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Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 103

Next week when?
Kill yourself
I'm a fucking retard. Was that supposed to be that umbrella love symbol or is it literally just an arrow?
This episode was fucking great.
If it keeps going like this, it might be an AOTS contender.
Fuck off.
>>mfw I have to work whole week
Count youself lucky, at least next week will come quickly.
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>next week spoilers

>Tenga beats Katsuhira up
>Nico cries a lot
>non-autism Katsuhira appears
>Chidori sees Katsuhira and Noriko's interaction in real time
>Nico and Chidori friendship bonding
>Maki is sorry for Yuta when she rejects him because she feels how he feels but they stay friends
>Tenga does something really dumb re: Nico
It's already an AOTS contender to me, the only other good show this season is kabaneri
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You fucking take that back you son of a bitch.
He probably only tries 10 shows per season anyway.
>tbqh famalam
I hope you work forever so that you won't have the time to browse.
I am sad they are trying to force untrue pairings and that there will be much suffering because of it. TENGA X CHIDORI IS BEST!
Are you implying Re:Zero is contender for AOTS with this pic? I hope you aren't.
this show really picked up after whenever she confessed and they had the heart pain, i think around episode 5.

the first 4 episodes were absolutely terrible
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Tenga is the hero we need
wouldn't call them terrible, the thing about the first 4 episodes is that it's not easy to understand how the show is from just those
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>Phenethylamine (PEA), also known as β-phenylethylamine, commonly referred to as phenethylamine, is a potent human trace amine and neuromodulator which functions as endogenous amphetamine.

>Phenethylamine plays a prominent role in mediating the mood-enhancing euphoric effects of a runner's high

She's literally feeling euphoric.
>let put them in somewhat dangerous situation for that suspension bridge effect
sasuga okada.
I can't get over that nose blush.
The first three were good, the gotta grab macho boy episode was great, then it was a load of nothing until episode 7. Currently AOTS.
That's a classic to try and force bondings. I hope it fails tho.
anne happy took that title in the first 5 minutes of episode 1
It really looked like they were setting Noriko up to be blown the fuck out by Kacchon. Her autistic "he must love me" lines and scenes where cute as fuck, but it also felt like she was raising some major NTR flags.
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>the only other good show this season is kabaneri
I hope you're joking, anon.
Will she be daijoubu?
I just want the redheads together, and maybe Maki and Yuta together too. I don't care about the others!
Tenga will make her better.
Tanaka-kun is the superior Unhappy.

Chidori and Tenga makes a lot more sense and feels a hell of a lot better than Nico and Tenga.
How ironic, I dropped it in the first 5 minutes of episode 1.
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It is impossible to have taste this genuinely awful.
The former, obviously.
Sasuga Okada-sama.
And yet you exist.
>Someone actually thinks Anne Happy is good
How do you survive with taste this awful?
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Well you are in a Kiznaiver thread.
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Euphoric about a dead chick?
Listen to her in the trailer.


Shit's about to go down. Tenga will try to white knight and make things worse in the process.
It's not whiteknighting as long as Tenga gets in those pantsu.
go back to /v/ you crossboarding shitstain
I'm really not.
Boy I can't wait for you cunts to force another cucked meme this season if you get even the slightest reason to.
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t. triggered chidori shipper
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It's been a thing since ep.1, sadly
Did anyone translate this shit yet?
I believe some lines are missing though

>Noriko: That’s the feeling of love, is it not?
>Chidori: There’s this thing I wanted to tell you for a long time now, Kacchon.
>Yoshiharu: The love scene has begun, hasn’t it?
>Nico: So after all, Tenga-kun…
>Honoka: Don’t hug me.
>Katsuhira: I don’t know if it’s love, but…
>Honoka: We cannot be friends.
>Noriko: Pain.
>Tenga: You bastard…
>Chidori: Please…
>Tenga: What are you doing to Chidori?!
>Chidori (?): Hug me.
>Nico: Why did this happen?!
>Katsuhira (?): Nori-chan!
>Noriko: Am I… Within you?
Chidori never really had a chance though. Is she'd just tried to connect with Kacchon instead of treating him specially then she wouldn't have anything to cry over.

Unrequited is too big of a word for /v/ anyway.
Literally no one here ships Chidori with the MC anyway.
Chidori deserves better.
They haven't started trying to force it on the rest of the board yet.
I ship her with MC, because that's what her heart wants.
I-I do ;_;
Hopefully Chidori kills herself next episode.
Thank you.
Seems to be in line with the spoilers we got.
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>Tenga: You bastard…
>Chidori: Please…
>Tenga: What are you doing to Chidori?!
>Chidori (?): Hug me.
>Nico: Why did this happen?!
What about Kacchon's heart?
What about Noriko's objectively more valid feelings?
Kacchon and Noriko do not heave hearts.
>What about Noriko's objectively more valid feelings?

Excuse me ?
Why do you have to ruin a good point with bait?
Did the previous experiment break Kacchon and Nori-chan? Is everybody in the cast going to turn into emotionally hollow muppets during the ending?

That would actually redeem this show so hard.
>Hopefully Tenga kills Kacchon next episode

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So she is into that?
>Did the previous experiment break Kacchon and Nori-chan
It's obvious that's what happened.

>Is everybody in the cast going to turn into emotionally hollow muppets during the ending
God, talk about a downer ending
DO NOT talk about my waifu like that
Do you people need everything to have some dumb twist to be interested?
>try to watch this show
>Chidori shows up
who even cares about that bland slut?
Chidori had Kacchon for years, and spent the entire time acting like his Mum and asking herself why he isn't telling her she loves him because of it.

Noriko came and saved Kacchon from being an emotionless shell and in the process fell in love with him.
Considering all that Noriko has done for Kacchon and all that Chidori has failed to do, it's pretty obvious who he deserves.

I ask myself the same question.
What's the point of the masochist character? He hasn't done or said anything relevant so far.
>implying Okada's inevitable everybody-burst-into-treats FRIENSDHIP ending is any better
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She's the cutest, nicest and deserves the world.
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>tfw Chidori will die in your lifetime
Is Tenga really going to turn hulk?
Everyone bursting into candy sounds pretty dark.
Sonozaki is literally the worst and most boring character.
They'll probably try to justify her personality and show some sad flashback to make her more likeable near the end but it's not going to work.
Tenga does.
It's gonna have a bittersweet ending, most likely

would be weird but it's still possible
He's funny.
He also pushed Maki and Yuta-kun desu closer together by acting like a dick.
Nigga it's clear they took something from her like they took MCs feelings.
you better get used to it fag, nori-chan is going to win the kacchonb owl
It feels like they think her design alone is enough to make her interesting when it's not.
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I just want to say that this is the first time I see a love-polygon show display said polygon on-screen with a straight face.
Who fucking cares about kacchon?
She's still shit.
His post said nothing about Kacchon.
Unless that concept sketch where he fights Katsuhira was scrapped and completely redone, yes.
Now I don't know who should win the Tengabowl
tears of a broken chidorifag
Is this shit really too complex for you to understand?
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>Hardcore canon shipping episode
>Suddenly there's filled threads all over the place

Oh but /a/ couldn't possibly like shipping right?
Little girls pretending to be fat neckbeards pretending to be little girls.

It can't be helped.
>Do you people need everything to have some dumb twist to be interested?
Of course not, but Kiznaiver needs some sort of twist (or something at all) to redeem itself, because as it stands now, it's a disgrace to the studio.

>Is everybody in the cast going to turn into emotionally hollow muppets during the ending?
>That would actually redeem this show so hard.
That actually would.

Either that or:
>Kacchon finally develops feelings for Chidori only to get cucked by Tenga, causing Nico to flip out and hate Kacchon (because if he'd only returned Chidori's feelings earlier, then she'd have had a chance with Tenga).

They've had the potential there to create some real heavy drama since a couple of episodes in, but instead there has been just... nothing.
Okada's pretty self-aware in this one though. Not only are the characters based on your typical anime stereotypes, but the scene at the start of today's episode where Noriko can't understand how Kacchon could be disgusted with her when she's acting like an otaku's wet dream.
I can't choose.
They're both best.
We always fill multiple threads whenever a new episode airs
>It feels like they think her design alone is enough to make her interesting when it's not.
That's the exact problem with every other character in Kiznaiver too!
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I'm impressed.
Considering the reactions at the screening, Tenga acts like a dick.
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Red. They work incredibly well together. Autismo can go fuck himself and weird grill will pull another crush out of her ass in like a week.
You can point out shit and make sure everyone knows that you know it's shit too, but that doesn't stop it from being shit.
We'll have to wait and see. Just because he rejected someone doesn't make him a dick, probably the nips are overreacting.
I think you're completely missing the point of the show.

And what is the show's point exactly?
>Nico loves Tenga
>even though they barely had any meaningful interaction

>I think you're completely missing the point of the show.
I definitely am if there is one. What is it?
The only remotely dickish thing I can imagine him doing next week is getting carried away with fighting Kacchon, to the point where he hurts Chidori who just wants this shit to stop.

As for Nico, he's not obligated to requite her hahasorandum feelings.
To show that Okada's hack writing can be salvaged by a good director.
Being shit.
I seem to remember our threads being pretty sparse and like everyone had forgotten about this show maybe 3 or 4 episodes ago.
Having fun.
If that was the point then it is failing hard.
I bet you're also a Reifag you fucking faggot
Okada is decent at writing drama, it's just that you don't like drama.

D1 and D4 share a line. Meaning that they're hung up on people outside the group. D7, Hisomu, is alone. D3 and D6 are both not reciprocated. Chidori's line is the reddest.
The writing is still shit, though. It's just easier to swallow it because it looks nice.
>got banned for making fun of Chidori's suffering
Epic mods
That because have to make meaningful connections with people in real life, fiction should reflect this by creating a story and cast were shallow "I like him because he's kind" relations aren't acceptable and that if you want to know and help someone you have to make an effort, not just wait till they spill their sobstory at you.
She's good at writing the bad kind of drama. That being wangsty teen melodrama.

How could you even spout this bullshit when god damn Rakugo aired last season?
Chidori can't even get the guy she likes to listen to her confession. It is that bad. He friendzoned her and is obviously going for the bad girl in Nori chan.
As far as I remember they're sparse only midweek, a few days after airing. On airing days and right after it's always a thread after the other

The first 3 eps threads were 60% shitposting though.
>still posting
What's wrong with melodrama, as long as it's entertaining and still makes you feel?
I would have been having more fun if Kacchon was just a side character and it became about Tenga, Chidori and Nico, with sadist as a comic relief character.

Instead the audience is forced to put up with a character who manages to be autistic without ever even being unintentionally funny.

Kiznaiver is better than that borefest desu.
>not having mobile data
>the bad kind of drama. That being wangsty teen melodrama
Well I'm enjoying it anyway. Wangst? Count me in.
It's a drama about building relationships. That scene wasn't pointing out Okada's ships, it's pointing out the characters ships. It's setting up the current shitstorm that demonstrates how meaningful relationships can't be achieved in such a shallow way.
>wangsty teen melodrama
and where is all this "angst" and "melodrama" you are talking about?

Bet you don't even actually know the meaning of those words you buzzwords-puking memester
Literally this.

The only moment I genuinely liked Kacchon was when he jumped down the pedestrian bridge like a jackass.
I mean holy shit.

Even god damn Tanaka, someone even more one note at first glance than the autist manages to be entertaining. Entertaining by himself and with the characters around him.
To be honest after the few first episodes Kacchon doesn't even feel like a main character at all, the show is focusing on other characters as much as him.

Hell, in Maki's 2 episodes he barely got any screentime.
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>this show would be better if it was completely different!

Then watch a different show.
No we don't. The last like three episodes had threads filled for like a day and then dead the next day. Now we've been having continuous threads and wouldn't you know it, it was a full shipping episode this week
>Okada is decent at writing drama
Either one of her past works was a fluke, or she ran out of ideas, because good drama this ain't.

>That because [you] have to make meaningful connections with people in real life, fiction should reflect this by creating a story and cast w[h]ere shallow "I like him because he's kind" relations aren't acceptable
Except for Chidori liking the MC because we're told he apparently used to be kind and funny. TOLD. And Nico literally liking Tenga because he's kind.

>and that if you want to know and help someone you have to make an effort, not just wait till they spill their sobstory at you.
And the entire plot revolving around everyone helping the MC for no reason and him not reciprocating that help shows that how?
How are we 8 episodes in and people still haven't accepted that this isn't the kind of show they wanted it to be?
>Then watch a different show.
I am. I already dropped Kiznaiver, and I'm watching about 5-6 others this season.
He is so fucking cute holy shit I would've never expected him to be like this after how he was presented in the first episode.

I expected him to be the typical manipulative bishonen instead he's so damn moe

Then why are you in this thread?
>good drama this ain't.
what is good drama then? actual examples, please.
You just posted the two ships that aren't going to happen, and that's because they are shallow anime relationships.

Kacchon has been putting the hard yards in for pretty much everyone. There's been at least half a dozen moments where everyone's sighing on his couch before Kacchon says something insightful that directs them for the next half of the episode.
>Except for Chidori liking the MC because we're told he apparently used to be kind and funny. TOLD. And Nico literally liking Tenga because he's kind.
It's almost like those relationships are being depicted as flawed relationships or something. You know, exactly like anon said.
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I want more sensei screentime
>Umbrella disappears in a later scene
This episode went all out shipping mode, but was still pretty good. Nico still the cutest.
Long lost Aniki?
Fuck I didn't even realise what it was
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Forgot the webum.


D1 and D4 share a line. Meaning that they're hung up on people outside the group. D7, Hisomu, is alone. D3 and D6 are both not reciprocated. Chidori's line is the reddest.
>Then why are you in this thread?
To share opinions, banter, and find out if the show has miraculously improved.

>How are we 8 episodes in and people still haven't accepted that this isn't the kind of show they wanted it to be?
It still hasn't shown its full hand as a series and it still holds the potential for juicy drama to unfold, provided that the writer decides to finally make the leap and let the relationships between the characters change in any way.

>what is good drama then?
'Hourou Musuko' and 'Koi Kaze' each take a different taboo theme and apply it to some very realistic characters and let drama unfold naturally from there. That's one way of producing good drama.
Was this anime not supposed to have some kind of battles?
>provided that the writer decides to finally make the leap and let the relationships between the characters change in any way.
On top of this being flat out wrong you aren't even watching the fucking show anymore so how can you claim that?
We ever going to see any parents of the kids in this series? Seriously it makes you wonder why they took the notion of them interacting with their parents completely out. Hell there is barely any interaction with any adults in this series.
Hopefully autismo will die next week and tenga will give chidori all the love she deserves
God I love this director. At various points in the anime, I've had times where I was just awed at how good the visual direction is and how they handle the soundtrack. It makes everything so much more vivid and impactful.

But then a minute later I remember that it's still Okada writing it.
They were mentioned a few times, most of them are away or it's kept a mystery, possibly for plot purposes.

They do interact with the teachers though
>On top of this being flat out wrong
He's not wrong though. The characters are all stuck in mutually-unrequited-relationship-limbo.
>good drama = incest

Sure thing pal. How did Oreimo turn out for you?

Because parents can't possibly understand teenager's feelings and aren't asked about them.
>To share opinions
>and find out if the show has miraculously improved.
How can you have an opinion if you're not following on how the show is unravelling in it's most important part?
>They all have pointy chins except for Tenga
Best lad
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>The characters are all stuck in mutually-unrequited-relationship-limbo
Not best boy.
For starters, taking a step back from the Okada bashing, why don't we look at shows she's previously worked on?

Hanairo and the first season of WIXOSS. Far superior drama to the insipid tripe she's done with Kiznaiver.
Okay, but how does them having unrequited loves mean that the relationships aren't developing? Just because they aren't changing in a certain direction doesn't mean they aren't changing.

Anything else she worked on that is more...popular?
Wixoss was great, but the drama wasn't about character interactions, it was about how your own goals and dreams affect the people around you. It's a completely different piece of work.
>Far superior drama to the insipid tripe she's done with Kiznaiver.
In her defense, we haven't seen the whole thing yet
I really can't take you seriously when you admit that you're not actually watching the show.
>How can you have an opinion if you're not following on how the show is unravelling in it's most important part?
Apparently I don't need to because no-one has disagreed with the actual points I'm making. If I say something that turns out to be blatantly wrong, people will call me out on it.

>Hourou Musuko
It's like you didn't even read what I wrote and was instead just triggered by 'Koi Kaze'
>How did Oreimo turn out for you?
Underwhelming. It was okay I guess. Wasn't a huge fan. Mary Sues and over-reliance on plot contrivances don't make for interesting romances, even if the lead was a good take on the tsundere archetype.
The only one who has less red than Hisomu in that graph is Autismo. Of course.
What? You want me to mention the garbage she did with Anohana?

Because as far as originals go, Hanairo is her most well-known and widely accepted best written work.
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I'm the anon who isn't watching the show. The person you responded to just then wasn't me. You don't know which posts are mine.
Okada has never written a single good show in her life. Although in all fairness she can't take all the blame/credit since 99% of the time she doesn't write the show all by herself.
Both anohana and toradora were decent, saying they were trash is straight-up petty contrarianism
>no-one has disagreed with the actual points I'm making
So are you just ignoring shit you don't agree with?

>Mary Sues
I think that is probably the worst use of that buzzword I've ever seen.
That show would be great if it didn't loop the same episodes 6 times. And yes, I understand that is the point.
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So did they just drop his character out of the window?
>Honoka: We cannot be friends.
Who is she talking to?
>Do I exist inside of you?
>Inside of me, you exist.
Holy shit, that was really cool scene to end the episode with, especially with that ost.
This. He's relevant to the main plot but I don't get the feel he's the main character, especially in the last few episodes
I didn't even mention Toradora because it's a god damn adaptation. If anything, that's more a split between her and based Nagai. But if you want to bring in adaptations I guess I can mention hot fucking garbage like Sakurasou as well, yeah?

And fuck off. Don't even get me started on god damn Anohana. I've had enough autismal spergings towards that show with /a/ when it first aired.


First time I skipped the ED to get to the next episode preview.
This show is an ensemble.
I just want Hisomu to burn everything down. Feed on that pain you fucking crazy son of a bitch.
I'd say Yuta, but spoilers say that nothing changes between them and they stay friends so I don't know.
You really do not sound like someone I'd enjoy having a discussion with, honestly.
So when is the real deal actually happening?
>So are you just ignoring shit you don't agree with?
Of course not. That would ruin the whole point of posting in the first place.

>>Mary Sues
>I think that is probably the worst use of that buzzword I've ever seen.
Kirino gets amazing grades and works part time as a model because she's so attractive, and she's able to keep that up despite spending her evenings playing untold hours of eroge. It's not unfair to call her one.

>That show would be great if it didn't loop the same episodes 6 times.
I've really enjoyed the way in which Subaru keeps acquiring new information that furthers the plot in spite of the time loops. The constant changing of Subaru's character has allowed Re:Zero to have faster pacing than Kiznaiver even when its plot isn't technically progressing.
Next episode.
>hating on cuck memes

Scum, why do you hate fun?
But you said that last week.
He's truly best boy

No thanks famalam
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Next week.
Yeah. And just like I said before,

Next episode.
>Tenga beating up Katsuhira
So satisfying. But I wonder if it's metaphorical or not, or they just come close to it, because would Tenga risk hurting Chidori?
Spoilers: That's what he'll say next week too.
Literally fucking who?
>that smile at the end

Best girl by far.
>But you said that last week
Everyone thought the focus would be on Tenga but ep8 had very little of him and he didn't do anything relevant.

Nips said ep9 was the most intense. Indeed, next episode Tenga murders MC because of Chidori or something like that. That's the real deal.
>his smile after that
>best boy
You're arguing with someone who likely regards Re:SAO 2.0 as a good show. Just drop it and tell this retard to fuck off.
No, it's completely spitting on Tenga's characterisation as an all round good dude. He'd be no different then the dudes who beat up Kacchon.

What do you expect from a literal horsefucker?
>Apparently I don't need to because no-one has disagreed with the actual points I'm making. If I say something that turns out to be blatantly wrong, people will call me out on it.
You've been general statements, there isn't much for people to agree or disagree with to hold a discussion over.
So basically this is the Evangelion of shipping anime. It's a meta commentary deconstruction of how anime characters get forced together to be shipped.

This is Okada's masterpiece.
>youtube reviews

I ain't giving that a view. Fuck off with that shit.
So, /a/. You have only a handful of episodes left. How would you fix Kiznaiver?
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if spoilers are correct
I'm simply giving that anon who asks about Digibro's opinion the opinion of the youtube reviewer named Digibro.

You don't have to see it.
It really isn't. Chidori is a friend of Tenga plus someone he likes but won't chase for respect of both her and Katsuhira feelings. Next episode he gets to know that not only Katsuhira is ignoring her feelings and treating her like shit but how pained by all of this she is too.

Seems reasonable enough to be mad.
Add another cour, that's it. Gives more time to flesh out all the characters. Other than that I've enjoyed it.
Ban every shitposter in the threads. So basically, 2 people.
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>it's completely spitting on Tenga's characterisation
No. He's a hothead with feelings and most likely thinks that Katsuhira deserves the beating after everything he's done to Chidori. It's not even the first time he freaks out over her.
They stay friends at least and there's no shit like in that dumb polygon.

Kinda shitty that people not involved in that will have to experience Chidori and Nico's heartbreak.
>So basically this is the Evangelion of shipping anime. It's a meta commentary deconstruction of how anime characters get forced together to be shipped.
Why are you talking about Kokoro Connect in a Kiznaiver thread?
>Add another cour
You haven't got one cour right and you think you'll get a second? Don't be stupid. You're only getting 4 more episodes to wrap this up and that's final.
>I can't be your friend
>But I can be something more

Sasuga Okada

So? Tenga's the closest character to Kacchon besides Noriko and Chidori. When Chidori was obviously hitting on him with the lunches delivered to his door he doesn't say a word about how she obviously feels for him. Tenga's happy to go with the flow as far as Kacchon is concerned.
>He'd be no different then the dudes who beat up Kacchon.
There's a world of difference between routine extortion of someone's money through violence, and a well-justified physical wake-up call.
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>I can't be your friend
>But i can be your best friend
>Cue Yuta's breakdown
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This is just from Niko being flustered at Tenga praising her.

We've got no actual spoken response to Maki's euphoria at the end of episode 7.

I wonder if actual reciprocated love will actually feel good?
>I can't be your friend
>But I can't be your wingwoman!
You people are acting like not reciprocating someones feelings is some huge dick move.
Stop it! Stop hurting Yuta!
It's not just that. Kacchon's being a huge bitch about it. He's stringing her along instead of actually rejecting her properly.
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>Tenga's happy to go with the flow as far as Kacchon is concerned
He's not, as far as Chidori is concerned. Dude, have you been watching the show at all? He's not as chill as he appears to be and will need to release his bottled up feelings at some point.
I doubt he even knows she likes him, or just doesnt give a shit
That actually would be nice, I wish I had a pretty lesbro who would be my friend.
He acts like it's Chidori's problem though, and that he has to be her billboard. That doesn't mean it's justified for him to beat up his best bro.
>I can't be your friend
Spoiling such a scene in a trailer would be fucking lame though. Either it's a sentence leading up to a different outcome, like accepting his feelings for example, or they spoiled the outcome of two characters' arcs already, which would be retarded.
>I doubt he even knows she likes him
Watch the end of episode 2 and the start of episode 3 again if you have any doubts. He knows it and acknowledges it, then the following episode tells her he doesn't want to 'remember anything unnecessary' i.e. doesn't want to do anything that'll change up their relationship.
>very first minute has a list of their recommended shows
>Kuma Miko
>Flying Witch
>Sansha Sanyou

I don't even need to watch four hours of that shit to form my opinion at how garbage youtube reviewers are.
That anon says 'can't be your wingwoman', anon.

The pretty lesbro doesn't even want to be your friend.
>How would you fix Kiznaiver?
Bring back Maki dead 'friend'.
Its over anon
He reject her
I thought the spoilers from the people who've watched the movie said Yuta was rejected, which is why I said that line.

I think she'll reject him for reasons outside her feelings.
What if in the end of this there won't be one mutual ship?

Pain of getting rejected/having one-sided feelings for all?
He never lead her on. Kacchon isn't even capable of leading someone on. He has shown that he thinks of her as just a friend at every point.
It's like the equivalent of a guy hovering around a girl he built a friendship with and expecting that she's come around one day by just continuing that friendship.
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>Spoiling such a scene in a trailer would be fucking lame though
Why? It's obvious that 99% of the next episode will be Noriko/Katsuhira/Chidori/Tenga/Nico. Maki and Yuta won't be featured as much.
How would this fix Kiznaiver? All this would bring is another side character that won't appear as much as she is not in the Kiznaiver program.

Stop thinking your fetishes can fix the shows' flaws.
FOR HIM such a reaction is justified because he cares about Chidori's feelings more and MC can't communicate his side of the story for shit. It's entirely in-character for Tenga to get mad.

But speaking from a neutral standpoint, picking a fight is not justified at all.
>It's like the equivalent of a guy hovering around a girl he built a friendship with and expecting that she's come around one day by just continuing that friendship.
It's like the equivalent of that girl never properly rejecting him and only ever unconsciously stringing him along.
Kokoro Connect was more of a deconstruction of forced gimmicks/fetishes like bodyswapping from what I remember
I like that the arrows are from his nose to hers.

Because I think nuzzling noses is the cutest shit
He could just reject her and be done with it instead of ignoring her feelings literally everytime and not make things clear. Like do you think it's fine to walk away without saying a word in the middle of your childhood friend's confession? How shitty Chidori must have felt at being completely ignored while saying everything she always wanted to say? You're forgetting Tenga can feel all of that and it's normal he won't be ok with it at all.
Then I'll earn my deserved rageboner.
>they don't immediately want to have sex for a change
Sounds good, I should watch it.
>Like do you think it's fine to walk away without saying a word in the middle of your childhood friend's confession?
I think Chidori is so nice she'll be conflicted between the sheer rudeness of his action and the fact that he did it to save Sonozaki from being crushed.
>Kokoro Connect has been cremated by it's VAs and will never have another season
Was the LNs any good?
He might care about them but he should know that MC is autistic and does not care about Chidori that way. Him beating up Kacchon would not be justified. It's Chidori's problem that she is running after someone who obviously looks at her only as a friend.
Did you see the screen from next ep?
>the screen from next ep?
No, actually.
>You're forgetting Tenga can feel all of that and it's normal he won't be ok with it at all
I'm not saying that it doesn't make sense for Tenga to be mad from his perspective. I'm just saying that Kacchon hasn't actually done anything wrong.
>tfw no cute childhood friend like chidori
I'd post it if I had it saved, but basically she sees why kacchon bailed her on a big screen and it don't look good
Kacchon didn't even hear her confession because the flashback overwhelmed him. Did you even watch the episode?
Literally all the drama between Chidori/Tenga/Kacchon would be immediately resolved if the MC had the balls to simply tell Chidori he doesn't find her attractive and doesn't want to ever be her boyfriend.
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From the second DVD/BD
Mine is Asenshi though. >>142145776
I love his pants and shoes
>I can't hear someone 2 cm away from me shouting because flashbacks

Chidori's words were muted because he just didn't care at the moment, it's a common anime thing.
Fuck off.
oh I fucked up
I'll take my leave then
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Is it time for Tenga next episode? I'm feeling it.
The problem is that he doesn't even realize that he was leading her on when he said that she is heavy but it's okay. He's fucking autistic and everyone knew this about him already. Chidori is just plain dumb like an average high-school girl in love.
Will anyone even be happy next week?
If Kacchon's also in the first Kiznaiver program, I wonder what happened to his scar. It can't be healed completely, if Sonozaki still has hers.

This current program and the one next to it, for those two delinquents, have the scars at the same place across the multiple participants. Could it be that the kids in the Kiznaiver program that younger Katsuhira is in had their scars at different places?

I bet you loved Endless Eight you fucc
>he should know that MC is autistic
He doesn't give a damn. He cares about Chidori's happiness more and that's why he offered his help to her directly while ignoring the side of her fish-like love interest completely, you dense faggot.
Why doesn't Tenga just ask him about this? Like
>Yo Kacchon, do you love Chidori or not?
If no
>Then you need to reject her, you're leading her on without even realising it and you're hurting her.
Why is this so difficult for him to do again?

>Will anyone even be happy next week?
Okada will be happy with her paycheck.
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This is from first DVD/BD.

So probably Yuta/Maki and Nico/Hisomu are next. But then you have two more DVDs/BDs. I wonder who'll be on those.
Now you are just acting like an autist. When you are deep in thought then even the words of someone directly talking to you can fall to deaf ears. This is not a special animeonly thing.
I get the rest but not this one.
Those two shows are so different that they aren't really even comparable.
Because Tenga likes her and isn't thinking straight.
>When you are deep in thought then even the words of someone directly talking to you can fall to deaf ears

Wot. You're either an autist or have a cognitive disorder related to that. Seek help anon.
That and he sees the two of them in a romantic moment. Now imagine being her and seeing the guy you were just trying to confess to immediately walk away like he wasn't even listening to you just run into the arms of some unknown woman and even having a tender moment you never got from him despite knowing him for years. The only way it could get worse is she asked about Chidori and he replied that she doesn't matter right now or that he never felt like that way about her at all.

Through to be honest, Chidori isn't blameless, she had her window of opprertunity and blew it back in episode 2 and naively thinking that waiting around and doting on the audist in hopes that he'd just magically turn back into that happy boy she crushed on is something that only happens in manga. Basically she made the mistake all non-winning childhood friends make, not making her feelings known before some new bitch comes and fucks things up.
Me neither. I'm just putting up the spares. Hisomu had to be there somewhere.
This just proves that the only social interaction you have is with your mom when she's calling you for dinner anon.
I guess Tenga fell into a trap, he's kinda clueless. He probably thought there was a chance for Autismo to requite Chidori's feelings, that with Autismo's actions in episode 2 and 5.

Comes out Tenga was wrong and Autismo's baggage with Autisma is just too much.

If he thought Autismo was a hopeless case form the start, he should've just made a move on Chidori himself since he cares for her so much.
Shut up downie and go away in your fantasyland where you can't listen people 5 cm away from you because you're an autist.
>Maki mentioned deformities that looks like faces on chest area
>Katsuhira actually have it
>It's Chidori's problem that she is running after someone who obviously looks at her only as a friend.
But doesn't Yuta do the same?

It's like all of them have misdirected feelings for another.
>But doesn't Yuta do the same?
Yes, which is why he deserves to get shot down next episode.

Maybe he'll be a fat fuck by the epilogue.
>Maybe he'll be a fat fuck by the epilogue.
Maki will make him omurice. Every day.
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>But doesn't Yuta do the same?
She's leading him on, what with her warming up to him and this smiling thing.

Witch! Seductress! Stealer of men!
It's not even a polygon. It's just a train.
Yeah and then problem is that everyone acts as autistic as the MC when it comes to romantic stuff. This is starting to get a bit overwhelming. Hopefully next week's episode will clear up at least some of these misunderstandings.
It's not funny when people really do think that.
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I hope they can all resolve this romantic drama conclusively and return to be good friends.
Yeah. It's just a train because it doesn't loop itself back.

Nico -> Tenga -> Chidori -> Katsuhira -> Sonozaki.

If Sonozaki is gay for Nico then that's a polygon.
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Tell me this woman and the green-haired teacher is fucking.
I was under the impression that she wants a piece of the Autisma.
Fucking lesbians, ruining my shipping.
Nico. Okada is going to destroy her.
>No friends
>No love
I hope it's true, I hate Nico
Fug you, loser. Nico a cute and best.
I don't hate her, but if she ends up winning the Tengabowl over Chidori, I will be mad
Please no ;_;
their chemistry is great, they're so fun to watch together
I would be pretty happy with a friendship end.
>Nico -> Tenga -> Chidori -> Katsuhira -> Sonozaki -> Yuta -> Maki -> Nico
There done.
Inb4 Okada plays us and ships Maki with Nico.
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How would you feel if this happened next episode?
teach me how to get out of this shipping mess. I can't stop shipping
>That was so miserable
>Nico is so cute
>Tenga is an idiot
>still don't know what's Hisomu's purpose
>Chidori-chan ( ; ω ; )
>Kacchon you bastard...
>Honoka and Yuta stay the same
>Nori-chan is hot!
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I know no ship will survive by the end of this but this is the best case scenario:

>Nico/Maki (Ruru 2.0, muh bffs)
>Hisomu/Yuta (muh bishounen genes)
>Tenga/Chidori (self-explanatory)
>Autists (self-explanatory)

There, all drama nullified.
Anyone else think Nico probably has a huge bush?
I wish they'd considered a friendship end.
What makes you think they didn't? It's still very possible.
>Kacchon you bastard...

Probably treated Chidori really badly over something which will be Tenga's actual reason for being mad next episode.
Nico likes Tenga, who likes Chidori, who likes Kacchon, who likes Nori-chan

No one gives two shits about Nico.
Being a brainless moeblob is suffering. Remember kids, pretending to be retarded can backfire
This will have a friendship end.

I wonder just how contrived it's gonna feel after the "love arc" though.
I won't trust what anyone says until I see it myself because of all the shipping.
Maybe Tenga feels some intense pain from Chidori when she sees real time Noriko and Katsuhira.

I hate the fact that everyone will be hit by Chidori and Nico's pain though.
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>love arc
>everyone is miserable
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That's love for you
It's not a maybe, everyone will feel Chidori's pain, then Niko's pain will be felt when she sees just how far Tenga is willing to go for a girl that's not her. So basically, everybody suffers next week. Emotional pain vs Physical pain, I wonder what hurts the most. Now imagine double the Emotional Pain while Tenga is beating the shit out of MC despite how much it hurts. Okada's going all out
Love had the good and bad parts.

Also, not everyone is miserable. Hisomu isn't.
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>Now imagine double the Emotional Pain while Tenga is beating the shit out of MC despite how much it hurts
>everybody suffers next week
I bet Hisomu'll enjoy that.

Also, I wonder if the teachers foresee this sort of drama coming and whether or not this will further the Kiznaiver program.
Now that their good feelings are transmitted as well, I really want Hisomu to orgasm from getting beat up.
>The way nico panics when Tenga calls her cute

Holy shit that was adorable
Also I might be dense as hell, but when the fuck did she start liking him?
I didn't notice at all.
Well now that you mention it
Of course they will, that's why asshole is going to be showing Chidori the footage on a big screen of what Kachy just ran out on her. emotional abuse so they can study love is within the rights of the kiznaniver project, that's they they are focusing on Chido,Niko,Tenga and Kach while liking Yuta and Maki alone.
I get off on shit like this. Pity there won't be any reverse ntr doujinshi featuring Noriko cucking Katsuhira in front of Chidori. Even better if it's the other way around, Chidori cucking Noriko.
Has Okada written anything good since True Tears?
Hanasaku Iroha?
>Even better if it's the other way around, Chidori cucking Noriko.
^This anon gets it.
Hanairo is the only one that matters.
>luluco destroys Kiznaiver in pre-orders
Well that's about right
>still don't know what's Hisomu's purpose
Hisomo exists for last minute shocking revelation about the previous Kiznaiver experiment.
Almost forgot about Koufuku Graffiti.
>Nico likes Tenga
Called it
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I liked Nagi.
I think the message is something like if you want to have friends, love and such more you have to be yourself rather tan a facade.
When will Yuta and Maki fuck?
Kacchon did literally nothing wrong, Chidori should have realized he wasn't into her long ago and Tenga shouldn't get THAT mad
>True Tears
Could've told her clearly too.
I have bad news.
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What the fug is this?
Says spinoff comic.
Worst girl.

I'm more interested what it says about Maki. I can only read "eroi".
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>There's a scene with uke Maki?!
>I'm sorry, but the other one is Nico...
>Do it already!
On the left
>MASAKA, Maki is an uke?!
>And the other one is Nico...?!
>Do it already!
>There's a scene too?

I'm not kidding.
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Didn't read you post.

Meme magic made NicoMaki happen?
Why? After Chidori confessed to Kacchon in the episode 2, she never asked about it and told him she doesn't love him anymore.
Dude, I threw out Nico and Maki for shits and giggles because of LL. KEK
Sometimes you need to spell things out clearly.
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>Nico is a seme

>Could've told her clearly too.

When? She confessed for the first time last episode, it's entirely Chidori's fault she is in the friendzone.

And Tenga will pull a selfish move if he beats Kacchon but I can believe it since the kizuna system makes him feel Chidori's pain and he hasn't realized he has feelings for her too.
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What if Chidori wasn't confessing to Kachhon, but instead explaining that her feelings are false since she was in love with the old him, not who he is now. And she was apologizing and explaining the whole situation when he went to gave save his blue waifu?
I doubt that nips would be hating on him lke they're doing if that were the case.
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But who's going to stop Tenga when he goes bonkers?
Fucking awkward.
Yuta > Maki > Nico > Tenga > Chidori > Autismo > Autisma

Hisomu just cums everywhere.
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Chart? I'm probably too late though.
when will autisma stop using her feminine wiles to NTR chidori
it just isn't fair
>it's entirely Chidori's fault MC is autistic and hung up on his fellow experiment victim
No. Chidori's not at fault at all, this shit is beyond her control. She was doomed from the beginning. Not like MC had a choice either.

Only people to blame here for anything are the kizna officials. They screwed up everything.
Oh god I can't wait for the next episode.

I want to see Tenga go apeshit on that autistic little faggot. I want to watch Chidori get cucked to death. I want to watch Yuta get rejected for the 100th time. I want to see Nico cry like a little baby. Full suffering, no happiness, no brakes.
>Tenga beats up Kacchon
>he doesnt feel pain
>Tenga is basically beating himself up
>he's beating himself for not pursuing chidori's affections

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>Chidori rasps "please stop"
>Tenga's so mad he doesn't
>keeps beating everyone up including himself
>until Kacchon's autism is cured
Science mate. When a person is focused the brain can literally stop processing sounds at an early point. They never even register.
And Hisomu cums all over the place.
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>confess her feelings any time during the ~10 years she loved him
>get rejected
>move on

Also, this fucking captcha
>Hisomu will like this
I want Chidori to go full yandere and kill both Autismo and Autisma
It's a one volume spin-off manga about Maki and Lulu's backstory.
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>we want the yurishitters audience
>Maki and Lulu's backstory.
We already got this, unless it goes full on original and gives us a yuri end.
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I'd like to see this, but I have a feeling that trigger is going to deliver something even more crazy.
>10 years
Do you realize how little they were pre-autism? Chidori certainly didn't understand what love was at the time.

When he became autistic she thought he transformed into a different person (and he did) so her feelings naturally dulled.

Only now that he's started to slowly recover to his old self did she decide confessing might be worth it. Just to get ignored.

It's not that simple.
But it says scenes with Nico?
Maybe it will be about the yuri manga they were drawing?
I don't see how Maki being uke with Nico and having sexy scenes with her fits in that.
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>mfw Tenga stops when Katsuhira suddenly starts fighting back
So it's not about Maki and Lulu?
That would be pretty neat.
That image doesn't mention Lulu anywhere.
No idea m8.

What the fuck was this episode.
I like how the show is experimenting with character relations and everything but Okada needs to stop writing anime scripts this is becoming embarrassing.
But Okada wanted to do an action show, not character relationship drama.
Will the Chidori bullying ever stop?
Only once she's dead.
Yeah this has gone too far I feel like shes about to turn to hurting herself or murdering kachon, please stop bullying.
Maybe after the next episode.
I hope he tells blue hair to fuck off and accepts Chidoris feelings.
But there's no way that's happening.
He doesn't accept either.
But Chidori has a misunderstanding (plotted by Noriko) because Noriko gets naked in front of Kacchan. That's the shot from the PV.
>Tenga and Chidori share a line
>Kacchon and Maki (?) share a line
>Yuta (?) and Nico (?) share a line on another wave
>Purple got his own line

What does this chart mean?
Depending on the true intentions and feelings of blue, I might want blue to win. But as of right now I oppose to this red torturing.
Hisomu doesn't give a shit about any of them. Also, no red on his line.
Yuta and Nico have one-sided feelings for someone in the group.
Maki and Katsuhira have feelings for someone who's not in this group.
Tenga and Chidori have one-sided feelings for someone in the group, too. Chidori has the reddest line.
I thought this show was shit though.... what happened?
What do different waves mean though?
She will commit suicide, calling it.
Same wavelength, meaning similar feelings?
This really is a show that keeps on getting better and better.
Seems plausible. I hope it gets explained in detail just like the shipping chart.
Seriously, has someone any idea about that Maki comic? Why is Nico involved?
Nico will get rejected hard by mad dog and settle for being another Ruru.
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Nagi no Asukara.
>Tenga does something really dumb re: Nico
>Nico confesses
>"Eh? Nandatte?"
Nico as the seme though.
It makes total sense, if you ask me. Nico's been the one pursuing Honoka's friendship.
Different relationship dynamics. With Maki, Nico could totally take charge.
You know, saying 'nah i dont like you the same way you like me' is much better than running away every opportunity.
It's called an Eskimo Kiss, you pleb.
MC's real personality will come out and and then Chidori will fall even deeper for him

> the suffering will never end
Can Nori just die again so everyone can be happy?
yeah, there are no good shows this season
Flying Witch though.
She's already died on the inside so why not die on the outside as well
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Anybody else didn't actually see Tenga x Nico coming? I remember there being a scene where Tenga was talking about Chidori and Nico was complaining, but I expected that to lead to a Nico freakout because people are paying more attention to somebody else than her. Oh well, I hope she still wins, she deserves it
if you notice nico in most the episodes, her behavior towards tenga is very sublte
>Anybody else didn't actually see Tenga x Nico coming?
I didn't. At least, not actual feelings, then again they're all amplified and induced by the experiment. As for "winning", I don't know. I think we'll get a friendship end for everyone. Except for the fact that we now have a Maki x Nico comic for reasons.
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She didn't have important scenes with Tenga at all so most people brushed off her mixed signals or whatever.

She has no chance to win though. As expected.
>friendship end

One of these things doesn't work with the other.
Relax, okada did m3 ending just fine relationship wise for the cast. One was paired with a stuffed animal though.
For Chidori it's either Tenga or no one. Deal with it.
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Am I the only one who thought she ripped a tattoo off her neck?
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I'm buying ice cream
anybody wants some too?
She doesn't love Tenga
Hisomu is basically the Heito of the group, except he's a masochist instead of an edgelord.
what exactly is orange flavors?
Ships still going strong:
>MC/Nori-chan (duh)
>Red/Red (R E B O U N D)
>Yellow/Brown (more /u/ service)

>MC/Red (we don't know what he's gonna do once his autism is lifted)

Ships most definitely sunken:
>Green/Brown (he will be rejected again, she doesn't want him period)
>Red/Yellow (tits alone aren't enough, she's getting btfo)
Friendly reminder that Noriko gets naked again next episode.
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Yuta is the fucking man and he will cure his waifu from the sin of homosexuality. Amen, brothers and sisters.
Tastes like orange, obviously
>Jumping shower
What the fuck does that even mean
Yeah, but hisomu here might get a human pairing if okada want to keep the pairs in the main cast group. I dont mind if someone gets a pair from outside the group for shit and giggles.
She can grow to like him fast enough.
I can't fap dead fish
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why not?

>Tenga notices she's stacked
>She gets turned on by this

A love story I can believe in.
Why is she so lewd?
but why add flavors? And on top of that the plural?

This show is full of mysteries

whoops didnt want to quote that one
What a cute semen demon
she is the opposite of lewd and probably has perfectly logical reasons for undressing
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Tenga is such a tsunderefag.
Probably because she is all wet and doesn't want to get sick.
The only necessary couple in this are Autismo and Autisma
The rest could be just resolved as best buddies with sexual tensions
savage, nico
Two Autist can't love each other
One of the problems I tend to have with all of this is that for the most part, neither way is how relationships are formed in the real world. Putting in the work and coming to understand each other on a deep level is well and good, but it is also another media perpetuated ideal rather than a real norm. Perhaps the show is trying to say that complex human relationships based on deep understanding is how you create a strong relationship or one that is fulfilling or truly loving, so it's kind of taking a moralistic tone, but it's hard to say that it's taking a tone any less fantastical than traditional empty relationship BS.

Studies found friendships are first and foremost formed out of convenience of location and may not even necessarily correspond directly with shared interest. Continued interaction strengthens those bonds even if the events themselves aren't particularly meaningful and it's not uncommon for friends to have deeply flawed understandings of how each other work while still getting along well. Love is not based understanding, it is a raw emotional that works like a reflexive reaction so to fall in love based on simply being treated kindly or just on appearance is likely. Even if the relationship isn't very deep these people can marry and as they spend more time together the bond deepens and they leave intense emotional love for a more stable one, again, even if they really don't understand each other deep down.

I guess I'm not yet sure what this show is trying to accomplish. It might be both a criticism of its contemporaries for being awful romance, and maybe it's also trying to criticize a culture of human relationships that aren't all that meaningful and thus (they argue) much more likely to break. But if we look at it from a representative statistical viewpoint, if they ever go back to normal they're more likely to drift apart, rarely meet, and marry outside the group.
fuck you Rei's great
but Kaworu is best
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You monster

I have mixed feelings about this. After all, Chidori didn't care at all about Tenga so she would end up alone instead of Nico who did nothing wrong the whole time.
It would be for the best.
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>Chidori didn't care at all about Tenga
But that's wrong. She does care about him - it even moved Tenga - and has good chemistry with him. It's just that her feelings for Autismo blind her and she can't see that Tenga has feelings of the same sort.

The fuck did Nico do? Right, nothing.
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How can you even dislike this cutie you monster.
nice is cute and has more bust

Don't worry I know what you meant. I'll say it for you: fucking autocorrect.
And? That's not doing anything.
Man, I have to work with low quality shit.

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>Maki x Nico out of nowhere
What did I miss? What happened? Explain.
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Are there any Kacchon crossdressing doujins yet? I have a mighty need.
>still fixated on boobs
Let it go, Nico.
wait what
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Apparently they're releasing a bonus yuri manga about Maki and Nico or something
I always wondered why not more studios released their own official "doijins".
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I want her to win but it's probably not in the cards
At first I thought Yuta was just a fun target for bullying but I've come to greatly enjoy him
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Okada finds a way
>bonus yuri manga about Maki and Nico
I'm officially confused.
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A true romantic.
Abandons his easy life of hanging out with basic bitches to court a traumatized lesbo.
And he will win, this is the smile of a woman who learns to welcome the idea of dick back into her life.
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She's the underdog. Always root for the underdog.
I want underdog underboob.


Also why not? Doesn't have to be canon.
Why are Maki's smiles so pretty?
"Buy our comic, there is PORN inside"

a+ advertising
Because they're rare.
It says it's a spinoff.
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tenga explains it all.webm
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What did he mean by this
All the characters in this series are shit and deserve to suffer
Why is spying on people to such a degree without their explicit consent allowed?
Does she really have a penis?
It's not. The whole project is highly illegal. That's the point.
It is shit.

Don't let the circlejerk threads fool you.
how can something be illegal if the government is officially involved?
Checkmate, natural lawists
How much would /a/ suffer if we were connected through Kiznaiver?
if /a/ was connected through Kiznaiver everybody would just slam their own head against the wall to punish the rest for their shit taste.
things would start getting rough when we got to the emotional pain stage
you'd be in pain 24/7
But I already am.
See, thats why nobody wants to have you in our kiznaiver group
Fuck, that image annoys me.
But now the entire episode is sideways
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I would like to see this as well.
He's baiting her cause he's starting to get hooked on the emotional responses like he got hooked on pain.
But she's not a yandere.
Not yet at least.
If she were to ever see Blue making out with Autism she would completely lose it.
>Has Okada written anything good since True Tears?

>I want Chidori to go full yandere and kill both Autismo and Autisma

That's seems predicatable
I really want to see that face.

The face of full suffering when you can tell her heart breaks.
Kacchon is supposedly going to be his old self in next episode (so probably feel pain again)
sorry but underwater fucking sucks, no matter how many times they rename their shit.
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