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How would you fix SHAFT?

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How would you fix SHAFT?

I dunno they're pretty much perfect.
Have them adapt more weird shit.
Fire everybody. All ten of them.
Have them do a WMT on Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
introduce them to animation tools besides power point
Uninstall Power Point from their computers and bring KyoAni and Bones employees to teach them how to animate.
They always seem to have the mot fun doing abstractly odd shit
Why would you want to waste interesting material on a garbage studio?
the best
more oishi
Kyoanus fanboy pls go
>Finish SZS
>Soremachi S2
>Denpa Onna S2
>animate Voynich Hotel
>more oishi
Have Oishi direct more
Dig out Nobuyuki Takeuchi's corpse and promote him to series director
You forgot arakawa.
Dunno, see a doctor
Pick one.
The only thing shaft does is add lolsorandum architecture that has no relation to anything happening, but every blue moon somebody bullshits some kind of connection and says "wow, so deep" and it gets endlessly reposted as one of the five times it has ever happened in Shaft animation. You could look at the source material and try to think of all the things shaft might do, but they won't do any of it when the adaption comes out because there is no actual thought behind it.
Kill off the Monogatari Series
Exit broadcast and do OVAs
Introduce more wierd shit
Time is better allocated better for improved animation

Include more homo
Arakawa already overstayed its welcome with 2 seasons.
post even one example that shows you aren't just shitting out your mouth.
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More Hidamari.
Confirm a Fate/Extra anime.

Wait, hold on.

Alright, they're golden.
>The only thing shaft does is add lolsorandum architecture that has no relation to anything happening
Gourmet Girl Graffiti
Arakawa Under the Bridge
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
Natsu no Arashi!
Shows me an example for each of these series
There's more to shaft than just Monogatari and Madoka
There isn't.
You're right, there WAS more to shaft than Madoka and Monogatari is probabably a more accurate statement.
Put Madoka and Monogatari on the backburner and actually finish their best work, SZS.
I want to see them do another original project, they keep putting them on adaptations of dumb shit.
The problem isn't with Shaft, it's with anime.

Anime needs to appeal to a specific audience in order to sell, and anything outside that is not worth putting any effort into in the eyes of producers. It's why some manga and LN, even if they are popular, get horrible adaptions: their sales means nothing if the audience of the source material is not part of the demographic that buys anime.
An adaptation of something by Dowman Sayman
More head tilts.
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Prism Nana
An anime original written by Okada
Would it have weird SHAFT architecture?
Reminder that SHAFT ruined Koufuku with their garbage direction.
OP said fix, not ruin forever.
I liked it
>memeyoiga and memenaiver with shaft garbage visuals and direction
Just right
Make Shimbo desperate again, take away his beer, hookers and Shaft millions
Madoka was great and that happened after they struck Monogatari gold.
>Bring inferior studio to teach the superior
its like some autistic kid trying to teach an famous artist how to draw.
I like them just the way they are.
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SZS S4,5,6 and so on until the ending. At least ending OVA's, please.

They should animate more off the wall shit as well, it's clearly their strong suit.
Hire soneone who will keep saving anime over and over again
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forgot pic
Both Bones and KyoAni have better animators than SHAFT though. Abe is SHAFT's only decent animator.
They need the teekyuu overlord.
Koufuku's issue wasn't the SHAFT directing style, it was just boring as fuck.
Have them pick up everything that hasn't finished. Spice and Wolf, Darker than Black, etc. Just imagine the fuckery that will occur. I would give up everything to see that happen.

Somebody else gets it. It's no more simple or complicated than this and really what it boils down to as to why anime is so shit right now to anybody that isn't the 50,000 or so strong late night fanatics audience in Japan or hype kids in the West. Mir anime ever updates it's business model and has to market to someone who isn't a complete card carrying LN reading VN playing outcast expect a lot to change very fast. Note daytime anime doesn't really have to do this but Shaft isn't in daytime anime until at least the NHK Mahjong melodrama thing whose name escapes me which I think is just going to be a really REALLY bad fit. Unless Shaft is somehow capable of toning down the bullshit it's just going to confuse and annoy people and then get a live action film and do okay anyway just like Erased.

Hate to break it to you but Shaft doesn't have millions. They're a mainly contractually based studio like everyone that isn't Toei or Sunrise now and mainly only do Aniplex contracts at that

How memetic and timely
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what did shaft mean by this?
I agree with you about shaft being to pretentious and annoying but
Sorry, i dont want generic drama garbage shit tier as a anime, anime can be anything better than that.
As we told you last time - fuck off.

Found the
gently and carefully put it in the fucking trash
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More Monogatari
More Madoka
More Hidamari
go back in time and kill the writers of all their source material besides zetsubou sensei, steal money to ensure they can still fund it no matter what, and kill the entire studio once they're done
>let's milk our stuff more instead of coming up with new and exciting IPs.
Monogatari is as boring as Fate these days.
only if all at the same time
Fire all directors.
Adapt Monogatari off-season and short stories.
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Already done
You can't. The relevant people have left the studio to form their own or else they've fucking died.
Make officially licensed dakimakuras for every Monogatari girl.

Watch the money pour in.
Watch more show they produced. Monogatari isn't the only one, faggot.
It already ended. Off Season isn't directly relevant to the main series and it's all Kodansha and Aniplex's fault.
Meh. I'm sure Nisio is going to shit out more and Aniplex will be more than happy to oblige and adapt more.
SHAFT just isn't exciting anymore. They only do tried and true shit and when they do something else they have a staff so shitty Gonzo would be proud of them.
Have them drop Monogatari and Maduka and have them do something else.
Maduka is kill and monogatari is soon to be kill as well

They'll probably jump onto the Zaregoto train which is something I'm personally excited about
I just want them to go back to doing things like Natsu no Arashi and Maria holic
While not fantastic, you can tell that SHAFT had fun making them, since they fuck around with the style and such.
For example, Natsu no arashi has a whole bunch of 80s J-pop covers.
You're asking for too much. Team Shinbo ain't going to be a thing again.
Isn't that what Nisekoi was? A nothing series that Shaft can fuck around in while nothing is happening.
Make them literally use MS Powerpoint to do all their animation.
Does not need fixing.
This, emphasizing on the "more". I really miss the time when they did more than one show every season on average.
Stop doing monogatari because its pseudointellectual wank trashime
Get Shinbo back into directing Monogatari and make SHAFT adapt more shit.
With a neck brace
Shitbo never did shit, Oishi is responsible for Bake's success. I like SHAFT but hate that overrated hack so much, I hope 3-gatsu fails hard.
Free drugs
Shinbo is actually a good director though.
Stop them from using cheap ass CG, like that scene in Mekaku city actors.

>Firing Shinbo
OP asked how we would fix Shaft, not how to kill it.
New season of PPD.

With all of the staff involved with coming back.
>more milking
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Kyoani is one of the studios with the best animation right now. I don't like moe and hated Phantom World but still can't admit that they have amazing animation. That's why it hurts even more when they make shit shows.
Their current lineup is golden though.
It needs budget.
That grass is literally some pattern off of deviantart.
>go back in time carrying a cache of their greatest creations
>force them to make different series than they initially did
>go to the future and collect them for the cache
>rinse and repeat until bored or satisfied with private collection of Classic Shaft that you can choose to share with the world.
>photos for backgrounds
Yeah they're real inspirations. Next you'll tell me that Trigger's flash animation is an appropriate use of artistic license.
Less slide shows
99% of their shows are same face though and thats just poor taste when you cant tell one character from another let alone what series. Animation is nice but are is just pasta
So what? This is about animation, where Kyoani is pretty high tier in the business. A shame they don't use it nearly as much as they could.
Except that's not true unless you have some sort of mental deficiency.
Cycling anime.
even with a mental deficiency I would still have 2 working eyes. Its just one aspect though but its glaringly obvious and off putting because it feels like its all 1 big series since theyve stuck to SoL
Why do you guys think about Pani Poni Dash then?
>it feels like its all 1 big series since theyve stuck to SoL
>since theyve stuck to SoL
so you're retarded, gotcha
Fix it for the Bluray release.
nisekoi s3. easy.
Guaranteed sales!
> cant defend the studio so he attacks the critic

Top notch anon. With my 2 workings eyes and mental deficiency I could easily read the majority of shows theyve released in the past few years are clearly labeled SoL but calling me retarded undermines the facts ive stated and utterly defeats my argument. You can have your thread back, didnt realize it was that much of a circle jerk since there is no obvious solution
>I haven't watched any of them, but MAL said they're SOL
Give them more time to make shows
I hope Zaregoto isn't a mess.
They made nisekoi somehow enjoyable to watch, that's quite an accomplishment
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They should make more yuri Anime. Especially, about international friendSHIP between an American and a Japanese. A Japanese little girl with her family emigrated from Japan to America and she went to school iin the United States. At first she was all alone and lonely at the school but will meet her soul mate. She was still unfamiliar with the school and might often be perplexed by American culture. At that sort of time, an American little girl with beautiful blonde hair will offer her help. Their drama begins! Thank you for subscribing my script! Also I heard same-sex couples can get married legally in American. This anime must be an unprecedented case.
when have they ever made yuri anime
Put Shinbo in charge of Okada and you'll get a good product.
Fire Shinbo and all shinbo wannabes
So reverse kiniro mosaic?
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Probably so. Many Japanese are not good at English, though.
Politely put Madoka and Monogatari to rest.

Do a season 2 of Koufuku Graffiti with Yoshida Reiko as series composer or director. Keep the same tone of the first season but slow the pace down quite a bit and focus more on the healing aspects.

Do another Mekakucity Actors but actually hire a decent writer this time so that it lives up to its original potential.

Start working on another anime original project with an all-star production team, but put out a casting call for the voice actors. Maybe get the guy who did the character designs for Zvezda.
>Politely put Madoka and Monogatari to rest.
They're not doing any Madoka right now, and they're obviously doing other stuff for this year and next year

>Do a season 2 of Koufuku Graffiti with Yoshida Reiko as series composer or director.
Koufuku's just bad as an anime. Changing the writers won't suddenly make it less boring.

>Do another Mekakucity Actors but actually hire a decent writer this time so that it lives up to its original potential.
Mekaku's problem was the source material

>Start working on another anime original project
They already did.
>Do a season 2 of Koufuku Graffiti with Yoshida Reiko as series composer or director.
>reiko yoshida
Can't fix perfection
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girls eating things sexually with shaft scenery porn is entertaining enough imo
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>mfw I'm just now getting the pun in the title
>what is an art direction
>'How would you fix SHAFT?' thread is up longer than the Kyoani one

SHAFT wins again.
Wins at having glaring flaws
Make more SZS, it'll do well with the current "show with like 40 girls" climate.

Then, license some buyfag shit.

Because there isn't any.

Like, at all.

No, one nenderoid and a couple prize figures don't count.
Stop producing anime altogether. Instead, take contract work from other studios and do things like provide backgrounds or OP/EDs.
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the shows almost done they just need VAs
Have them stop directing every show with the same slideshow gimmick, seriously, give it a break.
They've got a perfect lineup ahead of them right now so I would do absolutely nothing.
Just report keitai instead of posting autism memereplies.
>more monogatari and fate
>Oishi back after like 6 years with Kizu
>Shinbo back after like a decade as an actual director and not supervisor, and of motherfucking 3gatsu at that
>Fate/Extra finally getting an anime after SHAFT did the game's OP

It's all I've ever wanted. What's not to like unless you're some faggot hipster?
Awesome meme response. I heard on reddit they will give the upvotes you crave so much.
>oishi on shit
>shinbo on melodramatic shit
>fate shit

Have them work on shows that aren't monogatari and madoka shit.
>nanaki looking like madoka witches
i'm interested
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Have them add more shows rather than sticking with monogatari and madoka. Fan boys, posers and elite-tards are so quick to ride shafts dick for making only two best sellers yet you have 20+ studios around who have way more best-sellers than them. Look at Pierrot (not even baiting) dudes on here are so quick to hate on shows Pierrot put out, yet their shows are best sellers and some of the most popular and inspirational anime adaptions& originals of all time. What shows have shaft put out that are still popular besides Monogatari, Madoka, and although its fading Nisekoi. So please, check your facts before you get all butt-hurt about shaft not being the best.
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shaft has had a following on /a/ since hidamari sketch and kill yourself sensei maybe even before that with ppd / mahoromatic
Change the name to glans.

They needed the original writer for otaku cred reasons and to give the adaptation "authenticity". From a purely corporate manipulating fans expectations and curbing their bitching standpoint I get it, but from a competent production standpoint it's ridiculous, but then again I can't think of any regular anime writer that could do any better. Anime just has fucking shitty as hell regular scriptwriters and now is turning to original source authors to write scripts in a format they have no insight, mentoring or training into. It's the biggest problem facing it as a medium but nobody gives a shit cause shows can break even anyway using moe and the right marketing tactics.

Shows with "all star production team" (Read a bunch of well marketed hacks) almost always turn out disastrous.
I'm not saying anime is Shakespeare or anything, but the quality of writing is a huge factor in whether or not an anime is shitty.
I swear to fuck, people just say this to parrot others. They have made no more Madoka than they have Nisekoi, for crying out loud.

People are really stuck in a 2011 mentality. The Shaft wanking has slowed down a little bit but they're still held way the fuck above their actual contributions to the medium. As you mention studios like Pierrot have had way more recent hits than them and historically as well. Ditto the likes of Sunrise, Toei, Actas, I.G (and subsidiaries) and even the rather abysmal A-1 Pictures albeit largely through having agressive marketing campaigns. Shaft hasn't had a fresh hit since Madoka Magica, Sunrise alone has had at least 5 for example, probably more. Pierrot recently had the huge hit Osomatsu reboot and while it's not a huge disc seller Tokyo Ghoul is definitely a top earning franchise now going by Oricon. Toei has had a very successful relaunch of Dragon Ball and the new Sailor Moon is starting to gain acceptance again possibly being a lead in to the decision by Clamp to restart Card Captor Sakura as well. Yet all I continue to hear even still is tales of Kyoani and Shafts millions which tells me either people just like memeing or are ridiculously out of touch with the times
Are you ever going to get tired of this?

Another Negima movie.
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