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Raw manga thread What are you reading?

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Thread replies: 145
Thread images: 38

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Raw manga thread
What are you reading?
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Reading 黒 after some /a/non recommended it the other day.
Just like read japanese. It's not a chore, is it?
Sounds like a perfect time to put on some brain damaging anime.
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I'm reading SZS as well, just finished the second volume.
Neat. I'm super slow because I'm transcribing it for beginners, still on vol 1.
Sorry if I'm projecting but I don't think you should try to transcribe anything if you're still a beginner yourself.

Are you making a reading pack similar to the よつばと one?
Stop bringing unrelated general drama into this thread, you dense fucking cunt. There is already a board for that, and it's not /a/.
What does that have to do with raw manga?
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>Sorry if I'm projecting but I don't think you should try to transcribe anything if you're still a beginner yourself.
Well I'm not translating it, and I'm fluent in kanji (did rtk, RIP), it's just to make up for the fact that you can't texthook it.

>Are you making a reading pack similar to the よつばと one?
Essentially, yes.
He's a regular raw manga reader that feels like he can't read today, of course.
So I can make a thread on /a/ about my feelings when I don't wanna watch anime?
Oh, you're just typing out the Japanese text then?

I misunderstood.
>russian raws
If it's in Russian it's not a raw, unless Houseki no Kuni is a Russian manga, which I highly doubt.
It seems you have made a mistake. There's no such thing as "Russian manga raws", because manga is a Japanese medium, therefore your post doesn't have anything to do with this thread.

Don't forget:
Japanese only!
This thread is not about translated manga.
Needed a good chuckle, thanks anon!
my bad, my bad
ill erase my unfitting post if im able
holy fuck i was able

first time that works in my life
Never change, you make threads like this live
am i being trolled?
first quote: yes
second quote: no
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>31 posts, 10 IPs
>less than half of those are actually about the three raw manga mentioned so far
>ironic emoticon shitposting
Great thread, guys, really.
welcome to /a/, enjoy your stay
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I finished Sayuri-san yesterday. I was expecting a more solid work but who reads cute yuri girls for plot anyway.
J-just wanted to write about raw manga like the OP suggested.
Nah it's cool I was just quoting your page
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It kinda fits for OPT.
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The ending was disappointingly predictable, but she's still one of the better yuri authors.
It teeters between fun banter to completely incomprehensible culture banter and I fucking love it.
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Are there any good scans for vol. 10 of Nichijou? I've got two different ones and they both suck on their own way.
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It's so fucking bad but I can't stop reading it.
It kinda fills the void I love you yori Aishiteru left but I wish chapters were longer.

Just buy the eBook.
Where do you guys download raws?
For instance >>150181650
There's only one seeder on nyaa and animebytes so that's pretty much dead. Or is that you ?
Is there some site or tracker I'm missing?
Looks cute so maybe I'll read that today. Are all volumes available in good quality out there? About to check.
I've already read it, and Im going to buy the physical version soon anyways. I just wanted to give it a short re-read with better scans.
Try Perfect Dark, Share, etc. If that fails you can see if someone from djt ripped it and put it in their CoR. If that fails you can buy it from Rakuten or Amazon or something.
>It kinda fills the void I love you yori Aishiteru left but I wish chapters were longer.
I strongly agree with both of those statements.
Speaking of くみちょう, I don't suppose you've read 鉄拳少女うらみちゃん? I read some of アイドれ!グリーンラプソディ but found it pretty disappointing so I've been lazy about checking out the other.
Are all volumes available in good quality out there?
Yeah. 安心して読めますよ.
Who are you quoting and why are you trying to derail the thread?
What do you guys think about Dono Jakuso Tekasuka getting banned from Amegoto? I heard he's falling back on Ino Net Tokoshoka to publish his works, but the readers there are basically making it impossible for him to write the way he wanted to.
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I can rip it for you if this is good enough for you.
Goddess clone for raws when? The fag doesn't allow raw uploads anymore, yet has tens of thousands of Kissmanga duplicates that take up a good terabyte.
I don't know who this is, but I'm pretty sure it's not a mangaka and is thus irrelevant.
It's a mangaka of japanese-language h manga.
Just use GNUnet.
I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I'm pretty sure you should at least use Google instead of making clueless shitposts.
I don't suppose you've read 鉄拳少女うらみちゃん?
Unfortunately, the only his manga I read was the one I mentioned.
Fuck you and fuck off

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong locker room.
I am in the gay one right? So no, I got the right one. Now, touch me.
Ah, OK. I figured it was a long shot.
Yes, that looks nice.
I would be extremely grateful if you did so.
>obscure shit that I want to read doesn't have ebooks or scans

God damn.
What is said obscure piece of shit?
Gotcha. I'm starting to gather all 4 volumes.

Not him but cheers.

Actually it's more aimed at educating the Japanese masses about LGBT, but that in and of itself is sort of fascinating.
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Arawi is taking too long with this
Thank you very much anon
C-can you rip doujins too?
Nope. I can rip stuff you find in the average manga ebook site, which for the most part consists of works by major publishers.
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Yesterday anons asked me to upload my folder so here it is :

とつくにの少女「Siúil, a Rún」
第01-02巻 + 第11-13話
Latest chapter which came out yesterday is included.

My MEGA is full so unfortunately I have to use Dropbox to share this, which also means I cannot add this to the CoR. You are of course free to do it yourselves. Link will be up until thread dies.

とつくにの少女 is a very relaxing and relatively easy manga to read. Out of everything I've read so far I believe this has been one of the easiest, but also one of the most enjoyable. I transcribed the あらすじ for both volume 1 & 2 and put them into a .txt so it could be rikai'd efficiently since both are using words that would probably throw off beginners.
Shit, now I gotta reread this.
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waiting for more (´;ω;`)
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Still slowly reading New Game
oy vey!
I'm reading 辺獄のシュヴェスタ, which was posted by someone in the last thread.

I'd like to be reading some of the MTK books that came out today, but the digital versions aren't out yet. Why do publishers do that?
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The wait is the worst.

All those wild speculations over the past couple of years, slowly stretching out further and further. Painful.
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Nice coincidence. Is that a random page or have you started reading 苺ましまろ?
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It's in my backlog, that's just a random page
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The artwork caught my eye and flicking through it gave me a little bit of a 黒 vibe.
Thanks for your upload. Here is a mirror:
Populating at the moment, the rest will be uploaded in an hour or so. [40KB/s upload]
Feel free to remove it from your Dropbox is you need the space.
I'm glad you like it. Be sure to read it.

And it's fine there's no rush, like I said I'll wait until the thread dies just in case.
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Reading through Meguru very slowly. I like that the author is being pretty elaborate with the MMA parts but I wish he'd also spend some time on SoL/ out of the gym/ competition moments to flesh out the characters.

>very relaxing and relatively easy manga
Cool. My moon is still rather shaky, guess I'll give this a go as practice.
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>I like that the author is being pretty elaborate with the MMA parts but I wish he'd also spend some time on SoL/ out of the gym/ competition moments to flesh out the characters.
If you are into that sort of competitive tension but are agnostic in your approach, you might enjoy 頭文字GIVE HER THE D. It actually has a fair bit of the non-racing aspects related to the characters lives.
Oh already read that. On that note, I'm actually considering picking up 彼女のカレラ as well.
>Oh already read that
All of it and you still consider your usagi runes rather shaky?
Nyaa only has up 5 volumes of the spin-off series and not the original while DDL sites have up to all 24 of the original. Pretty frustrating knowing you'll probably have to filter through a few dozen different DDL sites just to get working links.
Oh no, I should have clarified that I read it years ago in english.

Had a quick look and AB has raws for all 24 vols.
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I can't stand AB's search function.

Or perhaps that's just because they never have what I'm looking for.
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Scannning an old shoujo by Takahashi Yousuke that got reprinted (Makoto Goodbye).
so fucking cute
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Damn, these are some fine (legal) sandwiches.
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I'm going to make a Komari plushie one day.
Hundreds of them.

Only cost 414円 thanks to their coupon deal. The quality is also really good for an ebook, which is a nice surprise.
Is h-manga also welcome here?
/a/ is a blue board.
I meant discussion, not posting pages.

>not posting pages.
/a/ is an imageboard, not a textboard.
Why not go to /h/ or something where that sort of thing takes place instead of arbitrarily limiting your discussion ability here?
I am about to try to read Jojo Part 5 raw. How screwed am I?
That's okay, because 70% of the posts in this thread don't have images attached. Besides, how is discussing raw h-manga in a raw manga thread even remotely off-topic?
Having read some H-manga myself I would say yes, some of them are really good, sex scenes aside.

If you mean pure porn then no. I think other two anons are misunderstanding this.
>how is discussing raw h-manga in a raw manga thread even remotely off-topic?
Because that isn't what /a/ is for, and you know it. /a/ isn't for shoe-horning anything you want just because it is tangentially related. We have specific boards for hentai, please use them.
This is where my part of our discussion ends, I'm afraid.
anon please, you allow h-manga and then that's what will be the bulk of it, then they'll start arguing about how some generic work has god tier drama etc. Like how OPT was at one point, just people baiting with h-manga.
as long as you don't post porn images, yes, there's nothing wrong with raw h-manga. it's just another kind of manga.
Depends, do you know japanese?
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Well I'm not exactly sure what anon meant by h-manga, surely he didn't mean those manga that are 95% porn and hosted over panda, right?

Personally I meant manga like those made by Yutaka Tanaka. Those would be perfectly fine, they're seinen manga with erotic contents, but the erotic contents is not the focus of the story, it's just people who sometimes have sex like people do in real life. I don't see what's wrong in talking about those. Pic related one of my favorite manga.
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>95% porn and hosted over panda
Yes, that's pretty much what they are. What you're talking about isn't H-manga at all. Just like how something like Yellow Heart isn't a H-manga, but merely another seinen manga with some erotic content.
Low level.
Maybe. Who knows.
I was banking on people that have read it raw might know how difficult it is to understand.
Shounen manga are usually easy aside from whatever domain-specific jargon they use.
That's encouraging. I was thinking the furigana and lots of kana western music names wouldn't be too hard, but everyone that read the translation always goes on how difficult it is to understand. Hoping for the best with the original japanese.

you should see OPTs. every single thread a certain autist derails the thread by posting porn

don't destroy these threads the same way.
It's mostly just convoluted logically like jojo always is. In fact it's probably easier to understand the japanese than any fan translation you might find, even if your japanese is shit.
If you can handle the grammar in pic related, looking up unknown words with a dictionary, you'll be fine with reading the rest.
Actually, wait- hold up. Have you been reading from volume 1?
English translation. Looking to switch to japanese for part 5.
Why not read from the start as opposed to 47 volumes in? I'm genuinely confused, nor do I understand why people don't like to read what they have already read in English, as if that means much of anything.
I am not as motivated to reread something I already have as I am to read something new. I want to read part 5 not reread parts 1-4 again. This is just as much about reading and enjoying a new manga as it is improving my Japanese.
Not him, but some people only have so much time and part 5 is the one that's known for having shit translations.
>I am not as motivated to reread something I already have as I am to read something new.
But if you enjoyed the first 4 parts, you will appreciate them more after reading them in the original language.
Slightly related, but are there tools to rip from sites other than Amazon? I've seen a lot of Book Walker scans floating on the net and I'm poor as fuck to buy even digital manga without coupons, so I'm interested how do people do it.
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Here is a guide for ripping from Rakuten
For others, join pic related and/or look through the scanlation threads in the archive.
The pic related thread you are looking for has this suffix
>I am not as motivated to reread something I already have as I am to read something new
Trust me, reading it in Japanese is a new experience.

>Not him, but some people only have so much time
That's why you're on 4chan, right?
>part 5 is the one that's known for having shit translations.
I'll let you on in a secret: translations are a shit way to experience literature, period.
Anything in particular you are after?
Not really. Some MTK stuff maybe.
Some of the ones with the bookwalker page at the back may have come from amazon. Not sure what the agreement is there, but I know a bunch of the kindle books I buy have that page.
Here is a list of manga from MTK if you go the Rakuten route:
Subtract the 450 yen discount from the list price to give you the actual figure.
>Some of the ones with the bookwalker page at the back may have come from amazon
Yeah, those come from everywhere. I've gotten BW digital scans from Amazon, eBookJapan, cdjapan, Rakuen, etc.
>I'll let you on in a secret: translations are a shit way to experience literature, period.
Not him, but it really isn't that simple. Although the original translation is always preferable, translations are often indispensable. How many people alive today are capable of reading Homer? Does that preclude the Odyssey and Iliad from being arguably the two most important books of all-time?
I don't mean to compare literary translators with random scanlation groups, of course, but if it's possible to adequately translate something like War and Peace, which is far beyond any manga in terms of complexity, I don't think it's a stretch to believe that there are some decent manga translations out there.
>Not him, but it really isn't that simple
Yes it is.

>but if it's possible to adequately translate something like War and Peace
That is a fucking horrendous translation which completely leaves how chucks and changes the order of events. The perfect example of why translation is a scam.

Drop the peasant mindset because you're far better than that.
You can't translate idiolect, which is the most valuable aspect of creative writing.
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Renai / Love Lab.

The scanlations team is p slow.
How do you even know which Tolstoy translation I was referring to? Personally, I thought Pevear and Volokhonsky did a pretty good job, but if you've read it in Russian, I would be interested in knowing what makes it so horrendous.
>Drop the peasant mindset because you're far better than that.
Sorry, but I don't see how acknowledging that sometimes translations are necessary is peasant mindset. I don't read translated manga, but claiming that translations are categorically shit? Either you're the world's greatest polyglot or you're completely unfamiliar with the majority of the literary canon. Or, you know, you're just being overly stubborn.

I'm aware, that's why I said the original is always better. Still beats learning dozens of different, often dead languages in order to have a basic grasp of literature.
Oh man, that resolution. Thanks, anon.
Urara Meirochou, its cute.
Thread posts: 145
Thread images: 38

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