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Dangan Ronpa 3

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 549
Thread images: 204

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Idiot, or attacker?
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first for Junko
Uninvolved 3rd party
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You know nothing.
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>Punched Naegi so hard Rihanna playing sticks and stones
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag and makes niggers drop faster than the Detroit police department
>Went one on one with the Gozuboys
>Rekt Hinata so hard he turn Izuru
>100% accuracy rate in Olympic chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was just to flex his muscles and check dat ass
>Went full ham on the old man and crew just to get his kick quota fulfilled
>Roundhousekicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet
>Too busy punching manlets, so some mentally deranged kid blows up half the school
>Great try, but no normalfags died
Fucking reeeeeeeeeee
>Tried to kill the donut but jobbed again
>Survived 2 missile barrages by some random ass cripple in a wheelchair
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, declaring himself to be best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his friends no matter what
>Only taking 2 episodes rest before kicking the shin of everyone again.
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Seduced by Ruruka's sweets, but who gives a shit, our boy definitely doesn't. Fuck candy and fuck that whore, time to get her killed via NG
>Kicks the riot down with the power of flaming fists and thousands of normies


He is gonna kick everyone in the damn anime and survive, shrugging it off while kicking the traitor back to hell.



PS: Normalfriends and Chiakifriends need not apply to based Juzo
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Genius lovable doughnut girl
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Do female people (real) like Fuyuhiko?
Are they okay with his height?
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Not about me.
At this rate, this will end up being a two post pasta
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Fuyuhiko and Peko are strictly off limits to anyone but each other
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Or my plan.
Peko seems pretty okay with it
I'd date a Fuyuhiko, regardless of height. Dating a mafia boss sounds like an absolute dream, actually. I'd be treated to the best of all luxuries.
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How did you feel about this?
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I mean actual girls.
Like 3D.
Is Danganronpa the greatest love story ever told?
your life would also be in constant danger
I was expecting Koichi to contribute more to the overall plot to be honest, if that episode was the last of him then he didn't really do much of note in the end. He's a cool guy though.
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>only in for money
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"Yes Chief, they still think I'm loyal to Class 78. Munakata caught on, but he was disposed of."

"No Chief, I have no idea what Ruruka was planning. But with her in custody, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Yes Chief, Nagito thought he was Ultimate Hope until the very end. He thought the game was his idea all along."

"Yes Chief, I agree. The world needs a mix of Hope and Despair. They never knew there was a second Kamakura project. I saw to that when I disposed of Yukizome and Seiko."

"Yes Chief, your plan went perfectly. I look forward to seeing you at Headquarters, Nanami-san
My life's boring and that would actually be fine with me.
I respect Peko way too much to steal him from her. But yes, of course I'd date him now that she's dead.
Anyone got the three-four post of the whole Big Boss vs Revolver Ocelot bit with this screen-capped?
List of known sluts in the Danganronpa universe:
Toko (chaste)
Mukuro (for Junko)
Mahiru (only for her man)

Why are the girls in DR so lewd?
Implying I'm not attracted to how tsundere Fuyuhiko actually is. Oh silly, Peko!
we knew kyouko had daddy problems

what we didn't know was that she had TWO
Kyoko is Love

I wonder what's going to be the next hot meme
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Am I supposed to wear 3D glasses when I look at this image.
when ever was mahiru lewd?
>this cheerful smile
Where did it all go so wrong?
Probably a Hajimezuru version of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avaSdC0QOUM
Girls that aren't into 3DPD probably don't give a fuck, he's cute
which would kizakura rather

>staying in a school with a bunch of kids
>staying with ff and helping the world
Munakata killing somebody with his katana in full "pshhh nothin personnel kid" style.
I'm waiting for the day when he teleports behind someone
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Manlets are cute.
it needs the
>sheathes katana
>blood spills
cliche too
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I want Mahiru to cuck me

I want her to send me pictures of her fucking another man while doing double peace signs
Meh, I have a feeling that, for all his posturing, Munakata won't even get one kill.
His "Too bad this isn't a trial" line in the 3rd episode was pretty much that
Ask her to get naked on the beach in Island mode and see what happens
Having two dads turned her into a strong independent detective who don't need no Naegi.
But they pretty much abandonned her to that detective family after that.
i want to sniff mikan's farts
I want to be the one fucking Mahiru while you watch
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Jin doesn't deserve Koichi
Mahiru wouldn't cuck you
She'd probably get off to pictures of you getting fucked by another man while doing double peace signs though
He already has one
Old men on the verge of dying don't count.
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I'd want it to be even more mild than that if we're talking Mahiru. Like pictures of her staring and blushing at another man.
Was there a difference in gameplay when the POV changes to Nagito in the game?
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This, as well as when you ask her to get naked in Island Mode.

I still want to fuck this lewd strawberry
I want to be the one fucking anon while Mahiru is watching
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you can have this whore.
So is that it for turning class 77 into Ultimate Despair? Just have them watch a brainwashing movie? Nothing to have made them change their viewpoints or attitude of their own will, just they lost control of themselves and weren't really responsible for their own actions?
You didn't collect truth bullets or anything and it turned into a room escape puzzle game but that's more because of the scenario he was in than because of he himself.
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How kind of you, anon. Please do.
But that's gay
Nah man, I can't be satisfied with that light shit. I want to see her ahegao and hear her say I'll never satisfy her again. I want to hold her hand while she orgasms over and over again from someone else fucking her.
You get to hear his inner thoughts.
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I want to marry Sonia!
I want to arrange the wedding for when you marry Sonia
Kamikaze Pepsi pls go
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Call my name and
sa~ave me from the dark
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>She'll never take ahegao selfies during her whole cucking session
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Nice try retard, she is pure
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That's pretty sweet.
He's not as popular with Fujos as Hinata/Komaeda/Soda/Gundham if that's what you're asking.
I want to be the one objecting at the wedding after the priest says the hold your peace line
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It hurts.

no wait nevermind I dont want to know
That's kinda hot. Cuck fetish is still trash.
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I hope you're the same Mitarai-anon who loves him as much as me.

Here's to our pure little prince, may he be spared Junko's grip and live through the end of Future.
SodaGundam pairing, I'm guessing
I want to be the one getting shitfaced with Souda and Gundham at your wedding
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Soda, please go.
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>no wait nevermind I dont want to know
Wise decision anon
Most fujos ship him with Gundam and don't imagine banging him. Most fujos actually don't really do the whole "ship with themselves"/husbandos.
Yes. Despair arc fucked up.
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When did Peko and Fuyuhiko stop bathing together?
The absolute madwoman
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>he doesn't know
I acknowledge that my fetish is objectively shit, but I can't help what turns me on
Why's she so perfect bros?
define """"""pure"""""?
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>Implying they did
>the guy he hated
>the guy who cockblocked him from his waifu
>the guy who he had no feelings about during his execution

what the fug
Souda + anyone really. I've seen a couple with Komaeda and with Hinata and/or Izuru.
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Female Hajime is perfect and best girl and you can't prove me wrong (Male is second best after Byakuya)
Gundham is pretty hot, tbqh.

Soda is ugly af.
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>no wait nevermind I dont want to know
It's too late anon. You have dabbled in forces too strong to contain.
Do you think Peko wakes Fuyuhiko up with under the covers blowjobs? Do you think she continues to do so despite his protests?
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I want to marry Soda
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>Expecting logic from crack shippers

>tfw no FeMC for DR
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Of course.
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Jude me
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gundam is ugly
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TFW dead husbando
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>even their depictions in fanart are unaware of what it is they're doing
How can you miss the panty collector?
explain the time hot girls kept coming onto kazuichi
That's the best designed Hajime chan I have ever seen.
Imb4 subs delayed

when they are we can just [HOPE] 16 hour kun saves us
Hate shipping is a thing apparently
He's pretty qt desu senpai
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Best canon ship.jpg
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Follow your dreams.

No, you.
>filthy frank degenerates are actually allowed onto /a/
new/a/ won
You would be surprised how many female naegifags there are the go wild for the cute anime manlet boys wouldn't be surprised if there were similar people with fuyu
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Future foundation sucks balls. No wonder the world is still in despair.

I'm just watching Mirai-hen, see if someone can remotely control my boy Izuru.
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Are they sexy?
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Fuck *judge me
would still fuck
Why is Mahiru so perfect?
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Watch the stream with us.

I don't like his hair.
A tool stops operating when it's job is done, after all
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>Soda is ugly af.
I think your eyes need to be checked.
litteraly fujisaki
You're supposed to watch Mirai episode 1, then Despair episode 1, then Mirai episode 2, etc.
You won't get the background on the new mirai characters if you don't.
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>tfw he was cucking himself the whole time
end this meme. stick to S-F
But anon I dont know moon speak
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>Implying more than half of the stream does

Despite that, it's still fun.
need to fix up your taste m8
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What's your theory on Izuru's eyes
>Wanting someone else to defile your waifu instead of making her make aheago yourself

Can't say u relate
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Kirijunko is the Reality my friends the ending of future even describes someone getting out of a prison (NWP) and Being a Pawn to someone
theyre both red
im gonna riot if they give Hajizuru Gundham's shitty contact lens eyes
Why should there be a theory?
Character design marches on.
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>tfw wanted the "all of DR is an anime" thing to be true just so she would still be alive
>Chihiro and Ryota not both S or higher

Shit list lad
>Touko's eyes turn red when she goes Genocider
>Hinata's eyes go red when he goes Izuru
That's pretty much it.
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They've always been like top image and bottom is a blunder made by the artist is my guess.
I know I was in them the last 2 weeks

I still will go to em for fun but fuck me I wish I new what was going on
What if that's not really Asahina? Since they have similar figures, what if Chisa disguised Asahina as herself and herself as Asahina. Kyoko and Munakata managed to figure that out after inspecting the original corpse. And Monaca, who seems to know who the attacker is, might've done more than just a prank, but deliberately did that to send a message, that Asahina is dead.
>Traditional girl least likely to cuck you
>Want her to cuck you
Why make things so difficult
I meant girls with Husbandos not Gay shippers.
They're filled with hope.
Actually, traditional girls are the most slutty and most likely to cheat on you because they're sexually inexperienced and easily seduced. On the other hand, girls who have slept around and seen it all already are jaded and cynical and won't hop on every dick that gives them attention.

I am watching both. I say what I see. Future foundations were fucked up. Not even one of them was in for muh hope.

The only exceptions would be based Tengan, Gozubro, Ryota and our lovely sunshine Naegi and his classmates.

Maybe even Kizakura.

Munakata may want to reshape the world according to his ideals, Sakacuck, Chisa and Seiko were in because of the said faggot, we don't know jack shit about Farmer cuz he died before it even began, and don't get me started with candyslut and his blacksmith puppy.

Makes you start wondering how would have gone down if this madman was in charge of Future Foundation.
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So instead of retarded theories in the threads I now face cuck fetishists. Here I was hoping these threads would get better, but they seem to only get worse.
Did you know that by the time the average person turns 30 they have only one testicle?
Not even a boob? What the hell?
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I want to fix and marry her.
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What can I say? My fetishes are very complex
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Too bad you won't live that long.
That's like 2% of the fanbase anon.

If I'm not mistaken non-fujos mostly just ship him with Peko
Eww, if true that's gross.
ive waited for fucking WEEKS for Hajizuru, Kodaka!

I swear to god this wait is making me peeved!
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>I still will go to em for fun but fuck me I wish I new what was going on
Me too. It's never too late to learn moonspeak.

See you on the next one, anon.
If girls don't have Fuyuhiko as their husbando it's most likely because of his relationship with Peko, not because of his height
There's not a lot of people who have Peko as their waifu either after all
So if Junko really did have a brainwash video, why didn't she just make her class despair?

I mean, DR1 class is arguably more terrifying as Despairs than the DR2 class, besides maybe Soda and Sonia. According to anime, Idols trump all other forms of performers. Despair Ishimaru is literally hitler. Fujisaki can arguably do more damage than Souda's robots through hacking government codes. Naegi has literally talked people into leaving a perfect safezone for a desolate wasteland and that was fueled by hope.

If she really wanted to do the killing game, doing it with the DR2 cast would be more effective as, without Hinata, I highly doubt anyone would be able to defeat Junko and just kill everyone involved.
not him but was that a joke?
I hope you enjoy getting Hakuhei'd, as I expect they're just going to cut to him post-boat. I mean, why show it, it was boring after all
I used my brain for a second but I still don't get it.

If Asahina is already dead, you can't really say Naegi killed her as Monoca seemed to imply the death he caused hasn't happened yet.
fuck knew
Average person is not a man.
Because the brainwash video doesn't actually brainwash them, it's just one technique of many. It's why mikan fell so easily.
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Hope 2.gif
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She didnt want to despair her hope manlet, her only chance at being fixed

>The average person
>not the average man

The average person DOES have one testicle.
If you count all human beings and take the mathematical average of the number of testicles they have, you get ~1.
It's pointing out that statistics are misleading
I thought it was applicable to Komaeda because it's technically true, but really misleading.
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fuck this shit.jpg
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Tfw Kodaka shows you the middle finger and shows killing game instead of Hajizuru
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>virgin brides are the real whores
t. Schlomo Goldberg
1/10 not funny at all, but you get a point for making it

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Seiko actively tries to heal peoples ailments. Didn't instantly go for Makato when she saw him and Aoi, instead showed concern for the scratch on Aoi's arm. Seiko a top Hope
Whatever we get, it'll be dumb. Dumb beyond our expectations, that's what Kodaka is good at. I don't even care anymore, I just want to see how this shit will end.
I didn't even think that far, I just thought that by persons you meant men. Thanks for taking the time to explain it though.
that looks hopeful
We'll see, anon. There's no proof that she won't only use that either.

If having his imouto killed didn't put manlet to despair, then I dunnow what else is gonna except magic brainwash.
>implying Makato and Chihiro can fall into despair.

Taka ain't got the charisma to lead like Hitler
I dunnow, anon. None of the DR2 cast seems to be easily despairable either but she did it arguably thanks to despair video.

Despair mode seems to imply they get a boost in powers. He could probably also just channel Hiter's ghost like he did with Mondo.
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is the thread dead already?
Just a slow day/period I guess. Slower thread usually equates to less shitposters, especially nighttime in burgerland.

Already on it, senpai. Mods have been helpful to us so far, so there's nothing to worry about.
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>you'll never eat her out and be forced to continue for hours upon hours because you head is being held in place by her powerful yet smooth and nice legs
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Good taste.
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You're forgetting the most dangerous despair there is, anon.

Also I like Ishimaru as much as the next guy, hell I feel that he should've been the protagonist of DR1 over Makoto even, but you're overrating him a little I feel. He's just "follow the school rules" guy, that's all his SHSL Disciplinary Committee Member talent embodies.
implying a woman in the jungle shaves.
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>my face when Ruruka gets the Mira treatment
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>Mikan, Ibuki, Chiaki, Gundam, Komaeda, and Twogami that high
Fucking top tier, anon. We'd probably get along great.
I'm pretty sure Sakura has a bigger cock than that, anon,
post Komaeda memes
Where's the template?
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DanganRonpa Tiers.png
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I'll just leave mine here
How do I work on this with only paint?
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>implying that's not better
What's he even going to do? They're not going to show him fighting the boats. It'll have happened offscreen and he'll just repeat "boring" the entire episode.
just save any one of ours and edit with paint, that's what I did
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Am I the only one who feels that Bandai with his weird proverbs and loli voice is going to be more significant in some way in the next few episodes?
No template, gotta make it yourself.
I wouldn't know, I used gimp
I prefer how it was handled here.

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>Implying brazilian isn't better
>Guy that control animals
>Guy with the biggest yakuza organization
>Swordwoman that BTFO Mukuro
>Manager able to make everybody into supersoldiers and is strong as fuck
>Akane with super reflexs and is strong as fuck
How is the first cast better to destroy shit?
>Mahiru that high
>My negro, I thought I was the only one
She used to be so underrated, but I feel like people are finally starting to appreciate her.
Juzo needs to be on par with brozu and I'd put Nidai one lower in A
>DR1 class is arguably more terrifying as Despairs than the DR2 class
Literally the only "terrifyng" character in dr1 is sakura.
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Top tier taste
Someone post some lewd danganronpa feet pics so i can fap to it thanks
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>>tfw no FeMC for DR

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I have never seen a man with such awful taste
Anyway, back to you. Your taste is a bit scattered. On one hand, you have Sonia, Chiaki, and Komaru in decent or proper places, and that goes for Hopeman, Hajime, Makoto 'Tell 'em' Naegi, and Ishimaru. Peko could be a bit higher, but she's fine where she is too. She's a good girl.

However, your chart takes critical damage. Sayaka is controversial at best, but doesn't quite deserve a trash rating. Kirigiri should be a B at minimum. Weedman and Togami are also absurdly low. Teruteru and Mondo are too high, and Gundam should be an A at best. Monaka should be a D MAX for being such a cunt, and simply having her in the same area as Kirigiri is twice as insulting. Asahina should be a B as well for being both genki and sweet, and Mikan should go down to A.

Your chart gets a 7/10. You've got some solid ratings, but the wrong ones just hurt you too much.
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Was just kinda inspired by his planned execution. Seemed like a natural progression of a guy who was really into upholding rules to become a dictator.

Nah, I think Ishimaru works great as a side character but not as an MC. He didn't deserve to die the way he did but then again he's the kind of guy who would never kill anyone. Would trade him over Weedman any day.
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I just want to feel her skin, and not have a bunch of hair in my mouth.
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Put your hope in the bag and nobody gets hurt.
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>Any list with Komaeda above the bottom tiers
Sayaka is controversial at best, but doesn't quite deserve a trash rating.

Strongly disagree.
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So who is the head of the 13th branch? Do you think they will show who it is? Also how come Munakata didn't find out Jabberwork sooner since Miaya worked on NWP? Why the hell did she build the NWP?
too lazy to make an image but
S tier: Nekomaru, Mechamaru
A tier: Nagito, Chihiro, Junko
Everyone else: Irrelevant
Absolute shitter tier: I can't believe it's not butter!
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Put the gun down, Hopeman.
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you dare insult our messiah of hope?
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What can I say anon? I love memes, and there's no better man for it
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DR2 cast FTEs shows the vulnerabilities we believed Junko would exploit to bring them to despair. DR1 FTEs shows there hopes and vulnerabilities they hope to overcome and has a more optimistic end to them imo

Chihiro was gonna reveal his true gender to his classmates and the world watching and actively tried to improve himself in the meantime. Even believed he'd met them all before at the start of the killing game, that was prob just some foreshadowing but I like to think it was his hope shining through. Makato is Makato, even with his crappy luck he's still soo positive going forward and it wins him all kind of allies. Don't think he can do that with despair
Who's dying?

The number one man in Japan?
The smelly one?
Did you see what they do in Future 1? How are people like leon,hagakure,yamada,celes and mondo more more terrifying than Gundam,Nekomaru,Fuyuhiko,akane and peko?
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fair enough

I happen to find some degree of hair aesthetically pleasing though

Not like it matters because I'm handholdless irl
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Hopeman, put your hopes on the ground and nobody gets hurt.
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Komaeda deserves his own tier to be honest
Anyone else here thinks that was the most "anti-anime" twist ever?
>About to face the villain
>Pulls out a gun, because fuck it, I actually want to end this shit
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>imposter mahiru
>chiaki sleeping
>togami in the background having the time of his life
I love this picture so much
it was completely nullified by Shitaki's "IF U KILL HER U'LL BE JUST LIK HER!!1!"
It might have been if he had actually shut the hell up and shot her.

Still a hilarious moment when he whipped out his gat though.
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Why do you hate her, anon? I gave her shit for a long while myself, but giving her a second look changed my perspective just a little. She's no angel and a shit for trying to betray Naegi, but she was a good girl before all that.

Cumaru is best ahoge

Yeah, it was pretty damn funny. One of the better moments in the show.
>Mentioning the shit people over the useful ones
I could do the same. How is Teruteru more frightening than Sakura or even Chihiro?
he found out despair arc had turned into a mess while he was gone. had to put it out of its misery.
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Too bad he then proceeds to give a big speech about how he wishes she wouldn't lose instead of just shooting her.
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What if, there is no traitor at all.
Hey, she didn't say that. She had no idea what was going on there (the fact that Nagito does is what's weird here), she just said that killing is not good.
Party dishes with the ability to mind hack
She never said that.
She just said that is wrong to kill someone and she doesn't really know about all the shit Junko has done.
Can anybody post the Mitarai Ryouta anime was a mistake pls?
true, I forgot that she didn't know what was going on
if only
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There has to be because people are dying. If there was a way for the FF leaders to be murdered without a traitor, then the mastermind did a great job of fucking with them.

This right here. Chiaki had no idea just how ludicrously dangerous Junko was, and therefore couldn't consider Nagito's decision properly. With her good girl personality, she'd probably try to stop him regardless, but by the time she speaks up Junko would already have an entire magazine of HOPE emptied into her fantastic chest.
>>Mentioning the shit people over the useful ones
Because the detective,baseball player,idol and swimmer are even worse.
The only useful one are Chihiro,Sakura and Yio while in the second cast at least 7 of them are fucking scary.

While he would have killed her, he wasn't trying to pre-emptively stop despair. That's the main point. He was effectively saying "Your despair Vs my luck; 3, 2, 1", and then Izuru enters.
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Aww, thanks darling!
I am truly moved!
I'm almost positive Munakata zandatsuing Miayabot will be that.
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anon for what purpose
You can just pull out your glock and shoot her like Hopeman.
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Done one of my own, Mukuro would be A if I had her sprite.
Twist: Junko is the true Ultimate hope, trying to create a large despair so that people can overcome it. She saw fit that if people couldn't overcome her plans, humanity is not strong enough for true hope. If this is overcame, humanity will be blessed with everlasting hope. Her mother also gave Nagito away for adoption.

Remember this in 4 weeks time when it all makes sense.
It's not the same!
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God, Komaru makes my dick so fucking hard. Her design is not even special or something.
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Some of you guys are alright. Don't come to Hope Peak Academy tomorrow.
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So what percentage do you give of pic related happening?
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Fuck you asshole
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I want to rape Junko's egg cells with my virtuous sperm.
>9gag tier op
>tumblr gifs

Okay, I know "sex, drugs and rock & roll" and all, but Ibuki pretty much lacks an actual serious sex drive to be a slut. She even outright says she's not into physical relationships to Hajime.

>one day you will overcome your trauma of curry spoons, and inspire millions
Here's the "Perfection Project" I was working on with you anons before. You can just save it and copy whatever sprites you don't have.

Just so we're clear on something, anons, this is NOT representative of my own taste. I agree with a lot of the ratings, and there are some I don't agree with. This is just an effort to consolidate everyone's tastes and reach the ultimate compromise.
2% whatever kills her is going to be bullshit
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Reminder that Despair Weedman is the most dangerous possible DoR.

Guy could outmaneuver a fucking hellicopter with machine guns for HOURS and not one bullet hit him. Fuck that's like Mukuro levels of bad-ass.

Also owes the yakuza a ton of cash but is still alive somehow.

This guy isn't the SHSL fortuneteller but the SHSL Survivor.
>its a soda gets cucked again episoed e
Honestly at this point she has more chances of being the mastermind than dying
It was necessary for her plans. He is like that solitary snail anon
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Sorry, I got the wrong file. This is my real taste. Fuck you asshole.
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I want Junko sneak into my bed in winter because she is too cold, lie up against my back and threaten to cut my dick off if I as much as turn around or put my hands on her. To wake up to her curled up in my arms and breathing softly into my chest. and my dick would still be there
Why didn't Komaeda just bring a revolver?
Nightmarish taste. Hell/10, go sacrifice yourself
You should swap your list so it could make some sense.
I'm sad that we will never see the showdown of despair versus gun.
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>Idols not being the greatest form of entertainment/influencers in an anime
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If anything he's the one cucking Sonia from Gundam
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>You pretty much got my taste with a few exceptions.
You're pretty good.
Saionji and Ibuki can do the same.
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I called it weeks ago
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Is this song uploaded somewhere?
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>Honestly at this point she has more chances of being the mastermind

I don't see her being alive at all next week. What reason does she have to be the mastermind?
>Mukuro on S+
Don't forget a literal head of state and someone who can manufacture Robots the size of skyscrapers

The DR2 cast had far potential for destruction.

>doujin writer
>baseball player

literally Hiyoko-tier in Despair potential
>Implying shitty bands and folk dancer can live up to a fucking Idol in an anime
Anon. This is anime land.
>they don't show the ships
>they don't show hajizuru
>just soda trying to find sonia
Yeah, I don't think he's cut out for an automatic in the first place.
In the ED single
Also I heard it would become the new ending at some point, was it just a jape?
Did you write that Junko smut from a few threads ago?
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Love you.
Weren't there like 90 million sayakers or some dumb number
Celes could probably pull her weight. Or just live it up in her castle once she gets enough cash.
Because Junko is dumb and she wasn't the one to come up with the current killing game rules.
>post-dr2 jabberwock island slice of life

Is it still a beach episode of the ocean is red?
It was just a theory.
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Isn't Ultimate Gambler just poor man's Ultimate Luck?
You've obviously never went to the beach on your period.
Also Hopeman, His luck destroy planes without even trying.
of course it is
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Noice. What are the exceptions, out of curiousity?

A good chunk of 'why' is from me, but the Mukurofags were insistent and nobody really complained about her rank. She seems liked by some, loved by others, and the flaws that she had didn't hamper her at all. I agreed with that so I put her up there. The same reasoning applies to Kirigiri and Sonia. I actually expected more people to yell at me to put Peko in S+, but everyone seemed fairly pleased with her just being S rank. Mikan and Hiyoko were easily the hardest to place, because most of the anons' preferences were either at the highest or lowest end of the spectrum. She was C initially, but some reevaluation was done and she got bumped up a rank because the Mikan we debated was the good version and not the despair slut version.
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>Despair gambler
>Doing any damage at all
What's the difference between his luck and Naegi's?
Anime's taught me that cute girls in bands are basically invincible and that all idols want their manager's dick, so I dunno.
>Junko so low
>Kotoko in trash

While I don't expect Kotoko to be "high" seeing her as low as Candyslut and lower than a LOT of characters looks really weird for a "everyone's tastes", she isn't that much hated here especially compared to some others
not really
she still needs to lie, cheat, and have a poker face
bonus points if she's an asshole
she'd be a funny UD
Have you played DR2 or watched Despair arc? His luck is in bullshit levels.
Peko is pretty high tier. I doubt most of the Pekobros here actually have her as their primary girl, but they still like her.

Junko should be higher. There's an awful lot of Junkofags around here.
Naegi's just fucking unkillable
Sorry guy but I can't understand how Kirigiri is S+ when Chiaki is B, care to explain?
How is that even a question?
What does she say?
>idols want their manager's dick
Thanks, anon. Now I have a bunch of girls yellingPRODUSAH in my head.
JUZOBOY detected.
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I'm sure most people doing professional poker or something wouldn't call it luck.

Being good at gambling is a skill.

Being Ultimate Gambler probably puts you on the level of this guy who is legit frightening.
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I personally would've put Mukuro in S and Chisa in S+. I would've put Akane and Aoi in D and Seiko+Mahiru in C. I wouldn't have put Miaya in there as she's basically Monaka so it's redundant.

On the guys side I would've put Naegi in C and Mitarai in A and Fedora in S.
Junko is perfectly fine on that spot though. Despair animoo has kicked what was a good char right in the nuts to meh tier and for meh tier D's a perfect.
Naegi's luck is basically destroying the whole country while "only" destroying his own whole house, hence making him "lucky"
>Neegi's luck
>glorified plot armor
>Hopeman's luck
>universe defying phenomena
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But it ultimately means nothing when pitted against actual LUCK.
I had a dream during my nap where I was friends with Chiaki and she was looking to date.

What do I do?
No cute girls in bands go world wide unike idols who always have this stupid high number of fans, whether or not they want their Producers isn't important to how effective they are.

I don't post my written Junko smut. It is for my eyes only.
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Nagito's luck is fortunate misfortune
Naegi's luck is unfortunate fortune
>Can only use luck once a turn
Gambler's better in the long run because you can give the illusion of whatever luck you want, and that makes all the difference.
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not the culprit.png
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but of course
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I am too lazy to do one of those so let me post this one, my friend! Sadly enough I fear I might have to update this quite soon!
Hopeman's luck is glorified plot device don't kid yourself.

Put Nagito on a poker tourney and he would get stabbed.

>all in
>all in
>all in
>all in
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Embrace the Love Love.
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You say goodbye.
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Death Predictions.jpg
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Not a single person complained about her rank, so I left her there. She's pretty much always at the bottom of anons' charts.

Junko does get a fair amount of hate, and I think some of that can be blamed on the Junkofag member of the Shitpost Squad.

Out of all the characters, Chiaki is considered the greatest waifubait of all. She's a good girl, but a lot of anons didn't agree with her being so high. The end result was her being high enough as a good girl, but not super good simply because she was manufactured waifubait.

As for Kirigiri, lots of supporters for her being high rank. The chart was initially my taste before I decided to alter it, and Kirigiri was already S rank at the time. I bumped her up to S+ and awaited the response from other anons who disagreed with my taste, but not a word was said. She's a well-liked kuudere and for pretty good reason, though it's obvious that nobody will ever forgive her for letting Naegi take the fall in the 5th Case of DR1.

Anyone agree with this guy's taste? The chart can always be adapted; as I said, the point is to find the true middle ground.

image related
pull up chiaki doujins and fap while crying that your waifu will only date you in your dreams
There is official art where Komaeda luck btfo Celeste gambler skills and manlet luck.
Kirigiri is not for lewd.
Date her. Be glad you still have dreams of such purity.

I had a dream where me and a group of anons gangbanged Mikan
And you guys are forgetting
>Fatass that can pass himself off as anyone, waltz into secure/classified areas, and sabotage on any scale from minor to global
he'd lose everything, then a meteor would come crashing down and kill everyone and he'd walk out alive, with all the winnings, and then find a puppy on the street and chuckle "wow, I really am lucky!"
My friend, are you a Juzoboy as well?
Post it or link us to it, faggot. Let me judge you while I fap.

Shit chart, 0/10 you're misrepresenting our boy.

Where the Soniafags at? You assholes converted me, so don't just go and leave me alone like that.
Yes she is, everyone is. What are you saying?
>Chiaki is considered the greatest waifubait of all
I was an idiot to except a good reason, you only listened to the haters.
Kirigiri got a lot of those two, but whatever.
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You're disgusting

You too. I was in it? I hope I was.
Naegi would trip on his shoelaces and hurt his nose, only to find that he ducked below a bullet as a result. Nagito would make the gun explode in the guy's hands.
Ibuki, Hiyoko and Sayaka are all quoted to be popular worldwide. That's just how DR is, they do that with other characters too.
Only Jin the conman is getting btfo in that pic
I have that one saves as well, my friend. It's just that I don't want to use the works of other Juzoboys in the threads as they can't use theirs anymore and that said, it's their OC if you know what I mean, my friend!
>cuckboy at s++
What happened to Danganronpa generals on /vg/?
Naegi's luck is inversely proportional to how safe he is, so it's only strong when he's in danger.

Gambling isn't only about one time wins but knowing when to lose.
it's a different one where we see his hand and he has some nearly impossible hand in his hands.
I agree with at least Akane should be put to D and Naegi to C.
>You too. I was in it? I hope I was.
Like I said, it was involving anons, so for all I know, you could've been
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Another sad Juzo.jpg
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A stealth Juzoboy, my friend. I always post OUR BOY, but I never said "my friend" until recently. I have always supported the J U Z O B O Y S, and will continue to do so until his glorious (potential) death.

expect, anon. What reason would you prefer? Why do YOU want her higher? You're important to me, you know.

Sharing the efforts of another Juzoboy is the HIGHEST form of loyalty and friendship. It demonstrates our love for our brothers and our appreciation of their OC.

Please this, I'm so tired of kys.
This is what happens after Despair episodes, as opposed to the cultured discussions following Mirai ones. Despair should not have been a separate anime. Its only purpose is to give Mitarai backstory and ship Haji x Chiaki to the absolute limits of autism.
The same thing that happens to any general that discusses a game that doesn't have any new content for over a year.
What's with the Juzo obsession?
Just by comparing roles, arguably Sayaka would have the most influence in an anime world.

In the real world, it'd be Junko then Ibuki.
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>Playing DR1 for the first time
>Fukawa says she doesn't bathe
>Pic related

I'm truly disgusting.
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That's hot. Gangbanging Mikan with other anons is actually my fetish.
/drg/ is definitely way more degenerated than other generals for some reason.
Everything is fine, except for Mukuro who is still a literal who and doesn't have a character besides "muh Junko" and jobbing.
You're a glorious man, my friend. Let's continue to support our boy, our comradery will pull us through and it'll definitely carry our boy through the entirety of this show! We just have to stay strong! Then I'll save yours, my friend. Glad we're so level-headed on the regard of OC's here!
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>If you're not SHSL Hope... then die!
That's what threads right before new episodes are always like, by Sunday/Wednesday people run out of shit to talk about and go maximum meme I guess.
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Bara titties
That one Fukawa doujin gave me a smelly fetish.

Too bad it doesn't work in real life.
No one wants to read my Junko femdom fiction.
>has more characterization than most of the DR3 characters
>has a sick coat
>punches everything
It's an image where Komaeda is seen holding the hand "Dead Man's Hand"

Any anon's have this image? I have the artbook, I'm trying to see if I can find it.
In a game of Monopoly who would win?
>DANGAN ronpa
>No bullets in future so far
No one can even remotely control him.
It's because Danganronpa is a VN/Dating Simulator. Look at /ksg/ for similar autism.
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Do you write well? If yes, I want to read it.
Annoying roleplayers
I do
Our Juzo ancestor is probably the best one to answer this question, but I'll do my best. Anons first liked him for being an asshole, and there was some back and forth regarding his behavior. Eventually some anon who liked Juzo created the infamous copypasta you see in every thread, and it was so entertaining to anons that they chose to join in the support, whether ironically or unironically. The anons began to call themselves JUZOBOYS, and the rest is history my friend

Not my OC, my friend. I have never created any Juzo OC, sadly, mostly just screencaps and goofy simple edits. The only thing I really did was suggest a PTSD background for the cutout of Juzo at the table.

I want to read it ironically, and then unironically so I can masturbate. Help me, anon. You're my only hope.
>Not the old /bsg/ general

Thank God that general is dead now.
Its ironic, anon, don't worry. At least I hope it is. Either that or he's become a meme.
It sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. Although, from what I remember, it wasn't a rough gangbang. More like, everyone loved her and wanted to give her attention all at once.
Tengan fired bullets
In honor of best girl, who will unfortunately be leaving us this Thursday

Togami would win only because of business smarts.
Nagito lost, but it turned out that him losing ended up him winning the lottery again.
Ultimate Luck.
It'd easily be Naegi.

He'd be thrown into a shitfest where he is not expected to win, but then he comes out with a good ending.
There's a traitor among us.
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>expect, anon. What reason would you prefer? Why do YOU want her higher?
Bear in mind I'm taking AI in consideration as well.
First, she's smart and the most helpful in the game cases if Nagito isn't fucking around, she's also very friendly to most people even Nagito,cute and childish not to add to it her voice is very soothing yet puting her below Cumaro,Ibuki and even Mukuro is just unfair my friend.
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Works for me. She needs that attention.
Depends on the stakes. At highest stakes, Naegi wins. At very high stakes, Nagito wins. Anything below that, Celes wins.
whoever komaeda wants to win
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Last episode of Future will be a revolver duel between the Hopemen screencap this
>can't go 1 page without saying "Hinata-kun"
It's autism, isn't it?
Nigger I have seen the biggest retards win Monopoly just from dice rolls. They don't know what they're doing, its all just dumb luck.
Togami would lose, complaining that there's no luck or rules in the real buisness world. Chiaki would do alright but just alright, trying her best to understand the game as a video game. Naegi would lose, unless he was playing for something important such as his own life or Kyoko's chastity. Then he'd be losing the entire game only for a clutch victory right at the end.
You can just post the link once, you know.

/bsg/? You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I never come within 100 miles of /v/ or /vg/

You don't know that, anon. She might survive a little longer, even if her death is probably inevitable. I can't really see her being alive while an AI is being made for her, it'd be incredibly awkward.
>ogata megumi ronpaing with herself
Catan > Monopoly
>Naegi fires first
>Hopeman shoots while falling
>bullet deflects off the ceiling
>hits kirigiri fatally
To be fair to SHSL Photographer, Cook, Baseball, etc.

The most popular suspect of the current killing game is the SHSL maid along with the most dangerous being the SHSL StuCo President.

Not really impressive stuff.
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>You don't know that, anon. She might survive a little longer, even if her death is probably inevitable. I can't really see her being alive while an AI is being made for her, it'd be incredibly awkward.

Imagine if AI Chiaki has to slap some sense into the real Chiaki
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>yet puting her below Cumaro,Ibuki and even Mukuro is just unfair my friend.
Without doing anything too crazy, what rank do you think she belongs in at a minimum? The higher you place this specific character, the more controversy it will generate.
>even the Juzobros wanna fap to Junko
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Improved waifu poll (the other one the creator was dumb and put his opinions in the poll so people voted for the one he hated)
is kodaka the shsl hack
>Kyoko's chastity
>he doesn't know
Daddy Conman would get real drunk after some heavy work at HPA and... do some things. Touch some places. Especially the fingers. He always loved the fingers. So after the incident, he couldn't handle the sight of them. He'd get violent, break stuff, then start ploughing his own daughter like a 30 acre rice field.
>people saved my shit OC
No matter how many times I see it, I can't believe it. I thought anons hated it.

Didn't we already have one of these?
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A is more reasonable than B at the very least.
good to see an edit if this, pretty decent taste you got there
>anons are venting and writing livejournals and shit
>posters are giving IRL life, relationship, and mental health advice while roleplaying DR characters

like what the fuck
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>bullet deflects off the ceiling
No, bullet impacts with Naegi's and changes trajectory.
The first game had the SHSL Gyaru be the mastermind so anything's possible
Ah yes! I remember that edit. I'm glad someone made good use out of the crop I made, my friend. That .webm was amazing and I love it.

I created a copypasta as he was pretty much the most violent and entertaining character I had seen in DR. His antics were just funny to me and I decided to make a copypasta with his feats, albeit a bit overdramatic and such and the remotely control part turned out to be true as he couldn't be controlled by mind control candy. I act polite as that's how I am and I normally just lurk but decided to have some fun and make OC and what not for this ride and eventually it came up to become an entire movement of Juzoboys! It's wonderful to see comradery like that!
Generals start off fine, but then go to shit after a while. /drg/ was just another victim of that.

V3 will save it, but then it'll go to shit again until Kohacka does something else.
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Nigga why do you care? As long as Chiaki remains the most popular Dang It Ron Paul then /a/ will act contrarian to spite her

It is how this board works
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please don't paint conman in such a light

he's a dick but he's not a pedophile
Anon, she is still pure of mind and that is all that matters.
It's not about the SHSL they are "identified" as, but the skills that required behind that title: Junko isn't SHSL gyaru, she's purely an ANALYST, gyaru is a style she analyzed and then dressed as.

The same thing can be said about others and their skills.
2012 poll. Real Chiaki is dragging AI Chiaki down.
why does Japan hate fit characters so much
this isn't a DR-specific thing, I notice it a lot with other series too
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It's a significantly cleaner version of it actually
>Ibuki in top 4

Fucking how?
post sexy weedman
Self-inserting my man. Most people who watch anime aren't fit as fuck and so grows the hate for them.
Nagito and Makoto play Russian Roulette together
Who wins?
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Thanks anon, it was easier/less stressful for me to make since it was based around personal feelings rather than personal rankings with numbers or letters.

That is easily the cutest thing I've seen all day.

A huge part of why Juzoboys are liked is because of the irony of them being so polite while Juzo is a massive dickhead.

We will never know which version of these charts is the real translation.

>trying this hard to trigger Kyokofags
Doujins featuring Kizakura fugging Kyoko when
Better pairing than Naegiri
fujos dont like muscle.

Bioshock general.
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>someone votes waifubait chiaki over AI chiaki

/a/ really does have shit taste
Neither, the gun breaks or some shit
>We will never know which version of these charts is the real translation.

you would if you learned nip, or memorized what each character's kanji looked like

the chart that guy posted is legitimate
What's /fit/ for you? Nidai? Just not attractive.
But I don't find twinks like Komaeda attractive either. That's more of a nipnong/fujo thing.
Well, the fact that it's used at all should be good enough for me. I wished someone had suggested cropping it better, then it wouldn't sting to see it posted. I like it but it stings.

People give enough of a shit about Bioshock to make constant generals of it?

Anyway, does anyone have the marriage related screencaps from her FTEs? I have a few but I'd like to Catch Em All. Feel free to post everything you have.
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>That one Fukawa doujin gave me a smelly fetish.
Let me guess
I love this one
>Nagito puts in all the bullets and leaves one empty slot
>Naegi is forced to play
>Nagito goes first, survives
>Naegi goes next, survives
>Nagito, survives
>Naegi, survives
>Nagito, survives
>Naegi, survives due to the gun somehow exploding in his hand
>debris flies and grazes Komaeda
>Naegi left without a scratch

New game?
Rinse and repeat.
The overwhelming amount of luck in one room causes both guns fall apart while being picked up.
It's Elizabeth waifufags. Lots of them.
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That's the one. It's probably my favorite doujin from DR. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the office.
Stop making two Chiakis you idiot, she'll lose votes.
This. It was pure grade waifuism cancer.
They're different characters.
>you would if you learned nip,
too much work
>or memorized what each character's kanji looked like
Too lazy, really not that important to know
>the chart that guy posted is legitimate
Thanks for clarifying!

Man is she totally disgusting. Absolutely gross. Mukuro would faint.

>Nagito and Naegi play with all six slots loaded
>endless clicking without a single bullet firing
>get bored and try to spice things up by aiming at each other
>still clicks
>Nagito tries shooting an object and have it rebound
>instead of killing one of them it totally ends Weedman as he walks through the door to say hi
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moar Sonia
No they're not, No matter how much you deny it.
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Nagito gets shot in the foot. Gets compensation money, because that shit's dangerous.
now that hajime is hajizuru, he has the capacity to learn everything he has to.
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perfect princess.jpg
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This is not a Sonia thread, but it does deserve more Sonia. Maybe some Kyoko too.
>implying his ZA WARUDO doesn't activate and let him take the bullet, put it to Naegi's head, then let time resume
Assume in this case that the gun cannot break, or that they have infinite guns loaded with 5/6 bullets
Naegi's bad luck is so strong that it would overpower Komaeda's good luck.
>Sonia being all cute, is ready to marry you
>so are Mikan and Mahiru
>Bacon wouldn't even kiss Naegi
Remind me why people like this shit? She's been semi-useless in DR3 too. Koichi died for nothing.
But she solved the mystery of Izayoi's death which was very relevant to the plot.
Naegi would still live since his luck doesn't allow him to die.
I like Chiaki, but she is waifubait.
Anybody have a gif or webm of Junko kicking Mikan?
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That's why I said semi and that Boozeman died for no reason. A normal non-autistic person could've figured out what she did.
>likes Chiaki
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I may like her, but that doesn't mean she's best girl. That happens to be Mikan.
What do you not understand? It's not something impossible, it's just something that takes a considerable amount of time to achieve. I'm a little salty myself considering she clearly liked him at the end of DR1 and then went back to her cold self in DR2/DR3. Still, it's not as if I consider her a shit character. Koichi kept his promise as a bro and saved the one person who can solve the mystery of everything. Naegi can't do much because of his NG Code, and he's too busy trying not to die to actually save anyone or discover anything.

You anons need to stop blaming Naegi and Kirigiri for being where they are and doing what they're doing. It's not like they have any choice at this point.
>tripfag attentionwhore
>liking Mikan
sasuga. I wish the Promised Time would arrive already so I can see you getting permabanned.
Your slut would blow 20 gangrenous hobos in a fucking alleyway and would enjoy every second if it.

>Using outdated memes
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Stop, kiddo. You're getting edgy.

Incorrect, man. She is on a masochistic slut to one girl.
>several years passed
>they're still just "colleagues"
Fucking Kodaka. I also ain't seeing the dere anywhere here. Just the retardation.
Despair Mikan is not the Mikan in my heart
Add Izuru to the mix and you have a good recipe for a world destruction.
>But she solved the mystery of Izayoi's death
It was barely even a mystery, they even have Koichi lampshade that for you when he accuses Ruruka of messing with the investigation.
You're not making any sense out of this
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Excuse you? Can you even type in proper fucking English? Sasuga yet again.
You know nothing about me
What was edgy about my post? I guess throwing around buzzwords without actually understanding what they mean is something we should expect from a tripfag. You are a solidified shitposter and I hate the fact that you've remained untouched for so long.

There was a little, and very little at that. Like I said, I've turned into a salt golem. If I don't get some form of reparation then I'll go crazy.

This has to be the best one I've seen.
>Why do people like detective woman in this murder mystery series
Gee anon I don't know it's a real mystery
Being a bitch to everyone cause "muh detective". She needs to chill the fuck out, like Boozeman. He was drinking and giving 0 shits while all the other retards were killing each other.
You seem to have mistaken despair mikan for normal mikan
You fucked it up.

I'm done responding to that faggot, you should be too. Not worth the irritation, and I'm the retard here for not filtering him after so long.
>Liking mikantrash

Go back to your Madoka threads, Kevin.
That's exactly why I don't like her, though. Bitch needs to step the fuck off and let me think for myself.
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I'm not telling
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>He knows his argument has no merit.
>Attacks me because I added an extra word on accident.

Sure thing, buddy.

Unlike you, I don't shitpost.

Nah, they're dead and Danganronpa is a lot of fun.
Weird thing is that he hadn't posted in a while before this. Guess he watched the latest ep and gained newfound shitposting strength.
she's hardly being a bitch
Here we go. This is the one.
I may hate u for being a tripfag, but you are the knight thag our angel deserves

>Junko in F
Yup, pretty good.
>No danganronpa in the subject

Someone makes a good thread, please.
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They forgot to make the detective the MC though, so said detective was just an NPC who played a lot of the game for you
I like the variety of tastes. Tbh, she could probably act like every last one of them, male or female.
im pretty sure that isnt even danganronpa
Actual new thread
>Junko will never give you the best sex of your life but stop right before you orgasm and force you to rim her for hours instead, with her never again touching your dick the entire time and making you continue on until you can hardly move your tongue out of pain
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You can make jokes, but she is all that is good and bad. Everything perfect and imperfect.
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That picture is too fucking sexy. Holy shit. Why is she such a best girl?
The entire sentence is fucked, jackass. Though I'm done responding and hope you won't plague the next thread as well.
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In all fairness, she's had other things on her mind in DR2 and 3. Kyoko is kind of busy.
I'm going to tell you again: fuck off and kill yourself.

These threads are pretty much free from namefags and tripfaggots, except for you. Don't fucking open the door for cancer.
>desire for sex
Do you understand that's not the issue people are complaining about when they hate Kyoko? Even if you figured it out, you need to watch Makoto stumble around until Kyoko spoonfeeds him the answer. I hated it in AA4 and I hated it in DR1, and yes, both are equally guilty of babying the protagonist way too goddamn much.
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>I'm going to tell you again: fuck off and kill yourself.
You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?
anon the frustration comes from figuring out the incredibly obvious mysteries and then waiting for Kyoko to step in and give the story/Makoto permission to move forward since
>Kyoko is kind of busy.
Bit of an understatement there, and I agree. Girl needs a vacation.

How does his post reveal his age in any way? You are seriously shitposting right now. If you want to participate in the discussion, all you have to do is take off the trip and discuss. Stop trying to ruin the thread.
You and your friends are the reason no one likes Madoka threads. Stop ruining the fun for everyone else.
Found the actual new thread. No Kevin-kun allowed unless he removes the trip and doesn't shitpost.

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You're right. His post doesn't outright reveal his age. However, it's kind of sad to think a grown adult would act like that.

>Implying it's my friends and not the pedophiles who inhabit this website.
Yeah, no.
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>Photo 1: Lover's kiss, hand-holding.
>Photo 2: Mahiru with legs spread, eager and inviting pose, clothing neatly folded on the side.
>Photo 3: Doggy-style intercourse. Male exerting bodily weight upon recipient. Mahiru eyes clenched, mouth in a big-o
>Photo 4: Spent condom in foreground. Mahiru pinned onto the bed by male, arms wrapped lovingly with heels flailing in the air
>Photo 5: Male's veiny, large member lies on top of Mahiru's face. Yellowish-white liquids adorn her freckles and cheeks. Male has marked dominance all over his woman. Double-peace sign from Mahiru, with a shy smile upon her satisfied face
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>Not even page 8
Sayaka is 14 years old. You're the pedophile, Kevin. You are.
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Jesus christ, I'm so hard
What do you think the sample art we've all been posting is of? After DR3, she's going to the beach and taking all the DR1 survivors with her.
I am aware that Togami and Weedman are missing.
Sorry, m8. I don't sexualize waifus unlike you and your friends.
>Wanting to marry a kid
>Not a pedophile

Nice bait.
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>it's kind of sad to think a grown adult would act like that.
Where do you think we are? Seriously though, just remove the trip for these threads at least and we can all enjoy them. We have enough shitposters showing up as it is, a tripfag in the mix will just makes things twice as bad.

Also, there aren't any pedophiles on this board if you're taking lolis into consideration. Loli being pedophilia is absolutely pants-on-head /b/-tier retardation.
>Implying I want to marry a kid.
>Implying I don't want to fight for justice.

You're embarrassing yourself, kiddo.
She is 17-18 in DR1.
I think they're talking about a different Sayaka
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No, he means this Sayaka.
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>Having thousands of pictures of a little girl in his HD
>I d-don't w-want to marry her, guise

Simply ebin, my friend.

I'm talking about pic related.
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Actually I have more pictures of Mikan on my HDD than I do of Sayaka.

Not to mention, how else would I be able to funpost without all those pictures?
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There's actually more pictures of Mikan than Sayaka on the internet? Now I'm a bit sad.


You're here, so shitposting always finds a way.
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My current HDD. Sayaka's pictures on the internet total over 15k.
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Oh, I've misread that. My bad.
Thread posts: 549
Thread images: 204

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