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By this rate, every anime in 2017 will be fujoshi.

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By this rate, every anime in 2017 will be fujoshi.

wow you faggoo get some friends
That seems unisex for me
CGDCTs still exist anon.
>By this rate, every anime in 2017 will be fujoshi.
God, I hope so.
>Everything with 2 guys on screen is gay
There is too much homo this season, I feel like some show are going to get the short end of the stick more than usual.
>anything that doesn't have a ton of waifus is fujoshit
Way the go, anon.
i downloaded the 50 first episodes of this season and noticed the very large amount of slightly gay, very gay, and shoujo series all over the place.

It was definitely surprising. those silly stats about how 50% of gamers are women? well i think it's starting to apply to anime. for real though.

really shit season
The "moe" anime bubble burst in Spring 2016.
Anime is now going where the money is ;_;
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Well, male otaku aren't the one going the DVD/BD for these for sure (Except maybe Mob)

You can tell an anime real audience by the Official Arts it puts out.
Fuck off, ESL.
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Why are people even annoying by service for women?

Unlike fanservice for men, fanservice for women tend to be mostly subtle and subtext so it can't really ruin a show.

Rakugo was AOTY and it was super gay by a BL author.
>it features men it is gay
Y'know, I remember a time when a man watching shows entirely about teenage girls being fashionable and friendly was considered gay. How things have changed.
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Well JoJo part 5 is probably gonna come out next year, and that's the gayest part so far.
You're retarded. Go check the anime chart for next season.
I don't know. I think it started years ago when I enjoyed Kuroshitsuji season 1 and then season 2 was really fuckin gay and put me off.

I'm also a fan of hunter x hunter and the fanbase is so incredibly gay that I can't stand it.

the more gay i'm exposed to the more homophobe i become to the point where even subtle stuff bothers me.
In fairness, all the shows in OP except Mob and 91Days (But it depends how the rest will play out) have a lot of homoeroticism.
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Servamp can't be that bad since the magazine it's serialized in doesn't have exclusively fujoshit.
Well the summer season is usually the weakest season for anime so I expect things to be back to normal by fall.
>mfw this how women think
When did Jojo became so ugly? Look at that, for fucks sake.
There is nothing gay about Samurai Flamenco.
I just did

Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
All Out!!
Fune wo Amu
Uta noPrince-sama
Gakuen Handsome
Touken Ranbu
Ameiro Cocoa 3rd Season
Bungou Stray Dogs

That's a fucking lot of fujoshit
Why don't you try watching fujoshit, OP?
>Bungou Stray Dogs

I can't believe this got a season 2. Fuckin' japs.
>Anything with a male dominant cast is fujoshit
End your life please.
>less objectification
>less pandering to shitlord neckbeards
>better plot
>more believable settings
I don't see the problem.
He's right.
Is fujoshi saving BONES?

I'm okay with that
I'll give you the literal fujo reverse harem, but I don't see how Magic Kyun isn't Otome.
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The art became a lot better since then.
>Bungou Stray Dogs
Absolutely disgusting, even as a fujoshit I couldn't stand 2 episodes of that garbage.
>Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Reverse harem

>Uta noPrince-sama

>Fune wo Amu
The live action had straight romance.

>Bungou Stray Dogs
Main cast is canon straight which they shove into your face and, MC get shipped with two girls.

>All Out!!
Sportshit but you can include them, I guess
Haikyuu isn't fujoshit
>isn't fujoshit
It has a large fujoshi following.
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true but there isn't any pandering in the show
That art is 10X more refined than Part 1 and 2's. And the panel work and visual flow in Part 5 is far better than in all the previous parts. I'm sick of people calling Part 5's art ugly and bad bc it doesn't fit their own very narrow view of what "cool" art is, despite not knowing anything about how comics convey information through visuals. There's a reason why, despite Part 5 taking place in some very dynamic environments with characters often moving positions through unconventional means, no one really has major problems with keeping track of what's going on in the fights visually (the exact workings of King Crimson obviously excluded, as that pertains to the writing, not the visuals). If Araki had tried to draw the fights in Part 5 with the skill level he had while drawing Parts 1 and 2, or even most of Part 3, no one would be able to keep track of what was going on unless it was feeded to them directly through dialogue... which, surprise surprise, is what those Parts do for almost all their fights anyway. Part 4 is where JoJo art actually got good, Part 5 is where it got great.
That guy looks like a neanderthal.
I don't know about fujoshit but Servamp is really, really bad. Like a trip back to 00s edgy rainbow crap bad.
It's split cour, they call it S2 but really it's just the rest of S1.
this OP>>144280534
Women are dumb,they see 2 guys talking and automatically ship them in their minds regardless of their characterization, you should see the reaction to FFXV.
Most fujoshits have already dropped it because it wasn't what they expected, it turned out to just be bros doing bros stuff when they expected fujo.

Just because some people see these shows as yaoi doesn't mean they are
Just like Kuroko amirite?
If that's the case, it's just disgusting. Nothing more mainly than two bros wrecking shit together.

Women can't understand friendship.
Kuroko had pandering Haikyuu doesn't
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>Well the summer season is usually the weakest season for anime so I expect things to be back to normal by fall.

By "weakest" you mean "filled with shitty LN adaptation and haremshit"?
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Bring it on.
>Women are dumb,they see 2 guys talking and automatically ship them in their minds regardless of their characterization
Yurifags do exactly that though.
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Suuure mate.
>Haikyuu isn't fujoshit
Hahaha do you really believe that? You're deluded.
that's an ugly boy
they can fuck off too
That's why yurifags are usually told to fuck off too.

If yurifags are told to fuck off, why can't homofags?
>tfw was looking forward to Zestiria adaption because UBW said they'd fix it and Baba is getting ready to be fired
>enter threads
>it's all fujoposting
Can I just have one series for myself?
What I gated from this thread is that fujoshi are saving anime.

I mean, Battery and 91Days are the best shows of the season.
Show me one scene that had pandering in it
No complaints here
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No, because any scene I show you, you'll just move goalposts and say "Oh well that wasn't pandering" so this is a pointless exercise.
The whole series is pandering, you have to step back to see it.
How else would they show this scene?

I guess that watching soccer or volley on tv is only for gays too.
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>Most fujoshits have already dropped it because it wasn't what they expected, it turned out to just be bros doing bros stuff when they expected fujo.
Kek, there is already gay porn of FFXV and fic, including foursomes.
These men are fabulous straight men. Not fujoshit pandering pre-teens.
What so fujopandering about that scene?
>Proceeds to move goalposts just as I predicted
just give me some examples
Is it weird to like bromance even though I'm not a guy? That's actually why i was so excited for FFXV, because it wasn't going to be yaoi pandering. I'm actually kinda dissapointed with Prompto cuz he seemed like a total non gay womanizer before and now he's like some meek twink who got hot so he could become friends with the Prince. Totally not gay. Thanks Tabata.

I just want good characterization. I'm also mad that Noct has a fiancee now instead of a antagonist that he probably wouldn't have fallen for until much later because I was looking forward to building a harem being a prince and all. The weirdest part of this all is I'm not even a fucking lesbian. I just like realistic characterization that doesn't rely on fanservice cliches and I honestly just thought it would be fucking fun to play as a prince with women drooling over my royal dick.

Where's the fujobait? He's alone with there.
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You're not serious, right?
I thought the magazine was advertised as Shounen for girls or something.
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Here we go.
They're just doing some warms ups, how are they being gay in any way?
He's just using buzzwords when he doesn't even know what they mean.
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stretching is gay?
>I guess that watching soccer or volley on tv is only for gays too.

I never understood the appeal of soccer, it does indeed feel gay to me.

On the other hand, I watch women's tennis due to obvious reasons.
>He's just using buzzwords when he doesn't even know what they mean.

So we're dealing with a retard here? Got it.
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they are on the beach what do you expect?
>Unlike fanservice for men, fanservice for women tend to be mostly subtle and subtext so it can't really ruin a show.

So lets flip that

Experiment fanservice for men by applying only the concepts found in fanservice for women

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What a time to be alive.
>fighting another guy is gay
>like some meek twink who got hot so he could become friends with the Prince. Totally not gay.
considering that I've seen some pretty pathetic stories out of /fit/ since a lot of those anon's have incredible low self-esteem
honestly Prompto's reasons for changing weren't that unrealistic when you look at it.

>stretching is now gay
have you ever done a sport? because that it standard practice,it can be pretty relaxing at times
Haikyuu has a natural fujoshi following even if there's very little blatant pandering in either the manga or anime.
Regardless it's a fucking good anime and stop fucking arguing.
Good. That'll bring us one step closer to anime made specifically for homos.
This is some witch-hunt tier shit, man.
No you mean after they fight they have sweaty make-up homosex.
What so fujobait about this image?
There are 49 shows airing this season. Of which, a total of 8, maybe 9 are novel adaptations or can be considered harem shows. That still leaves 40 non-novel, non-harem shows. The low quality of Summer anime has nothing to do with LNs or harems. It has to do with most people having the most free time to watch anime and larger amounts of money to spend in the Summer. As such, adaptations of the most popular manga, the widest reaching originals, and VN, video game and card game adaptations air now. Which means that almost every show in the Summer seasons is designed to appeal to the largest audience possible. So the manga adaptations will be of inoffensive shounen series with nothing to really offer but a lot of general appeal in their premise, the originals will be bland action dramas that will try to be mature and cool but fail horribly, VN and video game adaptations end up being super butchered, streamlined versions of their source which don't entertain new veiwers and disapppoint old fans 90% of the time anyway, and card game adaptations are card game adaptations; either you're an uber autist and love them or not and don't. I'm not, I don't.
>Is it weird to like bromance even though I'm not a guy?

yes, now go away
So it's just that retard's delusion, not something that happens in the manga or anime.
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I don't get why people have so many issues with fujo pandering.

Are you guys saying you wouldn't watch Natsume because of some little homo subtext?
I think you're confused about what a fujoshi is, anon. It isn't a female fan, it's a female fan who likes homosex.
>oh no my yurishit SoL pandering
I welcome this change.
>This is some witch-hunt tier shit, man.

More like heavy delusion.
You are a sad dumbass then
Would you believe me if I told you delusion material are the whole reason people watch anime?
Natsume is shoujoshit, written by a woman for girls. The "homo" is understandable.
>Doesn't have an argument or a comeback
>Y-you're a sad dumbass

10/10 reply, thanks
Why not? Everyone should be able to appreciate a good bromance. Fangirls aren't exactly mandated to like gay and gay only.
Some anons are insecure about their sexuality.
And? He still failed to show any pandering in the show.
Yea, but everyone knows /fit/ is closet gay as fuck.

Also, I just had issue with Prompto's overall story. Either he's gay as fuck and and just wanted to be hot so the prince would be his friend. Or he's straight as fuck and just did it cuz he wants to bang Luna. Which would make him straight but a shitty fucking reason for making friends with someone considering this game is supposed to portray bromance of the century. Especially considering Luna didn't even exist at first, so they probably actually had a legit reason for becoming friends at one point. It's just a shame all around really.
Most of /a/'s favorites have fujo pandering
sasuga /a/
care to show me why and how Mob Psycho 100 panders to fujoshit?
Personally, I think fujoshis can have the whole board and hobby if they want it so badly.

That way we'll be on even ground as to how otakus were treated a decade ago.
>looking into Zestiria
>not expecting fujoshit when it was apparent in the game itself anyway
Nobody's fault but yours.
2 males = fujoshit
If you can't understand the appeal of watching a game unfold unless it has a sexual innuendo, that's literally the only thing to be said anon.

I'm not even into soccer but I understand that those who like it are interested in watching professionals play.
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It's time again.
But there is no appeal in soccer. What's so appealing about 22 guys chasing a ball?

Don't even get me started on the tribalism involved amongst the fans. It's completely stupid.

The entire hype is artificial. Soccer never made sense to me. I prefer sports where the number of participants in a game is much fewer.
if it has more than 1 male its fujo 2bh
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I gotta admit that I chuckled a bit at this.
>not expecting fujoshit when it was apparent in the game itself anyway
I didn't even get that impression initially until I started talking about it with people online.
For me I saw them as brothers since they'd grown up together and shared a grandfather, Also outside a handful of joke skits there wasn't really anything suggesting homo.
It was just fujos making something out of nothing as always
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all checked on naruto
Yea, I think it's just the characterization that drew me to it. It's not even just a yaoi thing, even hetero shojo romance comes as as really unrealistic and cliche sometimes. I just thought that if these guys were going to have strictly bromance, then maybe it was suggesting that it absolutely was not going to rely on shallow pandering. It just seemed refreshing, especially for the FF series.
but seriously.
Isn't the kid like, a junior high kid? who's in some puppy love with some other little girl and it's established from the beginning?

I don't really know what the fandom's been to but I hope they don't ship the two males.

Also haikyuu doesn't practice fujobaiting unlike kuroko, though it's true the fandom is dominated by them (This is a sportsboy anime, fujos never needed any baiting in the first place).
Everybody Loves Reigen.
>>Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
>Reverse harem
The MC is a fujo and ships the guys in her harem. Also, one of the harem-members is a reverse trap, so there is technically het-pandering, homo-pandering and yuri-pandering.
I actually like him a bit even though I only watched the 1st ep of the anime and nothing else. It's saying somethibg about how likable he is.

So the fans ship him with the kid? It doesn't surprise me but It makes me wonder about the logic behind the shipping act.
It's subtextual homo, so it's fine if you 'didn't see it' because it's not like the game was advertising it. But fujoshi aren't completely delusional for once because there is evidence for it if you look. Mikleo's titles, DLC skit where they both say they like someone but won't tell Zaveid. The devs also said they didn't want Sorey to be a girl so there's that too.

Basically, the entire game was devoid of romance but if Mikleo was a girl, there would be no way of denying that they're like every other Tales couple. So I never really cared one way or another. Fujos can have this shit game.
It's extra chuckle worthy for me since the best thread I just had in the last couple of days was in fact talking about wuxia in the thread about freaking Taiwanese puppet show. The thread was chill, minimal shitposting and there was plenty of actual discussion.
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>there are male characters with names and voice actors who interact with each other instead of only interacting with a bunch of kawaii 2d waifus
>it's fujoshit!
All of the main characters are male, so by /a/ logic, it's basically a gay orgy.
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There's no basically about it.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Welp, the fujoshits have won. Anime is now primarily for females and faggots.
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No one proved Haikyuu is fujoshit
Good leave.
>Mob Psycho 100
Fight me to the death.
>>Unlike fanservice for men, fanservice for women tend to be mostly subtle and subtext so it can't really ruin a show.
>So lets flip that
>Experiment fanservice for men by applying only the concepts found in fanservice for women

How exactly would you accomplish this?
>Personally, I think fujoshis can have the whole board and hobby if they want it so badly.
>That way we'll be on even ground as to how otakus were treated a decade ago.

Screw that noise
>How exactly would you accomplish this?

Marimite nailed it
Ladies first.
How is 91 Days fujoshit?
Yeah, so what?
Fujoshi is bad because....?
At least we're buying more shit than you. We don't limit ourselves to having a waifu.
moeshit is just japanese soap opera anyway
But that's what yuri is
Are you joking? That's a straight up tumblr meme.
>super gay
Literally nothing about it was gay in any way. It had an entire scene where the main character cross dressed, and it managed to keep it from being gay.
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>bromance =/= yaoi
>but girlfriends = yuri
Bc no one is telling homofags to fuck off. I don't actually think there are any homofags on this board. All people are doing is pointing at shows featuring more than 1 male main character and saying "this is homo".
Because it's gay
Gay is bad because....?
Well yeah, who do you think watch's those shows?
>I don't actually think there are any homofags on this board
wew have you seen the it's time threads? zestiria threads? mob psycho threads? magical homos threads? maybe you're right there aren't homofags but sure as hell there's fujoshits.
>I don't actually think there are any homofags on this board
They exist. You can trust me.
Otakubait is full of overtly sexual, gratuitous fanservice or moeblobs that can only be enjoyed by otaku, and alienates everyone else. Fujobait is just a normal story enhanced by appealing dynamics between male characters, which doesn't need to be gay at all. I see no problem with an increase of the latter.
What do you mean there are homo threads here everyday
>People liking baits rather than the real things
By being a yaoifag, yurifag or hetfag, you are already killing the anime along with the rest.
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>yaoifag, yurifag or hetfag
But these are all of the options.
Or ship no one and just watch the world burn, or not even picking up shipping-bait show at all. Too bad that doesn't applied to most of the /a/nons.
>asexuals finally rising from their graves
>fueled by the power of no-fap x1000
>Implying anime only consists of yaoibait, yuribait and hetbait shows
/a/ never really tries to find stuff with real deal, is it?
That's me.
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>Implying is a bad thing
I'm ready for that marvelous future.
I don't really have a problem with fujoshit when they're upfront about it. Then I can avoid it. I got baited into watching Zestiria because of the visuals only to find out the main characters are probably fucking each other. People say it should've been obvious but unless you played the game I really don't see how.
one can only hope
These are not undertones for the audience to argue over. This is two fucking homosexuals, you can't compare the two.
Stop typing like a faggot
Better than endless fucking moeshit

we can kill moe for good
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>fujoshits really believe this
women like watching 2 dudes fuck

that's not normal
Some are repulsed by that thought. There are some that need to self-insert, and they can't do that with two dudes.
well, the one's who actually buy dvds are sick in the head
I hope we get more trap anime too, would be nice
Episode 2 of Mob Psycho.
Mob dresses a girl and goes to a girls only school to exorcise a ghost.
>what are double standards

women can get more touchy feely without it being gay tardo
Is Bungou Stay Dogs good? I actually like fujoshit unironically.
Now this is some top-tier bait. Take notes everybody
No, not even for the fujobait
Is the manga any good?
It's shit, story-wise and fujobait wise it's bare. Nice visuals, great VAs and OST for the anime though.

Manga is even more shit. At least the anime looks nice.
Give it a chance. Fudanshi is AOTS
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>getting into Zestiria
>complaining when it's homo

Fucker you could have asked LITERALLY ANYONE and we would have warned you it was a full gay show, because the game was full gay. What the fuck did you expect?
I still don't get how Kuroko is fujo, considering that compared to haikyuu it had actual fanservice involving women with big tits.
By this rate, every anime in 2004 will be fujoshi.
it was a great series but there was nothing gay about it
>Haikyuu S3 is next season
Then I want whatever shows having male characters you consider cute/good-looking obliterated too you colossal retards.

Shipping doesn't sit well with logical thinking which is something fujos can't do. Both are just sport manga.
If someone doesn't want to see anything gay, they won't, but anyone who does will easily see the BL leanings of the mangaka come out in the series.
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It's adolescence when it's girls

It's gay when it's guys
Everything we've heard suggests that "antagonist" was a total joke, so good riddance. And Noct already has at least three bitches (Luna, Aranea, Iris) after his royal D.
Or he's bi, thirsty as fuck, and has shitty self-esteem.
It's desperation, autism or moon magic when it's guys
>that QUALITY and animation
That can't be real.
How have you not heard of Fushigi na Somera-chan?

Go watch it right now, it'll take under an hour.
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Excellent. Sounds like an improvement to me.
Buoeibu S2 is AOTS. I'm also excited for Arslan S2 and ToZ.
I once saw a male classmate of mine back up another male against a desk and dryhump his ass. Both were straight tough. What do you make of this?
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>On /a/
>Call other people sick on the head
It's normal for teenagers to experiments with each others, especially when women act like their vagina is made of diamonds.
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