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91 Days

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>two episodes in
>Protag starts initiating revenge scheme
>Plot tweests galore and the opportunity for ruse cruise deluxe
Who /hype/ here?
He will probably die the next episode tho
It was a pretty great cliffhanger, that's for sure.
Glad the Crazy Psycho escaped. Best character so far.
As it seems, the big showdown will be in "90" days, when Theatre is finished and 3 mafia families attend the premiere.

Though with current tempo, i am not sure who`ll survive until that.
When will Tsunaldo get offed?
Not anytime soon I guess, his family is too powerful.
I want to like 91 days, but literally every character other than MC is likeable, and they don't seem to have too long life expectations.
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Might as well get used to heartbreak now, famfam.
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What's wrong with Angelo?
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This is the kind of show where I wanted it to be dubbed. Imagine if it's Baccano tier.
He wouldn't die for sure
Love this meme

Really, the one thing I need in a dub is not decent acting, it's lots of phony accents.
Best looking boy this season
>waiting forever for dubs
>waiting forever for shitass voice actors
The only voice actors I can stand are british and from Big Finish's Doctor Who Audio Productions. They can actually inject emotion into their voice, whereas all the anime actors are for some reason shit tier americans who sound like they are dying of boredom.
In a sense, nothing.

I just like everyone else more.
This show has severe lack of Femme Fatale.
Calling it now: everyone is going to die.
I fucking hate the OP. It sounds like something out of Tokyo Ghoul.
Yeah I'm hoping it gets a good dub. I don't much care for dub unless it's a Watanabe show but something about the setting demands a good dub.
was getting caught a part of his plan?
This, very unfitting. Should have stuck with Paradize Lunch.
So how did Serpente survive? He was shot three times at close range.
Because its sung by the same group. And I don't see the problem, Tokyo Ghouls OP was good
Same here. Hate the song and his voice. Even the visuals of the OP were really boring... At least the actual show is good(so far)
This show is a train wreck waiting to happen.
This is whats happening when not anime director picks the songs, but the music companis that are in production commity want to push their shitty artists to promote them.

Be thankful at least ED is not Ali Project or Nano Rape
Hand in hand
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>American plot
>American setting
>American characters
>Japanese voices

Yeah no ill wait for a superior Dub as it would be far more fitting for the show.
Funimation please leave.
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So out of the 3 close range shots he only got the first one and pretended to be dead?
Maybe since Serpentino recognized Angelo at the balcony Angelo let him live on purpose and got some info from him, I belive this because in that case he saved him and gets connections as well with the orc Familia for the Revenge.
/a/ could do a better job with the dub. The dub are always always always shit.
bait much?
So is this gonna be 91 episodes long or?
>wanting engrish
>complaining that a TV show airing in Japan has japanese voices
There are few complaints more retarded than "why are characters who aren't japanese speaking japanese in a japanese TV show?"
It just doesn't fit the theme, imagine if The Godfather's theme was made by ABBA.
A dub is far mor fitting and that is an objective fact.

And Funi isn't even doing this show so why bring them up?

I'll wait for a dub where the characters actually sound like who they're supposed to.
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>retards bitching about the OP

You are meant to skip that shit. Who the fuck cares?
>I'll wait
It's not going to get a dub.
Wasn't this guy supposed to be an abstinent.
The "brain" dude even commented on how teetotalers have it rough when he was stuffing his mouth with cakes.
>a show with this much american influence and done by the same staff as Baccano
>not getting a dub eventually

Infact what shows don't get dubs these days?
I think he's just not into alcohol, rather than being straight up against it or whatever.
It's 13 episodes long one episode per week
13 x 7 = 91
>I'll wait for a dub where the characters actually sound like who they're supposed to.
Like italians?

There is no good dub, this is axiome. Unless the Dub is russian.
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So when does the powerlevels come in to play boys?

Or when does MC become a literal Zombie?
First it will have to actually break even in sales and sales have been so shit recently.
Hopefully never.
holy shit
>Or when does MC become a literal Zombie?

Gungrave was so fucking good before this retarded shit.
It has already happened, Serpente has corpse vanishing abilities.
The only thing that is kinda bothering me is why the hell is Angelo so sure that everything said in the letter was true?
The letter probably contained proof of beyond reasonable doubt.
The fucking Don has a scar made by Angelo's father and then he asks Nero to check if anyone else there.
You are watching anime wtf are you talking about. These american people live in a bubble, there other countries where both english and japanese are foreign you know?
Why would it be more fitting? Maybe for you but not for the rest who may not live in murrica
Tell me how these non nip characters speaking Japanese is fitting.
Don't be retarded.

He's seen and heard them before.
>asks Nero to check
Shit, completely flew over my head.
Rewatched the moment now and it's true.
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Future is here.
Italian Lelouch cant even shot an enemy point blank without missing.
It was his first hit, I bet you stuttered as well when you first killed someone.
Why does MC look Japanese?
Why did the writers pick names by googling Italian Words For Beginners?
Wtf are you talking about, its a Japanese anime so they speak japanese. Are you a racist or something. I am german so should i cry about the Monster anime were they speak japanese instead of german? Omg it takes place in Murrica make them speak english for fucks sake, wah wah, so unfitting. Fucking Idiots here goddamn.
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Lelouch isn't even a stone cold killer.
I find the character a bit too smooth and small looking other than that its fine
They aren't speaking Japanese kiddo. Do you think characters in American movies set in Japan are speaking English just because the movie is in English?
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Does he?
I like his Lovepon-like look.

Did you just discover that anime is made for and by japanese?
Afaik white people can't get hair of that color and shape without hair dye and styling. And his eye shape looks more asian than european.
>Actually believing that an original anime will deliver on an interesting premise.

You only have yourself to blame if you get disappointed.
Its more his gestures that makes him seem japanese or really anime like.
He`s Italian. Fuck off, Amerifat.
>wanting more adaptations aka halfassed commercials for the thing they really want you to buy
Judge the episodes that got released and stop looking at things with your stupid biases. If it sucks in the end. Cool move on. People make such a big deal about cartoon serieses
>when Theatre is finished and 3 mafia families attend the premiere
Theatre? I don't remember anything like that from the two episodes. But there exists a chance that I'm mentally retarded.
>implying Italians aren't white
>implying everyone in America doesn't have an Italian grandmother
1920s Klan pls
It's a shame that the show looks kinda shitty and is full of QUALITY.
You can smell the low budget from miles away.
The one in the opening
You are mentally retarded. Its said in first episode the Vanetti a is building a theatre and characters point at it. At second they say its about 3 month until completion.

White!=White. Italians are Mediteran.
>You are mentally retarded
Cmon, anon.
I just quoted him.
Murricans stop talking about race and ethinicty you guys seem retarded in that department
I've never seen or heard of a white Italian with naturally black hair, was my point.
Fucking subs. I thought "playhouse" meant they were building a pleasure palace.
Well then stop talking shit and say you dont know? My god cant you just say that you dont know something instead of making it up. There are a lot of black haired Italians some here in germany even get mistaken for turks cuz of it.
His mother and brother are blond btw. But the haircolors is just anime thing, since none really correspond real anyway.
How did the Serpent guy get away? Bulletproof vest?
He`s partly correct that jetblack is rare occurance for Italians, mostly lighter shades of black/brownish. It does occur though. Black is mostly died.
Why dont you assume that Angelo brought him away
Someone removed the body.
Because Angelo went back talking about Serpent guy killing Clemente and he killed Serpent in return. There's should be two bodies instead of one.
So? Not a lot of people in germany got blond hair you going to say they dont have them naturally now? Point was stop talking shit if you have no idea. Population size of black haired italians wasnt even the point.
What? Angelo killed clemente, serpent got killed by vanno. Angelo hid serpente and then went back to call Nero. What are you talking about.
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>Why does MC look Japanese?
He looks European. Like Leonardo Dicaprio from Titanic.
Fuck you I like it.

But yeah I wouldn't call it fitting.
The hell were you watching and what were you smoking?

Angelo didnt hid Serpente, he though Serpente is dead and went for Vanno`s friends to show them the place where he claimed "serpente killed Vanno and then got killed by Angelo". Except Serpente`s body disappeared indicating he`s probably alive - so Vanno`s friends now pull guns on Angelo.

Angelo has zero reason to hide serpente`s body, lack of body is what put him in mortal danger.
There's also other evidence against Angelo's story.
For example, he mentioned Serpente tied Vanno up, but he clearly isn't tied up at the scene.
In addition, Vanno is dead at the grave of the runner Serpente killed, why would Serpente even know who the runner was, much less bring Vanno there for an execution?
Its obvious that Triggerfags are a bunch of westaboos anon.
Wasnt it the opposite? Vanno brought Serpente died to the grave, but according to Angelo`s version Serpente got free, got the gun from Vanno or Angelo and shot Vanno. Only after than Angelo managed to react and shot Serpente.
Exactly, now it looks like he colluded with Serpente to kill Vanno.
Its called "being from /v/"
He got freed because Clemente allowed Serpent to "pray" based on Angelo's story.
Knock on wood, but we may be looking at a classic in the making. 2 great first episodes, great music, beautiful backgrounds, appealing animation, interesting characters so far, a competent plotting MC, and a story that looks like it will have a solid conclusion. It could go to shit so I'm not gonna say it's the best thing ever just yet... but with the last few years being mostly dominated by cutesy high school shit, 91 days with its mafia killing is a breath of fresh air.
also the OP is pretty cool. Any show that has an OP which can give me goosebumps is definitely a keeper.
He didn't want to kill him you retard
If the subs are correct, Angelo claimed that Serpente stole Vanno's gun, Serpente tied up Vanno, Serpente left Angelo untied to pray, Angelo shot Serpente, and Serpente shot Vanno. The order he claims it happened in is kind of vague.
It could be the subs. The best course of action for Angelo is
>Clemente brings Serpente to graveyard
>untie him to pray to Tronco
>Serpente attacks Clemente and kills him
>Angelo kills Serpente
>goes back to Nero
This is the best story that could be made up, so I don't see why Angelo wouldn't use it.
I didn't get the letter part. who send it to Angelo?
I'm not sure about that. Angelo couldn't have known Serpente would come in followed by Vanno, and one on one Fango would be a physical danger to him.
You are a retard if you believe it. He only failed since the Curaazy noticed him.
Its all according to keikaku. This Angelo is the new Light
Angelo looked genuinely shocked at the missing body though.
I almost would like some supernatural events in this show because now it just seems like shitty anime version of goodfellas or sopranos.
At least Baccano was unique.
>I want this anime to be unique by copying another anime
Oh, fuck off
>literally the first organized crime anime in history to just be about organized crime
>lets have magic and shit
Kill yourself.
How would /a/ react if the finale ended like Sopranos'?

Well it's fucking boring right now. Only thing good about anime is the supernatural shit, nips never get serious drama right.

Also there exists Jormungand and Black Lagoon and stuff.
>your "brother"
>rejoices in your mother's death
>mooches off you while you do all the work
>bullies you into doing his bidding
>drags you into mafia games
>gambles your life for his own selfish needs
>cheats you out of a profit
>doesn't even tell you his shitty plans

Corteo better be getting to pound that boypussy or he's the biggest cuck who ever lived. ;_;
but anon, Corteo's deliciously brown
That nerd won't do shit.
starts on a high note I wonder who will win

it would be kind of boring to see everything going according to keikaku
Would be interesting if Angelo dies from fucking up his first kill, and Corteo decides that he now has to seek vengeance against the family for stealing all of his family.
>not liking a show because bad things happen in it
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I would be so fucking pissed if Angelo dies in anything but the final episode, absolute fucking bullshit.
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What did they do about Fango's mistress? She got a good look at both of them. It would be bad if they let her go.
Both of them already tried to kill Fango in the church-bar with the Molotov cocktail or whatever, so I think they're already on the Orcos' shitlist.
Corteo is going to die in some really violent, painful way without getting a chance to pound that boipussy even once
But Vanno was wearing a disguise at the bar so Fango wouldn't have known it was him
He's a Hei or Char.
Too stone cold for Lelouch and not Chessmaster/broadly idealistic enough for Light.
What does it say about me that this brilliant disguise worked on me? I didn't realize it was the same character in episode 2 at first.
Corteo will probably kill him

>we were kyoudai what happened to you
>the Angelo I knew died with his family

cue La La La the ED
Do you mean DON Corteo?
Yeah that's probably why he made a face and asked for coffee (to rinse out his mouth) even though everyone else loved it. He hates the taste of alcohol.
It says you're a Chinese cartoon mobster from the Prohibition era
Since Vanno got killed off that quickly, I feel that Angelo's revenge storyline will be over by at most episode 6.
he was probably in love with sis
I'm talking about episode 1 with taste testing Corteo's moonshine
It was 6/10.

Better than the majority of the OP's in this season.
Darn, for the sake of my life expectancy I'd better avoid developing a personality
What do you mean? No one accused Nero of killing Vanno and when did Nero get BTFO?
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>I'm literally retarded: The Post

The OP has hundreds of key scenes that fill the puzzle and reveal themes. Like most good OPs in anime.
>all these underage anons asking the same stupid questions as the last thread
Anyone think Angelo's brother might be alive? In a series twist kind of way?
Possible, but chances are not very high.
I mean, they stayed to burn down the house so what are the chances they missed another boy escaping?
Got my names mixed up.

Deleting my post
They flat out said that they wouldn't spare the child because they feared that he would seek revenge when older.
Highly unlikely, but it'd make a LOVELY plot twist.

Is the younger brother like Nanalie to Lelouch? Brainwashed and grew up with the new family to be a killer with no morals.
With that plot twist, it honestly would make the series AOTY.
Major questions

1. Is Serpente dead?
2. At the end, was Angelo set up or did he set up them?
3. Did Angelo want to kill Fango, or was it all part of keikaku?
4. Who were the 4-5 killers? How many do we know of or can hypothesize about?
5. Will Angelo get a love interest?
Why do shows like these always attract the worst faggots?
No shit. It's because it's from Rin Toshite Shigure.
I wish we got an amazarashi OP instead
Angelo made it clear that he's not exactly a marksman. Plus shooting a moving target isn't as easy as you think, especially if you're just using a pistol,
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That was my line of thinking, maybe he got involved with the Orco gang? Who knows, but I at least think they're gonna make Nero and Angelo best friends and that will make the climax intense, clearly Nero and Clemente were effected by killing Angelo's family. Clemente paused reminiscing about his first kill which was likely Angelo's family. I think Nero is going to help Angelo take down his father as penance for his sins. Also, I know Clemente was outed already, but after watching the first episode again I noticed he did the crucifix on his chest after kills, interesting little thing I missed.
He doesn't like drinking but he has to as prt of the business.
I got baccano's vibe from this series
1. Most likely
2. Someone set him up
3. He wanted to kill him, but failing was not too much of a problem
4. Too soon to be sure
5. Hopefully not
Haha time for Vanetti
I have seen next to no homolust posts in the last two threads.

Kill yourself my man.

As someone who has shot a pistol a few times in anger, you are completely correct.

It is extremely hard to aim it properly when you're fearful for your life and the target is moving.

If more people realized that, they'd understand why cops shoot attackers multiple times.
Character design seems a bit similar too.
Pretty confident the dude got executed by Angelo.

Serpente might not be dead though.
I would rage.
>If more people realized that, they'd understand why cops shoot attackers multiple times.

Fucking this. It's the same reason why people who say "WHY DIDN'T HE JUST SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG?!" are complete fucking idiots who've never fired a gun once in their life.
Same for the most part. I'd put Serpente being dead at 50-50 though. It almost sounded like Clemente shot above his head into the gravestone. (Sorry if I'm fucking up the names)

>Hopefully not

Same but I also want the series to sell enough to profit.
I would reckon that the average cop would have way better aim than the average /a/non.
Wish cops press officers would explain that more often.

Also, Angelo wrapped his pistol, supposedly doesn't have much experience, and is using a 1910's pistol.
Suffice to say, his accuracy would be lower.
Despite the color, he may be drinking something non-alcoholic. Everyone else at the party is drinking red or white wine from the tables in wine glasses.
Ill wait for the team four star dub, a rag tag of youtubers have more range and skill at dubbing than Funi
I'm not talking about homo faggots, you faggot.
I'm talking about retard faggots.
>Gungrave was so fucking good before this retarded shit.
I am glad I am not alone on this, Gungrave is loved here and rated highly elsewhere so I felt guilty for dropping it but once Blood war appeared I could not stand it anymore.

I have never hated a character more than Blood war, it is like they brought in a 13 year old edge lord to create a character.
You can still die pretty easily from blood loss right?
I'm a soldier who served 3 tours in Afghanistan.

The average deadbeat cop (like in Dallas) has maybe shot his pistol once a year in training. They are officially allocated 12 rounds a year fot training here in San Antonio.
The average /a/non is probably not much worse than your average cop.
He would, but he'd still be facing a moving target. Statistically speaking, you have much better odds of shooting a moving target in the torso than anywhere else on his body. Plus you don't have much time to carefully aim and shoot so you have to pick where you're most likely to get a good shot. Either shoot to kill or don't shoot at all.
Also he was holding it with one hand and wasn't in a good posture to stabilize the gun. He's a rookie, but he may get better as the series continues.
Exactly. People who say "WHY NOT JUST SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG" fail to realize that you could still sever an artery in the guy's leg and he'll end up bleeding to death.
Angelo and Nero are going to end up best friends somewhere down the line and Angelo will become conflicted about killing him.

We do have a good chunk of /k/ommandos who browse here.
>I'm not talking about homo faggots, you faggot.
>I'm talking about retard faggots.

Are you describing yourself?

There were almost no cancerous posts before you arrived.

Focus on the anime. Not your own personal grudge with the summerfags.
kill yourself, they have footage they can cut together to make the lip flaps better instead of being forced into timed cuts. If you really prefer a bunch of loud amateurs instead of an actual company that hires college graduates with performance art degrees your a fucking faggot. Sick of people sucking TFS dick just because they know how to leech off an established series. The second DBZ disappears groups like TFS are on the street with no job.
Nah, he won't.
Maybe so.

If I became (operating) best buds with my family's co-killer a decade down the road, I might decide to take mercy after I confront him on it.
Hard to see Angelo and Nero becoming buddy-buddy when Nero already suspects Angelo for Vanno's death.
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>every fifth post is "will there be superpowers?" "why did Angelo believe the letter?" "I want dubs."
>almost no cancerous posts
Do you have brain damage?
>why cops shoot attackers multiple times.
>why US cops
Its because they are untrained fat scared retards.
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How long do you expect this series to run.
I'm betting on 13 episodes,since it'll fit with the 91 Days name.
>1. Is Serpente dead?
Yes. All signs point towards this. If he's not then I'm ready to drop this.
>2. At the end, was Angelo set up or did he set up them?
He was set up.
>3. Did Angelo want to kill Fango, or was it all part of keikaku?
He did. I can't see why he wouldn't hop on the chance to join the family. He just has lousy aim.
>4. Who were the 4-5 killers? How many do we know of or can hypothesize about?
>5. Will Angelo get a love interest?
If he does, then they're keeping it a secret. There's no prominent female character announced in the cast.
Nah mate, don't care about lip flaps or any of that shit.
I am taking about the voice acting itself and I am not sucking TFS's dick their dubbing is clearly better.
I use to be a dubfag back when I first started out, Funi's dubbing is just bad because of the voice acting.
They have one or two guys who actually have some talent, understand jap word pronunciation, have some range and actually put some effort into their voice acting.

Fun carts out the same ten guys and gals who sounds like they are having the most boring conversation ever, struggled to pronounce Jap words and have no range.
The way they sound is the worse, I don't understand how them voice acting a character having a cup of tea being relaxed is somehow the same as them being in mortal danger and screaming.

Fuck Funi the only good VA they have is Sean schemmel.
I doubt TFS will be out of a job soon either, they make bank of merch and lets plays plus Dragon Ball is not ending soon so they have plenty of episodes and movies to do.
And if Dragon Ball ends there is always other anime, Hellsing Ultimate abridged is popular as hell.

Any Funi will hire some of them if TFS dies.
They haven't announced how many cours this'll be yet. Most likely it'll just be one cour, but at most it'll be two.
I'm wondering if people actually pay attention while watching this. Everyone's been doing shitty mental gymnastics in order to fit some crazy plot twist in the story.
I am pretty sure I have seen this type of thing before.
>Those bastards killed my family, I will spend my life getting revenge!
>Haha I will infiltrate them and tale down from the inside!
>Hey these guys are not so bad after all
>No I gotta do it for my family!
Fuck off no show requires you to use the OP to understand the plot of the show and it's just there as spoilers. It's just unnecessary and only there to promote whatever music they have.
My bet is Nero will be conflicted in some sort of situation and Angelo won't.
It's great so far, The ending of episode 2 really fucking surprised me that shits going down already.

Fango getting dominated is the real surprise here.

So this is not going to be 91 episodes long, right?
Also, i like most characters, they're all quite charismatic, but the protagonist seems really boring, are we getting more dept or some kind of development besides "i barely talk and i wanna avenge my family"?
Those are new idiots who didn't read the last thread. I posted that here>>144256744
But they are not yet cancer.

Cancer are tripfags, waifufags, the Fujos, 3DPD, and obvious /v/ summerfags.

I have a different definition of cancer than you. I believe mine fits /a/'s most common definition.
Read the thread.
>1. Is Serpente dead?
Yep. The Orcos must've found the body first. Notice how Serpente's blood was missing from where he was gunned down, so someone must've tampered with the scene.
>2. At the end, was Angelo set up or did he set up them?
Pretty sure the former. Someone must've been spying on Angelo and Vanno. Perhaps it was Fango.
>3. Did Angelo want to kill Fango, or was it all part of keikaku?
He wanted to do whatever he could to join the family and get closer to exacting his revenge. When Vanno took Serpente to the gravesite, Angelo just saw a golden opportunity and took it.
>4. Who were the 4-5 killers? How many do we know of or can hypothesize about?
So far we know three of them: Don Vanetti, Nero, and Vanno (dead), but we don't know about the other two yet.
>5. Will Angelo get a love interest?
Does Angelo even want one? All he cares about right now is revenge. He's too emotionally fucked to handle a relationship.
Not saying you're completely wrong, but
you should rewatch the OP.
The biggest surprise in episode 2 for me was that they killed off the Daisuke Ono character. I figured he wouldn't die based on that alone but i stand corrected.

How do we save this show?
Yep. As I explained here>>144258553

13 episodes is most likely. Maybe 12
Too poor for 24.

Killers of Angelo's family.

>There's no prominent female character announced in the cast.
Hmm. I like that. But I know it hurts sales.
They should at least have more elegant 1920's women at the party scenes. There's something sexy about the roarin 20's.
Same here. To think Ono D would play a character that gets killed off so quickly.
I'm surprised that it even got fanarts.
>this is not going to be 91 episodes long, right?
Already confirmed.
As much as I'd dislike it, it would need to go gayer to get the interest of the fujos.
Pretty cool collection anon
Since when did fujos need actual gay? I thought several non-hideous men in one show were enough.
They need subtext and something to work with.

Trust me, I'm an expert.
They can create it.
It depends. Free! and Osomatsu san were both popular with fujoshi, but one was an obvious cash in attempt while the other was an accident.
So how would you rate the first two episodes on a scale of 1-10?

>Ep. 1
>Ep. 2
8/10 before midepisode credits, 9 after, 7 after crazy Herman appeared.
>Ep. 1
>Ep. 2
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Can't wait Angelo to team up with this guy.

I love that they didn't go the route of Angelo becoming friends with the family
>figuratively called 91 Days
>episode 2 is literally Day 2

gee what do you think!!!
source where
Full song.
Literally the best show this season so far, shit is amazing.
Fuck you
Who /dropped/ here?
The only things I dropped this season so far are Berserk and Handa.
>Angelo teams up with KUHRAYZEEEE to fuck up Nero
>KUHRAYZEEEE kills Orteo because he missed his lunch or whatever
>Orteo's dying words crush Angelo's spirit
>final confrontation with Nero
>now you've become 91 Days
Was it that bad?
It's like an unfunny mix of Gintama and Sakamoto.
First half with the diss about Diomedia was funny but it went downhill quickly.
Especially in ep 2.
In my opinion, it's just kind of boring.
You haven't started watching much, either.
Berserk and Handa are practically watchable compared to most of the garbage this season
>now you've become 91 Days
Fuck off back to /tv/ with this shitty forced meme you retard.
>it would need to go gayer
It doesn't get much gayer than the protag dedicating his life to seeking and killing a man.
>implying episode 1 aired on day 7
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Well, I have stuff to keep me entertained for a season, I guess.
Thinking about dropping Amanchu as well (I'd rather finish Tanaka and Witch).
only a few years of his life, 10 tops
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Blood will run on the streets if Vanno was a made man. You sure as hell don't just get scot free from that.
they'll pin it on the Orco family to wage a war

that's why Serpente's body disappeared
Well, maybe he was right.
Giving up the trail for just a stolen booze? The fuck is that trade?
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Are you blind and deaf?
>that conspicuous religiousness
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This is a pretty good show so far
I hope it it stays that way
>>American plot
>>American setting
>>American characters
But everything's Italian.
>6 hours late post
Anon, you should probably read through the answers as well. >>144252505
yeah and the gangsters don't speak Italian just like in real life
Yui is a pretty good girl
I hope she stays that way
Vanno WAS a made man. Angelo's gonna end up pinning it on the Orcos and starting a gang war between them and the Vanettis in order to cause chaos and get his revenge.
The plot is about the mafia, the mafia is Italian.
The setting is indeed in America, but location doesn't define a setting, everything else from the architecture to the way old ladies dress and the story itself is Italian.
The characters are flat-out Italian.
They did speak plenty of Italian
My only problem is he looks uncanilly like Tanaka-kun. He even has the tired look in his eyes.
Angelo's not gonna do shit, Nero saw through him

Nero's gonna start this war to give his organisation new direction so needed after his father's long and unfruitful reign

Nero's probably going to use Angelo and Angelo will try to out-keikaku him, most likely teaming up with KUHRAYZEEEE
Lay Vanetti
Oh lord, cannot be unseen.
Tanaka-kun's tragic backstory involves the yakuza butchering his parents in front of him and his sister, which is why they live alone and he's so depressed.
Now I want a shop of Fango or Ladd Russo looking at their own reflection captioned "I am the KUHRAYZEEEEIST"
now that you mention based Ladd, the artstyle is remarkably similar to Baccano's

maybe the same lead artist I have to check that later
Make Nero more prominent. Japanese fujos on twitter are only creaming themselves about Angelo. It takes two to tango.
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How gay is this on a scale from 1 to Free
Same character designer. The only difference being that these are original designs and Baccano's were based off Enami Katsumi's designs.
Studio Shuka is producing this, so it's highly likely since Shuka is an offshoot of Brain's Base(the guys who adapted Baccano and Drrr) that was established just so they could finish adapting Drrr
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They get shot for wanting the sausage.
oh christ it's lelouch

please tell me it's the first show you didn't like
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Underrated post.
About as gay as your post.
He likes it. He's even posted in this thread before. Why haven't you filtered him out yet?
So constant cock-sucking?
surprisingly its pretty low

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Here you go anon i fixed it just for you

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It fits
apex kek
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and a wicked sense of humour
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>It all started when I lost my mother
Why arent you in Japan making anime right now? This is a masterpiece
edgy enough
I give it 8/10 because of timing issues
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I like you anon.
liked it so far, but im also nonplussed
You mean Vanno? he killed serpente because he killed that other young guy, not just because of the stolen booze
>promoshit all calls him Avilio
>everyone watching calls him Angelo
Who's the mysterious Dad's best friend?
Also, the MC was adopted, right?
It's promising so far, there's a severe lack of mafia themed anime/manga. Other than Gungrave, what even is there?
probably it's the don
notice that he has some fatal disease and doesn't have much time
recs go in >>>/wsr/ newfriend
I wasn't asking for recs, I'm just baffled that this genre isn't used more.
There's been a surge of mafia shows lately. Lurk more.
Fuccboi, mc powers, twink, basically SAO syndrome
Angelo is a better name.
>didn't even check to see if Serpiente was dead
>reveals his identity out loud

What a fucking idiot. Such masterful revenge.
Some friends of his family, though we still don't know whether they really are who they make themselves to be or if they are just some other mafia family trying to make use of Angelo's revenge and then kill him.
But the Don is the bad guy.
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>MC had his entire family killed
>"he's not likable"
Having your whole family die in front of you kind of does that to you.
>Going on a revenge spree
>Not revealing your identity at the last second before killing your target
You are so boring
I don't get it: why didn't he just shoot Vanno in the apartment, and say Fango shot him and got away? Or maybe that's what he was planning in the first place, but Serpente walking in and the police botched his plan?
And Christ, these names are ridiculously cheesy.
Didn't plan it that far. He just saw an opportunity when they were both alone in the cemetery.
But it isn't; he's given the letter and is just acting on emotion like the kid he is. I doubt he's going to be painted as some genius mastermind, more so just someone boiling over and willing to go all in. And it makes sense for his first shot at revenge to make him burst emotionally and do something not so smart and logical.
Utterly cliche and uninteresting in a character. Hope it doesn't repeat ad nauseam. But it looks like it might, given him leering hatefully throughout in the promo art.
>Didn't plan it that far
He must've planned something, seeing as he pretty much let Fango go.
Actual mafia nicknames aren't much better.
>Mickey the Wiseguy
>Nicky Nails
>Papa John
>Tough Tony
>Pistol Pete
And so on.
The show hasn't demonstrated that he's exceptional in anything besides being able to act well enough, and being crazy enough to take on the mafia. These are the guys that have no qualms about chopping their wrongdoers to pieces if it's for the family.
Don't forget Barry the Slinger
>Studio: Shuka
Please, let it be not drrrr QUALITY
Anyone else super happy that he shot that guy at the end? I thought he was gonna be a pussy but man oh man isn't that awesome
to be honest it looks worse in some areas
Unless Angelo was told something offscreen, he had no way of knowing Vanno would be there, that Serpente killed Vanno's driver or that Vanno wanted to kill Serpente.
But it is. Which is a shame, the posters look great, everything else is fantastic.
I love how they sorta foreshadowed the ending.
>The first time I killed was...
>Anyway, we should get going
I'm liking the art style.
Me too, I haven't been noticing the quality people are complaining about because I like the art style and character designs so much.
Angelo is not the hero we wanted but it'sthe one we need
Sometimes the characters do look a little dopey. I notice it mostly with Angelo. They look really nice in other shots though. Overall I don't have a problem with it.

All the characters a recognizable without looking unrealistic too. I liked Joker Game and the art in it but I honestly couldn't distinguish one spy from another. Except maybe the guy in the boat episode but he had longer lighter hair. Couldn't tell you any of their names though.
There's just way too many things that make a /k/ommando autist like me get triggered. It's like the producers never googled how guns work before going forward.
I don't understand why this show is neglected by fujos. What is the reason?
Meh, I was cautiously following after ep1 but ep2 suggests it's going to shit.
I figure it was intentional with Joker Game since spies should be non descript, but it did get to be a pain in the ass when I couldn't figure out if it was Miyoshi who died or not.
>everything else from the architecture to the way old ladies dress and the story itself is
Japanese actually. The show got everything wrong and that's the part that bothers me most, the low budget being second.
They should have read the wikipedia article entitled "mafia" while they were at it, that'd have fixed half the show already.
It's only 2 episodes in and there's not much shipping material yet, if they develop some good tension between Angelo and Nero they'll probably catch on.
the best gta clone ever made.
Do you crop this manually?
I'm surprise anyone does.
I used the crop tool. Did you mean the transparency?

I couldn't tell either. I couldn't remember which one Miyoshi was. Then I remembered he was the shorty from the first two episodes.

Especially this shot, I can't stop noticing it.
fuccbois and twinks are love though
Would wrapping the gun fuck up the action of a 1911? I feel like if it was wrapped that tightly, shell cases wouldn't eject properly and cause the gun to jam. But what the fuck do I know?
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>91 days
>2 episodes in and we're only done with day 1
>prohibition era
>no car chase with vee ate push rod engine that leads to nascar
they better hire italian jew yorkers or else.
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Or else what, eh tough guy?
>2 episodes in and we're only done with day 1
Huh? 7 years passed in the first episode, plus 2 days in the present time. Then 2 days in the second episode, for a total of:
>2560 days
Fucking filler, just garbage.
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>white people
Reminds me of Space Brothers.
They will hire Californians and it will sound awkward.
Franco is too OP
Did they specify how old Angelo is? Late teens/ early 20s?
He was like 12-13 during the flashback so yeah, probably 19-20 years old.
Why don't they have Anglican first names?
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>yfw Angelo is Lovepon's ancestor
Stop reminding me of that shit character.
It's one of reasons why I watch 91Days.
More like when does he accidentally drink the grand panacea
So this will be 13 episodes, right? Since 13 episodes weekly means the last episode will air 91 days after the first one.
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They are Italian immigrants.
>ep02 - protag initiats revenge plot
>ep12 - protag realizes that revenge is not the answer
Search your feelings.
What is Xebec's contribution to this show?
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