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>Other characters talk about how huge her tits are >Rocking

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>Other characters talk about how huge her tits are
>Rocking body because she's on the swim team
>Outgoing and approachably goofy
>Dumb in a cute way
>Genuinely nice person who goes out of her way to help foreigners even though she can barely speak their language
>Tan lines

Why did the author stack the cards so much in her favor for best girl?
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>best girl
Kagura was made for bearing babies
Goddamn I love Kagura

A character so good they didn't make her a main character right away as a favour to the rest of the cast
>Rocking body because she's on the swim team
Swimming as sport is a one way ticket to a manly body. Since it trains so much arms and shoulders, girls who practice it end up looking like traps.
Animal-abusing ugly cunt.
>ywn rape her flabby swimmer body.
Why even live
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>traps are males who look like girls
>girls looking like traps being a bad thing
>when they're just looking like girls
>incredibly lithe, toned body
>but with genetically gifted breasts

What's the problem here?
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fuck off cat lady
If you've been in trap threads you'll realize that "trap" nowadays means fuccboi in girl's clothes, not a boy who looks like a girl.
Kagura started my love for tomboys.
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>What're you doing, Kagura?
>Digging a hole.
>Oh! Are you gonna bury something?
>No. Just digging.

It fucking kills me every time.
I fucking did that too when I was a kid, it really got to me man

I wonder what other pointless shit anons here do for no real reason
I want a Yukari
>Doesn't even show up until the second year

They had to give the other girls a headstart. Except for Yomi. Is Yomi's anyone favorite? I forgot about her for long stretches of time.
Kags puts in one or two appearances in the first year, but it's not 'til the second that she becomes a regular.
The only time I remember her is during the first sports festival. Does she have other appearances in the first year?
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Sexy Amazonian who keeps uppity felines in their place
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Yomi is honestly my favourite.

>Nice breasts
>Smart and caring
>Extreme smart

Would wife out of all the Azumanga Daiohs.
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Around the first time I watched AzuDai I daydreamed about being raped by Yomi
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>Extremely smart
>Was the last Daioh to be confirmed for a college

What would marriage and sex with Yomi be like?
her first appearance is where she's getting told off by Nyamo and Yukari interrupts. It's the bit where you first learn the "Nyamo" nickname.
isn't she like 5'1?
>None of the girls had a boyfriend for all three years
>Not a single guy confessed to any of them
>The closest any of them got was Kaorin having a clit boner for Sakaki

Maybe they were going to an all gay school.
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I meant Amazonian in the sense that she'd look at-home in a jungle

That's some 2007 shit right here
So she's super hairy down there?
So she was just Sakaki-sexual.
Wow this is nostalgic.
I wonder if I have this gif on an old hard drive.
I loved her interactions with tomo.

There need to be more animes with multiple tomboys.
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they're all best girls actually
I still wonder if this anime is good or just moeshit. Maybe I should check it out.
Nice blog, anon! Waiting for your next post!
reboot when?
Next week: I fucked your moms ass
The manga is better, in my opinion. The humor is a lot more snappy, like dialouge from a 1930s screwball comedy.

It's not moeshit, though. I don't think moe was a thing when Azu came out.
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Moe was that big a thing, I mean.

Or just a hungry skellington with long, greasy, frizzy hair in thigh high stockings.
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>I wonder what other pointless shit anons here do for no real reason

Browse /a/.
Chiyo-chan abuse was the best
She got brutalized in almost every episode
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honestly, on my all-time-anime list azumanga is #1 since i watched it back in 2007.
firstly azumanga made character archetypes. secondly it's the only anime i've really seen that pictured believable school life. it reminded me of my own days in school, of the friends i used to have. and the girls are fucking perfect. tomo, osaka, yomi, yukari-sensei- you won't regularly find so much great lovable characters in a single anime. and it's not even sexualized, there's no pandering or waifu service like we have in every anime ever, it's just that the girls are good, lovable characters.

manga is #2 on my all-time list because blame! exists and because there is anime adaptation, which i watched first.
>not even sexualized

Did you not see the half page filler illustrations for each chapter.
That and the rave party gif make me feel older than I am
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i honestly do not remember what was there. swimsuits i think, but i just wasn't in the mood to wank to that stuff. because that's not the tone azumanga sets up.
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>smartest girl
>youngest girl
>best overall body
>nice to everyone
>great with animals

Why is she so perfect?
>no waifu service

Ironic, considering this is the show "waifu" came from.
>Sakaki is living a goddamn grown wild cat
>That already sliced Tomo's hand open with the smallest provocation when it was a kitten

I bet Sakaki is responsible for a kid or two on her street getting mauled.
Azumanga predates the moe peak that happened later in the 2000's, and is a lot better for it.
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>but i just wasn't in the mood to wank to that stuff
Here you and I differ
dosen`t need one.
I always loved that there was no romance shit in the series. There wasn't really any of that WILL THE? WON'T THEY? shit. Kaorin was just a gag that never had a chance of happening. This and Yotsuba are such great, cute, funny SoL things without any awkward or shoehorned romances.

I need more manga like that.
tomo looking proud makes me laugh my boner off, tho.
tomo got scratched, she just got very upset about it.
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>This image is 5 years old.
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You can't laugh off Tomo teasing Kagura about her fat tits
you have no idea what you're talking about and have been conditioned to wanking to flabby round shaped asian pornstar javs.

if you actually met someone from the swim team, if anything their bodies are slim. the same goes with guys as well. i even had a friend in HS that was popular for being on the swim team because of her "breast stroke" ironically her tits were huge and she had a slim body.
this page makes me giggle. tomo has such fucking perfect expressions. she is the queen of cheeky cunts.
I love the tenth anniversary manga.
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Forgot to post this.
You forgot
nigger get out

Yukari or Nyamo?
Yukari's a better character but Nyamo's hotter

>sexualizing nyamo-sensei
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do you remember this fucking moment, you guys?

did you have that moment when you were at school? or is it all business in america? do you even have homeroom teachers?
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tho she's not getting any.

men around her have shit taste then


only had homerooms in middle school, graduation was a ceremony a few days after senior year ended held during the evening
goddamn why are tanlines so delicious
because they can further define the female body
Are you stupid or something? Sporty girls usually have tan lines because that's the uniform they are wearing all the time outside. Like the school swim suit, or the track team's shorts and jersey. It's not like they say "This is what I want tan lines of."
>Pool swimmers are tan
I never see this in real life, why was this a meme in the first place?
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Kagura is mai waifu, now and always.

What makes people this insecure?

Yomi takes it in the ass. Fucking slut.
Ah, KriegsaffeNo9. I loved his edits.

/azu/ for life.
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finally, a reason to open this folder once more!
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holy shit, my sides
t. German.
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Oh no. The memories are rushing back.
What a wonderful time to be alive that was.
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To compensate for Tomo being a horrible person and terrible friend.
Hello everynyan
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what do you guys think of Geibuchan's stuff?


mildly amusing
Holy shit, picked the fuck up. Thanks, anon.
But those tits don't look that big.
the fuck is wrong with you
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You are a horrible human being.

That look like NIchijou art.
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If I wanted to make manga edits would it be tacky to go with Azumanga?
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I never even got the nerve to finish the series, knowing it would be sad
what chapter is this
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All Azus were good in their own ways. She wasn't special. It was just the highest concentration of top tier girls in ever.
Anybody knows where to get a collection of those edits? They're fucking hilarious!

You are missing a great ending.

"Aogeba tōtoshi"

They're archived here.
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Thank you /a/non
This thread makes me want Yotsuba to update.
ellen feiss
Every girl was best girl

Never before, never again
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