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Season is ending. What's the verdict, /a/?

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Season is ending. What's the verdict, /a/?
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This season was pretty bad, I have watched and dropped pertty much everything.
The one who probably stands a bit out is kabaneri with his animation and shading
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Can there be any doubt?
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Macross Delta
Haven't watched anything since last season am I missing something?
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I finally found my waifu and now she's officially my waifu so this is the best season ever



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Big Order! FISH GUN!
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Joker Game easily, It was such a nice change to have.
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You know it.
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Fuck you Lelouch .
Tanaka-kun or comfy witch
No Joker Game? That shit is the bee's knees
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Fantastic season for bullyable girls

Honorable mentions to Memeyoiga for pushing the limits of retardation
whoops didn't see you there

Runner up is Netoge.
Sakamoto at least made me laugh. It's not memorable or amazing but, it at least did it's damn job and entertained me.
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Jojo's or Luluco

but probably Jojo's
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Kyoukai no Rinne
While I wouldn't say it's AOTS right now, I'm sure Ushio to Tora will wind up as my favorite.

Right now though it's probably between Anne Happy and Kabaneri.

>Kyoukai no Rinne
>Flying Witch

Quite frankly, Saturdays are almost dangerously comfy. If you're not careful you might just slip into a coma.
Jojos for certain, the adaptation's been great so far and today's episode is going to be the best thing since sliced bread.
Unironically Kiznaiver.

If it was a secret that Trigger and Okada produced it, there would be a lot less hate for it. Most of you would probably call it your AOTS.
I really like Kiznaiver. IMO Okada only had one stillbirth this season.
Fuck off shit taste hipster, this season is a shit ton better than the previous 2.
>if it was a secret that okada helped, it would recieve alot less hate
An okada script is pretty easy to distinguish with the level of melodrama anon.
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Yeah. This season was pretty fuckin shit. Only enjoyed a couple of shows.
As far for favorite one, probably kiznaiver or space patrol luluco
It's pretty good. Started pretty mediocre but the characters warmed up and got into gear.
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Flying Witch
Did both of you skip the previous two seasons or something or is it that you just have shit taste in general?
>le hating okada meme
Say what you want about her other shows, but hanairoha was actually good.
so? the previous 2 were shit, doesn't mean that this one is god like. low taste
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Oh sorry man I forgot opinions were forbidden
Get off your fuckin high horse dude. Last 2 seasons were way better than this one.
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Luluco, unironically
Flying Witch is very good, Kiznaiver was good after the first couple of episodes, Sakamoto is pretty good, Luluco is great I can see myself rewatching it. Mayoiga was a massive disappointment, didn't care for bunghole stray dogs either.
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Flying Witch.
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Re:zero probably. Tanaka-kun, and Macross and in 2nd and 3rd.
Re: Zero
Still a month left.

Probably Re:Zero or Macross Delta though.
best show of the season, easily
Nice taste
Re:Zero... and Boku no Hero Academia as runner up.
1. ReZero
2.Macross Delta
1st: Kumamiko
2nd: Anne-happy
3rd: Tanaka
4th: Witch
5th: Mayoiga

Joker Game, obviously first
> easy
Re zero
Mayoiga for the memes
Diamond is unbreakable is probably my Aots
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No love for Netoge? Plenty of scenes have had me laughing out loud.
>has Sakamoto and Bakuon
>doesn't have Tanaka-kun
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No question about it.


Flying Wtich and Sakamoto desu ga? are another two which I really enjoyed, and I thought Luluco and Netoge were both quite fun. Nonetheless, Re:Zero is the one I've been eagerly waiting for each new episode of.
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There's something really nostalgic about this show that clicked with me, and it's the only show I really look forward to
Not surprising, re:zero is pretty good. I remember a thread with polls from different sites agreeing with it being the aots too.
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Fuck off.

I would say /a/'s AOTS is Flying Witch or Tanaka-kun.

By all means Re:Zero it's a great show, but the threads are among the worst this season.

My AOTS is Shounen Maid tho.
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Flying Witch



Joker Game

>Re:Zero it's a great show, but the threads are among the worst this season.
>caring about the threads
Watch the anime and make up your own mind you dumb fuck. We all know Re:Zero threads are full of spoilers and that doesn't make the show any worse unless you're dumb enough to actually visit those retarded threads.
Dude, that just my opinion..
He was shitting on your use of ...
Using a 3-dotted smiley is the perfect newfriend detector
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It's okay...
You're allowed to use ellipses. At least you're not tripfagging!

Besides, at least you recognised the obvious AOTS.
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I think you mean shit taste.
It never got anywhere and all 'single' stories were too basic.
I expected something like soviet 17 moments of spring but with japs and got an almanac of 'sasuga d agency' instead.
Especially last two episodes. Right when I thought it's picking up some kind of gloabl line and confrontation.
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>your AOTS ≠ /a/'s AOTS

I think I made the distinction clearly there, if you want the collective verdict you should consider more aspects than just the show's quality; mostly because this is meaningless if you the show doesn't appeal to you.
Honestly agreed. Joker Game was underwhelming and completely failed to get the audience invested in the characters.
I couldnt make it past 4 episodes of "Tell don't show at all" Game
7/10 - Joker Game
7/10 - Re:Zero
6/10 - Flying Witch
6/10 - Kiznaiver

Those were the only ones that I've rated over 4/10 for this season. I think Joker Game was the best one but I enjoyed Re:Zero more at the start.
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>I think I made the distinction clearly there, if you want the collective verdict you should consider more aspects than just the show's quality; mostly because this is meaningless if you the show doesn't appeal to you.
Anon was implying that they were judging the series based on how much they liked the threads. In defence, that's a pretty appropriate reason to begin spewing vitriol.
Anne happy

Re:zero runner up
What episode did you honestly start enjoying Joker Game? I'll consider picking it up. I didn't hate it. I just dropped it out of apathy.
Fuck off.
That's hard. I enjoy flying witch and kuma miko a lot, but Re Zero and Mayoiga have also been entertaining.
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well, not everyone can have good tastes anon
Flying Bitch is the best one by far.

Mayoiga isn't but comedy now, Joker Game is just posing and dull, Hero tits is shonen shit, Kiznaiver is boring as fuck and Luluco tries too hard to be funny.
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Something like this.
Re:Zero. Best thing I've seen in a long time.
I'm literally living week after week just for kiznaivers forced drama and Niko
This, it all was pretty shit to be honest. Nothing stood out.
so... ok, ok+, good, good, okay, okay, good+, good+, okay, good, bad, good, good?

How do I read it, senpaaaaai?
I really chose shows poorly this season:
>Big Order
Honestly I don't even know how to describe this shit. The stupidity of this one is leaving me speechless after each episode. Being a completist is suffering.

>Bungou gay dogs
I didn't really understand the whole fujobait stuff until I met this show. It supposed to be a Seinen, but the generic shounen overreactive MC doesn't help it to become one. 4/10

>Ace Attorney
Dropped after episode 4. Play the game

The title refers to the previous 99 generic ecchi harem shows we already saw before this 5/10

>Attack On Kabaneri
The art is okay but the plot lacks hard. Studio Wit riding on SnK so hard. 5/10

The threads are good, but the show is a trainwreck. 4/10

AOTS, but I find this season pretty weak. Nice show overall. For me it's in the appreciated category. 7/10

>Joker Game
There were few good episodes after the 4th one but the last two was weak again. You don't feel close to the characters because there isn't a coherent plot. They are just ebin spies, so the quality of the episodes usually depends on the quality of the individual cases and I feel like that's the vital point where the show fails to deliver. If it were in the previous season I would have dropped it, but I found a very few anime enjoyable so I kept watching. 6/10
Yeah, basically.
Haven't watched anything.

As long as there is no Darker than Black successor, I have lost interest in anime.
But now you can kill? :^)
Why are you even here?
I "read" mangas.

And maybe something that I haven't read and which is interesting comes up here.
I'm enjoying Flying Witch a lot, but I don't think a slice-of-life show can objectively be considered AOTS.

So I would have to say AOTS is either Macross Delta or Kabaneri.
Luluco just feels like watching Spongebob or something.
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I still haven't seen some shows I wanted to see because of the uni. I'll definitely catch up in June, especially considering I'll be able to binge watch some of them to the end by that time.

But so far:


>Flying Witch

pic related

>Ace Attorney
Boy o boy. I do honestly believe it gets better as it progresses, but just play the games.


>Boku no Hero Academia
Fan of the manga. Anime is too slow, especially action, but they hype the fuck out of dramatic moments. I don't even want to revel in Bakugou tears, I am busy crying for Midoriya.
Wanko to Kurasou anime when?

Already officially and objectively decided, anon.
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu >> Boku no Hero Academia > Koutetsujou no Kabaneri > Kiznaiver >= Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
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Flying Witch


>Good in spite of their flaws
Kuma Miko
Joker Game
Macross Delta

Thomas the Iron Fortress
Bread Lolis
That's some bullshit.
I can agree on witch but not on gits
This is the first time I agree with you on something.
Change Winter to Galko-chan and you're onto something.
>Re:Zero is getting a 2 cour

I love it.
Tanaka-kun and Kuma Miko are my two favourites. I think Tanaka-kun edges it.
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>I don't think a slice-of-life show can objectively be considered AOTS.
Flying Witch, it's comfy as fuck
I just mean compared to more serious/mature shows that aired.
Keit-ai. It's the only one that found a way.
So slice of life can't be mature?

What's this "mature" shit you are talking about? Why is Kabaneri mature according to you? Because it has blood and violence?

Kindly reminder that you have to be above 18 to post here, anon.
>So slice of life can't be mature?
How can it be? That genre lacks even basic plots and completely rely on cute girls being infantile.
I'm not same anon, I don't think Kabaneri is even close to good and I think it's far from being mature, but still, I can't really comprehend how sol shows could be considered even meaningful while I completely understand the so called healing aspect of them and that some people needs them.
Mature as in serious or dark, more likely to appeal to older viewers.
You sound like you haven't watched much SoL. Mushishi and the Tatami Galaxy are both SoL and are among the best anime has to offer.
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>completely rely on cute girls being infantile

Yeah maybe you should watch these >>142363359 before thinking every SoL in existence is K-On tier.

I'm 24 and I don't give a fuck about dark edgy trash or metallica. Relaxing stuff with nice conversations, beautiful backgrounds and innocent humour like Flying Witch or Shirokuma Cafe offer me much more than most shit will ever do. You seem to have a weird concept of what maturity is.
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>forgetting that the majority of popular SoL shows are seinen and marketted to adult men
Sansha Sanyou
Ran Sem

Every season
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I was referring to pure sol shows. There are severals show that contains Slice of Life elements (Like Tatami Galaxy, I wouldn't consider it a pure sol show) and they still can be great, but pure SoLs like K-on, Lucky Star, Fruit Basket, Free! are stuck on an infantile level.
I didn't make any statement about the audience. being sold to adult men doesn't make an anime mature or not.
mein nigga, this show relaxes me
There is not a single good ongoing anime.
I'm still waiting for Berserk and Blame but anime is dead.

Last decent one was OPM and before that HxH.
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You're stuck on an infantile level if you honestly believe SoL can have no meritable substance.
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Reminder to ignore keit-ai and flying witch posters
You aren't suppose to make the chart based on your personal preference, Galko-chan fit the chart much more.
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Best season in a long while.Tanaka-kun, Macross, Kuma Miko, Flying witch, Anne Happy, Kuromukuro. Plus watchable stuff like Sakamoto and Netoge to kill time if really needed.

AOTS is Tanaka-kun though.
Tatami Galaxy is a SoL with plot, which might be why you're mistaking this. The most popular Sol shows are shit like Lucky Star which have nothing but childish pandering and lolis, but you are very wrong if you think the popular ones are the definition of Sol anime.

In fact, shows like Usagi Drop, Hourou Musuko or Bartender are targeted to a more mature audience, while pretty much any typical action-adventure anime will have kids in their 15s fighting zombies or using powers while the girls strip any time, which is what a teenager would find appealing. It doesn't matter how "dark" the setting is, it's still a teen anime.
Oh forgot Re:Zero too. Too many shit to watch weekly this season.
Do you really believe it's worse than previous?
Lucky Star is a referential comedy. Pandering would be more like Gochiusa.
>but pure SoLs like K-on, Lucky Star, Fruit Basket, Free! are stuck on an infantile level.
Shounen shit that is dark and edgy for the sake of being dark and edgy (e.g. Shingeki no Kyojin) is the most infantile kind of anime out there. Just because it has violence doesn't make it mature.
fuck you, episode 7 was a god damn masterpiece, part A alone was 10 minutes of absolute, unblemished perfection
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.

I agree with you, I have never denied that and have never written about them a single line. I just reasoned about how sol can't be mature but I was wrong. See >>142364264
So I fix my statement. I don't think that the type of shows like Flying Witch can objectively be AOTS. My reasoning stays the same, but I don't project it to the whole genre.
fuck you, episode 10 was a god damn masterpiece, this scene alone was 1 minute of absolute, unblemished perfection
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
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>there are people that really think this season is shit
How do you cope with not enjoying life?
I just wanted you to understand that SoL has many positive qualities, and many shows definitely don't make the most out of them, but it's worth to be aware that some do, and in a very pleasant way.
But of course you are free to have your own taste and I respect it, you are not forced at all to like Flying Witch or any other anime.

Sorry if I stated my opinions too agressively.
Sakamoto is AOTS

Kabaneri is alright, mediocre story as hell, but quite watchable.

Worst shit of the season, Reddit:Zero. But I guess it being the most popular show this season with all the SAOfaggots did made it more than shit. Is intolerable garbage.
It's obviously Flying Witch. Everything is absolutely perfectly directed to create a wonderfully healing atmosphere, from music to voice acting to shot composition to pacing, etc.
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I normally don´t care about people liking SoL, but I have to fucking insert my opinion down your fucking throat here, since I watched a few episodes of it.

Flying Witch is fucking trash-tier. One of the shows that made me feel like I wasted my time. Flying Witch lacks a message of any kind, yes, not even one slight injection of sentimentality anywhere. Fucking dry senseless shit that leads to 0 emotional response. And going by the circlejerk threads, people only find the characters sexually stimulating (wow cute anime girl like 99.9% other shows).

Want my time back/10
Very rarely do I ever get this worked up, but feeling you have flushed your time down the drain, instead of enjoying spending it, fucking crime. AotS? Kill yourself
It doesn't really matter anyway what AOTS is.

By Fall, we'll have forgotten 90% of these shows
Not everyone has dementia anon, like you.
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No need to be so angry, anon. Calm down and watch some AOTS, Flying Witch. It's comfy and soothing.
Here's your (You)
It's really subtle with the "message" stuff but it's in there. Things like Chinatsu misjudging the Spring Courier, or Mako-nee deciding not to disturb the time capsule that she uncovers. Thematic things that bring episodes full-circle like that. Sort of like Aria but much more understated in that regard.
The voice acting is especially good considering it's mostly first-timers. Which means JC Staff put out auditions instead of casting knowns, which I think was a good call.
No, but when a show's popularity dies down, our interest in them dies down as well.

That's just how our minds work.
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Only true answer
Pretty much what this anon says >>142365928
Given how SoL tend to be episodic, it tends to have many subtle, little messages that isn't crammed down your throat.
If you seriously forget a show a few months after watching it, you really need to see a doctor.
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This whole show is a godsend.

Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge for AOTS.

Also: inb4 anything but Keit-Ai for AOTS.

Muh nigga.
Now comes the part when you say Re:Zero does have an emotional message.
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Keit-ai. Perfect OST.

OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycfdfinG_P8
ED1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXDNGS9V4Us
ED2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo

OP Full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NShEKYoPXw
ED 1 Full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIX9aoN7g4o
ED 2 Full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woiMYzVTl9c
I guess I´m mostly angry because I read the manga and found it shit, but somehow, deep down I held the hope that the anime would do it´s own thing and fix the underlying problem. I shouldn´t have hoped, really my bad here.

Is goddamn magic in the country side, there was almost no reason to fuck this opportunity up.
Mushishi is subtle. This is lacking. I would even prefer Umaru, since it got some good thing to show us about the relationship between brother and sister without the usually incest undertones.
Mushishi is great but it's far from subtle.
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It has tough competition
>tfw you will never make her feel sore
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Kuromukuro. Anything else means you have shit taste.
JoJo and Kuromukuro

I don't know why everyone thinks that Mayoiga not taking itself seriously is unintentional, because it's pretty clearly done on purpose.
>Wanting to talk about Re:Zero
I was talking about SoL. Re:Zero is just another shit self-insert fantasy WN.
>Inb4 who wants to suffer
Suffering is "cool", people like inserting into tragic heroes. It is Reddit´s and MAL most hyped and popular show for a reason.
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>all these JoJo fags
I thought Mushmush was pretentious deep. At least for me. I dropped it early, but can you tell me what the first episode with the double eyelid was about?
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Damn. Flying Witch niggers BTFO.
This post contains truth.
Kabaneri was the best
Bnha = most popular
Kuromiko or what ever the mecha was is the most unexpectedly good
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>/thread your own post
Go sit in the corner.
So what's your AOTS Mr. Good Taste?
Kill yourself.
Super Dimension Mobile Phone.
You must be over 18 to post on 4chan.
Stop posting then.
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Jojo fanbase on /a/ is pretty strong anon, but they usually have the courtesy to stay in their general. However it shouldn't surprise you that they start to come out when there's an adaptation. It's one of the more popular shounen manga on /a/.

There's also a lot of people who see Jojo as some kind of ascended masterpiece. Which I don't understand but I'll readily admit it's because battle shounen isn't my cup of tea.

I did watch and enjoy Part 2 though.
How can something be pretentious deep when it doesn't even pretend to have meaning?
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>this show sucks where's the MESSAGE???!!!1

If you want to invent arbitrary criteria to make your personal dislike of a show look "objective", start a youtube channel - you'll fit right in.
The double eyelid was a way of saying that the river of light, and mushi in general, need to be seen with the mind's eye more than your physical eyes. That's not deep at all.
Was Re: Zero as good as Konosuba?
delicious chinatsu.
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Also regardless of how deep it is, it's not subtle, it's fairly explicit.
They're opposites.
Opposites? So Re: Zero is an unfunny, uncomfy, blatant pandering harem? Not that Konosuba doesn't have harem elements, but its not stupid and overt about it.
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Luluco is clearly aots, but most people aren't going to watch it because it's shorts. Oh well.
>unfunny, uncomfy
Well yes, that's the premise.
Kabaneri by default for me because it's the only show this season I watched more than four episodes of.


>Pretty Good
Macross Delta
Sansha Sanyou
Flying Witch


Kuma Miko

>Not Good
Hero Academia

Pan de Peace
Ace Attorney
Joker Game (although it wasn't really bad, I just missed an episode one week and didn't bother to catch back up)
Congrats on having the worst taste in the thread.
Keit-ai. Mostly because this season sucks.
Konosuba was stupid and overt about the harem elements, but the harem mostly formed around the MC against his will, whereas Re:zero has the MC blatantly chasing every girl he sees.
Alright. Enough to know not to touch it then. Was so confused by all the people saying it was their favorite of the season. Didn't think summer would already be in full effect.
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I'm sorry that I don't like exactly what you like, anon.
It's still a fun show - and there's nothing wrong with enjoying a show solely because it's fun.
So you like shows with a silver lining? Like GTO.
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Doesn't sound fun to me based on what I'm being told. And I'm having much more fun with other shows this season.
You should be.
If you want shitty suffering complex, then watch Kiznaiver.
> Reddit and MAL
How the fuck would you know? Have you been lurking there?
Depends on how they are executed. But I do love GTO.
Kiznaiver is forced drama. Nothing complex there. They even had a drawn love triangle chart. Intentionally aware or not, thing was retarded.
And I like to see how different communities receive certain shows. Is good to get a whole picture, plebs, normalfags, hipsters and what not.
luluco aots. that's it.
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Yeah, I know. It is better.
He is only chasing Emilia. Not anyone else actually.
Re:Zero actually has a hero's journey and development for the mc and has rather well-fleshed out characters. You might not like the stupidity of the mc but he is actually the best mc of the season based on his character and development.
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2015 AOTY.png
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keit-ai is two-time aoty
Where's Tonkatsu?
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you make that sound like a bad thing
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>Not reading the whole post
Nice try.
Spongebob jumped the shark when they removed subliminal messages. It is crap.
Latest eps feel like some tokusatsu shit.
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