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Boku no Hero Academia

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 608
Thread images: 166

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a slightly premium ochako.png
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Old thread hit the bump limit >>144119292

First for a slightly "premium" Ochako meme.
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a slightly more premium ochako.png
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damn it I meant to post the better version
please kill me
>Shouji's room
Mina and Ochako rooms were pretty underwhelming desu
Mina's looked like a sex dungeon. Not really sure what you expected from Ochako, she comes from a lower-middle class family and has a humble personality. She has a poster from what looks like The Ring above her bed, though?
what's the deal with that satanist costume?
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you have my word, /a/. I will protect her smile
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>dress better
Mineta is easily the most /fa/ person in this manga.
prove me wrong.
mina's looks like a love hotel room
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>ojiro knows he will spend uncountable hours inside that room
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Invisigirl was unreasonably cute this chapter. Its probably the casual clothes. I should also make some crops of the good panels
he didn't even enter one of the girl's room
pure confirmed
>tsuyu looks like a crack addict
delete this
What is her room like?
Also, I wasn't ready for a crying froppy.
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Just now finished the chapter. I actually felt sad seeing best girl cry but somehow she's giving me a creepy vibe I've never felt before, and I don't like it.
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>that first panel invis-pose.
Pure sex.
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when they see your cake.png
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>meme academy
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>me mfw going to academy for meme studies
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>Imaging a 5 way blowjob from the class semen demons
From now on, he'll be their sugar-daddy.
I'm mad that we didn't get to see Mineta's room.
I fapped to your post.
>Doujinshi of satou feeding his cock to all 1-A girls

Please just give us porn.
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ear jacks twiddle.png
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Best girl twiddling her ear jacks in embarrassment was adorable
I think it's better left as a mystery, that way its up to the reader's imagination to wonder just how depraved and derelict it could be
I want it to be just a clean room with nothing special in it.
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hold on... there was SIX votes

but we only see FIVE there
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Let's keep the votes rollin'

>There are actually hidden cameras everywhere
those pants are too short, and that shirt is awful
invisible girl is so superficial and tsuyu is a dumb crybaby. this chapter made me think less of the girls.
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By the end of the series we should be able to fill this up with his ridiculous one liners.
Cake man voted himself
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Meanwhile Ochako is an enthusiastic ray of sunshine and Jirou is moe. So eat shit, nerd.

they're just typical teenage sluts.
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would you a premium ochako?
l'm glad invisitits ended up being your dumb regular teenage girl, now hopefully less autists will talk about her as she's boring as fuck
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>All that two tone
Is there some kind of Ska scene in Japan I don't know about?
>yfw this is her villain outfit after traitor reveal
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not rlly

do they need to dress like nuns and profess to the lord about their chasteness for you not to consider them sluts
For a second I thought Best Girl Tsuyu was going to be the traitor. I want to see her room now.
A Kiddie Pool and Baby Hanamis

at least 10 years ago ska was kinda hot in japan

It's a distraction so they don't come into her room
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>you will never splash around with Tsuyu in her kiddie pool
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>tsuyu is a dumb crybaby
her friends could have DIED
And this was right after a bunch of her schoolmates were hospitalized for poison gas
Someone needs to make a simpsons "Say the line Tokoyami!" edit
this, I don't understand why some autists feel like characters should never be allowed to have emotions/express said emotions.
Not only is it totally reasonable that she cried, but also the way she went about handling her anger/sadness was very realistic and is a way that a lot of people handle things

except that's not the reason she was crying, speedreader.

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Who of these 3 will help Deku to develop his own special moves? I say it will be Ectoplasm.
A cripple helping an almost-cripple to not become the double armed Winter Soldier.
>Midnight with her glasses up
>a way that a lot of girls handle things
Aizawas 2 special moves are just him moving both his eyeballs seperately so he can look at two different people. You heard it here first.
>A cripple helping an almost-cripple to not become the double armed Winter Soldier.
Ectoplasm is a cripple?
He lost his legs. Hence the stumps for feet.
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He lost a leg in the past.
What was it then autist?
So why was she, exactly? It seemed like she either felt bad about trying to stop them, or felt bad about not trying hard enough.
Given what Aizawa had said earlier, I would have thought it was the latter, but her words seemed to indicate the former.
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You dumbass reader, negative emotions were welling up after all the shit the students have been put through because of villains attacking UA
She was worried, felt guilty that she couldn't say anything to stop them, regrets comparing her friend's actions of disobedience to villains, and thought of her own weakness.
She also wonders where the good old days went (it has been a year in the manga already)
What a man
I agree with everything except
>(it has been a year in the manga already)
It's august right now. Only 4 months passed since they entered UA.
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Hagakure laying down the #bantz
>it has been a year in the manga already

It's been 4 months dumbass. And crying over any of that isn't needed.
I'm really curious to see how Mineta progresses and what his moves will be like. I feel his quirk would be incredibly useful for stopping villains, if only he would train his body and build up stamina to dash around the battlefield.
The most sweeping condemnation of /fa/ yet recorded on this website to date.
Is #1 Deku?
damn, I swear there was a page that piled up the time frame between the student tournament and Stain's attack and what perspired after All Might fought AfO
But you're probably right
This guy gets it, it's not just one thing, it's because they've been on Hori's wild ride for a long time now. Someone like Tsuyu that barely shows her emotions during emergencies needs to vent during low times otherwise it's just unhealthy
Pants that are too short seem to be en vogue in Nipland
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>calm composed girl has a small mental breakdown her friend Ochako help deal with by confronting her friends about it

Are you some retarded edgy faggot that can't see how responsible and genuine her crying this chapter was handled
She didn't make a scene when everyone was having fun, it was only after everyone had their fun time when she came to talk tot hem
>2 entire chapters of showing rooms instead of moving the story further
I bet you are one of those people that wanted All Might to die, so deku gets a powerup and the series would basically be over by now
>during story people complain about no sol stuff
>during sol stuff people complain about no story

honeslty, I'm glad we're getting a little break, it's fun to get to see the characters interact without any imminent threat for a little bit
Its called a tone change. From loosing their symbol of peace and movimg away from home to teenagers being teenagers.
You want somethimg edgy that is always high tense, read attack on titan, faggot.
It's either him or tokoyami
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Hobo Sleeping.jpg
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Quick! post a character without actually posting them.
It's almost like /a/ isn't one person

I'm enjoying the sol too, and it looks like more classroom shenanigans next chapter, good stuff
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We don't get to see their BBQ?
It was a nice break and they were entertaining chapters
fuck off
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It's Mineta.
it's almost like contrarian faggots will always post the opposite of the dominant opinion to get their (You)s
>so deku gets a powerup
He would not get one retard.
I'm sure there are plenty of (you)baiters, but not everyone that disagrees with you is a contrarian anon-kun
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But we never saw his room.
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She didn't even want to see his room see. And she knows his personality.
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Good job.
why didn't crow just ask for a flashlight on his suit or something?
speaking of that, bets on what his super move will be? given how his theme is plainness l could see it just being a super punch
maybe he did
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He is just too moe.
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something that involves microwaves
He needs a Rider Kick.
What did he teach her?
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He has to change the idea of an egg in the microwave to a hard boiled egg. He needs to be a hardboiled OFA user.
Deku will fail because he only rips off All Might.
The basics of CQC.
I don't see why people ship Uraraka and Deku together.

He just seems to be flustered when a girl his age interacts with him at all.
She got pretty good.
Are you saying we shouldn't ship Deku at all or that Deku should be with boys
Because it's blatantly obvious that they're going to end up together.
>Why do people ship the blatant main couple together?
Have you never read manga b4?
Uraraka is the first girl Deku met, the one he seems to have the closest relationship with and he thinks she is a nice person.
The real reason they're shipped is because Ochako obviously likes him and because Horikoshi said that he was looking forward to drawing their scenes together.
That would actually be interesting, no matter how much he tries he fails to do anything original because his herring desire lies deeply in his Idol and possibly force him to distinguish himself from All might style and identity
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mount lady's ass
Mount Lady?
Who will win the tsuyubowl
Still pulling for Crowbro
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>getting cucked by sadrock

Such a pitiful existence
>cucked by worst boy

Jesus christ
Why is Hagakure so erotic?
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So you want to know why the girls loved Satou's cake?
Sugarnigga is worst boy.
Sadrock is just kind of a loser.
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mt. butt.jpg
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is this momo
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You can't be serious, at least sugar can use his power in some way

Rock can't even command or have two way communications with animals he talks to
He just needs confidence. Once he does, he'll be a powerhouse.
If Rock where in Australia he'd be a force to be reckoned with, he's the opposite of Cement, a bad hero for modern, urban society.
[citation needed]
Unless he develops quirk mutations or secondary powers soon that's not likely
Rock can't even talk to people, maybe nedzu can translate what he says.
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Comiket 90 is coming, What do you expect?
Have you seen how many animals can kill you in australia?
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more fujoshit with no best girl's in sight
But that doesn't mean that they'll listen to him
M8 I live there

Can't change the fact Rock can only talk to animals and not command or do anything else with them
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You should better ask what i'd wish for, because we all know what will be there. 20000 gay fujoshit doujins for every 1 straight doujin which is with a 95% chance some kind of rape.
>>tsuyu looks like a crack addict

At that point that's where her tongue spends the most time
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I expect nothing since class B will be totally glossed over for some yaoi shit instead.
Nobody was... including me
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literally the only thing I care about in this story
Who here would start a band with Jirou?
>5 second draw
>2 seconds to aim (most likely badly)

This man is dead
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Lets get sticky.
Crocodile tears. She's the mole.
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>froppy is the traitor
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>Hori created an elaborate ruse cruise implying there is a traitor
>There actually isn't
>He just wants to see fans tear each other apart
>Rock can't even command or have two way communications with animals he talks to
I'm pretty sure he can command them, he's just been put in positions where they don't always work.
Because he did get the ants to swarm Present Mic, which I'm sure would be hard to do if he just asked them very nicely.
>she can lube herself

>The gang hears a scream from Tsuyus room
>It's Iida
>He's freaking out that there's a pool in her room, and that's against the rules
>Nobody is the traitor and everyone lives happily ever after
The Anal Queen, truly.
Momo has a fat tumtum!
yeah, with corrosive acidic fluids
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it had to be done.png
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I for sure would collaborate with Jirou on a project.
You just need to make sure you find the base to neutralize it, and you can fuck her all day long.
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Stop existing.png
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>>tsuyu is the traitor
Let it be known that if you said this and we ever crossed paths I would sense your presence and would eradicate you from this world.
I don't get it.
It's a Loss edit, just ignore it. It's a dumb /co/ thing.
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I expect nothing.
>a bad hero for modern, urban society.

How many rats do you think live in a city? How many rats do you think it would take to incapacitate a person?
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>Deep Dope
What does it mean?
Loss is more /v/ than /co/
Her vag is deep and that's dope because she can take big black cock
that's supposed to be a loss edit? Wouldn't have been able to tell even if you tortured me.
Dropped it a few weeks ago, just tell me, is this another "The class goes somewhere and the villains will attack them" arc?
>dropped it during the best arc

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She wants to be virginia smashed.
Just need to pick up the patterns.
It's still poorly done though.
Nope. Currently we just wrapped up a short little arc about them moving into their dorms and comparing rooms. Next it looks like they'll be developing their own special moves.
That arc was shit and following weeks after weeks of "nothing happens" for a sunshine and rainbow climax wasn't worth it. But I pushed through because I don't like dropping mangas in the middle of an arc. I thought that I'll wait a few months and pick it up again, I'm just asking how the new arc's shaping up.
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>the nigger won
>all the girls are drooling for him now
An anon here proposed that it could be her dad's band. Which would be cool if it was.
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Even when crying she's kind of emotionless.
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Thanks for the laugh anon
Is that really the name of the chapter or is it Niggerstream being niggers again?
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Don't do this
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cum here.png
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I can't imagine that even they would deviate too much from a chapter's title.
You probably shouldn't pick it up again.

You were luke warm enough on the manga to drop it, and I doubt it's going to radically change into something you're interested in.
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Shippers BTFO
I'd dope her deep if you know what I mean
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Based Shoto not giving two shits about useless women with useless quirks.
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What does frog tears taste like?
Lime jelly.
the fact he ignores them will make him even more popular

what a smooth autist
The only ones with good enough quirks are Mt. Lady and Pixiebob. Making a child with them would end up in a burning and freezing giant or 75% of the Avatar.
More importantly, are they hallucinogenic?
he could have the waterboy fuck pixie and then fuck their daughter
What about Kaminari's daughter?

What if Kaminari goes to Thailand?
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>tfw Rockboy will never grow some balls, get a wolf/bear/big cat companion that he can simultaneously communicate and fight with and become a wrecking ball against illegal poaching and deforestation

It really makes me mad that he's such a wimp, he has such an awesome quirk that given the right terrain, location and cause, can be unstoppable.

I will say this, his Costume is fucking ASS.
Todo is not like his father though. He will marry the person he loves: deku
How so?
he could be a pretty good Rexxar cosplayer
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He will get his time to shine when he learns to control Noumus. Replace Shiggy with Kouda and you have the future Top 5 hero.
Smile status: not protected
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Which girl will get raped first by grapes?
Her face is still :>
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I am not alone!
what does the arrow mark mean
You tell a smile by the very edges of the mouth and that's most likely the saddest she can look
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>Deku, what will be your special move?
>Uh... I... I think you should know...
>What do you mean by that?
>I... uhhh...
>yes, Midoriya?
Is Hagakure still invisible under IR and UV?
I want to kiss momo tummy
They taste like sorrow
>controlling nomu's

Jesus Christ how horrifying
More importantly, can Aizawa make her visible?
Draw nipples plox
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enjoy your ban faggot
I want her to be even more embarrassed.
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Can't wait to see the fucking School festival + Stain arc Animated.
Probably not, since her quirk is a mutation-type.
Nope. I believe her quirk isn't something she turns on or off, it's how she naturally is, so Aizawa can't turn her visible anymore than he can alter Tokoyami's bird head.
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Don't tell me he actually got banned
I was only joking
I just noticed that the shine in her hair is always a soundwave
Stain was so strong even strong fire father was scared and stepped back.

Heroes should change, the fake should be culled.
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It's a cardiogram, actually, to show that the sound she emits comes from her heartbeat.
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Will AfO use him again? will they become buds?
Move importantly, can you see your dick inside her?
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I expect a 3000% raise in fujoshit and one or two rape doujins.
Zero vanilla
We've been over this. If you can't see food digesting inside her, you can't see your schlong pumping in her happy hole.
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>Zero vanilla
Invisible ≠ Transparent
>Grape and Rape
>Becoming buddies with the guy who tried to kill All Might

AFO should kill Stain, because the moment Stain is free there will be a change of power in the league of villains. Stainfags will want to join him, the other ones want to stay with Shiggy.
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Mineta BTFO
You can see things coming out of her, not coming in.
Which means fucking invisigirl and looking at your dick is a very freaky experience.
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Rape, NTR, gangbangs and faceless dudes. All raping Froppy, Alien and Momo.
I want to impregnate Momo on her bed.
Sugar-man going full ntr with drugs
Also why everyone expect fujo?
Sero a best
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why is he so cool?
There's already the Gigga-Nomu one
Fuck off.
I just want doujins of Deku x every male student.
He looks like a thick lumpy dick
Because if sadpanda and pixiv are any indicative, then most of the porn BnHA gets is yaoi.
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>Her official heroine name will be Deep Dope
His and Todoroki's rooms were the nicest. Rather saddened we didn't get to see Bakugo or Tsuyu's though.

Well, there are the doujins I know for sure are happening, like the one of all the Class A girls fucking Deku and Ojiro. Beyond that, not really sure.

Though I know I'll be disappointed if there's not some art of some form of Todoroki on Momo's giant-ass bed.
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underappreciated and just now I realize I have found no good art of him
Yes but it's a popular thing for BnHA doujinshi.
Pretty sure there's at least one coming out starring Mrs. Bakugo.
l guess uraraka made him float too so sero wouldn't have to drag him around

mineta gets finally touched by a girl but he can't even see it
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>you will never jerk off your frog waifu's prolapsed vagina till strings of unfertalized eggs come streaming out
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hard boiled egg huh?
She's going with Earphone Jack.
Does she masturbate with her plugs?
why do girls love sweets
With those jacks of hers, she could literally sound you.
Bakugou with this sleek hair looks like Monoma.
it balances out all that salty semen they swallow
ITT: figuring out the genetics in order to create a god-baby
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>Komi talks about Nisekoi readers.png
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well this was released on panda

its hyper vanilla though with more focus on the both of them having awkward virgin sex
Will Hori go full Marvel and give us Civil War
I'm not Stain you fucking pretender. B-besides, Stain can't type. The hero system MUST CH
I bet she's into urethral play.
It's a genetic trait.
Her bio says she can control the acidity, so maybe she can bring it down to none penis melting levels.
who the fuck is that evil looking motherfucker in the middle what the fuck
that's obviously the traitor
Ectoplasm is god wtf is your deal
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What the fuck is this and why did I have to search 2chan to find it.

Their BnHA community is 1000 times better than these naruto-tier waifu shitpost circlejerks
>its hyper vanilla though with more focus on the both of them having awkward virgin sex


I want a Mina one where the phrase "My dick is melting!" is used. Literally.
I really, really wish I could read jap.
This whole thing makes me feel like I'm missing some important thing.
But the page where Deku asks Uravity to make a 4 with her hands so he could hold her hands caught me off guard.
Stay there and ask them faggot.
>Their BnHA community is 1000 times better than these naruto-tier waifu shitpost circlejerks

Yeah because they get literally go down the street and buy new content. We have to constantly wait for them to deliver.
I don't know moon speak
>thinking based ectoplasm is the traitor

Dissapointed fampai.
Stain killing Tomura would be a neat event though.
>its hyper vanilla though with more focus on the both of them having awkward virgin sex
I do hope someone puts in a good, HQ scan of that.
So you're literally going through it without knowing what they're talking about and because its japanese you assume they dont do waifu-faggotry and shitpost?
Are you retarded?
Three rooms have not been visited, Mineta's, Bakugou's and Tsuyu's? Coincidentally these rooms are on the floors of the origin boys. The traitor is on one of these floors.
Wait what is this? Is the anime getting an OVA or something?
Is that swimsuit version of their hero outfits?
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No Might suit statue when?
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>its hyper vanilla though with more focus on the both of them having awkward virgin sex

Holy fuck finally. I was starting to get tired of rape doujins.
Could be just a fan event
>drawn like sticks
>that Momo

This is some terrible fanart.
Is there a version with out the dumb meme bit?
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Was in japan a few weeks ago and I got this, I know it's not much but I think it's better than nothing.

I still regret not getting the bundle of Deku and Bakugo statues for 5000yen, bu I couldn't fir them into my luggage.
fuck why this this shit rotate my picture?
Ochako looked like she suffered through that whole thing.
welcome to awkward virgin sex and deku is ripped and probably doesnt know how to be gentle
>bu I couldn't fir them into my luggage.
This worries me.
How long of a read is this from start to current?
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>its hyper vanilla though
Need the love
Well, it begins at Chapter 1 and right now we are at Chapter 99. Go figure
So is Deku just gonna go "[State] Smash!", get called out on his All Might fanboyism, and then have it left at that, or do you think the instructors will encourage/force him to develop his own shtick?
>welcome to awkward virgin sex

I'm worried if your first time involved a terrified, crying girl.
Or you're just pretending to know what you're talking about.
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I-is this possible?
He's got a point, given a myriad of factors. First off, first time, virgin sex generally is awkward and uncomfortable. Second, there's Deku's above-average physique, which as mentioned could factor into it. Third, the Japanese really love to play up that shit for...some reason. I really don't know.

All the cultural analysis I've read for some of the weird shit in Japan, and never once have I seen anything to justify the prevalence of whining, crying, and generally uncomfortable looking women in their pornography.
There's no God in this world.
Pearl Harbor Smash
she accidently makes him float away at some point but quickly cancels it and leg locks him, pretty sure if she was "terrified" and hating it she wouldn't have done that

it's just the way japs portray sex, they think crying girls are sexy, don't ask
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Anything is possible if you can put your mind to it
He's not wrong though, is it the first time you see a vanilla doujin about virgins? The discomfort is always played up a lot.
delet this
I dont understand this doujin at all.
I hopw the artist makes a follow-up of them going at it after they gain more experience with eachother
man I really love this series, what a fun chapter

I hope it stays this quality for a while and doesn't go off the deep end
frog lewds help me get through my day
Sex hurts. It makes up for it in pleasure but having things shoved in your vagina can sting a little.
It's going to be Cementoss cause he knows All Might's secret.
Ayyyyyy lmao.

That sounds like it could be quite enjoyable.
>he can't read moon
I understand it's a Jap thing, but there are lots in which the girl doesnt cry and seems like she's being raped, it's excessive in this one and it kinda disappointed me.
Why not make them both enjoy it? Damn it.
l really hope what kouhei said about it being 20% done was true and that the manga will end around chapter 350/400, l'd hate to see it artificially kept alive and turned into bleach/naruto tier shit
I'd say, even if not her dad's band, its almost guaranteed to be her favorite band at this point.
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Every teacher knew about all might's true form, what they don't know is that deku inherited OfA
Anon, I'm really sorry, but that's now how a first time actually works, as much as I'd love it to be so.
You also have to take the type of hymen into consideration, which makes the pain go from a mosquito bite to a baseball bat twisting inside an open wound.
>Give my vote for best bird
>"Hmm, everyone will probably vote for Deku or for one of the girls"
>See results
How on earth can he make this go on for another 250 chapters? I just don't see him doing it without adding pointless stuff.
Funny you ask, a known-ish youtuber did a readthrough the other day, starting from the point where the anime ends, which in the manga is twenty something I believe. In 7 hours he got from there to chapter 56 or so and he'll continue tomorrow. So, at that normal pace, without speedreading, I would say you could get from chapter 1 to chapter 100 in a total of roughly 20 hours. I would personally read it over a whole week, a bit less maybe, but it's a thing to enjoy.
>Jirou ntr and gangbang
Can't wait
>best room
Best boy, maybe, but his room is the room of a complete sperg.
My first time didnt make the girl I was with cry, sorry to disappoint you, anon-kun.
absolutely perfect
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Thats adorable
They all do now, but there's no indication they did before.
>types of hymen
Not to mention how much pain can each one endure and another myriad of factors.
Because mine did.
Halfway through it I felt like I was killing a small animal.
Sage for blogging.
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I was expecting to cry with my dick,
Not my eyes
>Anon points out it depends on the girl

>implying Bleach is bad
>implying it anywhere near Naruto tier
It appears everyone really likes the edgemaster chamber.

Personally voted for Todoroki. That traditional nip style is cozy as fuck.
Have you been in one of the 24/7 Bleach threads lately? It's...bad.

And so is the manga.
The ride doesn't end.
The ride won't end.
Aizen won't let it.
did you forget endeavor sperging out over it?

pretty sure it was stated in the beginning that only recovery girl and some knew about it
I hear foreplay helps too. I think thats where Deku fucked up, just a quick fingering and he went to town
It can't be worse than Naruto at the moment.
Nothing can be worse than Naruto right now.
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I voted Sero.
Hey, I love Deku, but his room is just a one note gag.

Only way it could be made funny is if Hori does what people said earlier and it turns out Bakugou's room looks exactly the same.
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Sure, Tsuyu's room was not shown and then she had an emotional talk after, and she is no Mineta. It seems too intentional.

It may look too obvious for readers though. I would pick other minor characters over her.
Bleach is worse than Naruto in all areas except figure art.
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>Couldn't protect her smile
Me too bro
Naruto ended. Now there's just some shitty sequel that no one cares about.

Kubo's art is pretty damn nice. It's not conducive to telling a well-paced story, but it does lend well to lots of striking, visually interesting panels.
the teachers knew, they said it, endeavor isn't a teacher
I'll die to protect her
Endeavor isn't a teacher
If someone would wonder how Tsuyu's room would look like, how about this.
If i fucked it up, just rewind to 6:12
The final Bleach arc had so much potential, fuck, it's painful to see what it has become.
It's worse than Naruto in terms of wasted potential, since Naruto never was too interesting to begin with.
maybe he's a closet friend?
ever considered suicide?
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I can only wish the spare rooms in the dorms are gonna be filled with foreign exchange students that literally came to wreck shit up and are insanely OP causing a massive fight between the students and them only to have the teachers break it off and force the two groups to cooperate with each other as a part of a new project.
I wish.
why live?
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Yeah, he fucked up, but that's to be expected of a horny sperg teenager.
Why does everyone want to fuck the frog? She's weird looking.
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Nigga didn't even spit on it. It ain't about being "beautiful" it's about being comfortable and feeling good- if you gotta get out the astroglide get out the astroglide.
funny way to spell cute
What a fucking drama queen
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Fuck you
Aoyama calling Jirou's room unladylike with that dunking motion is probably the funniest thing in the chapter.

Also my nigga Sero with the good taste in room decorations.
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Kirishima room for super manliness
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fucking drama queen
>drama queen
>reasonable reaction from regret and inner turmoil added to her friends almost dying
What if she secretly is?
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drama queen
Jokes on you.
Peanuts are delicious.
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Aoyama got brutally murdered this chapter.
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I seriously doubt it, thats a complete 180 character flip if she was.

>reasonable reaction

what the fuck is that costume

Horo can't have worked on him too much

still think Deku should have another costume desu
Trips don't lie

i believe
This girl is in desperate need of a hug
>crying isn't a reasonably reaction
>expressing regret isn't a reasonable reaction
It's not like she fucking threw a temper-tantrum and did nothing but sob into a pillow or roll around whining.
Mind you they're all also of high school age, still growing mentally and in some cases physically.
My point being; she's a real human bean and is allowed to cry, fuck you.
I could be more of that Tsuyu is forced to be a mole for whatever reasons and she let her emotion flowed out without giving all the truth.
I redirect you to my much earlier post.

>not drawing them thick like official art
F to pay respects.
Should I just stop waiting on Season 2 and go with the manga?

What chapter does Season 1 end on?
And a real hero
chunni please
21 I think
Just fucking do it
Post Deep Dope Sparky optional
But what would be the better way to kick up the story a notch than a shocking swerve like that?

And I didn't say she is a bad girl as well. There are many times characters have to be traitors for different reasons even they didn't want to be.
Yes. Manga's better.

The way the series is paced works much better in that medium. Anime makes everything feel far too deliberated.
At that point it seems kinda force, but could work purely because nobody would expect her to be a mole/traitor/whatever.

However, forced to or not I do not believe my heart could handle it.
That fucking OST though.

Clearly the solution is to have the OST on as BGM while reading the manga.
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She is the only character with known younger siblings so it could be pretty easy for them to blackmail her since her parents are often away.
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Huge breasts
>read the Kamino nightmare arc
>track 19 playing
I'd suggest not using the shuffle function.
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>yfw his power is controlling others
>yfw he's so nice he thinks it's just talking to animals.
>And he's so passive that they're the only ones he can control
>yfw shit goes down
>yfw Noumus
>yfw villains
>yfw Class A is severely outnumbered, outgunned, and there's a good chance they could die
>yfw they're getting injured
>yfw all hope is lost
>yfw a voice so loud it covers the battlefield.
>yfw "STOP."
>yfw everyone freezes in place
>yfw those who can look to where the voice came from
>yfw It's Kouda
At least there should be clues along the way so when the mole shows up readers will be able track those down.

I don't think you can pin down to any of Class 1-A if the mole actually comes from it at this point I believe.
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She's a real human frog
Whose quirks would be Omega-level judging by the X-Men standards? Thus far I think Momo, since she could make nuclear bombs and kill the world if she wanted.
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Huge breasts!
Who is the guy between Deku and Momo? I don't read moonrunes
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We still don't know, he is truly mysterious.

Momo pretty much. Midoriya being able to fight at beyond "100%" without breaking his body still isn't Omega level and he's much more powerful than the rest of the class.

Like, if Aoyama's belly button is the portal to the death laser dimension like Cyclops maybe?

All For One is limited by whatever quirks he has access to, but he's potentially Omega. Maybe Aizawa? Literally being able to look at Apocalypse and turn his powers off is pretty insane in Xmen terms.
Lots of Momo and Mina
Lots of Frog and Fujo
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Judging by what they did to Iceman, maybe Todoroki has potential to reach that level.
>that nervous clicking of plugs together
That's quite cute.
If Todoroki gets some power creep where his quirk is actually "controls kinetic energy" then yeah he'd be Omega. It's a shame Iida's quirk is just "engine legs" and not general super speed 'cause then he could be Flash-tier broken.
Momo's hairstyle is really cute. Imagine undoing it and just letting that curtain of black sweep down.
I wouldnt be so surprised since he does have fire AND ice.
I think Midoriya might have the potential to be with his raw power.

I mean, a casual punch at 100% from All Might well past his prime is enough to generate shockwaves with enough force to affect weather systems. Deku has the potential to be exponentially stronger. Presuming he doesn't irrepairably damage his body before ever getting to that point, which he is dangerously close to doing.
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Midoriya could be Omega if he could somehow tap into the ENTIRE reserve of OFA's stored energy instead of a nebulous "100%" that's a bit stronger than All Might's.

I mean, All Might's 100% clearly wasn't 100% or he would've exhausted OFA's well of power before he handed it down.

It's a big well of energy that grows slowly right? So when you're using it, you're taking power out of the "bank". So it's growing, but finite.

What if you could take all of it out at once?
Goddamnit Ochako's father looks like such a great guy.
How does Momo look so fucking cute as well as being hot as fuck?
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Uraraka would be omega without her weight limit. She's able to remove one of the four fundamental forces of the universe
>download the OST
>listening to each track
>Plus Ultra comes up
Alright, who let Hans Zimmer on the wheels?
I think it's something of an exponential power growth. The strength of prior users is multiplied by each new user, rather than just added onto. I'd say the "100%" label refers to the state in which a user can casually access that strength, while still having much more to draw upon if the situation calls for it.
I will fucking jizz in my pants if this happens
>Combine this with Unified Field Theory
>Ideally, Uraraka could learn to use her power to block and negate electromagnetic-based attacks
Well. That'd be neat.
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Just give her some time, she'll go beyond her weight limit at some point.

Plus Ultra motherfucker

Kouda's could be if it's like >>144140686

How OP is being able to force people to do whatever you want?
>eliminates the gravity of the earth
>the earth explodes, no longer held togther by its own mass
Plus Ultra indeed.
If she could handle any weight limit, what would happen if she used her powers on the earth?
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I need some drawfag to do some stuff of the Frog and the Lizard being cold blooded girls.
Depends on the range. If it's just within earshot or something, it's powerful, but not omega, since he could just be sniped from afar if need be.
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What if Uraraka removed the gravitational force of a black hole?

Uraraka final boss
Black holes' mass are way above 3 tons, buteven so, she'd have to touch it first and she'd die before that happened.
>Plus Ultra motherfucker
On a semi-related note,Mineta abusing the "Plus ultra" motto will never stop being funny to me.

I also want one of his attacks to be called "Lust Ultra"
>"The name's 「Premium Ochako」."
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Frogs are so cute, anyone else got a pet frog?
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He truly is a great hero.
How many people in the VA other than Shigaraki and Black Mist are NOT stain dick suckers?

When will Shigaraki stop just being a hyped villain and waste the shit some of these peoples' views about Stain? I feel like Stain would tell them to fuck off because he is also a dumbass.
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Even though Toga likes Stain, I don't think she really cares about his ideology. She's just infatuated with him.
She's a slut yeah.

Dabi just seems like a twerp going along with a fad
>we see Mineta's room eventually and it's actually pretty cool.

>we see Bakugous and it's x2 Deku's room in nerd shit
Blood slut likes her the bloody boys.

I bet if she snuck into UA, she'd be all over Blood King sensei.
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>being infatuated with a ninja turtle

What the fuck.
nah, it's gonna be as tryhard as him
>hand groping a huge breast under the bra
Actually perfect though.
>muh stupid creed

stain and his fanbase
magne seems closest to basically being a career criminal trying to get in on the next big thing
I I was hoping someone finally got the joke.
Mind fucked
>bakugou is asleep we cant go in his room.

Bullshit, they would have woke up any other fucker to see their room.
Any other fucker wouldn't blow them up for intruding.
No. You?

You should.
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>i wasn't here to reading it with /a/ when the rooms was revealed
That was literally the only thing i had been looking forward to all week
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this chapter confirms tsuyu is a female pepe
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>its hyper vanilla though with more focus on the both of them having awkward virgin sex
rare but never disappoints

One of the votes was a transgirl.

"She's" only out to the other girls.

Marvel is going full tumblr. Horikoshi is a westaboo. Social justice is seeping into our manga. Soon we will have an arc about fat shaming and how white people are the devil.
>l guess uraraka made him float too so sero wouldn't have to drag him around
No he's just impaled on Sero's huge schlong so he can be carried hands-free.
>you're room is burning hot! Manly!
>Jirou's a rockin' girl, after all!

Urakaka is going to become one of those moms wont she? That embarasses her kids by screaming at every soccer game and such
Spinner seems to be the only one that actually gets his ideology
The other ones just seem to like him because he's cool or because he's hot
Stain would fucking hate his own fanbase
Kinda like Deku's mom, eh?
Kirishima will win. Mark my words.
Except the Japanese have always had a fairly liberal attitude towards transexuality, even if they view the whole civil movement around it as bizarre, and All Might[y Whitey] is his product's predominant hero, even if he is actually Japanese.

>Winning anything other than The BakugoBowl
>people ship UrakakaxDeku

Would put villains to sleep faster than midnight.
Kirishima's already too invested in the Bakubowl, in which he is also the only contender
>Stain would fucking hate his own fanbase
Duh. He hates everyone who isn't a "Nothing matters but the people" Super Hero.
>i-it's boring!
Still gonna happen though.
I feel a sense of LOSE
>people ship the most obvious couple
well, yeah
I'd prefer they just get their own people outside of the class.

heroxhero marriage sounds like shit.
>implying Deku didn't won that many years ago
>I'd prefer they just get their own people outside of the class.

Okay but you can see that regardless of what you prefer the obvious pairing is Deku/Uraraka, right?
being married to a civil while being a top hero would be horrible
imagine all those villains seeking revenge
Childhood friends never win.
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I swear Hori. If you make her out to be the mole. I will riot. With tears.
Why is bakugo so edgy and unlikable?
Hagakure made the "rockin' girl" comment
This man understands
Either you marry another hero who can fight alongside you or you stay single
Anything else is just miserable for your spouse.
Trip speak truth. >>144139476 is a faggo.
Fucking pixiv people draw way too much gay shit when they could be drawing something good like Yaomomo breasts.
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>faggo anon is back
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You save half naked men in your hard drive for some anon like me. Now that is dedicated autism.
To bad Stain has a good point.
>Except the Japanese have always had a fairly liberal attitude towards transexuality
stop with your lies, satan. They just have a weird bipolar acceptance/not acceptance of crossdressing gender weirdos, just like every other asian culture.
faggo-kun pls
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>i want the word hero to mean it like it used too.
>nevermind that nearly everyone in the world has a superpower and that needs heavy regulation and policing
>you can only be a hero if you're as overpowered as all might and have nothing to lose by going heroing without having to worry about losing.
He's going to make his own original move. Kyoto Crash.
my heart can't take this meme right now

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Man, I didn't think anyone would be able to top second-best-boy Ojiro's room, but best-boy really blew me away. He's like the god damn Buddha or something, free of all worldly attachments.
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This panel made me laugh like I haven't laughed in a long time.
color the eyes
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That's more or less what I meant. Like with homosexuality, in general, they don't look upon it as a serious thing,
It would make a nice banner too.
yeah, we need another wave of new banners, that's perfect
He's also got a shitton of arms.
I'm surprised that no one has drawn anything of the sorts yet.
Ah, you do not read the manga. Just memes.
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>Lifting gravity from gravity itself
The first pepe that make me sad
Tsuyu may not be my favorite female, but I loved how the author keeps her true to her character. She always says what's all her mind which people may find her to be a smartass, but on multiple accounts she puts her friendship with the others over being right.
Ooooh that's a rare one, thanks.
>stain posters
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>tfw your soul isn't bound by gravity
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Somewhat Premium Pepe
>world view challenged
>post memes
What did he get wrong? Stain is a baby.
even setting aside her mass limit, and the fact that she couldn't even approach within an AU of a black hole before being fried by gamma rays, it would either blink out of existence since it's basically a pinpoint hole in the fabric of spacetime through which matter has escaped, and its gravity is all that's left, or it would explode all of its matter and energy instantly since it's no longer being compressed to physics breakpoints by its own gravitational pull
uraraka could also destroy stars the same way, they're only held together and stopped from exploding by their own gravity. She's pretty OP
he underwhere wouldn't be invisible too though right?
Someone wants that deep dope.
Despite what the fujoshit/yaoi/trap doujin/hentai market indicates Japan kinda treats gay people like shit. They're a good 20 years behind the times on most of this sort of stuff since they still suffering under the "Nail that sticks out gets hammered down" philosophy.

The younger generations are more laid back but you're talking a country a still treats the burakumin and their longtime native population of Koreans, Chinese, and Ainu like complete shit.

American capeshit offends me anymore and I'm a fuckin unicorn because I'm a black guy who reads manga.
Her clothes aren't invisible so yeah they wouldn't
I do not have a slowpoke memed enough to post in your honor.
What the fuck are you on about mate?

Ah shit, my bad. Was responding to:

>Strong guy with big lips
>Great at baking sweets

Are these the parents?
>American capeshit offends me
Oh really? Even with all of MUHvel's progressive stories recently? Come on now, what is possibly wrong with Black Iron Women?
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A short thing by the same dude that made the vanilla doujin.
>make him a tranny
>ridicule it

>Likes: The members.

I bet she liked her new member in Thailand.
so, she has a penis?

also one of the most boring quirks

muh strength with sweets

hardening quirk like kirishima is much better
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there it is
aaaand saved.

I enjoy white people thinking they're on my side because they made a 15 year-old hoe stereotype Iron Man. Fucking ridiculous. Tony Stark is Iron Man, not this niglet. Hoop fucking earrings. Why didn't they just give her a weave and disgusting 2 inch-long press-ons too?

They could've at least been more subtle and made her War Machine or something.

Why not make Thor's human girlfriend Brynhildr who is super badass and one of the cooler female figures in mythology? Nah fuck that, let's just make her Thor for a series or two and put some of the most cringe-inducing dialog ever written in a comic to paper.

Our only hope is that Luke Cage and Black Panther might get some time to shine. Or they'll make The Hulk into a transgender eskimo or some shit. That's when I know I'm done with this shit and I'll just stick to Japanese shit since they don't give a fuck.

>I'm a fuckin unicorn because I'm a black guy who reads manga.

u wot? Black people that read manga are fucking common.
>someone has a quirk who can give females a penis
i want her to fuck me with her girl tranny cock.
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>this page
Deku you motherfucker
pls go back to /co/mblr
this is the normies' fault
tumblr shit?
on my hero academia?
>girl who took a trip to thai to become a man
sorry to tell you this, but trans people exist outside of tumblr, anon.
Her afro for one.

All this I know.

I'm lookin' forward to the Black Panther movie. But the comics are just worthless shite. They have no staying power. Might occasionally find a decent story one year or another, I thought Spider-verse was pretty good, but in general, nothin'.

Of fucking course, the most trans filled place on earth.

They even have thousands of illegal sex change clinics for peopl to poor to change their sex.

They even have an anthem for sex changing.
Okay but how do you know he even has one, he could've just not had that particular surgery.
I really wanna know what she looked like before she turned into a muscled freak.
>literally a futa
Ew. I'd take scat over this shit.
Isnt keeping the sexual organ intact kinda... counter productive for sex changing?

Without that, its just simple cosmetics.

Not where I live in the midwest.

Last black guy I met that liked manga read nothing but fujoshit and for real unironically did not know any of it was fujoshit. Thinks Kuroshitsuji is badass.


That place fucking sucks. You go back there.


Manga/Manwha is the only interesting shit anymore because they aren't chained 100 year-old characters and universe resets every 3-4 years.
I don't know, but I wanted to marry her until she revealed her shit taste in rooms
a futa is a woman with a dick, tiger is a man.
>"formerly" "female"

>then "he" took a trip to thailand

Lets be fair here. At least "he" is not a mutilated human being. The quirk change "his" sex. It was not done with pills, and mad science that goes against god, and chemistry. "He" is probably change on a genetic scale, becoming a full blown male.

Yeah they are still mutilated freaks.
What did you expect?
Invisible room?
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born female makes it always female

no surgery on earth will change that
It depends on the person really. Not all trans people are uncomfortable with all their parts. Like, for some transmen just removing the internal reproductive organs is enough.
I can't imagine people in BnHA's world giving a hot shit about gender/sexual identity.

Like, you ride the train to work with people who could shoot lasers from their eyes or have a mushroom for a head or be 15 feet tall with tentacles for arms or whatever who fuckin cares what parts it has or how it likes to mash them into others
It's her taste in other people's rooms, not her own (which is cute)
See >>144129644
sure is nice to see the tread descend into tranny panic because of a few lines about a side character on a page in a volume extra
m8 this is sci fi
There could be villains out there with sex changing powers.

Maybe even race changing powers.

What if you get cornered by a villain that turns you into a transexual nigger?
>aren't chained 100 year-old characters and universe resets every 3-4 years.

Worse part is that, even among the utterly shit "Inclusionary" characters they're introducing lately, there are a few decent ones...but regardless of their quality, they'll all be gone in a few years or so.
Of course not, because that is the norm of craziness that do not exist in real life.
The /pol/ effect.
finding out that a cool character is a tranny is serious business anon-kun.

this changes the whole plot.
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>sure is nice to see the tread descend into tranny panic
I do not see that at all. I see discussion, and just you getting triggered because of it.
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