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Macross Delta

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Subs never.
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>the BoguexFreyja poster is back
This >>142837769
It would be great if he indeed was, since they would have the same life-time and Hayate wouldn't miss her when she dies.
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We are always here.
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Nobody can stop us, anon.
Sheryl the indisputable best girl
I can't stop listening to this ED. I melt a little more every time I hear that 覚悟するんよ
Still not taking a side on this triangle though.
I hope you're prepared.
Consider the following:

If this >>142837769 happen. I hope that they will not pull the sibling bullshit out.
Hayate and Freyja are related
What sibling bullshit man, there's no way that would ever happen. They don't look alike at all. Hayate looks like he doesn't even know where he comes from, maybe his mother was human and his father windermerian, that would make sense since he doesn't have a rune.
And then he would be the mediator of peace between the two countries like Mirage's granparents did.
Japan and Taiwan and Minori agreed that there should be a triangle end and if not a Mirage end. Will American fans prove to have the same poor taste when Kawamori asks the fans the same question at AnimeExpo and will the producers change the ending based on fan feedback?
>will the producers change the ending based on fan feedback?
Kawamori don't let Zessica win so maybe no.
What is the poll result? I heard that it's
1.choose both
They're prefer Mirage over Freyja?
>triangle end
>delusional Freyerfags
Don't worry, they will be heavily related, just not brothers.
both > mirage > freyja
Damn the have a shit taste, wing ending is shit.
>and if not a Mirage end

I'm sorry, but how can they possibly justify this? I know Japan has shit taste, but this is taking it a little too far. Mirage has had no development and is one small step above being a literal who. Thinking Hayate should end with her at this juncture in the story is mind-blowing.
subs when
You forgot that they just picked Mirage because baww Freyja will die, so sad (she's a rebound).
Who knows what they can pull off in 15 episodes.
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It's not that they prefer Mirage over Freyja, in fact they love Freyja and she is the most popular. It's just that in the eyes of Japanese culture, Idols are suppose to remain pure. Which is why various real life idols in japan hide their relationships and some that have been found out are sued, even face jail time for breaking contract. If you look closely at the win vs lose chart meme people like posting, and observe the losers you'll notice the pattern. All pure promoted idols, Sheryl wasn't portrayed as pure type. And purity for idols, especially pure idols is big as they don't want them tainted. Idk if you watch other idol anime's but that is the constant pattern in all of them, liking a guy they can't be with because they love their jobs more. Even Akb0048 had that plot. It's also why in DYRL kaifun was afraid that Minmay's idol career would end because of Hikaru.

It's just an unfortunate curse that idols have to bare, some go through it because they love their jobs. Others leave their jobs for the person they like, it just depends on the idol.
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>will the producers change the ending based on fan feedback?
Anyone who has not enough confidence in their work that they would actually change their work after they've finished it based on feedback from some fans shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Of course, if EVERYONE is telling you to change something, it may be a good idea to do so. Just look at what happened when George Lucas had free reign over Star Wars with no one having the guts to restrain him from his poorer ideas anymore because he's the guy who made Star Wars. The outcome of a love triangle is not a situation where this should happen.
>Sheryl Nome

Stay in denial and drink that damage control kool-aid
I'm fucking surprised that Freyja's fanbase are bigger but people prefer Mirage to win.
Just watch the raw.

You would understand at least 70% of what they say anyway.

It was china and this was their reasoning >>142839809 Minori is trolling though, she even flashed a smile to the producers about if her character is going to die. They are stating the only way for Mirage to win is that if Freyja dies.
That was Minori's reasoning not the crowd.
>Even Akb0048 had that plot
0048 had that plot only because AKB itself is like that. Purity has never been relevant in Macross.
That has nothing to do with Japan or idols, retard. They literally said that answer because they believe Freyja will die and can't face a sad ending. That's all. Literally there's absolutely nothing Mirage can do against Freyja.

This was in Taiwan, not Japan. Nobody gives a shit about Mirage/Hayate in Japan.
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It's true. This japanese idol from a popular idol group shaved her head, because she shamed her idol group and herself as an idol for being caught dating a guy. Japan takes the purity of idols seriously.

That's why deep down, as much as I want Freyja to win, I know it won't happen.

>Idols are suppose to remain pure.
3d idols are different from 2d idols.
Holyshit that's a shitty reason.

The fuck?
>Nobody gives a shit about Mirage/Hayate in Japan.
>Mirage comes in 4th in a Newtype ranking while her screentime is akin to a side character
Just look at the pattern, Sheryl was the exception because she was promoted as promiscuous and not pure like the other idols.
Walkyure are universal idols y'know.
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Can someone translate the blurbs and big text?
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funny that Sheryl is the purest and best of all of them.
The only reason anyone likes Mirage is because she's a Jenius. She brings nothing else to the table.
>Sheryl is the purest
Not anymore
Walkure aren't idols, they are a tactical military private unit. Kaname is the only one who was an idol. Kawamori makes a huge difference between idols and songtresses. Sara and Mao were never idols either. In the past, a point of development to pop idols was accepting shouldering the duty of utahime and sing for peace as some kind of culmination (Sheryl, Ranka and Minmay), but in case of Walkure they start with the fundamental role as utahime to save people. Kawamori also gives two shits about the neckbeard audience: Mao moved on and married someone else, Ranka is paired with her brother in some spin off because he liked it, Minmay dated Kaifun and probably fucked Hikaru during Christmas, Sheryl fucked Alto, Mylene was a horny slut and was raped by a lesbian in a manga. The purest singer is Basara.
But Alto fucked her.
She's not ever gonna give back that phone, is she?
Pretty much. He even stated in an interview that Alto and Sheryl could break up and she would be the one who moves on quickly and see other guys in show biz (not that they will, but it's also a possibility). He really doesn't give a shit about purity. He does what he wants in that aspect.
>implying basara didn't fuck the galaxy
There aren't even enough idols to establish a pattern. Zero didn't have idols, Sharon was an idol but doesn't exactly count, Mylene wasn't really an idol, but even if you want to count her purity was never relevant.
He was pure. Fuck you.

As I was saying, Walkure's songs have a lot of blatant sexual innuendo. He's not aiming for muh pure idols. That idea is laughable. He would have tried to tell his composer to make songs about friendship and dreams and that sugary crap idols sing.
Walkure aren't idols, retard.
Wrong in both accounts.
They made love and she leg-lock him.
What pattern?

Minmay dated her cousin and stayed with Hikaru overnight. That pattern? The only one who had a pure "idol" image was Ranka and was overly childish in everything. Her songs are also "pure" (feelings and cutesy stuff) while half of Walkure songs are about fucking. Including the ones Freyja sings so happily.
>still no subs
Wow it's like I'm back in the pre-CR days, I can dig it.
Still not pure

If her fans knew they'd turn into Rankashitters overnight
Sheryl is a slut then
>really thinking Kawamori gives a shit about purity and lonely otaku
This is the man who made Aquarion, featuring bestiality and homosexuality as main romances. Who didn't cave in to make otaku's pick up favorite girl win the triangle and stick with the least popular choice; who even had that favorite girl hinted to be paired with the other loser as a final fuck you.

The only one who can pressure him are the producers and whoever is calling the shots, but he doesn't give a fuck about the audience in general. What other triangle can you count that he has the loser girl moving on and marry someone else like Mao did? Not just that, but she wasn't hung down the guy she lost and had a happy family life and a successful career? He had Myung sleep with Guld. Hikaru losing Minmay to Kaifun (regardless of what Network pushed him to write, this was the resolution of his novels). He gives two fucks about how much Milia and Max are popular as couple and references them as a failure of a marriage.

He'll write what he wants. If Freyja wins/loses, it won't be because of muh pure idol when she's singing songs about orgasms and sex in a metaphorical way. There's also the possibility she wins, lives her life with Hayate dies, and Hayate will eventually move on with Mirage or someone else if he falls for them then.
No way, if he had told him that then we wouldn't have Ikenai borderline now and I wouldn't be addicted to it.
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>this couple will never become canon
If she dies they can fuck all they want in heaven.
Didn't a different writer do that in the original Macross? The only script Kawamori is credited for is the last episode.

Who cares about canon when we have movies?
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Sheryl x Alto OTP anon. They are unbreakable.
Will a walkyure die in this series?

What if they kill Reina and then Makina becomes a raged bersek lesbian firing missiles from her tits to everyone seeking for revenge?
Subs when?
And nothing of value was lost.
I seriously doubt it just due to merchandise and post series concerts.
If they're break up AlSheryl fans (including me) would be mad as fuck.
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Delta got me into the series and I've been watching the old ones recently; just finished Plus and I know it's supposed to be renowned for slick dogfights and all but can we take a moment to admire how fucking awesome the episode 2 concert scene was? Blew my mind, I keep rewatching it. So far my favourite Macross scene after SDF episode 27.
It would be hilarious to make the post series concert and have the seiyuu sing in a obake outfit.
They have plpt armor though. Maybe Kaname or Reina can die because their VAs are already popular.
Kawamori was trully ahead of his time.
What was the name of Reina's hacking song and does anyone know when it'll be released?
Yeah, but Kawamori made the novelization.
This Sunday's dogfight is not going to be same without my SHIROKISHI and SHINIGAMI shenanigans
Literal soulmates.

what were Rankashitters even thinking?
Silent hacker. Still don't know release date.
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>what were Rankashitters even thinking?
They weren't.
I can't find any chemistry between Alto and Ranka. She's cute being with her two onii-chan.
Thank you!

I'll miss it too, though I'll be looking forward to Hayate undoubtedly stepping up his game to fill Messer's shoes.
Naked scene was fucking awkward while this song was playing.
Maybe we still get DELTA 5! and GO TO HELL WALKUREEE.
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Mirage is the new Delta Ace
Didn't I hear somewhere that Hayate gets promoted to squad leader or something? Maybe it was just bullshit. Mirage is probably a much better pilot.
I think Heinz cured Mikumo of her autism.

>has already expressed concern for other people's feelings multiple times since
>facial expression is no longer default shimpi
>hasn't been naked since
Oh /a/
Hayate will take the lead. Other pilot will become better.
It's in the Hayate interview. Hayate will be the leader and ace.

Mirage becomes more girly as her character development. Maybe she'll bring a cheerleader outfit to scream DELTA FIVE DELTA FIVE.
>Other pilot will become better.
Based Chuck.
>Mirage becomes more girly
I love this shit. Misa giving Hikaru pictures of herself with kittens was cute as heck. Gap moe is the strongest force on the planet.
>Maybe she'll bring a cheerleader outfit to scream DELTA FIVE DELTA FIVE
FUCK, I want that.
I don't care about Luca but I care about him so much.
Like Misa before her she will win and the other party will be sore losers
Definitely a possibility, but his and Freyja's chemistry together is undeniably good so I wouldn't count that out.
>Kawamori literally made Amata get with Mikono despite all the best developments happening with Zessica instead

He doesn't give a fuck.
Zessicafags = Freyjafags

What the fuck is this logic? I don't know if she gonna lose like Zessica but Freyja's main heroine.
It is pretty sad that Kawamori bailed on the project around the half way point, but the staff still couldn't do what they wanted.
Nobody could lose as hard as Zessica. Nobody.
I heard that Okada gonna let Zessica win but Kawamori reject. Is this real?
Freyja will outlose her
There will never be a bigger case of the wrong girl winning than Aquarion EVOL. Even the VAs couldn't believe how shit Mikono was.
Kawamori had the biggest boner for Mikono for unknown reasons. The series looked like it was going in a strong fuck fate direction, but then Amata ends up with Mikono because that was his fate.
>I'm gonna fight fate so I can be with Mikono-san!
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Their chemistry are too great.
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Also their fanarts are fucking cute.
I seriously need to see Hayate kiss Freyja's rune before the series is over. It absolutely needs to happen.
sleepy Freyja is moe
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Fuck you.
Is that cunnilingus?
Adding to that, the big blur is essentially the writer saying that he thinks on the strong points of the series is essentially Hayate's and Freyja's growth, and how they continue to head forward despite setbacks n' stuff
>another hayate bullying bogue fanart
>it's real
God bless.
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It's showtime! Welcome to Walkure World~
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HayaFureBogu is a pretty cute fan triangle. Also bullying Bogue is fun.
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I think that she would kill herself before doing that. On the other hand, if it's for a mission...
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it's time
face is a bit off, but nekkid kumokumo's are always welcome

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Bogue is for bullying
HayaFure is for cute
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Misa was an actual character. Mirage is just furniture.
>Freyja BTFO

So the rumors were real, Hayate will fall for Mirage
Welcome to 2 months ago
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Not to start a Macross v Gundam debate, but there's something to the directing of Delta that just highlights everything wrong with IBO. Scenes that are supposed to be intense and dramatic, are intense and dramatic. There was weight in Messer's death that there wasn't when Fumitan died. Hell, that whole arc was shit.

In any case, good episode. Shame, I won't be watching Delta for the next 3 weeks most likely. But oh well, hat's life.
Freyja and Mikumo's harmonization at the end of Giraffe Blues! Beautiful!!
>dat remember 16

I think we all know that Macross 7 is Kawamori's favourite Macross. it also has the best music
Ehhh, we've already had several macross plus songs, if anything it's underrepresented.

It does have the best music though
Why are you leaving us for three weeks!?
He can't because it's just a shitposting.
Where did it say that Freyja, Mikumo, and Heinz lost their ability to emit fold waves? I remember some anons saying about it wasn't mentioned during check up scene with Freyja. Did gg miss out that part?
Something I found interesting. According to Mikumo their consciousness was invaded, and they were completely analyzed and read like a book. Mikumo thinks it was the wind singer, but Roid and us the viewers know its connected to the ruins in some way.

But what I actually found interesting was the fact that even though all three individuals experienced each others consciousness, Freyja spoke about Heinz, while Heinz spoke about Freyja and they leave us in the dark about Mikumo again!!

Will they ever stop adding to the mystery and start giving us at least some info.
Fuck off Bogue.
No, Heinz was clearly read to sing at the end. They just bated us and we fell for it. Anons can be dick at times.
it's already been implied from before that the chuck's little brothers is a fire bomberfag, not entirely surprising. but yeah, still nice hearing macross 7 songs.
>literally Macross Zabi

I look forward to Windermere getting Exterminatus'd again
France for 3 weeks. Euro 2016 and just to visit the country. Might be on /a/ during that time, but I doubt it.
Apart from SDF, 7 got the most love in Frontier. Also, the amount of content that 7 had trumps every other Macross

>49 episodes
>3 Encore episodes
>A movie
>4 episode OVA
>A crossover with Frontier
I feel pretty bad for Messer. Keith's shot to the heart means he got seriously outplayed. Kaname barely seemed to care.
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Fuck, Messer didn't deserve this
I doubt they'll start giving us stuff until the second half. Frontier did the same thing too. Revelations didn't start happening until the Gallia IV incident.
don't forget 7 had
>best male protag
You sure about that?
>Kaname barely seemed to care.
again with this, did you watch until the end? I'm not saying kaname loves messer, but it's pretty obvious that she cares a lot about messer.
>shot to the heart

Dead as fuck

Hayate shoving a dagger to his cockpit
his majesty is definitely dead as fuck next episode, isn't he?
>Kaname barely seemed to care.

You what? She wasn't in love with him like Chuck's sister so she wouldn't react the same way, but she's just as hurt by his death as everyone else. Probably even moreso because she was the one singing at the time.

In the end, she's probably the most grateful to him.
It was a pretty heart warming episode overall.

I wonder how Hayate will carry the team after this or if he'll fuck up immediately.
Mirage is currently the better pilot mechanically but Hayate's got a much higher ceiling than her and a level of ingenuity you can't really create. He'll be Delta Squadron's new ace eventually, though him serving as a leader seems kind of weird at this point in his development.
Meant for >>142844925
>constantly shown bedridden
>this episode shows him get up and take the lead in a big ship
>next episode is named after him

Dead as a doornail
I like how during this scene it's about how they interpret Messer's meticulous flight logs and what it meant about their relation with him, rather than it being some "last message" recording he conveniently made before his death.
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>A mountain moves the same episode that Remember 16 plays

Mistranslation or anon pulling things out of his ass.

The blurb only said he would pull the rest of the platoon along.
>someone says that Hayate becomes more main characterlike
>He becomes the new ace everyone!
>He becomes the new leader of the squad!
>He's literally promoted to the squad leader everyone!

Can you guys just not?
She was the last one to go sing, and she might not have gone at all if everyone else hadn't.

The way it comes off, she only thought of him as a fan or a work colleague or something. In comparison, there's Hayate and Mirage realizing just how much he loved to fly and Arad with his banana sake. That, to me, demonstrates the sense of loss more strongly than any of Kaname's actions this episode.
>Sure you don't want to take some time off?
>Nah it's cool

Fucking space ISIS is going to stab him in the back no doubt.
No. We must misinterpret everything.
The conversation here and later from the Caption really showed Messer as someone with a Martyr fantasy. His death would have been much more tragic had he actually enjoyed more things in life and had a strong wish to live.
>they leave us in the dark about Mikumo again!!
the housefire is definitely from freyja's memories
the huge crater is heinz's
which means, this huge galaxy thingy is definitely from mikumo's memories.
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>he spent all that time in front of his computer
>instead of tapping dat ass

It's too late for me, but you young ones still have a chance.
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Good point.
Yep. Question is, will be Roid or Keith who kills him?
Basara finally did it!
forgot the pic
Mirage is the worst pilot. She even got shot by fucking Bogue because instead of fighting she stares at what other people are doing.
The point is that he saw himself as a martyr and someone who was going to die soon and thus didn't give himself an opportunity to live, in more ways that one.
Have you or anyone you know EVER lost a friend or family member?

people cope in different ways, Kaname for sure isnt reacting like she lost a lover or some shit. But shes definitely grieving for a friend. To say shes cares less than Freiya, green lesbien, titty monster and purple chick is some serious denial
Too early for them.
It just depends on what the galaxy and stars mean. I'm inclined to believe that it lends credence to the "Mikumo is a jellyfish" idea because she would always be gazing up towards the sky from the ocean.
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I almost put my fist thru the fucking wall expecting them to cut to a heavily comatose Messer in a hospital.

im glad sadness won the day
Are you a sociopath or do you not understand she was bottling her feelings which she finally allowed herself to grieve in the end thanks to Mikumo and the others?
Not everyone bawls when a loved one dies. Some people live in denial about it, or try to put on a brave face. Kaname was one of the two or a combination of both.
I mean, the rampant speculation and misinterpretation is kind of dumb but the plot itself isn't really being subtle about setting up Hayate as Delta Squadron's new ace.
>Sure you don't want to take some time off?
>Nah it's cool

And? Arad pretty much reacted the same way when Kaname asked him that question. And, if nothing else, her tears during her solo at the end confirm she cared just as much about him as everyone else.
you might wanna see a therapist or something cause you seem really unhinged to other peoples' emotions
Probably hard to enjoy things in life when you look at your flight log after going amok and remembering the carnage constantly.
they think theyre the decedents of bird people. Seems fitting
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I don't think Kawamori has ever put a green through what Kaname has had to deal with. I bet that sixteen fucking episodes from now, at the series wrap-up montage at the end of the last episode, we're going to see her sitting alone in her room drinking whiskey and playing Axia off of the bracelet.
Anyone else noticed a lot of Chuck death flags this episode?
What's a bit depressing about Messer is that he quickly became everyone's inspiring memory and didn't have a person who just grieved and missed him for who he is, not what he sacrificed. Kaname also clearly showed that she had zero romantic thoughts about him. If anything it seems Captain was grieving a lot and just not letting it show.
Fuck off you dense faggot. Kaname was faking how hurt she really was just like Arad. Both of them lost a dear friend and comrade.
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We always talk about fighting and shipping, but can we talk about how well Mikumo and Freyja harmonized during Giraffe Blues, especially the ending.
Where did Mikumo come from? She wasn't with them when they were eating and drinking.
probably swimming naked with the jellyfish
From the sea obviously.
She's one of those "ooooh, mysterious" characters that Japan thinks are cool for some reason, so she probably just teleported or some shit.
Mikumo comes and goes as she pleases.
Arad brings that up though. Messer kept everyone at arm's length and Hayate's bitter about it. He never got the chance to really know Messer as a person, only the brief glimpses that happened to shine through on occasion.
I have.

I know people cope in different ways, and I know that Kaname didn't love him like that. But for all the weight the show placed on their relationship, all we saw of Kaname's grief was a single shot of her crying at his funeral and then once at the end, immediately before challenging Mikumo's idolship, with no change in her personality in between.

I'll grant that that's a perfectly reasonable way for people to grieve IRL, but this is a dramatized work of fiction and they didn't really depict her bottling things up or being in denial. Or if I missed something, go ahead and show me.

Arad at least has the excuse of important duties and responsibilities that force him to keep going.

It actually kind of hurts my feelings that you guys think I'm a sociopath. I'm just saying that it's clear that Kaname never saw Messer on anywhere near the same level that he saw her, and I'm not just talking romantically. That's why I'm saying I feel bad for Messer.
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I finally finished watching all of Macross and got caught up with Delta. Now the weekly wait begins for me. At least there's a couple movies and ovas to keep me busy.

Flower Girl best girl
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That scene and the Milia vs Max knife fight are the greatest thing to ever be done under the macross name
She was sleeping with the fishes
fucking stupid to not know what was meant here
She's shed tears for him 3 times now? She didn't exactly bawl, but how much do you need to be satisfied? No, he wasn't her whole life, like she was to him. If you thought that I don't know what to tell you
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>this episode
I can't wait to see Hayate level up, I knew he'd do it eventually.
Nobody else cried for him except her and that random slut who crushed on him, but there were shots of Kaname holding her feelings up and trying to put a brave face.
how kinda of basara to notice the flower girl forgets her flowers, save her the time from calling the taxi's company for forgotten/lost item.
kaname also cried during the funeral
>Arad at least has the excuse of important duties and responsibilities that force him to keep going.

Yeah and the actual important characters who are showed training and worrying their asses like Walkure who Kaname is the leader of aren't?

Delta are just Walkure glorified bodyguards. The ones who can do shit against Var are the idols. To the Windies Walkure, not Delta, are the target.
Their voices are perfect.
I know. She's also singing because he believed in her, so he gave her courage to stop putting herself down and she "shone" the brightest thanks to him. Are people autistic or something?
I hope they fix this in the BD. These low quality shots kinda killed the mood of the scene.
>Kaname also clearly showed that she had zero romantic thoughts about him.

I think she does now, and has since the last episode - and that adds on another layer of black humor because she was always trying to be a good leader and spend time with him because he seemed so isolated but she was utterly oblivious to his feelings and for his part Messer loved her immensely and would probably have loved to spend time with her but he stayed away because he knew he was VAR'd and thought it would only hurt her.

This is a fucking masterpiece of suffering.
I noticed that. Pretty great to hear that. Really made the ending of that episode.
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Poor Messer.
Sudden appearances out of nowhere is what devil usually does.
Mikumo is literally Lucifer
She is Kawamori's self-insert.
Kawamori is so deep
No one likes that old hag
Kawamori is lucifer confirmed
I don't necessarily agree with that. She certainly does hold stronger feelings for him now, after his death, and that's where the irony comes from. I do think she's still vaguely interested in Arad, but knows that the current situation just isn't the correct time to act on it, or doesn't consider it anything more than a crush that isn't worth acting on since Arad is pretty uninterested in romance in general. That sideways glance during this scene at least implies it.
>Mikumo = Lucifer = Devil = Protodeviln
Mikumo confirmed Protodeviln offspring of Basara and Sivil.
Sheryl a slut ~
I don't think it's after his death, but they got into a closer relationship since Voldor happened and Kaname spent time with Messer. It was bad timing overall.
Event in earth some type jellyfish can be immortal.So Mikumo maybe watch the galaxy from ancient time.
>that hand
>That sideways glance during this scene at least implies it.
That wasn't an implication that she's interested in Arad. It just shows that both of them were holding a strong front and didn't want to expose their emotions that they lost a good friend and colleague.
What are they gonna do with Messer's valk? Anyone think they're gonna pull a Hikaru/Roy later in the series?

Messer knew she wouldn't have strong feelings for him, he distanced himself from everybody to prevent that from happening. He was happy just sacrificing himself protecting Kaname to return the favor of saving his life. If he knew the effect his words had on Kaname, giving her singing meaning again and restoring her confidence, that would be more than Messer could ever hope for.
>you will never bring back your waifus smile
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When you dwell on the past
While Arad pounds her sweet ass
When she sings while you're dead
It's his face in her head

When she's cleaning cum stains
When you're flying your planes
When she's with producer guys
And you're still none the wise

When you listen to her song
She is sucking his dong
When there's Var in your piss
She makes out with Keith

When his semen is spent
Your bracelet is still on her hand
When you fly all alone
Her hips move on their own
Oh come on some of that didn't even rhyme
prediction for lady M's reinforcement?
Basara is pure, dammit.
Obviously NUNS but they will get rekt because Windermere is pegged too strong
Could be other branches of Chaos if the company operates on more than just Ragna.
Even as a joke these lyrics are just outright retarded.
The other branches have already fallen or wiped out

It's NUNS and it will be a le epik space battle where NUNS takes heavy casualties but Windermere loses a few ships and retreats
Maybe that planet where pirka chan is from
So far our wind rider count is 3 (Hayate, Keith, Messer). Over/under 8 total characters who ride the wind in a VF by the end of the series?
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War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries, mecha, and music. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. Music powered soldiers listen to idol music, use music assisted gear. Fold Bacteria inside their bodies enhance and regulate their musical abilities. Mind control. Information control. Emotion control. Culture control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of music...All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the music...controls history. War has changed. When music is under total control...War becomes routine
we're thankfully never seeing his ugly mug again
>Hey Hayate
>I'll teach you how to bang that Jenius girlfriend of yours
>The other branches have already fallen or wiped out

Eh, we haven't seen Chaos using local forces on any of the nearby planets they've operated on. I assume if they have other branches they were attached to completely different fleets and the associated settlement areas.

That said I don't necessarily think you're wrong about NUNS, it just depends on where they're going with this and who Lady M actually is. NUNS would certainly be a better choice than Chaos or another PMC company for providing lots of ships and redshirts to pivot into some fleet battles.
>telling anyone how to get a girl
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So basically the windfags have gotten their hands on an old protoculture ship.

Seeing as the SDF-01 beat those things back in 2009 with VF-1's, I dont think NUNS will have much of an issue.
>giving a shit about pilots

He'll teach him how to fuck idols, not losers.
>implying Alto knows how to woo a girl to bed
Seriously Sheryl is the man in their relationship. She's likely the one and not Alto who would initiate having sex.
Did you skip the part they can take over the galaxy if they wanted? Not that the king gives a shit about that, he seems focused on his small sector, but twenty bucks ISIS will take advantage.
>initially dislike Chuck because he gives off Kakizaki vibes
>he's actually a good character
I'm glad he didn't die. I wish they'd just kill Kakizaki again.
>fuck a 20/10 for 7 years
>implying he won't be a manly man at this point

Alto is a sub and Sheryl is a dom.
Kawamori literally says he's sheryl's housewife
Obviously not the same exactly. The ships they fought were part of massmanufactured zentradi forces. For their part, they didn't really have much in common with the protoculture aestehtic we've been shown. (The ruins in DYRL, Birdman/Afos from zero, various ruins in Delta, and now this ship)

The protoculture ship will for sure have some doomsday weapon on it or another. And why the fuck would you think NUNS gets to kill the ship? What the fuck do you think the Elysion is for?
They can take the cluster, dude. The cluster. If they just take Ragna and Al Shahal.
In an apron and all.
What part of Alto fucking off with the Vajra didn't you understand? Oh no he's totally back. Just like Shin and the crew from Megaroad 1
The ruins are what help Ketchup control the cluster, and only that cluster. There aren't ruins in whole galaxy that we know about.
I just realised that there's a good chance that we'll see the Elysion lift off to combat the Protoculture relic ship.

I'm hype.
Shin DID come back though. That's how we got the story of Zero.
>mikumo is a jellyfish
in the context of this episode, who does kawamori want to tell us that mikumo is an incarnation of
No. It was classified for 50 years, the idea for the movie came about after it was declassified. jesus.

Shin didn't tell the story.
>know how to bang a girls
Also he will teach him to get idol wing instead.
Guys, is there a tag for pic related?

Single/several fighter craft rush the carrier, dodging incoming missiles, anti-aircraft curtain fire and defenders? Shit gets me hard.
The explanation I saw was that he told the story to someone else as he was dying. Which would probably have been around the same time as they declassified the event.
Read the interviews
You're forgetting that Mao Nome was around.
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Already trying to seduce Arad with her exposed belly and lower back and bending over.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ship is linked with Heinz and the ruins somehow. This is kind of the opposite of SDF, to make it a fair fight the windys need some kind of home field advantage or cheat code if the main fleet shows up.
Kaname loves Arad that's why
True. I imagine she had input on the story too. Unless this was all after her and the 117th "vanished".
Well you saw a load of bull then. There's no explanaition or anything covering Shin and Sara's fine. Kawamori has no intention of touching it. It's specifically left up in the air.
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>hasn't heard about Alto yet
She knows she killed him, it's guilt.

Well, yeah, but I was thinking more along the vein of macross-verse, like Itano Circus, but thisll do.
Which one?
Kaname wanted to comfort the captain personally but he failed to notice her feelings... again. She's gonna have to be much more straightforward
Messer ;_;7
>Kaname wanted to comfort the captain personally

Messer's death made Kaname motivate herself as a singer again, at least. Hearing her accept mediocrity in the past episodes was sad.
Kinda wonder how NUG with all its resources still haven't uncovered Protoculture secrets while space ISIS managed to crank the ruins power to maximum and probably is hiding knowledge on its working.
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touching hair == whore


An ancient evil?
>Kinda wonder how NUG with all its resources still haven't uncovered Protoculture secrets while space ISIS managed to crank the ruins power to maximum and probably is hiding knowledge on its working.
Because they're plot dumb. Just like how NUNS ships are made out of tinfoil, for the plot. Think about how carriers and frigates in this, and Frontier, just explode to one or two shots, whereas a Valk will take a metric shit ton of damage by comparison.

It'd be no fun if the NUG could send the NUNS everywhere to curbstomp everything. Or if PMCs did whatever they wanted.
Aren't they too busy watching out for hostile Zent fleets out there and shit? I got the impression the government still has its hands full with everything and other research efforts have had bad results in the past.
K; "I'm your rival too, someone loves my songs"

M: "Not anymore, and song, not songs"
>reinforcements arrive
>they get all Var'd
Walkure is literally the only defense Brisingr cluster has against it at this point unless Heinz is taken out like last ep.
Not if they rig every planet with dimension eaters.
I felt like this was too soon
we still don't know much about Epsilon though. there might be a reason why the know a lot about the protoculture secrets.
And walkure is gonna be where? On Elysion. Elysion is getting it's time to shine in the coming episode, after being cockteased since the start of the series.
Still waiting to find out what happened to Galaxy Island.
bomb the protoculture ruins!
She should be more honest and ride his cockpit already.
you're not getting an answer. Frontier's done.
Nigger, please. Battle 25 had to wait 20 episodes before getting used and we were all aware of it. Same for Battle 7.
You are retarded if that's what you think happened. You must literally BE a basement dweller, cause obviously you never interacted with actual human beings.
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Sheryl a best
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It might as well be the Megaroad at this point.
Oh and probably Japanese Armoured Core 4 Answer players since crazy men managed to dodge a 600m walking fortress and kill it with zero damage.
I was thinking that they might have something like Protoculture blueprints.
>Bomb something rooted to the planet core
What could possibly go wrong?
They gave us quarter to tide us over.
7's got 20 episodes of fuck all happening at the start too.
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Making Kaname walk into the ocean is the only time Messer made her wet.
I don't think Macross will ever have a bigger whore asociated with it
Only thing I've seen said about it was "Grace and her co-conspirators hid it in an asteroid field. "
Sheryl has already reshaped his cock to fit in her pussy like a glove.
Full Giraffe Blues when
About 3 weeks
Perfection total sexiness and pureness incarnated.

How can she even exist ?!?!
You see that in the series, anyway. Galaxy Island was a waste of a good design
Walkure sems to think Heinz attacked them and vice versa
>overtly whorish
>literally has space aids

Look, you can give her any flattering adjective you want, I don't care.

EXCEPT pure.

When you stop trying to force her into being something she's not, the world will make sense for you
Wait, is that thing that sings for Windemere a boy?
*teleports behind you*
What part of this is surprising to you?
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I hope someone scans this when the time comes
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>TFW if Delta wasn't complete shit they probably could've finished off Keith

Messer deserves better wingmen. Mission kills their ace, and they still manage to fuck up.
B-but Hayate is pure. He's just peeing under the bush.
>i can't fap to this
>lost one man in 5
>37% of our fighting power is gone
How deep can Alto go inside?
>2 pilots need to fly to Messer's level to make up for it
Fuck, I want this.
It's gonna be all ages. Which drasticly reduces its likelyhood of being scanned
Pureness inside sexiness. THE BEST
>Hayate unironically thinks he can do it by himself

How fucked is Delta next episode?
She still failed as an idol, isn't the center and Messer died under her watch.
Depends on if Hayate can get his dance on
Which one?
How is Delta doing in popularity in Japan?
I'm not getting the impression that it's really taking off there.
It's too early to speculate if it will be a success or not I think, Macross shows usually pick up the pace deep into the plot. It doesn't seem to be bombing however.
it was number one on newtype's anime popularity poll, so pretty popular I presume.
unless you're implying that it needs to be on the same level as frontier to be considered popular.
That doesn't mean anything.
What would mean something?
Like your opinion means anything.
what? you rather seeing the meme stalker points?
it's pretty high too.
Are we going to see Heinz using Sound Energy Beams next episode?
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>#1 anime on Newtype for this month
>Mikumo not #1

Japan can't do anything right
Yeah, people seem to forget that Frontier's popularity and fandom didn't explode until ep 20 or so. It was already really popular but it was then when it got big. Also, another factor is that I get the impression that most of Delta's fans are female and those fans usually don't draw or write stuff until the plot and the characters have developed more (like Messer's case).
Learn 2 meme
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>I'm not getting the impression that it's really taking off there.
It's popular enough. Not Frontier levels of popular, but doing well.

It isn't anywhere near as popular in the west as Frontier was though. Most westerners (outside of 4chan) are fixated on Kabaneri, Kiznaiver and TerraFormars
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>3/5 of top 5 girls is Δ
>Mirage beating Mikumo

>8 years later
>Sheryl on top
Will she be banned?

This means Alto can dominate Mikumo in bed.
Nah. They just don't like egotistical bitches.
>most of Delta's fans are female

I doubt that, though I expect they make up a larger portion of Delta's fanbase than they have previous Macross series. It'd be interesting to see an actual demographic breakdown though.
This are the same guys that deserved to get nuked, you gotta remember.
Sheryl had actually dropped off the list. She only came back this month, when macross is on another high again

She's no Lacus
>died in combat
>died a virgin

Messer confirmed for GARhalla, not jellyfish
>most of Delta's fans are female
Not surprised that there're so many KanaMesa HayaFure and BoguFure fanarts.
Ahaha rankashitters still salty are always worth a good laugh.
Just say Frey, you dumb weeb. You're not typing in kana. And people here don't call this show makurosu deruta
Can you not even see the - next to her 8 rank? That means she wasn't on the previous one.
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4/10 are from Delta and 1/10 from Frontier for females. Hayate is #1 male while Messer is #9. Basically this month's top 10 are dominantly Macross.
>Ranka at right bottom
>and if not a Mirage end
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>mirage in the top 5
>mirage beating mikumo
Frontier was a hit with the female crowd. I thought this was a fact. Delta clearly panders more to them than Frontier did, it doesn't have a very strong pixiv following yet if you go to twitter you will see more fans and most of them are female. Most of the fanart that gets posted here comes from them (who do you think is drawing all those pretty Kaname/Messer illustrations?)
Why did they make one of the pilots an Hawaiian uggo if they wanted to pander to women?
Now that Hayate is gonna step up his game, the Miramira route is engaged

>fly belly to belly and mirror my moves, mirage!

and then a bunch of space elves de-fold in and see their imouto riding the wind, and they start grinnning
Elves > all
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Here, have a recent ranking. Sheryl nowhere to be seen.

>Japanese even talks about how 10 years ago Kira Lacus were the respective number ones

Seeing Ranka get BTFO six years ago every episode is most satisfying
One ugly guy among a cast full of ikemen.
I mostly just don't understand what the point of that character is yet. Doesn't even serve as comic relief.
Pixiv is no longer the force it once was. If you're waiting for a huge force there you're wasting your time. The world has changed, simply.
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No one can fap to Freyja's pureness.
Tell me about the current world
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I know. It has been this way for years. But in comparsion Kabaneri has a stronger pixiv community, but the type of fanart that show gets is really different from the one Delta gets.
Twitter rules it. You need to search it for the right tags, find artists and follow them on twitter. Check out posts they like, finding other artists that way.
But searching on twitter is a serious bother. There's no structure
A lot of artists started posting more of their work on Twitter, and some even put their stuff on tumblr (away from all the crazy SJW shit on both sites) using their own labels, hashtags or whatever.
Even so, it is the path you must walk now if you wish to drink the nectar of this world. If you're satisfied with scraps you can remain with pixiv

possibly just says more about the age of the following than anything else
I guess there is that to consider, but it does feel like most of the online hype is being absorbed by Re:Zero.
Then again, there was that big turnout for the mini-live a few months ago, which I don't think even the organizers expected.
Twitter discussion and pixiv traffic are a lot more accurate measures of popularity than Newtype and Stalkershit combined multiplied by 10. Hell, even offline polls are more accurate than those.
>constantly challenging freyja's doubts and inhibitions
>blunt and strong in her song
>spends her free time alone minding her own business and that of the jellyfish around her
the fuck?
Macross (along with gundam) has always been one of the mecha franchises with a strong female crossover demographic, I don't think that's added up to majority female viewership for either Delta or Frontier though.
She is very egotistic.
Walkure are getting bigger than they may have expected, but at the same time one can just listen to the music without watching the show.
She's just confident
i'd argue that as more of a quip of confidence than begging to be the center of attention
She's being dank
Rank the Delta songs. Remember 16 not included, Delta songs only. Different covers may have different ranks.
Just noticed that they put Freyja in VF-31J model's cockpit. That's a good detail and kinda cute.
I have seen people say they don't like Delta but they like the music. I guess it's still pretty hard to gauge how popular the show is itself.
Dark Souls reference on my Macross? Kawamori confirmed for bros.
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w sound >>>/wsg/1131214
Rune pika, ikenai borderline, giraffe blues, bokura no senjou, AXIA, ichikoi, walkure attack

and then i don't really know between cosmic movement, silent hacker, gigli tick beginner and love halation the war. Then neo stream last
0/10. Better luck next time, /v/
Agree. In comparison Bogue is better comic relief than him and a cute boy who can sell merch.
Right. Like she could fight VFs with her singing. Face it. Delta Platoon were just glorified bodyguards of Walkure but when they're not needed Mikumo gets all prissy. She IS being egotistic.
For some reason the fact that you can't see her ears most of the time unnerves me. I'm pretty sure there were some clear shots in which you can see that they are just normal ears but this still bugs me.
In before Messer's comes with a canopy with a hole in it and a figure with a hole in his chest.
Fund it
Come on it's just a SHINPI one-liner. Her actions and interactions speak louder than words like that.
if I'm ever gonna get a valkyrie toy, its gonna be one those superalloy ones.. wonder if that'll come with a pilot, or if its just gonna preserve empty cockpit
Dere Bogue when?
Probably not until the truth is revealed about the windermere 9/11
shes walked up to 3 supressed valks/regult, sang to their face and supressed their var
thats 3 more mechs than the other walkure, minus kaname
The show failed to set up Mirage's infatuation with Hayate well. Even though I can intellectually consider that they've gradually become closer as friends, when she started glancing at him it felt awkward and forced. On the other hand Freyja's crush feels natural.

Too bad Mirage will probably win.
>messer always was levelheaded
>but he seemed without love, almost heartless
is kawamori being TOO poetic?
Yeah she should have been tsun or indiffirent for a while longer
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What about Freyja and the Catptain?
fuck reina and tits are a joke, but at least they know how to drag a tire
What infatuation?
>windermerean have superior physique they said
And that one-liner pretty much says a lot about her character. Its quite obvious that she craves the spotlight. And we haven't seen Mikumo interact with anyone outside of Walkure.

Mikumo wasn't even fighting any of them at all and the pilots were infected with Var. If she was up against an Aerial Knights without her PPB drones she's good as dead.
Freyja was always a little clumsy
I'm kind of bothered that, but maybe she's like Heinz and has poor stamina.
wooowowow you're in the army now
she isn't falling due to stamina. If she was, why does she immediately get up and then speed past the other (and falls again, admittedly).
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Just touching already made her scream so hard. I wonder what will happen if someone kiss her rune.
just be patient and wait for hayafre doujins involving rune rerorero
That would be rape.
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>OST is out
>no Silent Hacker or any of the new songs
Don't worry, Bogue's missiles will hit her rune later.
that's on the walkure album nigga
The ost was never gonna hold any walkure songs. The TV size op and ed was all you could hope for. We got ketchup song, ragnyannyan CM jingle and yulayula tho
Max and Milia checking on their granddaughter.
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She's just a klutz, she can be quite agile when she's not being a klutz
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Bogue will never hit any Walkure. Delta-platoon always BTFO him.
They sure waited long enough to mention the enhanced physical abilities of Windemereans.
It was like 6 episodes of "Man, these anime physics are getting out of hand."
>OST is out
Wait, where? Can't find one on nyaa.
She said herself that she not used to running so much.
try マクロス
>maki maki actually wore a shirt for Messer's funeral
Thanks, found it. Was confused at first because I thought torrents with status unknown are obsolete torrents.
UTA WA ____
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>Keith got mad that a bitch nigga insulted his boytoy
>Reirei will never eat Jellyfish ever again because she might eat Messer
>Hayate actually thinks he can beat Keith
Nigga what did Messer tell you about getting cocky?
Dorky shy Bogue joining Delta
>We don't need any replacements
>I'll fly Messer's share too
Why couldn't Mirage have said that? The series desperately needs a female ace.
I like her.
t. messer
Messer pls. ;_;
What did messer say about duels?
Exactly. Yet she's already looking sad when Hayate pays attention to Freyja.
Mirage's insignificance is starting to bother me. Her character has the depth of a bridge bunny and her mentality never changes or evolves. By the end of this episode, everyone was able to send Messer and leave their doubts behind, encouraged by his diligence, except her. Mirage was just kinda there.

I'm sure Hayate's attitude will rub on her later and they'll become a great pilot duo supported by Freyja's song, but that won't make her character any worse.
you be overly thinky now
Heinz is being drained by the song. I admit it's disappointing that Freyja seems less fit than advertised though.
I need Mikumo's hair to do this.
She already stopped being super tsun.
>tfw Yulayula is not nearly as catchy as Ninjin LovesYou ;_;
haha we got to hear Messa's voice today ;_;
She still should be superior or else what use is her shortened life.
Today, I accidentally learned
>娘娘 Niangniang, Chinese goddess
I agree. Mirage's history sets her up for a git gud storyline too but they're doing fucking nothing with her. I was hoping Messer's death would shake her loose but it's the fucking rookie Hayate vowing to take it up instead.

The triangle is boring. Bogue/Freyja/Hayaye would have been better.
fucking wind cucks and their pay to win bullshit
Death isn't something that's going to loosen her up. She's going to have to smile and laugh more, act more like a girl and take it easy before she gets good. At the moment, she's more like Milia, when she needs to be more like Max.
Freyja would take them both at the same time. She doesn't think about the shame of tomorrow, only the pleasure of today.

Mirage is best.
She still has the stranded on an island/in space with Hayate episode coming up.
Mirage doesn't feature heavily in the story, because she's a force addition by sponsors. Her existence is paying lip service to boring sponsor demands. Stop expecting her to be something she's never gonna be (a central figure) and enjoy the show instead
terrible writing in that part, they probably pull a background episode at the last minute and go with it: "you see, you have to care about her!"

>the show is garbage because my Jenius Elf isn't front left and center

How do I get my own Jenius elf?
>tripcancer being an attention whore
Please kill yourself, I hope you never come back, retard.
You're new to Macross threads, aren't you?
Please post source, thanks.
>terrible writing in that part
Is this the new meme these days? If a character or story doesn't turn out the way you like its bad writing and is considered garbage.
I don't want her to be center, just don't want her to be a fucking scrub bit an actual ace. Like Mikhail or Klan.
those inteviews a while back that said that Kawamori was forced to include a love triangle
mark my word, they'll make a stupid episode about the Elf, worst than Messer so we are suppose to care about. That's bad writing yes

but this is nothing new in Macross, all pilot characters are just bad
It wasn't specifically the love triangle. He just asked the sponsors if he could remove one of the core elements of Macross.
you can go ahead and tell yourself he was wanting to drop the mechs or the music if it makes you feel better
Macross without love triangles and idol shit would be a 10/10 anime. It's not a coincidence that the best Macross features minimal amounts of those two in favor of mecha.
go back to robotech, grandpa
Fuck off oldfag.
One of the Jenius daughters we haven't met
It's more like edgy 14-25-year-olds to be honest.

As well as 35-year-old roboshits.
Right. You speak as if you were some expert on story writing. Don't pretend you actually know better just because you don't like how it turned out. So its bad writing because you say so? Oh please. Come back when you have a detailed objective criticism proving your case.
I'm more for yuri but these two are too cute.
She'll join him in Jelly heaven soon enough.
So we have alpha, beta, and delta... Whatever happened to gamma?
Did the Mesakana shipperfag killed himself after reading the subtitles and realizing that we were right and Kaname never said that she was singing for Messer because she loved him?
>MesaKana shipperfag
Dude, there's a legion of us. A lot of us liked that ship. Most of us realized it sank, but we will still enjoy necromancing the ship every now and then.
>Most of us realized it sank
How do you ship a dead friend zoned character?
Messer was never friendzoned since he didn't really pursued Kaname in the first place.
Jellyish tentacle rape.
Kaname was the one who was friendzoned
>implying Messer won't go full fold ghost and use the power of kaze to help the squad.
I prefer ghost Messer haunting Keith through the rune.
>the kaze will be with you always
what about ghost messer coming and fugging kaname in the but with ghost var dick in the middle of the night?
>Big veiny var dick
Not to mention Kawamori will probably sail that ship in the movie retelling because they realized that it sells. Messer will still likely die though.
The only reason it sank because Messer died. If Messer survived he would be reaping Kanames AXIA
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57360108 that is some deculture
Take the fold quartz on his plane and use it to make fold controlled ghost funnels.
Should be enough to trash Bogue.
OST when?
New thread
Try reading the thread.
I wonder how they would react to the fact that the Protoculture was just trying to make a bootleg dimensional insectoid
The spunky haired elf eared girl fr4om alpha squadron in the candidate to replace messer screen is cute.
The fucking Queen
Is it bad I teared up over this episode?
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