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Hunter x Hunter

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Thread replies: 625
Thread images: 185

Return to best boy when?
Next chapter hopefully
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Can't wait for Pika and Chrollo to meet eyes again.
Read the manga.
Kurapika is basically the main character of this arc, I doubt Leorio will be heavily featured
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Machi is best girl try to prove me wrong.
>Best boy
Could you not
She's literally the only good looking girl, there's like no competition.
>Like, could you not... omg
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>there's like no competition
Pic related
The shitty edgeboy.
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>best boy
>there's like no competition.
Sup Togashi
check this out >>142727730
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>Not considering this q t

It's like you like men or something.
Fuck off and keep playing your shitty board game in hell, Meruem.
Meruem pls go
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Shizuku is not only objectively better girl but also better spider
Is Shizuku the most neutral spider?
Leorio is going to save somebodies life my doing an organ/blood exchange using his nen ability
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NOT Mereum.png
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This is exactly why I...
I mean the King should have exterminated most humans!
>dumb forgetfull chick
>shit nen ability
>literally ugly
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Shizuku is cute!
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>togashi only draws 1 designated good looking girl per manga series

Her nen condition makes her forgetful dummie.
She's not dumb, just air headed
And has one of the coolest abilities
If this arc doesn't prominently display Leorio as the strongest of the four, I'll travel to Japan and get arrested because I'm black.
>I'll travel to the USA and get arrested because I'm black.
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>She's literally the only good looking girl, there's like no competition.

>Biscuit exists
Komugi was a qt, but I'm biased because I like girls with thick eyebrows.

Ah, if only she was a bit more mature though, lolis don't work for me anymore.
Am I the only one who likes how most of HxH's girls look?
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>implying the Dark Tournament announcer isn't the best YYH girl
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>implying she doesn't have a perfect body
We call this one a boy, fag.

I was so sure when I saw this page that every fucking one of them was going to die.
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Surprised no one mentioned this cute yet.
>And has one of the coolest abilities

Nigga in Yorknew that faggot that stole the treasure with his carpet literally has a superior ability than her and chrollo has it.
so then how many chapters are left till a full olume can be made? 2 3? after than we'll hit hiatus
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Let takes this moment to appreciate the uninterrupted flow of HxH recently.
If she died instantly that probably would have happened
Don't jinx it
>not loving the ability to clean AND beat people to death
I wish I could ban these retards, it's such a shitpost that it actually triggers me.
It's not literally superior
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You better not mean that shitty fish
Back to tumblr, dumb catboyfag.
How long till she dies?
Of course I don't
incompetent faggot that can't kill even a few spiders
Top 5 HxH girls:
He technically killed two though
But he did.
>implying he didn't kill a spider to enter the ryodan
Yes it is.

There's a reason why they stole it since they knew it shits on her ability and far more useful for stealing and containing shit.
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Most probably.
this reminds me,would you be willing to have sex with bisky?
what would i have to do to make sure my dick does not turn into paste inside her pussy?
Biscuit exists.
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No it's not. It's superior for the purpose you mentioned but it can't suck the blood from wounds for example. The vacuum cleaner is more flexible.
wasted too much time on bullshit
a fucking clown killed 2 in a chapter
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Why is she so perfect?
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You need to be this big to even get a chance at Bisky.
The clown is stronger, or at least is stronger than Kurapika was back then. Not to mention that he isn't held back by friends getting captured and bullshit like that.
2 who didn't have their Hatsu.
Also, Kurapika incapacitated their boss, while Hisoka got BTFO by him.
Bisky has perfect control over her vaginal muscles. She would take you to the peak of ecstasy but no further
Biscuit can possibly enhance her body into the shape of a big booty milf. No contestt
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1. Pitou, yes I think she is a girl
2. Heavens Arena Announcer (from Hisoka and Chrollo fight)
3. Piyon
4. Machi
5. Shizuku
Shizuku's vacuum can:

>Suck up anything she doesn't consider alive
>Spit out the last thing it sucked up
>Give you a dent in your brain

There's a reason why it's considered valuable anon.

The shitty proto pitou then
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Here's a better version.

God that midriff is sexy as fuck.

both powerless and taken by surprise, and they were both non-direct combat oriented
Switch Bisky and Machi and you have a respectable list.
Bisky and Machi could literally crush a dick with their vaginal muscles.
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>a guy who has the ability to specifically kill the spiders vs a clown who only has the power of rubber and gum
pika a shit
In no particular order:

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Sorry I'm not attracted to ants. Besides, catgirls != foxgirls
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It wasn't in any particular order, but actually if you switched them it would be in my preferred order.
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Faithful masterpiece of an adaptation directed by industry legend Kazuhiro Furuhashi and his team of talented, smear-using animators (with MAYBE an implied gay pairing between Kurapika and Leorio, two adult men)

Heavily censored, butchered and rushed adaptation directed by some literally who leading a group of pedophile fujoshi animators so busy shipping two young boys together, they had to "animate" the whole thing using glorified stills between speedlines in place of actual animation
He doesn't have an ability that specifically kills them, you speedreading retard. Take your shitposting elsewhere.
>I'm not attracted to ants

But Palm is the best waifu
Don't start, faggot
That gif is cute.
typical 11 degenerate
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Can't wait to get back to Kurapika
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>that expression
>I want to hug the bug until it smiles again
>better adaptation
no its the better anime, not the better adaptation.
Yeah, this clown/Spider shit is getting boring.
his powers get enhanced you faggot by fighting them
besides who gave him all the intel about the spiders?
the clown

clown 1
kurashit 0
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It's going to be something else when they meet again.
1 Mito
2 Non-muscle milf Biscuit
3 Pitou
4 Machi
5 Shizuku
6 Sharking on Seiritsu's bald head
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Hunter X Hunter v30-066.jpg
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Will Gyro have some sort of appearance in DC arc? He was really hyped up in the Ant arc. I'd like to see at least what he looks like by the end of DC arc at least.
>his powers get enhanced you faggot by fighting them
You're not even trying now.
It's the better adaption early on for sure. I don't hate the 2011 adaption but the early part of it is too censored and kid friendly. Also changed too much stuff around and I don't know why, it's not Madhouse's style
Who cucked the clown out of a fight with Chrollo?

She would just eat you.
Now that I think about it, we've never seen the royal guards actually eat anything
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I love how waifuwars in HxH is just some basic banter and cute pics but as soon as it's about males we get shitstorms of unseen proportions.
See: Chrollo vs Hisoka.

Never change /HxH/
>le asspull meme
This was all done for a sake of Hisoka power up. He looked bland after ant arc compared to anyone who fought there and much needed it to stay relevant.

Youpi eat the humans that Meruem first killed.
I've read this a long time ago didn't Kurapica had the chance to kill him? why didn't he do it
"My favorite character can beat your favorit character" has always been a shitstorm

Why are morel and knov captain and assistant?
Nobody would actually husbando the clown, right? He has a godawful personality.
Would still risk it.
Not in the manga

Worthless snacks are not fit for showing.
cause of Killua/Gon getting captured due to Kurapika's retard move. so he had to save them in exchange for Chrollo.
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>implying you wouldn't this

You are deluded if you think Kurapika can take on Chrollo, don't forget the only reason they captured him was because of a team organisation with the lights going off.

He is fully aware of his ability now too. Had Uvo himself know he'd of destroyed him.
So, Hackashi asspulled a new power-up for Shitsoka in order to keep him relevant. Nice.
but didn't Chrollo had to look for someone to remove the chain?
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>actually thinks this
This looks terrible
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Chrollo/Pika boat shenanigans soon.
Should I download the viz releases? I want to re-read and I want the best experience
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yeah Kurapika put the nen chains of Paku and Chrollo, but Spiders and Hisoka when to Greed Island to look for a nen remover.
Who is that?
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ah I see, thanks
It's not an asspull, every piece of information necessary to explain such a power had been provided beforehand. If you want a real asspull, look at Urameshi's revival in YYH in the fight against Sensui
I wonder what will happen
>Finds out Shalnark and Kortopi were killed
>Extremely butthurt
>Gets on the ship
>Sees the man who punked him, killed Uvo, and indirectly killed Paku
yeah I've been reading it and its good, but its .cbz files. Do you have proper programs to read them?
She is Killua with long hair.
so what do you guys think of Dragon Quest
Should be fun.
some people just want to be abused, like Machi
Get back to work, Togashi.
Play better games Togashi.
I liked that femdom bodyguard too but Machi is best girl indeed. A close second would be that gourmet hunter girl from the exam.
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Post the rest of the pics you scum
What would Leorio think of that development?
>being this delusional

Kurapika would get get destroyed if he was to ever face Chrollo.
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Pika is clearly the better husbando
>Hunter x Hunter becomes glorious again
>Reddit and moefags immediately infest our threads


You can't rename cbz to rar and unpack if you are really computer illiterate.

Or use a program like honeyview
>I liked that femdom bodyguard
She was such a red herring. Her broken ability didn't even see proper use
Literally long hair Killu.
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>you couldn't protect that smile
Why live
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How did Madhouse fuck up Kurapika so bad? It's like they were doing it on purpose
Must be why Hisoka likes her so much.
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who invited le best girl cancer neckbeards in this thread?
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Why didn't he just vacuum up the gum?
it can only vacuum physical things and not nen
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Time to settle this shit



It can't vacuum nen
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Pika isn't a dumbass like the clown who would just walk into Chrollo's trap without a care in the world.
I was going to write this. Manga Pika is so cute, how hard can one fuck that up. I think only in that shitty movie they got him right or more or less.
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>based Machi wins again
Reminder to report waifu cancer
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Pika is smarter than Chrollo too.
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99 Pika is cutest.
hunter exam Pika looks fine, but yrokshin is ugly as sin. but sadly he looks best in Election arc where he doesn't say a word.
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>He isn't a dumbass
>forgetting the time when he almost tried taking on the 3 members of the troupe including chrollo all himself before gon and killua saved him

Chrollo knows he can wind him up easily to his bidding like in the car.
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No but seriously, is it because Togashi can't draw female characters so he models them after shota?
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>Chrollo winning
I knew /a/ had good taste.
When did Chrollo become a lamp
He can draw female characters just fine. Your pic looks like a tranny though.
/a/ has some damn good taste after all
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>implying cute boys aren't best girls
Chrollo is calm and collected.

Kurapika is rage induced when it comes to his clan and spiders.

We all know who's the type to leave far more weakness exposed.
looks like something outta saint seyia desu senpai
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Senritsu or Mito would objectively be the best waifus.
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>Chrollo knows he can wind him up easily to his bidding like in the car.
Yeah, and look what that got him, a savage beating, the loss of another member and the loss of this Nen. Brilliant plan senpai.
Leorio confirmed for dying an horrible death at the DC.
I can't really wait till I see her in her true form. I bet she is an absolute qt
So why do you people hate Hisoka? If we take the entire coming-back-to-life thing out of the equation?
How so?
>dead leorio
better not, Pairo head in a jar and dead leorio. Pika would lose it and turn into a monster.
I like him, it's just that his fanbase is Killuafag levels of cancer.
Only way for Pika to go nuclear.
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Reminder that Pika did more damage to Chrollo than both Hisoka and the Zoldycks.
Wasn't Leorio's Togashi's self-insert since he wanted to be a doctor in real life before he realized he was too lazy?
>Implying if he wasn't chained up he wouldn't teleport Kurapika to the bottom of car and have him ran over
>Implying losing members will cause him get pissed off unlike a certain baby

Kurapika will get his ass owned the next time.
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I like Hisoka quite a bit, actually. He's just outside my top 5 characters. But his fanbase is full of insufferably annoying, meme-spouting, cancerous cunts.
>Leorio's speech was actually Togashi apologizing for taking hiatuses and masturbating instead of making new chapters
He has light bulbs for earrings
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>still thinking this
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She IS an absolute qt.
2. Paku
3. Palm
4. Senritsu
5. Shizuku
I don't want nuclear Pika, I want lewd Pika.
do you think he beats off to DQ doujins instead of fucking his wife
Who the fuck is Leroute?
Damn, that's some shit taste.
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Meruem pls.
Togashi wanted to be a teacher, not a doctor
I've always loved this.

99 voices are the best for the whole cast.
Chrollo outclasses him and is far more smarter in battle than a guy who bases most of his decisions based on his anger.
This really is shaping up to be the best arc we've had so far.
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So killua is getting a power up in the DC
What exactly is her history with Hisoka? I thought his interest in her was one-sided but this chapter changed everything.
Who is your waifu which I didn't mention, anon-kun?
No, you stop with your dry old meme
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Shhh anon, I agree with you but you don't want to start this discussion once again, believe me.
I hope not. That would make him way too strong. I hope he just stays home.
you must not remember Kurapika very well then
He basically needs a water bottle and he's set. I wonder if it produces AC or DC
Almost thought that was a Claymore cover, whew.
We don't know, what we do know is Hisoka makes creepy advances towards her and she waves them off.

Now that I think about it, why would Hisoka accept "losing" like that?
Everyone will get power up. He won't be relevant anytime soon though.
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>Implying if he wasn't chained up he wouldn't teleport Kurapika to the bottom of car and have him ran over
Good thing Pika had the chain then, huh?
>Implying losing members will cause him get pissed off unlike a certain baby
It didn't matter how Chrollo felt. Regardless of how calm he tried to act, he and his whole Troupe got absolutely punked by a kid. Also, Paku broke his heart while Pika pierced it.
Kill yourself please
Mito, Machi, Biscuit, Cheadle and non crazy Palm (we agree on that one) also since you went with Pitou anyway, Kurapika

Those drama cds always make me rock hard and also touch my heart.
>why would Hisoka accept "losing" like that?
Because he lost? The only advance he made was asking for dinner.
I want Hisoka to embrace my body
I want him to tell me interesting stories about his life in a cold winter night while staring into a fire with hot chocolate in our hands
I want him to cuddle me when I'm cold
I want to taste his cum with the capabilities of both rubber and gum
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Only because his skills weren't known to Chrollo. Pika is a one trick pony who will get fucked hard the next time he meets Chrollo.
All his confrontations were like that with the spiders.

He's lucky he had people keep him in check
>not just peeing on it
>I want him to tell me interesting stories about his life
Then you missed the part where Hisoka doesn't care about the past
Alluka is from the DC how is he not going?
is that supposed to be chrollo? what the fuck?
It could work, but it's kind of awkward to do mid-fight
Also what did you guys think of Hisoka's backstory? (I'm aware that it wasn't made by Togashi)
Do Kurapika fags honestly believe he'll be able to chain down Chrollo again?

Infact the troupe all know it and there is no way he can pull it off twice.
Maybe he could put it in his mouth?
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>Pitou is catching up
Would that count as submerged?
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>forgetting the unknown index finger power
>forgetting 1-2 years have past since they last met
if chrollo can get power ups, clearly pika can too
>forgetting about emperor time
>forgetting pika has his own "troupe" now
>forgetting the spiders are cannon-fodder now
>forgetting about the zombie-clown friend
Chrollo is dead spider meat with his compatriots
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lmao whatever helps you sleep at night.
>>forgetting pika has his own "troupe" now
Come on now nigga
Thats Kuroro.
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>no alluka

Nice rigger poll
Why would her being from their have anything do do with him going?
Feitan would literally kill Kurapika in a fight.
>All his confrontations were like that with the spiders.
I think the spiders will all die if they go on the boat.
Alluka is male though
So are Pitou and Kurapika.
Feitan would be the most fucked since his fighting style is based around taking damage first. All Pika has to do is get him in Chain Jail and gg.
the guy that needs to get hurt to unlock his true power? Pika would just chain jail him and destroy his heart. out of all the spiders Feitan would be the worst one to fight pika.
So is Kurapika.
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The only Kurapika voice actress that matters

Don't forget Zazan the tranny queen.
>Feitan gets beat around for a while
>Starts his pain packer bullshit
>Gets chained
What then faggot?
Why do people overrate him so much?
>underrating the teleports behind you guy
You seem to forget he was stopped from blindly attacking Uvo before with rage while Uvo was slaughtering those jobbers.

He was kicked in some sense by his bodyguard mates and THEN replanned his strategy.
All he cares about right now is protecting her. Why wouldn't he go to the DC and find out the truth?
No one is underestimating Chrollo.
>Getting on a boat with Pika and Hisoka.
It's like they are asking for it.

Speaking of which, will Pika and Hisoka team up or just screw with the spiders individually?
He looks like Levi
>let's put this defenseless ai boy in a boat with murderous fuccbois
You need to add Kalluto to the Spiders.
>will Pika and Hisoka team up

Maybe, but you Hisoka definitely won't let Pika have Chrollo if that happens.
Kill yourself cancer.
probably independent at first but then they'll team up. Pika is a body guard so he can't run off whenever he pleases so thats when the Hisoka team up will happen, when pika can't make a move but needs to kill some spiders.
Fuck off, retard.

Why do you people only think of feitan as some fag with rising sun ability?

Are you pretending he's not incredibly fast, agile and is highly skilled with swords?

He's the best fighter in the troupe and would only use that rising sun if needs to be.
Killua should train Alluka. Alluka is bound to have some aptitude by the virtue of being a Zoldyck
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>he and his whole Troupe got absolutely punked by a kid.
And people expect them to do any better against clown-Jesus?
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t-that was something.
>killed two defenseless members
What an accomplishment
His aptitude is having a calamity inside his asshole.
Would Pika even mind at this point? He barely cares about the spiders themselves and is more concerned with the eyes.

>Hisoka fights Chrollo
>Chrollo copies his ability somehow and is now able to use it after the user's death
I wonder if the crows are supposed to spell out some kind of message in that panel
All things considered, can we agree that the resolution to the fight was the best possible outcome?

>everyone comes out looking strong
>the ass-blasted feeling is temporary at best
>Now we know what "that" is and Machi (when she gets free) will tell Chrollo

Everyone got something out of it


Quads for truth. It is known.
>He was kicked in some sense by his bodyguard mates
No, he wasn't. All that happened was Senritsu played her flute and he calmed down. He's still the one who captured and detained Uvo single-handedly.
>implying Pitou and Kurapika are similar cases at all
Kurapika isn't even ambiguous at all, there's nothing suggesting he's anything but a dude.
He says that, but he has so much rage inside him that I want to see what happens when he sees one of them.
Gon and killua will just take a rowboat by themselves.
Can someone actually gay chime in? I want to know if they're attracted to the looks or the penis

He'd just dodge his chains and then stab him up.

Didn't phinks mention he had other unknown abilities too?
They spell:
Wew lad
>forgetting Kurapika is also a highly skilled warrior.
come on anon its a two way street.

Feitan's most powerful when using his nen ability which revolves around him getting damaged. Pika can use his nen powers right off the bat and is built to capture any spider and cannot break free once he catches them. Feitan's only options against pika is death, retreat or gang up on with Phinx.
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Why is he so sexual guys? If he wasn't so edgy and he and dressed more like pic related, he would be perfect.
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That pic reminds me of boku no pico and other various hentai I've read about shotas.
I want this meme to die
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pika is cute no matter what he's wearing.
I thought Knov wouldn't go, or would he just not land on the DC?
What a qt3.14
>Are you pretending he's not incredibly fast, agile and is highly skilled with swords?
No. Are you pretending Pika's chain can't react to rapid machine gun fire and as an Enhancer he made Uvogin look like a joke? Or the fact that he can heal any injury he sustains almost instantly?
I want this meme to die
He's going to the New Continent, probably to put portals there.
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Kurapika-chan seems like he lost weight. Maybe he's not eating enough
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>Or the fact that he can heal any injury he sustains almost instantly?
if pika gets his arm chopped off could he put in back on with his chain?
>as an Enhancer he made Uvogin look like a joke
When Uvogin was fighting at half his power you surely mean
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He's a SLUT!
Chrollo looks like he lost weight too.
Maybe he thinks he doesn't but as soon as he sees them he'll explode I'm sure.

Also, Pikafriends love their boi a little too much sometimes.

Yes Kurapika is hax as fuck against the ryodan.
Yes, he's probably really strong otherwise as well.
Him vs Chrollo would be an incredibly close match but I'm willing to give Chrollo the edge here because he now knows about Kurapika's abilities.
If the situation arises that Hisoka finds out Pika is fighting Chrollo and is about to kill him he will save Chrollo and maul Pika into the ground.
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Pika is a pure angel
If Hisoka can come back from the dead then sure why the hell not
And Pika had gotten a good idea of his capabilities, and the paralyzing poison was wearing off, and Pika's abilities were still hidden from Uvo.
Which is still stronger than we've seen from any other Troupe member.
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He'll help until the New Continent, after that he can't do more, but like Ginta said, they are looking for someone who can do the same as Knov and surely with more power.
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>there's nothing suggesting he's anything but a dude
Probably not, but it depends on how much stronger he has become. The strength of his enhancer abilities during Emperor Time depends on his abilities as a Nen User overall.
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Uvogin Vs Biscuit who would win?
Feitan is experienced and skilled.

Kurapika doesn't compare to his experience.

Yep but you also forgot staying in emporer drains his stamina and most likely can't have it on for a long while.
Sawashiro's voice makes me dick hard
So Kurapika has chains only on his right hand. Is it possible he's advanced his nen to have more chains on his left hand?
Kanzai is best (old) zodiac
He was dressed up as one, and he even tells Chrollo he was dumb to fall for the disguise.
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Imagine waking up to this. What would you do?
We've only seen full-power Bisky against some bomber scrub so who knows?
>Kurapika isn't even ambiguous at all, there's nothing suggesting he's anything but a dude.

I want this meme to end.
>giant heads
>Kurapika doesn't compare to his experience.
what do you think Kurapika has been doing since the start of the show? getting experience and the CA arc, think Pika was going full on Gohan tier? no he was training and gaining experience then too
>you also forgot staying in emporer drains his stamina
you really think he hasn't mastered that yet?
Damn, I forgot that Cluck is actually a super qt.
The Zodiacs better not disappoint, I expect some fun stuff from them.
I don't see how that's relevant, you specifically said "as an enhancer".
A conjurer trained in enhancement would reach 60% of the strength of an enhancer, that's stronger than Uvo at half his strength.
take pika home but leave the creepy deer there.
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Post a single that supports his gender being ambiguous. Even as a child his parents used male pronouns when talking about him.
Eat breakfast
That wasn't me. I was supporting the claim that Uvo was better by stating all the positives Pika had going for him in that fight and the disadvantages Uvo had.
Even if both of them were even in terms of power, Biscuit would probably win. Uvo was not the brightest bulb in the box.
Gon is a lucky boy.
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When does tonpa get on the boat?
which may not have been full power at all since she basically only had to swat him. Given she didn't help with the ant crisis at all I'd assumed she wasn't that strong.
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where do all the nenpeople come from?
If there's so little people passing the hunterexam, shouldn't there be way less hunters & nen-masters than depicted ?
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Now I know how Hisoka feels.
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Aren't they?
She didn't help because she wanted to escape from Palm.
That's what I was thinking too. I will give Uvo credit for his ingenuity in killing 3 people with only his head.
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>wanting tompa to solo the DC arc
come on that ain't fair for the 5 calamities
You do know there are only like 600 hunters, right?
So? It still doesn't compare to feitan's and who wasn't just gaining it for a mere couple years.

I don't think he'll be able to master it to such a thing fully where he can use it with no drawbacks at all unless togashi just wants him to be some haxed guy.

At this point we only know he can activate it whenever.
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Whoever does these cards is most likely a girl
Nen filled the whole hunter exam arc with plot holes. Don't think too much about it.
What plot holes exactly?
>santa uses nen to deliver billions of presents in one night

>a lone kuruta hermit in the north pole is santa
>Pitou in the lead now
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я вас в рот ебал
You need to know nen to be a hunter but just because you know nen doesn't mean you are a hunter.
>implying Tonpa isn't the 0th calamity
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Post best Zoldyck
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I hope Hisoka leaves best trap alone. Or at least molests "him" before the kill.
cheeki breeki
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Gon and Killua grew at an exponential rate, Wing said they were 1 in a 10,000,000 iirc. Kurapika was able to go beyond the speed of both Killua and Gon yet starting at the same spot in terms of nen knowledge. Lets also not forget Killua is said to be the greatest Zoldyck with crazy potential ever. And Kurapika pasted them both up at a crazy difference

Kurapika is built to kill spiders and has crazy skill in learning and planning. he was able to rival Uvo, a crazy experienced fighter in less than a year of training with powers even Kurapika wasn't sure of would work. Yet you think Feitan or any of the spiders have a shot?
What's in the box?
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This your teacher tonight
How Hisoka and the other hunter dude who wanted revenge didn't use nen to fight. How nen was supposed to me some super secret thing but everyone knows about it. How Killua, the Zoldyck genius, didn't know shit about it but Kalluto had nen abilities since ever.

Nen was clearly thought only during the Heavens Arena arc to enable more fun abilities and fights.
>no killua
delete this
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Only one answer.
...Noo? That is Kortopi.
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>on the swing
not cool man ;_;
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Zeno>Illumi>Silva>The rest
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If you would say that there are 400 of them who are between 18 & 58y old, that still leaves a number of 10 graduating in their respective years of this group. Given that the 287th exam has like 5 people graduating (18-58y old) and in the 288th no-one, the numbers don't seem to add up.

Furthermore, there seem to be more and more super powerful nen-experts coming on the boat, which leaves me to think that the rest of the world should be pretty empty in nenexperts during this arc.
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Special nen condoms. According to the back of the box, they have the properties of both rubber and gum.
Let's also not forget that Gon and Killua had to take a 2 month break during their training. Add to this that Kurapika was training with an extremely personal purpose whereas Gon and Killua were basically learning for fun/to get paid.
she looks like grimes
I don't understand, wouldn't this be incredibly insulting?
>jokes lol I was just pretending to be your dead friend
Can someone explain?
when will we see kalluto in an outfit that isn't a dress?
when his mom takes it off for a bath
it was tasteless imo. not sure why they had to do it either.
Feitan has a shot because he's fully aware of Kurapika's chain jail unlike Uvo beforehand.
Killua was inocent so he didnt noticed it, there was nen in hisokas fight, you couldnt see it
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and Kurapika knows they know. its not like Pika is a retard like Hisoka going in head first without a plan.
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Who knows. All the other troupe members have special cards with different outfits. I was personally hoping for a swimsuit pic. But all the cards are of Kalluto in a type of Kimono.
Kurapika doesn't know that they have Paku's memories.
Can't wait to see her scream
Didn't Netero say something about how once in a while there were a bunch of people who passed the exam at once or something among those lines? Unless i'm thinking of something else.
Also, 2 exemples out of 288 isn't exactly a good sample size.
>implying she remembers how to scream
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I miss her anon.
This, if I had to choose someone to hang out with it'd be him. The other options would be an obese creepy otaku, an emotionless dude who rarely talks, an emotionless psychopath who seems somewhat sadistic, a creepy old woman who's only related by marriage, an angsty preteen, or an also angsty loli trap. Or I guess there's also the wish granting monster that might kill you under certain circumstances. I suppose a fair a bit of /a/ would go with the loli trap though.
Killua would have told him cause Phinx told Gon and Killua at the Greed Island auction.

and he knows Paku killed her self because of the nen so Pika made 2 conditions for his paku nen. 1. can't talk to spiders 2. can't use nen. clearly she did either or both.
Paku ;_;
Hisoka got better
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At least she died on her own terms, and doesn't have to be brutally murdered by Hisoka. Although now it seems like her death was pointless.
Can't nen users also live for hundreds of years though? I always thought that was what was implied with netero/the older zoldycks at least.
>Nen was clearly thought only during the Heavens Arena arc to enable more fun abilities and fights
But Ilumi was using it?
>How Killua, the Zoldyck genius, didn't know shit about it but Kalluto had nen abilities since ever
Because Killua was derping around, while Kalluto was a good girl and stayed to learn?
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>Can't wait to see her scream
They wan't to make sure killua doesn't know gotoh is dead
>Because Killua was derping around, while Kalluto was a good girl and stayed to learn?

So here's my idea

Illumi taught Kalluto nen, had him infiltrate the spiders so he could keep updated on them after Hisoka left, using him as a puppet
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I want to cum deep inside Illumi
it's 1 exam/year, so 2 exams is 2/40th for the generation I chose. Of course not good samplesize, but it's the only thing we have
no idea, if anything they die pretty fast desu
There, thats practically what he is right now. An undead maniac that finally let go of any remaining morals.

If kalluto dies there would be riots in japan.
Hisoka also used it to cover his wounds and also probably to catch that guy's throwing weapons.
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Why did she die ;__;
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Going through all those cards just makes the fact that they are all going to get killed by the clown even worse.

Especially the girls.

Shizuku would be the kind of girl to ask "is it in yet?" when in bed.
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>Going through all those cards just makes the fact that they are all going to get killed by the clown even worse.
>Actually believing the clown will kill any more Spiders
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See this. What do?
And not all the troupe are braindead action monkeys either.

Until I see pika handle them despite them knowing his crucial chain jail i won't rate him above them.
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I want to see Kalluto in cuter clothes.
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wonder why a bunch of white kids are dressed up as japanese kids.
Has Kurapika ever fapped?
and the Spider troupe hasn't done anything spectacular either to warrant them to be all powerful either.
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they're asian
Kurapika is pure.

>imagine Pika release years worth of built up cum into you
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Killua is asian? i doubt that.
Just caught up... enjoyed the Hisoka/Chrollo battle but why does Hisoka suddenly want to murder the whole troupe? Is he just looking for a new challenge?
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>Machi, Biscuit, Cheadle
I outright dislike all of them except Machi, who is still inferior to Paku and Shizuku. Seems like we just have diametrically opposite tastes.

That's a nice waifu, cute and rare choice
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>The Troupe will never get together and go on fun little heists again

They didn't deserve this anons
Holy fuck the reason is literally in the chapter, why do people keep asking stupid questions
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Because he is salty and butthurt over getting BTFO by based Chrollo.

Call the police because incest is illegal.
nobu called him slanty eyed
>They didn't deserve this anons
yeah they did. they however didn't deserve a crazy zombie clown though.
Although he did figure out that he can save/restore his life using the wonders of rubber and gum.
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They deserve everything after what they did to Kurta clan.
The fight's not over yet. A deathmatch only ends when one of them is dead.
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Well said, my friend.

Have a song by her in Kurapika's voice.

Reminder that best boy and Hisoka are going to team up.
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>Hisoka gets ONE (1) decent hit in on Chrollo the entire match
>Chrollo kicks the living shit out him multiple times
>Stomps on his face
>Puts him on the ruse cruise
>Blows his hand off
>Blows his leg off
>Literally baseball pitches audience members at him
>He even has the time to try on different clothes
>Does Michael Jackson poses while dodging his attacks
>9/11's the shit out of him
>Styles on him so bad he doesn't even have to fight
>Even the ONE (1) decent hit fucked him over in the end
>Outright kills him with no effort at all
>The clown is so salty and frustrated over being BTFO so easily by Chrollo that he resorts to killing his friends but is too much of a weak pussy to go after Chrollo himself
Hisocucks will never live this down.
Yeah because someone like Kurapika could handle Zazan right?

Even disregarding that just reading Yorknew you'd know kurapika isn't fit yet to take them on while they all know his ability.
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Yes, they did. My only regret is that it wasn't Pika who killed those faggots. He'll get his turn, though.
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Shalnark > Paku > Uvo > Kortopi
hisoka's past should remain a mystery until after hxh ends via an omake or the like
the retarded spider that bled to death due to a vacuum beating kurapika?
>Yeah because someone like Kurapika could handle Zazan right?
Yes? What's there to say he can't?
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I really hope she has more air time.
Togashi's face when reading this
Alright you people truly are delusional my gosh.
We've seen many people with nen who aren't hunters.
But nen was invented later on, and now early HxH is full of plotholes like Killua not knowing about nen when he was a highly trained assassin.
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you're the delusional one.
>Not censoring his boner
How is that allowed?
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Which groupe of fans after killuafags are the biggest kurapikahaters?
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>2011 heavily censored and 1999 anime wasn't?

the same anime that could show the Kastro fight
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I don't think Togashi will have Hisoka kill all of he Spiders. Not unless he desperately wants them out of the story except for Chrollo.
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>calling anyone delusional when you think kurapika could deal with zazan especially in that retarded 2nd form she has
Chrollofags, I assume.
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Don't most Chrollofags like Pika?
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Killua is cute!
Fuck you, both Pika and Chrollo are in my top 3 favourite characters.
Yeah i fuck with both.
>implying he missed my heart
Pika would have dealt with her a fair bit easier than Feitan did.
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Am honestly glad and hope that togashi will never focus on gon again, am still piss at the shit preaching he gave during the york arc,and because of him and killia, kurapika revenge had to be suspended, but later on gon kill pitou like a hypocrite(even worse he let other more dangerous ants live).

I was glad to see kurapica not answering the phone.

I beg you togashi give the spot lite to lerio and kurapica and ging next arc, much more interesting then a idiot mc.
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Elaborate, how?

He can't restrict her nen so?
can somebody please explain why they want to go to the darc continent? I forgot the reason and don't want to read the last chapters again..
>He can't restrict her nen so?
But he can you fucking retard.
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>Pika would have dealt with her a fair bit easier than Feitan did.
If it wasn't for Gon and Killua, Pika would've been jumped. Did you forget the fucking chase scene?
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Why would I hate either best boy?
How ?
Franklin and Bonolenov better be the next ones to die. Out of the remaining troupe, those two are clearly the least interesting.
Are you retarded?
Gon and Killua are trash, the manga would've been much better off without them.
they heard there is a dank party with hot bitches.
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>not liking franklin
I agree,
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>Gon and Killua are trash, the manga would've been much better off without them.
Zzig on meth
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You are so fucking retarded.

He can't use chain jail on them.

Even if he could do you honestly think a mutant ant at her level can't break those chains by brute force?

Damn thought hisoka fags were delusional but this takes the cake.
>the manga would've been better off without the character that the manga revolves around
the shit /a/ says
>level can't break those chains by brute force?
hello Uvo?
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>not liking Bono-chan
>Even if he could do you honestly think a mutant ant at her level can't break those chains by brute force?
Even if she could, it's a conjured item.
Togashi is going to round out the pre-boat arc with a chapter of Gon and Killua meeting up again and getting on the boat
Get mentally raped by Ais and see if you don't get that face.

This fight really brought the edgyfags from the bushes.
Will we get to see Gon's mom on DC?
This isn't YYH
Why would Mito be there?
>literally the strongest ant besides the royal guards and meruem
>thinking uvo has more raw physical strength
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That's what I said, I don't like them!
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are you fucking serious, the manga is already far more interesting since those two dicks(mainly gon) sre gone.

the only interesting thing gon has done since the beginning of the manga is going gon-san that it.

gon is a shit hypocrite mc. hopelly togashi is done with him
They care about each others but they are still killers. Hisoka facing them is just a psychotic killer against a group full of them. Some are less psychotic but essentially it's like that.
Either way he can't use it and still haven't heard any other way for him to handle zazan.

So to that anon who said the spiders ain't did nothing can go fuck himself.
>manga review
Is that Milluki?
Don't use Chrollo for your retarded shitposts, dumbass.
Without Gon there would be no HxH you idiot. He's the main character. If Togashi were "done" with Gon then so would be the manga.
Gon's mom is Yggdrasil.
Not your butt friend but what does the Chain being conjured has to do with it anything?
Kurapika literally stated that the only way of breaking free from Chain Jail is by brute force.
I'm sure Uvogin would be able to physically stomp on any of the Ants in the nest and he still couldn't break free from Chain Jail.

You need Pitou/Youpi/Netero strength to do that. Meruem would just sneeze at them.
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>Best boy Chrollo winning
I knew the Hisocucks from the other day were just a loud minority. Good taste, /a/.
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Zazan is literally the strongest ant besides them.

He wouldn't pull it off easily.
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You missed best royal guard
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Yes, after some diets
Where did you get that from?
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the manga is doing fine without gon right now , because togashi is free to focus on more interesting character.

hunterxhunter dont need gon, hizoka is a better mc
Homos ruin everything.
hisokatards, everyone
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>boat arc get hype
The pic isn't intended to be what you think it is, faggot
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>hizoka is a better mc
no thats a no.
I don't think enhancement/physical strength was within Pouf's talents.
Youpi was the strongest physically RG and Pitou had legs strong enough to jump kilometers in a matter of seconds.
It's going to end with the boat in pieces and everyone trying to survive to get to dry land on the dark continent.

Like, what good can come from a voyage with ONE BIG BOAT?
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>hizoka is a better mc
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>This cover art will soon be blank
I kinda hate how the duty of crushing the spider transferred from being Kurapika's duty to Hisoka's.

I guess Kurapika couldn't give two shits about people killing his clan and he'd rather collect their eyes back.
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HXH fighting game when.
so next deaths will be one popular spider and one unpopular one

which ones /hxh/?
Why are you so dumb nigga?
Even if Gon isn't the MC anymore, the role instantly jumped to Ging plus Togashi basically stated with the whole series that the MC will change depending on the arc.
Ship will either be Leorio, Ging, Kurapika and Hisoka or a mix of them. Gon and Killua "just" had theirs.
Given the last HxH threads, I'm inclined to agree.
>Get alternate styles of characters
>Fishpole gon
>get to play as Tompai and Mr. Satan it up.
Problem is would they pull a ninja storm and cover each arc per game, or just make it something people play online with.
hate all you want, but hisoka in 7 chapter of him getting btfo by chrollo has been more entertaining then anything gon has done in 350 chapters or so
Pika looks good in a kurama outfit
Do not do this
Who said anything about the duty being transferred? Nigga, the Spiders are getting on the same fucking boat as Pika, of course he's gonna kill some more of them. It's just that now he has some help.
Alluka is a thing, anon.
Because the name of the manga? The REAL world is TOO BIG not to explore, too many possibilities. New species, new treasures, new powers, new human species, who knows.
Silva pls
I find the prospect of being called an Enhancement user an insult.
Biscuit, Neferpitou, Pakunoda, Palm, Kite/Senritsu
He looks awful
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Pika looks good in anything.
Huh? What does that have to do with what I said?
Assuming Ais work the same way Something does, Ais aren't restricted by the personalities of a human host, they are free to ask for anything at any time.
Anyone else think Kanzai looks really protagonistic? I hope he becomes important.
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New to this series, why does Kuroro looks like a ripoff of Squall?
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Hisoka losing was more entertaining than anything Gon has done AT ALL. He also wants to do some interesting stuff instead of "gotta find muh dad n sheeiit"
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He doesn't look a thing like him.
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That's because Gon isn't a shitty clown. He's not there to entertain you.
Why Zodiacs looks so onepiece-ish by the way? All of them feels so out of place in this arc
>Despair Gon
I hope Kurapika dies this time. Chrollo is definitely going to get him back for all that punching. Has anyone ever punched Kurapika around to that extent? They should.
Because bait doesn't work
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Chrollo pls go and stay go
I hope Cheadle fixes her face when she realizes Netero was batshit.
I want to YIFF Cheadle!
11 shitter posts another dumb non-canon pic of not!Kurapika
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Not One Piece-ish. They are obviously inspired in the Chinese Zodiac system.
This is my only wish. If she did that she'd become a fuckable girl.
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get ready for a hiatus next week lads
I don't think so.

People should be judged by their actions, not because their personality annoys you.

Chrollo is callous and has killed many who wanted nothing to do with him. Kurapika wants to put a stop to that.
long as I get one more pika chapter I'll be content.
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BRB deleting the pic and formatting my harddrive.
>Constant runny nose like a toddler would have

Stay away from me
Franklin and Shizu
hiatus is back?
they want to fuck your mother
You couldn't think 50 steps ahead of anyone anyway, she would want nothing to do with you.
I need some brain bleach.
Why are mom jokes still funny after 25 years? damn
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How likely is it that Kurapika's going to die?
0 chance
Nobody from the main cast is going to die.
Chrollo's still alive so her suicide's goal is still intact
So this is the reason why the Homo sapiens ends, huh? I'm fine with that.
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Except Leorio.
This. We have similar personalities, so we could even be pals.
Her goal was to be the last to die.
>2011 style longface kuroro
for what purpose?

Chrollo is a slightly different version of Sensui from Yu Yu hakusho.
Looks fine, his face isn't horsey like 2011
If the Spider organization doesn't exist anymore, would Kurapika be free from his limitation and be able to use Chain Jail on any niggas?
Didn't Togashi say in an interview that Kurapika and the spider members all will die in the end?
probably, but the side character death tole is going to be huge most likely
>falling for the ruse
Pika ain't dying by Spider thats for sure.

It's also likely for him to return to life or have a lingering effect as an undead.

Maybe as an undead with an eternally youthful appearance. Free to adventure the world once again after the conclusion of his conflicts.
The only difference being Chrollo doesn't share Sensui's main trait: Multiple personalities.
Retards are strong in this thread.
It won't be so strong then without limitation
Not necessarily by the Spider, but simply sharing the same fate of inevitable death.
He will pass the torch to Hisoka in the spider killing stuff after dying to protect the baby and then the clown will get Emperor Time.
No they didn't. The only instance of male words being used in the oneshot was the thug in the market calling Kurapika a boy.
I don't see Kurapika dying.
Kurapika's actions are boring. Chrollo is a wildcard and can make the shit hit the fan whenever he wants. I hope to god he kills Pika's ass. Tserriednich can kill him too, I don't care.
It's not like the limitation would stop existing, it just isn't applicable anymore.
I dunno, I'm just thinking.
More like Chain Jail would be perma
>You while typing this post
Kurapika used masculine speech in the oneshot.

I was talking about looks dummie.


I vow right now that Hisokafag bait won't trigger me anymore. They're only purposefully being retarded, they CAN'T believe the shit they say.
yeah so? I'm just straightening out the facts here.
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>dumb fucking retard 2011 fags SERIOUSLY debating kurapika's sex
why the fuck do i come here anymore
ow the edge
How is it a mass-murdering sociopath like Nobunaga infinitely more likeable than the "heroic" Kurapika?
Who's debating his sex?
Yet you conveniently left that out.
umm what are you talking about?
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Ignore the Yotsuba retards please.
Not much, but Togashi said that he will kill a lot of people in DC.
>liking nobunaga more than pika
shit taste most likely
Because it doesn't concern the idea of unambiguously male words being used towards Pika, like how the quizzing lady and thug both referred to him as a boy.
85 to 100%. This is where Kurapika's story is going to be wrapped up. He'll get the last of the eyes, the Spider will die, and then he'll bleed out alone in a corridor or something, like Yang Wenli.
It is just bait dude. Every single sex/Hisokafag/Chrollofag/Kurapikafag post is bait. Very bad at that, don't even bother.
Kurapika stands out because he lives in a world full of people like Chrollo and Tserriednich who are free to run wild and create disorder. Kurapika's defiance against the world's unfairness makes him outstanding, this leads to him undergoing interesting development into someone who can also cooperate with dubious moral bodies such as the Mafia.

Think of people like the Ryodan as forces who push the world. Kurapika, as a character of revenge, is one such force that pushes back. In this manner, there is balance between character types in the story.
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kurapika is the most interesting main character, so as long as he managers to get his brethren eyes and kill those spiderfags, he can go rest with is family in the bosom of the lord in peace.

kurapika is a true friend
Nobunaga: Amusing, cute personality, the only Spider ballsy enough to confront Danchou

Kurapika: Dull, brick square personality, never does anything unexpected or fun, SO full of himself
Kurapika is literally the face of Hunter x Hunter. Unless Gon grows up a little and develops a more interesting power then fucking rock paper scissors, Kurapika will always be the true main character.
Kurapika is exactly what people like Nobunaga made him. Blame the Ryodan instead for making him what he is today.
If it's not bait then it's just one or two anons who desperately want him to be a girl
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