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Hunter x Hunter

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Chapter 359 spoiler summary, part 1

So the ship left port. A female staff member explains that in 2 months they'll reach the dark continent. They'll travel 3 weeks in waters where humans fish/navigate, then enter uncharted waters, which are very dangerous because of storms and such. In a room, Gel /Cluck/ Pyon/ Ginta of the Zodiac (dunno the usual spelling) and the female doctor that appeared in the election arc are talking.

While the Kakin royals and normal travellers will get off at the dark continent, they will board Morau's ship and go to a gate where a gatekeeper is waiting. They'll build a checkpoint on a small island on the way, where Nov will manage people and goods' traffic. Tokyarine will handle the traffic from the continent to that island. Tokyarine (short thick woman with bob hair) asks for more people to help because her ability's not as good as Nov. Gel says they're searching but it's not easy.

First floor, Biondo's cell. Kanzai, Sancho and Sayuu are watching over him. They discuss that putting 3 people to guard one guy is too much.That glasses guy (?) is studying new world documents in his room

Two of his colleagues make fun of him for reading that again, as he should have memorized it already. But he urges them to read the chapter about the maze city where they're heading. It's not official, but apparently the International Travel Permission Bureau's head is one of the "sole survivors".

And glasses guy is living proof of Biondo's results, so he's not in danger of dying.3rd floor, infirmary, Cheadle and Leorio are in a hurry. They're arranging medicines and stuff for the staff. 4th floor, Royal army conference room. Mizai and military people are in a briefing3rd floor, central court. Bodobai trial in progress.1st floor, boys' toilet. Kurapika has a corpse from which all blood was removed in front of him.
Part 2

Black clothes (?) says it's Woody, he found him like this when he went looking for him. The stall wasn't locked, he died between 12:15 and 12:30. No traces of the killer, which must be someone in the area. Kurapika objects and takes off the corpse's clothes, which is riddled with tiny holes. Kurapika thinks the killer used Nen, and asks black clothes to speak up if there are nen users among them, but he seems to no even know what nen is.

Kurapika orders for the corpse to be given to the royal army. He asks the hunters behind him why they didn't speak about their nen ability, but they answer back that their duty is just protecting the queen and prince, and this murder is just trouble within the army, and they don't want to get involved. Kurapika is surprised that they weren't informed of the succession conflict.

The hunters applied for this job but didnt meet the queen, so they don't know anything apparently.1st floor ceremony venue - Black clothes announces the queen will now leave the room. Benjamin thinks that the departure ceremony was a 14-battle royale, and swears that as first prince he isn't going to let anyone else get the throne. Kacho and Fuugetsu try to to leave together, saying thay have stuff to talk about.

Kacho whispers that they'll only collaborate to kill all the other princes. Once only the 2 of them remain, she (?) will ask the king (dad) to not let Fugetsu die, and to keep their friendly act in front of the cameras.

Senritsu heard it all and is kind of shocked. Back to Kurapika. 4 guards are dead, blood sucked out. Kurapika materializes his chain and has a gun. He points it at the hunters and says; "I'm going to tell you everything I know now, and ask some questions. If anyone lies, the chain spins, if the chain spins, I shoot!"

Next week, the game (killing) starts with the ship's departure horn!
>hunters with guns

must be a deadly force.

How strong is Kurapika, anyway? I know he's talented, but none of the revealed chains are useful in combat against non-spiders other than the healer chain.
How many chains has he revealed up to now? Dousing, healing, zetsu-forcing and the covenant one? 2 of which are only useful for spiders so he has like 1 that he hasn't revealed right? Or does he have 5 more on the other hand I don't remember
We know for a fact that he's extremely smart (enough for Pariston to think he's worthy of being his replacement) and isn't no slouch when it comes to physical stuff either, he tanked Uvo's punch. Emperor Time is also pretty broken as an ability.
Since when is /a/ the fanfiction board?

>2 of which are only useful for spiders so he has like

Chain Jail is the only one with the Spider restriction.
Healing and sometimes Dousing only need Emperor Time to be active.
Judgment is an esoteric utility ability. The target needs to either be willing or immobilized(like with Chain Jail) for it to be placed around their heart.
His final chain is a mystery.
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>How strong is Kurapika, anyway?

These spoilers are actually legit unlike the past 2 or 3 waves.

Real spoilers have appeared in the very early morning hours of Wednesday lately.
The last one is a dildo chain she uses for herself.
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>Woble's Nen beast is a mosquito

Really Togashi?
Did you guys even read the spoilers? The last chain is quite clearly the gun

no lie, that would be hilarious

Nen is strong, but it's still not like, bullets strong (usually)
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This is gonna happen
Wow, that so badass, so hardcore, so dominating.
Leave Bunny alone, she a good girl
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>Next week, the game (killing) starts with the ship's departure horn!
I wasn't expecting the blood bath to start for a couple more chapters. I thought we'd get some background on other princes before death

but getting to see Pika in action sooner is always good.
>Shoots and Knuckle
They're not on the boat.
>anime designs
>shit chart
Kill yourself to be honest

If we ever reach a climax where this series might end, I think Kurapika could die. Sadly, the same could apply to Leorio.
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So the it was the Hoover girl from the spiders who sucked the blood from that guy, right?
Why Muherr and Oito?
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>Beast hunters
>"Morel's team"

You know they will be.

If anyone can pacify some of the Dark Continent horrors, it's Knuckle.

Well, at least until he runs into something that kills humans on-sight. ;_;
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>it's a "the big event starts next week" chapter

At least the ship is off and the intrigue begins
It's obviously the Hoover girl from the spiders
>I wasn't expecting the blood bath to start for a couple more chapters.

Nah, this is a 3 Month trip.

The major blood baths are at the start before everyone is situated, in the middle where they're too far from outside interference either way to get any outside help, and at the end because it'll be the last chance to grab kills in that contained space before the Princes are able to scatter.

Honestly, I feel the succession war is going to be entirely on the boat and the landing in the Dark Continent will just be a formality at that point where we follow those who actually want to go adventure there.
Anon, stop, I want them to live a happy life.
They're in the wrong series
How many times will you autists keep believing fake spoilers? Every fucking week with this stupid shit.
If Morel dies after all the shit he went through during CA Arc I'm gonna be so upset.
I remember that nonsensical early spoiler a couple weeks back about Hisoka coming back from the dead and killing Kortopi in a washroom followed by Shalnark

Some people are really naive
Somewhat funny that a seemingly regular snake is so dangerous .
>Kurapika objects and takes off the corpse's clothes, which is riddled with tiny holes. Kurapika thinks the killer used Nen
I remember a couple people in the last thread saying this was Shizuku's doing. But i doubt that. I doubt the spiders would leave so much physical evidence lying around when they can suck up an entire auditorium full of dead people and have it spotless.

its probably body guard for a Prince or nen beast
Morel was the MVP in CA Arc
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Why is the art so much better now? New guy? Last time I checked, it was on par with an 14 year old's first doodles
Togashi finally finished Dragon Quest
pls no Phinks ;_;
Considering he's the captain I expect him to go down with the ship, but god damn, Togashi better not make his death useless or a waste.
Because you fell for the meme
Likely because Togashi has finally found a way to get around his illness.
So, is Togashi's health better now?
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What did he mean by this?
The slav better start developing connections to important characters in a hurry then because the spiders in general sure get quite the role reversal in this series
They chilled together in Yorknew and he got to know him better
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>doesn't know
come on anon
I actually wanna see that chrollo design again
Now he looks as emo/punk
then he was creepy and nice
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cute <3
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That's what Shizuka does, though. Suck out blood through many holes.

Togashi finally stopped being lazy. He was always good.
>That's what Shizuka does, though. Suck out blood through many holes.
yeah but she can suck up dead bodies too, why leave a huge "we did it" card on the ground
But once the guy is dead she can suck in the whole body.
Idiot. These are real. Wednesday morning spoilers along with Togashi's comment are always legit. Everything before is fake.
Maybe that had to, had to run
or maybe it was in AngelesLos or FranciscoSan

>hxh turns into murder mystery

i'm liking this
My guess is to sow discord amongst the princes. The Phantoms are just thieves, they probably haven't been hired.
Morel can handle Hisoka by himself

To cause chaos and make infiltration easier. It's going pretty well considering Kurapika is now threatening people at gunpoint.

A body that's been drained of all its blood is far more unnerving than someone simply going missing.
It's Yorkshin
Those thinking that it's Shizuku are simpletons.
>Chrollo meets Prince Bateman
>"Long time no see, how are those scarlet eyes doing? Heard there's a feminine guy after them on this ship, wanna join forces?"
>"Fuck yeah Kuroalo let's fucking go!"
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That's what I said, Yorknew
Why do you insist on calling it the wrong name?
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>end of the arc
>same room
>Hisoka vs Chrollo and Kurapika vs 4th Prince's Spirit Beast (strongest and most fucked up)

Please Togashi
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>2 birds with one stone
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Hunter Times Hunter
>>"Fuck yeah Kuroalo let's fucking go!"
>Tserriednich talking like a retard.
Fuck off you worthless trash.
Why do the best boys have to hate each other?
>11 straight chapters

Togashi is finally fit again, the anime might come back in 2021 for the 10 year anniversary at this rate.
Pls no jinx
Don't fucking jinx it anon. I reckon we'll get another two volumes worth of content before another hiatus.
If a hiatus is announced in this week's chapter I'm blaming you.
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>Implying Madhouse are interested in HxH without Gon and Killua
>togashi dying
>national grief day

>QT assassin elf dying

good point
i wonder though who will be the main character we see the most in the intro for this arc?
hisoka? kurapika?
Only if BONES or Pierrot pick it.
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Thank you anon
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lets get Kazuhiro Furuhashi back then
Just watch it'll still be Gon and Killua. I was fucking pissed when Gon still got the spotlight in the Yorknew arc opening
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>main character

It would have been announced in the spoilers.
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I would've want to see a full adaptation by them. Always thought this is the most suitable studio for HxH.
>Tfw probably having to overhaul the Hunter Association and V5 sections of the infograph

At least the princes part can easily be added.
i have the feeling that Hanzo is the pokkle for Dark Continet Arc
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Infographs are great, keep doing your best.
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Whichever the new studio is, they better bring back this fucker, otherwise it will suck.
Could you make the infograph more compact next time you release it
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>actually thinking this
Hanzo was top tier in the hunter exam and he didn't even have nen.

You damn well know he is.

>Main antagonistic force in Hunter Exam
>Final boss of Heaven's Arena
>Kurapika's informant and master ruseman in Yorkshin
>Helped Gon and Killua while finding the nen exorcist on Greed Island
>[Only absent arc] - Chimera Ant
>Illumi's partner in crime during Election
>Spider hunting slasher movie villain during Dark Continent, POV during Chrollo fight

He's certainly more important than Leorio.
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>probably die
Who would even fucking kill her?
Like Hisoka would let that happen
Is there a genre that Togashi can't write? I think his goal with this series is to cover every fiction genre.
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So we're all rooting for Kurapika in this clusterfuck right? He's a good person.
>it's an arc without Killua

why even bother reading
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We have not seen Ging and Pariston in a while. Really curious what they have been up to.
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>we're all rooting for Kurapika
No, fuck off. We are rooting for Hisoka.
>bunndy girl
I'll fucking murder someone if that occurs.
Middle ground; let's root against spiders
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>never not rooting for Pika
whats wrong with you? Pika is always #1
>not wanting them to team up again
You want him to suffer more after CA and Election? Give Gon and Killua some rest.
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As long as Leorio becomes the new savior of the world, everyone else can fucking die
Saving this.
Let's see how right you are, 50 years from now when the arc is done.
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>In charge of interacting with unknown civilizations on the Dark Continent
>Ripe young female
>Weakest of the 3 Zodiacs graded by Hisoka

This can't end well.

Did I mention at least one species, namely chimera ants, rapes females of other species and makes them give birth to new ant queens?
No. After the Spiders it's Kurapika's turn. The Hisoka train has no breaks.

The less Pika we get, the better.
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The problem with Hisoka+Pika vs ryodan is Hisoka won't let Kurapika kill Chrollo, there's just no way, he'd rather kill Kurapika than not kill Chrollo himself.

The best case scenario IF they work together is Hisoka pinning Kurapika somewhere like he did with Machi.
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Speak for yourself clown
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>The less Pika we get, the better.
>be able to read portuguese
>Pika is slang for dick
>Kura means cure
>2 months of /a/ saying Kura and Pika non-stop
>laugh alone
Time to return to tumblr, friend.
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There's no such thing as "Yorkshin arc opening". That was basically Exam/Arena opening with the addition of few new shots (even though GI, CA and Election all got openings with full-fledged visuals).

Which once again proves how little they cared about this arc.
Doujins eventually!
>The less Pika we get, the better.
worst taste possible
Hisoka's last is portuguese right?
>Which once again proves how little they cared about this arc.
If that's what you were trying to say then you are stupid.
Why is Gon such a perfect boy?
yeah, it's something like "Hisoka lived here" so isn't that funny
It's cause he's simple.

Simple things are best.
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Literally perfection

will you ever get tired of being wrong?
>shipping Gon and Hisoka

Literal cancer
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>Rooting for a jobber
Haha no. Pika all the way.
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who has more sexual experience?

Gon or Hisoka
Hisokafags, everyone
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As if Pika needs the clown's permission to kill Chrollo.
Pika has cucked Hisoka before and he'll do it again

Surprisingly, Gon.

Hisoka's great at aroused killing, but he's actually pretty shy in the bedroom.
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>not being a hisogonfag
Literally kill yourself.

Fuck off.

Oh come on now, I know you Pikafags love your boy a lot but Hisoka could (And will if he has to) absolutely maul him.
consider how much of an idiot he was in the Chrollo fight recently I wouldn't count on that.
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>Believing the clown who got BTFO by a thief could beat the man who punked the same thief
>Believing the clown can beat the man who cucked him
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You're too overconfident. Kurapika is mid-tier (around Knuckle and Shoot at best) and definitely going to struggle.

I'm pikafag by the way. We should be more realistic because now you guys just give haters even more reasons for gloating in the future.
all these faggots... im out
Murasaki hasn't though of an ability for his final chain on his right hand let alone one for his left hand
But Pika has MC plot armor so not even Meruem with a Rose inside his ass can harm him.
>Kurapika is mid-tier (around Knuckle and Shoot at best)
Not that guy but what the fuck makes you think Knuckle couldn't beat Hisoka?
Say with me boys!
You fuck off, you Tumblrwhale faggot.
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Remember when Pikafags complained how obnoxious Hisoka and Chrollofags were?

>Extremely emotional enhancer against Hisoka
>not a death sentence
Morel's students could decimate your shitty clown.
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Saying Pika could beat Hisoka is obnoxious? Take the stick out of your ass.
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Hisokafags are literally posting Hisoka X Gon fan art, but Pikafags are being more annoying? Please.
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>>Kurapika is mid-tier
>the very guy that has the entire mafia of Yorkshin by the balls
>cucked hisoka and capture danchou in one fell swoop
>is a zodiac
>head of security in the DC boat
>Mid tier
you don't what the word means clearly
> enhancer
Next you'll tell me netero was a emitter.
isn't his wife helping him out?
He's talented and smart, but he doesn't have a convenient nen for battle, depending on what his last chain is. But other than that, he hasn't had the non-stop training Gon and Killua have had.

He's a mid-tier who can reach into high-tier.
I have a feeling Mizaisom is one of the liklier ones to be in the firing line
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I don't doubt his intelligence and leadership skills and talk solely about raw strength and combat experience.

There is nothing annoying about fanart. These threads are so terrible because popele complain about everything.

-fags this, -fags that wonder who forced this rivalry in HxH threads.
Kill yourself.
Because he's Yusuke's son which makes him 2nd best boy like his father once was.
I love how people always suck up to Sasuke-like characters like Kurapika, but I don't think I will ever understand it.
Wait, who's best boy then?
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>forgetting emperor time
I don't mind normal fan art, but this is shipping a pedophile with a young boy. That is cancer.
Knuckles was a Emitter with a good amount of training in Enhancer category and some in Manipulation. You would think he was a Conjurer but it's actually just a combination of Emitter and Manipulation to make his Bankrupt thing.
>There is nothing annoying about fanart.
No, but that's not just fanart. It's fujoshit fanart. It's paedo fujoshit fanart from self-inserting Hisokafags. That's annoying,
You are cancer.
Kurapika. Killua's a little shit, and Leorio is now a grown ass man.
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>I don't mind normal fan art, but this is shipping a pedophile with a young boy. That is cancer.
Where the fuck do you think you are? Fuck off back to Plebbit.
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And then there these guys.
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>he hasn't had the non-stop training Gon and Killua have had.
If Izunavi was around him during CA (there's is a possibility) he could have the same training too.
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And you fuck off back to Dumblr, you cancerous retard.
I'm surprised Kurapika stayed in touch with Izunavi. I thought pika would get what he wanted and left.
Fugoshits, back to tumblr please

Conjurers are shit at ranged attacks. It would take heavy limitations just to "infect" and track someone with Potclean, let alone program it to calculate the target's aura and remotely force a zetsu state.

The sheer complexity of a ranged attack like Knuckle's is something only an Emitter can competently pull off.
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>there are people itt right now who seriously believe Hisoka or Chrollo(Now that he has knowledge of Pika's ability) wouldn't absolutely destroy Kurapika.
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Nice digits.
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They are dead as Kortopi.
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>ITT people think Kurapika is stupid enough to fight Chrollo/Hisoka blind and without a plan
As we've seen from the recent fight, Hisoka is a retard who doesn't take into account the planning and preparations made in a fight by his opponent. Against one of the most analytical characters in the series, who almost always plans his next move? Yeah, the clown is a dead man.

I agree about Chrollo, though.
>Pika is the only one that can come up with plans
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>there are people in a hxh thread who don't like shota
Isn't New York the same as Gotham City, or Sin City?
This city clearly has an aura of darkness.
Who the fuck said that? Are you stupid?
Can you fucks stop arguing about power levels for 5 seconds
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how did they make this far if they didn't?
You can find Kurapika x Chrollo fanart in this thread even.
theres a difference between powerlevel arguing and completely describing a character wrong.
That's because the hatesex would be glorious
Exactly this. Conjurers are so strange, you don't see enough of them in HxH. I enjoy a lot of their unique things they create and the series could use some more cool ones.
Because fundamentally he isn't as much of a loner as some people tend to describe him which isn't surprising considering he was basically Gon+Ging in his childhood.
I want to protect Myanmar
See, that's why all of you fags are cancer.
>Conjurers are shit at ranged attacks
Depends on the weapon. Kite has a rifle, Kurapika can extend some of his chains and so on. And Shizuku, Bono, Welfin. Basically, you are talking shit.
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I hope Pika gets his eyes back and kills all the spiders on the boat so he can finally put revenge behind him
Hisoka is also one of the more intelligent characters, he deliberately put the odds against him vs Chrollo.

Kurapika has even less of a chance against Hisoka than against Chrollo, the reason Kurapika can even hope to battle Chrollo is because of his ryodan chain hax.

Hisoka will just walk over him, what's he gonna do? Emperor time for 100% Enhancement? I'm pretty sure Hisoka fought enhancers taller than 5'7
>Tumblr nose
Kill yourself
That's chinese fanart, man.
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tfw he'll probably die to hype up something/someone
Killing the spiders, getting all the eyes and then just "moving on" without consequences would be too simple
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1. fuck you
2. no official Viz translation of Pika story
3. Don't have the raws
>he deliberately put the odds against him vs Chrollo.
And he got fucked for it. That's not what a smart character does. If he walks into Pika's plan then he'd get fucked again. Not because he's stronger than Hisoka, but from we've seen he's much smarter than him. There's also the fact that Hisoka is weaker than Chrollo so Pika not being able to use Chain Jail on him is negligible. And what the fuck does someone's height have to do with anything? Chrollo's a manlet and he completely annihilated Hisoka.
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>TFW don't even remember who 3/4s of these characters and don't remember probably 85% of the names

I really should reread the series. I was caught up until the last hiatus but fuck, the election arc and beginning of the DC arc I don't remember shit from.
>too simple
why? Togashi is all about anti-climatic

personally Pika doesn't need a full blown 30 chapters of "what do I do now with my life" sob story.
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Will pika ever wear his best outfit again?
Probably not
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I hope he wears new Kurta clothes.
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How can Pika compete against this fashion God?
Hopefully not
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Can't wait for best boys.
>And he got fucked for it.

>If he walks into Pika's plan then he'd get fucked again.
That's like saying if Hisoka walks into Killua's trap he's gonna get fucked, just no. And why would Hisoka "walk into Pika's plan?" Pika is some interesting side character like Shalnark to Hisoka. He won't give him the kind of privilege or attention Chrollo gets.

>There's also the fact that Hisoka is weaker than Chrollo
Let's not start that argument but the situation is completely different, Kurapika attacks in close combat and with his chains, without Chain Chail there's no way Kurapika can feasibly attack Hisoka without getting rubber meme'd.

Just shoots bullets, no fancy tricks.
Extended chains are still connected to the body. He outright says they lose almost all power when disconnected, and that Emperor Time is mandatory for a Conjuration/Emission/Manipulation skill like Judgment Chain.
No real ranged usage. The vacuum is always held by her and relies on natural suction force to pull things in.
Dance limitations + Jupiter simply crushes with sheer weight, no fancy tricks.
Stupidly heavy limitations like having to show the missiles, giving the target a question or order, and then the target disobeying.
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You fucked it up
Get fucked kiddo
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People don't honestly want that, do they? Don't you realize how cruel and pointless that would be for the character?
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Good riddance.
I am a gigantic Pitoufag but even I know that bringing her back to life would be fucking stupid.
Why is he so perfect?
Honestly I kinda wanted to see how the royal guards would act without the king.
cute boy
Pitou's nen resurrected her, and since there is no king, she will join gon in wacky adventures !

singles confirm it
Does anyone have that Dark Continent expedition chart that shows which characters are in what?
They'd commit suicide.
>not wanting best girl and cat back, literally better than any spider
I thought hxh readers were mature, yet why is this place so toxic?
Pouf would definitely, but Pitou actually seemed to have personality outside complete worship of the king
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Machi and Paku are better.
>better than machi

It's time to stop posting.
>I thought hxh readers were mature
>Pouf kills himselfs or goes full keikaku in order to wipe humanity
>youpi goes berserk and kills himself
>Pitou goes Hisoka mode and befriends Gon
They would despair endlessly. Is that want you want to see, bottomless sufferng? Pitou killing herself because she couldn't save Meruem? Youpi cursing the world and exploding in his own fiery rage?

I could go for some more Pouf tears though.
Pitou absolutely loved Meruem himself, she would be the first to kill herself.
It would be a complete asspull and it wouldn't work at all, but I do anon. I really do.
>Barfing anime girl.jpg

their lust for cuckrollo dick killed shalnark, also

Machi > Paku > Shitzuku
Pakunoda > Shizuku > dumb cocksleeve
All of them have complete worship of the King, they just have different ways of going at it. Pitou was ready to sacrifice everything just so she could save Komugi, and was glad to be the focus of Gon's rage instead of Meruem. She'd definitely kill herself.
Hisoka's saltiness killed Shalnark.
gon san was a generic shonen power up asspull

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Pika is 100% going to die in dark continent
Nope, but I'm pretty sure we'll see the king's body again.
Machi is a very intelligent cocksleeve you idiot
>shitzuku above Machi

Phinks is a better girl than shitzuku
Gon will be back next chapter and he will have his fishing rod too
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Why would he go on it? Finding his ancestors as he has no family?
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if singles Machi will leave the boat alive and then she will bear Hisoka child
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morel is goat and is considered special by togashi, judging how he was treated in the election arc. Wonder if he found his pipe or not though
That's why it would be great.
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phinks is actually pretty shy
I can see these characters being Yandere and Tsundere
If you saying that won't make it true
I loved her design, pls don't be fodder
Why is Phinks always with Feitan?
I get that Shizuku is stronger with Franklin, or Kuroro with Korutopi, but what about a cycling punch and a death star?
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>If they hadn't already died or been infected, Meruem's last order to the royal guards probably would have been advising them to try to get along with people

No Pouf committing suicide in despair.
No Youpi tagging along with Knuckle, Shoot, and Morel.
No Pitou's apology and lack of antagonism causing Gon's sanity to take the hit instead of his body and nen, at least until he finds out about ant Kite.
>it begins
they are both edgy
this is my waifu do not steal
Enhancers and Transmuters are attracted to one other.

Pouf can control millions, Illumi hundreds and Shalnark just one, Why shalnark is such a shitty manipulator ?

>falling for it yet again
Shalnark can give more complex orders
conjurers = having autism
>memeing about every girl in the series
Every thread.
he can also go super sayan
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Why Chrollo said "That's right" and "That's fine/Yes just like that" on the phone to a puppet is a mystery.

The "fishing line" implies Machi might be helping out.

A man who looks suspiciously like the supposed dead elder is to be found in the crowd.

The "Antenna" Hisoka picks up looks nothing like Shal's antennas and more like needles, one can also be seen in Chrollo's neck at one point.

Hisoka says that by the sheer time factor alone Chrollo should be able to create 20-30 puppets yet Hisoka is swarmed by 200 non exploding ones plus a sizable amount who have Sun+Moon on them.

All the Spiders(And no others) whose abilities were used in the fight were at Heaven's arena.

Chrollo might have been lying about how his abilities work to make Hisoka focus on the rules rather than on the obvious.

FRESH CONSPIRACY: The wound Hisoka inflicts with the head magically disappears.
lllumi puppets can take the same orders, even better
Pouf's death was the most satisfying to me. Utterly defeated without physical conflict, died cold and alone with tears in his eyes.
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Shalnark can remote control people, Illumi gives a order once.
Just that show more complex control
Illumi must have a really good restriction.
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it was 1v1
Pika will kill her
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Pouf, Pariston, Paku and Illumi are my favorite characters

and Pufu is probably the best written character in the whole hunter x manga
Fuck you, it was sad.

RGs were so much better than this egoistic cunt Meruem.

He truly didn't deserve them.
This is not an absolute rule.
>being this dumb and not understanding the trope's subversion
Illumi would rape shalnark
I think Bateman will. He loves to skin women after all. I wonder if he'll wear her skin as a coat?
How can Feitan be harmed if Phinks crush enemies with one hit?
How to surprise enemy if Phinks flies whenever Feitan is using the sun?
This duo bugs me.
Theory, Kanzai's nen involves emitting baseballs and throwing them at his opponents
I think no one would say otherwise
Awesome taste, they're all in my top-7 too.

Illumi & Pariston > Chrollo & Hisoka
>defending dumb aspulls because MUH DEEP PLOT
We arent discussing who would rape who, we are discussing the different principles of their nen
He's not psychopath, he just like flesh art.

Shalnark has Auto-pilot and complete control over targets, complete with eyesight live video feed.

For Illumi to achieve nearly the same level of control on one person as Shalnark, he has to pump them with about a dozen needles instead of one antenna.
It wasn't an asspull at all, it had plenty of setup and worked with both the established rules of nen and Gon's character.
I remember him in a bath with blood everywhere he's a psychopath
Don't fall for the bait.
I think the needles on his vest are actually piercing his flesh, and that he has charge them with his aura over a period of time.

I also suspect the complexity of the orders he can give is determined by the number of needles he sticks them with. IE, when he controlled the mafia don after he assassinated him (you know, the guy who gave the announcement via TV) the back of his head was full of needles.
Still waiting for cute loli kite and Gon adventures to the dark continent.
He's a Freecss. His dad is among 5 best nen users, his grand dad is(was?) the only human on DC.
I hope Kite is an adult now and looks like a female version of his old self.
>Can't even spot a fictional character who kills for fun as a killer
These character fags are fucking retarded and I love Tse-kun.
I hope he has huge boobs
yeah this is it, also he needs to hit specific parts of the brain to giive certain orders, the "cast-off" needlemen were controlled with no finesse
combining nen with superhuman skill is the way to go when designing hatsus, see morel
>I think the needles on his vest are actually piercing his flesh
Holy shit I never thought about that
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>His dad is among 5 best nen users
You're kidding right? This hobo is only good at palour tricks
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illumi don't give a fuck
What if Don freecss fought some ants on the DC, and got eaten by a calamity (the queen)?
Then, loving the taste, she decided to go in the human world?
What if the king she was talking about soon she arrived was the result of Don?
>muh fanfiction!!!
remember when you were wrong about Hisoka coming back to life
It could go either way, girl Kite uses both pronouns depending on the person.
No, Kite's a girl now.

Interestingly, she uses a female pronoun, but switches to "ore" when speaking with Gon. Is that supposed to be the old Kite emerging, or is Kite just trying to comfort Gon with familiarity?
lmao looks like he/she discussions are off limits in hxh threads
fucking manga is rife with traps, it's actually very confusing
Illumi is honestly one of the most creppy characters in the series. He somehow manages to outcreep his eldritch abomination sibling
>rife with traps
>literally two traps (and maybe Tyson will make three)
oh definitely, probably my favorite Zoldyck. I hope we see more of him
Kurapika is now a Deadly Chaser
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alluka, kalluto, pitou, kaito is now transgender, pika feminine in the beginning, gets called on it
don't be defensive because of the incessant shitposting
there is enough faggotry as it is
>alluka, kalluto
those are the only actual traps.
ambiguous, not a trap
not transgender, much less a trap.

if preferring to get the facts right means I'm being "defensive", then there's something seriously wrong with you.
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you're missing the point, anon had his post deleted about kaito's new brain, will he change his mindset now that he's female?
But we can't talk about that shit because of the pitou situation
Can't wait to get new Kurapika reaction images off the chapter tomorrow
Alluka and Kalluto I can give you. Very possible Illumi and Milluki went through the same shit because of their retarded mother.

Pitou had tits.

Kite was a man and his soul transferred into a female's body. It's not the same thing.

I don't even understand why someone would say Kurapika is not a male.
Isn't Kalluto and Alluka appearance an old japanese custom?
Dress your male kids as females so the spirits don't take them away?
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Why do you want Gon to be eviscerated?

Even when he had nen, normal Jajanken would be completely useless against Dark Continent threats. Almost no monster is going to give a shit about his charge time roulette, and almost all of them are likely too durable or colossal for punch/cut/weak energy blast to have any noticeable effect. Pitou isn't even close to being the strongest chimera ant, and his "odds" vs >her were how many seconds it would take for his head to go flying.

Note that that's just for average monsters. Gon's only hope against calamity tier threats would be not pissing them off, and some of them aren't nice enough to let him try.
I believe it is related to their mother more than anything else.
Ask that anon why he deleted his post, it has nothing to do with anything being "off limits".

Kite's clearly different on some level considering she's using a female pronoun.
>Kite just trying to comfort Gon with familiarity?
probably this
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we might see a return to survivalism and true hunting this arc, something gon is very good at
combat strength seems to be negligible in DC, what matters is skills and savvy
>Pitou isn't even close to being the strongest chimera ant
Not him but the fuck are you talking about?
Pitou was probably only under the King and MAYBE Youpi.
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Damn Togashi stop making me gay with all those attractive males
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>Pitou was probably under the King
You only listed two traps.
I was wondering it that custom existed.
If you take a look at the flashbacks, Alluka and Kalluto are normal dressed. So maybe the new costumes had its orign in Nanika's actions and superstitions surrounding it.

I was going to say that they'd take a more victorian look if it were his mother's influence, but I remember she wore a kimono a few years back.
yeah i agree, kaito has a totally new body with new experience, he would slowly change into a new kaito
That is probably the reason why Alluka is dressed as a grill, and Kalluto is copying him because he wants to impress Killua.
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>Illumi is honestly one of the most creppy characters in the series

Because those aren't fucking male eyes. It's the kind of eyes women in japanese horror movies have. It's like Togashi watched the Grudge and genderswapped it
trash fucking tier art and fic
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Bet you're waifu isn't as wide as mine
Your waifu is not a waifu. Kalluto is male.
every time I see this guy's art on pixiv I die inside. It never gets better.
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Illumi is androgynous as fuck. I can only imagine how he looked when he was Kalluto's age.

He has a soft face, cat-like eyes, big birthing hips and small wrists even though he's muscular. Poor guy
Yeah, I don't think Alluka chooses that kind of clothes with all those complements, it loooks more ceremonial.
Now, if Alluka's next appearance is still in the same line of fashion, I'll shut up
>males can't be waifu

People still believe this?
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What you mean, it's awesome.
Too bad he didn't take up the trap life, he really would've pulled it off well.
Now watch Kalluto grow up to be as big as Silva.
Yamato Nadeshiko? Alluka is a girl btw.
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Kill it with fire
Black haired Zoldycks grow up to be bitches. It is known.
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Can't fucking wait
Fuck that was fast
>Male pronoun
>Gender: Male
Nanika is the only female part on him, with that custom they may be "forced" to announce him as female for the sake of keeping the custom
How stronk was Illumi again?
Is he in Hisokas toybox?
Will we see some gun related nen in this arc?
Fucking nice.
Alluka uses atashi though.
I hope there will be a love story in this arc.
Meruem x Komugi was great.
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>Drawing fanart of a chapter that hasn't been released yet
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The perspective makes him look like he's doing a Michael Jackson lean
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nigga please, you're only gonna kill low grade enemies with that shit
Pika and Oito?
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Illumi's body is cute!
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He's not gonna waste his Nen on no-name mooks.
Same so looking forward to the gun

You need to remember how chimera ants actually work in the ecosystem, and the context of the Dark Continent.

All chimera ants except the king, even the royal guard, are just support units. The king is the only ant actually designed to leave the safety of the hive, exponentially grow stronger, and create a new one.

With this in mind, the royal guards' extreme loyalty, and their "lack" of growth rate in comparison, it's likely royal guards are glorified cannon fodder only intended to cover for the king and die while he grows and gets the new hive going.
So smug.
Doesn't Alluka only use that to refer to Nanika?
My bad; either way the gender is stipulated in the databook, and Killua has referred to Alluka as both male and female. Also the pronoun the servants used when they were kids was that of a little boy.
Again, I think the confusion is due to superstitions concerning Nanika.
This please
Illumi got 95 points on Hisoka's scale, which is higher than all the Zodiacs he's rated so far.
>Doesn't Alluka only use that to refer to Nanika?
that doesn't even make sense.

It is true that Alluka was called "bocchan" by the butlers though. And Killua seemed to refer to him as otouto when on the phone with Morel.
>The hunter examinator
But why?
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Slav Chrollo can get fucked. Pika ha /fa/ on lock.
No, Alluka used atashi to refer to herself.
What chapter is his list in?
I forget
He's royal guard level, don't underestimate ROBOT WALKIN'
They are picked by Netero so I'm assuming they are very strong
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>generic suit
Pika's got nothing on Chrollo's /fa/.
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>no machi

Is she not even worth the time?
You are right, my bad; either way unless Togashi features a birth certificate it's still doubtful
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no bully.webm
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Here, have a better version.
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Sorry, but no one's gonna wanna be around a thief who wears sweaty smelly stolen clothes that probably haven't been washed for days. I bet Pika gets his suits straight from Savile Row.
Hisoka just has a thing for her for some reason
That some reason is ofcourse that she is hot af and even a murderous serial killer clow need some lov'n
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It's because she's his waifu, anon.
Machi is for impregnation
Pika looks like MGS3 Ocelot there.

>I present to you my gun
>see muh engravings
>they look cool
>Leorio is stronger than Machi
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>implying chrollo doesn't have a shower and laundry ability in his book
Take it back right now.
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Feitan is probably stronger than Gin.
To further add to this, I took the idea of crossdressing to fool something paranormal from Jojolion, but I don't know how Tsurugi addressed himself before revealing he was a boy nor if he was doing it only to confuse Yasuho
>Human Inasion
Is this a translation or was this originally in English?
Does she use similar looking needles(The ones with a head) anywhere in the manga?

Because those look like the ones from the Chrollo fight.
>Arc without gon and killua

bite my shiny metal ass
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Never. Chrollo is filthier than Ging.
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>Arc without gon and killua
Because they are strong faggot.
He stole that.
Royal guard ants would need to be designed with some level of competency and survivability in order to do their job, "glorified cannon fodder" seems counterproductive. A guard should be able stick with its king until after the king completes its mission.
That's like saying Hiei can beat Yusuke. It's never happening.
but isnt ging on the boat. gon just met him and would want to spend time with him
Are you a Hunter or a bodyguard?
Chrollo is clean and shaven all the time you asshole.
Yusuke is a planet buster right?
thank you!
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Hey, at least the anime would never go on hiatus again.
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/k/urapika is truly a gift from god
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Waiting for more kalluto

move text to the right hand side bubble and crop to the edge of the left bubble.
Good taste.
Also a Togashi NPC will appear in all DQ games.
Lel no. They don't give a shit about each other.
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I want to see these two band together to absolutely destroy the spiders, just imagining their teamwork makes me hard. Bungee Gum and Chain Chail work so well together as well.

A shame it's unlikely.
Why is Kurapika always stuck bodyguarding some powerless female character everytime the troupe is near him?
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Except six hunters would've died if Youpi hadn't developed compassion and respect for fellow living beings and awakened his human side.

Gon would be dead right now if it wasn't for Alluka given how much he sacrificed and Kite straight got fucked by a Nen disabled Pitou.

Netero himself said he'd have a hard time fighting the RGs.

So much for cannon fodder.

My argument was that Pitou is, among the three RG ants, the strongest, possibly only behind Youpi given his potential and his nature.
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He reeks with the blood of the Kurta's all over his body and it will never wash off of him until Pika cleanses him with death,
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gun nen is shit tier
he is, but so is ging, I don't think the toybox represented just characters weaker than hisoka, just maybe people he at least had SOME interest in, and ones he has a LOT of interest in, like ging
Reminder that Chrollo moisturizes daily to keep himself beautiful and young looking.
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Why is Kalluto unlikely to die? Hisoka already killed Gotoh and this would add further fuel to the fire.

Wasn't Hisoka hyped enough about fighting Killua to deeply consider abandoning Gon in the Election Arc? I imagine he doesn't know about Killua's ability though, because rubber = trash matchup for Killua.
>hisoka making the zoldycks his enemy
Is he that retarded?
>I don't understand my character's personality

Ging was just a goal Gon set out to accomplish. All attention he wanted from Ging he got from their time in the Moebius Tree.
Gon is not the "DADDY GIMME ATTENTION" character. In this regard, Gon works much more like a wild animal, as in, wild animals don't care much for their parents, just growing up and survival. The difference is that Gon is human.
Do you think Ging went through the same as Gon as a kid?
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>The difference is that Gon is human
Sensui can disintegrate mountains with the after effects of his punches, so probably
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>mfw 9.5
They tied once
Being human doesn't exclude Gon from being an animal. Please understand.
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You seem way more invested in my shitty edit than I am anon but I gave it an effort nonetheless
He'll want/have to fight them at some point, no? Many Zoldycks are in his toy box including Zeno and Silva.

Those feats we're only against ragtag teams though, and even though Netero would seriously struggle he'd still probably kill any RG one on one.
You're also forgetting that Youpi would have gone bankrupt been taken down if Knuckle had sacrificed Morel.

In that case, the score would go.

>Royal Guards
>>Pitou (Dead)
>>Youpi (Crippled or dead)
>>Pouf (Healthy)

>Primary extermination team
>>Gon (Dead)
>>Morel (Dead)
>>Shoot (Critically injured, expected to recover)
>>Knuckle (Tired, but otherwise okay)
>>Meleoron (Healthy)
>>Killua (Healthy)

Given Pouf's relative weakness and Knuckle/Meleoron hax with Killua support, the mission could have ended with only two fatalities and all royal guards crippled or dead.
>gets BTFO instantly because silva and zeno aren't concerned about style
He may have always been going through a Gon-type of quest. Ging's probably interested in hunting down Don just as Gon hunted him down. After all, Ging believes that he's alive.

Because of Prince Wars faggotry and all of the powers dragged into it, Ging might not even have the chance to hunt down Don in the current expedition. I heard that Togashi wrote the series for his kids, so an arc where Gon and Ging hunt down Don could bring the series to a full circle.
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>forgetting his awesome Kurta clothes
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I want to kiss that thief.
>forgetting his piece of shit Kurta clothes
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Don't worry, I'm sure Chrollo stole a few of those before he killed the villagers
so how strong is Gon's mother?

Or did Gin use his nen to create Gon.
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Top kek.
Pregnancy stones
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I'm so looking forward to the spoiler images
>I see you still have no self control, Crapika
>taunting kurapika
thats a good way to get killed
Why are the scans for HxH post-Heavens Arena so fucking bad?

Yorkshin is such a pain in the ass to read, when do they get good again?
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i cant wait for kurapika to shoot chrollo
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It's a good way to get cucked.
What are the odds on pika losing his clothes during the arc
Chrollo is still alive though.
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>My time with hxh fans had come to an end. During our time together, I had learned about their general cynicism against killufags and the pedoclown but also their irreverent, self-deprecating style of humor and their ability to show compassion toward those who shared their love of their "danchou". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of hunter x hunter" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as perverts, nihilists and homosexuals for their love of "traps" such as Kurapika and Kalluto, the picture I was presented with was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realized that the "hunter x hunter fans" hate nothing more than themselves.
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>mfw Kurapikafags outautism Killuafags now
Get the Viz scans.
What if literally everyone on the voyage dies as soon as they set foot in the DC. I think that would be the most exciting possibility. Maybe not ging and some other big shots, but like 99% of the people on the boat just getting wiped out in seconds after landing.
He will when he turns into Youko Kurapika.
thanks to the hostages and Melody/leorio. he'd be dead otherwise.
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You haven't been here long then, lad.
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Was it really that bad?
i can't wait until chrollo pumps oito and then pumps bullets into kurapika
saved nonetheless
>pika develops feelings for oito and chrollo pumps n dumps her in front of pika
Please happen.
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n-not true
I don't have that picture of Killuafags at their absolute worst, but I assure you it was awful. You think Pikafags or Hisokafags or Chrollofags are bad? Nothing on Killuafags back in the day.
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>chrollo killing pika
lol will never happen
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Fuck off Nobu, you crybaby embarrassment of an Enhancer.
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I wonder if all these Xfags are the same people, who just defend the MC whose turn it is because it's fun.
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W-where? Normally, I go straight to the scanlator site or Batoto or some other place but they all have shit tier scans for Yorkshin.
kek, thank you based thoreux
>all of the princes and the king die before landfall in dc
>as the last living person to have exited a queen's vagina, chrollo becomes the new king of kakin by default
What's up with chrollofags and their cuckold obsession
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Glad I wasn't around then, the Hisoka vs Chrollo shitpost contest was awful enough, but at least these two characters were fighting each other, Kurapikafags just spread their autism for no reason in this thread.

To think there was worse gives me aids.

Jesus fuck.

That was my suspicion also.
Oh right, I don't normally torrent manga. Thanks senpai.
They're salty because Machi is Hisoka's property.
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Why is he envious of Alluka? Is he jealous because Alluka shares a close bond with Killua?
The purpose will be stealth, to a hunter, guns are a joke; but that will make them overlook him as a real threat: a hunter.

Rate every arc

Hunter Exam
Zoldyck Family
Heavens Arena
Greed Island
Chimera Ant
>Kurapikafags just spread their autism for no reason in this thread.
well he's finally back and he's got a gun now. and if you think the pikafagging in this thread is anywhere near the "rubber and gumming" posting weeks ago you're silly.
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bro fist bump.png
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1. Yorkshin
2. Election
3. Chimera Ant
4. Greed Island
5. Hunter exam
6. Heavens Arena
7. Zoldyck Family
Pretty much.
>Hunter Exam
>Zoldyck Family
>Heavens Arena
>Greed Island
>Chimera Ant

Hunter Exam 8/10
Zoldyck Family 4/10
Heavens Arena 6/10
Yorkshin 10/10
Greed Island 9/10
Chimera Ant 10/10
Election 6/10
4.Hunter exam
Hunter Exam: 8/10
Zoldyck Family: 3/10
Heavens Arena: 5/10
Yorkshin: 9/10
Greed Island: 7/10
Chimera Ant: 8/10
Election: 6/10, loses two points for Alluka
Hunter Exam/Zoldyck Family: 7/10
Heavens Arena: 8/10
Yorkshin: 10/10
Greed Island: 7.5/10
Chimera Ant: 6 for pre-invasion, 9.5 for invasion
Election: 9
spoiler pics in 4 hours
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last of us-joel.gif
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can't wait
Fuck off with that meme already!!! Ive even seen this shit outside of /b/!!!
This shits getting out of hand.
Hunter Exam 10/10
Zoldyck Family 5/10
Heaven's Arena 9/10
Yorknew 6/10
Greed Island 7/10
Chimera Ant 10/10
Election 7/10
Dark Continent setup 10/10
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>york shin 6/10
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>Hunter Exam
>Zoldyck Family
>Heavens Arena
>Greed Island
>Chimera Ant
Pre Kite death:
Post Kite deah:
Hunter Exam: 9/10
Zoldyck Family: 5/10
Heaven's Arena: 8/10
Yorkshin: 10/10
Greed Island: 9/10
Chimera Ant: 9/10
Election: 7/10
Not really. I don't care for the Spiders and the only interesting thing to me the whole arc was Zeno and Silva displaying their abilities.
>Hunter Exam
>Zoldyck Family
>Heavens Arena
>Greed Island
>Chimera Ant
i imagine ufotable would make aura and kurta eyes look really pretty
b8 picture
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B8ing for yer dreams.
>not best boy IP
No, you are trying to bait me. I stated my honest opinion.
Only the fights interested me in Yorknew.
That is new york
Addendum: There was close to no character development in it for the characters that I cared for.
>Only the fights interested me in Yorknew.
there was like one real fight
Exactly why I rate it low.
Is machi a slut?
>replying to retards who can't stay consistent with their shitposting
HE: fun/10
ZF: 6/10
HA: 7.5/10
YS: 8.5/10
GI: 7/10
CA: 9.25/10
E: 7.5/10
DC (setup): 9/10
Hunter Exam 9/10
Zoldyck Family 7/10
Heavens Arena 7/10
Yorkshin 10/10
Greed Island 9/10
Chimera Ant 10/10
Election 8/10
I think you mean Hisokafags
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Hisoka should be moved to "Died before he got there" tier.
watch, togashi will flip this chart on its head
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You forgot one character for the plot armor/mc section.
I doubt Pika, Leorio, or Ging will die.
maybe not right away, but give it time
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This, you should have added the 5th MC.
Thread posts: 544
Thread images: 168

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