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Boku no Hero Academia

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Thread replies: 560
Thread images: 169

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Chapter 93:

Volume 9 extras:

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Stain did nothing wrong
Those stats are too high for someone whose power is just being invisible. There has to be something else, she wouldn't have been able to pass the destroy robots test or Aizawa's physical test otherwise.
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Hori already confirmed there's more to her quirk than just invisibility.
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Oh shit the vulva is a bit puffy
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Hagakure is training to be a solidsnake-ninja
>that fucking AfO paneling on top of page 6

Gotta be one of the first times I've seen a manga artist try western style comic paneling, I hope we see more of it.
Threadly reminder to ignore Stain memeposters
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I wonder if gran torino will get pissed fro real
> Stain
> meme
Stain was right. Most heroes are meme except for All-Might
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Amen! Stain identifies all that's wrong with the society and takes the best course of action to fix it.
Summer truly is here
Her shifuku. He said he wanted to develope on her quirk more.
Front of AFOs mask came of on the last page, INB4 he starts choking and retreats
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Editfag reporting in once again this is now seriously the last thing I'm able to do.
>your hero
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Why does the sad class B girl always speak in random grunts, is she mute or some shit?
It's 君 instead of 僕.
Fuck off, Spinner
Spinner means idiot in german.
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It's closer to "nutcase" or "schizo" than straight up idiot, it fits so I think Hori might've chosen it on purpose
Finally someone made this.
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Why does it seem like many people dislike Deku?
I've seen people say this quite a bit and I don't get it. I think he's adorable. He's also alpha as fuck when it counts, even if it's in his nature to be a coward. In fact, that makes it even more interesting.

I'm only just recently getting into the manga and anime so maybe I've missed this discussion, but whatever.

Because anime only fags are stuck on the pussy deku part.
That's an issue for anime-only viewers accustomed to your typical Jerk with a heart of gold as MC
I love young All Might
Also who is that all for one, predecessor, semen demon
>Ragdoll is 31
Damn, she aged well.
What's the TL on the '1million smash' page?
Anyone got the Froppy expression?

I need it for reasons.
It's not meant to be more than 100%.
Toshi ate nana's puss
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This one?
It's basically Deku yelling plus ultra and trying to force out more power. It's not actually 10000000000%

Like I've been saying
Thank you very much, sir. Much obliged.
I don't hate him,

but for what ever reason I cannot jerk it to porn that includes him, boy toys are not out of my strike zone either so I don't quite understand[
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Nana is T.H.I.C.K
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What pathetic way did she died?
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did AM sacrifice an arm to land that hit?
>dat Hairstyle
so good
Yes he did
his hand doesn't exist now
He did bet his left arm on the future
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So Tiger actually used to be a woman, huh.

"Formerly a woman.
Went to Thailand a while back."

Since there's no change in subject between the two sentences, it was probably Tora that went to Thailand and not Horikoshi.
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Why is this such a shit pairing so popular?
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Goddamn these last few chapters have had me on the edge of my seat

please don't die All Might
Or Hori is saying he's formely a woman.
Stop saying this, he's pure
Because the naruto people need something new to ship
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even the nip shippers are pleasantly surprised it's catching on so strong
$5 says he's gonna die in a hospital bed while imparting some important details and advice to deku.

That or dies after the fight.
Because of the contrast.
it's literally in the OP
I like them, they brought out the best traits of each other the single time they interacted.

Urakawa x Deku is fine and all but it's pretty boring. I'm not a fan of Kacchan x Deku since I don't like hate ships.
Because people still hope Bakugou will be a Naruto-style evil rival and clearly the bubbly girl and character they want to become the biggest edgemaster need to be together
Of course! but nana was tease and tricked him to eat her out.
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oh fuck,all might is not dead.
Please all might,don't die on us.
My heart can't take it
Even a okama is manly than me.
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Guess what I found
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>Tokoyami: He's the one in the cave screaming. He's in a fight.
Is he fighting his own quirk since we don't know if anyone else is in there? That would be brutal.
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Fuck off reddit
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Who would be a better fit for Kacchan from the rest of the class though?

I could see him with Kirishima
I'm guessing he's fighting for control
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He is fighting 『Black Hole Sun』
Yugi shouldn't you be playing card games?
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this page is just to painful
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you made me chuckle
My problem with that ship is that they have a really good friendship dynamic and it seems like a shame to ruin that.

If I had to pick someone other than Urakawa, probably Todoroki for someone to put him in his place with words.
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Does the term "okama" even apply to FtM?
fucked till death by AfO
UrarakaXKacchan NTR Deku
What even happened to her anyway?
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Gotta even this OchakoxKatsuki with the pure one
FtM is "onabe".
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>implying it isn't Ochako who will get cucked by Toga
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>All Might still not dead
Come on AfO, you can do it.
She got full potato

OP's translation is wrong. It says "A long time ago I went to Thailand" when there's no subject indicator suggesting that it was "I" (aka Horikoshi) that went. People were arguing last thread that it meant the character design was formerly for a woman, then Hori went to Thailand and decided to make him a guy instead. When it was most likely that the character was formerly female and went to Thailand to get a sex change.

Hope that makes it more clear.
Can't the I refer to Tiger.
>AFO didn't mention shiggy once

Just a tool
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Mina for corrosive explosions and she teamed up with Bakugou during the cavalry battle. He called her raccoon eyes and raccoons are cute, he definitely has the hots for her
>If I had to pick someone other than Urakawa, probably Todoroki for someone to put him in his place with words.
My nigga.
>Izuku(think):Her hairstyle reminds me of that insane girl...
No one gaves her a chance to form a sentence.
I kinda hoped for the next page that Ochako just throws him back with her powers.
Why you so retard?
Basically when se got her quirk stealed, she became a retarded/vegetable, now she has to lay in bed and use diaper the rest of her life.
That's fucked up.
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>gets stabbed through the eyes
>only reaction is a slight hm
Calling now, both lives but All Might goes cripple and has to withdraw his hero position.
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I didn't like the way this chapter developed, it was bleach tier.

>Determination power up
>Haha not enough
>Friends come in
>More power up
>Okay now i'll kill you with my 100% kill quirk designed to kill you
>Shit i miscalculated

Come on
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I will miss her full cocaine face.
From the thumbnail I thought it's Toga
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He said

>I miscalculated

so chilly that he won't lose.
How do you function if you're this stupid?

AFO was provoking All Might so he would throw everything he had into the punch. AFO then activated force reversal quirk but All Might saw it coming and didn't actually put any power into the punch.
I can't believe how fast this no longer became funny.
AM just used his last power to hit OFA
he even sacrificed his arm, i don't see the asspull here.
Can someone post that with AFO telling Jeanist his quirk sucks?
But that could possibly be inferential. Japanese has a lot of that, where the subject can be omitted if it seems obvious what tge subject is meant to be.
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I want to marry Vampire Doppelganger!
ALL for ONE's every action is calculated for max trolling, baiting, and suffering. Tomura will never be the big bad the shoes are too big to fill.
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Reposting the reaction images I created from this chapter in case someone wanted them
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I will post this everyday until you like it.
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So, no shitstorm happened due to no All Might death?
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>not the two cakes

What are you doing, anon? You have a role. Stick to it.
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urg can we go back to the rampant yaoi faggotry?

That was better than this shit.
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No shitstorm "yet"
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Sure. fuck off, faggot.
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There was one due to the fake spoilers. Everyone thought all might and mount butt were ded without waiting for the chapter. Ironically the real spoilers were posted and pretty much ignored
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Anytime I need to see your face,
I just close my eyes
And I am taken to a place where
your crystal mind and
Magenta feelings take up shelter
in the base of my spine
Sweet like a chic-a-cherry cola
I don't need to try and explain;
I just hold on tight
And if it happens again, I might move
so slightly
To the arms and the lips and the face
of the human cannonball
That I need to, I want to

Come stand a little bit closer
Breath in and get a bit higher
You'll never know what hit you
When I get to you
Because the fake spoiler was so much better than this
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And the last one
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Todoroki hits puberty.jpg
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No, it was not.
>All Might dies an edgelord's wet dreams death by getting cut in two
>AFO dies in a similar way
>But before that he literally did a psh... nothin personal kid on Mt. Lady and unsheathed his finger katanas to steal her quirk
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/ss/ when
As I said so much better and more intense than what we end up getting.
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no it was fucking stupid
I hope soon. Mandalay still needs to thank Deku for saving Kouta from Musclehead and saving her from Spinner's Edgehog 9000 Sword of the Swords.
Fake spoilers were like a Marvel event, that's not exactly the kind of writing quality one should aim at
Calling someone 'raccoon eyes' is telling them that they look like hammered shit.
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Yes you made a straight pairing worse than the homosexual ones.
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>killing off comic relief for cheap shock value
Perfect indeed
Better than this filler chapter
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notin personnel.
>wanting to delay allmight's dead even longer
The cliffhanger was so boring
>filler chapter
> all mights motivations
> endeavor motivations
>afo knows about izuku being a successor

Thank god that fake spoiler was fake
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i expected white pantsu with kitties on them.
So how come that was the 100% that overpowered muscleman?
Yeah I agree.

If the author don't kill off All Might after this arc it'll feel like a fucking cop-out.
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>implying he will die from this battle

Superman can only die by Doomsday's hands.
Why would #3 hero kill All Might?
>implying that's better than savage AFO and Allmights last stand
Old hags

Go home and stay go Doomsday
To become the new number one?

shut the fuck up with this forced shit you post it literally every thread
>mfw hero #4 is AFO with glasses
>mfw I don't have a face
Cry harder, faggot.
>shock factor fake spoilers

I'd take this shit any day than those fake spoilers
Best Jeanist doesn't have glasses, though. Nor does he look like AFO.
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Allmom is hot as fuck.
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Shoulda used nanomachines.
He lost his right arm though.
Because he drew on some more power from OFA,. His 100% is not the 100% OFA is capable of, it's the most he can currently draw out.

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>Australian power
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All the cancer compacted in one webm.
The fake spoilers were bad. AFO caring about Tomura when he's shown that Shiggy is just a tool
Mt. Lady getting removed from the game
AFO not being the last boss
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>Everyone who insults me must be a samefag

Kill yourself.
So the Anime is only going to be 13 episodes?

What the fuck, man?

Where do you guys figure it will end?
He let it get destroyed so he could direct his remaining power not into a fist clash(which he would have lost due to force reversal) but into a direct hit.
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>His 100% is not the 100% OFA is capable of
What proof of this do you have? Everything All Might has done has been comparable to Deku's.
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Not that guy, but here. None of Deku's punches come even close to what All Might did here.

nice shop
with gauntlets
The power of shitposting
End of the USJ arc, naturally.
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this, and he also matched AFO's block destroying punches with only a portion of his former power
Why Australian though?
when will this meme here end?

Neither side can prove a person is same fagging or not and wasting a post with just 'samefag' is technically report worthy because it's just spam
>being shiteater
>he doesn't know about the australians
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Without One for All, Tonishori could have become All Moe.
All Might is using OFA in his whole body when punching.
I started watching the anime first and I liked him from ep 1.
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I don't know what you mean
>liking shock factor fake spoilers
why wouldn't he use his whole body as pivot to make the punch stronger?
>disliking real plot progression

Yeah but you're weird.
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And Deku didn't? The thunder and the changed skin tone suggest that Deku is doing the same.
All Might's punch was stronger than Deku's, because All Might's body is stronger.
I'm hoping for more flashbacks.
>don't having any idea of what is "real plot progression"
That's about the same strength as Deku's punch when he shot through several floors of a building with energy to spare. That punch there didn't have enough power to hurt Deku or Bakugo after it had traveled so far.
>afo knowing izuku being a successor to all might isn't plot progression
Yes, that's literally you. As both Mount Lady dying adn AFO/Allmight ending their battle would have progresses the plot directly.

That's pretty easy to figure out as Tomura was literally watching the sports festival, so there's no reason for AFO to be unable to do just that.
>implying he wasn't enough of a mad man to keep his motivation even without a quirk

He would have been just as big but without a quirk. If Stain and Aizawa could reach that level, All Might would have been a quirkless monster, nowhere near as powerful as he is now but still not someone you'd want to punch you in the face.
This is literally the most forced meme on /a/ and you're retarded for pushing it.
>As both Mount Lady dying adn AFO/Allmight ending their battle would have progresses the plot directly

What does mount ladys death add to anything?

>That's pretty easy to figure out as Tomura was literally watching the sports festival, so there's no reason for AFO to be unable to do just that

And guess what the plot progressed because of afo knows now in this chapter,

what a fucking surprise
I prefer what we got, but the feels flashback and possible end was alright in fake.
Mt lady cop out was a stupid fake.
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Dude, Allmight's punch literally tore a building in half with just the shockwave of his punch from who knows how far away.
Samefag. See, i can do the same, faggot.
to continue shitposting?
Not retarded as the dude that posts the cats team in every fucking thread.
the first panel looks like a penis head in the thumbnail
Spinoff when?
What about "Stain dindu nuffin"? Where is that guy?
Allmom looks a lot like young Dekumom...
>being the autist who finds a reason to shitpost every release day
So? Judging by the fact that doesn't completely tear apart Deku and Bakugo, it was probably debris from the punch that hit it. Deku's punch compacted a giant robot and went through that building with ease.
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utter retards.
>All Might loses right arm with that attack
>Deku eventually loses his
>Awase who can molecularly weld things together puts All Mights arm onto Dekus
>now deku has an arm that can deal a full 100% ofa smash on the caliber of AM's
This makes me wonder, just how strong are these alternate humans compared to us? Even people with quirks that don't affect their physique can take quite the beating from those that do have them. what fucking gives? Just general shonen bullshit?
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Sounds familiar
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Always here

>Went to Thiland capital of ladyboys
I wonder if he was a trap when he was a teenager?
big hands, tail and stoner head are trained in melee combat, i guess that they're like regular humans but with martial art knowledge.
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Mt. Lady escapes death, the world is a better place
I'm fairly certain that means it's still transferring to Deku. In this recent chapter we see that OfA is getting weaker inside All Might (which is symbolized by a flame), which probably means Deku's is getting stronger, enforcing the idea that Deku's 100% is actually stronger that his.
>It would have only taken one cut to the neck

Stain could have spared the kids and All Might a lot of trouble with just one cut.
Why does she have such a huge fanbase?
>No Ragdoll.
>No Tiger
Of course Deku's OfA will be stronger than All Might's. That's the whole point of the quirk, each generation the power grows exponentially.
> killing shiragaki best boy
No that would be wrong
It's not still transferring. He has it all, he just needs to mature as a vessel as it grows in him until he's able to access it's full power.

All Might just has his dying flame which is completely unconnected to Deku
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Because her ass i guess
Since AfO knows Deku inherited OfA will he come after him after killing AM?

Maybe Endeavor and GT will protect him by sacrificing themselves while another hero takes Deku to an isolated place so he can train until he can handle 100% of OfA.
I always wondered that too. I mean quirkless people are almost 2nd class citizens which is weird cause there's tons of people with really shitty quirks like the kid who just has long fingers and the dude who can pull out his eyeballs from ch1,and they don't really get shit for that. I'm assuming i.e headcanon-ing that if you have a quirk not only do you not have a extra joint in your pinky toe but you're also a slightly tougher and stronger human than a quirkless person would be. That would explain the amazing feats stain and aizawa where doing besides already training in martial arts etc, and why deku wouldn't even be considered to be a hero like Aizawa. The real answer is probably just shonen and martial arts traning but you know. Autism.
That's entirely speculation.
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She's a whole lot of woman
Did you just...
It's right in that page and in the recent chapter too. But you sound like that one regular shitposter who will keep this conversation going in circle
I'm pretty sure the moment Stain would have tried something afo would have teleported Shiggy out of there or something since he was watching through the monitor the whole time.

There's no way AfO is going to survive this, precisely because he knows about Deku. If he survived there would be nothing anyone could to to protect Deku from him.

Just look at this chapter, AfO has his shit all fucked up and he still blew away Endeavor's flames with just the combo he was using initially against All Might.
She's funny and cute which is good enough for a minor character, Jeanist seems to be relatively popular too with slightly different demographic for similar reasons
Yeah, but Eraserhead also has his crazy personal cloth control, which is pretty good after he minmaxed the fuck outta his build.
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the cutest
Jeanist is popular because he interacted with Bakugou, and you know how those yaoi fans are.
From what I understand, seeing Allmight performance and the way the handles AfO quirks, I assume quirks can be overpowered by raw power.

What I mean is, if Shigaraki touches someone with his hand, that person turns to dust. But if you've got raw power enough you can straight up resist that power, meaning they are not absolute. It's like Soifon's Suzumebachi Nigeki Kessatsu, having the power of instakill if it hits two times in the same spot; Even then Aizen took 2 hits to the same spot and didn't die, because he resisted the effect with raw power.

Am I making any sense?
I was gone overnight. Was there a shitstorm when the "Mt. Girl is kill and Allmight blown in half" spoilers were BTFO?
>fucking Deku
>kacchan are you okay
>fuck you
10/10 anon
She's a huge girl

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Not that I know of, although I was a bit late to the party. It was just "Oh hey they were fake, here's the real deal."
>Has her own company
>Doesn't want to spend 500yen

Did she grow up like Uraraka
Have we really come to the point where anything beyond waifuposting is considered shitposting? Fucking discuss this or stop responding, don't just claim someone is a shitposter because you don't like them arguing with you.

>It's right in that page and in the recent chapter too
Where? He says it's an echo and the OfA is almost entirely gone, he never says there is no connection to Deku or that it's completely transferred.
So it's kind of like level scaling? Like how an attack that would instantly kill someone at level 50 every single time would barely dent someone at 100 and then bug the encounter
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At his prime he must have been able to transform his whole body with that quirk combo.
Imagine the kind of fight this would have resulted in.
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That's what Smash implies although it's not really canon
Its wrong but I just love fingerless gloves so much, even though its edgelord/weebshit fashion

Yes, but you are completely wrong, unless it's a yet to be explained gimmick of OFA.

The reason All Might is capable of overpowering AFO is because the quirks AFO are using can be countered with his strength.

The first combo he used was to shoot a shockwave, which is something that All Might can also do just by punching really hard, because Anime, so, he can simply counter AFO's shockwave with his own.

If Shigaraki touched him i don't think he could just "overpower" the disintegration.
Since he didn't break his back he didn't go full ofa
We know OfA can do this beucase he has done it multiple times, straight up overpowering quirks abilities with raw strenght.

What I wonder if this applies to all quirk users.
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Thoughts on this?
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No I'm calling you a shitposter because you are that autist with the stupidest ideas you bring up every release day and you try to push no matter how many people say you're wrong by twisting words around and having horrible reading comprehension.

like hurr why didn't Bakugo fly away

If you can't understand this page or the others with All Might protecting an ember then you're retarded plain and simple. He's not still transferring the power. It was already done.
Noumu gangrape mindbreak
>Has to combine multiple quirks in a calculated setup just to evenly match OFA's built up power
>Still loses the punch-out

I bet that nigger regrets giving up OFA now.

He didn't figure it out.
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I left these threads last night and we all believed that Mt Lady was dead and All Might blown the fuck out

Thank fuck things did not end that way. I am pretty happy with how things have gone.

Have some Ochako.
He didn't give up OfA. The gave up the power to stockpile, which was useless on its own. OfA is made by two quirks: The quirk to pass down quirks and the power to stockpile power.

What I find interesting is that, if one of the previous OfA users had a quirk, that quirk was probably also passed down along with the stockpile quirk.
How big can she transform? Can she become bigger than 貝が十?
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I somehow misread gangrape as Grapes. Can Grapes be mindbroken? Or is that one of his fetishes to the point where he can't be broken?
From what I understand she gets bigger but her mass doesn't grow proportionally, otherwise she would be overwhelming powerful. Think just about how much force her attacks would generate from weight + speed alone.
Grapes probably has the most whitebread fetishes out of the whole class
>Cheer Up!

Feels kind of wrong with what's happening right now. All Might's death isn't something to cheer about, well maybe if you are Shiggy.

All for One forced onto his bro a strength quirk (that stockpiles with the next perk) and didn't know his brother had One for All which allowed eventual full trade of quirks by consent.

All for One just thought his bro was a quirkless retard.
Yes but he knows the truth about it now, hence regret
I' was wondering if she can make any part of her bodies bigger to actually deal damage like Luffy would. Since the mass would grow evenly by then.
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It's art from one month back made by that one korean artist.
On the other hand, would All Might want you to mourn him when there's still so much evil and injustice? Cheer up, there are other heroes around who will try their best to fill the void he left behind, because there has to be a Symbol of Peace and nobody said it must be one person at a time.
since there's lizard people, steel people and shit like that i wouldn't surprise me that There's people that is actually stronger than regular humans even if they don't have quirk, i mean like a unnoticeable mutation.
hopefully never, I can't see any other author capturing All Might as good as it should need

I think his end goal might be to manipulate a future user into giving up its power.
same her even if they're school shooter fashionable they're look awesome.
supposedly she can only choose between 20m titan form and her normal form no inbetween.
How will Uraraka heal Deku's heart after All Might dies?
She destroyed the building pretty easily
I liked more the other version

>I will hit you

It sounded more blunt and badass.
Virginia smash her
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Virginia smash.
She will do the "You need to smile" thing Nana did.
Her quirk is gigant form, not size shifting, she has only two possible heights. There's a girl in class B who can supposedly change her height freely though.
>The quirk to pass down quirks

it was the power to pass down itself.
She probably could if she was a better hero. What I mean it's just about having a good quirk, it's also how you use it and how far can you scale it.

A good example I like is Magneto. Magnetism is a simple power and someone unskilled could probably do simples things like bend metal and redirect bullets, but Magneto takes it up to eleven. Hell, he defeated motherfucking Apocalypse easily. Twice.
>Has her own company
>Constantly causing property damage while out heroing
>Even if her Hero Insurance covers it, the premiums are killing her on their own
>Mt. Lady has a hard life

The only thing bigger than her butt are her debts.
She was made for sex.
because Almaito totally looks like Toshinori
So will Deku come into the spotlight as in will he be outed as the successor to AM in the next couple of chapters?
I wonder if he can forcefully steal one for all.

Anyway I would love to see Deku giving up One for All and transferring it to AfO just to see him explote trying to use it at max power from the first try
Soi Fon never stabbed Aizen, it was Momo all the time, how do you retards don't get this after all these fucking years.
>implying momo tanked it
>implyiing Aizen didn't switch afterwards
if anything soy fon stabbed aizen once and then momo the second.
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>Implying this isn't all according to his plans.
Imagine how terribly boring life must be, to never be evenly matched.
He's basically an unaging, sociopathic man with all the power in the palm of his hand, and in the off chance he needs more he can just take it.
I wouldn't be surprised if the reason he even gave away All for One, was to entertain his future self, to give himself the thrill of an even battle or the promise of one with each generation.
He probably only actually feels alive when he's stirring the hornet's nest; grooming the dregs of a super powered society to follow him until everything escalates to the point he must come out of the woodwork to face the carrier of AfO, the only one that can still show him, that beneath all those quirks, he's still a mortal human.
>What does mount ladys death add to anything?
It shows that normal heroes actually die in this series and that Stain was wrong. People can change and show their true faces when the situation is the realest shit.

>And guess what the plot progressed because of afo knows now in this chapter,
Which means that this shit was obvious.

kill yourself
That, or he is protecting th earth from the anti-spirals that gave the quirks on the first place and is training a savior with one for all that could stop them because he can't himself.
Maybe if All Might didn't cause him so much butthurt he devoted the rest of his life to finding a way to torment him.
AFO was bitching about that AM destroyed his world
> space war ayy-lmaos
Slow there Titor.
AFO also has nightmares of All Might beating his ass now. Probably the best revelation this chapter

>It shows that normal heroes actually die in this series

so koutas parents who are dead, all mights mentor who is also dead don't show that heroes can be killed? fucking priceless

>Stain was wrong
his Ideologies are fueling some of the villain alliance members

>People can change and show their true faces when the situation is the realest shit

Wasn't that shown during the entrance exam when the giant robot appeared? kek

>Which means that this shit was obvious.
So you agree that the plot progressed because of it? wonderful
Hot as fuck, cute and has an amusingly twisted and cynical personality.
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>dude coming to kill you bare handed with the fury of a thousand burning sun and his guts spilling everywhere
How are you supposed not to have nightmares if you survive that?
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how the fuck can he have nightmares about that or even remember it? All might SMASHED his fucking head.
>so koutas parents who are dead, all mights mentor who is also dead don't show that heroes can be killed? fucking priceless
Yeah, because we saw them dying right? It's like saying 'Hey look AFO'S brother died at same point. That probably means our whole cast will die too!'. Retard.

>his Ideologies are fueling some of the villain alliance members
Exactly. Some Villians. Not heroes and not society.

>Wasn't that shown during the entrance exam when the giant robot appeared? kek
I was still refering to stain's view of the pro heroes. Follow the coversation retard.

>So you agree that the plot progressed because of it? wonderful
fake spoiler plot progression > real chapter plot progression
Just once Id love to see what Hagakure actually looks like
>so koutas parents who are dead, all mights mentor who is also dead don't show that heroes can be killed? fucking priceless
Well they were only alive in flashbacks so no one has really died yet.
And I kinda hope it stays that way.
My dick would become an unbreakable diamond even if she's ugly as fuck.
Will bnha ever do a crossover with marvel or dc? I think Hori would cream his pants if it happened. Which one would it fit in better with?larger or dc?
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>I was only 19 years old
>I love All for One so much, I had all the henchmen and Noumus
>I pray to All for One every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
>"All for One is love" I say; "All for One is life"
>All Might hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for All for One
>I attacked his students
>He SMASHES me and forced me to retreat
>I'm crying now, and my pride hurts
>I lay in my hideout bar and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's All for One
>I am so happy
He whispers into my ear "Do not worry... I am here."
>He grabs me with his powerful multi-quirk hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I leave the planning to All for One
>He recruits more autistic henchmen for me
>My pride hurts so much but I do it for All for One
>I can feel my hands shaking as I interrogate All Might's student
>I attack the students again at their summer camp
>I want to please All for One
>He roars in a mighty roar as he congratulates my assault
>All Might SMASHES in
>All for One looks him straight in the eyes and says "That's very emotional."
>All for One teleports me away
>All for One is love. All for One is life
>Yeah, because we saw them dying right? It's like saying 'Hey look AFO'S brother died at same point. That probably means our whole cast will die too!'. Retard.
Killing off half the cast will not automatically make a story better. Gantz was only alright and it treated purging the cast like it was the greatest thing ever, and that's before we got the end where it turned to shit.
Marvel because the "regular citizen with powers" thing.
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The way I see it, it would ruin it if she was actually shown.
Your mind does all the work for you.
It's like how a fully naked girl isn't as erotic as one with a few choice articles of clothing. What you don't know, just teases your mind's eye further.
The hype will make any reveal underwhelming.
I just want more pictures of her wearing nothing but gloves and shoes, just try to picture it! Fully nude girl, save for the shoes and gloves, walking around...
It's a feeling hard to explain.
i didn't expect that, i like it.
Damn auto correct.
No, that was right before he smashed his head
>>I leave the planning to All for One
>>He recruits more autistic henchmen for me
Best part
>Hagakure using a wet towel over her ass.
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Probably ALL the people in BnHA world can become stronger than people in real life because the mutant mixing.
>I just want more pictures of her wearing nothing but gloves and shoes, just try to picture it! Fully nude girl, save for the shoes and gloves, walking around...
She is already doing that most of the time.
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One question, naked apron or opened clothes?
>Hagakure wearing tennis socks and gloves.
Apoc is a massive jobber tho.

I do this whenever I want a free haircut
Are you cute?

I hope he doesn't turn into an ogre when he finds a sweaty uraraka doing her homework with a sweaty Deku
It wasn't specified what kind of gloves or shoes she'd be wearing. But that outfit can't compete with opera gloves, stockings and high-heels.

Homos love to hit on me

and I love being hit on because I'm a slut

Thankfully all of them have been qts around my age :)
So 31 year old fat virgins roleplaying on /a/?
Tennis >>>>>>> High heels
That's why she's the best.
Trick question. Both are acceptable depending on the place. Naked apron for indoors kitchen shenanigans and opened clothes for any other situation, there's never a bad place for clothed sex. However the true path is gloves and shoes/socks only.
>All for One is just legitimately sad that All Might fucked up all his old crime buddies

I didn't see that one coming.
I want someone with some sort of Paint Quirk to cover Hagakure with paint and reveal her true form
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Cheezus Kries

>someone with a paint quirk cover her
>not a semen one
I want hagakure to kidnapp deku and blackmail him.
Semen wouldnt really reveal her form and you dont need a Quirk to do that
What do you mean? All Might defeated villains, there's nothing surprising about that. All For One is just acting butthurt that his mobster underlings got taken down so he had to find new ones.
>yfw it's actually a boy crossdressing without clothes
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I wonder how many of them still remain and if they will be relevant in the future.
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>Hagakure fucks deku whenever she wants.

I guess that's true seeing as how pretty much every doujin dude seems to be able to cum buckets.
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>could have become
But he is.
Ever since Endeveavor took/blocked a strong punch of some heavy hitter, it's pretty likely to me, that they can surpass our limits easily. Maybe not lift buildings, but at least build a physique to take some insane stuff or punch hard.
Vol09 is out in nyaa.
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>Hagakure wild humping deku.

We saw her tit size in the hot springs chapter.
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>Hagakure under desk blowjob during class
If you fucked Hagakure, would you be able to see your dick inside her?
Implying the guy's not holding his hands in front of him like gravity
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He's mad more than upset, he used to have a prospering criminal empire with hardened mobsters, now he has to rely on autistic Stain fanboys and small time thugs instead with Kurogiri probably being the closest to how the standard operatives used to be.
Nope, it would become invisible othewise we could see food turning into shit inside her.
Here we go with this shit again
>Kaminari's face
Every time.
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Such a logical ruse.
Does the word shame exist in her vocabulary?
How is it to be invisible all the time?
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This guy gets it.

Her hands are by her side, look at the water.
We don't know if she can see herselft.
nah that's just his excessive fat
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But why
Gotta go against popular opinion and agree the fake spoilers were better.

Fake spoilers -
>AFO has actual motivations and beliefs and isn't just a typical supervillain
>Not drawn out at all. AM thinks back on his life and of Deku, goes for the final punch, and dies
>Same for AFO. More interesting because he actually cared for Tomura, punches and is KO'd, most likely dead
>AFO and AM both die, the best possible outcome
>Mt. Lady knocked off to show no one is invincible

Don't get me wrong, the chapter wasn't bad and I like that Endeavor is actually showing some character outside of "Generic asshole dad", but when you leave off on last week's final panel, you really should end the fight the very next chapter.

Also not to look like an edgefag, but AM really, REALLY needs to die here. I'll be dumbfounded if he survives. Who knows maybe the infamous Japanese editors force the author to keep AM alive due to his popularity.
that's so dumb. An assisstant could have done it for the magazine version in no time.

Agree but I find her boring for deku

Frog girl is a better for for him
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>scanlations don't even do the font changes
But she's the worst girl, I don't necessarily find the Uraraka ship interesting but Froppy's appeal relies entirely on memes and she's a pretty boring character.
After this chapter do you think all might will die?
I am betting on something like "All might is dead, but Toshinori Yagi is still alive" and Deku will call him Toshinori-san from now on or if they want to make it cute All Might will say "All might is dead I am just Toshinori now " and Deku will respond with "No to me you always be All Might the greatest hero ever no matter what happens" cue All might tearing up and then laughing for him or something like that.
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>Also not to look like an edgefag, but AM really, REALLY needs to die here.

All Might isn't a man, he's a symbol. An invincible pillar, holding up a society that's ready to collapse.

Even if Toshinori survives this, his weakness has been exposed to the world. If his arm really is destroyed, he'll probably never be able to fight again anyway.

No matter what happens, All Might is dead.
So, what the fuck with this? Like, i don't mind but for what porpoise? Progressivism? They didn't even say it in the actual manga, if they're not going to say anything about why bother making him transsexual?

Those are the official Viz scans, aren't they.

Why are people reading it like this? I thought it was just the author saying the same "Was once one gender, then I decided for the other".
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Why not? Like you said, it doesn't matter. Transsexual people exist in the real world, Horikoshi decided to have one of them exist in his manga. It's not a big deal.
That's...that's horrible, he has to die for real, taking AFO with him, he's gonna die like the n˚1 hero he's always been.
Anon, it's a joke character. There were already two jokes about him being "the wrong gender" or something similar. It means nothing, Hori just thought it'll be a fun idea for a throwaway character and there's no deeper reasoning, don't worry, sjw boogeyman is not here.

>So, what the fuck with this? Like, i don't mind but for what porpoise?

It's a whale of a reveal.

No but really, it's not important hence why it's never mentioned in the story. I guess it explains why there's a random dude in an otherwise all-girl squad though.
Cause it's literally what it says. It's different from when he said character x was originally designed as gender x but i switched it up.
Did you also question why he said the weird class B kid with zombie face likes massages as a similar throway note? Does being a tripfag come with built-in autism?
I find stupid to make a character something (and worse if it's such a polemical thing as being transsexual) and not doing anything meaningful with it.
It's a little different tham saying he decided to switch the character from one sex to another, like he did with Hagakure and Tsuyu. The Japanese there says Tiger is a "former woman." Then mentions a trip to Thailand.

元女性 is literally "ex-woman".

元 = formerly, ex-,

女性 = woman.
Polemical with what? Is English not your primary language?
Sake of the joke I guess. It's physically imposible for him to have been a woman.
>tripfag tries to stir up a controversy
This really starts to feel like a shit general, too much time passed since the chapter release and we need to stop with the threads until the episode airs
It's a manga
Well people are willing to pay for a inferior product, that's just how business works.
No, Spanish is, i thought Polemical was a direct translation of "Polémico" (controversial)
Google Buck Angel.
Becaus Hori likes establishing minor insignificant details in the bios, Mei's bio said she likes chocolate which has nothing to do with the story either and so on.
the chapter came out today you faggot
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Frog girl is a good girl. That's it.
She's just a boring character amidst a cast of outspoken kids, or kids with more interesting traits.
Doesn't make her the worst.
>She's calm and collected in a crisis.
>Is a clever girl.
>has been taking care of her siblings as early as 13, even almost forgoing her social life in the process.
She isn't at all bullyable like Yaoyorozu, isn't an upbeat, simple girl like Uraraka, Ashido and Hagakure, she isn't even a tomboy with a hidden girly side like Jirou. She's just a good girl that would make a great wife.
Not very interesting, but not the worst girl.
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I always have anon, I always have.
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No Froppy relies on sex appeal. It's why she has the most porn
That hurts my feelings you know.
Well, we don't have much to talk, really, there's young gran torino who looks awesome and was probably related somehow to All Might's master and the classic All Might is/isn't gonna die next chapter.
Well summed up lad
That's pretty much it
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That's exactly how I feel about her too. She's overhyped and has annoying waifufags, but there's nothing wrong with the character conceptually, or with her contribution to the plot (although I do agree she shows up a bit too often in comparision to some students with cooler designs, like Shouji or Mina).
He doesn't look like family or even lover to her and since his design is borrowing a lot from Robin, I think he was Nana's sidekick, in a more traditional sense than the interns at hero agencies.
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Remove the glass
His fullretard face is just brilliant every time it makes an appearance
Coming from cape shit I'm a bit bored of comics doing the whole, lines between good and evil blurred. I like how trandtionally evil AFO is.

How is this chapter drawn out? Nothing felt needlessly extended, it was exiciting to see the heroes come and save the day.

The kill somebody just to raise tension is a lazy trope and one you don't need to use. I think My hero does well in showing consequnces.

This isn't watchment btw so its never gonna take that type flavour that the fake spoilers had.
Maybe he was her husband, and he stopped being a hero when she died
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Why not? Like no one anywhere would care to ever bring it up outside of mentally ill tumblr whales and anons obsessed with those whales(you). It's not an important plot point or deep at all, just the author having some fun filling in blank pages with minor character bios
Pixie Bob is cute! CUTE!
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>Hagakure forcing deku to fuck in the bathrooms.
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Simple question, no additional pages in volume 9, we don't see how fatman and poltegrill get BTFO or anything else like in some previous volumes?
I also find it odd compared to
"X character likes chocolate"
"X character is lactose intolerant"
"X character hates dolphins"
Pretty sure he wouldn't have called her a friend then. Though I'm also sure you're just pretending to be retarded
Did he lost vs Jesus?
I've never seen this, is it scanlated? Can anyone translate it?
Then you should get your transphobic ass out of here you cuck. No one cares about who you project your gender issues on.
Neh, I'm pretty much retarded.
Yeah he lost, ridiculous as it is. Electro should be one of the most OP students considering his power yet he's a shit.
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Dunno, I'm on page 133 of 197, no extra page so far.

>this page
fuck off retard
He's really stupid, he should ask support department to make him a weapon already
l don't even think she's boring, she has some amusing traits like how blunt she is

her waifufags are intolerable autists though and she is incredibly overrated as a result
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It is just what I think what will happen since he says that he still has to live to coach deku.
it's the same page twice
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Literally image search and you'll find a translation.It's nothing to write home about, Kaminari being a pretentious womanizer and Jesus girl being a good christian daughter.
I'm hoping for him to do something meaningful at some point, he didn't do anything since the end of the first act.
Not that big of a deal. Sorta like making a character gay or adopted. You can do that and it's Only a small factor into the actual character. May not even be important outside hints or interaction. Same with this. It's irrelevant. It doesn't impact anything. Hell the fucks who make anime characters tanned and fat wouldn't even project onto tiger. I don't even agree with trans stuff and it just found it neutral.

Drop it man.
If jesus touched him it's all over.
The biggest problem is that many of them don't read the manga so their waifufaggotry isn't even based on her actual character.
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>abloobloo I'm a hipster and I hate how popular she is fucking autistic normies now I can't like her as much
We still have Gran Torino.
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the boner.jpg
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>Hagakure sucking dick in bedroom while everybody is sleeping except deku.
Are those helicopters picking up audio? If they are, then everyone in Japan knows Deku's name.

>Implying they can hear anything
This is set int he far future where some technology didn't advance because of the appearance of quirks, They have little robots scurrying around, so it's reasonable that audio capture equipment has gotten better...especially since everyone had audio on All Might's Debut video.
Casual Pxiebob?
Do you know how Google works? I already searched and all I get are moon pages.
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I'll need help for this one.
she's too short for my liking
>Anon, it's a joke character.

He trained Deku.
More like Todoroki's older sister.
You know, one of those failed breeds of Endeavor
I would assume no one is hearing, at most the heroes down there
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that's shouto's sis.
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Todo's older sister
What the fuck, are you that new? i just did it, first result
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But it went more like this
>I'll punch you with all my strenght
>Here comes the arm
I'm not even a Tsuyu fan, but every time I look one of the millions of art for her, she looks more and more normal and less of a frog girl.
That doesn't make him important either, he's just part of the pussycats, weren't they all training the students?
she's bowed
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And I don't even have a Google account, so save that excuse for someone else.
you really need to kill yourself
Learn how to use a computer, it even works with the fucking miniature.
>wanting to become like the person you love

anyone can confirm this ? or is it bs ?
>Being this retarded
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>People actually irked that Hori decides to do some weird shit with a minor character

wew lads
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It's a tripfag, what are you expecting
You mean, did she actually say this? Yeah, she did.
one tripfag, not people, nobody really cares either way
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>Ochako asks him to help with something but suddenly she sees his boner
That tail is fucking disturbing.
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No extra page in calming the chuunibird. What a shame.
Is Kaminari being held up by Hagakure?
>It keeps appearing and disappearing seemingly out of thin air as Hagakure doesn't stop.

>can't even deny proof and keeps using your own results which is influenced by Google botnet

Stop projecting faggots.
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My question is, why is electric boy floating?
I don't get what you're implying. Killer Bee was a joke character, trained Naruto and even taught him better abilities than Jiraiya had done, but no one gave a fuck about him.
we're not going to spoonfeed you kiddo
My question is, where the fuck did you come from tripfag, and why didnt you fuck off already?
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I'm having fun. So this is how Monoma felt?
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>Toga's Quirk probably lets her "become" someone who's blood she's drunk enough of
>Probably doesn't copy "used" quirks, but could copy always-on mutations
>She manages to drink Hagakure's blood
>Scary pervert stalker girl can now become invisible

Get lost with that trip you stupid spic
That's because you literally can't, and are just pretending. The onus is on you, not me I'm not the one making claims about magical Googlefu here that's long been debunked on /g/.
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That's nice, keep believing that
>Deku just standing there like a normie
Will he ever truly adapt to having a Quirk?

Makes sense.
That or he suddenly learned how to focus his electricity into generating magnetic fields strong enough to levitate himself.
Which I highly doubt.
Yeah you are like Monoma, totally in denial and acting like a know it all.
Everyone already does, it's just you two nignogs practicing your OPT cancer.
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Hello darkness my old friend.png
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>Ochako starts to cry and runs out of the classrooms.
The answer is literally in the image.
spooky ghost handjobs for Deku out of nowhere
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I don't think that's how Hagakure's power works.
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I meant, does people really do that?
>not turning beet red, pushing Hagakure off him, and trying to one up her

Sports Festival arc showed that she has one mean competitive streak.
Do you think I haven't found it by now? I'm talking about your pretentiousness acting like anyone can get the same results from the first search and not even backing up your claims. You've spent more time shit posting than you would have just posting evidence, but let's face it you don't have any.
Or maybe Uraraka just touched his arm and made him float
>Everybody is just looking at deku with Mindfuck face.
>While he goes crazy and gets to home.
I wasn't them. I figured you genuinely hadn't found it yet, calm down.

I want to say no, but there's probably someone out there that actually thinks like this.
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>>Everybody is just looking at deku with Mindfuck face.
>>While he goes crazy and gets to home.

I uh

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>everybody is looking at deku thinking "what the fuck did he just do."
>Deku doesn't know what to do, takes his stuff and runs to home.
Sometimes i can't express myself correctly because my english is shit.
>You've spent more time shit posting than you would have just posting evidence
Am I being detained?
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More like Deku getting cut outta nowhere.
>Wake up to a sting. blood seeping out of a cut to the cheek, grogginess completely gone when it seems someone licked it.
>Going to school. Get cut.
>During class. Stabbed hand. Classmates joke about "actual quirk" get called "The Stigmatist" for the rest of class.
>On the shitter. Get stabbed in the fucking thigh.
>Always dirty with his own blood. pale and anemic. feeling like someone is constantly breathing lewdly on his neck.
Fuck I want to draw this now
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Are some people that dense that they couldn't figure this out while reading the manga.
I enter /a/ daily mostly for Boku no hero academia threads.
And about the Tripcode, i only use it so i can follow conversation better and people know that the person who they been talking is the one who's responding, i also use this nickname literally everywhere, so i kept it here.
But you guys obviously don't care about that and just want keep the shitpost circle going.
>Next day deku tries to act normally, but everybody ignores him, even mineta, he goes to sit down but he notices that there's no desk.
hands grandma
Hunter x Hunter is waaaaay better than this manga.
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you're innovative anon.

>Started life as a women.
>A long time ago took a trip to Thailand.

There is your translation. You can thank me. He's a transsexual.

Frog girl reminds me of a weird combination of Toadman and Ribbita.
>Post-Op Transsexual
>Still dresses like a woman
...yeah sure why not.
Stop talking about her for fucks sake
she wasn't even in the last chapter
>s-stop talking about what I don't like

It's just based off her appearance. I'm not trying to waifu her. I do think she's cool though, she seems like she'll turn into a wise character if we see her get old/experienced enough. I'm a fan of "wisdom".

I think waifus are kinda dumb anyways if I'm being totally honest.
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can i talk about mindfuck?
He doesn't want to upset them considering how much time they probably spent designing these uniforms.
I'd rather talk about Monoma and his invetiable rematch againist Bakugou but Sinsou is acceptable too
>Went to Thailand a while back.

I guess that make sense of his muscles. Thailand being the poorest far eastern country, you have to be fit to survive.
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Imagine monoma trying to bait Shinshou.
That...actually makes a fair deal of sense.

Who's "They" in this situation though? The other cats?
Pixie, Mandalay and Cocaine.
The other 3 Pussycats, yeah.

Imagine All for One getting Shinsou's power

The man is a godlike shittalker, he's already weaponized it. With Shinsou's perk he could go nuclear
Will power nullifies shinshou's quirk it would work vs people like All Might or Deku.
pixie-bob is the cat obsessed one who came up with their theme and presumably the costumes
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Bane of Heroes.jpg
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Thank God this guy is morally strong.
Just imagine his potential as a villain.
>Banter heroes into fighting their comrades to the death.
>Just mind control everyone into giving him what he wants, them not having any recollection of it ever happening.
>As long as nobody catches on to his gimmick he's golden.
>Even if someone like All Might showed up, or someone was able to resist his quirk he just has to order civilians to form a wall around him or carry armor made of babies.
>That child was born warped enough to do so
No bitch, you were the one who made him the edgy manchild he currently is.
/pol/ fuck off
Who saved that picture of the invisible girl with paint on her..
I can imagine a scenario where Invisible Girl is randomly revealed in some form and ruins an even greater plot-twist that existed in the same chapter.
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Can any jap readers confirm if this page says what exactly her quirk is?
It says on the page next to it. Toumeika, aka Invisibility.
It hasn't been explained, it's just the name
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