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Monster Musume Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 510
Thread images: 201

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>Happy Birthday, Doppel-chan!

inb4 Even though it's tomorrow (only few hours left) let's celebrate Doppel's Birthday Today in this thread.
>first for Guard is pretending not to be a dracofag and should be bullied
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The Crawling Chaos in a nutshell:

>Phantasmagoric Hair
>Black Sclera
>Yellow Iris Eyes
>Dark Tanned Skin
>Prankster Personality
>"Faceless God"

Doppel is truly the Superior Girl.
Doppel is the superior girl

>Doppel doth be the primest wench, for she can transpose herself into any other wench!

>Cthulhu fhtagn
>Is she nary an Elder God?
Yeah, I like Cerea, but that one faggot needs a long vacation.
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I propose we ignore flaming spooder and hoers haters. To ignore a troll is to starve it to death.
Just always remember to report and ignore metaposters.
>report and ignore metaposters
I know what it means to be meta, but what is an example of metaposting?
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The Superior Shapeshifter.png
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D is for Divine
O is for Outstanding
P is for Pretty
P is for Perfect
E is for Excellent
L is for Lovely
Not talking about manga, but instead complaining about the people who talk about manga.
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Happy birthday doppel.

I'd like to ask this thread a question. I see too much hate for this lovely horse here and I'd like to know what drives this hate. If you are one of the select few who hate her could you please give 3 good reasons why?
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Miia is a lovely girl!
Why is that frog so smug
>She's an actual horse, that already make her worse than any other girl in the manga
>She's got the worst personality imaginable
>Her fanbase is undoubtedly the worst one in these threads, and they cant stop shoving that fact down everyone's throats.
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I know somewhere there you are waiting for me.
You are in my thoughts, you are in my dreams.
The one who likes fun and innocent pranks.
The one who can change someone's mind and soul.
You are one of a kind, your beauty is out of this world.
You are truly the Superior Girl.
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>my imouto shares doppel's birthday
Tell me, Spooderfags.
Does Rachnera have two hearts and two sets of lungs, both in her chest and her abdomen? or are her chest's heart and lungs displaced by those delicious milk makers?

Same to your horsefags. Which one does she have, or does she have both?
>Her fanbase is undoubtedly the worst one in these threads, and they cant stop shoving that fact down everyone's throats.

There is no fanbase worse than the snakefags. I'm so tired of the constant circlejerk + image dumps over this low tier girl.
You cant hate a character just because of the fanbase anon
>she's an actual horse
But anon Miia is an actual snake, Rachnera is an actual spider, Papi is an actual bird. That argument makes no sense.
>She's got the worst personality
Over what? Miia's obsessiveness or Papi's stupidity? Not trying to throw shit at those girls but someone's personality is subjective, it can be liked be some people or hated by others.
>her fanbase
You mean the one retard who spams these threads with the same "Cerea > all" shit? Just like the guy who spams the sonata by doppel shit? You can't say entire fanbase when it's obviously one guy.

But then again that is your opinion.
But anon Miia is an actual snake, Rachnera is an actual spider, Papi is an actual bird. That argument makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense. Ignoring all horsefags memes their pussies are normal.

>You mean the one retard who spams these threads with the same "Cerea > all" shit?

No I mean the constant shitting over every other girl and then crying falseflag and blaming spiderfags and miiafags like >>142155163
>>Her fanbase is undoubtedly the worst one in these threads
I'll give you the other 2 points but this is a dumb argument.

>She's got the worst personality imaginable

>muh darling
>lol rape

Yeah, real great personalities you didn't mention.
Not him, but I wouldnt dislike Cerea nearly as much as I do if her fanbase was as mellow as it used to be.
>pussies are normal
Again this is subjective as people may prefer a different pussy. And if that freaks you out then you're probably a child who needs to get off of 4chan.

>constant shitting on other girls
Oh I didn't know that the entire Cerea fanbase was one guy.
> entire cerea fanbase was one guy
Yep its just one guy. Everyone else is a Miiafags
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Take it with a grain of salt, but this shows that Cerea would have a small secondary heart between her front legs assisting the larger one between her lungs.
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>Yep its just one guy. Everyone else is a Miiafags

I guess these threads are beyond saving then
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If everyone else was a Miiafag these threads would be much shittier than they already are.
>I-it's just one horsefag shitposting. H-horsefags did nothing wrong

I told you last thread, you just gotta wait for them to start shitting on Miia
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Chapter 43, 44 english when?
I swear horsefags loves to shit on all the other girls.
Wonder if a heart attack would be as or more serious with multi heart species
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>Anon always posts deliveries I get from the draw threads
>Only for them to always be met with "Miia a shit."
>Worst of all, no other waifufags from here do this with me for camaraderie's sake
>The rest are guys just looking to get art of their 'favorite girl'
I love getting these cute drawings of Miia, but as far as these threads are concerned it almost feels like a job sometimes.

Ah, maybe I'm over thinking this.
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Da Best.png
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Guard is amazin
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Everyone love your girls and try not to shit on others. Your waifu is great.
> Worst of all, no other waifufags from here do this with me
Not everyone is as autistic as you
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What evidence do you have to say it's all horsefags? Because if you check the filename of the Cerea shitposting you'll see it's the same guy everytime. You don't need to be fucking Sherlock Holmes to work this shit out.
I think one attack would strain the other to lead to its own attack.
It would still buy more time to receive medical attention, I think.
Its the same horsefag then. Only horsefags does that shit
Are you implying that other girls don't shitpost?
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Protect that smile.webm
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I want to marry this snake.
Not him, but yeah.
The girls themselves don't shitpost.
Blame individual fanboys for being assholes, not the girls they represent.
[lewd snek noises]
You know what, fair point.
I'll take that.
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cerea is shit.jpg
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Threadly reminder:
Horsepussy rhymes with heresy, dont be a faggot son
I made a typo. I didn't mean the girls themselves
I made my point pretty clear.
There are certain people in these threads who are assholes, and don't plan to change that.
Shitting on whoever girl they like instead of taking it up with the guy in question just brings up waifuwarring.
Reporting and ignoring is best for that.
>Crabman might actually go for a degenerate scum ending

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I appreciate the work you do over in the draw threads, anon. I'm usually the person who posts the delivery here in these threads.

I know I'm not the only Miiafag that appreciates what you do over in the draw threads. I truly am grateful for what you do and for the love you bring to Miia.

I wish I could give more back to you and all my fellow Miiafriends, but the most I can do at the moment is provide a collection of Miia's voices from the DMM game. If you don't already have it that is.

It's not much, but I'll keep trying to provide more Miia content from the game if I can.
>what is an example of metaposting
Exactly the argument going on right now. Which leads me back to >>142154439.
Does reporting them really do anything though?
It gets threads deleted if that's what you're into.
The function actually works, yes.
Sure is /a/ in here.
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what about irish?
there's something amusing about the fact that even when she's butt naked, she still wears the scarf.
It's to keep her head on her neck. I think.
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Haiyore! Cthulhu fag!
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Just use your imagination.
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Nyaruko 1.jpg
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Someone needs to make something like this starring Darling-kun.
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maybe she's more embarrassed when people see her neckhole
Not the person you're replying to, but I didn't know this was a thing. Thank you.
Sounds like a perfect insult specifically for this thread.
Maybe her neckhole is her erogenous zone?
>Again this is subjective as people may prefer a different pussy.

Fucking an animal's pussy should be acceptable just because "Some people prefer a different pussy"?

This is straight up /mlp/ shit. But I guess we are talking about horsefags here.
Isn't there a strangely show-accurate webm of Rachnee suspending Lala's body over a tied-up Darling-kun and lowering her until her neck-hole envelopes his penis?
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No problem, friend. Just spreading the Miia love the only way I can.
what? I hope so!
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Rachnera definitely has spider's lungs, but she can also breath using mouth and nose.
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There's like 3 lewd Flash/WebM of Lala.

The one you mentioned, another of Lala eating herself out

I forget the 3rd one, I think her just having a hard orgasm?

Miia is the best pokemon trainer.
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Pokemon Amiia?
I agree with >>142156655

We've gotten a lot of pictures from those threads thanks to you. Thank you for putting yourself out there in those threads. As someone who lurks those threads and has seen the drama I'm thankful.
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Guys, cereal question, Am I a total fag for liking all the main girls equally?

They all have their own quirks and personality traits that I think are adorable in a manga.
Not wanting to fuck a horse means you're a newfag?

Holy shit how delusional are you?
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When will we get a proper bellydancing animation?
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She da best!
>I didn't mean the girls themselves
Lilith is responsible for 90% of the shit posting in Monster Musume threads.
the 2nd and 3rd ones are the same
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I have hope. It will happen eventually.
44 isn't even out in Japan, you fuck.
Snek not health enough to bellydance. Only health girls can bellydance anon
Please, drown yourself.
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I thought it was adorable when she was on her milking rampage
So why can't she milk herself? Rub them titties and massage the milk out, she's got thumbs and fingers.
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She must like little men groping her.
I don't know if she can reach that far.
If she could, it might be too pleasurable to keep doing so.
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You're not my real dad.
Because that's even kinkier than Merino shaving her own wool. These are proud and respectable mon musume, anon, they'd rather force a captive to do that than do it themselves.
This chapter pissed me off
Well more like that character
Stop metaposting about metaposting!
I see you're still salty about that farm chapter huh?
I mean, Merino could shave a bunch of her own. But no way she can shave her back properly.

Also Crab isn't that nice a person and majority of the MonMusu are treated more as animals that can talk and appear humanish rather than people with animal characteristics.
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Would you let a Lamia take you back to their homeland as the communal husband?
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I didn't like the chapter after it, the 9-tail fox thing was retarded imo.

It pissed me off she'll never be the main character.
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No. There's only one girl I love.
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doppel the best
yes, I would volunteer to a lamia to take me back to her village to be a communal husband. In fact, I would stay in the village and be a teacher to all my many daughters.
Did some people get the ban?
W-was it because too much shitposting?
>your offspring will not be strong
>actually being okay with this

No. Im not exactly sure why the mods removed my Skeletor reaction image but ok.
What the fuck that's one long leg. I get she's a shapeshifter but I don't think she was actually shifting there.
I got my doggo removed, but not banned.

Someone's obese lamia was removed as well.
dhalsim ain't got shit on her
Crabman cant into proportions.
Crab cannot into anatomy.
Or concistency.
A reverse gender mating ball.



Anatomical exaggeration for artistic purposes.
also known as dassombullshit
>From lamia.
>not from male human who spends life on internet.

I'm fairly sure that WE are the 'weak link in the genetic chain,' if you will.
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sad day my file was deleted

Shitposted too much this time, In truth I like snek.
Did the nipplemod strike again? There were LITERALLY NO NIPPLES HERE.
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I forgot what I posted, what was it again?
Maybe it was the facebook tier image?
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Beach snek.jpg
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Miia wouldn't like you shitposting, anon.
Don't get banned, think of the snek.
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Eat the snek
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I'm a big Cathyl from from way back, anon.
That said, dragooning Kurusu into giving Merino a little trim and helping Cathyl prime the pump were both only needed to get an excuse to draw them enjoying his attentions. Crab was lazy about finding a believable reason to slip them out of their overmosts and it made them easy targets for people who want to put down all but one girl or just stir up trouble.
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I'm thinking of my monoeye
Monoeye a best
She's flat. But a little stimulation and a little hormone treatment can take care of that.
what a lovely monoeye you have there.
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someone posts a monster.webm
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>her eyes have gone white
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sexualize the monoeye.jpg
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Manako needs exposure therapy to make her more comfortable with herself. Let's help her.
Hey anon, I just thought of a possible theme song for Polt.


Just with a few alterations to the lyrics and you get the following

[Polt] Thunder, thunder, thunderpolts, Wan!
Thunderpolts are on the move,
Thunderpolts are loose,
Feel the gains, hear the wans,
Thunderpolts are loose,

Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thunderpolts!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thunderpolts!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thunderpolts!
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thunderpolts! Thunderpolts!
I will help manako out by marrying her and raising a cute monoeye family with her.
You gonna poke one out or are you already a cyclops?
Jungle Book Anon, is that you?
shhh.. I hope you didn't notice.
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Pull a snake and lose your eye in combat to allow her to know you know how it feels to have zero depth perception.
nope. This just came to me as a divine revelation.
Thank you kind anon. Have a nice monoeyeday
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Sing it anon
Hahaha Jesus Christ lad
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No monoeye bullying! You made monoeye cry what do?
why just find another anon with some vocal talents to sing it . I took a singing class back in college and the professor stated that in all of her years in teaching that class, she has never encountered somebody with such a lack of singing ability.
Manako wants the knot!
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lillith tee hee.webm
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someone post the screencap of the junglebook anon.
I give her a hug and tell her that I love her and we spend the rest of the day enjoying each others company doing all sorts of things with her from stargazing at night to walking in a park with her.
I wonder if lilith will still go tee hee after my dick is inside her anus?
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Here be heresy.
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No heresy here, Commissar
nice trips, and by how much heresy is this? 50%, 100%, 3995% heresy, i am curious to find out.
Yea, because she heard it's supposed to be filling.
When it comes to heresy, it either IS, or ISNT. it is all the same heresy. And it must all be purged.
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All of it.
All the heresy.
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Yo Ho, Yo HO A Kobold's life for me?

Degree does matter anon when it comes to heresy , It determines what sort of weapons are needed to purge it.
somebody could always make a modified thundercats intro with all the thundercats substituted with different kobolds.
Sure is /tg/ in here.
no u
That is only cause because lilith has been using extra large bad-bragon butt plugs as preparation for her orc gang bang.
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From a Merinofag to doppel... Happy birthday!
Still not birthday here yet.
Also I believe next week is Lilith birthday too.
>Opens up an abc book...
>/a/ is for autism.

I know that flavor of autism well.
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Scurvy DogMaster and Commander.jpg
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Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Kobold's life for me!

We'll bark and woof, and dash and run a marathon every day

Howl me hearties, howl! howl!

Then we'll celebrate our victory by running another 40K!

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Kobold's life for me!
Pls no.
I can't handle this autism.
Are you going to have an aneurysm anon?
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nice polt bounce.gif
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> tfw no femboi kobold
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arrdopting us.gif
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>Can't handle autism

How in Neptune's name did a lad like you land on the shores of /a/, me matey?
...have we even seen ANY male monsters? we've seen like... pictures of male centaurs, that's about it isn't it?
Have you READ this manga?

Mermen, Orcs, Fishmen, Centaurs, Dragonewts
Orcs, Centaurs, Mermen, and those fish headed butlers
Centaurs, Mermen, Fishmen, Orcs, Dragonnewt, and Humans
And Suu
Because Suu is genderfluid
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Shiver my timbers, shiver my brains
Yo ho heave ho
There are dogs who are coming to steal your gains
Yo ho heave ho
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What do you want to do to the monoeye?
>HARDMODE - No bullying
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Don't get seduced by the gains-stealing Kobold
Gains can be gained back
Headpats and spooning
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only correct answer. And cuddling.
Ignore her.
Avoid eye contact at all costs.
Pretend she doesn't exist.

Technically not bullying.
Hugs, kisses, hand holding, Love making, marrying, raising a family with, and growing old with.

And they sail their box 'cross the kitchen floor
A cut-throat captain and her canine corps
It's so dark a tale that one rarely talks
Of their lust for treasure and their love of walks

Rhyming is hard.
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tell her that I'm comfortable arround her, while looking to her big eye
yet I'd be carefull to say something near this two
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Slavdog is the best dog.gif
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Capitalist spy!
True slav squat on whole fot.
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But that's a rabbit!
On a scale from 1 to 10,
how best is Oct at cuddling?
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Don't be silly. It's clearly a dog.
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What happens if you eat that mushroom? What powerup does it give you?
>thinking a rhino is a dog
Anon, I...
10, I would love if Oct was real and I could cuddle with her tentacles as all.
Isn't Oct kinda slimy?
Wouldn't that be bad for cuddling?
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>Isn't slime bad for cuddling?
'Scuse U
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BD stands for birth day, right?
Have you ever touched a squid, anon?
They are fukken gross.
That's because she's not a squid, but an octopus :^)
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Blueray Disc
Big dick.
Or bad dragon.
>bad dragon
Say, anon, what's your opinion on guns?
Although guns can be dangerous, they can be fun, too.
no monmusu in this series is really evil
but which one at the very least is closest to being evil? or has the most potential to be evil?
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Who could it be?
fighting bad guys isn't evil, shes just being like
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I'd say 10
she seems to be very soft to the touch
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Tio chips.png
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If Oct and Tio cuddled each other, who would succumb first?
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if Crabman want to do something different, then at least 1 of the 3 (they're obvioulsy female) is evil
And maybe I could say Lilith is kinda evil. Doppel too, but she uses it against bad guys
Well, Oct is more like the BDSM-cuddle type, Tio is more like the supernatural-motherly cuddle type
Vampire's a boy, calling it
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Does Doppel plays with Lala? We've seen she and Lala doing a chuuni showdown in the webshorts, maybe they do other stuff together too
SO like Rachnera, but with less S&M and more cuddling
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Monster Musume v9 - p161.png
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and more slimy
btw, I found the vol 9 scans but it misses the inside cover omake
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>Lala plays Overwatch
>Mains Reaper
>Loves his edgyness
>Starts quoting him
>Buys a cheap skull mask and nerf guns
>Spins around while shooting them
>Masturbates to rule 34 of him when nobody is around
>"D-Death cums~"
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2MB, 1280x1820px
You'r welcome
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Monster Musume v9 - p157.png
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>trash mains trash
Like pottery.
I know this is offtopic. But I love reaper's edgyness so much. Its so forced it just goes back to being funny. I love the headcanon that he's actually only ever wanted to be a ballerina but he can never fulfill his dream so he's continuously angsty.
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>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
> Reminder Suezo is best girl.
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Monster Musume v9 - p158.png
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Monster Musume v9 - p160.png
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That's some good mono eye.
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Monster Musume v9 - p162.png
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Useless ogre.
Ignoring autism, there's at least two anons here who say they want to request art of their waifu outside of here, but say they're too scared to.
I wanna see Suu's mother.

Or the scientist who created her.

Or whatever it was that gave her sapience.
What if Tio killed Zombina in this
Can you imagine 'Bina in over-the-top overprotective big sister mode?
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That's some good shark teeth.
Cici a cute.
Prove me wrong.
Miia made her while trying to cook food.
suu just kindof showed up and ate the food miia was cooking, not even miia is so bad at cooking that she creates life-forms.
Thats a cute jiangshi
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fujo books.png
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She got the Tomoko eyebags and matching tastes in porn.
So, I just read through the active drawfag thread and the weekend waifu and husbando thread. I'm not seeing the source of this fear. Do mon musume just set them off?
You gotta imagine, though, how hot her mother would be if she had one.
Or she might be just as cute as her daughter, same disposition, everything.
Not at all, actually.
There's some issue with a guy who requests a girl from MGE, but that was because she was inherently /jp/ and not /a/. But that has died down since, and everybody's generally okay with him now.
Miiafag gets deliveries all the time, too.
wouldn't she look more or less the same as suu unless it's a queen slime or has a radically different diet?
Can Slime's even age?
I mean IRL they can so it stands to reason she can too
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Posting perfection
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He's a better man than Darling. Lucky aswell. He gets to live with this beauty.
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chaika cop.jpg
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Stop... You're killing me...
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Oh, we're posting cute spiders now?
Peru sure he means because we've had this "animal/not animal" discussion several times before. At the end of the day, if a chimp were considered to have all the same rights and responsibilities as a human, it would not be bestiality.
I find it's easier to get the idea across if you use aliens instead of Earth animals when talking about it.
She can cover them with her arms. Each shouldn't be an issue. More likely, her hand are pretty calloused from all the farm work. And they're like toddler nipples on an adult woman, proportionally speaking.

Is it bestiality if I fuck Dax?
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Neko miia is best miia

>And if that freaks you out then you're probably a child who needs to get off of 4chan.
Are you trying to say a part of growing up is coming to understand and accept that some people want to fuck horses anon holy shit
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>cat snek

You've gone too far.
wouldn't her name change to Nyya instead?
You man the split-kick to the orc? She's basing her form off a fictional drawing. Drawn characters(especially females) tend to have longer legs proportionally than their real-life equivalents.
Children shouldn't be spending their childhood on 4chan.
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>I'm a big Cathyl
So what you're saying is, you're a big, horny, busty cowgirl?
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It appears that the wrong picture was posted.
that's regular Cathyl, so now we have a bustier, hornier, and larger cowgirl.

Is it about how Scylla and Rach only enjoy cucking females and not males?

Or about how Mero's mom wants to get cucked?
I need MonMusu maps for Osu!...
mero's mom is a b̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ sociopath.
>tfw no more Oct having her way with Kurusu
>tfw no more Oct or Rach having THEIR way with Kurusu

Why even have two of the best girls socialize if no more sexual hijinks occur?

All girls are best girls, just have a thing for girls with multiple appendages.
I don't know
I was expecting that somebody tell us what does it says
Kurusu getting tentacle raped when?
she said that she was going to give a reward after everything:>>142167203
did she do it?
She's a Laminya.
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>tfw you'll never be fondled in ways you can never imagine

Why even live?
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You try to tip straight while thinking about being kidnapped by a bunch of Auroch based mon musume and forced to work long hours in the milking shed every day.
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>now we have a bustier, hornier, and larger cowgirl
I'm ready.
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Tell that to the elitist free-verse crowd. 99.99% of modern free-verse is rubbish run-on sentences with awkward line-breaks.
That's some decent memeing that hasn't been done. TTGL glasses on monster grills.
You know that Auroch girls want roam free, you will be doing the milking inside of a yurt rather than a shed. You will be taken to wild steppes of central Asia to be communal husband for said auroch tribe. They might start out as being fierce towards you, but they will slowly accept you as one of the herd.
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Her boyfriend would have calloused hands too since he's a farmer. Cathyl just wanted to feel loved is all.
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Gonna post it everyday until you like it
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kawaii angel.jpg
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This is the crappy meme you're gonna stake a claim on? A japanese tier pun?
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Classy Snake.png
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Snek ears > cat ears

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>kawaii angel
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Life's good.

>tfw we'll never get a chapter about Farmer and Cathyl being lovey-dovey
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The war isn't won in 1 day
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He treats her like a cow. So she says anyway. Probably uses the same lame sweet-talk on her that he uses on dairy cows and sheep.
>You try to tip straight
What a faggot.
and I bet that she keeps beign rude too
His hands are like 30% smaller than hers. So the callouses would be closer together. It would be like the difference between 1200 grit and 1000 grit sandpaper.
>wrapped up in oct's tentacles
>it's like being kissed all over
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weird that the doppelfag didn't say anything about her birthday
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Maybe he's out celebrating it
>tfw no Oct and Rach having there way with you
>tfw no hickies from Oct and no ear nibbling from Rach

When will I get my tenderloving femdom, f/a/m?
>She doesn't have a "real face"
Does that mean you have to love her for who she is, since she can make herself unattractive at will to ward off shallow men?
No, do what you will with your conclusions based on your reasoning.
Dont become a crabby asshole like the shitposters in here.
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she feeled embarrassed when bae asked her to do something for him in her most common form
>Maybe he's out celebrating it

Authorities admit that they have no leads in the bizarre case of the person who spent May 30 stalking young girls of African descent, then dumping piles of bleached mop-heads onto them while crying out, "I seek the Stalker among the Stars."
What is the middle one holding?
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Big cow needs big love.
she says it right there>>142159679 the bottles are too big for her beautiful man fingers (that I want her to finger my asshole with) to use

Thank you!
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This is my wife.
Quick I need the image of the Draco mini.

It's for science
Fuck off.
Whatever it is, you know exactly where it's headed.
She needs a little something.
Perhaps an MP5 in her hands.
I think that would make this picture.
I seriously doubt your claim
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here you go
You know what this series needs?
It needs a threeway Tio and Cathyl and Oct wrestling match with Rach as a ref, with an over excited Polt announcer like when Centorea and her mother jousted.
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That's a classic senshi pose. It's a red Power Ranger Miia.

>Alpha 5, I need teenage monster girls with attitude!
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anyone has better quality pics of this?
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Vol9 (6).jpg
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Hey do you have a good scan of (pic)? Are they Vol9 or bits of Vol10?
>literally a term for shit
Like pottery.
It's actually SamFlam Miia. It does look like the classic red ranger though.
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Vol9 (7).jpg
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Ha, what are the odds?
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>Suu slimeraped the Eel masseuses
For what purpose!?
None shall be spared
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sadly the download didn't have that part
maybe we'll have to wait for the SSeas release
Throw her in the salt mines
that's what she called darling though
read the fucking manga
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V9 back cover details.jpg
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I thought did closeups of each half, but I don't think anyone ever stitched them together, and now I can't find them.
>tfw will never be slime raped
That was in the shitty Low Quality version though. Tarage should have a black hole in his groin by now.
I'd like to see a Salty Suu in action
That'll be a nearly dead Suu, desperately looking for water. She escapes and finds a nearby sea, and it's the Dead Sea
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This one was pretty well seasoned.
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salty suu.png
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You applied to be a host for a monstergirl and Smith gives you a trap. How would you react?
What species?
One you asked to be a host for
Listen to your conscience on the matter.

Fuck its butt.
>that h-manga about the trap demon trying to seduce his master constantly

Never been so conflicted and tempted.
Introduce her to Draco, of course.
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> Yaoi in a mango about big tiddies
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Look, this isn't a remake of Victor Victoria. Draco is not a guy pretending to be a girl who's pretending to be a guy.
Either >>142175617, or request a reverse trap. If she complains about paperwork, sue for breach of contract.
Draco has the prettiest vulva of the entire cast, I want to touch it
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Blind Polt says DEAL WITH IT.jpg
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>Smith gives you a trap. How would you react?

"But I'm a boy!"

"Really? No problem!"

*flips over*
I want to milk Polt's brother's boipussy
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nah, Papi has the best one
Draco is the 2nd
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Excuse you.
What vulva?
You're excused wide load
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For a non-H trap demon trying to seduce his summoner look to
Himitsu no Akuma-chan.
Draco's. Hers is the most beautiful
Oh, it was just ecchi. That was the one I was talking about. I remember seeing it on Fakku when it came out.
>The rest are guys just looking to get art of their 'favorite girl'

Nigger i will fight you, i actually pay for my art and I've contributed a lot
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>a gigantes Trap?
>has a dick the size of your body.
>accidentally falls and smothers you with her scrotum behind her stripped panties.
> Apologizes profusely for the act
> you realize you got the strangest boner from being smothered by her testicles
> you accept her and both of you fall in love
would you love if draco were to grind her vulva against your tongue.
Quite a lot
>her scrotum
Kaiju nope-ing the fuck out of town as he gives you the finger while wading away.webm
At this point in life, a cloaca is fine too.
>you will never receive a scrotal Paizuri from your Gigantes trap GF.
>you will never have urethral sex with her penis
>you will never crawl into her anus and reach the spot in her ass closest to her prostate and rub your dick against her rectal wall and cause her to have.
you will never suckle on her nipples as she strokes herself to you.
>why live.
thank god for all of this
That is sort of the point.
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good end.webm
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Would you take snek on a date?
>not mentioning hugging her shaft while she rolls her foreskin over you repeatedly
I'm not even into this gay trap shit and that was one of the first things that came to mind in size-difference play. I blame that old Tinkerbell-fag.

Holy fucking shit
I mean, I like big chicks. But there's a limit, Anon
I read that as big dicks
How about >>142178276, replacing the word "shaft" with "clit"?
Seems someone's got dick on the mind
I don't think that you would list for a determined species (see Rachnee's previous homestay family). Maybe you can choose the sex tho (and I think that the monsterfolk is able to choose too).
But if it's Smith who we're talking about, then I'd tell to the trap to not go near my bedroom or enter the bathroom when i'm in. Only friends, I not swing that way (and the first/maybe 2nd molestation he does to me, I'd deport his ass out od the country)
>Implying that changes anything
The dick isn't the problem, Anon
What that Anon means is the height
>dick on the mind
He was probably riding in the bottom of the gigantes trap's panties. :^)
You're excused for having shit taste.
Human dildo. MAYBE urethral sound. Anything bigger is near impossible for meaningful interactions.
I nearly throw up
I didn't even mention all the real nasty stuff that could happen in this case.
>There's more
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3MB, 4160x3120px
I found this moth under my bed. Moth girls are nice, right? I feel like you guys would know.

Its currently immobilized, if I rescue it what will happen?
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Is there cum involved?
If you want it to be... But know this it is to be left to your imagination since it is too nasty for me.
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> Mothfag is back
Check for mothballs.
more than just cum anon
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>Its currently immobilized
>He actually believes this
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She's really fuzzy and kinda cute/scary... I wonder what she was doing under my bed.
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I found a weird bug in my sink today too.
an earwig? they are pretty common annon
That there's an earwig.
Wow I feel dumb now, I thought it was a deadly mutant insect.
>The moth has found its next victim

Get out of there anon!
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Oh yeah? Well I found a family of garter snakes in my backyard
They crawl into your ear and lay eggs in your brain so you better watch out
Have they made an enormous mating ball and rolled down a hill yet?
I want to give Cott and Ton a handjob
>putting males in significant roles outside of the obligatory harem protagonist
Don't be stupid.
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488KB, 322x387px
> They'll never cumflate me
> not wanting to be split roasted by cott and ton
>only giving them a handjob
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2MB, 4160x3120px
She's in a cup but I'm not sure if it's okay to let her loose. Will there be ss?
>A giant ass moth and an earwig in your house
What the fuck kind of place do you live in, and do you clean?
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what am i reading.webm
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>dicks and blogposting about your lack of a screen door
If there is, your mum's dead, or you're about to get underage b&.
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Get comfy, boyo. It's about to get weird
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Quick! Discuss the logistics of touching and cleaning Papi's soft, downy feathers.
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I love this horse.
That is pretty funny given that Trump would send Cerea to the glue factory pronto if he wins the election.
How do you figure?
>lack of a screen door
You know, there's this wonderful new invention, it lets you look through walls, and can even ventilate a room.
Many naked bird baths in city fountains.
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Putin would defend his waifu
>ruining best girl with balding orangutan meme cap
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proto cott ton.png
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Tell me about it.
Not even arguing best girl here, but the MAGA shit is pretty unbearable.
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Adventure time.png
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Moths/butterflies like to hang out on the underside leaves. In fact, this where they go when it rains. Safe from birds, too.

I also hear this spider would like to adopt a moth.
Miia's been maga'd more than anyone else though.
>He doesn't have screens on his windows
Do you want to know how to get random shit in your house?
That's how you get random shit in your house
Exactly my point.
Cerea and all other monster girls would be considered to be a foreign and thus subject to becoming scapegoats for whatever ails the united states.
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Well if you insist...
Judging by the size of her abdomen, I'm tempted to say she's carrying eggs.

She wants you to raise her moth daughterus.
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nicer miia.png
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Miia doesn't mean it, she just has to wear a new hat if someone hands her one.
I was gonna rebut your point, but then I remembered why my mum complained about having the windows shut all the time. Fucking cucarachas.
They all immigrated legally under a government sponsored program. Plus Cerea is a blonde haired blue eyed european, she's safe.
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Lies, Miia loves Trump almost as much as Darling.
>Satan promotes cucking
Not surprised.
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Miia doesn't need a shit MAGA hat. She has plenty of better hats.
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Say hello to my moth girl, /a/nons.

I decided to put her in my imouto's butterfly catcher and keep her since she seems pretty harmless and cute. Can anyone think of a name?

Time to hit the hay, sweet moth dreams.
do you think trump or his supporters even differentiate between the two group. Quick answer is nope.
Bad news for you, we do not know whether Cerea is European or not, hell we do not even have any fixed locations of the origins for any of the girls as far as I am aware. Don't go and head cannon this one.
Let her free you monster
stomp on it
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They are are iconic and are a symbol of patriotism.
Are there any Panda girls out there? Giant or Red?
World of Warcraft

There is nothing patriotic at all about MAGA hats. It is nothing more than a shitty campaign slogan.
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Can't you spell?
It's funny how they made the posters for Mothra make her look so scary when she's the best waifu
Yanquis made those posters

On the subject, I want to like Kaiju monster girls but I'm not into giantess stuff.

>Rach knits an "I HATE DARLING" hat and leaves it outside Miia's door
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forgot the image I spent several minutes looking for
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A Trump supporting snek is the best waifu.
I said girls, not furries
>tfw no nightmare kaiju waifu
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Don't ever talk to me or my daughter again
Shut up you're dead.
Remember when you died? It was a real blast!
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She lived on in other ways
This is esoteric even by my standards
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Honestly got choked up at the end of Destroyah when Jr. rose up as the new Godzilla.
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I wanna always make this girl smile.
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You must take Godzilla out on a date. Where do you go?
To >>>/jp/
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>B-But Anon, You know you always make me smile!
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How many different sword styles do you think Cerea knows/could master?
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Godzilla Jr. AP.jpg
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I wish that he did the other concepts fully like that one
To the inventor's place in Godzilla Vs. Megalon where I might find a way to make her human-ish sized through self-programming robuts.
I'm sure she thinks she knows whatever she's seen in video games
>Stomping all over weeaboo neets? Anon you always know what I like!
I have no doubt she has "mastered" the saber stances in TSL.
All of them.
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I know...
If last chapter says anything, she must be pretty decent in Kendo at least.
Though I'd wager she's at least knowledgeable in longswords and rapiers at least. Being a knight-blooded girl and all.
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Cerea is my waifu
I miss Spider and Horsefag shitstorms
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As do I...
>tfw no kaiju daughter to blast me with atomic breath
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It's the slow weekend. Expect it tomorrow.
And that's the last you'll see of her
East/west fusion-style. Think iaijutsu with a rapier.
We all know who the breast monster is...
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Ultra-Premium Bust!.png
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Breast girl
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I'm a Cerea man but I cannot deny the pull of Tio's big brown boobs.

It's Cathyl, right?
You wish.
Mein Niger.
>BD subs I download uses all the japanese honorific names for Darling

Not sure if I like this. Aruji-dono, Goshujin-sama, etc.
Better than using "Master" for 4 different ways of addressing him.

Needs more milk.
You could also go Kiryu for that
Fuzzy Butt Rapeasuar?

Moth from DMM game?
C-can I stick it in her chest hole?
Go back to /pol/. Trump is retard that has not only been bankrupt 4 times but he tried to sell steaks in the sharper image catalog.
>Two hours old
Anon pls.
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are you kidding me.jpg
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>Are you serious?
>muh question begging epithet proves me right!
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trump winning.jpg
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>A billionaire is a failure
>I'll just willfully ignore his successes or make up excuses for them
>I don't know the difference between chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 11 bankruptcy
>inherit $100million from your daddy and play with other people's money, and you too, could add a B in front of your -illionaire title
>make excuses for success
>Doesn't back up what he says with sources only his word
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