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Jojo thread

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Thread replies: 554
Thread images: 183

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>Never get a beach ova

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What happened with this?
Dropped plotline.
Plothole araki.
Early part weirdness like Sandman's sand stand or Emporio's behavior at the beginning of SO.
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reminder that Pucci was doing the right thing, and ireneverse was Emporio's fault
That was explained by Sasame, he told her to say that shit for whatever reason even though it wasn't true. It was better explained but I forgot how it went exactly.
Was Josefumi and Kira still two seperate people by then?
>I wanted Giorno to show up and fuck gay priest up
>I wanted the family reunion
>a happy ending with Jolyne marryin Anasui at Morioh

fuck you gay priest
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Okay but what if
There was a stand called Roundabout?
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What was it again that interested Norisuke in Jo2ke and had him (deliberately?) set up with Daiyas memory stealing?

I've only recently re-read part 8 since it's release and suddenly understand less than what I gathered so far
He knows he's part Kira and that Kira apparently had some idea about how to cure the illness.
>implying that knowing every moment of your future wouldn't cause crippling depression
Wasn't that explained is the I Am a Rock fight? Norisuke thought Josuke was actually Kira and adopted him thinking he knew something about how to cure the rock illness (the rokakaka). He thought Daiya could steal this memory from him.
You have a huge point here
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Is Bruno a rockman?
Thanks, I must've been half asleep during that part
Holy shit you guys weren't kidding about the translations, this is literally unreadable.
So now that it's confirmed that Crunchyroll is changing stuff that weren't changed in ASB, what will Bite The Dust be called?
> Kiss the Cook
Masticating the Dirt.
This should have been Pearl Jam's localized name
Eats the Dust
Munch the Muck

in all seriousness they could easily just go with another death metaphor
Bite the ground?
Eat the dust?
I mean, it's really stupid that someone is able to copyright "bite the dust" since the sentence has been used used in books that are thousands years old.
But we wouldn't get those lewd Pole Jam jokes.
Kick the Bucket
If I wasn't spoiled on Part 6's ending I actually would have expected Giorno to show up and beat the shit out of gay priest because Araki did say that all of Dio's sons were attracted to Florida.
>Meet Your Maker
>Give Up the Ghost
They changed Echoes. It's literally just a word. Considering Kira's character, changing Bite the Dust is somewhat reasonable.
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Get in, anon.
I'm not fabulous enough to get in
Show Off
I put nothing too far for them.
Dites the Bust
imo it would have been better if it was a regular car but with King Crimson's angry mug sculpted out in front.
that is and will always be bullshit
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That's fine, you can stay in the back with Joshuu.
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guess who fucked up with that last pic
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Reminder that King Crimson and Robert Fripp are at least vaguely aware of JoJo's existence

Levi is a Jojo character?
Plus the "Giorno is in Florida *wink wink*" shit hyped me up
>that's something I might be able to use

IRL Diavolo confirmed.
Bite the bullet maybe?
Ew fucking ruined
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Fucking Doc
>David Bowie didn't live to see DiU
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made a meme
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god i wish the anime had this style. i mean i dont mind that much but the style theyre going for is quite different from the manga.
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>post yfw Joseph went senile because Lovers ate his brain
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I'm a bit under the rock with this one but I can't express how fucking happy I am that the huge autistic retard Donut got taken down a couple days ago.
So happy.
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Some faggot.
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What are these shoulder lines even supposed to be
jolyne worst girl
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weird definition and where light meets shadow.

it's on point actually
to the latter half
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Post best priest.
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Why is his counterpart a spic
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>tfw fripp is gonna be the next musician to die this year
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You're stupid Diego, fall off your horse
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buff jorin
Bite It
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Will this take me to Lucky Land?
I hope David adds some filler scenes with Shigechi so we have more time to care about him
When they were looking for Kira, couldn't they just walk around with their Stands out and see who reacted?
Eat It? can't see weird al being a stickler about copyright

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Kira wouldn't react. He has no reason to unless they attacked him first
Would have felt kind of cheap for Giorno to come in and save the day with GER even if it was all setup ahead of time but the real ending was kind of a bummer too so I'm not sure really. I just hope the anime shows Giorno, Mista, and Trish in Disney World enjoying themselves
haha, holy shit, i had no idea weird al was a jojo fan

opening 2 revealed
Reading the King Crimson chapters right now. I feel like I understand his power, but it still confuses the goddamn shit out of me.
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>Weird Al knows about Jojo

Is this real life?
It simply functions
>it still confuses the goddamn shit out of me.

Imo, this has more to do with Araki being inconsistent during when KC was introduced. Many stands had early installment weirdness, especially concerning GE.
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I can get the fuck down to this.
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No, it's just fantasy
I am torn about Bohemian Rhapsody.

On one hand, its ability is so over the top I love it.

On the other hand, it has the most easily exploited weakness out of all stands.
How are they even gonna animate Bohemian Rhapsody
Holy shit, they completely destroyed the OP with that shitty remix, what the fuck were they thinking?
How can white boys even compete?
It was so shitty that latest episode had no OP so as to spare our ears.
It's a weakness easy to overcome. He just needs to draw a OC even stronger than Put Back to protect him. Boom, invincible stand.
New OP next episode
But then all the other guy has to do is make an even stronger OC.

It's a neverending cycle, much like powerlevel debates irl. Eventually, Ungaro will stop thinking.
Do non-stand user see Secco naked?
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Finally caught up. Does anyone know when chapter 55 is coming out and how much time it takes to be translated?
Bites the Dust wasn't changed in the games so it provably won't be changed in the anime
Ungalo just needs to draw a character that stop people from drawing more characters. Boom! Invincible.
Digital JJL raws are a thing now so same day raws, and 90% chance of same day translation. HWMN may release HQ versions later on but can't be guaranteed.
Released on the 19th or thereabouts every month and usually translated pretty quickly after scans surface
Woops should have said, 19th of the month is when Ultra Jump releases.
I want Hato to dropkick the shit out of Damo
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In part 2 when Joseph's reading a Superman comic they had to change it to Baoh. What if they just changed everyone in Bohemian Rhapsody into Lucky Land properties?
>next episode
Is it next week? The spring season hasn't ended yet.
I want to hug Jolyne
I want to kiss Jolyne
Jolyne isn't real
Certain characters are in the public domain though
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In part 2 when Joseph is reading a Superman comic in the manga, David changed it to Baoh. What if they changed all the copyrighted characters in Bohemian Rhapsody into Araki Characters?
Oops. Didn't know I already posted this.
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Where are my boxer stand users?
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i think i found abbacchio
I really don't remember this much stuff happening between the introduction and the defeat of Red hot chili pepper. Or am I just remembering things differently in the manga?
We're gonna need a bigger lawyer
>Reading the manga twice and calling yourself a JoJo fan
How many Dios will be in the next JoJo game?
I was talking about the anime. Fuck off with your maymay arrows
How many beards have you eaten in your life?
Reread your own post homo
fuck I mean breads
god damn it why do I have to wait a minute before posting again
>Yukako namedrops Prince
>Gold Experience
>Akira namedrops Jimi Hendrix and Eddie Van Halen
>Purple Haze
>Diver Down

How does this even work
>being a jojo fan
>using homo as an insult
>thinking i was using homo as an insult
anon its 2016
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Clearly your new to this
then i call you a slut
I still don't get it 100% right. Does Tonio's Stand allow him to prepare delicious food? Or its just only the supernatural shit
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He uses his stand to create delicious food that heals you. What's there not to get?
What's his Stand cry?

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So he isn't good at cooking its just his Stand doing the job for him making his food dedlicious
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literally who
He makes the delicious food and his stand heals them.
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Best taste.png
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No, fuck off. I already googled who the worst character in the game is from my chart.
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*for my chart
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Tonio's cooking is already Elder God tier, and he already knows how to read people's ailments through their hands, it's just Pearl Jam that allows him to cure things.
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best priest
>Prince isn't Giorno favourite musician

No his cooking is top tier. Thats how he developed his stand in the first place.

All Pearl Jam does is add the healing properties.
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do you guys think that the anime can explain King Crimson power better?
You should check HxH threads out, Anon. Apparently two important characters are fighting right now and their fanboys are sperging out really hard. You should see for yourself while it lasts.
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I just want an explanation on why he's fucking pissed
>You should see for yourself while it lasts
The clown is already dead.
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I want Hunterfags to leave.
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4u anon
So EOH is digital only for anyone who cares.
Am I gonna be able to download it with my shitty internet?
>pink pubes
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I came here to discuss Joshuu with you, fellow brothers. What do you have to say about him ?
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I don't want to die anon. I just want my waifu to be real
Bruno = Mother
Abbacchio = Father
Narancia = Younger child
Fugo = Middle child
Mista = Older child
Giorno = Adopted child
Trish = Older child's girlfriend
he has the worst hair i have ever seen in a manga holy shit
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You know he was dead for at least 5 minutes, rights? His brain definitely suffered from that.
Cocoyumbo would have been a better dog than Mista.
>captcha: naranjas
>His brain definitely suffered from that.
No thanks to vampire blood.
I think he is talking about Kakyoin.

Yesterday was national donought day, and also happened to be the same day that the episode where Kakyoin dies was aired.
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Huh thats a wierd coincidence considering he sorta became a human donut
He was already Jouskes favorite.
He never gets a day off.

He just works.
Don't worry, we lost our shit in the thread that day.
Or the lack of oxygen.
No, KC only works when he is pissed
Kinda like Jotaro
The JoJo Youtuber named MrDonuttheDonut got taken down a few days ago. He made some really great videos of fights with stand users synced up with the songs they're named after. He was god-tier so I think that other anon was just using really shitty bait.
there are so many things wrong with this chart
>Notorious B.I.G. Stand
>Carne didn't have a vengeful friend or girlfriend with a Stand named [Puff Daddy] who tried to avenge him
C'mon Araki learn your rap
He's up again https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJuK_9Epgc1Guf7_FSMiZiQ
is there a better explanation than "it just works"?
Joseph was dead, nigger. Vampire blood brought him back. He didn't turn into a vampire because is needed to die again for that. Also hamon users can expel vampiric essense from their bodies.
Why didn't Tonio get angry at Okuyasu too? He just charged in there and started eating shit
It is wrong even as a backwards chart.
Josuke went too far
Okuyasu is the customer.
Okuyasu only touched the food
Okuyasu only touched his own food.
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>Not best hair color
He wants to fuck Okuyasu
How dare you
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It's true, I read it in a Doujin once.
>yfw Akira uses Red Hot Chili Peppers to hijack Morioh Radio and broadcast him playing guitar next episode
That's pretty nice anon
Are Josukes balls
o o
o o
o o o o
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He meant to say he wants his pole jammed inside Okuyasu
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I know Battle Tendency op has the Hermit Purple but the three Joesph is that suppose to be the three Joesphs of the series. First one Young, second old, and third part 4 old. The third one is shorter and looks like is wearing a scarf like he did in part 4.
damn bro
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Did everyone already know this?

I watched one of those "references in jojo Ops" and it didn't mention this.
not me, im impressed.
She's such a slut
I love sluts
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What do you guys think of my lewd of king crimson
Why the fuck did they change the dam op. It was so good
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Could KC make you cum right away by deleting the time in between?
if you saw a man with 4 testicles you'd think about it too
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nevermind, he didn't wear a scarf in part 4 and in motion it's just three young Joesphs as an art style, on a still it looked like it. Especially Hermit Purple being with the 2nd Joseph representing part 3
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Is there an ASB tier list? I know tiers aren't definitive, just want a general idea of how good some characters are
Also is there anywhere to see ASB -> EoH changes for characters?
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I know Valentine is said to be one of the worst because of his really low health
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Oh, that's why
I saw him dead last in a few and was wondering why, I've been playing him a decent amount and he felt fine
Seemed to me like Johnny was very good, Gyro too
I've mostly played Gappy, Valentine, Johnathan, and Buccellati
>Kira gayer than himself

Is there a list of JoJo games?
Consider the pastebin
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I removed the shitty localization from the part 4 subs. Enjoy.
Gappy should be on the bottom.
>tfw this won't happen
fuck you for made me dream
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What Nen type would each of the JoJos have?
go back to hiatus hxh fag
None. Stands are better.
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You guys don't like it? Then who should I do?
Gappy should be at the top, considering he's touching some other guys balls, that's pretty fuckin gay if you ask me.
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun...
Jonathan: Enhancer
Joseph: Conjurer or Manipulator
Jotaro: Enhancer
Josuke: maybe transmuter
Giorno: Conjurer
Jolyne: not sure
Johnny: Emitter
Gappy: Transmuter
Like, literally any JoJo girl
Apparently anyone that uses a gun sucks.
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Straight porn
>JoJo AU: Esidisi goes to Tonio's
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Why the fuck are HxH fags invading the threads now?
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happy oku.jpg
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You don't like cute boy stands?
They're abandoning their own threads because they're just arguing about if the clown will survive or not.
>johny and gyro
>not bi
I've seen only 2-3 posts from them. There is no invasion.
Dad Kira is gay for little boys.
This sounds right except for Joseph who's probably a transmuter (clackers, soda trick, hair trick).
Draw Kraftwerk.
95% of stand users are conjurers.
Narancia and Bruno holding hands.
Giorno is more of a Specialist
Stand abilities are pretty contextual though (especially part 4 onwards)
You should draw Petshop/Iggy porn
I honestly can't wait until one of the two dies just to see their reaction.
I can't wait for next hiatus.
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Early SC designs are uuuugly
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That's not the pic that I meant to choose, buy why did Kak and Dio swap haircuts?
But that's a good design. Needs more hearts but it's good.
Kak is Dio
You said you'd do short stack yasuho. Where is she
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He's too skinny, and SP is just pillar man Jonathan, he's even wearing pants
Was it ever explained why Kira brought the hand with him? Or was it just "he's crazy so he does crazy things"?
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Post stands that look neat
Answered your own question
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Stone Free.png
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I'm not a big fan of GER but vanilla Gold Experience is top tier.
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Ko8chi Hirose.png
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I drew Yasuho
>Be gentle ;-;
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Killer Queen is one of my favorite designs
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Confused Oku.png
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>that nose
jesus fucking christ
Put on a trip bro
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pretty cute
Looks more like Tsurugi.
It's not the character that sucks, it's you that need to get gud. Valentine is my main
Nose is kind office's, but it's good otherwise.
Thanks anon. Tsurugi sounds cute.
That new kid broke my nose, but it's healed again?

Guys, where are you going? guys?
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So do they find it weird that they're reading about a serial killer named Kira with a hand fetish? Does Araki exist in Jojolion?
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I love king nothing's design, his colors in the Jojolion cover are shit tho.

Kick the Bucket.
>Gappy: "Why is Yasuho a manlet? And why is Nijimura a man with downs?"
I agree, just make her hair black and that art will be half-decent
Purple Haze Feedback OVA when?
Suck a fucking dick
That autistic sperg is the cancer killing this fanbase

His Stone Ocean video literally gave me cancer
God-tier? Seriously? Apply yourself.
Great design.
Great name.
Great user.

Shit ability.
>Buttmad Stone Ocean fan detected.
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What the fuck. Whitesnake or Kiss? Either way you're unbelievably wrong
2020, maybe
I think he is talking about Donut's review video. Which is fine, not everyone has the same opinion.
>Kawajiri Kira, who has a wife, is gayer than normal Kira, who likes women's hands
Nigger you what
He never fucked his beautiful wife.
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>Mista survived this
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someone have the "PANCAKES!" image?
>one of the sex pistols isn't lying on the floor
Bravo Araki
How is Killer Queen able to open up and store Stray Cat inside?
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Meant for >>142422702
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Because it's with Buccelati
Kill your self

Also his music related videos are pretty good, those are fine. He's just an autistic shithead who can't tell the difference between his subjective reaction to what he reads and it's objective value as a narrative.

Problem a lot of people have, but he's the worst kind.
Now quit circlejerking youtibe personalities.
Where can I preorder EoH NA version, and will it come with P4 Jotaro?
It was canceled, bro.
I'm not looking forward to seeing the bath scene animated.
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Tonio will never make spaghetti for you

Why live?
Why does someone on the internet not liking your favourite part make you so angry, anon?
Gonna be as awkward as the Alessi arc
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>translate to spanish from shitty english translations
>think that "frattelone" is Prosciutto's last name
I hope you don't read spanish translations, anons
Where are her nipples?
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Post em.
The most backward chart I've ever seen. Though the fashion and pose are at least semi-correct.
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>Just got into Diamond is Unbreakable
>Joseph having an affair, ever
>Punches that heal
>Psycho murderer that killed and raped kids
>That shitty intro
Hoo, this is gonna be a ride.
Quit referencing retards from youtube here with their shit opinions

This is /a/ for christ's sake, what happened to this place
Have fun, leave before someone spoils you.
sounds like maximum bait

Great gif tho, mind if I save it?
Ignore him. Stone Ocean fans aren't worth dignifying with a reply.

A real shit opinion is liking part 6.
>shitty intro
>Stone Ocean fans
Fuck off, you're part of the cancer in these threads.
Anyone who dismisses people who like a specific part as "___fags" are actual cancer
>Ability: Indiscriminately ages all living beings that enter its range mentally as well as physically, differentiates between male and female through physical heat. (Aging can be reduced while target stays refreshed with ice)
Other than that nice translation
don't worry
>Kars comes back with his stand which I won't reveal the power of
>Kakyoin gets revived with Crazy Diamond
>Jonathan gets revived using his brain in jar that Dio kept in his mansion in Egypt
>Avdul comes back after spending 20 years in a pocket dimension

It only gets better from now on
Why do animeonlys think Joseph wouldn't have an affair? Since when was Joseph the most upstanding man? Are you confusing him with Jonathan?
>Hating Stone Ocean
Let me guess you're one of those guys who think Battle Tendency is one of the best parts, right?
Dat reading comprehension.
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>implying I'm not a part6fag too

I just like seeing people get angry for literally no reason
>Le part 6 is shit meme
Alright, great bait. What's next? Is diavolo the best written antagonist out of every part?
Of course. Ripple is infinitely better than stands.
>Implying the point doesn't still stand
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more like Beetle Tendency am I right?
Then what do you call them? Stone Ocean enthusiasts?
Not even close. SBR is my favourite, with DiU coming it at a close second, and Vento Aureo in third. But keep telling yourself that only hamonfags would dare hate your horribly-pace shitfest of a favourite part
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I have no Idea. I mean the bit with straizo made it clear its not jonathan
Nah, these fags are probably the same guys who used to shit on Part 5. Now that people know part 5 is genuinely good they're moving onto part 6, mark my words contrarian special snowflakes will soon think SBR's the worst part.
But beetle tendency is one of the best parts

>>Kars comes back with his stand which I won't reveal the power of

>Implying the perfect life form needs a stand
Which reminds me.
Who would win in a fight, Kars or Dio with the World?
>Psycho murderer that killed and raped kids
That still feels kind of weird, having read all the manga Angelo is by far the most evil person of the whole part despite ebing the first villain and he's the ne who gets the worst "death".

Sometimes I think part 4 was supposed to be much darker but Araki changed his mind.
>liking part 5

good taste
Kars can't even die in a vaccum so I'm going with him
I'll give you points for good taste there, I'm not defending part 6 as the best part, far from it but it's nowhere near as bad as part 1 and part 3, put some credit there at least.
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requesting Josefumi Beetle Tendency edit
>Who would win in a fight, Kars or Dio with the World?

I don't know how Dio would be able to kill Kars to be honest, and Perfect Kars can use Hamon so I guess Dio would lose.
thanks friend.
I don't actually think part 6, or any part, is shit. It's just fun to troll autists who take the internet too seriously
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>he likes brokeback Mountain with stands
Tonio is cute!
I'm already ahead of all of them. Part 8 is easily the worst part, and in 5 years, you will all agree with me desu
Jolyne, Now with tripfagging
Kira has a higher kill count than Angelo.
See >>142423942. Also, part 3 is easily the worst part.
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>this thread
Might as well just call it Rides the Bus at that point.
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Much better on the nose, not bad anon.
The first half? Definitely. The 2nd half is genuinely brilliant though, easily better than part 1 and honestly better than part 2. But because of how boring the first half is I'd have to put 3 and 2 on equal footing.
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Angelo is much more violent and likes to torture his victims.
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Kinda cute
Angelo kills because he wants to, Kira can't stop.
Angelo is a little more brutal with his crimes. Quality over quantity.

Also what does kira do with his "girlfriends" when they start to rot
Part 1 was the right length for the story it wanted to tell. SDC on the other hand literally just feels like filler up until D'arby.
>Tonio Trendy
What the fuck was wrong with Trussardi?
>what does kira do with his "girlfriends" when they start to rot
He blows up the hand most probably. Leave no evidence.
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Is he addicted to the shindig?
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>inb4 Bruno Beefy
Wish the OST would come out, Koichi's theme is too good
Fashion Brand. Try Google next time.
Nicola Trussardi
>not "Toscana" or another italian word that starts with a T
What the fuck crunchy, wtf
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Does Bruno have the most patrician taste in music out of any JoJo character?
Even though he prefers Agharta to Dark Magus his favourite album picks are still top tier.
It's Viz.
For some reason I think Killer Queen eats them
It was the right length sure but it suffered from being pretty damn generic, there was nothing "bizarre" about it. It was pretty much HnK in ye olde britain with vampires.
SDC at least had a great feeling of adventure and travel, and when it was good, it was pretty fucking great. Also had more memorable characters than part 1 and much better fights.
Though compared to parts 4 and onwards, part 3 really is more generic.
Me too. Besides, everyone knows the actual worst part is Gorgeous Irene.
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[Heavy Breathing]
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Just played the EOH demo. Killer Queen is still Deadly Queen
generals please go
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>Jolyne with Stone Free glasses
>the actual worst part is Gorgeous Irene
Baoh is the worst part
>has a villain named Walken
>doesn't look like Christopher Walken
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The only characters I ever truly cared about were Polnareff and Iggy. Joseph felt like wasted potential, Jotaro never had any character up until part 4, Kak and Avdol are extremely forgettable.
Star Plat is really cool
I want to fuck Stone Free
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Polnareff was honestly the best part of part 3. But SDC also had some pretty good minor villains, like Hol Horse, Oingo/Boingo and D'arby. Overall it did have more memorable characters than PB.
If you rape a stand, will the user be raped too?
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someone should photosop a joestar birthmark on Jesus' right shoulder just to mess with animeonlys
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You m~mmm~mmust be MURDERED.
>Overall it did have more memorable characters than PB
But SC is way longer, that's cheating.
Stone free looks more lika a guy though
You can't rape a stand, you silly.
I don't doubt much that PB would have been better if it was longer, but that's one of the downsides of PB. That's honestly one of the main reasons why I rank it as my least favorite.
>Dire might have been an actual amazing character if PB gave him more time to shine
When stands' necks are held, their users' neck gets finger marks on it too. I'd say if you raped someone's stand it would work the same way, they'd feel the sensation of a dick pounding them without it actually physically happening
Not with that attitude
You can't even touch stands.
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WHAT ?!!! When did these ads came out ? Why did no one inform me ? Where are part 7 ads ?

Why isn´t Joshuu talking ? You guys have to admit, his voice sounds really good.

Jonathan and Zeppeli were enjoyable in the same way Luke and Obi-Wan were enjoyable from episode 4. Speedwagon would also be cool if he wasn't ruined by the fanbase.
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Will we ever have a stand with a human nose ever again? It seems like Araki gave up on designing those.
To be fair I'm certain DIO would try to sleep with anything
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>Implying Steel Ball Run will have an anime adaptation
>Implying they won't finish it with Stone Ocean
Is Josuke jealous that his counterpart lives in a world where his best friends are cute girls?
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>implying I wont kill myself by that point anyways
>that pic

Finally, an excuse to post this.
Speedwagon was actually great though, not just in part 1 but as a whole Speedweed was by definition a complete bro.
>Learns from his criminal ways the moment Jonathan beats him
>Reconciles by joining Jonathan's side and helps him
>Took him to a hospital when he was injured
>Sided by him all the way until the end even though he wasn't physically strong himself
>Many years later he took care of Jonathan's grandson, Joseph, and literally devoted most of his oil gains to setting up a foundation that helped the Joestars all the way down to part 6
>Didn't marry Erina to respect Jonathan
The fucker died single, but he helped the Joestars more than anyone else, he's a hero who didn't even do much fighting, only supporting.
I am genuinely frightened to drive in this monstrosity.
Well could Diego sex up a stand
No arguments there. Speedwagon is great, but his animeonly fans suck donkey dick.
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Is this act 5?
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That we can both agree on, brother
That's a good question. Can Scary Monsters harm stands or just the users?
Thanks god. SBR spared of animu meme cancer. Couldn´t ask for anything better.

SBR is impossible to animate anyway. At least with David´s budget.
Diego's Scary Monsters is underrated.

>Can damage stands in his raptor or semi-raptor form
>He IS the stand, so he doesn't have to worry about a punchghost getting injured.

Also dinosaurs > vampires.
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easy to fucking drive.jpg
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it's not that fucking hard jesus christ
Diego managed to cut D4C's wrists with his own claws if I recall correctly.
It's probably because the aerial view looks more daunting than it actually is.
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I'm even more confused
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>SBR spared of animu meme cancer.
>yfw it does get animated cause fuck it
>Animeonlys spamming "Pizza-mozarella" song everywhere
What if Dio took alt Diego's headless body?

Would he have two The World? Could he stop time during a timestop?
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Anyone has the link to the second opening rip-off? There were some guys posting it here.
Soft & Wet had a nose when it was first revealed
Fuck, i want those posters.


Do i murder Araki for them or what´s the best way to acquire them ?
>Diego with The World
>A time stopper who is also a dinosaur

That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Brilliant.
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>part 5 gets animated
>fujo bucks fund David for SBR
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Tusk Act 5.webm
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Za Warudo would be able to turn time itself into dinosaurs.
>reading through
>7th comment is about an anon who thought Gappy is SBRverse Jotaro.

My god, I've never made the connections.
Separate continuities, can't interact.

Games are non-canon, don't count.

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Are pizza fries a thing? I feel like that's a thing
He'd turn into cubes
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>all those negative reactions
Those aren't posters, they're the actual original drawings. There's no way to get your hands on those.
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>mfw seeing part 5 animated is the only thing keeping me motivated to continue on living
Speed king has a huge nose you nigger, and the acidic Schottky does also
But they did make posters out of them, didn´t they ?

What the fuck, i just got a number captcha. Been at least a year.
What's up with all the different designs for aishou
Huh, I've always assumed the nose was just a triangular slab of bone.
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Something like this, first image was a prank
Could you find the thread for when the chapter where Flashback Man was shown was released?
I want to see the theories people made on him back then
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confused joseph 21.png
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Why I only see quad 4s in jojo threads?
forgot to add on the white part that the squiggly lines are the other entry points, ignore them.
He went from Kosaku to Ungalo
Not a single theory. They were too busy asking for the last volumes of SBR.
>all those people shitting on based sailor suit and gap

I bet one of those faggots is even now here. Show yourself.
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ASB made anything Davidpro possibly conceive about part 7 look obsolete
They're here as Joshuuposters.
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>yfw we see eight 4's in a jojo thread
His outfit is pretty normal compared to most of the JoJos , I do like it though
Top tier go to
Diavolo - strong normals, high damage for his simple bnb combo, never has to spend meter for combo, so he has it all for his burst, which gets you out of the combo and puts them in a state where they have to guess high/low. and counters if opp gets predictabo.

Joseph - Hamon guard just cant be fucked with, blocks EVERYTHING and deals damage, coupled witha really strong bnb that does take some work and meter. and just great all around

Gyro - has everything, he doesnt need a corpse part or really any spin charging to be good. can combo off of his throw, into a juggle, can make a lot of things safe with ball drop. easy AF taunt combo set ups, and if he gets at least 1 corpse part, Scan ball makes for silly juggling. Horse stance is just good.

Im sure someone else is up there, just escapes me. most of the character sit in a little gap after these.

theres some really busted tech with mista where he can take off like 1/3 of your life every knockdown, but its too hard to be practical

Valentine is really bad because he doesnt really have anything that combos, has ok normals, lowest HP, and basically needs all 3 corpse parts to become a good character, Love train is silly, and his lvl 2/GHA super is probably the best in the game.
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Fuck you, Joshuu is the best.
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you're right
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Well shit, how about people's reactions to Paisley Park? Or their reaction to pic related chapter
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>Joshu over Yasuho for EoH
What the fuck
Pls senpai
How would Paisley Park even work in a fighting game?
Shit, I wish we had archives for the part 7 and 8 threads
Go fuck yourself
NKC probably would have been easier to fit in a fighting game than Paisley Park. Also Joshuu was picked because He's the brojo of part 8.
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I am okay with that
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this guy has the same voice as Dio

how does that make you feel?
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Toilet seats and porn magazines , with Paper moon king support
I didn't looked those, but you can search them yourself. Just check all threads with "jojo" made in a 19th of whatever month that chapter was released.
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>Magic Boy BT
There are JoJo posters available as standard merch, or posters included with manga benefits, etc. No one needs to try and fail at murdering Araki.

Though there were posters sold at Tokyo's JoJo Exhibition, which are a bit more pricey.
this is next level shitposting
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this guy too
how about that?
Shadow attacks, like Alessi but without age changing attacks. Kinda boring but better than Joshu.
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50k hrs on gimp.jpg
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judge me taste, /jojo/
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Is there a link that isn't dead for Over Heaven?
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Why do i even open spoilers
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Ideas for Yasuho moveset:

Paisley Park occasionally points to certain areas on the battlefield, which contain special crates that only Yasuho can interact with. Items have a 50/50 chance of being useless or helpful.

>Paper Moon King
With help from Tsurugi (similar to how Hol Horse uses J Geil and Hanged Man), Yasuho turns her cellphone into an origami frog, which can be controlled long range. It's power is extremely weak, but when it hits someone the target will see every player as his/herself, with only colours differentiating them.

Points cellphone at target, which Paisley Park promptly flies out of and stand rushes the target.

>DHA w/ Josuke
Soft & Wet removes the opponents sight, causing them to walk over Paisley Park. Both stands then rush the target from above and below.

I wrote this the moment the game came out and for some reason I still remember it whenever the situation arises
Yeah, but where do i buy them ? Any good site ? And how many years do i have to work to buy one ? Why is Jojo merch so fucking expensive ?
It could slink over surfaces as a shadow and emerge to perform punch rushes or break feet. PMK could help out just like with Hol having Hanged Man as a striker.

It's not that tough to make up a moveset for it, and the alternate costumes and the elbow-licking winpose would be great.
>>DHA w/ Josuke
>Soft & Wet removes the opponents sight, causing them to walk over Paisley Park. Both stands then rush the target from above and below and then they fuck

I wanna use that shark as a pizza cutter
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Don't look at the spoiler image above, it's fucking Sheldon cursing you all.

However I, Giorno Giovanna have a dream, to protect anyone and everyone in this thread, My [GOLD EXPERIENCE REQUIEM] will protect you from any curse resetting it back to 0. Not only in this thread, but any thread to come.

I don´t want Jojo posters though. I want Jojolion.
>Kakyoin favorite brojo

Since everything else is alright, 8/10. Get off 4chan Emily.
>believing in meme magic
Are you 5 years old or what
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>I wrote this the moment the game came out

Then got cucked by based fucking Joshuu.
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Too bad they're extinct.
I remember everyone had expected him to be some serious hardass. No one saw it coming that he'd turn out to be a weird cheerful manchild who's into poetry and beetles.
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babby kyo.png
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Reading comprehension, I wrote it once Yasuho was deconfirmed and there was no other way, dumb Joshuuposter
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>Not believing in meme magic
Your taste will achieve heaven.
oh shit
too buff
ty Giorno
>Looks like a serious hardass
>is actually a cheerful manchild

>Looks like a fat manchild
>Is a serious hardass
/VP/, /pol/, and /mu/ have shown that it's real
But what if it's a good curse?
Can you reset your stand's design, god damn
People would tap that if they could
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>This is bait
Just click the picture
Give me more. More Joshuu pics. More Joshuu reactions. I want them all. I want to print them, get naked and wrap myself in them.

I beg of you, i need more Joshuu.
fucking niggers, it's bad enough it's not on ps3 in the west
dumb Joshuuposter
So everyone has good ideas on how Yasuho could work in a fighting game.

But I bet you fuckers can't get Norisuke to work.
post results
He's a highly mobile fighter that takes apart both himself and King Nothing for attacks, and can use King Nothing to bring him weapons through smell.
Because King Nothing can't fight for shit. He is Moody Blue tier.
Civil War attacks you. What do you see?
>all the fucked up porn I've jacked off to attacks me
Not my girlfriend, because I never had one.
JoJo part 10 final fight leaked

>bring him weapons through smell
Fuck, I actually wish Araki would do this. But I am genuinely afraid King Nothing's ability has displayed its full potential.
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Paisley Park is way stronger than King Nothing.

Then again literally any argument against any character getting in is null and void considering they made Speedwagon work
>goatse shoves your head up his ass while tubgirl shits all over you
I've never felt guilty about anything so I'm safe. Plus I have a lot of water at my house so I'm good.
He could smell nets, so it's definitely possible.
The neighbor's pet hamster.
>Smells the stench of gun smoke
>King Nothing brings him a gun
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New final list.jpg
2MB, 1586x1213px
Solid 8/10

Gappy is related to Nijimura you sick fuck.
Speedwagon is easy to make, he is a tough guy.
Even better.
Didn't stop Daiya from trying to smash.
Almost everyone is related to everyone in Part 8
They are only half related. Half incest isn't incest.

It will be put on hiatus. At the rate the anime is going, it will catch up to Araki within the next 10 years, and it takes Araki around 8 years to even finish a part.
So is that an actual song or is it just similar to the supposed leak?
the day i was born
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680KB, 100x100px
This is now a Kira thread, feel free to talk about his hand fetish
dead thread, migrate already.
Truly Giorno is the most amazing GANGSTAR
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