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Why didn't they just use submarines against it?

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Why didn't they just use submarines against it?
Because fuck subs.
Or more like cruise missiles, you know, that whole thing that made armor totally useless as a whole.
>I don't understand naval warfare tactics or sonar technology
is this that newfangled kancolle thing?
>mind control electronic warfare plot hamsters
ok, then planes maybe?
There aren't any planes in their world.
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>missiles exist
>planes dont
im getting rustled here
It's a cartoon, just go with it.
To be fair, rocketry predates heavier-than-air flight by quite a long time.
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Modern missiles are basically miniature planes.
Did someone say submarine?!?
>Modern missiles
>basically miniature planes

You mean every missile since V1?
I don't know Japan has a very proud submarine development. Plus they did more to the Americans than their battleships.
Go back to tumblr
I don't know the context of this, if we're talking about real life, the Yamato was kept away from submarine patrol areas. However, two certain carriers didn't fair well due to submarines
Did they ever explain why they sent high school girls out to sea on partially modernised warships that were armed with live ammunition or was this basically Girls und Panzer Ship Edition without even attempting plausibility?
Same goes for US submarines.
The USN had the second best submariners in the world back in WW2, and the gato class sank the most tonnage per submarine lost in the entire war
You mean three right?
GuP is plausible? in what way?

Practically nothing that happens in that show is physically possible, even in testing
they were comfort girls
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Yes, modern missiles.
If they can make fucking missiles, planes shouldn't be some non thing.
Look up "attempt" in a dictionary.
I thought most missiles ran on solid fuel.
You don't want to sit on a plane "ran" by solid fuel.

I agree they should have enough knowledge in aerodynamics to make planes, but if we look at it on the other side, without the military application of planes in ww1 and 2 we would most likely be closer to the Wrights than to jet engines.

Of course that's just all my opinion.
Well all the boy's school's submarines
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Bet they all shotas too.
>without the military application of planes in ww1 and 2 we would most likely be closer to the Wrights than to jet engines.
Except the civilian application of aircraft were immediately recognized, and most of the advancements made in the interwar period were done by civilians like Howard Hughes, and Loughead.
Why didn't they deploy a gundam
That's not really fair, if you're going to compare a gunpowder tube on a stick to a modern missile you should probably allow comparison of things like kites or lighter-than-air craft to a modern aircraft, in which case, your argument turns retarded.
Recognized doesn't mean jack shit.
Every advancement on aviation after ww1 was built on war experience and post war industry. Veteran pilots were abundant and so do aviation engineers, testing sites ect.
Metal hulls were made for war in the first place.
They didn't have missiles either, just ASROC which are light torpedoes strapped to a rocket booster.
>without the military application of planes
How could planes possibly not have a military application?
>The USN had the second best submariners in the world back in WW2
>USN actually succeeded at using subs to cut off and island nation's supply lines
>second best
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I was being modest as to not trigger axis faggots
>second best submariners
>not best

Though I guess it's more an application of doctrine than anything,
Imagine a world where (and this is absolutely theoretical) weapons capable of shooting down with ease became widespread before aviation could reach a point that would make short term application in war plausible and not a money sink that has zero use.

For instance: If the sonar technology became widespread before the application of submarines do you think Germany would have built subs?

Or if cruise missiles were much more technically advanced, would any nation have build dreadnoughts or heavy cruisers?
shooting down planes* with ease
I should be sleeping.
Why does the third reich get so much dicksuckery over their supposed technological advancement when the US fielded a semiautomatic combat rifle for general use before them?
Why do people dickride Rommel when he was a decent tactician but a terrible general?
Why do people think the nazis were great at muh ordnung when their industry and governance was extremely corrupt and inefficient?
You would just make planes that could destroy those weapons. Stealth technology and sead exist already, because the russians knew that americans would achieve air superiority (or at least they would never be able to) and developed some of the best air defense systems in the world. Of course america developed counters to said weapons systems such as those in use today.
Well it depends what you mean by best.
German submarines were great at submerging fast and deep. American submarines benefited from radar and except for the really outdated ones had air conditioning for their electronics(which also benefited the crew), not to mention their crews were considered elite. Japanese Submarines had the best range, and had a fine torpedo from Japan's entry into the war.
The US submarine force was the most strategically successful, certainly, but that relates hugely to the failings of the Japanese at defending themselves from submarine attack, while the failure of the Germans in the Atlantic relates hugely to the change in tactics by the UK (and entry into hostilities by the US).

For a different example, Hartmann racked up hundreds of kills in the most modern aircraft[s] in the world by downing peasants flying undefended ground attackers in nonmaneuvering formations, does that necessarily the "best" fighter pilot in the world? It's difficult to compare him with someone like Joe Foss who flew an outdated fighter model against arguably superior fighters with certainly more experienced pilots and still managed to down two dozen planes in four months. Who was the "better" pilot?
We aren't talking about ww1-2 era now?
Because the whole conversation is revolving around that time period.
Lets not forget how the Germans counted kills.
If I recall it was something like, if you shot down a bomber, that meant you got 4 kills..
But Haifuri is modern day/near future.
>Did they ever explain why they sent high school girls out to sea on partially modernised warships that were armed with live ammunition
To trigger americans
The conversation started here >>148315971
My whole point is, in my opinion, in an alternate timeline it is plausible to have cruise missiles but not planes.

Just like how we use uranium instead of thorium today.
It really is inexcusable.
It's just ARSOC.
Cruise missiles aren't ww2 either.
If you watched the show you'd realise that their submarine divisions were affected by the mind control rats.

Also the submarines were full of males, and you can't have something long, hard and full of seamen penetrating those girls.
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Oh my fucking god did you even read what I wrote?
I guess it's my fault, thinking I can have an intelligent fucking conversation on this board.
nah, your original point is retarded.
if they have advanced computers capable of making shit like smartphones and advanced naval craft, they have computers smart enough to model aerodynamics and realize oh shit heavier than air flight is both possible and desirable.
and don't give me that shit about "oh no ones though about it" because heavier than air flight has been a goal for inventors and scientists since antiquity.
>gato class
>These boats all had air conditioning, refrigerated storage for food, fresh water distilling units, clothes washers, and bunks for nearly every crew member; luxuries virtually unheard of in other navies. The Bureau designers felt that if a crew of 60–80 men were to be expected to conduct 75-day patrols in the warm waters of the Pacific, these types of features were vital to the health and efficiency of the crew. They could be added without impact to the boat's war fighting abilities due to the extra room of the big fleet boat. However, one feature in particular had a very practical side to it. Submerge a submarine for any length of time and the heat generated by the recently shut down engines, electronic gear, and 70 warm bodies will quickly raise internal temperatures above 100 Fahrenheit. High humidity generated by tropical waters will quickly condense and begin dripping into equipment, eventually causing electrical shorts and fires. Air conditioning, acting mostly as a dehumidifier, virtually eliminates this problem and greatly increases mechanical and electrical reliability. It proved to be a key factor in the success of these boats during World War II.
Comfy af
Space magic rats > submarines.

>Comfy af
Then there was the post-war innovation of Russian Typhoon-class subs with swimming pools. Why can't we have subs with swimming pools?
How do you launch torpedos to a flying enemy?
Bumblebees aren't very aerodynamic and their wings aren't a big enough surface to generate lift, they're mainly used for steering. Once we figure out how they actually manage to fly we'll have heavier than air flight beat.
>>Why do people dickride Rommel when he was a decent tactician but a terrible general?

Because during WW2 he was considered a Worthy Opponent by the Allies, and that colored his later reputation. Also, you can't fluff your reputation by calling the enemy terrible, they have to be great so you can look even better for defeating them.

is still made in general of how 'efficient' the Nazis were so that the US and Russia in particular can slap themselves on the back for defeating such a tough foe rather than acknowledge that their victory was simple math; all they had to do was not fuck up and waste their superiority in nearly every metric from fuel supplies to manpower to industrial output.
Fucking modern carrier groups can get fucked up by subs. You don't know shit.
>rubber duck
Is this Kantai thread?
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Its a sexiest boat thread
Because planes are much quicker. And the Yamato got hit by 18 torpedoes and 25+ bombs before going down.
>ok, then planes maybe?
Did you have your head up your ass when you watched the show?
Nigger, they had airships and drones
Airships and planes are different
I am more surprised how the zombie crew survived since most people die without fresh water after three days.
They weren't really zombies, they could think and react to threats, they just had this huge urge to destroy.
I am more surprised that anyone wanted to rescue Moka-chan despite how bad she must've smelt.
What about the people trapped on the bridge?
Who had the best?
That depends, do ships bridges usually have a toilet?
If you paid attention to the show, you'd know that they had supplies with them
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>the US fielded a semiautomatic combat rifle for general use before them

We also allowed ourselves to fall behind the curve on armor development, clung to an utterly asinine armor doctrine even after it had been proven ineffective, and as a consequence got our anuses prolapsed when the krauts inevitably fielded more powerful tanks. We also had to bum jet engines from the limeys because we couldn't be assed to keep up with that, either.
>the failure of the Germans in the Atlantic relates hugely to the change in tactics by the UK

>all they had to do was not fuck up

We couldn't even manage THAT much!
Looks more like a dolphin.
Pic obviously not related.
Nigga, you fell the Shermans were horrible meme. Our armor development was fine. Shermans were relatively well armored with the added benefit of being sloped. The later variants of the Sherman with 76mm guns were good enough to pierce almost all of the tanks that the Germans had. And the most impressive thing about it was that it was logistically great. It was easily repairable because all of the parts for maintaining the Sherman were interchangeable with all other Sherman variants and from other motor vehicles. And it was reliable in that it could keep running for a long amount of time in comparison to the Panthers and Tigers whose engines caught fire and broke down easily. The Sherman could literally stand up to any tank that the Germans had, with possible exception to the tiger. Even though it's kind of retarded comparing a medium tank to a heavy tank.

And the reason that the armor doctrine was ineffective was because the Allies were always on the offensive. First off, the Shermans were not meant to be front line tanks but as troop support. Secondly, the doctrine was shaped in that the Allies thought that the Germans would Blitzkrieg them with their tanks. So the plan was that if a battle broke out, the Tank Destroyers would pretty much hold the line against them but Shermans would almost always run into their tanks first.
>whose engines caught fire
There is no combustion engine that's immune against it,
Subs fucking where?
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