True Magic allows for time travel, so you could just revive a person that way, right?
True revive is Third Magic and miracle. Now it's not. Even time travel is not so special
Shiki can kill things only if she can see the lines of death. King Hassan has the ability to give things lines of death.
She got either +1 buff or 1/6th debuff on enemy depending whether she's on earth or on the moon. Also Ultimate One only boosts her physical stats, she needs to be at 100% of her power to use full power of her marble phantasm
Best theme from TM in a while
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pretty hot
Very hot.>>151396953
Soem parts of F/GO shit is really cool.
IIIya has a good ending, it's that pedohile manga, She's basically RWBY Chibi and Nanoha there. Nothing bad ever happens. Ever.

Gotta shill for Aniplex on /a/ though
The anime special for this is airing in less than a week you know?
Velbers can destroy a solar system
Velbers are jobbers who get fucked by Excalibur
No, Mashu is the silliest waifu bait ever designer.
Ars can only incinerate humanity from the surface of the planet, and its real use is to rewind time to the beginning of the planet and remake it.
3/7 means third from the bottom - the rank Cause is for an average Magus.
>third from the bottom
>And finally 3rd
>3rd from the bottom

You okay anon .
>Nasu said!
>no quotes

>be scrub tier magus with minimal magic that literally got the job when you saw a recruitment poster for the job
Isn't that the strongest thing in Type-Moon?
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Tsukihime hasn't been important since 2003
Only against humans
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>6 years in development
>commercial failure

What went wrong with Mahoyo
Yeah (you) got the rank of Cause because (you) saved Humans History, it's still lower than Waver.

Ahahah! Nope, Primate Murder is something that has to be killed for humanity's progress and prosperity.
No voices
There is no Tsukihime because it's graphically outdated. Peopel bitching even about no voices and porn in fuckin Mahoyo.
>commercial failure
What the fuck are you talkin? Who tells you about commercial failure, my EOP friend?
>commercial failure
By VN standards it was a success, by TM standards it didn't reach Tsukihime level.
Oh hey, it's Shikisai.
Man, these threads really remind me that Fate is popular not due to waifus or husbandos but because it appeals to the worst fucking fanbase of them all: obsessive and autistic power-level fags.
>Final batte theme is orchestral version of main theme.
Still not old.
new type-moon site is kinda mess
not even KnK, DDD pages anymore
>female master
>it's still lower than Waver.
And Waver still has to call me Master, him and Merlin
How else could it have been the most popular type-moon series despite being the worst.
>its not really clear.
So you're just a EoP

It's just the planet and it's not stronger than anything Earth can produce, in fact it mentions it being stronger than weapons. Not the planet, not Arcueid either.

I wish FGO fags would stay in their containment threads witht their fake info
>>one of the biggest cash cows in mobile gaming

Are you literally retarded or just pretending.
Arcueid BTFO'd Solomon of her universe in alley nightmare
Stay salty Arcfag.
It is though.
I'm not salty, just not an autistic powerlevelfag EoP delivering fake information to wank my characters.
It's not. At all.

It was kinda big in Japan during the middle of the year and that's about it. Even then it never beat the top mobages in Japan and let's not talk about the rest of the world which doesn't even register it.
He did way that the half burned Archer would beat Gawain. Imagine the shitposting.
Not really, Primate Murder is just Altrouge's doggy and it takes 7 grand servants to hold him off. It's just a powerful enemy for Fate standards because they're pretty weak, nobody else takes it seriously.
You're really dumb. The game makes a fuckton of money. Bloomberg recently did an article on the amount of huge success it had.
That's worse than Naruto.

No wonder it'll never be more than a small otaku game.
Divine spirits are fodder though
hi dartz
? this is not reddit friend, don't try to pretend you know who every anon is.
>mashu lives
Thank god. I always got the feeling she'd die by the end of this and never come back
>You're really dumb.
Nice argument

>The game makes a fuckton of money
It doesn't though, it makes decent money and that's about it. Sony music profits went up to 16b yen thanks to FGO and it was reported it being 20% something of that, so in the end it only makes like 5b or some shit. There are mobages than make hundreds of millions of dollars in a while.

> Bloomberg recently did an article on the amount of huge success it had.
It had a boost in the second half of the year and it beat Pokemon GO during it's rough time. Pokemon GO wasn't even big in Japan after the first boom since the game was shit.
Fatefag retards have been on a roll ever since their cancer shit mobage ended yesterday.
How can we convince mods to ban Fate threads from /a/ permanently?
Wait that's what happens? That sounds awful.
Kek, Bleach anime alone was making 14 billion yen when it was cancelled, the same as the entire sony music division which FGO contributed a little bit.

Clash of Clans made 2.3 billion dollars in 2015, Supercell makes around 2 and 8 million dollars a day
Keep crying.
Ultimate One doesn't change her being 30%.

This is not Dragon Ball, Arc is not about powerlevels but conceptual stuff. Nasu said White Berserker would beat Amaterasu, White Berserker is nerfed from planet to god and she's even further weakened because she's a servant
not when the Grand Order OVA is coming around December 31st.

Then the series that follows it.

expecting some more new NPCs and characters to come onboard Chaldea due to Mage's Association and UN going in and asking "What the fuck happened to your missing year?!" as they investigate how they saved Humanity's history.

And also question the many servants living in Chaldea.
This is literally worse than generic battle shonen. Why are fatefags so entitled again?
how good and abundant is the Rider Medusa fanservice?
>Extra anime
>Grand Order special
>Heaven's Feel Movie
>Prisma movie
>Grand Order series
Its more relevant than a lot of stuff on this board.
This one is better.
From first order to last?

Not much.

There was a Medusa wearing school clothes, as part of a Heaven's Feel + Nero Festival promotion.

There's also her being bullied by her sisters.

The bulk of the medusa madness happens during Babylon, where Ana (Loli Medusa) and Gorgon (Medusa as a giant snek) go around making story.

She's a solid 3* Servant though, She's not used too much on events though. Maybe on the next arc.
Ah i almost forgot, in her Interlude, you and her go on a date.

slaying skeletongs and whatnot, but still a date.
Doesn't even appears in the story and I can't recall mayor roles on events.
She had her old and young versions appear and be prominent in Babylon though, there you will see that Ana is best snake by a huge margin, others can't even compete.

Nasu goes against his rules all the time, and can do so since it's a multiverse. They had that part in Hollow where Shirou dials out and calls a Luvia who is working with him against a DAA and is currently raiding the Fem Casa.

I think Nasu breaks his own mind on what exactly goes on in the other universes. I wonder if he has a private notebook with several novels of material we'll never see.
This probably
>Well even with that being said, if Berserker regained her sanity she would easily be considered a cheat-tier Servant. Her power, “The stage is the Moon, so all targets have their power reduced to a sixth of their usual.” would be extremely useful against other similar cheat-tier Servants. It’s a conceptual numerical alteration, so it is unavoidable when on the Moon. Even the Moon Cell transformed version of BB would be limited by it. In EXTRA and CCC, she is about the only one who is “Capable of defeating Konjiki Hakumen (Golden White Face), no matter how small the chance might be.”
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how much more illya stuff are we gonna get in general?
>all literally who except Solomon and DaVinci

Wasn't the whole point having famous historical figures?
Grand Order goodies to tie-in with the Prisma Illya Movie.

We'll probably get an event + Welfare Servant to go along with it.

Nasu isn't the first to go that route though, it's old hat. Humans are always lauded to overcome gods and abominations in mythos, especially half-breeds.

If anything humanity's hubris for the gods and other supernatural entities will mean that we'll all desire that type of setting for years to come where humans (and in this case humans who ascend into higher beings) are the top dogs and vamps can suck it.

After all, look how many people call for stories of regular Joe shmoes overturning fate and becoming legendary, it tickles even the most hardened soul, so stories like that are why Fate endures.
Roman is Solomon and Goetia is something tied with Solomon and Mashu is Galahad.
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why not?
Who cares about their other stories when it's all about what brings in the money - Fate, Fate, Fate, Fate, Fate, Fate?
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Lancelot's son(female).
Thoughts on Apocrypha and Strange Fake?
No porn.
It's just Otaku trash, do you unironically think it's relevant?
I hope that it never gets animated.
>Strange Fake
I'm enjoying it almost as much as I did with F/SN. Next volume can't come soon enough.
Apo is the low point of the franchise, Strange Fake if it keeps going this way might be one of the high points though.

Shame Heracles was turned into a edgelord
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Well let's be honest, Fate has more proactive characters that make for more engaging storylines.

For instance, you can make Heroic Spirit stories forever, and some can even make their own sub-franchise. Rin, Sakura, and Shirou have lots of opportunities for seeing the wider world and have lots of setup that wouldn't require a world ending crisis or tragedy to strike to fit them into the narrative based on their personalities.

Whereas that is harder to say for the Tsukihime side, Shiki just wants a quiet life (Sakura technically does too, to a point, but actively wants to enrich herself in magecraft and the supernatural even if she wants to have a stress free life), so you'd need something big to get him in, same with Ciel, Arc, and Akiha kind of needs to hang back to not invert. Kohaku and Hisui (makes me sad to remember Hisui, RIP Mayu), likewise have no interest in the wider world. Aoko only comes out for really big shit as well. Too self-contained.

We could legit make a series about the Tohsaka siblings doing things and no one would argue it's out of character. Like that G-Sakura and loli Kaiser Rin taking over the multiverse with Sakura mechas he did for Capsule Servant.
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There is Mahoyo, DDD, F/SF. But you EOP /a/ shitters can't discuss it. You can only crying about fate.
>Tsuki remake released
>9999 threads about PATCH WHEN and shitty half assed google translated spoilers
>If it's not Fate it's tsukihime

Why are fatefags so braindead, you do realize that they could work on OTHER things right? Non hacks usually release NEW GAMES believe it or not
Every time I read Fate lore it gets more retarded. Bacteria doesn't have a concept of death, therefore antibiotics don't work. What? Also, this thread isn't anime or manga.
>this thread isn't anime or manga.
Anime series is already confirmed.
Why EOP tsukitards think they're better than fatefags? Tsuki is awful baby's first VN
They tried with Mahoyo. It wasn't successful.
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Don't get carried away, monster
Not really no. Next time try learning japanese instead of talking about things you haven't read
Can any TM character beat a truly serious Gilgamesh?

I was making a point for why we have lots of Fate, I know we have other franchises by TM.

But even then, DDD is....weird. Like past Monogatari level verbose and the prose is odd. I'd like it, but it'd be hard to digest or make into a coherent anime or VN I feel.

You could make an Angel Notes OVA, but what then?

I haven't gotten into Fire Girl, so I can't speak for it.

Fate is marketable because it's easy to digest for the mass audience, along with innumerable characters and plotlines to explore. I love Monogatari (Hanekawa fan here), but despite its solid fanbase, it seems it'll never be back to the days of Bakemonogatari and wane like Index is. Poor Raildex, where the fuck is S3?
He's just shitposting, don't give him (You)s.
Any of the beasts
Extra was the best thing to happen to the Fate series
The problem that we didn't get real DAA vs Humans thing. Everything left behind the scenes of Tsukihime, Talk and Tsuki 2 prelude. And now DAA BTFO. It's too early. I didn't feel threat of DAA even in old nasuverse. Any attack helicopter can negate the regeneration abilities. It's not fair. Poor DAA
>but it'd be hard to digest or make into a coherent anime or VN I feel.
Only HandS part is hard to adapt
100% Arc
Primate Murder
Sane Heracles
Angra Mainyu
Grand Servants

And others. Fully serious Gil does have enough offensive potential to threaten a kill on on most of them, though hardly a guarantee.
What about Wallachia?
>Sane Heracles

>Angra Mainyu
Not as long as he's summoned by the grail for obvious reasons. If not, the power of the grail/angra is smalltime compared to what he did in GO.

>100% Arc

Stop bringing in this shitty meme character all the time you desperate fags. We're talking Fate, you're not getting an anime, you're like Chinese waterdrop torture.
How did he lose?

Nice shitpost.
In GO? He kinda didn't.

He dies from over-exertion, having summoned 6 servants (among those Merlin) and giving them mana, while using the GoB to arm and re-arm every citizen of Babylon as the need arises, while coordinating the whole thing, and fighting Tiamat at the same time. He also tanks a full blow from her (probably didn't help his overexertion, but that didn't kill him either way). You then meet him having fought half-way out of the underworld when Tiamat is sent there, then when Hassan gives her the concept of death, he fucks her up.

The Babylon arc wanked him a lot.

If you put the right conditions in, anyone can die, that is how this universe works.

Hell, Sakura has, but Nasu put the "can't exhibit her true potential" stamp because her powers are too OP. Can make alternate dimensions where literally anything can happen like a Danger Room that is real, can supremely affect the supernatural, but is limited by her training and human body. It's like how Kamachi has Index as a walking powerhouse with plot reasons for why she can't do anything.

Didn't Nasu and Takeuchi have that interview where they talked about Rin vs. Kayneth as magi, how Ilya is OP, but that "dark girl" whose powers affect the environment is the Joker Card of the group?
MB itself is poor child of Tsukihime popularity. Pick up all favorite characters from harem and make them kill new bad boy. His abilities are interesting, but he was waste of potential.
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>Can any TM character do X
>Stop talking about Tsukihime
Everyone is a jobber to EXcalibur.
In the anime, there is a fight scene between Rin and Ilya, but are there any mages who could even win against Ilya in a magic fight in the actual 「Fate/stay night」, 「Fate/Zero」, or 「Fate/hollow ataraxia」 games? <ukw>

Frankly, she is the top mage in Fuyuki. Still, first-class mages would follow the "since she's a child of nature, just cut her off from the land first" plan, so it's not like she's invincible. Kayneth and Tokiomi may be able to best her in a magic duel. Rin is just relentless. But if we're talking about the dark girl who contaminates the land itself...

> and it takes 7 grand servants to hold him off.

Stop repeating this bullshit. King Arthur alone BTFO him in Prototype outline.

Hey, none of the beasts so far required the 7 Grand Servants to fight them.
The game's subtitle is “Hologram Summer, Night on the Blood Liar.” The original plan was for it to be about an executor who was a sort of rival to Ciel appearing to fight Arcueid, but once production started the sample game ended up being so amazing we felt the need to whip up a worthy story within “Tsukihime Canon” to match.

Of course, with a new heroine, one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, and even Arima Miyako, it was packed full of fan service, too. So, thank you, Watanabe Seisakusho! The amount of freedom as a fighting game is just great, and the mobility of the characters is off the charts. I hope everybody out there enjoys the pixel-art Tsukihime characters as much as we do!
Not him but he's right on Tsukihime fags, they really are Chinese torture nowadays.

Wow, sounds cringy as fuck. Glad it never got an english translation.
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Fuck you.
>But if we're talking about the dark girl who contaminates the land itself...

That right there, and then Takeuchi says that Sakura's powers fit that of a boss.

It's not fair Nasu, I want my overpowered love struck kouhai who loves horror movies and sweets to take the spotlight and fuck up the power level tiers.
>like a dozen grails just lying around in storage.
I just visualized dozen of grail-kun all alone talking to each other.
I want my sides back
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I don't like fun anymore. Nasu fucked me with Tsukihime 2, DDD3, Mahoyo 2 and Girls Work.

Honestly, with as much cashola he's been getting lately, he could literally demand better production values for those games and get as much time as he wants to write more DDD.

Believe in him.
The fact that this comes from someone in /a/ shows how shit this board right now.
The fact that they both have enough power to carry the title ''Hero of Heroes'' would imply otherwise
>It's just Otaku trash

So it's anime?
It's immature and bad anime.
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Yeah because anime is for very mature people.
>Girls Work
That one never was a Nasu project though.
I see you haven't watched Death Note and OPM.
I wanna see Archer Emiya vs Gilgamesh and more Cu Lancer
>Death Note and OPM.

You're joking right?
>Death Note and OPM
Now this is shitposting
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>Lord Camelot tanks the end of the world

No wonder all they gave Galahad was a shield.
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How do you feel about this?
He's cute, so it's fine.
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Fluffiest humanity destroyer.
Which has been milked more, Fate, Madoka or Eva?
>This title has nothing to do with the Nasu x Takeuchi team?
Takeuchi: In reality we're still the director. This is something completely new we're trying, it's a project to bring out ideas that TYPE-MOON has never had a chance to. I'm sure one can tell from the game's background images, it's not something that can be created in a day. It needs time, and a lot of attention and work to create. The main theme is "streets," which was also used as a central focus in the introduction during the announcement.
Alternate episodes of 25 and 26, director's cut of 3-4 other episodes, and the planned 1.11-4.44 rebuild of Evangelion movies
Eva is milked differently than Fate. Its more blatant with Fate but I think Eva is milked more overall but we're in a Fate Renaissance so it may change
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How long until he's the first Beast in the gacha.
He's already in the gatcha though
What would happen if female master and male master had sex?
No concept of death means being immortal, retarded anon.
Where do you think you are? Now this is neo-/a/.
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