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Shingeki no Kyojin 82

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New chapter out! Arminfags absolutely BTFO.
First for Annie.
Second for Bert is shit.
>Mikasa took down both FT and AT
So she'll also be the one to kill Bert, right?
She only got the last hit for both of them to look relevant. Pretty much everyone could have done that.
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One for best girls.
That was just to make her look relevant after doing nothing the entire arc.
>says the increasing nervous Bartfart
Bort a shit, but Mankasa is a waste of space.
Only Levi could of stopped FT and as for AT Mikasa was the best choice for the mouth shot.
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Titan team really let me down. I'm disappointed in Bert and Zeke.
Not really. You need to be confident, strong and have a superior control over your body to get so near to a shifter. So she did what she was needed to do. She wouldn't even try to steal the light, just in case you are so desperate to try not only to dismiss her work but make her appear like a attention whore.
No, pretty much everyone could have done that, she only got the last hit, because Isayama had to make her revelant somehow while she barely did anything this whole arc.
How bad is Eren going to rek Bert for killing his best friend? How will Mikasa react now that her only other family and constant cucker is dead? How will manlet tell Erwin that he wasted everyone's sacrifice by spilling too much spaghetti over Erwin?
Cutekasa is the best character in the series...
Again, no, you idiot. See how the other soldiers barely can handle one titan between 7 soldiers. Stop being so butthurt about Mikasa.
You're forgetting she fired the first thunderspear that stopped Reiner and the one that decided they needed to take him down there, and couldn't distract him. Why are you so desperate to dismiss anything she does?
They killed 90% of the Suvery Corp including two main characters. That's not bad.
>Fly up to Reiner who does literally nothing but sit there and slowly try to grab you.
>Shoot spear in mouth.

Wow, so difficult.
>and the one that decided they needed to take him down there, and couldn't distract him
Every braindead retard would have realized that.
I was really hoping that they'd be a lot more dangerous and deadly than they ended up being. Looks like it's all downhill from here. Even if Isayama brings out some new shifter from the village to be a strong enemy, it's just not the same. A familiar foe is much more interesting than some stranger out of nowhere.
Bert a shit.
He also likes to assume all of the soldiers are really top notch. While is pretty clear there are only a few able to do solo kills. Manlet, Mikasa and Mike, and then Manlet FIRST special squad were chose because they knew how to team work but also for their solo kills. Even Jean stated early in the manga how many people they needed to kill one retarded titan. And Hange made obvious the thunder spear wasn't something that everybody should be using. But let the anon think Jean was capable of doing the task.
It should have been Mikasa, not Armin.
Wall titans could still wake up and go on a rampage. It'd be pretty fitting if the end of SnK is them facing off against an army of Colossals.
This. The ocean is something special to Eren and Armin only. Mikasa has no fucking place in that dream.
It would be boring though. Just another Titan horde.
Nah let Mikasa there, safe and sound. The serum is for Armin.
>And Hange made obvious the thunder spear wasn't something that everybody should be using.
She also said the thunderspear shouldn't be used at close range, but Suekasa obviously survived that.
Sorry Arminfag, but sadly Mikasa matured enough to know she should be helping SCJ instead of staying with a shifter and the smartest guy in the world.
SnK is at its best when it's just humans vs titans. Fall of Trost is still the best part of the series.
>does literally nothing but sit there and slowly try to grab you
Who was reduced to that only because she shot a spear right into the back of his knees while he was running
Don't remind me. Christ, that was awful. It would have been so much better if the blast took her out alongside Reiner.
She said the wires could lead you directly to collide during the explosion of the thunder spear.
Not really. I thought that was the worst, after the political arc. Best was Clash in my opinion.
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I want Bert to be redeemed.
Killing fodder isn't impressive, Armin was a weakling who deliberately let himself die as part of his plan and Erwin isn't dead yet.
Armin and Erwin are something. I guess I was expecting better.

Hange's sudden reappearance kind of pisses me off though.
Don't bother, Anon, these guys are pathetic. I remember before the raws came out everybody was giving her shit for not doing anything, and now after they found out they are saying this, kek.
Why? Mikasa has yet to do anything with her chink stuff and her clan tattoo.

Armin has already overdone the "strategies that only he could come up with (unless Jean, Erwin and Hanjob count)" and "muh ocean"
She was protected from the explosion, it went off inside Reiner's mouth. When Bort steamed her the first time she got hurt from it.
Okay cool talk guys, back to Bert shitposting.
>How will manlet tell Erwin that he wasted everyone's sacrifice by spilling too much spaghetti over Erwin?
>he wasted everyone's sacrifice by spilling too much spaghetti over Erwin
If Erwin is alive, he'll leave out that part.
>Mikasa has yet to do anything with her chink stuff and her clan tattoo.
There is only one arc left, which will obviously focus on titan mysteries and shifter village, instead of something irrelevant and boring like that.
>Levi did you kill MT
>N-no, he was too strong for me
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>Firing an anchor into a titan as you would in a normal attack with a sword would get you caught up in the blast as you fly toward the target.
>Entrust the decisive blow to the number one trainee
>Sasha who ranked below Connie couldn't shoot her thunderspear.
>Anyone could of done it
Why? "muh Eren" brings us hilarious moments where she gets cucked and makes funny faces.

"muh ocean" is the most boring and needlessly over repetitive plot point of the series
I was curious if you were still doing it after the chapter. I feel the same way anon, even more if Bert dies in the upcoming chapters too. What do you think will happen to him?
Everyone and their dog knew Hanji was going to be saved. All I want now is a flashback of Moeburrito saving her and their touching goodbye ;_;
>>Sasha who ranked below Connie couldn't shoot her thunderspear.
Because Jean's bait didn't work and AT went after them first.
Blort is worst shingeki and an edgy jobber.
Since stuff has actually happened is there a new character chart out?
>A flashback with Hango holding his hand while telling him:
>And the baby is also fine.
Who will cuck Mikasa now? It's always been Armin. Historia only did it once. Twice if the off screen hand-holding counts.
Chartfags were all defeated by shitposting.
Annie was cucking Mikasa before Historia was even Historia.
Stop your buthurt, your ass stinks too much. If Sasha was the one doing the final shot, you would have been crying "OH; SASHA WAS THE ONLY ONE ABLE TO DO IT; SHE IS SO STRONG AND THE BEST; NO ONE COULD HAVE DO IT; SASHAA".
The universe, just like it always has
Eren will just constantly talk about Armin, so it will be still him.
No need to be butthurt even Sasha has more personality than Shitkasa.
When we got some leaks people were cheering because they thought it was Sasha.
Don't call Armin a butt
Looks smelly.
I'm still doing it.

I'm expecting him and Reiner both to be thrown into the torture dungeon if they don't end up dying/becoming shifter food. Maybe Mikasa will remember what Armin said about them not having enough information.

It's Zeke I'm not sure about. He ran off so he wouldn't necessarily know right away about them losing. I'm not sure if he's just hidden and recuperating or if he's gone back to the village to get reinforcements or even if they have reliable reinforcements.
Oh no you don't get it. We must praise Mikasa for everything she does even if she's taking the biggest shit ever. She can do no wrong, it's always everyone else, never Mikasa. Check yourself pls.
I actually thought it was Hanji at first, but turns out it was just the Mary Sue again.
Would snort a line off of.
Yeah, we know Mikasafags are into scat.
What does snorting coke off a cute pair of butt cheeks have to do with scat?
Well Mikasafags have shit taste for example.
Zeke is definitely not saving them and I'm afraid Bert is done for. Plus Eren sealed the hole out of Shiganshina to leave his shell and the SL has no horses, so they're going to be stuck there for a while.

Thanks for still doing it by the way. I decided to stick with them until the end too but I only imagine more disappointment coming up. It feels sad that if Bert dies within the next chapters, all his buildup was for nothing.
Bert deserves to die. He's a monster.
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Defend this, Mikasafags. She is literally closer to the blast than Reiner.
He does, I'm talking from a writing perspective. I never expected him to survive anyway, but I didn't expect him to die so early either. I also expected Armin to live until the end so Isayama isn't going for the obvious.
Mikasa is secretly half-titan. It's the only logical answer as to why ANYTHING hasn't killed her yet. Hell, she should've died more times than Eren and his dumb ass adventures, but she walks off with just a tiny scratch at most.
Huh, true. She should be blown up too, even Hanji said so about the spears.
And? The blast follows a line, not explode nonsensical. She probably has some spikes, but just keeping outside the line of explosion is enough. Is just like guys never played with fireworks.
This arc's almost over and we only have one arc after this, so I think we're close enough to the end for him to be taken down. Also him and Reiner falling in Shiganshina is fitting.
I guess you have a point. I just expected Bert's character to have some closure before he died and it feels like he won't get that.
>armin burnt to a crisp
>mikasa's lungs shredded from the concussive force of the blast
>eren must choose which of the two will be given the serum

>he picks armin lol
IIRC there was also that time her ribcage got smashed, and then a week later she was perfectly fine.
We'll probably get a flashback to his childhood that explains his character a bit more, and he'll get some final words before he dies. That would be something at least.
>literally closer to the blast than Reiner.
The middle part of the page is cut. The spear exploded inside his throat, what remained of his cheeks protected her.
It was a 2 month timeskip wasn't it?
I would have thought that the shifting powers were important. Can Zeke afford to just leave them in the hands of the wall people though? Annie has her crystal so she's not as much of an issue but BR don't seem to have something similar.
Mikasa is fine.
That'd be Xfags, not Mikasafags.
It still feels underwhelming, but it's better than nothing. Either way we're getting answers within the next chapters which is a good thing.

Reiner is probably capable of crystallizing too but I think it requires the shifter to be in his titan. Bert can't harden so he can't save himself. I doubt Zeke has better shifters since he wanted Reiner's armor, but he also doesn't look like he plans to save any of them.
So Mikasafags.
>and he'll get some final words before he dies
I could see this happening. I think Isayama's comment about BR only being at peace when they sleep was implying they won't survive this.
>Either way we're getting answers within the next chapters which is a good thing
inb4 empty basement
I feel like this arc will bring closure to BR as characters in the next volume, which is also why Isayama didn't make Eren kill Bert yet and the next and last arc will focus on Zeke, Ymir and titan village.
Why does Isayama make his antagonists look so stupid? Leveling Shiganishina was apparently a huge help and a part of the plan, so why didn't they do that before the SL arrived?
Samefag here. Also why didn't they empty the basement, or steal Eren's key while they had him captured? Honestly fuck Isayama, if he wants the good guys to win at least make it more believable.
Because the Warriors should have easily won logically, and Isayama had to go out of his way to come with situations in which they could lose.
Why did Reiner start fighting Eren in the first place? Why didn't he just call Bert the minute he got close enough?
Thye don't know where is the basement, idiot. Also, Zeke seems more attached to some shit from the past instead of focussing in actual goals.
Because the MC cannot lose. He's even willing to twist his own rule just to let them win. See >>142713952
I don' get it. She didn't land near the blast, so what's the problem here.
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I love BR. The rest can fuck themselves.
>Didn't land near the blast.
>Literally right next to it.
She's still inside his mouth. Close enough to get hurt from the blast.
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Even Annie ;_;?
BR will never have a happy domestic life with three beautiful children. ;_;
Yes but there's a lot of BRfags who care about Annie so you'll be fine.
She's outside.
I mean it's weird. I've seen BRfags who ship them together but still care about Annie or at least sort of indifferent. Haven't seen a BRfag that hates Annie.
The more I think about it, the more contrived the Scouting Legion's victory is.
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>Haven't seen a BRfag that hates Annie.
I'm not hating either but I don't care. I don't care enough talk about this meta here with you too. I genuinely love Bert, Reiner and Hanji. Then the rest comes but even on that list Annie is near to the bottom.
Nice blog.

Already established that Ackermen have super natural powers, so far seems like they super-speed, have greater resistance to damage and can heal crippling injuries (Levi's leg and Mikasa's spine).
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Meh. I'm only here to say that I love BR and the rest can fuck themselves. I go now.
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Shen didn't.
Okay didanwhisperer. No one gives a fucking shit.
I'm not him. Bertfags are the crowded here, you all keep forgetting this.
BR can go die, everyone else is good.
Reiner will never pet the Bert.
He petted him with his eyes in chapter 78.
>his eyes
The ones he didn't have but somehow still saw him.
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>tfw your own characters call you a hack
Eye fucking Bert doesn't count.
But they survived because they were being protected by RT
I hope Levi catches up to Zeke and kills him. After humanity getting their asses kicked by the titans for so long I want them to have a major victory against the titans that turns the tide in their favour. I want the last arc of the series to see humanity become the aggressors and launch an offensive against the warrior village, and with MT, CT, AT and FT dead the village is helpless before the onslaught, just as humanity was helpless for so long.
They were just far away enough to hide behind a building. Mikasa and Armin survived without RT and so did Hanji. Isayama is a hack.
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What did Reiner do when he couldn't eye fuck Bert? What did he imagine?
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It's impossible. He can't catch after having to fight all those titans. Zeke is gone.
>True God Tier
Hanji, Eren
>Good Tier
Erwin, Armin, Jean
>Meh Tier
Everyone else not named
>Shit Tier
Zeke, Ymir, BR
Bert is officially God Tier according to Isayama and the manga.
Bert is shitty jobber scum tier according to the manga.
>True God Tier
>Hanji, Eren
They aren't bad but mediocre at best.
Agreed, more or less.
>yfw Eren didn't actually wake up when Armin told him to and this chapter's events were all part of his dream
Armin is gonna become a Titan. Will he eat Bert and become the new colossal titan or eat Reiner and become the new armored titan?
>Armin is gonna become a Titan.
Anon I have bad news for you.
Shitmin is kill.
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Bertfags are this dellusional
Isayama literally said god, who's delusional here?
The powers cannot be transferred. I think he will eat Reiner because Bert was starting to have some "development" but I am not quite sure. For me, it is like Reiner's story is over.
Both of their stories seem to be over. They will get closure in the next 3 chapters and then die in the last chapter of this arc.
Because their shitty edgelord got BTFO.

That's what isayama wants you to think, but the Titan serum that Levi has is basically a Chekovs Gun situation. Isayama shows it and refers to it so often that it has to come into play soon. Armin has too much plot armor to die yet
Based on Rod it seems like being a Colossal has to do with the person rather than the serum
>reiner btfo
>Armin has too much plot armor to die yet
Not at all, he was actually already implied to die since volume 1.
I agree. Both Erwin and Armin dying is too much for the plot. Hange is Hange, brilliant and a scientist but neither of the main cast have the skills of Erwin and Armin.
Levi is obligated to return to the wall, he has no more supplies and Zeke already gone. If you have some knowledge about burns, the person could still living for hours and in extremely pain. The fall, Isayama makes us know Armin's hooks remain secured to Colosal teeth so we could theorize what's going to happen next.
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>Armin has too much plot armor to die yet
>Implying Armin isn't the biggest Anniefag of them all
No. There's a difference of Armin being an insecure boy and consider himself a burden to implied he was going to die. That part of his being was closed at the moment of his speech to save Eren and Mikasa. After that, he has not more problems except maybe when Erwin and Hange entrusted the command, something new for him. He has a hard philosophy of throw away his life (and his ethics) if the situation requires, same as Erwin. This only proves how different he is from the rest.
Anniefags are mythical creatures they don't even exist to be honest Ackerfam
My favorite

Your favorite


(If Bert is your favorite then you need to reevaluate your life choices and possibly see a therapist)
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Fucking this.
His brain was leaking out of his skull face it he's gone.
Meh: as far as Humans v. Titans is concerned then Utgard/Clash if Titans vastly outshines it imho.

And for all the shit that it gets, I actually found the Uprising arc to be one of the more interesting ones upon reread.
I was talking about that part where he said that he will become brave, even if that means he'll die.
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Atleast he didn't die in vain, i'm so fucking glad they finally got the human titan shitters and that Hanji it's still alive.

Rest in pieces Armin, i'm not sure why everyone hates you, but i sure don't ;_;7
I don't understand what the hype is in Bert. He's not a character that reveals more on re read. He seems really one sided and bland. Isayamma didn't give him any detail or complexity other than standard guilt.
Stop trying to make sense, anon.

It's not allowed here.
It wasn't, it is the shadow of his head and you can notice it is not broken.
Wait, is Erwin dead? i mean, he got hit by a rock, but it didn't seem like a fatal blow, as long as Levi can retrieve his body, he might be fine
You know what would fix Reiner's character? More psychological trauma and brain damage. MORE.
Blort only gets credit if there's proof armin is really killed. We don't even know if Erwin is really dead because of Zekes rock attack.
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Even if the rock didn't kill him the fall should have
Bullets to the torso can easily kill people and they are the size of a fingernail. That was a pretty big rock.
Don't they still have the titan serum?

They'll just inject him with it later or some shit.
No, but I think Hitch would be up for a threesome.
Armin gonna be next titan, levi come and inject some poison
>Fall killing someone in Snk.
Levi has the serum. Erwin commanded him to use it on the right person.
Better fall, rather hit by rock
He was never (after his speech) thought about being braver. He was always brave, everybody is brave, Jean used himself as a bait to defeat Reiner this chapter. All of them have the mentality to take risks, even Mikasa, she was ready to fight against Reiner until Hange came.
What does this have to do with him being implied to die? And no he wasn't always brave. Then again Arminfags are retarded and have zero reading comprehension.
He asked him to.
reddit made a shit character chart

where is /a/ shit chart

i miss the good old days
This and manlet listening to EMA most likely means he will give it to Armin.
>Annie is freed from her crystal
>Sees CT
>"Bert, you came to rescue me :)"
>It's actually Armin
>He wasn't always brave.
Anon. He was not brave at the beginning of the story. Don't you remember his plan against FT? He and Mikasa were prepared to die there in the tunnel.
The only thing that is implied is that Levi will use the serum in someone. Armin stopped thinking of himself as a burden at the moment he realized Eren and Mikasa trusted him enough to decide for them.
Did you even read the current chapters?
Disgusting. The powers cannot be transferred.
I just fapped to this, good stuff, but i like Volume 1 a bit more
Are you sure? Eren got the coordinate from Grisha.
>your armor ability will be given to another soldier
I agree on the disgusting part though.
Zeke threatened to "pass the armor to someone else" if Reiner acted up once again, which basically implies having him get eaten.
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I would agree that 1>2, but 4 was pretty good too.
Are you saying this for his thoughts in the previous chapter? He was thinking about what was going to happen with him, of course he knew it will be dangerous. Plus Armin does not know about the serum, he thinks there's not salvation for him.

That soldier thought about his fate in three pages and at the end he was the only survivor. It does not implied nothing but if you want to ignore some things it is your problem.
How would humanity utilize a Colossal Titan if they had one on their team? Obviously it could kill normal titans pretty easily, but it's not like the titans have a wall it could kick down or anything. Maybe transporting items/troops through titan territory, but the shifter might not be able to stay transformed for the entire journey so that could be pretty risky.
What about Ymir so? when she ate Bert and Reiner's friends?
>Are you saying this for his thoughts in the previous chapter?
No, all chapters since he talked to Bert.
Does anyone care that armin is kill?
No, not really.
Ymir had the same titan form as a shifter that she did when she was mindless, so it doesn't look like she inherited anything but the ability to control her titan. We don't know what Marcel's titan was though so who knows.
The correct way to proceed would be to keep Bert alive, bring him back to the capital, give the titan serum to Historia and make her eat Bert. They need to keep Historia safe more than they need anything else. If she can titanize then she will be safe from kidnapping, assassination and physical threats. Everyone within her reach will be pressured to bend their knees to her will, even those who were waiting for the smallest opportunity to slit her throat and install their own puppet government. Once Historia is safe they wouldn't even need guards to defend the throne, the majority of soldier stationed near the palace could be deployed elsewhere. The lives of Erwin or Armin are meaningless compared to the need for political stability. If Historia dies they have a civil war on their hands and all of humanity dies.
He's legit one of my favourite characters, so I sort of care that he's gone. At the same time though it's nice to see main characters getting killed off in the series. Everything's felt too safe since Utgarde, and in a series like SnK things shouldn't really feel safe.
I care. Armin a cute
he was my favourite dude, here's hoping he can asspull his way through and survive
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I guess either his form was special, which won't get passed on to the next shifter or Isayama just didn't care to think about it.
Nah, Bert said they all need to die and he had nothing against Armin. Or the thing he told him he cannot do anything if he is shaking? that's because he's plan failed.
They only need Historia as a figurehead for the Government. If she did die the military would just stop the farce and take over completely. The smallfolk my groan a bit, but in the end they'll do nothing. If people really get upset about it they could just lie about Historia having a sister or something and stick them on the throne as another figurehead.

Also with all the nobles locked up and Historia as the people's queen it's unlikely any assassins are gunning for her.
Of course. I cried when I saw the spoiler.
If Historia get killed, people will know she was killed.
The form doesn't have to change once a power is inherited. Eren's titan kept the same look after getting the armor upgrade. I don't think it should be taken as a guarantee that a titan's appearance changes when going from mindless to shifter since we've only got two examples of that so far and the result was different for each
Looks like you missed the whole point of Armin's development in this chapter. What kind of development Armin will get was obvious since the beginning and it was the whole typical coward becoming brave thing.
Yeah, he was my favorite alongside Hisu and Eren.

I felt really bad while reading the chapter but his sacrifice was thematically significant and climactic enough for me to be satisfied with it (even though I would've loved for this little fucker to finally have that wanking contest with his bff on the beach, in the end).

Now here's to hoping he doesn't come back, though I doubt even Isayama would be enough of a hack to ruin such a good death.

Eren better chop Bertie up some more next month. I want his blood.
Eren got his power from drinking a serum that granted that power though, not from eating a shiter with that power.
Not that anon, but I think you're oversimplifying Armin's character a bit.
I have already said it, he stopped being a coward long time ago. He started to be different in the Female titan arc. He never thought about being a coward or a burden after that.
Armin's coward/brave thing was one of the most predictable character developments.
Which are the possibilities that the serum of the Reiss is different from Grisha's?
Armin was never a coward. He just lacked self-confidence.
Rod had 3 different serums, which were "armored", "the strongest" and "normal".
Historia does have enemies. Anyone with soldiers under their command and a king/queen within their reach is someone who dreams of becoming the new figurehead. It doesn't take much for someone in that position to start thinking big. "She has no special skills so why not me? I can do a better job than her, I could deploy my soldiers, I just need to take over the palace and I take over the country". The smallfolk will not just groan a bit, they will say "You're not royalty" and declare themselves independent. The new ruler will send an army to crush cities into submission. The cities will form alliances with each other to keep their new freedom and things will get uglier and uglier. Hence, civil war. Humans can't fight themselves and other titans. Pretty much everyone would die.
Wich made him a coward.
>citation needed
You didn't understand the title of this chapter. Armin was brave enough to confront the possibility of being burned by the steam, that's why Eren was surprised at the end.
Read the manga
Whoever made these serums need to create more diversity. Where are the options for "wings" and "dragon" and "skeleton"?
He is not a coward. He was never a coward. Insecurity is different.
you're replying to the wrong anon.
>not knowing the difference between cowardice and insecurity
So, Levi has the normal?
Yeah, like I said, him becoming brave was his development.
It might not work that way if you're already a shifter.
His development was at the beginning of the manga. You should understand how much he changed after Trost.
Do you think Armin's body is still warm? Can you fuck the body and feel that charred anus sphincter rub around your dick while it slowly becomes colder and colder? Is there still some life in Armin? Could he let out one last raspy moan that would enhance the experience?
You'll have to check for yourself, Eren.
Apparently you don't understand Armin at all and the point of this chapter. His development was not insecure/confident, it was coward/brave.
>anon wonders if a body burned to death is still warm seconds after it was burned
congratulations ur retarded
The powers can be transferred.
>still warm?
There's smoke rising from his corpse, so I'd say it's pretty warm, yes.
You don't understand he stopped being a coward in the first arc.
Examples of him acting like a coward? The closest I can think of is when he couldn't move in chapter 4.
He was a coward at the beginning, then started to slowly become brave, then became a coward again after talking to Bert just to have his final development to turn into someone brave this chapter.
What could happen if a normal titan eats a shifter?
He hasn't let fear control his actions and thus hasn't been a coward.
Armin has gone through development on his self-worth throughout the series. It's not a brave/coward transformation because Armin has consistently been brave.
He developed backwards this arc after talking too Bert, just so his brave act in this chapter would have even more impact.
Isayama played the ambiguous fate card so he must still be alive for now.
The normal titan will get whatever specialty, if any, the shifter had? Might not change their appearance though. That's been explained.

If a normal titan eats Bert, I guess they'd grow to colossal size.
Oh man you take me back to 2007, everyone playing runescape and posting the childiest shit they could, to get a response out of people.
No. That was because his plan failed and he felt that way because of his lack of confidence. You should understand the difference.
>Armin has gone through development on his self-worth throughout the series
And these were just little steps. Also this >>142720258
Marcel's titan form is shit tier. No powerups.
I'll care once Isayama confirms it. There is still a risk of asspull until then.
He was almost pissing his pants when he saw Bert, which wasn't just because his plan failed.
Bert is the only character I genuinely hate and want to see dying in the most painful way possible.
Same. I feel indifferent about almost everyone else.
If armin was a coward, he wouldn't have joined the survey corps in the first place. He's faced danger many times before in spite of fear, which made him brave.

Armin's sacrifice was him using a means to an end to achieve his dream. He's been brave since the beginning, he only lacked confidence.
What part of poor self-confidence =/= lack of bravery do you not understand?
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I want Reiner to find happiness. ;_;
And yet he still confronted him. After the Trot incident Armin never froze in front of danger again, his issue isn't with cowardice anymore but insecurity. And moral degradation with the Gesumin shit.
I want reiner to find death.
The coward/brave thing was mostly tied to his complete absence of self-esteem, which, as another anon already said, he started gaining after becoming aware of how much trust Eren and Mikasa had in him. And that happened really early in the story. And btw he 'evzr really had an issue with dying: more than once during the early parts of the manga he would come up with ideas that excluded his survival because of how little he used to think of himself (In Trost with Connie and Mikasa -giving away his gas-, or during the FT arc with Jean and Reiner -telling them to take the two horses left and leave him behind-).

The whole rest of his character arc was spent struggling with Erwin's philosophy and his growingly malfunctionning moral compass, and more importantly inderstanding the true value of sacrifice, which he had always been ready and willing to make but never for the right reasons, up until this chapter.
Maybe if he can find some kind of peace before death that is fine too. I don't want him to suffer anymore. ;_;
I've been feeling numb ever since I found out.
Eren was in shock because his bff became bbq but he always knew Armin was brave. He already suspected from the beginning of the chapter but had no choice but to follow Armin's plan.
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He will be executed. Can't fucking wait.
Because his development from coward to brave happened slowly bit by bit
>is this steak I just pulled from the grill still hot?
Fag who dropped this shit during the politics arc. Can someone please post a picture of ded Armin if you have one on hand.
I just kow that I'm worried he'll somehow escape. Eren will probably lose control and let go of him, which may cause him to shift and get away.
The only good thing he did was killing Armin.
No, it didn't. It's already been explained that Armin hasn't struggled with bravery, but with self-worth and have obviously missed the whole point of his character.
You have yet to provide a single ounce of evidence proving he has.
Do you guys think Isayama has balls to make a BR execution chapter where they would actually get beheaded by Eren for crimes against humanity?

Still they need at least one alive so he would lead them to the village, and from both while having Annie leverage Bert is better candidate to break. But if Queen Historia asked Reiner maybe he would spill the beans and tell her about Ymir fate and that she's possible killed by now there in the village.

Or maybe in the basement there's a tunnel or map to the titan village and they won't need BR at all.
This. Eren knew Armin was about to sacrifice himself, because he didn't for a second buy Armin's lies about "backing off in time because I've never been that brave, hurr"
He can't shift while regenerating anon.

Rest assured, Eren will skewer his ass to death next chapter.
I'd have to agree with other anons then, he was being insecure. He tends to see himself as less valuable and capable than his peers and doesn't trust his own abilities. Because of this he'd sometimes rather someone he perceives as better suited for the job take action. That part of his personality was still present in a way when he decided to sacrifice himself this chapter-he entrusted everything, even his biggest and most personal dream of seeing the ocean, to Eren. Even so, he continually acts against his fears and risks his life throughout the series, and he never thinks of saving his own butt before anyone-he was willing to sacrifice himself for Mikasa, Jean and Reiner, and of course Eren. Cowardice isn't the right word for this.
Well, the shifters seem to be Isayama's favorites, so I'd say they're going to stay alive for another volume at least.
Killing the shifters would be a complete waste of potential power. We have to convert more of humanity's soldiers to shifters so we have a chance of overcoming the enemy.
>BR execution chapter where they would actually get beheaded by Eren for crimes against humanity
I want Historia to give the order.
The whole Annie thing won't work on Bertolt anymore remember? He'll think it's all a ruse.
>they need at least one alive
Too damn risky. Maybe if they continuously keep them crippled and in the bottom of the deepest mine they can find, but even then it's a big risk.

Of course, not getting any intel on their enemies is a risk as well.
It's funny how Arminfags get called retarded all the time but his haters become completely autistic whenever it comes to actually discussing his character.
He has suffered enough. He threw away his morals killing that woman and because of his lack of self esteem he didn't appreciate his own life. I understand Erwin, he is a man and he has come to a point he is tired and the only thing that keeps him living is the desire to corroborate his father was right. Levi will inject Armin, this boy passed for so much and I hope this situation helps him to love and appreciate his life. Just like Jean, remember he helped Mikasa to appreciate hers.
They can keep one of them chained up inside a cave à la Eren style.
Isayama seems to reuse the same development for all characters, just developed in different ways. Armin, Bert, Historia, Sasha and Jean also a little bit, all had low self-esteem and low self-worth at first.
Yeah, because that worked so well.
This is the case for all characters, not just Armin.
Pretty much everyone has suffered a lot. If he gets the serum, it's because he's from the main trio.
>low self-esteem
u wot m8
Jean has healthy self-esteem. I don't remember any lack of self-esteem in Sasha, but that might be my memory.
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I'm awaiting the Hillary Clinton titan in the next issue.
Amazing anon. I have almost tear a little.
The little Arminfag inside of me would love for him to find a way to survive and be rewarded for all his efforts and suffering with something else than a sick roast... But I also know that Armin met a satisfying end (because he entrusted his best friend with everything he put his faith in) and that he died at peace with himself.

He doesn't need to come back, and I'm sure Isayama is aware of this.
Chapter 36 for Sasha.
They can keep Reiner alive with his arms and legs being chopped off constantly to marginilise his powers so they would be availible just for regeneration than shifting, pretty much I expect Ymir being kept in the village in similiar way so she could not escape and wait for her fate who will eat her.

Now MT lost 3 shifters with specialisations and he will have to return to his daddy and they will have to create new shifters and for that Ymir will be one candidate.

Also jokingly keeping anal plug in Reiner ass as some brilliant Zackley idea could work too.
I want him to come back because of him and for his friends. They all deserve some light of hope on their lives, they have passed for so much and they will be devastated if they lose him in that way. The serum has been foreshadowing and, as I said, Erwin and Levi have faith in these children.
Lack of self esteem might not be the right word but she did feel pretty ashamed of her origins and trued her best to cover them up by letting go of her home dialect.

(Funny thing is that Krista/Historia of all people defended Sasha's right not to be her true self if she felt more comfortable wearing a mask, when her own charavter arc revolved around letting go of her own made up persona)
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Would the anal plug keep him from shifting, you mean?

Intriguing. Then again, Isayama has surprised us before.
I guess I can kinda get a lack of self-esteem from her in that regard. I'll echo what >>142720991
said on that one. I don't really think sasha has the same level/type of complex as the other characters, though.
>and they will have to create new shifters
Well a normal shifter with no special abilites is not going to help him much.
What was Marcel's special ability? Ymir's titan form didn't change at all from eating him.
marcels ability was dying
Maybe his form was just special or Isayama didn't care to think of anything, since he didn't even get a single line.
I expect the Marcel + BR flashback in the next chapter or 4. Maybe then, we will learn what his ability was.
>inb4 he was a CT too and Bert's brother
Erwin is a tired man but he is more valuable to the SL than Armin even without bringing spaghettilet's autism into the equation.
Ymir's titan form is known for being agile and fast. Maybe her titan didn't change in look but gained that agility and speed.
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Vorpal claws, obviously
That's most likely just because of her form and size.
>still warm
Oh yeah. Very much so.
Maybe her titan was already agile and fast. How else would it have taken Marcel and BR by surprise then? They must have been on watch out for nearby titans.
You think Isayama's been getting an influx of death threats lately?
He hasn't killed manlet, so no
Nah, I think Arminfags would rather be the type to kill themselves.
>Also jokingly keeping anal plug in Reiner ass as some brilliant Zackley idea could work too.
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>one last raspy moan
the gif of that is horrifying
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Here you go, just for you, anon.
Thank you. I feel special now and very disturbed.
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A cute bert for you.
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No worries. Here's something to calm your nerves.
This one is alright.
Nice fanfic
Nice fanfic is chuugakkou desu
Who is the worst written character and why is it Kenny.
Someone seems bored.
I'm serious. Everyone gives Historia shit for switching sides every few chapters but Kenny was all over the place just as much.
It's not that much.
Armin's character development was contrived and predictable, the only unpredictable thing about it was that he actually died in the end.
He died, everyone that thinks otherwise is Marcofag levels of retarded.
This. Same goes with Bert desu
>Armin's character development
What character development.
Bert's wasn't predictable for me, I expected him to become determined and alpha, not a mindless killing machine.
He was a wimpy skinny nerd that manned up.
so same as bert
It's like pottery
Bert was neither weak nor a nerd and he didn't man up, he just detached.
Whoever (Armin) gets the serum will need to eat a shifter to gain control, right?. I'd put money down they're gonna feed Bert or Rein to Armin which is why he's alive.
In comparison to his previous behavior its certainly manning up.
The only people who know about the serum is Erwin and Levi.
And Hanji. Although there isn't really a reason to hide it.
Pretty much
>tfw no good vanilla ErenxAnnie doujins
>tfw no good SashaxConnie femdom doujins
>tfw no good MikasaxJean BDSM, CBT, T&D doujins
>tfw no good ErenxHistoria NTR doujins
Shit taste, except for Connie/Sasha
>not wanting Mikasa to mercilessly tease Jean, endlessly denying him the orifices he craves as she degrades and abuses his genitals

No, anon. You are the one with shit taste.
Well there's this.
last chapter i watched was the one where b*ert nuked some city.
has anything interesting happened since then?
EMA a feces.
Armin got set on fire and fell to his death.

Erwin is bleeding out.

Bert's probably getting killed next chapter.
>chapter i watched
Leave crack.
>next chapter
More like in the last chapter of this arc.
Kenny didn't rape Eren in the ass to stimulate him properly...

So fake it hurts.
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Armin right now.
I appreciate the attempt anon but I'm really just looking for a doujin where Eren/Historia hook up and break Mikasa and/or Ymir's heart(s)

I just can't get into the pairing unless the cumshot is contrasted with one of those two sobbing at the NTR
>e-hentai snk doujins
>there's more armin dressing as historia or a girl ones and getting fucked than actual historia's own works
Feels strange.
Snk's fanbase is dominated by fujos, especial for manlet.
Fuck, I didn't realize I wanted that
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>where Eren/Historia hook up and break Mikasa and/or Ymir's heart(s)
You just have to read the manga.
That's Eren/Armin
>You just have to read the manga.
If we want to be true to that there won't be any Eren x girl pairing happening cause as a shifter he needs to die later.

Historia will marry some random guy and will live on a farm like she always wanted, not with Ymir, cause Ymir too will get killed which will be revealed by BR in some shitty flashback.
Remember the theory about the shifters ageing faster than regular humans? I wonder if Isayama will touch on that again.
I hope their dream from the interview happens.

I think they only age faster depending on how much they shift, regenerate or use their abilities. For example when Eren used his hardening ability too much he got a nosebleed. It will probably explained together with the coordinate.
Uri looked much older than Rod.
The coordinate most likely needs the most stamina and Uri was probably constantly training and trying to learn how to use the coordinate.
The very fact that they didn't kill him immediately means he will escape anyway.
I can see EH happening if both Ymir and Mikasa die by the end of the manga.
Or get eaten.
How tho?
I wish ;_;
It's probably because Isayama wants it to happen within the next few chapters instead of killing him right away. This chapter focused on Armin's death.
Nah, they will try to convince them to join humanity's cause, since killing friends is a taboo no shonen protagonist could commit.
Even if should die I can't see it happening
I would enjoy it too much if Bert got fed to the new shifter within the next chapter. Would be the best chapter of all.
Isayama himself said he thought of Bert as the god of SnK world, if he dies somehow, it must be at the end of the manga, not in the middle of it.
He meant the CT, not necessarily Bert himself. So it could be anyone as long as they're the CT. Also everyone thought Armin would never die but look where we are now.
We are almost done.
He was like a god this chapter, even the way he talked and moved. He's my favorite so I really hope he survives, but the way he got cut out of the titan was identical to the Trost attack, it can't happen any better than that.
Not Bert, CT. Powers can be passed on. Bort himself is expendable.
More like 3/4th of the way done. Isayama is aiming for 25-27 volumes in total.
>He was like a god this chapter
No, he was a twat with a wannabe God Complex who got just deserts.
CT is Bert, any other wielding that power will just be a fake.
He is Isayama's favorite, no way he can die here.
Bert talked like a god this chapter, he meant Bert too. Not sure if it's an effect of being in the CT.
So one arc left, which is not much.
>He is Isayama's favorite, no way he can die here.

No, those are Ymir, Jean and Armin
He didn't talk like a god, he is just arrogant enough to think he can play God and got BTFO for it like the piece of shit he is. He's probably going to die an underwhelming death too just like Rod.
>He is Isayama's favorite
I wish. He probably hates him.

Just Jean and Ymir.
No, just Ymir and Jean.
>He is Isayama's favorite
Bertfags sure get more and more retarded each month their favorite goes down the shitter. CT isn't even Isayama's favorite titan.
It still proves that Isayama meant Bert too with the interview, not just CT.
More like the role of CT makes you think you're a god.
If Armin gets the serum after all the wanking over how selfless, brave and awesome he is in this chapter, then he is definitely one of Isayama's favorites.
Maybe, that's speculation. Either way it's not just a titan form he was referring too.
That's a huge "if", and he's not going to get the serum after this huge speech and closure. If he survives I'll agree with you though.
It is, because he said the CT only, not Bert himself. And anyone could be a CT with the right serum, so the titan form itself makes you believe you're like a god just as the Reiss felt entitled to that belief too because of their relation to the FK.
Not really.
Not really. Rod called Uri a God, and so was Frieda, while none of them were a CT. It was more related to the coordinate than the titan form itself, since they hold humanity's fates in their hands similar to a God.

If he meant the CT itself, Bert would have no reason to talk like this. Or maybe he feels mighty when he's inside the titan because everything looks unimportant from above, I don't know.
Isayama already said he won't kill anyone though.
Manlet injects half of the serum into Erwin, half into Armin. Erwin eats Reiner, Armin eats Bert.
Bort didn't talk like a God. He just acted as needed for his mission. Faggots are taking Isayama's metaphors about CT too seriously.
Anon pls.
Reiner and especially Bert have become such annoying, tedious characters to me. I really hope Eren kills off Bert because the whole prospect of forgiving your enemy is just very unappealing to me now. At this point it would be pure retardation to go easy on those two asshats. Particularly after what happened in 82, Bert doesn't deserve mercy anymore.
He didn't say it, he said he was considering changing the original ending where everyone died. For all we know half the cast might die, or even everyone, he didn't confirm he changed it.
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Dpes anyone have a solid theory for why we saw, Historia and her Queens Guard, Pixis, Niles and the rest of the high council, Rico (do we know who else was on the wall?) and Hitch at the start of the chapter?
Do you think it's foreshadowing?
To remind us what's at stake?
Well all of them look a bit sad, so it was probably just to show what's at stake inside the walls. They symbolize all the people the SL are fighting for and more.
I think it's supposed to make us reflect on the losses.
Hissy lost Ymir, Armin and possibly Sasha.
The Council are lossing soldiers and resources.
Rico has lost her entire squad to the Scouts ideals.
Hitch has lost Marlo due to the Scouts ambitions.

This is not Naruto. The MC is a literal psychopath.
That all makes sense, but why would they show us the non-combat area when discussing the plan if they're going for emotional impact?
Surely that would be better accomplished with the main cast dressing wounds are just standing around looking dramatic?
Because ~symbolism~.
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Three Blessings on you.
>the titans fighting manlet all start sleeping
They are both unconscious and Bort is a stump. Not to mention Armin's death would have been in vain.
I'll actually fucking sperg out
Considering how Anti-Tank works, which I assume is similiar to this as it's piecing the back of the titan's throat to hit the controller, the area around the blast (not being pierced) isn't taking that much damage.
Just catching up on the irrelevant side characters (+ Hisu) so they can be killed off as red shirts later
I don't see these "bert is god" comparisons, he's just a sweaty little boy that barely can defend himself, his titan even attacks by sweating steam
He hasn't sweated a drop since chapter 78.
If Sasha and Armin are both toast, fingers crossed, Rico and Hitch could slide into their positions.
Hitch = Sasha - Funny and quirky.
Rico = Armin - Logical and intelligent.

Hissy won't be killed off. Not until Queen in the walls Vs Princess beyond the walls arc
It's just his retarded fanbase.
He's a doorstop now anyway.
Sasha won't die without a flashback and a death speech.

Even Marlo got one.
Rico can go rot in hell.
That makes sense actually.
I'm not sold on Historia Vs Ymir yet though
But Sasha got significant backstory already. Marlo didn't. They needed to retroactively implement as much character as possible, and that was really effectively pulled off.
If anything they will unite both sides, so the conflict can finally be over.
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Garbage levels would be toxic
Maybe the book from Frieda was foreshadowing.
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>unite both sides

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Sasha can't die because I want more Sasha/Hitch interaction... They could be great friends imo.
I really hope Hissy vs Ymir ends up a thing. Romeo & Juliet basically.
So who is gonna be the final boss? Will it be a new shifter?
Still rooting for Bert or Zeke.
Bearded Ymir.
>Sasha/Hitch interaction
Lesbian fanfic is forbidden love
Pretty much this
Ymir wants Eren to have the coordinate and protect the walls though, so that's very unlikely.
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Zeke and his father.
We haven't met the final boss yet. Zeke is just a warchief.
Solid Zeke and Big Zeke
>Princess beyond the walls
Not disu shito agen.jpg
Zeke x Hisu would actually be fun.
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I just caught up, and I'm offended at how Bertolt is being mistreated.
I'm sorry m8.
Zeke is just a warchief, but she would fist his anus.
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He's gonna be very kill.
>humanity finds out how to make more titan serums and uses BRA to create their own shifters in addition to Eren
>humanity spends years rebuilding, then sends their shifters out to find BRA's "village"
>they find another walled territory instead
>it's just like their own homeland
>the people living there think it's only been 100 years since the titans showed up, etc
>these walls are controlled by a shifter monarchy similar to the Reiss family
>the events of the series reenact themselves as the Reiss Wall shifters try to destroy these opposing walls as retaliation
Don't worry, the rape he deserves will come next chapter.
>I literally just reworded the most common endgame theory.jpg
He's THE warchief and strongest titan, mind you. He also holds the key for the story as said by Isayama himself.
>He's THE warchief and strongest titan
Evidence that isn't based on supposition please.
>strongest titan
That was Bert according to Reiner and the label on Rod's CT serum.
He deserves everything he gets, and more.
Strongest titan who got easily Rekt by manlet. A final boss who looked like a joke and threw stones like a coward.
zeke is a prettttty cool guy
Bert pls.
End game boss is Ymirs dad.
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Eren has had to relax his stance on the shifters since he learned the circumstances of his own powers.
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I'll treat you nicely, I'll treat you REAL nicely.
Brother is more likely after more than 60 years.
I prefer the idea of an older Titan being the big bad boss. Just some old dude on an old chair turning into an absolute monster and pulling Levis arms and legs off.
Too cliche.
I said I wanted them to be friends, not that I want them to fuck... SC and JH are better.
I know. He hasn't suffered nearly enough. Torture starting soon.
Stop flirting
I know. That should be queen, not princess.
Any theories on why the fuck the shifters attacked in the first place?
He's matured, yeah. Doesn't mean he'll show any mercy. What his father did doesn't excuse Bort.
Hopefully meaning we'll see more of Hitch in the future (Rico too!), and Queen Hissy will return.
blessed be
If Eren shows mercy then his best friend just died for nothing.
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Strongest fighter not titan. Did you jump the part where it's said CT is not made for battle?
I think the Titans are fighting a two sided war.
There's another shifter "village" that's fucking them up, so they want to retreat into the walls for safety.
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They want the coordinate. I thought that had been made clear.

Also MT's people seem to be regularly massacring the wall people, only no one remembers it because Reiss mindwipe.

Still unclear whether MT's people are the same as BR, but most signs point to yes.
After Armin's death there's no hope in Hell that Eren doesn't call for his head on a pike
That clearly just means the strongest to date. He got fucked quickly by Levi, so he's strong in one regard. Physically.
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>the part where it's said CT is not made for battle
If you read the manga, it only says that CT is the best for battle.
Shifting power makes them die early. Zekedad is already kill Zeke done took over.
I have no doubt he would execute them but he's no longer frothing with rage to the point of imagining them being tortured slowly. Besides, they need information and killing them would be a waste when they can be detained without much trouble.

Also, Armin sacrificed himself not to kill Reiner but to stop him from breaking the wall. His death was not in vain.
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Flirting? I want to hatefuck a Rico. Or at least bully one like Hanjo
>being this dumb
Not a very comprehensive reader, eh?
I'm guessing he'll be back to torture fantasies pretty soon after Armin
He got fucked by Levi because he was mentally shitting on humans as a whole that he was completely unprepared for someone as capable as Levi.
That's not how you treat Ricos
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>he really did jumped that part
>discount different serums
BR confirmed for eaten next chapter.
So yes, he's physically strong but fucking useless otherwise.
Anyone else like Eren a lot more as the series goes on? He naturally became more competent and less edgy.
>less edgy
Wait until next chapter.
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Come on look at her. She's perfect for bully stuff.
I didn't jump that part, it's true that the colossals are supposed to be the most suitable for battle. Maybe when those serums were created people didn't expect that the walled humans would invent jetpacks.
This. Rereading the first volume now, and the change is pretty remarkable.

Well, he has a damn good reason. Also, Borp must suffer.
No, he is still kind of boring as a character

You're awful.
Even Kenny calls Rod retarded for picking a Titan so big it would destroy the cavern they were in. Rod probably thoguht the reason Frieda lost was because her titan wasn't big enough, not because he thought the CT was invincible.
He has never gone against a person in 3dm before, let alone Levi. Even then, Levi would never had gotten that close to him had he not been preoccupied with Erwin's charge.
Awww , did auntie mikasa made you feel bad about your little wiewie ?!!
Ricos don't want that. Ricos like a gentle and nice.
The serum was labeled "strongest", wasn't it? Maybe he took it for granted.
What am I reading
The only thing CTs have going for them is being big. They're slow as fuck and as time pass they get more and more weak. The shifters can't even turn twice a day. Rod was an idiot and RT, FT, AT and MT and way better and stronger.
He's a meat head then. Brawn but brainless.
I refuse to believe that.
I just don't have enough pictures to back that up.
Eren eating Reiner out would be hot.
>The shifters can't even turn twice a day
I think that has more to do with the fact that they had their shit kicked in everytime they do they can't afford to transform again. Annie transformed twice when she pursued Eren.
Eren was really one angry mofo
And she maintained those shifts for long periods of time.
The whole multishift thing is bollocks. They can shift in and out as much as they want until the point of exhaustion. The thing is, repeated shifting comes with diminishing returns, see Hanji studying Eren for evidence of this.
I preferred the artstyle back then...
FT=/= CT
I think he was taking about CTs. Obviously we know other shifters can transform several times in a row.
You should leave Ricos alone.
>the sun's going down
>Armins body still glowing for an hour
Rico's tits aren't that big.
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what the fuck was his problem?
But shes cute!

Don't ruin a good thing, a little bit of growth would do her good
Devil spawns messed with his bro and loved one and he snapped.
Brainwashed by liberal titan media
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daamn this artist's new art log is amazing.
I think 'growth' is a lost cause at her age.
They will never see ocean together and lying on ground while holding hands under the night sky on a cliff...

Instead we are left with EM now or delusional EH...

Big thanks Isayama for that.
She's old?
Pretty cute if she's old.
If Erwin really is kill, I'd like to see Jean become his successor.
That might be why poor Eren is so full sudoku lately.
She's older than the 104th squad so at least 18, if not twenties.
Age is irrelevant, she is preserved through purity.
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Kek, it really is.
That's why you should be nice to her.
>what am I reading?
Butthurt Mikasafags as always. Nothing surprising.
What's he eating in the first panel
That's a cute age bracket.

Some people are into that sort of thing though.
A piece of the map. It's how they mark the places they've already been to.
I agree.
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>mfw fucking never
Yeah, Mikasa truly never had a chance with Armin around.
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There is no cure for being a pathetic sweaty beta
And now she'll keep on being cucked by a dead guy.
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tranny mikasa.jpg
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I don't think a Rico would be.
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Revenge soon.
>heart ribbon on the chocolate from Historia
Why is Eren shirtless?
>xDD eren is so sexay when he murders people he doesn't need a shirt!
It's necessary for the revenge.
Sounds like the revenge implies some lewd shit
where do shifters get the mass to transform
Yes. He is shirtless, that means Bert is going to get raped.
Yes. It's good manners to strip when you're about to obliterate someone's asshole. Good to see Eren didn't stoop to Bert's level.
Why must you ruin my newly acquired power fantasy.
Bert has too much legs.
Zeke did the same with BR
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