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Actually pic very related. Author made him as unlikable as everyone on /a/ so that F/a/gs could self insert as him.
Its kinda related actually, Subaru could not escape Satella just like our inability to escape this site and its madness forever.
Every day waking up and seeing the same stalker threads for example.
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I self insert as Mumei
Stop forcing these threads you faggots
Is there any worse type of MC than the one who looks/acts like a typical japanese teenage boy?
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>Not forcing threads on /a/
Try and stop us faggot
I know this is a meme but are there actually people who have OPs mindset?

You should be able to insert yourself into every character of a story. Only underdeveloped characters don't have that trait.
I want to insert myself into Mumei.
I'm coming over right now you faggot
Prepare yourself
There's usually that specific character that resembles you the most and that you will sympathize the most with.
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>be a lonely NEET playing vidya all day
>suddenly find yourself in a strange fantasy world
>get saved by a cute half elf girl
>fall in love with her
>die trying to protect her
>suddenly you live again
>everything has reset
>die over and over and over again trying to protect her
>you want no reward
>all you want is to be by her side
>you see how she mingles with shiny powerful knights
>you do your best to not say anything despite your jealousy feeling like a stone in your chest
>you notice how she want's less and less to do with you
>eventually she throws you away like a used tool to be kept in the background
>you finally snap and tell her what an ungrateful whore she is

>ungrateful whore she is
Implying she knows, implying he couldn't find a less autistic way of hinting to her his dilemma. His fault for trusting women be it this world or the next, he should have known better isn't he a bitter Neet? Don't all Neets know to not mess with women?
>you notice how she want's less and less to do with you
>eventually she throws you away like a used tool to be kept in the background
You're right, they would interpret the events that way being the self-proclaimed autists they are
This is very true
sure but that just means that the story is aimed at a certain group of people.
>holy shit, why doesn't girls here act like in the visual novels?

Subaru is retarded
Maybe he was the type of NEET who still had hope and dreams. The type that haven't taken the bitter black pill of the robots.

That is the only reasonable way to interpret it.

Women are retarded. Subaru did nothing wrong.
>the bitter black pill of the robots
Go back to your home board, faggot
I don't have a home board. I just roam the channel like a nomad in search for knowledge.
So then why didn't he fall in love in our world when nice girls aren't such a rarity? I am sure a nice girl would like a slave autistic like him.
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I remember you from the other day
Fuck off to /r9k/ and stay there. Or /pol/ even. Anywhere but here
Because Subaru was a friendless NEET? We don't really know much about his background but maybe he was bullied?

But /pol/ and /r9k/ is shit. Why would I go there?

Just shut up with your meta talk and stop derailing the discussion.
>a friendless NEET?
Yes and how does that change in a magical world where he is even more useless than he would be if he was in our world. Seriously all he had to do was walk outside drop his wallet, some random girl picks it up and returns it to him and boom he becomes a stalker that will give his life away for said girl.
>Just shut up with your meta talk and stop derailing the discussion
You're the one that keeps comparing a Vietnamese needlework with real life, faggot
going by your logic every character is a self insert
He isn't useless now. He is pretty much one of the most powerful beings in that world since he can change the future.

No, I try to understand Subaru's feelings. Feelings that happen to match those of a lot of real life NEETs.
Yes, if you can sympathize with them and you share very similar qualities then yeah.
If he really was a self-insert, why would anyone and his mother shit on him for being a retarded fuckwit?
>He isn't useless now.
True but he doesn't get the recognition, which is pretty useless when it comes to appealing to a girl you like.
Because not everyone can identify with him? He really isn't a self-insert tho since he isn't a blank enough character. Not like Kirito.

Yes, but that's the girls and other people around him fault.
Because most of /a/ hates themselves.
He is a NEET's self insert character.
This excuse was useful for Shinji. There, the author purposefully made Subaru as cringy as possible because he only wants to shit on the isekai genre.
Great armpits.
Only the bitter hateful type of NEET.
NEETs should kill themselves, they are a drain on society and have no benefit to their existence
So /a/?
Watch that edge.

More like /r9k/.
Can I make love to you anon?
Only if you look good in a skirt
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Except emilia genuinely wanted yo be friends, subaru just didnt want that and blamed the woman like a /r9k/ neckbeard virgin.
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He's just waiting for Emilia to pay her debts
Could it be the reason no one here likes Subaru's character is that he is a reflection of their own true nature? And so instead of being offered a self insert that is gratifying to their need for escapist fantasy, they are given a depiction of their trues selves which causes them to recoil in disgust.
No, he's too comical and over the top to be taken seriously in that way.
Do you guys seriously think he was referring to sex when he referred to what she "owed" him?

He wants her trust in exchange for what he's done for her in other loops, but she can't possibly know about this and in the current timeline all he's done is break her promsies
This isn't Evangelion or Watamote. I have a gf and Subaru is completely disgusting to me. Subaru is disliked because he's a self-entitled child who hides his egoism behind a mask a selflessness.
>a self-entitled child who hides his egoism behind a mask a selflessness

So you agree with me?
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Is it's the normies that hate Subaru? Lmao haha stay mad. He's our Lord and saviour
It's a hyperbole you fucking retard
I mean, Shinji does that to. The difference is that Shinji actually has reasons for being that way that make sense in addition to being a reasonable, likable character. Subaru is just a bizzare, insane caricature of that kind of character.
I like how the amount of Subaru apologists doubled as soon as he tried to guilt trip a girl into letting him do whatever he wanted with her life. Only a few weeks ago, people hated Subaru for openly hitting on Emilia like an alpha.
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The only problem is that a SHITLOAD of people act like this. A living being's true nature will always tend to its own well-being, it's part of our instinct of survival. Becoming clever, being rich, fucking some women, having a family... People might trick you into thinking that it's for society but most of the things you'll do in your life will always in some way benefit to you. Even people who donate to charities and shit do it often because it gives them satisfaction or it appeases their guilty conscious. Even buying gifts for the person you're with for a long time will some way or another come out to be an act done out of some selfish intention like keeping said person with you or some shit. And a philantropist might actually need the advertising in the newspapers/news that his large donation to a cause will bring to him. Truly selfless acts barely exist.
If you're saying Subaru is a self-inserting, then he might as well be a self-insert for all people on Earth.
He doesn't want her as a friend. He wants to stand by her side as her man.
There's a difference between immersion and self inserting. Immersion takes literary skill to make the reader feel like they're in the shoes of a certain character. Self insertion is a cheap marketing tactic that takes the most common traits of the target audience and applies it to a character to make people feel connected. It requires no skill or creativity and it DEFINITELY doesn't make for a developed character.

This is why so many male MCs are black haired otaku, NEETs or spaghetti balls.
>I have a gf and Subaru is completely disgusting to me
As I said in the thread yesterday. You fucking normal people with your happy lives can't identify with him, but guess what. He isn't your MC. He is ours. The lonely, the rejected, the jealous, the hateful. Go fuck off back to facebook and leave 4chan.
I like it this way because every MC is like me.
Subaru's feelings for Emilia are fake. They are an enchantment placed on him by Satella. Any girls getting on the way of that must be removed, just like Rem.
It's genuine love. He is willing to die for her over and over again.
Why doesn't she return it?
Because she is a cruel selfish bitch who'd rather use him as a tool and put him away when she has no use for him. She wants him to stay behind in the background like the maids when his only wish is to stand by her side.
love how the creators removed his face during the sex scenes in VN.
>>you want no reward
>got a place to live
>a job
>even lessons in magic
>healed and tended to every time you got hurt
>all you want is to be involved with her in every single one of her endeavors every single minute of the day
>never mind that having this stranger around could make her life complicated

She could have easily had Gay Clown pay Subaru to fuck off.
Without him they'd all be dead. He isn't asking for much. He just wants to be by her side and keep her safe.
>>Truly selfless acts barely exist
But do most people ever truly have a conscious awareness of this?
She really didn't ask for any of that. Subaru decided to stick around of his own volition. Emilia is thankful and has been arranging care for him since then but it still doesn't give Subaru any right to be involved in every aspect of her life.
Have a knife at your side at all times. When ever you get news that stuff went wrong, kill yourself and then actually be a needy bitch that sticks with them for their safety, not all of the time, everywhere.
She isn't grateful at all. She just wants him out of the way like a fucking whore. I hope he goes full dark side and joints the witch to slaughters Emilia and all the shiny stuck up knights that she loves so much.
At this point, I reall yhope it happens.
She was grateful up until the point he decided to embarrass the fuck out of her during one of the most important events of her life. That's like having your crazy girlfriend come up to your job and start ranting about how you belong to her and her only. If Subaru gave a shit about Emilia he would have waited or he will loop again and make sure he's worthy of declaring himself a knight for Emilia. Subaru pretty much did it all to jackoff his own ego and even worse tried to guilt trip Emilia instead of apologizing for what he did.

I don't even know why I bother arguing with BAWbots.
the show would actually be good then, but you know that such things will never happen and you will be getting pussy pissy Subaru getting cucked forever.
But he's in a visual novel
If she wasn't an ungrateful whore then she would've invited him to the event and made sure he knew how to act in the company of the knights. Instead she just locked him up in a room as if he was garbage to her.

Yeah sadly I doubt it will happen. Instead he will beg for the whores forgiveness instead of letting his jealousy and rage consume him.
He was there to be healed. Not to attend an event. Why the hell would she take a guy who didn't even know the world's lore until a few days ago to an event about just that?
He didn't even need healing. Why the hell wouldn't she take the extremely loyal guy who saved them all?
>sympathizing is equal to self-inserting
Are you usually this retarded?
>Guy you know has 0 tact and is a loud mouth
>Tell him not to come
>Comes anyways and embarrasses her
>After being escorted out, fights with a knight and gets BTFO
>Claims everything he's doing is for her when called out

Emilia did nothing wrong. Almost everything he's done at the capital was his selfishness, not for her.

Rem still a best though.
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It has been a while since /a/ got this triggered over a fictional character
She did everything wrong.

>invite the man who saved your life to the event since he has proven himself loyal to the point of insanity
>teach him how to act and what to say
>the even goes smoothly
>everyone is happy

But no, instead she locked him up like a wild beast. Emilia is vermin and I hope she gets slaughtered by a vengeful Subaru in service of the dark forces.
Whoa Op.
You know Harry Potter invented this idea of "loser MC with secret power" 15 years ago?
Saving someone doesn't entitle you to be involved in every aspect of their life afterward. Shit, would would want your doctor to start making decisions on every aspect of your life because he saved yours? No.
>Has little to no personality, besides a sex drive that goes through the roof
>Has a harem of at least 4 girls, depending on which version it is (Sora, Nao, Kazuha and Akira in the anime, those 4 plus the maid in the VN, and Kozue and the Christmas Cake in the fandisk)
Saving someones life without actually having to do it makes them obliged to at least respect you. In many cultures they owe their own life to you and won't be truly free until they've repaid the debt.
>Harry Potter invented this idea of "loser MC with secret power"
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In some cultures they even expect you to essentially adopt them and become their boss.
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>I saved you, so now I own you!

Jesus fucking christ. There are less pathetic ways of keeping someone around you, Anon.
In medieval times they did owe you their lives. So yes.
Pathetic? You're pathetic who thinks the modern disgusting view on things is the only correct one.
I find him to be very likable actually. How's it to have shit taste?
He's in a WN retard.
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Subaru isn't from medieval times and Roswaal already offered Subaru a reward because Emilia has more important things to do with her life than to tend to some NEET.

>the modern disgusting view

Back to your sandcave, Habibi. Sorry that people have the free will to tell you no in modern times, buddy.
So what would happen if Subaru told Reinhart that he respawns?
>i-if you aren't happy with liberal "democracy" then you're a muslim!
Back to /pol/, Sven.
Subaru won't take no for an answer.
You're a cuck and Subaru deserves he body for his troubles.
And she knows he won't take no for an answer, yet she didn't do this >>143463629 so she only has herself to blame.
Shouldn't Reinhard be able to know about Subaru's ability anyways? I heard he could read minds or something
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>a woman's right to choose not to have a NEET owner is liberal

You don't even deserve a (You), cancerous scum. Go fuck yourself.
>a woman's right
Women are livestock and deserve no rights.
Well said. Especially ungrateful filthy fucking half elves.
Women have the right to do what her owner tells her to because he saved her life.
This, exactly this. She told him its important stay here, instead hefollowed her, then jumped up and made an ass of himself, for almost no reason.
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>half elves having rights
>know that you look like a witch
>get accepted by a guy who would do anything for you
>throw him away
She's garbage. She should be grateful he isn't racist towards her. Where's his reward? Everyone hates her except him.


She could've prevented it.

Exactly. She is a dumb whore who would rather go with that purple haired knight than the man who loves her.
I can't believe people are hating on Emilia because she didn't babysit their self insert.
Half Elf IDF please go. Emilia did everything wrong. She was damn well aware that he wouldn't listen.
I still don't get it, did I miss something? or there was something in the LN that the show skipped?
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>Ctrl+F "Hachiman" or "8man"
>0 results
What the fuck, /a/?
Can't you see? He's literally us.
>Gets to live in a hugeass mansion
>Gets his injuries treated
>Soon-to-be Queen even takes him to the capital when she is there on an important meeting
>She asks him to stay in the hotel, because he might overdo it
>He promises her, then proceeds to fuck everything up for everyone involved
>"Nooo you owe me, I did it all for you"

Emilia did nothing wrong.

Of course, Subaru has done so much for her and is on the verge of breaking mentally, but she can't know that.
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Best Gary-stu harem lord
It's not her fault some retarded fucking loud autist fell in some fake delusional love.
No, he is actually good looking so he can pull off the "silent mysterious guy"-thing. No one cares about the silent ugly autist neckbeard in the corner.
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That's why people dislike him so much. It's a self reflection of themselves.
>My self-insert can't possibly be held account for his stupid actions!
>>She asks him to stay in the hotel, because he might overdo it
Once again, she knew damn well that he wouldn't stay. And instead of inviting the most loyal man she'll ever meet into coming with her, she decide to throw him away.

She could've taught him how to act and what to say on the meeting.

He did nothing wrong. Emilia is a dumb whore and he has all the right in the world to burn down her fucking kingdom and reduce it to ashes along with all the stuck up arrogant knights.
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>No one cares about the silent ugly autist neckbeard in the corner.
This, pic related.
Subaru is the true alpha male. The supreme gentleman that will bring retribution upon the bitch Emilia.
Someone have that stupid pose he used to greet the council?
I forgot this thread is about self inserts.

Kaiji resembles me too closely. In appearance and aspirations. I also had desperate money troubles when I watched it.
Reminder that Reddit is trash.
Redditors are the only ones white knighting Emilia.
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Forgot image
>Reddit is shit

Hold the fucking presses

They made a bigger fool out of themselves than Subaru ever could though
Can someone explain what the fuck that pose was supposed to be? Was it a reference to something? Or is it just some chuuni shit he made on the spur of the moment?
>Didn't need healing
Do you watch the show or did you miss every 4 times she talked about Felix healing his exhausted gate
It wasn't an emergency. He could've had it healed slowly over time.
Probably to create cringe.
Someone said in another thread that it was a yakuza sign.
Just watch. Hes going to be a gary stu and beat all those knights and get a harem. This happens all the time.
This is true. Autists are going HE'S SO REALISTIC HE'S SO RELATABLE
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>goes to a public council with nobles, heavily trained knights galore and pretty princesses lined up
>does a fucking yakuza sign

>he doesn't know
She honestly wouldn't even be in this election if Subaru didn't help her from getting pick pocketed by Felt to begin with she really owes him to an extent to begin with
Sadly that's the most likely ending. I would really wish to see him get consumed by jealousy and feeling of abandoned, join the followers of the jealous witch, slowly rise through the ranks and eventually serve as her finest dark knight in the war against the dragons kingdom and queen Emilia.
>Implying any respectable porn game doesn't do that.

Why are half-elves considered so bad in Lugnica? Is it only because of Satella's heritage or was it because elves have done a horrible thing once upon a time? I don't mind spoilers.
If he could tell people about it he wouldn't be in this problem in the first place
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Subaru was pretty much a white knight himself until this episode.
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>yakuza sign
>implying he won't just end up wishing for the sweet release of death and Satella will at last grant his wish
>implying he won't just wake up in the real world as nothing as changed and he'll just go back to his nonchalant forgotten and boring life
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>Back to your sandcave, Habibi.
My sides will be missed.
yeah julius is a cunt
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Yes, but now he is entering the second phase of the fedora. If we're lucky he'll enter the final phase and become the best MC to have ever existed in anime history.
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Subaru is one of those niggas you can't take anywhere. He just act the fuck up and you gotta walk away like you don't know him but he keeps calling your name...
It's Emilias fault for not teaching him how to act.
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>you want no reward
Standing by her side and being trusted was all he ever wanted.
Anastasia is going to put all these scrubs in the dirt anyways her or felt
Enlighten me. Let me guess. He becomes OP as fuck?
>((( Anastasia )))
>a good leader
>this fucking meme again
People seem to keep forgetting that he's batshit insane and associates the alternate time lines where he saved them multiple times.
He still is kind of a White Knight, he just went completly /r9k/

At least he has an excuse for his spaghetti though, he went through alot of shit and nobody will ever even know
>ITT /a/ goes full tumblr and whiteknights Emilia as much as Subaru did

See that's the grand irony of this situation.
You dummies completely forget the man knows Emilia showed him romantic potential, kindness, and been the only reason why he hasn't cracked beforehand.
The moment you're emotionally destroyed yourselves, you're sperging out against Subaru with no sympathy that he's been divinely bullied over and over, and would be right 100% if it were any other protagonist.

On the other side, Subaru's biggest problem is that the world has never shown that the multiple timelines have such a big influence on how things go. He's too dedicated and barely hanging on a thread to get this : Emilia has only seen him as a nearly psychotic stalker who's still a good hearted soul.
She did and he didn't listen.
They cut it out of the anime but Emilia is such a bitch she slapped him a couple of times really hard and then puck told him to stay the fuck away from her.
Nice way to treat someone who died multiple times to save you.
This line alone say a lot about his persona. It doesn't matter what he did. He has ulterior motive. People like him are scum IRL.
It's because Satella is an elf and she destroyed half of everything.
Also elves are known for being non-virgin sluts and whores
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>Also elves are known for being non-virgin sluts and whores

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>Please forgive this child. He's autistic.
>whiteknights hurr
>Emilia showed him romantic potential
>speaking with girl = romantic potential
Grow up.
Everyone has ulterior motives. Heroism is a meme. People just come up with their heroic reasons for doing something after it has already been done.

People always do things heroic for a reason that benefits them or the things they believe in. "Real" heroes do something for their own gain, then they make up a believable "good guy"-story of why they did it to appear more heroic.

Subaru did nothing wrong.
Anon if I save you multiple fucking times, you better fucking owe me.
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>Everyone has ulterior motives
Are you NEET?
See >>143464569
She KNEW he wasn't gonna listen.

Please please please Subaru, become a knight of darkness in service of the witch and turn the whole shitty kingdom into mountains of skulls and rivers of blood.

They deserve nothing else for the way they treated him.
I've just been around long enough to realize that people aren't what they appear to be.
Stop self inserting and projecting.
I'd give you a fucking Slim Jim and you'd go on about your day
What about your parents ulterior motives? Or they're already sold your kidneys?
couldn't of him at least demonstrate he's in a loop by literally call out all little details when they get together, like in fucking groundhog day.
I mean when i think about it now it's a solid plan.
I don't. I just want to see justice be done.

The jealous witch is clearly the only good force in that universe.

We were talking about acts of heroism weren't we? Why are you changing the subject?

Why /a/ STILL obsessed with "self-insert" when hate that concept?
Like anyone who gets TRIGGERED by this shit.
For example
She would literally dead multiple times over, lost her chance at the throne, would be emotionally devastated over his death, and needs a comforting hand as much as he does.
The problem is Subaru doesn't understand the current Emilia is not composite Emilia, and never will be. So he blurts that out when he's UBER MAD without remembering that.

Anyone who blames on his "fedora", "nice guy"-ness, or "r9k" are pretty much offended manchildren projecting their own bitterness.

Just like the problem of him claiming to be Emilia's knight is that he has shown to be emotionally dedicated and sacrificial than probably anyone in the room, but he has jackshit to back that up.

Is everyone suddenly retarded?

In Subaru's mind :
>Let him cry in her lap
>Calms his anquish when she has no idea what it's about
>Cares about his health
>Promised he could take her out
>Doesn't say no once to his shenanigans
>Willing to tolerate him wholeheartedly until now
feels genuine sadness when he dies in the aftermath of those DEAD ENDs

Go do your women's studies finals.
Whoever placed that curse on him could easily just reset him to a point where they don't know.
>Why are you changing the subject?
I'm not interested in heroism theories from edgelords
>Died multiple times for her

How could she know?
I like how all the arguments saying Emilia is a shit hinges on her expecting Subaru to be a lying asshole. It's the most naive and innocent character in the show's fault for trying to trust Subaru (who was actually pretty trustworthy in the final timelines, mind you). She's not people smart, there's no fucking way she knows what Subaru is going to do and so she has him stay.

I give Subaru a pass on being an idiot because he is mentally fucked from all the timelines and forgets what actually happened in the final run vs what he experience in alternate runs.
Then don't bring it up on fucking 4chan of all places.
What did she expect that he would to after she treat him like shit? He isn't a dumb maid to be locked up and kept in the background. He is the hero who saved her life. He is the hero who has proven over and over again how loyal he is to her.
>all this samefagging and projecting for Subaru

Trust is a mutual thing. Subaru doesn't listen to a thing Emilia says which indicates a serious lack of trust.

How hard would it have been for Subaru to wait until she was done and then ask what about what was going and how he could help.
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Ya need to see a therapist about your ex girlfriend issues, buddy.
Emilia is a naive little girl. Why would he listen to her? She should listen to him, the man who saved her life and proved to her that he is a loyal guardian that will do everything in his power to keep her safe.

Why didn't he stay in the room and obey? Because first of all, she could've been attacked. But most importantly it would've meant that he slipped away from her. He is desperate to remain relevant in her increasingly grand affairs

If he didn't try to stay relevant in that part of Emilia's life, he would just keep being cut out of every royal affair she is a part of. He'd just end up being part of the mansion's staff like Rem and Ram, and wouldn't be relevant in her life beyond mundane matters.

Subaru did NOTHING wrong.

Can we stop arguing with this guy. He's projecting really fucking hard all over this thread.

Remember that she has known Subaru for about a week or two.
>Is everyone suddenly retarded?

Subaru is just a sitcom character that you take seriously.
>Because first of all, she could've been attacked.

A big help he would have been. In a room full of competent as fuck knights.
See, even you're fucked by the timelines. He saved her life ONCE from gut girl. After that he became a servant at the mansion that really didn't say much about his loyalty to her and more that he was a good guy in general. She knows barely anything about him; she doesn't know why he was trying to get her insignia, why he saved her life, why he's so mentally fucked when she gives him the lap pillow, etc. For all she knows, he saved her life just to have her owe him something. Emilia did nothing wrong. If you didn't know about the alternate runs, you'd be suspicious as fuck too.
He could've seen what happened and fixed it in the next loop.
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>be firefighter
>save cute girl
>"you owe me your pussy now, bitch"
I don't even feel sorry for him; it's all his fault.
Doing something as part of your job =/= Risking your life doing something that you don't need to do
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He kill the crazy bishop. He save the entire city; everybody (the Knight Guild, Ferrys, the Elders, etc) say "Thanks, Subaru"
That image looks really fucking nostalgic for me for some reason.
Your girlfriend does not make you a better person, but keep on projecting.
If you actually read the post, you'd notice I'm not saying Subaru should be able to say that. Never mind think he should say that. Just that he's completely justified to say so in context.

There's no need to be in denial like Subaru sir.
He's just doing his job to be honest.
He's paid to save cute girls.

Subaru doesn't get paid for it.
Or the knights would have handled shit regardless of Subaru's presence. You seem to forget that even motherfucking Reinhard was in the room. The guy that Subaru was saved by what, twice, now? There was no reason for him to be there.

>But most importantly it would've meant that he slipped away from her. He is desperate to remain relevant in her increasingly grand affairs
>If he didn't try to stay relevant in that part of Emilia's life, he would just keep being cut out of every royal affair she is a part of. He'd just end up being part of the mansion's staff like Rem and Ram, and wouldn't be relevant in her life beyond mundane matters.

This is what people don't understand. He had no choice.
this for fucking god sake
don't expect nothing from the people you help. she was good enough to say thanks
Reinhardt is too slow to save people remember? That's why Subaru saved Emilia and not him.
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The reason I like this anime is because I can't relate to any character.

>Subaru is a numale
>E-Tan is generally boring
>Literally white knights all over the place
>Hisoka's little brother and angsty twin maids
>Nobles stuck in their ways

It's so different that it compels me to keep watching on
>Doing something as part of your job
Subaru actually transfer into isekai. The world where this opportunities for rich easy life are unlimited. This is already better than everything
Subaru is basically turning into Saint Elliot. Don't you fucking insult him.
He wants to stay relevant in the life of the woman he loves. He doesn't want to end up as a background character.
How is being a numale an insult? It basically means an unrefined male, it's not like he can't adapt as a character. If anything you taking it as an insult is insulting >_>
You mean to tell me that in a room full of the most powerful people in the world that Subaru would have been the ONLY one who could have protected Emilia? Really?

>the other knights
>Roswaal and his mana
>Emilia herself
>the other semen demon candidates

And really, Reinhardt saved everyone's asses in that room. Subaru was just gutsy enough to deflect that last hit.

>Hisoka's little brother
You what? Do you even know what a numale is?
Majority of firefighters in the US are volunteers though, and only city/military are job hires.

Reinhardt is useless. The author make all those jokes of Reinhardt skills because he´s a asshole that really never saved other people.
Still part of their job and not very risky if they're trained and have the right equipment.

Of course I do, it's not like a numale today can't be a starship trooper tomorrow is all.
>not very risky if they're trained and have the right equipment
It's pretty risky all time.
This is a numale.

Not compared to the heroic acts of Subaru.
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>everyone ITT
I can't remember where I seen something smilar. Some old anime
You seem to be thinking far less into the big picture than Subaru is.
The entire problem of the first checkpoint is Reinhardt and the knights are collectively invincible, not omnipresent.
And for information, do you really believe Emilia would be perfectly honest when she's on unstable ground herself? Going to see the candidates' identities and personalities firsthand is the only way to know what he's up against.
Him betraying her trust isn't the correct thing to do, but it's the right thing to do.
>I hope she gets slaughtered by a vengeful Subaru in service of the dark forces.
But Emilia IS the dark forces.
Then he needs to overthrow her.
>reinhard saved everyone's asses in that room

Subaru was the one who orchestrated events to put Reinhard at the loot house. Subaru didn't know anything about the royal selection and decided it'd be best for himself to be there because if anything happened he could respawn and tackle the situation differently on the next loop.

What Subaru failed to comprehend is that his presence made things worse and he should've committed sudoku to try to make things better next time even if it wasn't a fatal mistake.
the problem is he grew up on on Light Novels and has LN like expectations

He thinks he's the protagonist and Emilia the heroine. That's why his expectations are all wrong. He thinks he can Kamijou Touma his way through things. He thinks Emilia should be a force of good change.


He's really just a mob character with a save point ability and Emilia is the last boss
All his abilities are self centered so it's not surprising.

He hates dying and he doesn't know where checkpoints will be. He'd potentially have to do the entire mansion arc again.
Well, yeah. The thing is, Emilia herself doesn't even know it yet.
>He's really just a mob character with a save point ability
Nah. Subaru's the boss's lieutenant who is more active in the world. Well, I guess he's not there yet, but he will be.
>People are starting to pretend Re:Zero is Evangelion
>posting spoilers
Kill yourself
>implying those were spoilers
There's a difference between spoilers and speculation.
It's hard to tell the difference between Shinji and Subaru I admit.
>Evangelion is the only show allowed to have a MC to represent human conditions.
Subaru burns the gut-assasin cutie, everybody forgets about Rem and she becomes a veggie, the witch cult bows before him. be hecomes a dark lord
Reminded that Subaru only made a fool of himself because Roswaal allowed it. He told Rem to let Subaru leave and come to court. Normally Rem should have stopped him.
Reminder that she is best girl.
Reminder that she likes shota dicks.

I want her to be my onee-chan.
>I want her to be my onee-chan.

You have a deathwish mate?
Why would that be a deathwish? She would be the best onee-chan ever!
Are they jumping straight into the next cour or will there be a delay
So subaru got cucked by better, well dressed, nice smelling, prestigious knight.
Is this what triggered /a/?
Yeah, Subaru is selfish and literally asking her to pay debts that have never happened
>She saved her life 5 times!
It was in a different time loop, in this one, she only got saved once and she's repaying Subaru with a huge ass mansion and all the commodities.

Not to mention, she's nice to EVERYONE, Subaru has yet to learn the sad true about nice girls.
The former one, most likely.

They wouldn't subject us to wait 4 or so months...would they?
Shiny arrogant stuck up knights need to be taught a lesson. I hope Subaru unlocks some new version of darkness magic and unleashes it upon them.
No, it's the fact that he himself got himself in this mess and he only has himself to blame.

>"I-Is being a knight that big of a deal!?"
>"You were just born into the job to begin with!"
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An immortal warrior from another world that wields the element of darkness is far superior to a fucking primitive ape knight in shiny armor.
Can, Reinhardt defeat a bullet?
Did you even read the thread?
>human conditions
>implying Subaru represents humanity
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My self insert
>he himself got himself in this mess and he only has himself to blame.
All the mess he got before was his doing, what's the difference?
How much for the night?
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He only resorted to asking her to repay her debt because he was desperate and she was being unreasonable. The council dude even said that Subaru was right to support Emilia, and why should it matter if he gets his ass beat in a duel? It's his business.
Foxy 'Pa
What would Touma do in Subaru's place?
The only thing I can relate to Subaru with is the fact that I have scary eyes and people get freaked out by how I look at them.
How can anime protags be self inserts?

They got a personality, have a backstory, has a face and all.

Hell, they speak.
Make strong allies without really realizing it, and fight the boss himself while they keep any other enemies from attacking him.
If I was Subaru I would train with Wilhelm for 10 days. Suicide on the 10th and repeat my training, and suicide on the 4th day until I reach the max potential with the looped body and sword skill.

Train another 10-20 days, and repeat above until I become good enough to challenge Julius punk ass again, and beat that fucker.

That nigga is going to get it. Fuck that doing it for Emilia shit. The duel ain't over until I land a hit on that nigga.
>if I was
hello Tom Cruise
>looped body

It's his conciousness that gets moved, not his body. That's why he doesn't have his wounds when he returns to his checkpouints.
>until I reach the max potential with the looped body and sword skill.
You will become insane and lost all mind because you need 4 years minimum for mastering skill. And then you should spend another ten years in battles. You will burnout after two weeks
Trap x Tomboy OTP
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At least 5 loads
I want to fuck Priscilla-sama's boobpussy!
Not him, but honestly, if you could just keep committing suicide and respawning, I don't think that would be a problem. You get tired? Well, whatever, suicide, run away, go do literally whatever the fuck you want to vent a little then kill yourself again.
Priscilla-sama only lets cute little boys touch her. Are you a cute little boy anon?
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I'm neither little, nor cute, but I'm still gonna touch her!
Subaru has no right to ask anything of Emilia since he successfully saved her just once and it wasn't even him, it was the knight.

Also, like I said, Emilia gave him a fucking luxury life for his deeds and Subaru is the one trying to start a relationship with her.
>Well, whatever, suicide, run away, go do literally whatever the fuck you want to vent a little then kill yourself again.

then what if you hit a checkpoint?

he has no control over when he "saves", he can't rely on Return by Death.
When will you people understand killing yourself is really hard, painful and traumatic whether you respawn or not? It doesn't matter if you know you'll come back, survival instinct will still kick in.
Return by Death is not a power, it's a curse
You don't necessarily retain muscle memory + physical training. He'll know the techniques, but he'll probably reach the limits of his body and muscle memory quickly. Also, dying sucks and he doesn't know where the checkpoints are.
Kill yourself every other day to see when you will reach the next checkpoint
>Train for the first day
>Kill myself
>Train for 2 days
>Kill myself
>Train for 3 days
>Kill myself
>Feel confident 72 hours are enough to train
>Kill myself every 3 days after the loop starts.
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That was an intense episode, huh..
He might not have control over when he saves his checkpoints, but that doesn't mean he can't predict when his loop will most likely save Anon.

Subaru can create a variety of situations to see each one can trigger a save.

He knows for a basic fact that his checkpoints follow night an day cycle exactly, that if he is to perish within the following days he will be sent back a maximum of 4 days before his death, and that only he can recall the events to playout.
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When people learn some skill they burnout a lot. "Burnouts" are part of getting gud. It's stressful. Repeating same days without any difference will make you insane. Plus you should killing yourself. It's madness and 100% free schizophrenia
Do people actually sleeps naked?
If you would just logistically off yourself with no mental deterioration, you're practically not human.

If anything, that's the same insanity Subaru has already, just as a sacrificial lamb.
Muscle memory most likely can be retained since we saw him keeping all the butler skills and improving on them and Subaru is pretty fit, I'm sure he can deal with a 1v1 duel.
Don't you?
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Kill them Subaru. Kill them all.
Not really; most girls sleep with only their panties on - bras are uncomfortable when you sleep
>My death has no weight or meaning since I can just respawn and I know this for a fact
>Implying death would not become a tool for improving myself in this situation

Also you don't even need to suffer, you can just drink poison and go to bed or throw yourself off a cliff.
No, people fart in their sleep.
>bras are uncomfortable when you sleep
I know people that are doing sleep very wrong then.
This. Even if it is painful, you know you will be fine. It would become a mind over matter thing.

It is kinda like how torture is subjective. It is bad at first, but after awhile you will become used to it. I'm sure after dying a few times you would get used to the pain.
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Only when its really hot
These people might've not taken their bras off because you were there.
>It is kinda like how torture is subjective. It is bad at first
I like epic /a/ theories
This girl liek them too! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta
And even then you don't necesarily have to feel pain at all
>Track down a poison shop
>Buy a paralysis/sleep potion
>Throw yourself off a cliff/slit your wrist.
Anyone got the doujin of that murder saved?
You all should read a manga called "all you need is kill"
It's drawn by amateur artist. Not worth it
>answering to 3 hour old posts
>My death has no weight or meaning since I can just respawn
How would you know that? Are you magically superior to 99% of real human beans that burnout just from regular training?
Never mind one where you will suffer the same days, experiences, and challenges outside your own personal training?

And note, training isn't some RPG where you'll magically get BETTER. It can all amount to
>lol I never fought a knight when they're serious so I'm shit out of luck
Thinking housework your 70 year old grandmother can do with a icyhot and painkillers is the same as fighting is nuts.
>Repeating same days without any difference will make you insane
Explain how people can live their wage slave jobs then.

At least subaru can avoid his loop by not dying.
Most people can only avoid the loop by dying.
I saw it several years ago. It was pretty good if I remember correctly.
The justification is in the name you dummy.
You're stuck in a web of repetition because that's all your life allows you to do.
Are you implying low ranking employees aren't a justified tragedy in itself?
>I didn't know it was 3 hours old
>replying to someone replying to an older post isn't just derivative shit posting

Sure told me, I sure feel like a fool. Do you feel good about yourself? Have you accomplished anything? (You)
>having NO hope of escaping a looping life is fine because "thats all their life allows them"
>this is fine and perfectly mentally healthy
>looping by choice to get efficient practice and training done and being able to stop at any point on the other hand WOULD MAKE YOU INSANE XD
>all you need is kill
Ayy. He was in different situation and fought against different enemies. He did't rely on skill.
the fuck are you even trying to say?
Fucking waste of quads.
I noticed that when I came to wake them up, because of an emergency.
I have two sisters, the old one goes braless around the house the little one wears it all the time
But this will make the sheets dirty with sweat and body oils.
>Explain how people can live their wage slave jobs then.
Everyday is different. It's happening in real time. It's not loop. For example what about your school? Or about your NEET life? Interaction with parents etc. Not loop.
oneechan or imouto?
>replying to a thread

Did you hug your braless sister?
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So you're saying by not having panties on that would make the bed any more dirty then if I had them on?
Both of them.
Both of them
Why are we talking about my imouto I thought we are talking about self insertion and sleeping habits?
Most deaths in Re:Zero aren't from magic but from physical attacks.

Touma would have gotten killed by Elsa's blades.
Yes, fart contain pieces of poop.
At least when you wear panties it will act as a filter.
your little sisters can't be not talk about
and then resurrect. And then punch her, making her part of his harem after a speech. We're talking about the TouMAN, who can avoid light-speed attack with hisprecogn andmisfortune, not some NEET.
One might think a frogposter would understand Subaru's plight.
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I'm aware of that, however if I'm sweaty enough to not wear anything my bed is going to need fresh sheets anyways
Besides, I sleep hugging a pillow on my side
Nothing lewd, just a regular pillow
Does Galko-chan fart in her sleep from her hairy anus?
Oh what the hell, I'm gonna join in too.

I had one lazy excuse on an older sister. She slept braless, she ate braless (in the morning), she watched the news braless, and she only put on the bra right before putting on the rest of her clothes (which is about an hour after she wakes up)

She did take off her bra first thing when she came home, though..

Shit was fucking weird, man.. She was about 16 when she started doing it.
It's clear as day that there's people in this thread that don't even watch the fucking anime.

bravo /a/
Do you have any proof to back this up?
>I'm sweaty enough to not wear anything
Don't you have AC?
do you live in east coast or something?
I sleep hugging a pillow on my side
I do the same anon, though mine are scented with a women perfume
Most likely.
Though I doubt she's hairy
Your sister is weeb
Are talking like you can see her nude tits braless or wearing a shirt over her braless tits?
I haven't seen Galko but isn't it canon that she's hairy?
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Subaru is a Man amongst Men, his actions do the talking, not some shallow words.

Emilia is a cunt.
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Not in the up room of my house because its 200+ years old, its not that bad if the wind is blowing but when it doesn't I'm hot as hell
I live in southern ontario where its the most humid place on the fucking planet because I'm 20 minutes away from of the two biggest fresh water lakes in the world, some days are so hot its almost physically impossible to go outside because its 40c/104f with extreme humidity
You can't burn out because your fatigue resets after you kill yourself.
Both, actually.

She sometimes wore shirts (the ones with the buttons), which kinda covered 'em, but not quite, and she sometimes wore t-shirts and her breasts were bulging through them.

She walked straight-up topless in the morning, though.

She is my sister, though, so I didn't feel much attraction to her. I guess I kinda admired her body, but I never thought anything sexual about her.

Alright, gotta go now, enough offtopic posts. Oh, and I'm ESL so sorry for my shitty english.
Could anyone please give me a link to read the light novel? I've been looking for it for like a week and i can't fucking find anything.
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Here you go, be glad I'm reading it right now.
Your english was ok anon, I wouldn't of known
Thanks for the story
Anyone have the name of that addon which converted kanji/hiragana/katagana to romaji?

It was posted a couple of days ago.
Uh... Now I just need to learn Japanese.
Isn't there any translation?
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Come on, /a/.
nope. Be a man, study trought Genk I and two (at least), download rikaisama and start readining this. Enjoy.
Nah, it was something which turned a whole page of into romaji, not word at a word.

I found a Katakana converter, but it's useful only for the names..
Pay denbts
That's what I'm doing. Still, someone's been posting translated chapters from the first one in some of the other threads.
iirc he is literally tortured to death along with his oni waifu countless times to the point of insanity. He eventually gets out of the loop but rem/ram whichever is dead.

God i hope everyone finds out how fucked he's had it.
If telling someone about the time loop kills them, why doesn't Subaru tell Julius.
google is your friend

>want no reward

pick one
I'm hoping shit happens with Rem's revival process, perhaps if Subaru has to swallow her soul himself before he can puke it back in, which leads her to knowing what the fuck's going on. That could be an interesting development.
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google doesnt give shit
Rem isn't dead, she was eaten by the great whale and put into a coma. And no one but Subaru remembers who she is.
The man is broken inside, can't really blame him too much at this point.
why are so many tumblerinas posting on /a/ about this?
And it's funny because anime ruined his life too
Punished Subaru: A hero denied his Emilia-tan ; ;
Subaru should have just killed him himself when shit went down. He fucked up so bad
Touma has bee through worse loops for longer times. What would Subaru have done in the endless hell?
He's the definition of an internet white knight.
So I guess I can see why some people here like him, or defend him.
The last episode made a black knight because he asked for compensation.
internet white knight = black knight
Right you are. Im retarded.

Still. Sucks ass to be Suba
I mean Touma knew how at least fight before hand with Subaru he just plays VN and hopes he has a strength stat upgrade somewhere along the line
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Is it wrong for a straight male to self insert as a female character?
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Well, everyone here's been self-inserting as Rem for quite awhile now, and no one seems to see anything wrong with that.
Why self-insert when you can marry her?
Its pointless, all the muscle n shit would just poof when he ded-ed
>you want no reward
>eventually she throws you away like a used tool to be kept in the background

If you wanted no reward, then what's the problem?


shit son I'm 2 hours late
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In all ways except physical, I am Karen dess~
Why would she want to marry me? Why would I want to marry her?
Holy shit you opened my eyes at the controversies of the Obama administration brainwashing Elliott in to committing a mass shooting so they can push for gun control

I'm never going to watch a western anime ever again.
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The fact Subaru retains his skills and improves over wach loop at doing house work shows that he is retaining neural rewiring.

For example, holding a knife properly and effortlessly skinning a potato is a skill that requires practice which leads to rewiring the nervous system.

This suggests that not only does his "mind" come back, but so does his neural "map."

Also the way he reacts to various situations further supports this, as the mind is to a large extent influenced by the ecosystem surrounding it. That ecosystem consists of hormones snd neural pathways laid down by the brain.

Resetting to an earlier point prior to trauma would to a large extent dampen or even cure that trauma because all of the physiological, cascading effects of that trauma have also been cleared out.

This would also explain a higher tolerance to constant cycles of death or injury,

Anyway, what this means is that he can definitely learn and master skills over a series of many loops. It would be tough however, reliving the same days over and over.

The best thing about it though is that he wouldnt physically age, so he could cram potentially years of training and reach the same level as that old dude at swordsmanship, or any other physical discipline, and still remain the same exact age.

He could spend his time in between studying books in Beatrices library or taking lessons.

If he could learn how to cast a curse on himself and trigger it while asleep or find a way to make a poison potion to kill himself painlessly in his sleep, then he can extent his loop indefinitely.
>holding a knife properly and effortlessly skinning a potato is a skill that requires practice which leads to rewiring the nervous system.
Didn't he do that immediately after being shown how? It didn't take him any practice at all.
Not that Anon but it did take him practice. At first he had to constantly bandage his fingers.
______ did nothing wrong.
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God I fucking hate self-insert characters, mostly because I hate myself. I don't want to watch a show about what my life would be like if it were more interesting, it just makes me feel like shit.
this thread poses a good point
Isn't it worse to see perfect characters that are nothing like you succeed? I hate seeing certain types of anime couples.
>Worried about his health.
>Wants him to rest and get better
>Completely disregarded and insulted.
>Her fault.
You are right she should have just told the crazy shit to get fucked.
I'm sure that's a factor for a lot of people, sure, but for me personally it was his scenery-chewing cringey monologues.

The way he was written just made him annoying to listen to most of the time, honestly.
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Subaru is so fucking cringy I cant stand it holy shit. I just finished ep 7 and I honestly think he's the worst MC in existence.
Considering what like 5 or 6 deaths have already done to him, not good things. He probably will be a drooling vegetable by hell 200.
that no where close to what's going to happen
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>ungrateful whore
>Isn't it worse to see perfect characters that are nothing like you succeed?
No, because it makes sense. When spineless self-inserts succeed it just makes me think "the faggot just lucked out", when an actual competent and interesting character succeeds I just think "good for him, he earned it"

Incompetence shouldn't be rewarded just because it makes the viewer feel good, it sense the wrong message and just makes me feel worse, like I'm being pandered to and pitied.
Yeah, we all know that it's Subaru who's the true ungrateful whore.
Wilhelm trained and went to war against demons to get good and fuck Reinhardt's grandmother right?

If Subaru repeats what Wilhelm did will he end up with the girl?
He was great in episode 7 please leave.
Is this what kids call onaholes these daya?
are vitriol cannot be understated desu
it's called breaking down and saying things you don't believe but have floating in the back of you head
you can't even save yourself
old shaft, before Oishi got lost in their rape dungeon
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Any doujins of him self inserting?
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it's the show that never ends
yeah but only to get off
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There's a difference though. Evangelion is total garbage compared to Re.Zero
If only this were bait.
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>figured out how to filter Stalker threads due to they always show numbers in the same way
>will never have to worry about those threads getting mixed up with the seasonal show threads I have pinned as well
Feels great.
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Does time rewind when he dies and resets or is he actually jumping timelines like parallel universe type shit?
everything is shit, more at '12

If Time rewinds then so does his memories. So he isn't rewinding.
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Bras are not a comfortable thing.
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I want one
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>sticking the D in craycray
there's like one every other month
I want julius to fuck subaru in the ass.
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i need this page scanned

Alright you got me anon, what is the name of this series. As much as I hate this kind of stories, you gave it an intriguing green text.
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Most depressing anime I have watched since texhnolyze.
Best girl
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> Demons
No, it was the Beastmen War.
Great show, love it.
I'm having no problems self inserting as Subaru. Is it because I'm autistic as well?
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What the fuck is wrong with you guys.
Why are you self inserting as a failure of a white knight with a shitty harem that consists of a filthy half elf, an oni with an inferiority complex and a girl that thirst for clowncock? no complaints about Beatrice

I'm disappointed in you neo /a/. If you're going to self insert you better do it right.

I don't self insert, but I do love my protagonist to suffer as much as they possibly can. He has to suffer, he has to suffer much more.
subaru's suffering came because of his own weakness and because he didnt follow the common "isekai" bigger tips which include going to a guild first instead of falling for the first white haired girl you see. had he gone to the guild first, he would never have any of these problems. thus any and ALL suffering he gets is purely his fault. the retard
beginner instead of bigger. sorry autocorrect

It does not matter to me, people have to suffer in order for me to get enjoyment. Like you said, he has a pretty OP power and would have gotten to the top in no time by his third life if he wasn't messing around but what is the fun in that? I prefer things to go slow and distilled; it make the wine much more satisfying. We all know everything will come crashing down on him by the very end, where he cannot undo his mistakes.
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In the manga english translation, they call subaru "balls"
I swear to god, this instantly made the whole thing better for me.

I am sorry anon, but I don't get it.
>R = L in moonspeak

I don't think it's that funny but if that's what you didn't get, it's just a shitty joke.
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>Older sister gave me the nickname "balls" until she realized why she shouldn't when she was 12

Next level self inserting.
Go on
So how long many episodes is this chapter going to have? 24 r-right?
Nothing else happened. She just stopped, I didn't ask why and realized why she stopped later.

She only gave me the nickname because I was really into sports.
Pretty ballzy of her to do that in the first place
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Am I the only one who is getting a faint Steins;Gate vibe from Re:zero?
Who Onii-sama here?
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Forgot image.
ITT: autists
A vote for Felt is a vote for freedom
Way too few autists actually. Too many normal people who can't empathize with Subaru.
A vote for Emilia is a vote for equality!
All these robots.
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Man I'm glad I dropped this shit
>best show of the entire fucking season
You're missing out.
I haven't wanted to self-insert in fucking years, but I wanted to self-insert and beat the shit out of the knight faggot in the arena.
To be honest I preferred Boku No Hero Academia
From where is this?
So how did it feel when you lost that fight?
Who said I self-inserted as Subaru?
You wouldn't even hate the guy unless you did
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So, /a/'s definition of a self-insert is:
>Anyone who has sympathetic traits that the audience can connect with
Before I fell asleep I thought I'd be some friend of Roswaal that opted to be one of Emilia's knights. I really don't want to go into the specifics as I can hardly deal with having to type all this autism up.
Please understand.
loving someone doesn't mean they have to love you back

In Subaru's case it's not love anyway
Yes it does.
Yes it is. Subaru would give his life for her.
Of course it's love what else can it be?
you poor anons
Don't bother even explaining it to them. I'm sure it's just a female that hates men and considers chad's fucking (Julius/Reinhardt) real love.
Cunts don't deserve their EMT.
>You're my arm, you're my leg.

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