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Choose your survivors. >Less than 24 hours for Ultimate Despair.

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Thread replies: 506
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Choose your survivors.

>Less than 24 hours for Ultimate Despair.
Sayaka's a slut.

It's part of her job description.
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8 survivors, 8 petals (9 if we count naegi that is holding the flower, meaning that he won't die)
Looking forward to the characters who died earlier on to get some more development maybe
Nice b8
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You faggots are unironically discussing shipping and you think you're better than /drg/
>Only 6 people will die over 12 episodes
I'll believe it when I fucking see it
Count again
there are 5 petals
The smaller looking "petals" aren't petals
just ignore it, anon
Sounds like someone isn't native to /a/
Why you gotta put weedman up there, hes outside, we got a 16th guy inside we gotta be worrying about
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And what are they pal?
>Implying both boys from DR1 will survive
Probably 1 boy will survive and one girl.
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>You will never be that one autistic fuck that impersonates a fictional character.
/a/ is fine.
I know its the point of the black guy's voice but it really creeps me the fuck out
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Why does no one fucking mention the panel that says 16 participants despite there being only 15? or is there a wheelchaired, muted, deaf, blind guy participants that's offcamera we aren't aware of?
I can't imagine Aoi living since she's most likely going to be the traitor (Awfully convenient that she's replacing Togami, and she'll probably be very unstable when she learns her brother died). As for Kirigiri I can see her sacrificing herself to save Naegi.
No bully.
Naegi, Hagakure, Asahina/Seiko, Kyousuke and Miaya/Seiko.

Maybe he'll be involved in some other way.
Weedman maybe still counts despite being outside
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>posting saionji
That faggot bully kun will post again. She is one of my favorite girls in DR2 though.
Why would orlando bloom be the traitor, im thinking more like kyosuke is the traitor, fucker looks like hes bout to summon his persona and i dont trust him
Asahina still has room for development
Kirigiri is the traitor
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Why doesnt Japan like Akane?
Don't bully the SHSL Disabled like that, guy has enough problems as is.
It's the Ultimate Unnoticeable Student. He's been there the entire time, he's just so unremarkable that people think he's furniture.
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I think it's a given that the physically strong characters will undoubtedly die.
But they dont
I'm pretty sure its counting Hagakure since he's in the OP. And lets be honest, if they were really going to omit Weedman to the outside after introducing him during the first episode, why even bother putting him in the show at all?
Yeah, the really strong ones, the ones who are strong but not super buff usually live
It says remaining survivors aka people. Never said anything about having to be the people inside exclusively so Hagakure could still count.

Hell we didn't even see him after the others got gassed and given bracelets. Maybe Hagakure got sneaked up on, knocked out and thrown into the building with a bracelet on him.
She useless meat that serves no purpose.

I wish she died instead of Mahiru.
I would hate this trope, but it is hardly ever noticeable.
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>Doesn't has a bracalet
Nope, he is out.
Fit chicks are never popular over there, they're always the least popular characters next to muscular guys in anime
to an extent it's the same over here too in a lot of our media
She's Aoi with everything that made Aoi good taken away to make her boobs bigger.
Mukuro, Mondo and Sakura died
Peko, Owari and Nidai died.
Blacksmith, Wrestler and Masked man will die.
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>That heavy breathing sound she and Chiaki do
Perhaps a side story? Like, hes the reason to put in people like byakuya, komaru, touko, maybe the remnants? They needed someone to act as the catalyst, so why not use weedman, make him usefull for once
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Her personality is the most fleshed out, dude. She's almost 3D.
Then why leave him outside? I'm sure him being outside has a purpose unless he tries to save everyone and ends up joining the game for jokes
also >>144149890
I sincerly doubt they'll have a B plot of some episodes focusing on Hagakure, thats native to American television, not anime. But he's gonna be involved somehow, we just have no clue yet.
>She's Aoi with everything that made Aoi good taken away
She was basically a better Aoi to be honest. Akane atleast tried to help, and half the time her sense of smell or gut instinct did kick in. Aoi didn't even do that.
Mukuro is cute
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>A side story
>On a 12 episode anime
>That is supposed to be another killing game with at least 15 participants

I guess they learned nothing from the that horrible adaptation. At this rate there's going to be at least one chapter were two or more characters die like disposable trash.
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i don't trust that quiet bitch
V3 protag confirmed
If only you actually had that ahoge in game, you might have dodged those spears!
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If the Despair Arc finishes and it turns out the DR2 cast had really shitty reasons for becoming Ultimate Despair, would you still like them?
She's Aoi with bigger boobs + muh fightan

At least when Akane did her Stupid Thing it was only supposed to kill one person and not everybody.
>Owari died

Yes pls
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I liked how comically useless she was.
>They think the first girl killed is actually dead
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So can someone spoil me the plots of DR:Hagakure and DR:Byakuya? I'm gonna read IF and Zero for the first time later tonight, but I'd like to cover all my bases before I start.
I liked Akane more, her backstory was memorable atleast and I can remember her having trouble being honest with her feelings or some shit (feeling remorse over Nidai's death but not understanding how to express it properly). The only thing I remember Asahina doing was her being absolutely infuriating during Case 4.
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Well I mean she is Monaca after all.
Only the ones that are smiling in that image will survive.
>Chisa isn't actually dead
>Fedora guy
>Black guy
Also scarf girl is unknown.
You know what is secretly one of the good things about telling the story through an anime rather than a video game

we don't need stupid people to live so they can ask the player dumb questions
Is nobody curious about how in the intro the only two people to share the same "death" are Naegi and Munakata?
It seems very odd that everybody else is given their way to die but they share the same way
That depends how shitty, but no I'd never let something retroactively ruin my enjoyment of something. I'm not a child.
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>They made a bone and flesh Chiaki clone.
Why do the japanese have such shit taste?
Sorry, my peabrain stopped working for a moment
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We already had this character in DR Zero
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>Both share the same death scene
>But Munakata still "falls" while Makoto is trying to help Kirigiri
What does this mean then?
The plot of Hagakure is that it isn't translated.
The plot of Byakuya is that it is horrible and not canon
>The plot of Hagakure is that it isn't translated.
uh what
it's in ultra despair girls
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Good enough! Thanks.
Yeah Togami didn't show up because he's gonna survive to the end of this HPA story. Same with Toko and Hagakure is locked out for similar reasons so it ironically leaves the "nicer" DR1 survivors on the chopping block for the shocking death for DR3. Makoto will probably bullshit his way to the end somehow so it leaves Kyoko and Hina as the bigger targets for death.
No? They're both falling after shooting themselves in the head
Isn't that basically Kamishiro from DR Zero?
My hypothesis is that Junko somehow embedded herself in the comatose DR2 guys. Lead by Komaeda, the revived Remnants of Despair got the helicopter from Jabberwock island and came to HQ by following Naegi's ship. They're the main orchestrator of the whole thing. Hajime's group of redeemed Remnants of Despair will follow them to the HQ and save the day.
So we can all agree that Chisa's ghost is the real mastermind, right?
>The plot of Hagakure is that it isn't translated.
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If they aren't on the official timeline then they don't matter. And they aren't. So they don't.
I don't know, but Munakata is underwhelming so far. I'm sort of attracted to him but I don't like him. He comes off as exaggerating his own emotional pain and no one understands me bullshit. Which is one reason I'm glad Chisa "died." She won't be his crutch. Putting her next to him was the only reason he seemed like maybe a decent, complex character. She was there to vouch for him while he brooded.
You do realize of course that would basically mean Hagakure is going to live AND be right when he inevitably says the mastermind is a ghost
What about Juzo?

And what masked man? Are you talking about Gozu the Wrestler?

And Owari dying?

So much fail in your post anon kun.
>But Munakata still "falls" while Makoto is trying to help Kirigiri
That's a seperate scene
Also literally everyone is falling in that part, including Makoto
I Like your way of thinking anon
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Traitor is one of the guys in the game, but that doesn't exclude Naegi or Kirigiri from being implanted Junko's memories during the VR program.
Of course Hagakure is going to be right 30% of the time
>He comes off as exaggerating his own emotional pain and no one understands me bullshit.
I'm not seeing this at all.
It means that Naegi is looking out for his own and since Aoi is basically 'the other one', that is most easily communicated with Kyoko.
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How would blacksmith feel if pastry was the traitor? What's their relationship anyway?
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scarf girl is going to be the elementary school girl on top of nagito's shoulders isnt it
Because Naegi and Munakata are the "hopes" that will save the world and unlock their Persona.

Chisa said if they combined their hopes they will make a stronger hope.
Is he getting a boner because of that melon pan?
I confused Boxer with Wrestler
Stop I'm being incinerated
She's up to some shady shit with those candies.
Nice legs, Nagito.
The only time P4 Protagonist was brooding was when Chisa died, what the heck are you talking about. Him and old man no socks were the only remotely level-headed ones there (despite their differences in opinion)
Yes, I would just ignore the anime.
Her pastries are apparently so good their like drugs. He's probably addicted, so if she goes down he probably wont far behind her.
Well, he's level headed but also 100% in favor of executing Naegi for treason.
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>Big Body

That's almost as likely to happen as a Lancer that's not suffering.
She drugs people with her candies
no, literally
Since he's level-headed he's also probably the most likely to drop it when it becomes apparent it's not the time or place for it.
I don't like Akane, she was fucking useless.

Her design is great though, too bad she wasn't the rival like they originally planned
So fucking what? What a dumb argument.
I'll bathe in your sweet, delicious despair alright
and from their point-of-view that's understandable - they've been fighting Junko's followers on the front lines for a while now, they captured the Despair Remnants, only for Makoto to covertly gather them up and use the Neo World Program to reform them. You don't have to agree with them to be able to see where they're coming from here.

Munakata also wants to follow procedure and actually have a trial so it's not like he's not willing to allow Makoto to defend himself, it's Juzo & Andou who just want to beat Makoto up.
>Best girl being traitor
Care to explain?
Also what's up with all these faggots believing on Miratai surviving
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>two protagonists surviving
>Kirigiri surviving

Anon don't do this to yourself
>best girl
>has done nothing so far

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Ugh I keep thinking it's too obvious, but this chick has to be Monaca. And this time she's not faking the wheelchair since after all at the end of AE she has all that rubble fall on her legs which actually did render them unusable.

But fuck it's too obvious, but at the same time would they just leave her as a loose end especially after showing the other kids in Nagito's scene.
If she dies I hope it's good. It needs to be big, and important, not just another body to push the plot along.
Exactly this. People act like Makoto's innocent or something and not seeing things the way FF or any reasonable person would see it.
It hasn't been long enough for Monaca to have grown that much.
If she is the Delta of Danganronpa I'm fucking rioting
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>Yu Narukami

It's either he dies or he's the traitor, there's no way he's getting out unscathed.

>Aoi surviving
>Big Guy Gozu surviving

No chance in hell, but the others are pretty plausible


Nice try Kyokofag but it's dead or not dead around these parts


Delete this

Keep up these predications though, it's cool to see what you guys think what will happen after one episode.
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Cute tho
She's too old to be Monaka, just give up
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Not that anon but I want an all or nothing. Either both of em die or or neither. Let me at least have hope for this.

Or let Makoto be kill, Because I secretly want to see Kirigiri in ultimate despair.
Will Komaru break through the wall of Despair Hen and reveal it to actually be New World Program Mk 2?
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You guys couldn't be more wrong
>Or let Makoto be kill, Because I secretly want to see Kirigiri in ultimate despair.

Yeah because she's junko
>Kyoko dies
>Aoi lives

It would be the biggest fuck you and I so want it to happen
Listen guys, I have a plan.

What if we just create the ultimate despair to bring about the ultimate hope?

Also Hinata and Naegi's imouto are going to save the day.
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I think she might be affiliated with Monaca but I don't think she's the traitor killing people.
I'd rather her survive over Naegi to be honest
I'm not expecting that to happen though
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What if Hagakure's the one behind it all
There's no way that Confectionist and Blacksmith will both survive.
No, but she'll do it in Mirai-Hen and end up getting captured too.
If crystal ball dude dies I'm not watching anymore
Komaeda pls go
Shut up, hopeman.
>Monaca own twin sister
Don't we already know that Naegi won't die from Superdanganronpa 2? Are people saying that Naegi will die just redditfags?
Apparently 2ch thinks Komaru will appear in both Despair and Mirai Hen
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>people actually think Banana hair is a traitor just because she resembles Monoca

They wouldn't make it that obvious you fools.

Heck Great Gozu has more of a chance being the traitor than she is.
>She is in a wheel chair she is monaca
>She is in a wheel chair so she must be allied with monaka
>She is monaka twin sister
Jesus so much retard today.
They go AFTER meeting the despair cast in the VR.
Also in killer killer the events happen before the final game and it's a decoy.
This takes place AFTER SDR2, you fucking faggot
>Heck Great Gozu has more of a chance being the traitor than she is.

but how did he drop the bomb when we see both hands
Future arc is after DR2.
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I'm not saying she's the traitor, but she looks like she'll be pretty important nonetheless.
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I can't wait to see the Remants of despair in action!
I'd love to see Toko & Twogami interact (though the latter isn't impersonating Byakuya this time I guess)
and more Komaru would be nice, her and Hajime are like-minded in what they think of Hope and Despair and all
She could be Chiaki
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You should go back to plebit yourself if you don't even know the basic info behind the show.
Helmet propulsion system.
I'd laugh.

This would be too good to be true.

So then Kanon has to be the traitor disguised as one of the FF leaders.
This is after dr2
Why do you think Naegi is being arrested?
bomb could have dropped with a timer device
In fact that makes Gozu even more suspicious
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Monaca sister
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We'll see.
"Monaca" is listed as ??? under credits but they might just be fucking with us
What a fucking idiot.


Who cares what 2ch think
Why does this anime give me /ss/ vibes every time Naegi appears on screen?

Is it because he is still shorter than all the women?
Wait, then how are characters that died during DR2 show up in this new future arc?
I feel like them not having announced her CV yet is an attempt at baiting us.
He is really cute.
She doesn't talk, apparently. So yes they're definitely fucking with us.
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Remember to abandon all hope
This is nothing new.
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Gekkogahara's seiyuu has always been listed as ??? or just not listed at all, see >>144150508 or this
That was crearly a flashback
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That's because they're keeping her voice actress secret, probably for a reason
Stop with this weak b8
>Miaya is going to be Monaca sitting on Nagito's shoulders
10/10 best entry in the DR series if this happens
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Since she doesn't speak I'd bet money Monomi is going to show up on that screen and do the talking for her.
I thought the writing in Chaos Dragon was pretty alright. Can't say anything about all of the other ones though. At least it's not Uezu Makoto again.
Worst girl:

Best girl:

Best boy:

Worst boy:
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All the girls have Monomi on their chain and the boys get Monokuma. Don't read into it too much.
>proves absolutely nothing

We don't know what position he has in this anime so the decision making doesn't go to him
Oh I know, I just think it's going to happen because of the screen-looking thing on the front of her chair.
Just to think, this was from a fucking doujin, i mean, it was well drawn, but damn, the story actually fit in canon and was damn good, i couldnt jack to it
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Kodaka and the DR staff are working on this and its being paced for 13 episodes so dont give up hope.
Not to mention she already has an association with Monomi, having created the HRP.
I think Nagei is going to die together with Junko so she can finally rest in peace.

Because remember guys, Despair and Hope used to be locked up together in Pandora's Box.

And perhaps, it is finally time to lock Despair aka Junko together with Naegi aka Hope and bury them together for good.
I'm the traitor.
I'm hope.
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Isn't that NTR
>character voiced by Mai Nakahara dies in the very first episode

There is no end to the suffering of Nakahara characters.
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I'm already a Despair.
She is going to be in despair arc.
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The artist had a very good grasp of the characters.
I had no idea what the fuck was going on with Kazuichi and Sonia though.
Maybe Monaca will head over to Jabberwock Island in her mech to pick up papa Nagito. Perhaps after Nagito wakes up (because SHSL Luck) and sends a distress signal or something somehow.
Yasuhiro vs. Souda, who would win in the most useless character battle.
I liked the Mikan one in that regard. Didn't care much for the rest though the art was nice.
Her fault for voicing the character with the "kill me now or I'll be a traitor" sign on their back.
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I want this to be true.
Neither, they would both live while your waifu gets stabbed
Hiro had the crystal ball used for DR1-1, and Souda made the webcam thing used in DR2-3 so they're about even
Yasuhiro by far

Souda got shit done outside of the trials, he made the camera in ch3, fixed the elevator in ch4, made Mini-Maru (even if that wasn't mecessary), and other stuff. His talent came in handy a bunch of times

Yasuhiro vs Akane is a much more apt comparison.
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It hurts because this is true
Souda can build machines
Hagakure can trim the weed
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Though if that happened she would probably also murder the rest of the despairs.
Akane's gut instinct/sensitive nose helped a bunch of times + she made an effort to try and help during investigations, she's just sorta useless during trials.

I don't know where Yasuhiro even fucks off to during most investigations.
I liked that one and I hope Yuzuki N Dash' Mikan one gets translated
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Have Naegi and Kirigiri fucked yet?

Also, should I finish AE ASAP for this anime?
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>talent scout

everyone so far has killed these three. nobody has any faith these guys will make it to the end, eh?
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Help me anons. I don't want to see both or any of them dying. The wait is actually killing me and I don't know how I can handle it
Did the scout even have any lines in the episode? For some reason I have this hunch he may make it but I feel like we know literally nothing about him yet
Just prepare yourself mentally
Kyoko's dead in the water but Naegi has a decent shot thanks to hope armor
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You should finish Monaca's game for Monaca!
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>only black person
>is a farmer
>talks like he was made a eunuch as a child

Makoto is holding out for the bacon handjob.
He scouted Junko for Hope's Peak. Makes him look incredibly sketchy in my opinion.
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I guess. Maybe I need to be cynical and think of all best girls/boys to die first
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not wrong, am I?
>wanted based weedman to die

You should off yourself.
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wait what
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You cracked it!
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>Those niggas reading too hard at the petals.

Only 4 survivors and the rest are dead
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Fall into despair.
>wheelchair girl was actually Komeada's subconscious implanted in someone else this whole time

So here's my most off the wall theory that won't come true. How would this make you feel?
I think killing off one person every single episode might be too fast for DR.
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As much as I would enjoy the reaction if they actually killed off Naegi or Kirigiri I just can't see it happening. Love to be wrong though.
The traitor being Junko implanted is more likely.
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Makoto is going to die, only to show up during the Trial because "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO, ULTIMATE LUCK BRO!"
Quote me.
Feels too obvious and not enough out of left field.
But it's always Junko. I doubt they'll deviate from that right at the end, so at the very least Monokuma is being controlled in some way by her.
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>Doubting Kodaka about this shit

Once we see if there's a murder in the next episode then we can say things are going fast

>killed off Naegi or Kirigiri I just can't see it happening.
>Another one doubting Kodaka AGAIN

Only a matter of time anon
I think the biggest twist of all would be there's no Junko.
>And what are they pal?
Perhaps they represent the comatose UDs?
Sure, in the same way it would have been a twist if nobody died.
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was junko somehow in AE?
The very end
Do you think you could bear the answer?
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The final boss is a giant monokuma
,it was controlled by AI junko,she also appairs in flashback
Who'd win in a fight between Sakura and Jozu
Depends on the rules. If Sakura can take him down to the ground he's toast.
Sakura no contest.
>Was Junko in a DR game?

Just think about that for a moment Anon and you should get the answer yourself.
Because Japan has shit taste.
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I know we got a lo of suspicious characters off the bat
But I'm currently focusing on Chisa and Ryota
Ryota was suppossed to be in Hajime's class, however we know from the trailer that is the ultimate imposter

it's a little suspicious how Chisa doesn't immeditaely go to over to Ryota, one of her students from that class, to comment about his weight or why he didn't turn into an Remnant of Despair

I know things happened fast, but it was still something that could've been over and done with very quickly
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Is it just me or does the DR artist really love thighs?
Fuck all these characters my boy THE GREAT GOZU got this shit suplexing motherfuckers soon just watch.
Pretty sure that would have been sorted out in the literal years since, not to mention she likely would have had the file suggesting he was an impostor.
The back of hajimes neck was soaking wet after that, if ya know what i mean
he's gonna F5 the traitor through the table
Brown girls don't die.
Sakura died, though
biggest boobs don't die
Sakura and yamada died.
Wrong, both hifumi and twogami died, no joke they had the biggest tits according to their files
>people think Aoi will be alive in the end

If there was any DR1 character that would be killed off for the biggest impact who's name is not Naegi is Aoi. Because she's way too fucking pure and innocent. She's also cursed with suffering.

>Parents are more than likely kaput
>Brother gets introduced only to die right after
>Best friend commits fucking suicide through poisoining
>Became a cum dumpster in the other ending

Well they aren't going to die unless they fuck first, right?
She had other traits that canceled out the brown polarity.
Am I seriously going to have to deal with 12 weeks of you people? She's not dying.

Brown girls don't get killed, there's a difference.
biggest female boobs don't die
sakura doesn't count, all muscle baby
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>She's not dying

Your despair will be delicious.
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>pure and innocent
>tried to get everyone killed by lying
Reminder that there are special rules that each and every member has to follow or will die. At least one person WILL die because of breaking the rules. My bets on the people that would end up being offed by the rule would either be Great Gozu, Aoi, or Bandai.
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>Get proven that brownies can die
>T-T-That doesn't c-count...
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Man take a trip through non-h doujins if you want to get bummed the fuck out.
I legitimately never considered Sakura a brown girl.
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man she blacker than aoi how the fuck do you not consider her a brown girl
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I know that feel.
Because she killed herself. It's like saying that Luck students can die. Sure, technically, if they choose to.
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>mfw the traitor is the chairman
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Reminder that she's useless mostly because she was first intended as the antagonist instead of Komaeda. Notice how even their hairstyles are similar, and she has the ahoge. Her name also hints that - Hajime means "beginning", while Owari means "end".

Hagakure also was intended as the mastermind that only pretended to be dumb, but was rehashed into comic relief character.
whoever did these designs needs to be shot for sameface.

The two girls on the end of the first and third row are literally the same. Have some fucking contrast.
Why is danganronpa one of those games where the beta ideas ended up being better than the final product?
i love these behind-the-scenes changes, is this from an interview or something?
I think Juuzo killed Chisa

They were in the same class so the two of them and Munakata were all good friends

She wouldn't just be crying for anyone other than someone she thought she could trust, and I don't think that they'll kill off Munakata this early
I'm with you about Narukami Yu. He looks like a secondary MC, I don't think he is going to die.
Anyone else hype for Despair Arc's ED, "Absolute Hope Birthday", performed by Ogata while in-character as Komaeda? It sounds great from the title alone.
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What, really?
That makes him more expendable in my eyes. Like he was the MC of some other story, but now he has to die to let Naegi finish out his.
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Is this true?
Tengan might as well be confirmed dead.

The Naegi/Munakata power struggle is bound to happen.
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Yeah. Announced quite a while ago.
Wow, that's stupid that they would drop such a great idea. It's not like they would have to drop the entirety of Nagito's character too in order for it to work.
I have a feeling that having multiple antagonists would have muddied things or forced the game to be much longer to resolve all the plot points.
imo akane design looks too stupid to be a antagonist.
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That would be too complex, anon.
This thing pissed me off.
Makoto Naegi:
Chances of being offed: 5%
Chances of being Traitor: 1%
The Ultimate Luck. Killing this guy is going to be way too tough for anyone to care about but he could still be killed off on his own accountabilitiy ala Nagito. Doubtful they would use this twist again though. The chances of being a traitor is not 0% because there could be another twist where he was the cause that whoever is controlling Monokuma was able to find them and he would be labeled as a traitor because of it.

Kyoko Kirigiri
Chances of being offed 30%
Chances of being Traitor 10%

The Ultimate Detective. Being an original DR character, her chances of surviving yet another killing game causes her to have an increase chance of being offed this time. As many others have said, Kyoko's brain could have been wiped and Junko implanted into her after the events of DR2. God I hope that isn't the case though.

Yasuhiro Hagakure
Chances of being offed: 0%
Chances of being Traitor: 0%

Your waifu will be stabbed repeatedly in a gruesome manner and he'll be all oh no and that's it.

Aoi Asahina
Chances of being offed: 50%
Chances of being traitor: 0%

In the same boat as Kyoko, but being a genki upbeat character who cares deeply about her friends makes her a bigger target for Makoto's despair.

Ruruka Ando
Chances of being offed: 60%
Chances of being Traitor: 25%

I want to stick my chocolate flavored dick into her mouth. She looks like she'll be a semi important character due to her maybe deep relationship with Izayoi. Her being the traitor would be sorta likely due to Izayoi's complete trust in her. Izayoi has said "Once a traitor, always a traitor, imagine him having to say this while crying because he believed Ando with all his heart.
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Dunno, I like it.
They better dont kill Asahina
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Your hope will soon fall into despair.
Kyosuke Narukami
Chances of being offed 80%
Chances of being Traitor 0%

The Ultimate Persona User. Throughout the anime, I have no doubt that there will be a bunch of moments where he's suspected of being the traitor. Probably the most out of all the characters. Maybe he'll get so pissed that he'll try to summon a persona but realize he's in the wrong universe which is alluded to him shooting himself in the head. But really, his chances of survival is low due to the fact of being the other protagonist but I have no doubt in my mind that he is no traitor.

Seiko Kimura
Chances of being offed 75%
Chances of being Traitor 30%

The Ultimate Pharmacist. Looks to have either a split personality or is able to conjure up various side effects through the use of drugs. Would make her a likely candidate to traitor-dom as she could probably hypnotize or incapacitate people easily.

Koichi Kizakura
Chances of being offed: 85%
Chances of being Traitor: 5%

The Ultimate Talent Scout. Ain't no fedora wearing talent scouting smooth operating useless FUCK is going to survive this killing nor will he even DO anything FUCK him.

Juzo Sakakura
Chances of being offed 40%
Chances of being Traitor 20%

The Ultimate Boxer. What a douchebag right. I mean goodness why would anyone care about this guy at all. Oh wait he's probably going to get his shit together after he survives and realize that he's going to have to take the helm after Kyosuke bites the dust. Expect a redemption episode.

Miaya Gekkogahara
Chances of being offed 50%
Chances of being Traitor 50%

The Ultimate Therapist. An anomaly, don't know what to think of her yet. We know she has ties in creating NWP and shit so it could be either or.

Ryota Mitarai
Chances of being offed 55%
Chances of being Traitor 30%

The Ultimate Animator. Him showing up late to the party was a red herring. It will however be called to attention. We'll find out that being the ultimate animator means he re-animate the dead.
You guys ready for the dub?
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>tales of zestria the x
Are they using the game or funi VAs for returning characters?
episode fucking when?
Having it be Juzo would be too obvious though
>Not 60% of being offed
remove sweets
worst ff
Chisa Yukizome

>implying if she didn't get killed by the chandelier she wouldn't get killed by me impaling her on my DICK

Kazuo Tengan
Chances of being offed 100%
Chances of being Traitor 0%

Old men don't survive in anime especially if they're in a high position.

Daisaku Bandai
Chances of being offed 90%
Chances of being Traitor 0%

The Ultimate Lizard, I mean Farmer. Big guys don't survive in Danganronpa.

Sonosuke Izayoi
Chances of being offed 40%
Chances of being Traitor 35%

The better half of Ando. Would be kind of cool to have him be the traitor, as he's clearly someone who hates to talk and doesn't open up to anyone besides Ando. Mindbreaking Ando would be some nice delicious despair worthy of Danganronpa. Once a traitor, always a traitor words to live by.

Chances of being offed 0%
Chances of being Traitor 0%

She'll live just to be that dumb cunt who asks stupid questions.
I don't mind if Knives dies instead and she loses her confidant.
>tfw Great Gozu is your favorite character in DR3
>tfw you know big guys are 100% killed off
I at least want him to fight Boxer cunt before getting the axe
I can watch this without having played the games right? I watched the first anime but thats all I know about the series.
Is Gangbangronpa good? Should I play it on a Sony port or watch the anime?
Play the games.
Get out.
so, I've seen season 1, but I haven't played any of the games

should I watch this show?
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Asahina x Naegi
Junko x Naegi
If you saw the anime then there's no need to play the first game I guess(the game is a lot better by the way)
but you will need to play the second game
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Great taste
Yeah, I heard the game was a ton better after I already saw it. Oh well, thanks. Is the second game as good as the first?
Play the games. Start from the first.
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>mfw all these faggots think Chisa died

Have we not learnt from the games? It's that if they're officially dead, we get death music and camera shakes.
The shakey camera and music will be in the obligatory episode 1 recap we'll get in episode 2
Yes it is
just try to avoid spoilers if you actually care about that
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Don't you ruin this for me Anon. I want to believe she's still alive.
No,play sdr2 or watch a lets play.
Yay cool, thanks again anon.
She's in Despair, just watch that anime for your daily Chisa.
I see there's a reason to keep Hagakure in this game but not in this room. May be in case 5 Monokuma will introduce him, but he is already dead outside, killed by someone inside the remaining group, and they have to find the killer. It will be hard, but legit
That's implying she'll be in every episode. I honestly have a stinking suspicion she'll return as the traitor in Mirai-hen.

But then again, I'm also believing there'll be 2 traitors this time round.
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I dunno. I mean it might be cool on paper but what if it's done badly? I'm trying to give benefit of the doubt here but the devs really throw out good designs
>. Is the second game as good as the first?
is better.
i think this anime is not gonna have trials.
I wasn't sure if it was just a stand alone thing just with characters from the past games with easter egg throwbacks. cmon...
Well, let's just put it this way. 3 is only happening because of what happened in 2.
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It has the protagonist of the first game on the cover
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no you c'mon!
Is that grown up Makoto and Kyoko?

Damn, I should finish the 2nd game quickly to watch this.
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I just want them to be happy
Maybe in another timeline anon
Dont do that.Enjoy playing dr2 because is the best.
What part of no investigation cases and trials do you people not understand?
Anyone streaming this?
Danganronpa isn't about happy endings. Expect some feels when Kyoko dies and her thoughts are of leaving things to Makoto as she joins her father.
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Post best betas
It's fate of a girl in the Naegi harem. He lost his main waifu/lover Sayaka and his forgettable waifu Mukuro in the last killing game. Expect hid rebound Kyoko to suffer the same fate.
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Mikan's beta design is bretty gud.
How about this. When the group finally goes on the right way to find the right culprit, Monokuma saves the culprit by giving them a dead Hagakure, making everything messed up?
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What hagakure looks like when he's not useless and is the mastermind
Yeah this looks nice actually, I'm okay with what we got but I don't mind this.
where is this interview that states Hagakure was the original mastermind? Seen some people bringing it up but I've never seen that before

Would've been neat though, I remember playing DR1 and thinking the whole time he was the big bad for some reason. I like him as he is though, hope he survives DR3 (being trapped outside and all...)
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Going off the 5 petals thing. Hagakure not included because he's outside. Threw in possible traitor.

I want to believe the original survivors will be alright.
We know for sure Naegi won't be killed at night. He can only be lynched
>At night
They get knocked out every two hours. This isn't a long game.
'Grown up' is a little generous. They're 20 at most.
i fucking hate bandai.
Join the club.
If you honestly believe all the DR1 survivors will survive then you deserve to fall into despair
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I think you should watch the first episode again.
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Belief will lead you to despair. You need to not be attached so you won't get hurt. Take it from me, pal
Did you watch the episode?
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holy shit this kicks ass
I already saw it

Motives and then killing and then trials
Did you watch the episode at all you retard?
Not trials in this anime.
You obviously didn't because there are no trials.

Nothing to see here folks. Just a shitposter.
How are there no trials ? What's happening then
>I want to believe the original survivors will be alright

They won't be. This is Danganronpa. That shit doesn't fly here
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I want to see Makoto comforting a nervous Kirigiri that's trying not to let it on.
Monokuma is going to sleep everybody in periods of 2 hs until they found the killer (traitor)
I want to see Makoto telling Kyoko about all the fun times he had with Sayaka at the school before the tragedy.
Honestly dude, just watch it if you feel like it. You can learn about the shit that Makoto did and the Despair kids went through later.
You'll miss out on pretty important stuff from the 2nd game, but I guess you can always look at it later
You cant.
animeonlys most frequent questions are:
>Who the fuck is the F.F?
>Who are those guys at the beginning?
>who are all those new people?
>Why is naegi there?
What can you do when someone is so half assed he can't even read the wiki? Right now every thread some anons asks "hurr durr should I watch this without playing the games?" was always met with "no" but they still keep coming
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would you a monokuma?!
I would a Momonoca.
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There is only one way.
>show is a prequel
Just imagine all the butthurt.
This is not a prequel
Funimation will probably fuck up the dub for both parts by keeping the dub in-house instead of using the California voice actors from the game.

We'll probably only see Bryce Papenbrook return for Makoto and Nagito since he's the only actor from the game that Funimation used when they dubbed the first series anime.
What the fuck
First no trials
Bow it's not a prequel
Fuck me
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>Yasuhiro is finally able to make it to the room only to see a pile of dead bodies and Makoto holding Kyoko while whispering "There is no hope left, only despair..."
This is after SDR2
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>People are seriously not reading the 3 in the title

People like you need to feel despair
Did you seriously not pay attention to any part of the episode?

It should have been painfully obvious that it takes place after Danganronpa 2.
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>Chandelier by Sia
You're either baiting or retarded
2 hours for people to kill each other with Hagakure trying to figure out how to save the others
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I have a theory.

>Munakata is the mastermind.
>He want Naegi dead at all costs, but he can't just go and kill him unless everyone thought he had betrayed FF.
>Initiates killing game.
>Miaya is the "traitor."
>Kills his waifu as per events of episode 1
>Chisa's body is dumped into Monomi, but has no memory of what happened.
>Munakata must now foster the narrative that Naegi is the traitor in this killing game.
>Impartial and uncertain people like Bandai or the Scout are spared. He needs everyone to unanimously believe that Naegi is the traitor.
The worst thing is that it might happen
>killing asahina
Not yet anon, she has to know her kid brother's dead.
He isn't the first one,a lot of retards think this a prequel for the scene of the UD doing shit.
The first death is a fake, just like Mukuro's was meant to be. And that death is... the crystal ball. He'll be back.
>retards asking questions like "do I need to play the prior games"

It's the 3rd iteration in the mainline series, what the fuck do you people think?
His accomplice could be his right-hand-roid-rage-man, too. In Killer Killer, he said he hates Naegi, and even set up a dead body to look like him.
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do i need to start my car before i can drive it?
do i need to bring the food to my mouth before i can eat it?
do i need to feel hope before i feel despair?
Is this getting good subs?
Former Super High School-Level Question!

they aint bad
Yeah Funimation is doing them, only real problem is consistency issues with the games (calling it 'Hope's Peak High School' rather than 'Hope's Peak Academy', using SHSL instead of Ultimate, etc.) other than that they're fine
Ultimate Despair mode: none of them!
No it isn't. Funi can rot in hell, I want a real subgroup for these two shows.
It's pretty annoying Funi doesn't use localized game terms. It's a problem Funimation has with their Tales of Zestiria the X subs too.
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Fuck yeah I would
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I'd love for Kyoko to survive, she fucking deserves it more than anyone else from DR1, but I can't see it happening.
I'd be outright disappointed if Makoto doesn't die to be honest.
Munakata is the other protag, so basically he's gonna die at some point.
Tough guys never survive in DR so Gozu & Juzo are out too

Togami & Toko will probably show up at some point too, can't see either of them dying to be honest
The translation is serviceable, the format/layout of them looks sorta messy on the screen though. Also atleast with Mirai-hen's first episode they fucked up the framerate somehow.
It'd be funny if she was wearing the same clothes from UDG.
I could see that, she needs something to beat herself up over and all
>tough guys never survive in DR
>Fuyuhiko survived

The correct term you were looking for was big guys.
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Monaca is important too!

inb4 she's Bandai
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Gee /a/

TWO Danganronpa animes airing during the same season?

How are they getting away with this? Also, why is the DR2 being jumbled up with a "3" in it's title?
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>baiting this hard
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We are so cool that we get not one but two original show aimed at true fanbase.
While your favourite franchise will never get at least one decent adaptation.
I accidentaly made a second thread since this one didn't have a subject. Should I just let it die or keep it afloat till this one dies?
They've got great taste

I'm serious though, why'd they skip the numbering?

But I liked DR: The Animation
People not knowing blue hair girl is monoca from despair girls.
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at least he asked
>babyface manlet
Actually yeah you're right. I get the feeling that Bandai will ride it out of this shit alive though.

The fedora guy could go either way at the moment too I guess, he did nothing in ep.1 and we know so little about him so it's impossible to judge.

I hope she shows up. Getting some screentine with Nagito would be fantastic though I have no idea how that could even happen. She'll probably just get wrecked by Hijirihara or someone else in Killer Killer instead though.
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>I'm serious though, why'd they skip the numbering?
>Liking DR the Animation
Any person that is willing to cut his fucking stomach open desperate for his apology to be accepted is tough in my book.
>Chiaki showing up in Despair arc

Will your heart be ready when Hajime murders her brutally?
I want to give Teruteru a haircut using MEATTHEBONEON
They weren't even able to fit DR1 into 12 episodes well, and DR2 is a bigger game
also I feel that the whole IT'S A GAME thing would be less impactful in a different medium to be honest
>I'm serious though, why'd they skip the numbering?
They are not adapting DR2
DR3 is divided in two animes: future arc (secuel to dr2) and Despair arc (the one that airs oday,is a prequel to dr2)
You have to play or watch a Let play of DR2 to undestand what the fuck is happening
Now fuck off.
Do you think Nagito would hope envy Makoto?
Was she a zombie? I really love her as a human
Despair arc is more like prequel to entirety of DR. Will it not be earliest point of the franchise?
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This all sounds like a clusterfuck.
Yes,you are right
Not the entire franchise. At the very least Zero probably preceded it
Why the fuck is there an old dude now? Weren't they all supposed to be kids, or max in their 30s or something? Also you know that either Junko or Monaka is coming back. Also random nignog farmer.
He's not tough.
Yasuhiro was held back couple of years too.
Nope. Zero features Junko, Junko is from class 78.
Zetsubou-hen is hopeful and cheerful slice of life about class 77. Junko isn't there.
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I look forward to the straightforwardness of the nips.
Why the fuck that Asahina and the dead girl look so much alike?
Oh. I thought Zero was before 78 started
I don't know why you would think that when Junko, Mukuro and Makoto were shown attending the school in the novel
Could Great Gozu be Kenichirou? Just a random thought. Maybe he got better.

I doubt it, but hey. Also, Miaya probably has a Bane mask on under that scarf or some fucked up face.
I also think that he/she is the traitor.
It's too funny that nobody is suspicious for that voice coming from that kind of body.
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Unf, that finalized beta design for Toko is a perfect 10. Wish they went with that.

Aoi is kind of brown genki girl all the way through.
If I pulled it off would she die?
>Zetsubou-hen is hopeful and cheerful slice of life about class 77. Junko isn't there.

Junko will obviously be there in the following episodes to break these guys so expect a lot of time hopping in Zetsubou-Hen.
>specific reference for Aoi's ass
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Would Girikiri live?
I think Zetsubou might be about MOST AWFUL INCIDENT IN HUMAN HISTORY, you know the one that happened in bloody classrom on fifth floor of first game.
Traitor or dead. No middle ground.
>you know the one that happened in bloody classrom on fifth floor of first game.

That was just a red herring
Why does she look like a Garbage Pail Kid?
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What if they had put Junko in the neo world program?
More likely her mother that abandoned her.
Mikan knowing Chiaki is the traitor would imply she knows Hajime is Izuru. How could she have known about him or knew him but not Nagito?
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Post yfw there are 2 masterminds: 1 is the traitor, and one is the overall mastermind
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That Fukawa beta design is pretty nice indeed
Which is exactly why she fucking sucks.
So, like always?
How about a crazier development: FF are all secretly Despairs.
You must be an autist.
People don't look pretty when there are angry
Do I have to play AE?
He is. Sayaka >Kyoko and Mukuro. Even Makoto agrees and his words are fact.
I guess the ugly ones don't.
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Are you saying that KIRIGIRIKIRGIRIJINGJING it's ugly?
Kirigiri is pretty ugly. She isn't Ikusaba ugly but she isn't as pretty as Maizono or Enoshima.
Koichi is definetely gonna be a killer. Something Leon-type, cause he looks chill. Confectioner chick also looks mad sus. Nignog might also be a killer, with something like what happened with Teruteru. Boxer is deffo ded.
I don't care about that one way or the other.

I'm just saying, if Sayaka's your girl you have to be aware that everyone got a piece of that before you did considering she's the Ultimate Idol and all.
It's fully possible bit don't get your hopes up.
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Either a traitor or Nanami-style killer.
It would fucking break. It can't give hope to something like her. She's been Ultimate Despair since her birth. Nothing, even the cock, can cure her.
Yeah you and your mom
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Twist in 1st game - The world is apocalyptic
Twist in 2nd game - The world is virtual

What will be the major twist this time?
>Danganronpa isn't listed on HS schedule for today
I wonder if they forgot that Despair Arc is starting today.
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the dangan ronpa world never existed in the first place. it was all a story by a crazy writer
They will add it once it airs, as usual.
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I really thought the twist in the 2nd game was going to be that everything that occurred on the island was just a video game. Kind of what we got, but the simulation doesn't really have a "player".
Battery isn't there either. They'll add them eventually
QUICK, everyone kill yourselves for the sake of HOPE.
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Nice try Nagito
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Fucking Komaeda.
I wonder how falling into despair feels like, must be nice being insane and causing mayhem for DESPAIR.
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How many traitors do you think we will have? I don't think there's just one. A 15 townie vs 1 wolf is always unfair in werewolf game
I believe there are 2. I also believe it's Chisa and Mitarai. With Mitarai being the traitor but Chisa being the real mastermind.
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Will they break through the survival game bullshit halfway through? there's only 12 episodes. you gotta do the murders, the trials, the calm periods where you get to know people, learning more about THE TRUTH to end this...

how was the first anime paced?
There won't be any trials probably.
>how was the first anime paced?
rushed from the first episode
full execution scenes
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Thank you, Captain Obvious.
It would be interesting if they ditched the killing game halfway into the show and certainly an interesting use of other show format.
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