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Shingeki No Kyojin

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Thread replies: 563
Thread images: 105

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Why are the characters so off model in the anime? Will they be fixed in season 2?
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I want Bert to be redeemed.
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Here's a Bert.
Ymir deserves death.
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Annie is love
Annie is life
I just want Annie to smile again
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Kek. Why do you people hate Ymir? Do you think she is kind of evil or something?
Nah, she deserves love, she is the best character this show ever has.
DJs are hella expensive or I'm so poor.
They all looked pretty good in one endcard. I hope they are going to improve the character design for everyone in S2.
Historia pls
Ymir's the only one I'd say is really off-model, and even that is subject to change since the game chara designs look more polished and the artstyle in the manga itself has gone through different phases of evolution.
I hope they remove the lipgloss for everyone.
I'd argue that Bert and Reiner are even more off model. Hisu also looks off, especially in the OVA. Basically all the minor S1 characters had no effort put into them.
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literally 5min in photoshop from 2 years ago
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>tfw you will never dominate then violate Ymir's body by impregnating her with your man seed
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It's not that bad once animated
You forgot the hair. It was actually short in that scene.

Pretty much. Hopefully it will improve in season 2
Needs one more minute in Photoshop to fix her lips. Without the shitty lipgloss she looks like a frog.
It still looks kind of weird, especially for Ymir and also because Isayama said they all don't wear make up.
>Photoshop to fix her lips. Without the shitty lipgloss she looks like a frog.
>literally the reason why it is off model

All the females in SnK suffer from caked makeup, and too much lip gloss for a world infested by man eater giants. Literally the worst part of the anime adaptation besides the reused animation shortcuts.
They had to "pretty up" Ymir so viewers wouldn't start vomiting uncontrollably every time she is onscreen
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Aside from the tan and the better hairline, anime Bert looks better fine to me. And Isayama himself can't draw Reiner for shit, but the anime didn't really help either, I agree.

Hisu looks foine to me (she's gonna have to grow some eyebrows to match the art evolution next season tho), and if the game design is anything to go by, she'll probably get slightly more laser-like eyes.
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>tfw I literally impregnated a spunky dyke that decided to try dick with me
>tfw she was Hisu's height
Literally all my fetishes.
Men can't get pregnant.
The anime team wasn't involved with the game.
Let's just hope they take a bit of inspiration from it, then.
She's a hermaphrodite at best. "She" can get preggers.
Mikasa looks way different too, nothing like the caveman she's supposed to be.
Didn't work.
No, she impregnates, especially short blond girls.

The anime did joke about her laser eyes in the second OVA though, so maybe they will change that in season 2.
Lived the dream brother.
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anon, Mikasa is a legit cutie

even Majestic Stallion Jean admits it
>Season 2
Their delay in getting a new season together really dropped the ball.
Jean looks worse than usual on this pic. Kind of chinky.
They wanted the manga to catch up probably. I have little cousins losing patience waiting on the anime. Told them they should just read the manga, but they don't want to get spoiled. Told the point of the anime was to get them to buy/read the manga.

Guess kids just don't care about reading anymore. Even if it is manga/comics.
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Nigger, AoT came out 4 years ago
Agree. I love how she is in the manga. Pretty but modest and brave but feminine when she wears her skirts. And I prefer the gray scarf.
Reminder that Eren will kiss Armin's roasted corpse next chapter while Mikasa watches.
Truly hope you aren't a dude. Cuz you sound gay as fuck
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>Why are the characters so off model in the anime?
Tight production schedule.

He also said that they all stink but are used to each others smells.
You know it's only been a year since there's been enough material to make a second season right?

Plus it's been announced for 2016 like two years ago, and so far all the rumors about possible delay have been proven to be fake. And that's not even mentioning the fact that a good portion of the animu that are gonna air in fall haven't been announced yet, nor that we technically already had a sneak peak at season 2 with the Hanji/Pastor Nick scene at the end of the second movie.

There's also the snk event to be held 3rd July where there's a good chance they'll make an official annoucement for S2's airing date.
Ymir is the only character I hate.
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At least he'll stay dead
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>implying Mikasa won't get cucked by Hisu in the end
Think twice.
Can't wait for all the shipperfag butthurt when Eren dies at the end and ends up with no one.
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I hope /SnK/ has said it's prayers and offered the daily due.
Blessed be.
EH gets really cute fanart.
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>implying he won't end up fucking Armin in the afterlife
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Mikasa pls. You won't die alone, you get to have Jean.
Eren belongs to Jean.
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I do everyday. especially to Hitch Blessed be.
Blessed be, Anon.
Jean/Hitch was already fortold by the gods on Jean's birthday.
>implying Bitch deserves Jean
Jean pls
JH a shit
Just read the latest manga chapter. Did Armin really die?
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Their interactions in the mango are pretty cute, so their fanart reflects that really well imo
I know, really she deserved Marlo. But he's a bit dead now so Jean's the best best thing.
The Nips seem to particularly like drawing them together at the orphanage, which makes sense.
They won't. You don't understand what friendship is.
If Armin lives she will end up with him. If not, alone or with a random guy.
>implying Eren would ever want to fuck Armin
He'll give him a chaste kiss, then they'll cuddle and stare into each other's eyes. Whore.
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I want to kissu the Hisubananabimbong.
Just wait. It's possible he is still breathing and Levi comes at the right moment for you know what.
Wouldn't next best thing be Eren since both Jean and Annie compared Marlo to him?
Eren and Hitch could be interesting.
I am a little girl and I have the right to speak in whichever manner I like.
Already read that crackfic anon.
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You're right, I only understand OTPship.
>not blonde
>not midget
Eren wouldn't be interested
I understand but still believe they are not gays. Even Eren you know, he likes girls but he doesn't like anyone.
Annie is more tomboy than Mikasa. I don't know why people draw her in dresses. She is not like that.
Thanks qt anon, don't forget to pray today.
I want to wreck the Rico.
>Even Eren you know, he likes girls
Was this ever confirmed?

He always seemed pretty asexual to me (by that I mean in the typical shounen protagonist fashion; doesn't seem to care about girls at all).
She's not *that* much taller than Annie. She's probably around Armin's or Levi's height.
If anything Isayama actually likes to tease with Eren being a faggot.
That's Historia and Krista, but I agree with you on the Annie part.
Also just noticed her and Armin have the same type of nose.
Plus their hairstyles are pretty similar too. It's gonna happeb
Read that crackfic too
According to the wiki she's 1m68 tall, so Sasha's height. Either the guidebook has been spouting bullshit again or Isayama can't height consistency.
Probably the guidebook being retarded as usual, she looked really short next to Marlo.
Yeah, his and armin's closeness is pretty fucking ambiguous at time.
Probably both. I want to know her and Marlo's birthdays...
Deviants should stay away from Rico's. Rico's are pure.
>fucking ambiguous
Ah? Only if you ship them I suppose. Their relationship is pretty normal, Eren is more friendly than Armin but he's good friends with Jean.
That's not Annie.
Well when a nip asked Isayama how close Eren and Armin were during training, he said that there were rumors about them.
That pic makes my heart flutter
I wouldn't be surprised if that was Jean because of his jealously towards Eren.
Why were there rumors about the guy that spent most of his time wrestling with Annie and hanging around with Mikasa?

If anything there should have been rumors about BR
Jean seems very closeted.
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No idea, but according to Isayama there were.
The anime joked about BR though.
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The chibi specials joked about both EAr and BR.
Perfect torture method for her tbqh
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Mainly just Ymir, Mikasa is real cute in both the anime and the manga.
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>Jean is disgustingly smug in every piece of anime art
>tfw they'll never animate him smiling like a normal human bean
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Who is this exactly?
Jean was more interesting when he was a smug bastard desu.
I hope so.
She looks nice here, I would a Ymir.
Best boy.
Isayama had an art so inconsistent they had to make designs on their own, and hired a retard to do it. Isayama's design and color scheme are far superior btw.
>will it change
50/50 it will get worse.
Didn't the anime team get some sketches with notes from Isayama? I think some were shown in the guidebook.
Anon, everyone has fishlips. And for starts you would have to redraw this pic from zero.
Literally the only time Ymir looked passable to me.
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Why does the MP have a unicorn as their symbol? Are there going to be unicorns?
Because they're all gay.
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Anime makes her way too pretty
Because Nile is one. Any other questions?
Only a little
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Fuck off.
Mikasa's charming is not in her beauty. I love her in the manga. AnimeMikasa looks like a different character.
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Funny thing is that Ymir out manlies Bort and yet fanart makes it seem like it's the other way around.
That's interesting. They have good chemistry I can't deny it.
They have to make Ymir out of character and more feminine so it doesn't look like yaoi. They a generally very delusional about her character.
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Ymir with a guy just feels off to me.
I like BY.
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>hanging around with Mikasa?
He does seem to spend an inordinate amount of time with Armin rather, at least according to Jeanbo. And I don't think he just said that out of jealousy.
If this page is trying to prove she doesn't look manlier than him then you're doing a pretty poor job at it.
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>she's manlier than him when he's about to die
It's because she looks and acts like one. If you're into yaoi maybe.
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>Ymir's head
Oh kek.
She is generally manlier than him. Bert, Eren and Armin are the most girly looking guys.
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This artists draws Ymir more accurately than most yuri artists, no matter what you say.
>Bert, Eren and Armin are the most girly looking guys.
Not really.
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>Bert has bigger arms
>Bigger legs
>Bigger chest
>Bigger muscles
>Could overcome her human form easily
You have a fucked up definition of manly
Look. THIS is an accurate Ymir.
Don't agree with Bert either, but Mikasa outmanlies both Eren and Armin.
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Most of them are still out of character and generally not accurate.
Well that's true.
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Also you don't look hard enough
Eh, not that much. Eren's started looking a bit manlier in the recent arc too, at least his eyes don't take up half the space on his face anymore.
Like BY or not, this panel can be sexualised so well.
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It's the same artist as >>142858283, he's one of the most accurate Ymir artists out there even if Ymirfags whine about muh hetero. I don't like BY either but she's not feminine at all.
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I miss this artist.
Nah m8, it's OOC.
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That doesn't look feminine at all.
If you're trying to prove me right, you're doing a good job.
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You can do that with a lot of panels actually.
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Did Reiner's penis touch Eren's butt here?
Who has escaped more deaths, Reiner or Bert?
What's in the bag?
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My favorite game
The designs and dynamic in >>142858540 are still more accurate.
>this thread
Ymir and her fags are the worst part of this series and fanbase.
I'd happily do it.

Yeah like Bert would ever make an angry face at Ymir.
Mikasa has a very edible butt.
How is a threat remotely equal to a death? Bert only escaped twice, one in 42 and one when Ymir saved him in 50. Reiner escaped at least 5 times.
Maybe he would now, if she tries to kill him again.
All Shitmir pairings are trash anyway
I'll sexualise the reiberts so hard, Isayama will feel it on a spiritual level.
>implying Bert is a moeblob
Pls. Don't complain about out of character art when you do it too.
Do it, maybe he'll spare them.
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I do notice that BY fanartists tend to make Ymir look more womanly. Just because one or two artists don't do it, does it mean that they suddenly draw Ymir more accurately than those who draw YH.
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>up the ass
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>Not sharing scene with Historia makes inaccurate and OOC

Also posting >>142858639 and then claiming she's not feminine is kind of dumb.
>fighting over who draws worst shingeki the best
>in 2016
It wasn't just a threat, she clearly would have done it
Bert is OOC as fuck, though.
Now he would stare at the void and tell her to "do it".
>you will never be in the middle of that sandwich
>Ymir is 20 cm shorter than Bertolt
Nope, I was talking about the art in general and I also didn't post that pic.
Looks like Hisu and Eren have a thing for surprise buttsecks
How is that accurate? This artist seriously need to study anatomy. Also who are these characters?
Ymir a shit.
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Anger is an emotion, not a character trait.

Now you're getting ridiculous, the artist knows their heights.
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Why hasn't Eren given Mikasa a babby?
>the artist knows their heights.
Not that anon, but apparently not. Not that's actually surprising.
>yaoi hands
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Are you implying this is accurate? Let me show you the only accurate YH
And what I'm saying is it's out of character for Bert to respond to Ymir's anger with anything other than fear.
Because his heart belongs to Armin. He will fuck his corpse while in tears next chapter.
Unless Ymir is in heels, she's is noticeably shorter.
But it's true. Ymir is tiny compared to Bort.
Yeah that Shitmir is pretty accurate desu
That's actually accurate for Isayama's art.
BY is an unreasonably good ship even if they both like other people in canon
Ymir is only 172cm in case you didn't know.
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Not really. Hair is too long. Historia looks like a granny.
Turns out what they say about Ymirfags is true, you guys desperately grasp at straws whenever something you don't like is posted. The artist knows their heights and that picture wasn't supposed to be both of them standing up.

Here is one from the same artist with both standing up so you can stop with this autism.
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Then talking art and autism aside, this artist is really accurate.
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Blessed be!

Deviants should seek help from trained mental health professionals.

Very good form, Anon.

Quiet you.
That artist draws a lot of creepy art.
You're just now realizing how autistic Ymirfags are?
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What the fuck?
You sure did imply those were their true heights.
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Ymirfags are autistic spergs, don't act surprised. They're the most easily triggered fags in here, literally mention Ymir and you'll trigger them.
It comes from their shit taste.
Fuck off. EM is disgusting.
This is actually pretty well drawn.
This is disgusting.
Reminder that Ymir died offscreen in terrible agony.
I wanted to believe it's a meme.

I sure didn't, or you're too stupid to get it. I know the heights of all shingekis very well.
Do you really still wonder why outsiders hate the snk fanbase
Reminder that Ymir is worst girl and died offscreen.
>Average Erwongfujo
The others posted are more accurate.
yeah, i like it too
Says the degenerate LMfag.
Husband is looking very nice here. I love the floppy strand of hair across his forehead.
It's not a meme. Their autism isn't just found here but literally everywhere you can find them.
You were told the heights were inaccurate yet you proceeded to say that they were. Don't act dumb.
>died offscreen
How? When?
those purity levels are off the charts
She got eaten by Dog Titan. That's why he's so ugly.
Because their heights ARE accurate, but the characters aren't standing up. Honestly no one would get this triggered over such an obvious thing.
Maybe you should stop browsing tumblr?
I'm not Bertfujo, but Bert looks pretty damn dandy here
Poor Dog Titan. He didn't deserve this.
/snk/ is tumblr.
You should hang yourself.
>not posting the one with Annie in her crystal
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I had a dream last night where I got to kissu bert
He doesn't own one and even if he did he shouldn't give it to Mikasa. Eren would make a better mom.
I agree, not even Dog Titan deserves that.
Someone needs to fix this now.
If that was your whole point then maybe you should have explained instead of saying that the artist knew their heights?
I would if I was a Ymirfag.
Lucky ;_;
Lucky. The other day I had a nightmare where a doctor groped me in my practical/oral exam.
Well fuck. So would I.
But how else is he going to keep us up to date with how they act and think?
I once found a shingekifag from my country by accident. I thought about talking to her but then I realized it was a Ymirfag. I nope'd the fuck out of there.
Everyone is autistic here, even if they don't want to admit it to themselves.
Just a daily reminder that Armin death was pointless
>by accident
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what if tumblr is /snk/ ?
I really don't blame you at all.
Social media.
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Judging by how often I see people posting their url's here I wouldn't doubt it.
It's not them posting their urls.
Then I feel sorry for those folks who have an obsessive stalker.
Still means they are here and also having their autistic fights here
AT's face can be strangely expressive considering its perpetually stuck with the same facial expression.
>someone posts a website
>it means the owner of the website is here
isayamahazime pls
How hard would you laugh if Ymir really did die offscreen and her story gets told in a one chapter flashback and she's never mentioned again?
Make it happen.
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I'd praise based Isayama and bathe in the Ymirfag tears.
Because that's Levi's job.
She is my favorite and I obviously would be disappointed. I doubt it will happen, but if it does then that's just how it is. I already fear the basement might be disappointing as well, but I still hope Isayama will deliver after waiting for it so long.
That's one weird way of spelling Armin.
I don't care about the Ackerfaggots but Armin is dead.
Considering Isayama himself said that he liked writing/drawing Ymir I doubt that's gonna happen.
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Now I have to post this.
Be gentle Ymir-sama
Based Reiner.
Isayama also said they're all just drawings too him and he has no attachment to them.
That doesn't contradict what he said about enjoying drawing Ymir and Jean the most.
Ymir is hideous
Also him making it mysterious just makes it more suspicious, when her going to the village should already be a confirmation actually.
>implying it isn't already
That doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy drawing Jean and Ymir.
Yes it does, because it means he could just kill her off in however way.
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Well everyone seems to know very well how they behave, so it's not that far fetched.
That also doesn't mean he will suddenly spare Ymir from a shit death, which was my point, but those tend to be lost on Ymirfags.
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Would you lick a Mikasa ?
I don't get the obsession with Ymir, she was extremely annoying, hypocritical and she's not even cute
No it doesn't, but you're hoping for just one flashback chapter and her never being mentioned again which I think is unlikely to happen.
That's why people are more obsessed with hating her.
I think that each side concerning her character is equally as autistic
Just like any other character she's flawed. She has her good sides.
It will happen.
True, but I think every characterfag and hater is autistic, even if some are in denial about it.
Are you kidding me? On an average basis I'd say 75% of /snk/ is tumblr. You can even pick out who they are if you lurk on tumblr hard enough.
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Why we can't have this BRA?
But going by this thread and any other that focuses on her the autism is unlike any other for other characters aside from Mikasafag's shitposting. You also disagree with each other over every little thing about her, extremely petty things
What the fuck are you doing with your life, anon.
>You can even pick out who they are if you lurk on tumblr hard enough.
So I can say how cancerous each characterfag is? No thanks.
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That's bound to happen for a character that we know so little about to be honest.

You can disagree with me, but I think she's the most mysterious character. We even have more info on all of BRA than on her.

The fact that people disagree on so many things is because they interpret her in different ways, because see as above, we know almost nothing about her.
Apparently has no life.
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Because Annie isn't a child anymore.
>she's not even cute
you are vain to think that way
When I say petty shit I mean even how she looks in retarded fanart. Every single time you fucks get into an argument over this bitch
Then ignore it? For a character you hate so much you sure do pay a lot of attention to what her characterfags do.
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I don't care how OOC it is, BR parenting Annie a cute.
Hard to ignore when your autism is 90% of the thread
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Then hide 90% of the posts and start talking about something else like any other human with a brain.
There is no obsession with Ymir, its just one fag sperging out as always.
I think the subtle lewdness is perfect. What's wrong with it Rico? Jealous?
Reiner would make a good dad in an alternative universe where he wasn't a mass murderer.
There are also other characterfags like this, but I don't want to fingerpoint, but it's very vocal ones. Also just because someone discusses a character, doesn't mean they actually like her. So if two people have a disagreement, that doesn't mean they both like the character.
I actually do discuss and it's not about your retarded Ymir shipperfaggotry
What's happening here?
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No! It's just lewd! Hitch shouldn't be doing lewd things.
Not that anon, but I guess then it's the other retarded shipperfaggotry.
It's first the first time when Ymir sees Historia's dick.
I hate all shipperfaggotry
A white cis male scum is in rape distance from muh lgbtqiahbcc favorite character.
I bet Historia has the biggest.
Hitch can do as she wants Rico. You don't own her.
>Bert will die with BA never being addressed again
>he'll die thinking she's being tortured
Fuck you too Isayama, fuck you too.
So you barely discuss anything then, since shipperfaggotry is 80% of these threads and the the rest is character hate and meta.
Ymir is pretty much Tumblr self insert.
Oh no I hate LM as well. Disgusting.
She gonna be impregnated?
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I would never claim ownership of someone! But the Wholy Trinity has an appearance to uphold!
Just because that's what you enjoy discussing doesn't apply to me. I actually do get good theory discussion here, but because you braindead shipperfags and Ymirfags are the loudest doesn't mean we all care about it
Can trannies be impregnated?
That still means you barely discuss anything, although you like discussing meta I guess.
No, she will impregnate.
Yeah I'm truly saddened to lose this competition with a shipperfag
BA will still be addressed, right? There's no way Araki and Ibata pushed it for nothing, r-right?
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Exclusive Armin figma just released for this chapter
>There's no way Araki and Ibata pushed it for nothing
It's possible.
Hissy? She doesn't look keen either way.
He's totally alive guys!
Domstoria is just a little scary.
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Re-posting obligatory response
He still has his eyes and body and the bones weren't burnt.
Araki pushed EM super hard and seee what happens: Armin's now gonna cuck eternally from the afterlife.
The anime means nothing.
cuck Mikasa*, I mean
>Araki pushed EM super hard and see? Armin died.
Are you trying to give me hope or what?
Araki ships EH too.
HAHAHA, funniest fiction post I read in YEARS.
I think Rico is jealous because she wants the Hitch for herself.
Not than anon, but If you're as autistic as I think you're, probably yes.
You mean MAH.
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Hitch is my friend...I like men, Anon.
Mikasa/Annie/Historia. He also ships Boulder/Eren.
Anyone other than Ian?
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I-It's only been three years actually
>the manga came out closer to the airing of Code Geass than the present time
No I mean EH.
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And MAH and Eren/Boulder.
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Of all the Ymirshit in this thread, that image is what's disgusting to you?
Ah, might need to rewatch the third OVA.

I mean, I'm still mad about all the EAr scenes that got the axe, but EH isn't too bad I guess. he better give YH some proper canon lesbian vibes, though
Anon would you tell me the name of that artist?
Yeah sorry. I don't care about Ymir though.
>you'll never hold his hand
>you'll never caress his cheek
Hold me /a/.
Isayama wants do add some filler with Krista acting more imperfect. Since they were always together it might include both of YH.
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was there a time before the SnK fanbase was /y/?
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Absolutely not true.

Check filename.
I thought so.
Spring 2013.
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.
>tfw reading the manga while hyped for the anime to come out
2013 seems like a distant memory
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Ian was a rare breed of man. I haven't found anyone like him since he died.
My arms aren't long enough, sorry.
Must be very hard to find someone that ugly when you don't get out of the house at all.
Of course
I miss the sleepytime threads
>Check filename.
I only get pixiv.
That's a bit harsh anon. blessed be
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then add the 8 digit number you see on the filename

it's gonna be the 4th illustration on the artlog
>then add the 8 digit number you see on the filename

Holy fuck I've never thought of that
Me neither.

He doesn't know how to, neither does Mikasa
Being dumb and doing things the hard way doesn't mean I'm new ;_;
You cry too much anon.
I don't think any knowledge would help them on the matter, both because Eren doesn't want to bang his sibling and because >>142853543
You don't know me
If you're implying he's the other ";_;" in here, he's not.
underage b&
What's up with all the stupid detective work in here? Things like
are extremely common everywhere on this website. It's not one person using them.
She might get even more hate from the anime onlies than she already got from the manga readers, then...

Bah, I don't mind. still love her
>detective work
More like your reading comprehension.
Calm down. It's not important.
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What if she rapes him?
Is it my autism or these are actually repeating a conversation of a year ago?
More like being autistic. Another common word here.
Can't cheat biology.
Welcome to 4chan, anon.
People are aware of what is common here, take your posts and kill yourself.
Fuck off newbie.
If you remember this sort of conversation from a year ago then likely it's your autism.
>People are aware of what is common here
Apparently not.
No just apparently you are dense.
Maybe, but the anime may also pace her development better too.
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>mfw no matter how hard anti-Ymir autists whine, it will have zero impact on the story or the fact that Ymir will kissu the Hisu once again within the next five chapters

Love trumps hate, /pol/tards. The world is leaving hateful faggots like you behind, but feel free to move to Somalia or Uganda where people still think like you do.
No matter how many times Mikasa's micropenis penetrates Eren's boypussy it won't get her pregnant.
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I hope Historia kills Ymir and sucks 30 big dicks right after.
Okay now Ymir should move so I can get here place.
Choke me Bort!
Ah, you found her development poorly paced?

Personally I thought her progression was one of the elements about the Uprising arc that were handled the best.
Ymir's 30 dicks?
No, I didn't. But I think the political arc itself had pacing issues because of it being a monthly manga.
Only in your landwhale delusions.
But you're the landwhale.
Reiner pls.
I'm not a disgusting Ymirfag so nah.
Hello Netherfag. I though you offed yourself after chapter 70.
Hetfags are superior alpha males, yurifags are either fat SJW tumblrinas or permavirgin neckbeards.
Maybe in Burgerland.
Eren's actually.
Ymirfags, whether they like het or not, are the exception to this rule because they are always overweight neckbeards.
But Eren's are served for Mikasa.
More like everywhere fatty.
That's one weird way of spelling Armin.
Nah, I dislike lbgt myself but I don't give a shit about it in fiction and I like seeing people lose their shit over it.
I don't like Ymir and never did.
Same with Historia for me. She is such a forced character.
They are both forced lesbians.
what d'you mean by forced?
Same and her fans are only making her worse.
Historia really has no role or purpose to the story, the entire arc with her and her family just seemed like filler to me. Like honestly think about it, if Historia and that arc ceased to exist, well then fuck it we could honestly just move on and nothing much would change. I'd be fine with that.
Not even Levi's fandom is as bad as this.
Not them, but you're not forced to like 3DPD here. If you can't stand fags here, you're free to leave.
We know BYfag.
Levi's fandom is bigger but the percentage of the shitty fans is much smaller.
Not even BYfag, this is just a widely accepted opinion I am expressing.
I still don't get the point of the uprising arc.
That's exactly my point. They dropped the ball because you have this huge animeonly fanbase that lost interesr and moved over to new popular series. And the animeonly fanbase for AoT was huge. But I don't know why they wouldn't touch the manga.

>You know it's only been a year since there's been enough material to make a second season right?
And you do realize that Assassination Classroom just finished its manga in March and the anime is prepared to cover that. They didn't need year to work on it.
>I still don't get the point of the uprising arc.

16 planned volumes
25 now
Isayama needed to cash in on NEETbux
I still like her better than Ymir.
So? You just want to falseflag so Historia gets hate?
If I recall correctly it was to give Eren development.
So what, he expanded the series to add filler?
Historia is shit, she gets enough hate by herself.
An opinion isn't falseflagging. Plus she gets a lot of hate anyway, so why would I care?
36 whole chapter are to be considered filler.
Isayama had to find a excuse for lack of technology, develope the royal family and Historia and make Eren have hardening and explain the coordinate. The political arc HAD to happen.
Still better than Ymir.
>so why would I care?
You seem to care about Ymirfags a lot though, so why not.
Maybe if you like shit
I just said I didn't like Ymir, not Ymirfags. I don't care about their opinions.
>Maybe if you like shit
But I already said I didn't like Ymir.
Well, the government had been keeping the populace in the dark for a hundred years and for this reason the setting was full of anachronisms and contradictions, so we were bound to have a political arc at some point (and it did answer a lot of questions about the technology, the origin of the walls and bloodlines and all that... while introducing a whole lot of other ones).

I imagine that along with her connection to Ymir, Historia existed specifically to give the SL a means to overthrow the monarchy without getting innocents' blood on their hands and/or losing the little support the population already failed to give them, but her character was planned from the beginning and I don't think her having a specific role makes her forced in anyway whatsoever. Though I guess I could see where you're coming from, especially if her development didn't do anything for you.
I don't mind the character development, but most of these could have happened without taking up 5 volumes.
>tfw Bert and Historia are my absolute favorites
>tfw the hate they get makes me love them more
Wow, the thread becomes so much more bearable if you put the word "shit" in your filter. So many whiny retards just disappear, the same way they should disappear from the world.
Well he did develop a lot of characters during that time. Erwin, Eren, Levi, Historia, pretty much everyone in the SL.
Why are you so desperate to prove that everyone is a samefag?
Ymir a trash.
>can't let go
Fuck off obsessed kid.
Her development was the only thing I really, really liked about the arc, coupled with Eren's. Political arc made me like Eren a lot more than I used to in fact, because it fleshed his character out more. It also made me see Erwin differently too, his selfish side was nice to see.
I'm not the anon you were responding too, I just find it funny
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You're the worst type of Anon.
You should be nicer to people.
You're the one who sounds obsessed here. Are you that mad someone likes Historia more than Ymir just because you hate her?
I'm the anon you responded to: I can't agree with you more. The whole political stuff was interesting enough, but the grade A character development for the main cast in general, and for Historia and Eren in particular is what actually made this arc one of my favorites, depsite all the pacing issues.
I wasn't very interested in the political drivel because Isayama can't write it for shit, he even admitted it himself. But I'm a fan of Isayama's characterization and I was especially surprised he fleshed out a female character that much since most times in manga they get overlooked. Even Mikasa has changed a lot despite what some here claim. I am curious as to why he dropped all mention of the wall titans though, there was plenty of opportunity for that to be brought up.
Can't she get him pregnant?
Eren is such a slut he probably got impregnated by half the cast at this point.
Why are you so desperate to prove that everyone is a samefag?

You idiots keep dragging that shit which no one cares about.
She was neutered by Grisha, though she still has the desire to rape. Something happened to her brain apparently.
Meant for >>142864847
but anyway, enough of this shit
Isn't that what you've been doing?
Why would Grisha do that? Wouldn't he want adoptive grandkids eventually?
>he doesn't know about Grisha's rape cave
I really dont understand how people unironically like the uprising arc. Historia is a useless side meme imo.
I like Historia but the rest of the arc was painful.
He may have done some questionable things, but he was a good man at heart. He wouldn't want to curse anyone with Ackerkids.
My reasons for liking it aren't for the politics stuff. I actually don't dislike any arc in Shingeki.
I think he might be doing such a good job with female characters in particular because he doesn't really seem to bother with societal norms, or at the very least the norms of shounen manga when it comes to what kind of personality or behaviour is acceptable for a character to have depending on their gender. If you're into other shounen (specifically battle shounen), you may have noticed what I'm talking about: in SnK gender doesn't represent a limitation or a constraint outside of which the character is not allowed to grow, and it shows with characters like Hanji, Mikasa, Ymir, Armin or even Eren for that matter.

As for the Wall Titans, my guess is that they weren't mentioned again because both Pastor Nick and Rod were killed before being able to give any more information. Rod probably omitted them from his little story full of holes because he didn't deem necessary to tell Historia anything about them.
Historia and Ymir are both the best and deserve all the happiness in the world despite what their haters say.
People literally explained their reasons for liking the arc in the posts above yours, anon.
I don't like Ymir much but I appreciate it.
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I did like the 3DMG gun fights, Kenny, the Historia stuff and pic related is one of my all time favorite pages of all the manga.

But the arc was by far the worse one in the manga.
I don't quite get the point of killing Pastor Nick then if the WTs were going to be dropped. Actually, I suspect Eren may awaken them with the coordinate but he will learn how to control titans then? Rod definitely knew more, but Isayama just had him info dump about the coordinate then kill him off. Good riddance to him, but I do also think the Reiss held some kind of connection to BRA's village too.
Very memethemed reason though, didn't bother reading much of them.
Are there more memes of this?
>I disagree so it's a meme
>Bert turned into a pillow
>Renier fucked up again
>Zeke on a run
>Scouting Legion mostly wiped out
>Levi who knows
>Armin dead
>Mikasa injured
What now? Who goes where and what?

what the fuck
Fujos are going to love this arc animated solely because of all the Levi screentime.
Wall titans.
BRE alliance soon.
Pastor Nick's murder might have just served as a means for Hanji to figure out that the Central Military Police was involved in the whole affair. The WTs probably haven't been mentioned again because we'll get to know the full story about them once we get to the damn basement.

And yeah, it's pretty sure that Rod knew much more than he let on and only spoonfed Historia on the basics of what she needed to know in order to better manipulate her into making the decision which followed his agenda.
I wish.
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>mfw never
The memories it the basement will prove that everything BRA did was justified
I wish. If that was the case, then why did Grisha tell Eren to avenge his mother?
Rod knew more, but he was probably still ignorant about things as well. The guy became brainwashed too, although it doesn't absolve him of his sins either. When he said he couldn't become a titan it made me wonder if the ideal shifter should be young - hence why he kept insisting Historia eat Eren instead. Or perhaps this only applies to coordinate heirs, since Urie aged very quickly as the coordinate.
Pure delusion
You keep claiming that. The longer we go without an explanation the less it'll justify shit.
On the one hand, considering how young RBA were when they kicked down and infiltrated the walls I'd be tempted to say that this "the younger the better" rule somehow applies to all shifters, which would mean Rod wasn't lying when he said it was impossible for him.
On the other, I can't help but feel Rod's fanatic ass was looking for a God to worship rather than seeking to become a God himself.
You're just mad that Historia is more developed, more fleshed out, more beautiful and more relevant than Mikasa will ever be.

And the best part is that she stole Mikasa's love interest without even trying.
So much delusion in one post, can't tell if trolling.
Everything stated in that post is the truth. Might as well call Historia the main girl now that she's become the love interest.
No one likes Historia anymore anon, I can't wait to see how low she drops in the new poll.
Armin amiibo
I can't wait for Historia to beat Mikasa in the upcoming polls. ESPECIALLY after S2 airs.
Mikasa pls
Historia is a meme. M E M E .
But Historia isn't the butt of all the cuckolding jokes.
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Do you even know what that word means, or do you just like throwing the term around for everything you don't like?
In all honesty, I think Historia is a Mary Sue even if I like the character. Isayama did a pretty poor job with her.
Historia is the fictional embodiment of shitposting, nice try.
Mikasa is a meme.
But that's Mikasa.
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Mikasa is a cute butt for Eren to rest his head on.
I don't really mind her Sue traits to be honest. I am content with how Isayama wrote her, the only thing I would change is the titanization cliffhanger. Plus I'm just glad she is finally happy with herself.
That's incest. Disgusting.
Mikaqt don't you ever tire of shitposting here?
I liked her more when she was still zombie-like and had a look that could kill anyone with just gazing their way.

Now she's jsut a boring queen looking after orphans.
How? She's one of the biggest fuckups in the manga and she doesn't get any extra love or pity for it, neither from the characters nor from the readers. She's manipulative, relatively self-centered and doesn't give much of a fuck about grand concepts like humanity, but she does care about her friends.

I mean, Eren told her straight to her face that she was fake as fuck. A heavily flawed character like her barely counts as a Sue: or do you just classify her as one because she ends up queen and Eren ends up envious of her newly found willpower?
It's entirely possible he just wanted a scapegoat in the form of his only child. That's pretty sad considering the rest of his family was killed, and yet he still chose to be the Worst Father of the Year to his last kid. Welp rest in pieces Rod, Grisha surely had good reasons to hate you.
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Nothing of value was lost with this man's death.
Well if she continued down that path then she would sudoku and probably plan to take the whole squad with her. It was inevitable that she was going to cheer up after all the times Ymir told her off for letting people use her. I didn't mind her zombie state though, but I hope she won't just sit around babysitting. In fact I think that's just a temporary thing until she gets older and knows how to be a leader.
I classify her as one for different reasons that are entirely independent from the flaws of her characters and more based on how the writer treats her as a character. Pay attention to things like having extraordinary beauty and everyone falling for her no matter if it's friend or foe. Everything works out in her favor because of her special bloodline. The special bloodline in itself is yet another Sue point. Then there's how she's one of the characters that's supported by everyone around her, and doesn't really suffer at all, except for some psychological issues in the past. She has massive amounts of plot armor due to these reasons. And it just bothers me that this is how Isayama chose to write her. Now she even has Eren's attention (possibly even attracted to her) even though Mikasa has known Eren for longer. See, stuff like this is what makes me view her as a Mary Sue.
I'm hoping she does relevant stuff again.
If she bothers you that much then why do you even claim to like her?
Because I like her as a person. Me liking the person she is is completely separated from me acknowledging the flaws in how she's written.

And I prefer characters that don't have everything their way because the author has a hard on for them.
It's better than completely disregarding all her writing flaws.
Isayama didn't seem too fond of her actually, or at least initially. He said he had trouble writing her character. I don't know where the Eren being attracted to her thing comes from since he just likes her as a friend quite obviously. I also think that the only two people she became close to (Ymir and Eren) were pretty blunt with her and didn't sweet talk her when she didn't deserve it. Everyone else kept their distance from her and continued to see her as Krista. But otherwise, like I said I can overlook the Sue stuff such as people falling for her mostly because it looked like it was treated as a joke anyway.
He had trouble writing her because she was too complex. He couldn't express all the emotions she felt well because she was too confused. It's not that he didn't like her.

The only character Isayama said he didn't like was Eren, and even with him he said he started to like him after the anime.
I think he portrayed depression pretty decently with her, especially the selfish side of it. I wonder if Isayama likes her now that she matured and isn't gloomy anymore.
As the anon before me said he never said that he didn't like her, just that he has a hard time understanding her thought process.

Eren, in his zombie-like state, complimented Historia even though he was in no position nor actually motivated to express any positive emotions towards anything or anyone- Historia brought that out of him in that instant. It also connects to his initial thoughts on her how he thought she was strange.

The thing about her extraordinary beauty isn't a joke though. The goddess thing was a joke maybe, but her looks weren't.
I think the point of Eren complimenting her was to show that they have essentially switched roles. Historia originally told Eren she was jealous of him, and Eren told her he didn't understand the mindset of someone who didn't know what to do. Now that Eren became depressed, he in turn became jealous of her.
Where do you get that he's jealous of her? It sounded more like he has admiration for her and he's proud to have seen what she became. Eren is knowledgeable on her past and he was present when she almost gave up and then overthrew her father. He was there through all her development and he admires her for that.

It doesn't help either that the compliment caused Historia to blush. This may not be a manga forcused on romance, but when there's romance, it's really not so subtle.
I think he did a good job too, but maybe it wasn't how he pictured it. Not sure.
>Pay attention to things like having extraordinary beauty and everyone falling for her no matter if it's friend or foe.
"Extraordinary beauty" is a trait you came up with on your own, not one that was provided by the writer. Krista Lenz is acknowledged as a pretty girl but the and is popular among her fellow trainees, but taking her beauty out of context without associating it with her excessively kind and selfess (aka godess-like) behaviour (which is the main reason why people "loved" her so much) makes no sense. Mikasa is another girl that is canonically ackowledged as pretty and with a special bloodline (two actually), but her cold and distant demeanor kept her from gaining any kind of popularity outside of her physical prowess.

>Then there's how she's one of the characters that's supported by everyone around her, and doesn't really suffer at all, except for some psychological issues in the past.
She does suffer, though? Historia Reiss' will to live for herself was almost entirely reliant on Ymir's love and support (because at the time Ymir was her only source of love and support), and when she left her character completely collapsed on itself . She spent the whole Uprising arc trying and failing (miserably) to pick herself up, and there wasn't much help from anyone aside from Eren's few words of encouragement (which he himself probably didn't even realise how much they meant to her): unless your point is that somehow psychological damage doesn't count as real damage, then I'm not sure how that counts as a "Sue point".

>She has massive amounts of plot armor due to these reasons.
She has plot armor due to plot reasons: she needs to be Queen, simple as that.

>Now she even has Eren's attention (possibly even attracted to her) even though Mikasa has known Eren for longer.
She has his attention because they spent weeks stuck together and became friends through hardships. It doesn't negate the strength of Mikasa's bond with Eren in any way whatsoever.
Fug, you just made me ship them more.
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Nice (you)s
And I say all of that as a YHfag. I know my fellow fags can be insufferable cunts so my bad for that.

Anyway even if I think EH is almost a certainty, I'm still hoping for some proper closure on YH's story.
To be honest, you claim to take into consideration the way the writer treats her but your post seems more like a checklist of traits that could really only be associated with the Mary Sue archetype when taken completely out of context.

Not trying to say that Historia is a flawlessly written character (though in my opinion she's the best one Isayama ever came up with), but calling her a Sue based on such shallow reasons seems very weird to me, especially coming from someone who actually likes her character.
I know that not all EHfags are so kind either. I don't mind YH, and even as someone who loves EH I know it has no shot at happening.
Not a single character or pairing is free of cancerous fans sadly.
I think prior to their little talk in front of the orphanage what he felt was more akin to envy and self-depreciation because of his own perceived weakness than actual admiration.

But I'd definitely agree that by the time he called her amazing it had already turned into admiration (though the self-loathing was still there).
Especially here.
Well said anon.
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