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Thread replies: 135
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oh fug
fuck hotel wifi
Haven't kept up in a long time, that better not be Tomo.

It is
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oh how unlucky this anon is
I'll let it slide since that bow on her outfit is incredibly cute.

I would rape her on the spot, and lick her feet.
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Is Jun going to carry her home?
he's about to rape her home
that was my first thought. she didn't twist her ankle as far as I can tell, though. He'll at least help her up.
I didn't know they let 14 year olds on blue boards
Is he gonna cum inside her home? Didnt know Jun has a tile fetish
It might happen. Doea she have her spats under the dress or strait up panties?
They dressed her including girly underwear.
He's going to walk her home gently.
Man fuck you, I just got BTFO'd in that thread by those digits for asking for tomboys, so I wanted to take refuge here.
Fucking four eyes!
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Okay, that last panel made me laugh. Still, why do women walk in those shoes, seems like a hassle to me.
oh right, so the thread might be late tomorrow, I don't know how the cell coverage is in the rockies.
Fight me, anon. We'll settle this like men. Men who wear skirts and prance around.
a little liberal with the translation i see
Next few chapters, the wig accidentally comes off. Calling it, you heard it here first.
>Next few chapters
Next chapter
Shut it, faggots. Translate it yourself if you don't like it.
Nah ,the autor will make Jun think she is Tomo relative or something
>Honestly asking this
Nigga you gay as fuck.
Long skirts plz. I must hide my raging hard on
Nigga it clearly said Heiiii not Nooooooooo. Can't even read basic moon
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why would I do that when I can just read the original?
"Eeek" would've been closer
Just sayin
you mean "EEP"
That too

Hey, I hope you fixed that "Queen of Games" bullshit from that page where Tomo and Jun were going to play games together
Several centuries ago a french king with much pride in his legs had high heels invented for him to wear.

There's a reason that high heels are known as "fuck me pumps" even if many women wont admit it or are unaware of it.
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ha you're retarded, heels have been around a lot longer than that, turkish horse back archers would use them to help balance. Later women who wanted to appear equal to men would wear them and eventually women just wore them. But you stupid and shit
Every fucking Tomo-chan thread is the same.
Same invention. Different origins/usage. Or do you seriously believe that women wearing high heels to look is is remotely related to horseback archery instead of looking good?
What are you expecting, there's no real alternative in english, are you expecting "[Screams internally]"?

"Hiii" half sounds like she's greeting, which would just cause more idiots to post"I don't get it". "Eep" or "Eek" don't quite have the same impact, they sound more like she is startled than screaming.
I expect not being white trash reading magoo for the first time. Even the whitest anime friend I know has watched enough Japanese movies to get by.
Here is hoping he carries her home
There's an H-manga of a crossdressing tomboy seducing the unknowing male interest? Is that self-NTR?
I have to disagree, something like "EEEEEEK!" is way better than a vaguely receding "NOOO!" here. I don't even know how you got to that from the original.
So does he recognize her?
>long hair
>high heels
inefficiency is a total turn off for me
fucking DROPPED
>being this much of a faggot
Your mom might have drop you as a baby.
That's because her mom trips from wearing footwear with heel height she's unused to.
how is that being a faggot? i can't stand women who are inefficient or spend a lot of time on their appearance, it's meaningless and does not appeal to me. heels are the epitome of retarded.

Girls having long hair and wearing heels is an actual social construct, women are much better when they
>have efficient hair
>can fight
>wear practical clothes
femininity is just a bunch of shit made up by some faggots a few thousand years ago and has no bearing on reality

i'm attracted to the female body, not random arbitrary accessories
Efficiency is a masculine trait. You're attracted to masculinity. You're a fag.
>efficiency is a masculine trait
that's fucking retarded

I'm not attracted to the male body so i'm not gay. that's it

i'm attracted to the female body, not whatever delusional bullshit people made up for no good reason
What the fuck is it with faggots and with lose "localization". Its getting as bad as "GamerGate Creep Shows".
>Being this buttraged over Luke's reaction to meeting his father
>not being butthurt over shit translations
Its like you don't mind being ignorant.
>"GamerGate Creep Shows"
I have delightfully avoided any GamerGate things (I mean, other than the name), is this where people creeps on GamerGaters?
This is hardly bad localization.
What's the point? I already translate English text to anime phrasings when reading manga. A manga could say "don't be a wanka" and I'm still going to read it as "b-baka". So getting mad over a translation for a 4 koma that accurately conveys the idea seems like going out of your way to be angry about something.

>Copy this code and paste it in the box
He's in denial mode, his strongest skill after martial arts.
I think it's the Gamergate reference made in the localization of Prison School

Not sure how a crazy feminist thought her ideas were welcome by the audience who enjoys Prison School, though
High heels help building up inner thigh strength with posture, and ultimately, vagina muscle strength, for better grip on the penis for the enjoyment of both men and women. So women wearing high heels are more desiderable.
Cankles say a gym membership would be preferable
>So getting mad over a translation for a 4 koma that accurately conveys the idea
People enjoy knowing proper translations, and connotations. To better understand the cultural gap. Localization is terrible.
Trips of truth
I wouldn't say localisations are terrible so much as they're suboptimal. But to call 'hiiiiiii' -> 'nooooo' a localisation is a bit of a stretch. They're both expressions of dismay. 'nooo' has a deeper pitch, but if you start wanting not just the meaning of the translation to fit but also the pitch then you're getting a bit ridiculous. I agree 'eeeeek' would have been better but English literature simply doesn't use onomatopoeia nearly half as much as Japanese (likely due to their syllabic characters c.f. our bowel/consonant letters). It's likely the translated simply didn't think of 'eeeeek'. I honestly can't remember the last text I read that used that.

Lastly, if you're complaining about the quality of free fan translations... just lol
>just lol
No nigger, JUST no.
>i'm attracted to the female body

Most men are attracted to the female body AND to things like cuteness and such. Stop being a faggot.
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Did Misuzu also keikaku'd Jun to go into the convenience store or all of this is just a huge coincidence?
>Truly, Tomo-chan wa onna no ko!
What did he mean by this?
Pretty sure Misuzu knows Jun's daily routine seeing as how predictable he his, and she frequently comments about him being so.
>Misuzu has a chart of everything Jun does throughout the day
>Right down to his masturbation habits
>She even has a list of his most common fantasies
>She's still a bit angry that girls of her type isn't a common fantasy for him
I bet she has a keylogger on his computer.
What would his common fantasies be?
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Right, she should just spend no time on her appearance since the human body magically cleans and maintains itself. She should just stop showering, shaving, never wipe her ass again and stop brushing her teeth, you know, do away with all those problematic social constructs. Tomboys exploring their feminine side for once is the hottest shit ever you fucking queer.
Buff daddies.
Top 5:
>Martial artist
>Short hair
>Big boobs
>Strong arms

If only there's someone like that, with all those qualities, close to him! I guess real world's not that nice.
Since when is basic hygiene feminine?
>practical clothes
You idiot, flattering/pretty clothes ARE practical for women. They make it easier for her to socialize. They show her sense of propriety. Looking good isn't some retarded impractical thing, we all have occasions where we want to look nice - assuming you're not a disgusting shut-in.

>no bearing on reality
The reality you're failing to assimilate into is the one where human beings are social animals and our style of grooming/presenting ourselves is a huge part of how we communicate with one another. If you want to find an anime cave woman to fuck why don't you stop bothering the real people and commission an artist to draw a daki of one for you to get printed?
inb4 he doesn't realize it's her and makes a pass at her
no way it's not gonna be this cliche
Fuck off and kill yourself you stupid fucking normalfag.
>makes a pass at her
Jun? That Jun?

At best he's going to act nice and Tomo's going to interpret this as flirting.
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now you've really done it, you've turned the argument back around on him and there's no way he'll get out of this one
Normalfag bullshit has no place on this board and especially no place in this thread. Get the fuck out and stop enabling him.
What if he doesn't know it's her
What if while taking her home she comes up with the excuse of being related to Tomo
What if Jun confesses having thing for Tomo to her "cousin"
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quit pretending you're a social outcast
you seem to be lost, i think there are websites better suited for what you want
Maybe he don't want to offend his homosexual friends.
Why would I call someone a normal bundle of sticks? Is this board for retards?
Kill yourself
An hero tubrosperg.
Kill yourself fucktard.
Must be australian. They abbreviate and add "-ies" to everything. They are such a reties.
Fuck off back to your own board /r9k/fag.
So how does jun get out of progressing the plot this time?
She will never flirt with him and get turned down because he has a cute tomboy he's aiming for.
Im still hoping she cucks her alter ego but that would still be too bold for this 4koma.
you keep using that word

I don't think it means what you think it means
I can understand why she didn't change her clothes, but why did she keep wearing the wig if she was so embarrassed? I suppose it would be needed to make sure nobody recognises her...
He'll realise that he was mistaken and that's obviously not Tomo because she's not attractive.
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>normalfags and /r9k/ invaded these threads
My one safe haven. Gone.
We still have Kaguya threads.
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Wow, look at all this shitposting. You guys really managed to fuck up this thread. Next time let's try and get back to the comfort of every tomo-chan thread being the same.
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I hope they don't go through with the cliche of the guy falling in love with a different girl that's actually the same girl as his childhood friend except in disguise.
Welp, what comes around goes around I guess.
We will now look back and think fondly of the times when every tomo-chan thread was the same.
I really wish people would stop using

>He is right you know.

considering it is LITERALLY from a reddit image macro of le spotty black actor man.

If this shit keeps up people will begin using "sir" on /a/.
Stop being so butthurt, /a/non sir.
>Panel 3
Finally, these massive airbags are useful for something!
That's a cliche? I don't recall it that often. Anyway, this author has been decent in avoiding cliches so far.
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When will we get official lewds of Tomo? It's not like the author is shy about drawing stuff like that.

Wish we could have seen an upskirt shot of Tomo when she fell. In the same position of the girl in pic related which the author drew.
>not Oh Shit!
Was that the only shop in the whole of Tokyo/Japan? What are the odds that Jun would be there (IIRC, Tomo and Misuzu don't live near each-other), and why couldn't she just leave to go to another ice-cream shop?
Well, the translation is for others to read.
I get the feeling he started making this manga because he was sick of all the rape shit he drew in the past.
kill yourself you stupid fucking normalfags

if i wanted ANY of that shit, i'd be trying to get a 3DPD girlfriend.
monster girls
I don't get it.
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>official lewds of Tomo?

I think pic related is the closest we will ever get. Unless we get a beach chapter soon.
Best translation in my opinion.
Isn't it pretty much canon that he like wet girls/see-through clothes? Maybe girly Tomo needs to fall into a pond of something...
*or something
Tanned Tomo when?
It was all according to Misuzu's keikaku, she thought about it beforehand, if course.

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There's that proto-Tomo & proto-Misuzu&Carol comic by the author.
He really doesnt give a shit
>Stereotypes, the Prototype
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