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Shingeki no Kyojin

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When will the queen within the walls and the king beyond the walls reunite?

YH a cute.
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I want Bert to be redeemed.
Soon hopefully. Historia misses her lost pet.
Why does not reiner have as much shitposters as bert?
He's either less popular or his fags are not as vocal.
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Anniebot dies. Bertbot replaces him.

What the fuck Armin is dead.
yeah it's pretty neat
I'm still in denial desu.
You can thank Ymir for that.
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>Eren, mikasa and levi will die this arc
>Jean will become main character
You mean Isayama.
Levi will see that Erwin is alive and he will give the serum to Armin instead to save him. Screencap this post, I sucked off Isayama.
There's no need for threads anymore, retard.
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I want Reiner to find happiness. ;_;
So which one will get eaten by the serumed titan and which one will get tortured?

I'm thinking Bert will get eaten and Reiner will get captured and tortured to learn about the brain transfer trick.
I also think he will rather give it to Armin than Erwin, since he's part of the main trio.
The other way around.
I think Reiner will get eaten, since Isayama said his role was just expanded.
Neither. The serum won't work, and SL don't need it since they defeated CT and AT all on their own.
God I hope not. Please no. Come on.
I hope the surviving recruit is the one to kill Bert
Where are you reading this information? We know Reiner was supposed to be a red shirt in the original drafts but that's not the same thing as his role being "expanded", it was an entirely different character.
Me too, Reinerbro.
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So Armin is dead? Jesus I hope he stays dead. Not because I hate him, but because the quality of the series has been plummeting ever since the animefaggotry became the most vocal part of the fandom and made Isayama change the ending.

Fuck I wish SnK never got it's adaptation, it's clear Isayama's ideas were affected by it whether he is aware of this or not. Maybe we'll finally see some major character development now.
how big is it?
He said his role got "expanded" in an interview.
Isayama said Sasha, Jean, Levi and Reiner's roles were just expanded in an interview.
Flops down to his knees.
Too bad because Levi said the person has to be alive to get the serum.
>as long as they're still breathing
Can I have a link? Sorry I need spoonfeeding.
Isayama will make my LE dreams come true.
>Implying Levi knows anything
Armin will pass the next chapter screaming in pain anyway.
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>Armin barely alive
>Sasha bleeding out
>Which one to inject?
>Sasha tells them to pick Armin because he's more 'useful' than her
>everyone hesitates so she uses the last of her strength to do it herself
>dies in Connie's arms
Next chapter opens up with Armin wheezing in critical condition and Levi coming in to rescue. Again screencap this.
>barely alive

Nah you're just in denial.
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>Armin barely alive
I fucking hope armin is barbeque, if he comes back i'm gonna get mad

I have a feeling Isayama added the retarded serum plot line just for this. If his intention was to save Erwin with it, he wouldn't have make Erwin giving it to manlet.
You'll see.

A tertiary villain survived getting his head blown off and now he and his partner are captured alive. Do you REALLY think Isayama won't pull out another asspull to revive one of the main characters? This shit literally cannot continue without Armin.
How many of you will drop it when Armin gets the serum injected?
Baby's first shounen? First Isayama's cliffhanger chapter?
Yes, this is Isayama. And didn't the editor post something about 'not jumping to conclusions'?
>survived getting his head blown off
Because he's a shifter and his "death" came out of the blue. Armin had a lot of buildup leading to his death, not just in 82 but from the beginning of the manga.
Oh fuck off.
Nobody cares what you think, we are here to talk shit. Bestpost, shitpost, theorise, worship and hate on eachother.
If there's no more need for threads, then don't fucking come in you gaping arsehole.
>didn't the editor post something about 'not jumping to conclusions'?
On one hand Armin did give his "EREN WILL SEE THE OCEAN FOR ME" speech

But on the other Eren had the same death thoughts when he got swalloved if i recall correctly.
I like his editor. He's spoiling everything in a good way. Basically confirmed Ymir is alive too.
>maybe we'll see some mahir character development now

Looks like someone missed the entirety of the uprising arc.
Mikasa is next, jus so you all know.
How many times have each of the shifters escaped death?
Some anon said the "not jumping to conclusions" was a fake account.
That's why he said to re-read the first volume. It'll have the same outcome as Eren's "death".
Ymir once.
Bert like three times.
I won't even count Reiner.
Annie twice.
Even if he was alive, the nerve damage he sustained would be too extensivd for him to feel anything anyway.

But none of that matters because he's dead.
Not just that. Eren called Armin a whimp, and then Armin says that he'll prove him wrong even if he has to die.
Then there's the confrontatin between Eren and the Colossus, which in volume 1 ends in Eren's defeat, and as of the latest chapter, ends in the Colussus' defeat.
Only Reiner is the odd one here. CT is obvious not too die so soon in the story.
Eren regretted dying when he did to save Armin. Armin however didn't and was satisfied with passing his dream onto Eren there is no reason for him to live.
I'm really having doubts about that after the last chapter.
I know he'll survive.
>Ymir once
When? When EML came in at Utgard?
If Isayama's intention had been to save Armin, he wouldn't have had him charred to death.
>after the last chapter.
I don't, since there is only one arc left after this. I was rather talking about him not dying during the kidnapping or sooner.
Eren will slice mr. Colossal's throat and feed his blood to Armin thus saving him.
Yeah. She went to die there.
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Agreed. Bert killing Armin, then showing that perfect parallel with the very beginning of the series where Eren failed to hit magical disappearing CT. I think they're both dead.

They can't have ANOTHER fight vs AT and CT.
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>they're both dead
Bert is 100% alive.
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If wasn't Isayama's intention to save Armin he wouldn't have created serum ex machina or editor wouldn't have said to make a volume 1 reread. Pic related.
CT is still alive, but he's a stump now.
I meant that they're dead men walking (or dragging in Bert's case).

They're both going to be executed or eaten within the next few chapters.
It's not that he regretted dying, it's that he didn't plan on dying at all. Saying he "regretted dying" makes it sound like he had second thoughts about saving his best friend.
n-no they're about to be redeemed

No one because that's what should happen
I count two times for Ymir.
One time is getting turned into a shifter after her mindless state.
Second time Utgard tower.
>makes it sound like he had second thoughts about saving his best friend
He did
>One time is getting turned into a shifter after her mindless state.
Well that was more part of a backstory.
Third time is her turning into Schrödinger's cat.
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They won't.
Short hair Ymir > Loose hair Ymir > Ponytail Ymir

Kinda want to see her with a long grown out hair if she reappears.
Reiner has escape death 6 times. Holy shit.
He's practically a doorstop
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Mikasa is the only queen in this story, Historia is EW.
Thank god. Can wait for them to be tortured. Then Annie if she gets out.
Am I the only one that saw as a definite death flag for Armin (and maybe Mikasa)? Since in the OVA Levi had the same kind of convo with Farlan and Isabel the night before they got eaten.
Goddammit I have to find more sad kittens now.
I agree. Although I hope her hair is still short.

Also what is chapter 73
God I wish. Uncle Levi will just save them for Eren.
>I think they're both dead.

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Of course they will. You don't just kill off your merchandise. Nippon Banzai good goys.
>what is chapter 73
Return to Shinganshina
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3 lives left. He'd better be careful about his remaining ones.
Don't play dumb anon.

You know xhapter 73 was basically EAr central.
I kinda want to see Ymir with grown out hair now.
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This is the correct order.
>brown Ymir
Absolutely disgusting. This meme needs to end. Ymir in the manga is canonically more pale than a good amount of characters, but because the anime gave her a tan, Tumblr has turned her into the token POC. God fucking dammit.

Posting proper Ymir and cute Hisu to calm down.
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>not wanting to see Historia have PTSD flashbacks about her long haired onee-sama when she sees Ymir
Short hair is better. It's the opposite with Historia, she looks best with long hair. Especially when she is wearing a side ponytail.
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Post Mikasa being cute and innocent
There were also shots paralleling EMA with manlet's old squad. But I think it pretty obviously hints at manlet wanting them to avoid the same fate and nothing else.
>Armin is kill
>Erwin is kill
>10x more popular
I won't stop laughing when it's comfirmed she had a death a la Frieda and Grisha.
>anime gave her a tan
It wasn't even a tan, they're basing off their retarded headcanon on a pic where the front of her face was in shadows making it look darker.
Who is more tan than Ymir in the manga?
>tfw Sasha and Connie are still alive and they aren't even in the top 15
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They are all pale. The anime gave them tans. Keith's tan is the worst.
Yet. Sasha is already done.
I'd take care of him if I could. ;_;
Except this thought comes from shounen fags who believe that it will be like in any other shounen where the older generation sacrifices itself for the younger one but this has been debunked several times in this manga and as recently as when Marlo was painfully wrecked on panel while Erwin was given an ambiguous 'death' scene.
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very cute
We'll see. I don't really think Armin is still alive though. and Sasha's gonna need a miracle goddamit ;_;
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There was nothing special about it. Isayama fleshed out some characters, but their development was contained within the frame he has already set up earlier. I hope that Armin's death will be a big game changer in one way or another, not just a shitty "I HAVE TO WIN!!! I PROMISED ARMIN" throwback to be used in future titan fights.
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I don't really mind either way. I like to think Ymir is from some southern place that makes her have a natural tan like in the anime. Making her extremely brown is annoying though.
>There are people who think Reiner will die.
>There are people who think its even possible to kill a guy who's human form has been proven to be more durable than Titan Armor.
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Fuck, you're right. This one horrible shot that's her ONLY closeup in the entire first season that shaded her face and gave her lip gloss. It looks nothing like Ymir.

It's really fucking sad when the Chuugakkou anime character designs are far closer to the manga than the ones in the anime proper.
Are you the anon I was aking the question to?
I just try to ignore dumblr's cancerous headcanons. According to them everyone is either black, fat or both.
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How does Mikasa keep such a cute butt?
This. Reiner is practically immortal.
Chill anon. Even if that looks nothing like Ymir, she's still got that typical dry/sassy look.
>Carla/Eren and m
>the coordinate altogether
>n-not a shounen
Yeah sure.
>implying durability equates to regenerative capacity.
Nah fucker, cut his head off when he can't shift and he's done.
>inb4 Annie got shot in the heart
She shifted.
Why does /snk/ hate tans so much?

I thought tan Bert looks much better than his manga counterpart.
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I want Bert to feel alive again, I miss his sperging and spaghetti.
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>Mediterranean Ymir
>implying that Ymir isn't a glorious Norwegian with the blood of Norse gods and power metal singers running through her veins
Come now. Don't fall for the Tumblr meme.
Not that anon but I'm guessing it's probably like Sasha and/or Hange. Point is that she's not as dark as tumblr makes her out to be.

They just took the shadowed face in >>142691838 and ran with it.
Kill it
The game gives a you a pretty good idea of what you should get in season 2. She looks gud.
The ability to sperg effectively decreases markedly when you have no legs
Imagine him sperging when he is a stump. Probably even better than angry chicken Eren.
Tans are fine by themselves. It's just that it attracts the worst kind of people and then faggots repost their fan "interpretations" here.
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>implying Ymir isnt some Mediterranean hottie that has her way with the ladies
So much shit taste. Why do you want her to look like a corpse with that pale as fuck skin?
Are you retarded? All of these bar Hannes are parents/children, of course they would die before/die for their kids. Do you believe Erwin is Armin's daddy?
And Hannes did it as a way to redeem himself for what happened to Carla.
I don't care, I want him to roll around like a seal and cry. It hurts me that he became like this.
No one is as dark as tumblr makes them out to be, I don't think anyone is questionning that.
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>who is this character?
Fucking Araki, I tell you.
Not that anon, but because that's how she looks.
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But Armin isn't a relevant character
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Man, the game is loaded up the ass with YH fanservice holy shit.
Dumblr thinks Connie, Levi and Mikasa are black as well.
Not really. She has dark hair, dark eyes and she tans easily. She's definitely no scandinavian.
They all look absolutely retarded here.
And get back to your hugbox, mankasafag wannabe.
If you want him to spaghetti again go read/watch Chuugakkou.
Isn't manga Bert pale?
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What kind of fanservice? Tell me everything
Eren surviving gave us the revelation of titan shifting, the basement mystery and a weapon that could prove crucial in the fight against titans.

Armin becoming a shifter accomplishes nothing other than an extra ugly ass titan to fight alongside Eren and giving Armin permanent plot armor.
She is pale like the rest on officially colored manga art. The anime also changed Eren's and hers eye color, while in the manga they both have grey eyes.
>volume 1 reread
I thought the reference of that was the cover in which Eren attacks CT.
Care to show the class?
>Historia looks best with long hair
Among other enhancements.
I don't care about spinoffs. Chuugakkou Bert is cute but it will never change what he did and what will happen to him in the manga.
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Calm the fuck down. I'm not saying she's black or anything. I'm only saying that I really like her tan. It makes her look hotter in my opinion.
Does anyone seriously think Armin is gone? It's obvious that he's going to saved by the titan serum.

It's a shame too, it really takes away the severity of a major character "dying".
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I prefer everyone pale, like in the manga.
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I'll bite. This one but paler.
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Well, 3 of them are actually retarded so it's expected.
Ok, but then you have to accept that the cute, spaghetti-spilling Bertolt is gone, he disappeared in chapter 78. He blossomed into the warrior he needed to be. He's no moeblob anymore.
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Whatever floats your boat.
Spoof Mikasa a best. I wish she had more of that characterization in her other incarnations.
Reminds me of that pic with the manlet figure being surrounded by fujos, while just one person took a pic of Armin.
What are you trying to prove with this?
I fucking hate the serum so much. Why do they even need it?
Black hair=\= nigger.
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Ymir being flirty and teasing with Christa. They took what they saw in "Let's get married" scene and replicated it in their interactions. Funny how she has a good amount of events yet she's a DLC character.
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I can get that, but like I said, I think with her canon look, her name being Ymir, and her titan form essentially being a classic Norwegian troll, I always thought she was Scandinavian. Marco is (was) the token Italian.

Pic not related
I don't want him to be a moeblob, I just don't want him to be a dead doll. That's not the ending I wanted even if he deserves it.

He's most likely going to die without a backstory, without proper closure, without even trying to save Annie, without proving Reiner that he's reliable. Who would want that for their favorite? At least Armin died a hero and he will rightfully be praised as one.
To be fair the Armin figure is nightmare-inducing. Manlet's not so much, though it's still ugly.
kek you sadistic fuck
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Reminder Eren has spread this butt ATLEAST twice and has never EVER touched Historia's gross fanny.
And we all know how much Hissy loves her power metal.
It would be terrible writing to asspull him back to life after a death chapter.

If he does get the serum then it confirms that coconut head is Isayama's favorite shingeki
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A damn, sounds like a game I would love to play but could never get my hands on!
>Reminder Eren has spread his butt ATLEAST twice and will never EVER touch Historia's glorious fanny.
Fixed that typo for you.
Its coming out in English in August I think.
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Anon it's getting localized. Only on PS4 I think though. Dunno about PS3 version.
Watch Ymir's last name being mediterranean.
Well this is all with the acknowledgement that generations have interbred with Germans just like how Mikasa is Japanese/German/Jew? (so Jean would be French/German, Marco Italian/German, erc), but of course that's all autistic headcanon.
Sub track or dub?
The gameplay looks boring. MT's fight looked like a joke. Then again he was also a jobber in the manga.
If this happens then Isayama's a HACK
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S2 isn't going to be in 2016, is it.
>yfw it will have taken at least four years for a new season
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Great thanks for the infos
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They already said no S2 this year.
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Koei Tecmo usually provides dual audio. Like Atelier games, DOA, Musou games etc. Maybe it only comes out with Japanese language like Nights of Azure and Gundam Reborn did.
So it was accurate then?
He's a villain, his character is never going to be as satisfying as a hero's is. Just accept it. Isayama drove the angst train with BR as far as he could and now its over. Besides we don't know their fate in the next chapter, so I wouldn't start cursing Isayama just yet.
I don't mind being sadistic as long as he snaps back to reality.
We've got a Polish name already, so Mediterranean would be neat too.
How the fuck did his crispy body survive the 50 feet fall?
Turns out yeah it was accurate. He is a jobber in the game as well.
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>Actually I think she is supposed to look like this.
I would be fine either way really, I'm just interested in seeing what lengths they go to.

Why would you want him to be a meatball dropping jobber again? Doorstops provide a useful service.
I really like her design in the name. it's closer to the manga.
I like how different their poses and body language is.
I'm not cursing Isayama, I think his story is great and even more after 82 because I didn't expect Armin to die at all. I'm weighing the possibilities and everything looks grim. It's not like I want him to switch sides or anything, just not die like a complete failure.
>ugly fanny.
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Yeah models are pretty good in general.
Have you ever considered that Ymir is supposed to be a native nordic? And I don't mean the nordic kind, I mean the kind that almost looks Amerindian.
It won't be next year either.
As >>142692537 North Atlantid is likely the most accurate one.
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Evidence to the contrary
I'm pretty sure Ymir looks like the average 2016 Swede.
There's a Pole??
If you want to be more accurate, Ymir would be Icelandic. Not sure why people immediately think of Sweden when Scandinavia is mentioned.
Did you need to say that fucking name.
>he didn't get the joke
Sweden has now less ethnic Swede children than non native ones. Do you get it now?
I know the meme. I didn't know the statistics were that bad though.
Nordids and East Baltids are mostly blonde though.
Hanji might as well be a shifter, considering how many times she should have died already.
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Good form.
Fucking disgusting.
It's probably just a matter of time when fujos will draw lewd stump pics with BR.

>Caused Marcel's death.
>Caused Hannes death.
>Caused Armin's death.

How is it even possible to like Ymir?
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Isayama would have killed Armin either way, since it's hinted at since volume 1.
I don't think BRfags are in the mood for lewd at the moment.
Don't reply to bait.
I don't care who she has killed but she is literally Tumblr: the Character.
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>seducing Eren in front of Mikasa
Bimbong knows better than that.
Here's your (you)
No one is saying that

Stop getting triggered /pol/-kun
He's not dead you dweeb.
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It's kind of weird and sometimes confusing how Isayama is constantly changing designs. Reiner's face didn't look like AT when he shifted before this.
I'm not wrong.
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I've been on board this ship for far too long. I won't be satisfied with anything that isn't a confession and an explicit sex scene.
It's just a picture.
Looks like he came up with the idea sometime during the political arc. Wonder what Annie will look like now.
It's gonna be fine.
Okay Eren. Didn't know you have a cuck fetish.
This doesn't seem to be the case with Eren though, only BRA.
Plot armor
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EH is canon.
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I don't think it's a valid reason to hate on Ymir being tumblr and yurifags a bunch of brain dead retards that insist on making ooc shit.. Half of them just do it for the rage.
Who? The Spanish?
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Yes, I wouldn't have stuck around for so long if I didn't have some sort of hope.
I know. He was probably just trying to take advantage of the fact that we hadn't seen them for years.
Ymir is my least favorite character in general.
It was a nice thread.
Good form! meanwhile Hitch's name seems to be a mean joke
dumblr doesn't like BRAYH much anyway, so it's kind of funny how it's always them who get called dumblr characters.
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This and it's always by EMAfags which is weird considering how loved they are on tumblr.
Pretty much. Probably manletfags as well, which makes it even more ironic.
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I miss the days when it was YH vs. RH.
Ymir is loved by Tumblr, denialfag.
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Maybe all of the fanworks were influencing him and he just thought they'd look cooler that way
Its hilarious how much EMAfags whine, considering their popularity on tumblr and leddit. Same goes for Erwinfags and Manletfags.
They pretty much hate all of them except HAY, but Annie gets lots of hate too and Historia used to get an insane amount of shit during the political arc. The one they hate the most is Bert at the moment.
If you take 2 minutes to go to that one place and search for YH you'll get it. Anything yuri is their little baby. They might don't like BR but they sure like Annie.
Much more fun much less autistic, yeah.
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Reminder Eren only likes CUTE girls.
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But anon

Hisu is gay
>yurifags are cancer though
They are still not their favorites and dumblr is dominated by fujos. Manlet, Hanji and EMA are their top five favorites for obvious reasons as well.
Yeah for all their talk, LAMEfags have the biggest victim complex in this series. Talk shit about them anywhere and the whining and sperging out begins.
This. They will have sex in the ocean in Armin's place.
That'w not even true. Tumblr is literally filled with YHfags.
I might not like BR that much, but I think they probably have the best fanart, which makes me a little envious sometimes. Although you also have a lot of weird fanart as well.
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Domstoria a best.
Jean has a better chance of seeing the ocean with Eren than Historia.
>Eren's taste
Take out Ymir, replace Mikasa with Armin and Sasha with Annie.
Just because there are YHfags doesn't mean it's popular when you compare it with the numbers of EMAfags.
It is true, but stay in denial. Just because some fujos or whatever might support them, doesn't mean they are their favorites. Levi, Hanji and EMA are still the most popular there.
yeah the vore is a bit too much
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I actually feel really bad for Armin/Arminfags because of the new chapter.
What does it even matter? YH is popular everywhere because of the development they had in the story. Just because it's popular on tumblr too, doesn't it mean that it's just a tumblr thing.
Get out, shitters.
>YH is popular everywhere.

Except in nipland. Which is the only place that matters.
Yes, it's popular as fuck. Almost as popular as ErwL. Most YHfags are also EMAfags anyway so it's dumb to try and separate them.
Holy kek, it's the 4th biggest pairing after all the dumb manlet pairings. Even beating the likes of EM and BR.
Why? They can find comfort literally everywhere else other than here.
I don't know which one made the original statement, but the fact remains that it was wrong: tumblr DOES like YH.
It's popular in nipland as well.
4 u
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It's popular yes.

Not even close.

>Most YHfags are also EMAfags
Most YHfags only care about the yuri and nothing else.
Even freaking EM has morre chance of happening than EH anon, just get over it. like I did ;_;
Dumblr also likes snk.
Why didn't Reiner just cover his mouth?
How did Eren manage to get so much higher than Bert?
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It don't seem like it matters on the end though.
>every submission a different artist
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Because if Armin is truly dead then that was a very painful way to go. I still like Bert though, I feel for the Bertfags too because I know what it's like to have your favorite hated on. Bert isn't a blood thirsty person, if things were different he would be a nice guy who just wants to read books and hang out with Reiner and Annie.
YH is popular in nipland, but nothing comes close to the three fujo kings
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Why are /a/utists so tsun tsun for dumblr whales? Are you all so desperate?
The only thing that tumblr absolutely adores and /a/ doesn't is Jeanmarco and Ereri. All the other things are about the same.
don't play dumb, anon

the original post said this:
>dumblr doesn't like BRAYH much anyway
which isn't true at least for YH (and probably Annie too, now that I think about it)
I won't give up just yet, anon.
tumblr doesn't love Eruri? That's news to meh
I don't get it. Hitch > Bitch?
Is it cause she's stanky?
As individuals, Ymir, Annie and Historia are nothing in comparison to the popular characters.
Someone posted their butthurt poll here after the official second poll was released. BRAYH were at the bottom and EMA, Levi, Hanji their top 5.
It's because we're all secretly self hating dumblrwhales. Or leddit.
Historia and Annie were the only BRAYH in the top ten.
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>butthurt poll
Let me guess, strawpoll?
We didn't see YH in years though. Pixiv was booming with them during Utgard arc.
The political arc was horrible when everyone hated Historia, but sadly I can't see Bert being redeemed as Historia was. I can believe but I know my hopes will be crushed hard the next chapters.
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I stopped being an EHfag once the political arc was over and Historia settled down with a fucking orphanage of all things. I instantly lost all interest in her.
A poll that came out because Erwin beat Eren for second place.
There never was JM and look where the fucker is.
I don't think it will change much. Ymir was never that popular. I'm not sure about Historia, because the poll was held at an inconvenient time for her.
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I am sure anything snk related is pretty popular in "that place" that including these two.
Is this it anons? Are we too far gone? Will we be here the rest of our lives shit posting over Shingekis? Even when the anime is over?
I think he can still have a chance at being redeemed but I know it will be difficult. Just have faith, anon. I had faith when Historia was getting all that hate and it turned out mostly fine in the end.
Maybe not as much comfort as they'd like. There's quite a lot of schadenfreude going on. Arminfags kept gloating that Armin had the strongest armor of all and that his pairings would be the last ones standing and therefore canon, and now they've been completely BTFO.
Armin becoming a shifter must be related to what they will find in the basement. You don't even know if the serum that belonged to the Reiss is quite different.
Not even sure why people even care what dumblr likes or does. Yes, they are cancer, but I just ignore them.
I think the orphanage option fits her character and the whole struggle with her growing up without care/love and thinking she didn't deserve to exist. Giving children like her a place to belong is sweet conclusion to her development, I believe.

EH are definitely good friends now (and now that I think about Eren is probably Hisu's best friend atm Ymir not withstanding she's her husbando), but I don't see it going anywhere else, unless Ymir dies (which I don't want because YH needs to happen) and Mikasa too.
Certain Hitch (ヒッチ) is supposed to be pun on bitch (ビッチ), which seems to be used as slang for slut in Japan. So yeah, the MP thing might actually be canon...
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>thread starts out comfy
>people discussing the chapter, what will happen, the actual characters and the upcoming game
>EHfags emerge
>thread descends into "BUT WHAT DOES TUMBLR THINK ABOUT THIS SHIPPEROO YOU GUYS?!" and pure undiluted shit
Every time.
If BR die in the next couple of chapters I will be so mad that they didn't get proper closure that I'll ragedrop it. I'm going to be free from this hell, feels kinda bittersweet.
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Just anons growing bored.
You spoil me
>Arminfags kept gloating that Armin had the strongest armor
That's probably because they are this butthurt, because muh narrator plot armor and so on, while everyone else expect their favorite to die at some point.
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The hooks attached to Colossal teeth.
Hahahahaha this is amazing!
Is this true??
Here's the thing though, Historia never killed innocents, she wasn't the colossal. She was just a sweet girl that really needed someone to show her how to live for herself. I'm glad everything worked out for her in the end, her development is so far my favorite in the series.

Sadly I can't see any of this for Bert, and seeing everyone so excited for his upcoming death only makes it worse.
He likes Armin, he has terrible taste
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There's a hide post button for a reason.

Just keep posting cute.
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Ymir: you just refused Christa's request, did you not? Don't tease her!
>butthurt metafagging without actually bringing anything to the discussion
you're sure helping a lot there, senpai
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Mikasa: It was not Eren's aid she was asking, but yours. It's better if you go to her now.
You should post the whole conversation.
Artistic license: just like when his pants and underwear survived the roast. Would have been respectively too gore-y and too lewd to draw.
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where can i catch up on this shit? every website i can find says its licensed and unavailable
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Ymir: Oh... I wonder what is it about.

Bet you feel silly now.
All I see is YHfag spamming and likely falseflagging.
I truly love BR. The rest can fuck themselves.
She was mad because she thought Eren was mean to Historia. You don't bully her waifu.
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Well Hitch doesn't seem to be actual name...
I want to sniff her tiny little feet after a jog.
What happened during the scene with Sasha?
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Oh damn, that is cute as shit.
Can you post continuation?
How did nip BRfags react to the new chapter?
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I don't have it. Wasn't it about Christa telling Ymir not to bully her or something?
No, I was talking about Mikasa scaring away Sasha before Historia showed up.
And the way they're trying to spin the situation now so it's like they weren't going around being dicks for years is guaranteeing that people won't stop laughing at their misery.
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This. I'm squeezing all the delicious Arminfag tears I can.
Until you have an ocean?
I ship Erwin and Historia!
Tired of Reiner jobbing.
Did anyone have Armin as their husbando? I wonder how they're holding up.
Yes. An ocean that Armin will never see.
>Why didn't Reiner just cover his mouth?
I ask that too. We know he didn't remember about thunder spears but he could figure it out after getting hit on the knee. Seems like Isayama needed Reiner to be defeated so this is what we got.

>How did Eren manage to get so much higher than Bert?
It's weird since the buildings around are way to shorter than 60 m. Normally he wouldn't get that high without using CT's body. I would say Bert just didn't feel it and Eren used his body to reach up but Bert was blasting steam meanwhile and Eren wouldn't find bone tissue to aim with 3DMG.
I don't blame them. The thunder spears are pretty much rocket launchers at this point.
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Reminder that this will be the first page of chapter 83
>Eren wouldn't find bone tissue to aim with 3DMG.
never thought about that. How did even get there and wasn't blown away by CT's steam as well?
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He was best boy for me. I'm feeling sad but I'm not as depressed as I'd thought I'd be. Though I suppose it's because it's just starting to sink in that he won't be around anymore.
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Lucky for you it's canon
Plot convenience. As always.
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>The thunder spears are pretty much rocket launchers at this point.
Watch them be useless or unused for the rest of the manga.
He needs to give her many strong sons!
Armin is my son, not my husbando.
Basically. That's probably why Isayama didn't draw those parts.
Yes, but people really hated on her for
believing in daddy. On one hand I understood the frustration but on the other hand it really sucked seeing how much they hated her. I think that no matter how much hate Bert may get for his actions, he will always have dedicated fans who will still love him and there's always that chance of redemption. We still don't know BRA's story after all.
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Literally every single time. I honestly think it's just one EHfag samefagging. Why else could the comfiness have lasted so long then go to shit so quickly?

On a comfier note, I wish power metal writefag would write faster and I wish power metal drawfag would deliver something. Am I too demanding?

Poor Hitch. I hope she eventually reforms her slutty ways and settles down.
>that Erwin
The lowest tier fetish for an objectively shit character
I'm dropping it with the force of a thousand suns if they die within this arc. They can die later as long as it's not rushed.
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Someone drew this metal Hissy.
Sorry to hear you dropped her character, maybe one day she will interest you again.
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Mikasa, pls
She's into power metal.
>Armin is always cold in the chuugakkou spinoff
>dies being burned to death
Oh shit
He'll never feel cold again.
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>an objectively shit character
>drinks with Besto Hanji and Besto Banana
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>hysteria as a death metal growler
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I wish I had conserved my Historia folder when I got a new laptop.
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Didn't Eren climb CT only after he was done with his steam attack?
At least I feel happy for Historia because I know the hate she got was undeserved and they all changed their minds in the end. Well not all but most of them at least, since she said she was going to eat Eren for real. I still understand her and can't hold it against her, she wanted to believe in her father and she wanted a family that loved her.

Bert might still had a chance if he didn't kill Armin but now everyone in the west is mad at him. Nips thankfully understand that it's a fictional story and they can't hold grudge to an antagonist for doing what he's created to do and still like him as a character. I feel that things can only go worse from now on.
The hooks detach because the flesh they're attached to vaporizes, but it seems that takes a few seconds. So probably enough time to launch another one.
EM confirmed for having a son named Armin.
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Role reversal needs to happen when they reunite.
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Holy shit they knew.
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Convenient writing.
Thanks Berb.
Saki also knew about Hitch liking Marlow before it was revealed in the main story.
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He did cover his mouth after Connie hit his jaw, but later he's conveniently left it open. DESU it looks like Isayama had planned something else and then just left the drawing there.
But chuugakkou pairs Hitch and Annie up, are you meaning to tell me that Annie and Hitch will end up together in the canon story.
I know.
How the fuck did he get up there? Bert is 50 meters tall. You can't just fly indefinitely with 3DMG.
How come Bert didn't realise it though? He normally does. Actually let's think about the same scene happened five years ago. Bert had time to use steam before seconds and it was enough to escape. He could do the same now too but plot convenience once again I guess.
now we get 3 chapters of introspection, flashbacks, and monologues as Eren struggles to overcome blaming himself for Armin's death
Some people seem to legitimately consider this a possibility.
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She only teased with it once, but it wasn't that serious.
This. The worst part is that he clearly realized it at the last second but didn't do anything in response.
Nanaba is such a cute girl
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It's the only way to go.
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People who tan are not non-existent anon. Pic related.
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>Queen of humanity versus Queen beyond the wall
Isayama pls
Well. It's that time again.
Wasn't the point of Armin's sacrifice having Bert using all his steam on him, though?
In the first voolume of the manga Bert realized it because Eren was right in front of his face.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Bert and Reiner both really went down in really stupid ways.
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They will unite the factions.
Historia is still pretty unpopular. The hate isn't as vocal anymore but I do still see it, in fact I've seen really mean things about her that I never see said about any other character. I'm glad that nips still like Bert, you will be able to collect nice fanart of him. The west can be very overreacting when it comes to this story, and for it to happen to Armin of all characters was just bad luck for Bert. Just keep supporting him, anon. There are those of us who still like his character.
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If Ymir dies, this is what would be awaiting her in heaven(or hell if you want to look at it that way)
>in fact I've seen really mean things about her that I never see said about any other character.
I thought EL fujos got over it, since their ship is know save again.
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At least they both jobbed together.
>tfw on a first date with a woman she refused to do anything too lewd so we just did mouth play for like 2 hours
I still fap to the memories. Great taste, anons. That's it for my blog post.

Reiner was confused as fuck and really had no idea what was going on. Getting your brain asploded will do that.

I assumed Eren did some crazy slingshot shit between some buildings to rocket up.
The nip ELfujos like her and even draw EH but in the west I still see shit towards her.
>The worst part is that he clearly realised it at the last second but didn't do anything in response.
Yeah. There might be a few reasons behind it but I'm not sure.

>Wasn't the point of Armin's sacrifice having Bert using all his steam on him, though?
Armin said it was for gaining time for Eren to get there. They didn't mention about Bert using all of his steam on him. Sure Bert's running out of energy but they wouldn't now how much of total.
Ew, too much down syndrome to look at.
I thought it was kind of adorable how Reiner was like "B-Bert, what happened?".
Exclusive look at Armin in the next chapter.
When Bert noticed Eren's hardened form Eren was already aiming for the nape, not much time to react. Last time he knew Eren was trying to attack him from the start.
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>i'll just try to grab this tiny target instead of covering my stupid fucking face with both of my functional and armored hands and ducking my head away
Bravo warrior.
Sadly. It's also my thought.
I've got some diamonds to polish.
Thank you Anon.
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delete this
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You thought it was YH

Too bad it is HY
He still has a nose though.
Looks like Reiner's immortality is offset by the plot constantly making him go full retard.
Hnnggghhh, very nice thighs on both of them. Will they let me join in if I ask nicely?
Pick the cutest.
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Another example.
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Only if you're blonde, blue eyed midget.
To be fair he was temporarily retarded due to just getting a new brain.
Like they said >>142696256 he even held his jaw shut but conveniently forgot about it pages later so Mikasa could win.
Everyone is cute.

Except Ymir and Bert, they are shit
And a grill. So basically Annie.
Bert realized because Eren was climbing up his arm. This time he propels himself using the gas.
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Why did his knee take so long to heal? It wasn't even that badly damaged.
The threesome
I'll dye my hair then
>Eren was already aiming for the nape, not much time to react.
Last time Bert knew Eren was attacking but I don't think there is a difference since he didn't use steam until very last a few seconds as Eren seemed to reach his neck.
>implying ymir didnt feel sexual frustration towards armin and that's why she bullied him
EM of course
What's that face for?

I think the problem is that Reiner was already using his regenerating ability on his head, plus he was still too disorientated, which weakened his ability to focus.
Ian has the right idea. Take the unconscious one.
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How did he see pic related without a head?
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Isn't this Ronja Roverdottar
It wouldn't have been so bad if Mikasa got blown up too. But she wasn't even injured somehow.
I think it's save to say anything in this chapter can be answered with shitty writing and plot convenience.
Historia is mine
Unconscious Rico would be no fun
He transfered his eye sight into his dick.
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Didn't he transfer part of his consciousness/memories to his titan brain? Maybe he saw him with his titan eyes or maybe that's just artistic licence
That's weird. Maybe he just heard the words and sensed his presence next to him then he imagined this. Bert's face looks different here than the original panel in the earlier chapter. Still it's amazing how Reiner remembered Bert related things. His amnesia doesn't follow a proper timeline it seems.
>this chapter
Anon, a character survived without his head. Nothing matters anymore.
His amnesia only follows Bert.

>inb4 BR confirmed
>in this chapter
More like in this manga.
Just roll with it.
BR confirmed.
This manga has no rules anymore.
>tfw you realize this is how Reiner imagines Bertolt, he saw him as a determined, assertive warrior.
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I can't wait for them to rule over mankind and titans together.
I would make sure she couldn't run straight for days. She would be bitchy and demanding if she was awake.
There is a difference since Bert saw Eren and anticipated his attack the first time. This time he didn't have the time to comprehend what happened.
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Soldier mode when?
It's just good to see regardless of anything related confirmation.
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His homo lust for Bert is that strong.
That's how he looked at the moment though.
I wanted a Titanstoria.
>His amnesia only follows Bert.
Well it's true.
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Being a titan is a sad fate.
Just Ymir is shit.
Me too. Now I want at least Robotstoria leading an army of highly trained soldier orphans.
Uh never?
I don't know about unpopular. People like her, they're just not obsessed with her or her ships.
He gave the signal for the Bert bomb to be dropped before he lost his head
I want Titanstoria to step on me.
EM are shit.
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Me too. I don't care anymore, titans for everybody. Inb4 Armin titan.
I missed out on it, but who is the superior Bert: tan or pale?
Does what you're saying make sense anon?
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Literally the only way I would want her
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I hope she becomes a little bit popular when S2 comes but I also think it may cause that hate train all over again. ;-; I just want to see more individual love for her, not because of YH.
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I can't wait for BR torture times.
Surprise. It's subjective.
anon... that's doesn't actually explain anything.
On the bright side, Armin's death can finally finally shut down all those armin/annie fags. All aboard the EA train.
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>BR torture times
Why not Annie as well?
I wanted Bert abuse, but not like this.
They'll just get eaten though.
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Tan Bert ftw
I think Bert and BRA in general are the most tragic characters in the story and Isayama isn't helping by not giving them a flashback. There's only so much "we just HAVE TO DO IT" before the readers get upset.
>cause that hate train all over again
I think most people who watch the anime are already reading the manga anyway. The only ones who don't aren't even that invested in snk.
Annie was never be a part of the trio strongly.
I have nothing against Bert, but I hope Eren goes apeshit on his ass.
True. Maybe the reason most people are more sympathetic towards Annie is because she had partial flashbacks and spinoffs regarding her past. Too bad BR don't have that much material compared to Annie and Mikasa.
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Annie is already dead. AA is now canon.
This, it just feels wrong now.
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>the whiter he is the meaner he is
Whoa hey
It's because anime Berb is still pure.
Yes, but SnK definitely attracts more fans when the anime airs.
I think Levi and EMA are easily more tragic.
Bert is no longer pure.
don't underestimate the amount of anime onlies who resisted the temptation to read the manga from where the anime left off.
True. Most of the people reacting to Armin's death so far have been animeonlyfags
>more tragic
Well it's a matter of perspective desu. EMA never had to lie to themselves and make sacrifices while BRA have their own personal struggles on their way of coping with the shit they had done.
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The sad thing is we never got to see CT and AT fighting together side by side but I guess they would be stronger and hard to defeat like that so Isayama didn't add such a thing.
Soon enough tan Bert will also be tainted
Levi sure, but not EMA.
I didn't know CT was into tenga eggs.
I didn't care about an AT/CT combo, I wanted to see them fight together in human form. I wish we could see more of them before they died.
I like how he only stops sweating after seeing what the SL did to reiner
Eren went through some serious shit, though.
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Three fucking years everybody.
Still lewd
Not after Eren is done with his berthole
>I wish we could see more of them before they died.
They are still alive anon. CT/AT or human forms doesn't matter to me, Isayama could do it.
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Not exactly. 2 years and 8 months.

There's still a tiny chance it won't become 3 years.
We're not so lucky. Isayama decided to fill and pad this shit for more shekels.
It's fine. Historia is happy without relying onYmir now.
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We all know she will either break down in tears or headbutt her when they reunite.
Now that I checked, today it's been exactly 4 years since Annie, 2 years and 9 months since Ymir and 10 months since Historia were relevant.
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>4 years since Annie
>mfw still loyal to her after all this time
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Why does this keep happening
Last arc will reveal BRAY's backstories. I wonder if anon's thoughts on them would change.
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Time sure flies.
These two belong together, Burt can't die before seeing her one last time.
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It's gonna be fine. We're all gonna make it.
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>tfw same
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Way too fucking long.
At least Bert got some screentime.
The bare minimum, especially for the series' mascot.
BRA's backstories in the 4 last chapters of this arc right? There's no other way around it right?
Ymir's face has changed around 5-6 times since then. I wonder how she will look when we see her again.
She will have longer hair and the fish lips.
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No, they will survive.
Probably kind of similar to manlet again.
Will Zackley make them wear bras?
Betting on longer hair.
No. He recognises the freedom of nipples.
She will have beard.
There should be around 25 volumes in total.
Around 20 chapters left.
>tfw the initial plan was 16 volumes
Meant to respond to >>142698462
*have a
Her freckles were latent hair follicles.
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Do we have a chance to see Bert's nips before he dies?
no pls
Kek turned out better than expected.
I wish.
Looks like a Bleach villain.
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It's kinda fitting.
Kek it is.
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Queen Beyond the Wall.
She would look better as a guy.
YH ruling the world when?
ew no
Ymir is hideous no matter the gender
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I have no idea why but she gives the Johnny Depp vibe.
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They must survive ;_;
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I wish.
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Who is that
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Jean and Hanji.
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Headless armored loser.
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Cute and canon!
Sasha and Rico?
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Kill that thing with fire and more
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Only a Ricofag would try this hard to make their character relevant. Ricofag is enough anon pls do your shitposting without involving Rico.
>Historia denying YHfag delusions
As it should be
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