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So she's the evil witch right?

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Thread replies: 172
Thread images: 51

So she's the evil witch right?
we didn't need another thread.
How many threads about evil witches did we have?
>muh generals
Neck yourself fag
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I think rem is c-cute
>Muh thread spam

Kill yourself, fag.

Don't reply to me ever again.
No, I can confirm
>muh anime needs 3 threads
You're deluded and rabid, fag.
>3 threads
We've had atleast 5 max out today.
We need at least 3 for anime and 2 for the and one for the manga
havent had a thread for this anime in awhile
Das racist.
Yes Emilia is the witches body while her soul is still sealed
Red herring.
Rem is
I don't know.
There were 7 threads at once yesterday, shouldn't complain about 3
No she's the evil BITCH
Yes, just what we need, one more thread
She only fits her description. If there's anything beyond that, it's not certain.
She's related in some way, no way the author made her so similar to the Witch to then not have that lead anywhere.
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careful, you'll get called a faggotron by newfag 12 yr olds who think that's a devastating insult.
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Dammit where can I download the manga for this?
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I want to Ram Rem, how do?
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Emilia won't pay her debts. Why is that?
Satella summoned the white knight Neet loser and he ended white knighting her and saving her life while having unlimited continue? Coincidence? I think not.

Probably greek
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Why don't they strip Emilia naked and force her to cum till she confesses to being a witch?
>force her to cum till she confesses to being a witch
She'll just keep cumming forever
She's a half-elf remember
>implying half-elves dont get sensitive
They're whores though.
that doesn't matter
>meanwhile look how puck enjoys himself
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He said nothing wrong though
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She is great!
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>wow subaru
>nice memes keep it up
I think I noticed the people that claimed to take down the pastebins of TL's and summaries are false. Those idiots claim to have read them but I already noticed it.
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Reminder that Subaru has a small penis.
Nah, Ram standards are just too big.
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A witch, or her descendant, yes, but evil no. History is written by the victors. She may have sealed other witches, but what if the evil dragon won.
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>be a lonely NEET playing vidya all day
>suddenly find yourself in a strange fantasy world
>get saved by a cute half elf girl
>fall in love with her
>die trying to protect her
>suddenly you live again
>everything has reset
>die over and over and over again trying to protect her
>you want no reward
>all you want is to be by her side
>you see how she mingles with shiny powerful knights
>you do your best to not say anything despite your jealousy feeling like a stone in your chest
>you notice how she want's less and less to do with you
>eventually she throws you away like a used tool to be kept in the background
>you finally snap and tell her what an ungrateful whore she is

Could just be that Roswaal has such a monster dick that anything else is tiny in comparison.
It was a ruse made by a samefag
Is Subaru a NEET or in high school?
It was strange that there were claims of TL's and summaries not discovered beforehand. And I saw the spoiler images and guess what? All of that, I already saw and the whole "torture" was false.
She wouldn't have thrown him away if he'd stop behaving like a manchild.
But Subaru is really lucky to get treatment like that for free, most of us would have to pay someone to say things like that to us.
He's a high school going shutin.
He goes to school and then comes home to play vidya and watch annie may. Basically both
Subaru...I don't get why he gets all the hate on /a/. Re:Zero is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the knights and a better person than most of them.
What are the main complaints? He acted out of place?
Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking did. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He just stood there and explained his thoughts.
Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE WORLD DIDN'T? You can't even name one fucking character who didn't screw up at one point or another! They'll all laugh at him while having done the same shit a week ago. They'll laugh while they are secretly happy nobody laughed at them. Subaru knew this, he's a fucking ladies man and did all of this to impress Emilia.
And there's this other big complaint you guys have with him. He supposedly acted like an immature child.
Objection! He was worried about his one and only "family", so to speak. Is wanting to be near your loved ones when they face trouble so wrong? When other MCs do the same thing with their family everybody goes full 'oh he's so manly', but when Subaru does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Emilia and the others. He probably was going to train hard enough to beat anybody else.
The story was written to make that faggot Julius look good. Objectively, Subaru is a far better character than Julius. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Julius, and if he weren't stuck without any bullshit blessings like every other knight in the whole country and no plothax he probably end up being the strongest knight to have ever guarded his princess.
NEET. He's supposed to be in school but he's skipping it.
which thread are we using this time
Put the anime's title in the subject field faggot
No such thing as cross-timeline debts
But there aren't any faggots in the new thread dialog, subject field or otherwise.
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Which re zero girl would you rape
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Who cares?
Subaru is best girl.
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Am I the only one that likes Ram better?
Na the wish just looks pretty much like her and at somepoint in the story takes control of emilia for a short time.Emilia will probably be some kind of vessel for the witch.That's probably also why subaru wants to defend her so bad since yeah witch influences him a lot
Me on the left.
calling it now
>Rem awakens from coma
>Emilia's true nature comes to light
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The dream the king had.png
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Well then, good luck with that.
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>>Emilia's true nature comes to light
Maybe after the country elects the antichrist. That's basically what this plot is all about, isn't it? I only ever skimmed revelations.
why did she even introduce herself as satella if she's not?
It's possible Satella has some influence over her too, and made her think it was a good idea. She was really probably just trying to scare Subaru off, like a guy with horns introducing himself as Satan.
Yeah because anyone here is a great expert of dieing and reliving our past life again.
I don't know, that's kind of how every day feels to me.
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Is that the latest meme compilation?
>Dark Lord
>still using the worst dark spell
Shaking my head to be honest, family.
You underestimate the abilities of smoke screen.
i once got rekt due to someone using smoke screen...
It's going to be hilarious if he goes full chuuni edgelord at any time, and you damned well know he's the kind of guy who would do it.
There is a difference between going to school and being NEET.
He was skipping school and would have had to repeat a year if he went back. He was a NEET.
I never thought of it like this.

>Rem becomes comatose for subsequent arcs after 3
>during which Emilia is given ample time to develop feelings for Subaru
>she then has something to potentially be jealous of if Rem wakes up

Sounds a bit too obvious, actually.
Wasn't there something about Subaru absorbing a weakened version of each Apostle's ability or something later on?
Yes. Them being weakend is most likely due to his fractured managate
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So has anyone heard which authors will be doing doujins of the maids being raped?
Why not sweet, loving, consensual sex between Subaru and the maids?
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>died countless time to keep her and everyone else alive
>get told to fuck off because of some aristocrat etiquette shit

i would've been triggered as well.
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Yandere Rem.jpg
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More like Subaru being raped by the maid until he's mindbroken.
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>Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades.
>The Pleiades are seven stars also known as the Seven Sisters.
>Subaru is absorbing the Seven Sins
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Did you think it was just a meme?
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I kinda want to rape Elsa's corpse.
There's actually a Subaru Tower, isn't there?
Oh yeah, I was going to read this on the web archive one of these days.
kimochi warui

>drawing femdom

most of them are too beta to do it.
some fucking retard told and went everyone about that

Fucking hell
Chapter 1-10A, B, & C is missing though
you sick fuck!
nanodesu removed the tls themselves, no one reported them
How come they all speak Japanese. Are they speaking some different language. Are they speaking some other language and he just hears it in his head as Japanese and visa versa due to magic?
>kimochi warui

What did she mean by this?
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we just don't know.gif
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Their written language is different so maybe you're right.
Yes. It's Satella's magic.
that banner is cute!
subaru should forget about emilia-tan and marry rem
Speaking of which. What's with the Kansai dialect meme?
Ah damn.
>most of them are too beta to do it.
I think I've seen only one picture of it, which is a bit of a shame considering her attitude and strength. I mean, she's actually tried to drug his tea before.
Only Al and Subaru call it that.
There's a dialect in Japanese where people have a particular accent when speaking in certain areas of Japan. Some places in Kararagi have that accent. They go there and find out the customs and food are VERY similar to Japan. It can be considered that people in the past may have also came from Japan. In Arc 5, Beatrice accidentally eats wasabi.
why did roswal start that demon beast curse thing
>He only uses stolen goods and he certainly has a good eye for valuable goods.

Who translated this? Have they ever written in English before?
Rem can eat shit.

Subaru should work harder to win Emilia's heart.
Why even bother, Rem is cuter anyway!
EMT a best.
Rem is in love with him though.
yeah she sure is
Post your version
Yeah, and it's practically guaranteed that the sex with her would be better, whereas Emilia's too mentally immature to even know what sex is or what an adult relationship entails.

Back to facebook you go faggot.
Are you telling me to translate it myself or to improve the English?

Post the original, if you have it.

For one thing what does "uses stolen goods" mean?

"Deals in stolen goods" surely?

Using the same word twice in the same sentence is terrible stylistics. "Has a good eye for valuables" would be fine.

There, I improved it twofold already.
you are correct

>adult relationship
more like teenage relationship these days
If you want to have sex with a murderer, Elsa is better.

Elsa is tall as fuck.

Meanwhile, Rem is short and would only produce manlet sons.
You know what I meant. It'd feel a bit creepy to pursue a relationship with someone who didn't even know how babies were made, since that person isn't going to know any better about a lot of things. Rem feels like she'd be more on the same page as Subaru.
Yeah, but Elsa is the wrong kind of murderer.
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No, there are many other faggots around here.
It would be fucking awesome if she turns out to be evil but I really don't have faith in the author
Better authors have passed similiar opportunities either intentionally or not, I doubt this retard can even conceive this idea
Why the fuck do you need 2 MB to post Broccoli
But he did everything wrong.

Real Money Trades
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>He looks at her and speaks, “Not to the imitation that’s trying to fill in that vessel, but at the girl herself”. While he chokes on his blood he tries cough out his words
>“I’ll, definitely----“
>----save you.
What did he mean by this?
That he will definitely save the girl herself, not the imitation that's trying to fill in that vessel.
They're one and the same.
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And in this thread too... For fuck sake
>Nice Guy: The Post
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SHAMAC !!!!!
smokescreen isn't an awesome attack and anybody with real respect wouldn't use it
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FMT is superior.
possibly, but possibly not. there are good points to be made for both sides
Does he have an editor? I would b more concerned with that and the fear of hindering the merch and volumes sells.
Isn't it possible that she's spiritually bipolar?
The tower of Pleidaes does exist
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