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Saki tanoshii

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Thread replies: 155
Thread images: 56

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The first pics from Big Gangan appeared, release date November 25.

It has Shinohayu, Saki Biyori, but no Toki chapter.

But most important thing first:
We can see the legs of the character for the Saki cover(?) but I didn't see a full pic yet.

Here comes Saki Biyori with a cat and Kiyosumi making a snowman (Yuuki? It's too round for her).
Toki and Ryuuka for the first Toki cover.

Also the list of shops that offer bonuses. Expect to see pics soon.
On to Saki Biyori. This time it's something unusual...

Yumachi girls, and the dodgeball targets are back.
Shinohayu 39
need to spoiler this for your hearts... and to prevent suicides of yurifags.
last Shinohayu pic (for now)
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An ad for the quadruple release, and I think Shinohayu will have center color pages and as a bonus a book cover?
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Last week Young Gangan (without Saki chapter) was released, but it had this ad.

Saki will get color pages too (ganbatte Ritz! You can do it!), release date December 2.

Old thread: >>149908718
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reposting Ritz's comment (still nothing on her blog):
>咲 の 実写化楽しみ です ーーーーー 服装 を 普通 に し て おけ ば 良かっ た と 後悔 し まし た ー
"I am looking forward to seeing Saki in real life - I regretted that I should have ordered clothes as normal -"
Live action was a mistake.
Delete this.
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but there was something Saki related on the cover:

Nana Asakawa who will play Nodoka in the Saki dorama (starts December 4th, in two weeks).
toki thread

toki fanbase
still not the size of her head - but you can't find someone that big in real life that looks cute like Nodocchi.
poster with a comment?
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some pics from the saki project twitter:

Saki's actor
Stop pretending to like it.
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The componist T$UYO$HI finished working on the music for the series and the movie. Depicted perhaps the scripts?
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but I like it already.
Smart girl, if she marries her uncle she's going to be shown in every news station in the world and then her mom will surely return!
forgot to say that YG will publish the manga in a bargain edition (either 2-in-1 volumes or/and abridged...)

Volume 1 and 2 will be published December 6, 2016.

So, now back to work - need to grade some papers, and will not have time to check the thread.

See you tomorrow (either in this thread or in a new one), probably with more leaks.
*Volume 1 in December 6, volume 2 in December 24 with the other four volumes.
toki thread
My dick is looking forward to the live action adaptation.
Why can't it be just Tokihayu? 10000+ chapters of Ryuuka/Toki please.
sorry, no Toki for you this time... it's toki for all of us.

I don't even follow or care about -hayus and still makes me want to hold Ritz down and make her explain herself.

>less than 50 posts

Why even make the thread?

Hitomi looked cute a few years back. Not so much anymore.

>platform sandals

When will this suffering end?

It won't. You suffer and then get added to the mountain.
>I don't even follow or care about -hayus
Shinohayu is the best part of Sakiverse, why would you do it to yourself?
She looks like a grandma.

Busy watching the kids of Shino and Richardson.
Well that's it then, I need to buy this one when I'm in JP.
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I always believed in Ritz.
>High school Kyouka

She looks the same. What a let down.
Goddamnit Richardson you bastard.
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>still as small-chested and perfect as ever
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Waiting for last month's Toki TL.
It seems like all we do nowadays is wait.
>Wait for chapter
>Wait for leaks
>Wait for raws
>Wait for TL
>Wait for new season
When will Ritz end us?
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Pudding is coming.
I can sense it.
>Melonbooks bonus
Hopefully going for record breast size again.
> Chapter 39: 5 months something
Is this a time skip chapter? Looks like Shino's hairstyle is evolving quickly.
Suddenly Shino ponytail with fluffy scrunchie.
Opportunity for Google TL if someone wants to help.
Is bride Shino a delusion of pawn shop guy, or Shino's daydream?
Any status on the prefectural tournament?
You mean like the past 2 years or something like that?
>Is bride Shino a delusion of pawn shop guy, or Shino's daydream?
Not really possible to tell but most likely the latter. Shino says "A wedding, how nice" above.

Is about pawn shop guy having some rivalry against Shino when it comes to cooking. Currently it stands 1 win for Pawn 8 wins for Shino.

Rena is busy picking up her little brother.

If it doesn't have nopan, extremely thinly veiled lesbianism and most importantly no/very few rare heteros, I don't care for it.

What if the pudding is all-consuming nanomachine swarm, and we will burn the world to stop it?
>little brother
that's how they call boyfriends now.
>If it doesn't have ... no/very few rare heteros, I don't care for it.
I'm not quite sure that's what you really meant, anon.
Tokihayu and the live action is a mistake.

Sad isn't it?
Who know Ritz is so beloved.
Shino is not a boy though.

I meant that if the series has heteros like Shinohayu does, I don't want it.
Even Saki has heteros like Kyoutarou and Yuuki.

Very few, like I said. Also, Yuuki is clearly bi. She even proposed to Nodoka.
Who's really het in heterohayu anyway?

So you didn't read it either?
When is the next chapter of the main manga coming out?
December I think.
Because you are a faggot and everyone hates you.
Reminder: You will never (be) impregnate(d by) any of the Sakis, Tokis, biyoris, -hayus or Ritz's.
This, even Richardson is gay for that pawn shop guy.
Shinomom and Richardson are fucking. Shino is their incest baby.
Next Saki chapter is December 2 in the next Young Gangan.
Incest is unlikely. I think Shino's dad may make a surprise appearance when Shino gets older and starts appearing on TV for Zenkoku. Probably someone Nana met in Tokyo, but didn't like too much (therefore still using the last name Shiratsuki).
Another option is that the father is someone Nana knew in Shimane, and when she got pregnant she moved to Yokohama to have Shino in secret. Perhaps the pawn store guy?
Will the search for Shino's mom lead to the discovery of some hidden secrets? Is it related to the Miyanaga mystery or the death of Koromo's parents? Wait 10 years for the exciting conclusion...
>Wait 10 years for the exciting conclusion...
My, aren't you optimistic?
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December 2. Expect leaks next week. For now, waiting for more Big Gangan leaks.
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How is the dorama going, /a/?
According to their twitter the movie is already finished and edited. So unless some cyber attack of the data occurs there's no stopping it now.
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A Saki chapter 2 months in the making. This better be good.
It may rival chapters 102-104 for plot development. We learned about Saki's mom, the Norwegian heritage, and the fire last time. What other secrets will we learn as Teru and Saki pass in the hallway?
We might even get a fully drawn chapter. Or upgrades for everyone.
Ritz will announce her hiatus while the live action are showing.
/djt/ is toki
/ai/ is toki
We are next. Fuck newfag mod.
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By the way saw this posted on futaba recently. Possibly Ritz storyboard for final Taisho match.
How can we be general if we only spawn like one time a month.

We are literally wraiths of Toki as of late.

Also, just a reminder that Mako is best girl.
I bet you don't even play mahjong any more.
My Dan level tenhou account expired last month.

I forgot that not logging in for a certain length eventually gets your account killed.

>best anything

The delusion runs deep.
Nah its cool, we only make a thread when there's a new material coming out. Surely the power that be aren't retarded enough to call us a general.
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16.05.18 post here


I think it was the rough version of Shizu awakening and everyone going "Oh shit".
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Sh...she will be on the next cover, you just wait.

Short black socks, Kyosumi skirt - It's the time of the moms to shine. Kyouka, Mako, Kana Ikeda.
You are in a restaurant, eating your omurice alone. Ritz and her harem walk in and are seated next to you. What do you do?
Just makes you wonder, how far Ritz actually has drawn the roughs. If they're ready for the entire final while we're stuck in loser-hen she should get other priorities.
Ask to be their worthless manslave, will even castrate myself on the spot.
Looks like Saki behind her staring cooly, while Awaii smiling below.

Start whispering, then get progressively louder until they clearly hear me, saying random mahjong terms.
Toki yourself.
I bet my ass that the day Mako gets a cover it'll either be loli-Mako or glasses removed Mako.
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Seeing as they put Nelly on the cover without her costume and HER HAT, they might very well do that.
The bastards.
I hope they put a long straightened haired Mako in the cover.
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>Silly haired character just lets hair straight / get perm and improves
This is my fetish.
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Don't push me.
Corruption is a pretty shit-tier fetish all things considered.
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We are all corrupt, some of us just enjoy it.
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ha ha ha, yea sure ;_;
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So it was a photo shooting for a magazine...

to appear somewhat taller
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I meant, why wear socks with sandals. Terrible.
It's a traditional Japanese look. Geta sandals with tabi socks.
Different from Western tourists at the beach.

But those are neither geta nor tabi socks. Still terrible.
She doesn't follow fashion, she starts it.

She didn't start anything. Someone else made her wear them specifically for the photos, and it's terrible.
Hopefully the time spent on roughs explains the recent difficulty with completing published chapters.
It would make a lot of sense for Ritz to have assistants if the series is going to continue for another 20 years.
At least for shit like toning you'd think they find designated people.
I don't think Ritz wants to share the honour of shading Nodoka's boobs.
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John Gangan is to embarrassed to approve a job posting for Assistant Lesbian.
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matte, oneechan!

Eventually Mekimeki will move in with Ritz and bring her assistants with her.
If it's one thing Gangan doesn't know it's shame.
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Teru and the chibi Shiraitodais
Sumire, no!
Murder is not the correct solution!

Look at the arrow closely. It has no arrowhead.
Seiko shouldn't be snagging Teru by the horn.
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When an arrow lacks an arrow head...
The whole arrow becomes the arrow head
Is that like when Teru lacks a real team, so she becomes the whole team?

Arrow without head usually doesn't fly as well.
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One day to BG.
BG is advertising the new MangaUp mobile reader.
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To make an effective team the other members must become one with the leader, so they can form one entire team body
I know what you mean. Just like a team without a leader.
this was somewhat old
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Any lewds from futaba worth posting?
I posted a Suzu on the /e/ thread.
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I hope there is a torrent or stream for live action.
Surprisingly, BG does advertise for manga assistants:
If you're looking for a "dream job", Shinohayu is looking for assistants. Also, Twintail, Bamboo Blade, and several others.

The requirements for Ritz's assistant are so extreme that there's maybe three people in the whole country who qualify.
And all three already work for her.
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BG is also available on Kindle.
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as always
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Shino is too damn cute.
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MBS page on the Saki live action (from futaba)

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from futaba: http://may.2chan.net/b/res/448025804.htm
Reality is so cruel.

They all are ugly
3D sakisan is infinitely cuter than her 2D counterpart.
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what about loli Minami (actor of Saki, on the right)?
They could look a bit nicer with better photograph.
Looked like a boy.

Heh, just like Saki-san.
>Interviewer: I saw your picture, you really look like the character in the manga.
>Asakawa: Saki is reknown for its "non-wearing" style (laugh). And the skirt are so short, I'm like "Wait, is she wearing anything underneath?! Nothing at all!?". The director was also very meticulous about the looks and skirt length. They made the costume tighter for Nodoka, to highlight the body (laugh). I even colored my hair, I used to always have black hair but I changed it pink-beige-ish to match the role.
Damn it Ritz. Stop molesting the actresses.
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In just hours we'll have BG release, from then on it's december with YG return, live action, Ritzmas release and comiket. We'll still be toki but I'm looking forward for all the content anyway.
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15 hours
Sooner if unauthorized leaks to China or wherever.
Thread posts: 155
Thread images: 56

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