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Thread replies: 584
Thread images: 147

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What does the penguin symbolize?
Why was Jack trying to kill the girls?
It symbolizes a penguin plushie.
What's with that Tokimune, anyway? He's such a turbonerd that honestly he shouldn't be trying to make his own decisions. All he's going to do is get hurt and lose sight of himself. It's not like his life is even hard the way it is. So why is he ignoring friendly advice looking out for his best interests? I bet that Masaki witch cast some kind of hex on him.
Reiji is Tokimune
He just want to play arrow-tag with Assbound.
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Naana a cute. A CUTE.
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Did he deserve it?
What an absolute madman, what's the next step of his master plan?
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what is this expression trying to convey?
Go back in the attic with grandma, Hayato.
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Not Jack.png
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I'm not Jack You damn adults
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Speedo did nothing wrong
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I want to kiss Naana's cheeks and tell her everything will be daijoubu.
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Soooooy Latte.jpg
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Not at all he just >>142115162
Man, who cares about anything at this point. To be honest I don't even care about my dramatic past anymore you guise time to leave.
It symbolizes Mitsumune's identity, beaten and suppressed to make way for his designated role as a Tokimune replacement.
Yeah. Couples that stay together, suffer together.
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Thanks, doc.
>Soy Latte in the preview
Maybe she gets another line.
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>shot some arrows to shoo away the girls
>ran over to Lion to help her up so she could properly run the fuck away
>gets clocked in the mouth for his trouble
Are you having confusing adults feelings, Jack?
Like I said, nothing wrong
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Disdain for degenerates.
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He was just trying to stop the girls from going into the tunnel.

Reiji probably made a deal with them. He let Jack out of his cell and he protects Judgeness from Jack. In exchange they have stop anyone from leaving the village.
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Lion's fat thighs.
What's so good about Masaki's ghost vagina that both Mitsumune and Reiji wants it?
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I honestly don't get what the big deal is.

Sure, he flat out told his friend that he wants him to be his puppet. That's inappropriate and dumb. However, what he is doing isn't unusual. Let's be honest here, don't we all want to feel superior to our peers? Don't we all want to shape their behavior? Aren't we all engaged in a big "who can one-up the other in manipulation" competition? That's what society is. Virtually all humans are machiavellian.
That's what she gets for spending so much time with Manko.
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Masaki still hasn't done anything wrong!

He must find a way out of the closet.
The big deal is that they're both retarded and deserve each other.

She witheld (and probably still witholds) vital information.
Fucking evil bitch
So I guess "nice guys are the bad ones" referred to Hayato?
It is constantly lubed with Ectoplasm
I wonder if fujos and faggots will fuck off now that speedo is confirmed not to love him, but just wants to control him.

All that's left is for all girls to show interest in dick for /u/ to be btfo and finally leave.
>dad fucks him in the attic
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>We shouldn't go
>It's dangerous?
>How do you know that?
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Why does anything at all happen in this clusterfuck?

I was expecting a murder mystery in an abandoned village with an interesting cast. Instead I get some bullshit introspection and half baked mysticism. Terrible.
Piitan pls.
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Masaki is so fucking infuriating. 90% of the mystery wouldn't exist if they locked up Mitsumune and made this bitch have a private interrogation session with Lovepon.
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>It's a Nanko grabs her fat rolls episode
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OK you guys don't seem to enjoy this anymore, so let me tell you what's going on.

They are in a VR MMO.
Masaki is an NPC.
Assketsu and Jack both found the hunter trainer first.
What if Jack is actually an aspiring rapper that wanted to do a collaboration with Yottsun
He got out of his cell to search for his missing homie
He disappeared while looking for his partner
Using the pain of a lost comrade and the forest hallucinations, he dropped a sick mixtape
> He didn't attack Nanko, Maimai & Lion
> He just wanted to show them his mixtape
Detective girl seems comfy. I want a comfy detective girl as my wife.

His "tragic past" (boo-hoo I had to change my name) doesn't explain his extreme level of social retardation.

My guess is that he has no idea how to behave around girls because he lapsed into a coma as a kid. He's emotionally still on the same level as a 7yo.
What is she scheming?
Joke's on you for having expectations in the first place, anon
Put Yottsun and Assbound in the pic too. They would be a perfect chuuni rapper gangsta.
>"tragic past" (boo-hoo I had to change my name)
I hope you aren't actually implying that it wasn't so bad.
Seconding this.
Anyone else notice how Assbound got shot in the head with an arrow and only got knocked out?

These arrows aren't mean to kill. Only to KO them so they might be dragged off to the same facility Mitsumune woke up in.

Mark my words, anon. This is how it'll be. Reiji is behind it. He taught Jack and Assbound how to beat their monsters, they did and were saved, and now they're doing him the favor of knocking people out. Reiji then came up with an alternative scheme, where he is seen as the good guy, and then leads everybody into a trap.
His mother forced him to become his brother, becaus her favorite child died. He knows his mother would have been happier with the actual Mitsumune being the one who died.

And he behaves retarded around women, because the only women he actually knows is said delusional mother.

They're using two different types of arrows, at least Jack is. Judgeness only has arrows meant to kill. Watch the intro again

Explain to me what was so bad about it. The worst part was that his brother died.
Yes, because the arrowhead was blunt.
I would have to rewatch, but I think the ones used on Koharun/Valkana and LioNankoMai were regular ones.
What if they are using the village to lure people in and brainwash them to fly planes into pearl harbor?
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You are probably right.
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I thought Tokimune was the wilder, less obedient of the two.
But it wasn't.
>looking at penguin dicks for reference for a screencap edit.

Fuck you, dildo anon. This is all your fault.
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Do you still think she's a witch or ghost?
>Joke's on you for having expectations in the first place, anon

I really should stop. Cause Kiznaiver is the same. I was expecting anything but more introspection.

What the fuck is it with this season and shows that are 100% about dealing with honestly very mundane sad events and introspection?

Overbearing parents? Depressive mother? Being fat as a child? Losing your job? How are these "traumatic events"? Are Japanese so fucking fragile and thin skinned?
Last episode will be a happy montage of all the mayoigas flying nipponese zeros into battleships
Why is Assbound so traumatized if he managed to beat his "monster"? He looks like he's not willing to go along with the mystery guy's plan but has no other choice.
What the fuck are you Mamamune? It's show that his mom would prefer him to die because he not important to her like Tokimune.
Sakamoto is kinda funny at least
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I don't want to speculate on your relationship with your mother, but I would be pretty heartbroken if
1) she didn't recognize my existence, mistaking me for my brother and never asking where the hell I am
2) I have to see her go crazy and watch a broken person who can't get over their loss every day
3) worst of all, even my dad started calling me by my dead brother's name when my mother is absent.
All of that ontop my brother being dead, of course.
Having a favorite child is one thing, this is something else.
To be fair, he has been a coward since the start. If you look at episode four you will see he was the only one being a scared mess at times.
Is that Masaki and Maimai's child?
>mfw after this episode
Just Okada being Okada
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I put an arrow in a nigga for fuckin with me
My back on the wall, now you gon' see
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
Cause I'll come and take your life away
Many adults, many, many, many, many adults
Wish death 'pon me
Will they kiss in the end of the show?
Holy shit. 1000000/10
My sides. 10/10
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>Will they kiss in the end of the show?
Don't get your hopes up
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>His mother forced him to become his brother

We never saw her force him to do anything. All she did was call him "Tokimune" and he went along with it. We didn't even see him change his personality. He acted like an awkward doormat loser back then too. If he had to adapt his behavior in a big way, then perhaps his frustration would be understandable. But he didn't. He just has a mom who was so sad that her child died that she pretended that the child was still alive and he willingly helped her to maintain that delusion.

>He knows his mother would have been happier with the actual Mitsumune being the one who died.

Why? None of the things we saw suggests that the mother wouldn't call Tokimune "Matsumune" if Matsumune was the one who died.
Shit, this is gold
Boring as fuck episode.
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I think we would all be happier if Mitsumune had been the one to die. Speedweed would a tough butch boyfriend, and Masaki would have tortured to death way before now.
Please let me deluded myself more anon.
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There's some clear parental favoritism going on there though

We never saw Mamamune pretending that Matsumune was dead. She only pretended that Tokimune was still alive and Matsumune helped her to maintain that delusion.

If she said something like "it's sad that your brother Matsumune died but at least I still have you, Tokimune" then that would've been an indication that she wanted Matsumune to die instead.

However, that's not what she did. She merely didn't want to accept that Tokimune died. If Matsumune died instead of Tokimune, she probably would've started pretending that Matsumune was still alive.
If you actually watched the episode you would see that no matter what Mitsumune did (eating cleanly, drawing nicely, not being obnoxious), his mom still showed more affection and love to Tokimune.
Also her not giving a fuck about Mitsumune after Tokimune died probably also shows she liked Tokimune better
Even his father started to forget his identity.
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None of this would have happened if everyone just left Masaki alone and let her look for Reiji. Instead they keep bothering her, tie her up and shit.
What the fuck is a turdonerd?
Matsumune? Who?
I'd tie her up if you know what I mean
Mitsumune pls.
His drawing sucks. Mamamune did nothing wrong.
He didn't forget he's Mitsumune though, he's just used to calling him Tokimune.
It's Yottsun's fault then.
Niggers always ruin everything.
It's her fault for being a lying, scheming slut.
He's dindu nuffin.
She's only lying to protect them and there are no schemes. Also Masaki is not a slut.
I miss Lovepon.
>fuck her cousin
>raped by nigga
>not a slut
He was referencing to the Tokimune alter-ego he's been impersonating as. He's shedding that and he is now the REAL Mitsumune.
Neither of those are true, you dumb memer fuck.
>What an absolute madman, what's the next step of his master plan?
he's going to watch Reiji and Masaki fuck while masterbating and crying at the same time.
Please use this edit of mine, senpai! >>142099350

stop posting Mitsumune
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Nice repeating digits, but you're wrong and you know it, Mitsumune
>going to watch something that isn't going to happen
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>Speedweed masturbating and crying too
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Needs more Pon.
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Last I heard, y'all niggaz was havin sex, with the SAME sex
I show no love, to homo thugs

Why can't I stop

Yeah but Mitsumune was obedient before he started impersonating his brother. It's almost like he is becoming more like his brother now, i.e. brave enough to do what he wants rather than what others expect of him.
Why not?
Piitan is a nigga boy, confirmed!
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When will purityfags learn.
Is he the viewers self-insert?
Goddammit, Piitan.
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My fucking sides.
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I want to get off OKADAAAAAAAAAAA's wild ride
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For the average viewer? Yes.

For /a/? Try this guy.
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Anyone like Masaki here?
The Kiznaiver thread is two blocks down.
This is the "Okada wasn't even trying" ride.
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Hey still remember her?
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Fuck you
I don't even see anything, I think you forgot the pic.
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>expecting full edgelord bullshit from Okada
Can you retards fuck off already?
I still want her to puke on my dick, does that count?
Do you want to cuddle with her afterwards?
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is this nigga serious.jpg
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Have you watched anything by Okada?
Have you?
Lost it with that comment
saya-chan-sensei is the definition of edgy
Why Did masaki have to Lie about going to The bathroom? Why couldn't she just say "okay I'm going to go look for my cousin for a while Now"? Why does everything have to be schemes and secrecy With This bitch?
Holy shit, kill yourself
>not edge

Have we watched the same show?
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edge is ok.png
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Some of the BRS designs are super edgy man.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
>average Masakihater grammar
Because Mitsumune would never let her go off by herself to do that, and Speedstar would never let Mitsumune and Masaki go off by themselves. Saying that would mean they both follow her anyway when she wants to look by herself.
Nobody dies and it has a power of friendship ending. The same group of people would be bitching about it if it came out today.
Also she knows that they would've never let er go with any other excuse.

I'm also she's some kind of compulsive liar. I wonder if she developed that habit while "working part time" in the nearby village.
just report desu.
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Every day
This show just isn't the same without her yandere goodness.
Why is her ribbon there? Any predictions?
Are you a fucking moron?
She intentionally left it there to bait Mitsu.
What the fuck. She's not yandere she's a psycho.
>She intentionally left it there to bait Reiji.
Or something attacked her and it fell off.
She definitely gets yandere in some scenes.
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She's not yandere retard, she's shit.
She's not a yandere, you stupid shit. It's yangire. Learn the difference.
You need learn about yandere.

I know, I said she was best girl in ep 1 and she's still best gitl in ep 9.
I don't think you know what yandere is, stop using words you don't even know the meaning of, fucking retard.
Does she always have a spare knife in her pocket?
She didn't kill because she love someone she execute people for her own justice.
Stop falling for the yandere bait, it happens every thread.
Don't worry anon, I believe she's yandere.

The other anons are just being yandere to you.
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the only yandere is Speedo
dere means love you piece of shit
So it's all a virtual reality thing to let people overcome their shit?
He's not really a yandere anymore
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Masaki a slut. A SLUT!
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Fucking Mitsumune
Where is the "dere" in any of her scenes?
the detective is the cutest!
New treatment at a mental institution
This needs to be in the meme chart.
He's going to die protecting the Zong. I fucking know it.
Fuck off retards, I watched Mirai Nikki(Future Diary)
Yuno is a yandere, and Lovepon acts exactly like Yuno. ergo, she's a yandere
We danganronpa now?
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people will fall for this
Did she find out who are all the pies yet?
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Okay, now you're not even trying
Inb4 he was Tokimune all along. Mitsumune never existed.
Get out of here.
>no cum over the ribbon
OC is so lazy these days
Wasted potential: the anime
You so poor.
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Which one is it?
Ignore and report.
I once got called turd by someone I thought as a friend and it broke my heart ;_;
I will cry if he does
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This is some low quality bait.
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She's a witch.
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Shut up, turdonerd. This isn't you blog.
>the cutest

That's a strange way to spell "fugly gothopotamus".
>not super cute
Don't believe her smiles.
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>more on the straight side than homo
>with Narna
Yeah, a line of her commanding Narna to administer the hallucinogenic candy to the other characters.
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Valkana was in a dream of mine last night.

>be in a race with others to reach the top of 100 floor building
>reach floor 52
>I'm in my parents' bedroom, but Valkana and I are the size of ants
>find a letter from Valkana under the dresser
>"Whenever patients try to escape the psych ward where I work, I shoot to kill. Of course, I'm merciful if they apologize, especially if they're wearing a kimono."
> I realize that Valkana is an experienced fighter and killer and will shoot me to reach floor 100 first
>I kneel on the ground and scream "I'm sorry! I surrender!"
>transported to my bedroom
>I'm sad I lost the game but am thankful I survived my encounter with Valkana
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You again? Fuck off already.
I will miss the dumb theories and the threads when the show is over.
>Dahara is Reiji's Uncle
>his eyes are obscure for the sole reason they resemble Dahara's
>when they meet again the first words that Reiji'll utter is "Uncle?"
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Well done!
beautiful job anon
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here is a pity (you)
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>literally the only guy who got laid in the show
No, you FUCK off.
Me too, anon. I can't lie.
Pretty good desu. How do you edit cum semen over people/stuff?
Does anyone else think that Masaki wrote Reiji's message herself?
I'm still not convinced he's gay. And even if he is, he's still more manly than most of those faggots.
He got a boob in his head, anon. He's a homo.
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top bantz
No. Reiji is confirmed to be alive still, there's no reason to think Masaki wrote that instead of him.
Why are some of them naked and some not
What does the nudity symbolize
I'd've loved to see these two hit it off.
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Remember when we used to have the traffic to create memes, funny reactions and discussion?

Yeah this anime is dead like this thread

For what purpose?
muh dick
Best theory was Speedstar is a shadow person
Speculation time:
The show is about people in a coma/in the process of dying. Unless they actually confront their fears and get the willpower to return to "the old world", they won't wake up. This has been happening for ages and each and every time, Nanaki's inhabitants disappear which is why the place looks like people used to live there.

People leave through two ways: A), they face their fears and move on or B), they don't and subsequently vanish from Nanaki while dying in real life. The effect of slowly vanishing can be seen in this episode and the preview by some of them no longer caring anymore and becoming tremendously inactive/passive. It's a sign of them running out of time.
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I learned from this. Though that was my first time trying actual cum. Every other time was just precum or saliva. I usually don't bother with the multiply layer and just shade directly onto the liquid. This time I followed instructions.
Why is Dozaemon a homo?
nevermind, I'm watching the episode right now.
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Number 8.jpg
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>"Whenever patients try to escape the psych ward where I work, I shoot to kill. Of course, I'm merciful if they apologize, especially if they're wearing a kimono."
This. Quads can't be wrong.

Deny the obvious, uphold the inane.
I think it's important that Need for Speed brought it up, since Masaki has no way of knowing that the message is really from Reiji.
But Masaki didn't really have a reason to write it since she was trying to prevent them from going through the tunnel in the first place.
I prefer it like this desu.
She is a lying slut
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As would I.
Right next to skinwalkers.
Vulnerability. The naked people will die while the others will survive and be hardened by their experience. You heard it here first.
She is constantly scheming behind peoples backs.
>implying anyone will die
Reminder that Yotsun was merely swimming.
The naked people seems to be more relevant than the one clothed.
Not true
So why is the nigga the only one to die?
>people constantly make up random schemes and say Masaki did them for no reason
You answered your own question.
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If Hayato hadn't been abused as a kid, would he have turned out as controlling?
This ship is illegal, she is 15 and he is 18
because black folks can't swim everyone knows that anon
It's just a kiss, anon. On the cheek.
Is there something wrong with that?
We are on Nanaki now, there's no rules there.
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My boy is coming back this week.

He isn't dead. Yottsun is Koharun's ally. Koharun wants to study the weird phenomenon in that village. She knows that people only see the monsters when they are afraid. That's also why you're more likely to see monsters in the dark. Yottsun faked his death to make everybody panic, thus triggering them to summon monsters. Koharun faked the bear tracks for the same reason. She also likes to sing creepy songs to make people feel more uneasy, thus increasing the likelihood of monster summonings.
would he still wanna be dicked by Mitsumune?
really fucking annoying how the red haired bitch keeps saying not to do things over and over and never fucking explains herself

never has a good reason for it either lmao, this cartoon is so shit
>control freak
No, he has to be on top.
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Can we all just talk about the close up of nanko squeezing her belly fat?

The fan service is getting out of hand

Speedo said the exact same thing in this very episode. There's obviously a good reason why she is unwilling to explain herself. If the writers just conveniently turned her into a mute in order to not spoil the plot, then they wouldn't make other characters comment on it.
Hibiki looks like Brat and Masaki's child.
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>fan service

Who enjoys that?
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What episode will they have the tranny backstory for Maimai?

Episode 10 or 11?
shut up tokimune
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Maybe you should fuck off back to your Deutschfaden on /b/.
it's all a front because he wants nothing more than to be filled with cum
Wrong board, newbie.
cringe service*

its literally autistic
Episode 10. Haven't you seen the spoilers?
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She seems to not mind at all.
Because she can't tell it yet.
They were all in the village before and had an accident.
They feel into coma and have these collective nightmarish dreams.
The goal is to wake them up.
Masaki already woke up but went back to sleep to help the others.

It's disgusting. Nanko should be shunned for her appearance. If we allow being fat to become the new norm, then people will soon look like Americans.
>people constantly doubt the character who is more suspicious than all other possible masterminds combined and has lied multiple times
>she also happens to be the only suspect in the only death
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It's gonna be daijoubu
Well maybe she should stop doing random schemes.
I sometimes forget they exist, they are so fucking boring.
cant wait until you get completely btfo'ed next week
I thought Wanko was the cross dresser now.
your wife's son
look how hurt his face, this is so sad desu
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Which character makes the least sense? I vote for Nyanta.

>mental scar because of a gun
>become a gun fanatic
That's in the manga, anon.
There's a difference between a tranny and a crossdresser
Sometimes I wonder if these threads are full of speedwatchers.
You make the least sense. We should execute you. The gun didn't hurt her. The bees that were shot down with her gun hurt her. The gun is just a tool.
How is the mental scar because of a gun?
The only time she felt happy was with a gun in her hands.
Might as well be afraid of bridges because it happened underneath one.
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So are you telling me that this elementary school child was only thinking about using another child as his puppet? That's just sad and fucked up. Like, how broken does one have to be to have such thoughts at that age?
So it is confirmed that the anime and the manga are completely different stories now?
10/10 bait, man
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Hello my name is Valkana. I'm afraid of wood grain because I got fired.
his backstory was disappointing
>episode 1 establishes she's superstitious
>Family's gone through some pretty intense gun violence
>Pro 2nd as fuck

I can understand. Nyanta's not a libtard who blames inanimate objects
Imagine if this places was under surverylance
>Speed's parents get to watch as their perfect son attempts to stab a girl tied to a stake
>Koharun will defend this.
He isn't afraid of wood grain though. It's just a visualization of what he felt during that time, because he focused on the table.
I dont think they should have killed her
but they should have tortured her to find out what she really knows.

If she didn't use the gun to shoot at the other girls, they would not have retaliated.

What you're doing is akin to saying that somebody who was traumatized by a car accident has no reason to be afraid of cars because the car itself didn't cause the accident but rather the person who drove it.
Maybe if they stay too long and don't confront their fears they turn into their monster. Hellfire would turn into a titty, Valkana would turn into a desk, Dozemon would turn into a diet plan.
>they would not have retaliated.
They would still continue to keep bullying her.
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My dad tried to commit suicide when he was only four, so it didn't really register with me as out of the ordinary.
Let's play with some makers

Nice blog entry, bitchblood Americunt.
No, because we would have seen other monster from prior residents of the village.
>being superstitious
>not doing anything wrong
Stop being retarded.

If she had thrown a rock at them instead of buying a toy gun, and they had used the same rock to release the wasps, she wouldnt be afraid of rocks.
You better sceencap my post. What if I'm Okada's secret lover?

The specific event that traumatized her would not have happened. Many kids get bullied.
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Literally Masaki.
I hope she gets beat the fuck up
No, you are Speedwatcher.
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That specific one wouldn't have happened. But who is to say she wouldn't get traumatized by the constant and eventually getting worse bullying each day.
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> No one died but Yottsun.

Anyone else find this kinda suspect?

Maybe Masaki accepted the gigacock and helped him fake his death? Didn't you guys find it really odd that his body just happened to float down the river at the exact time when Lovepon, Mitsumune, and Maimai were nearby?
>"I wanted to start again because I was made to wear clothes I don't like."
Top tier motivations right here.
I know I'm simplifying things, but his story really seemed like the normal teenager angst of your parents not doing anything right. I mean, his father took him fishing, obviously just trying to spend time with his only son, and he developed a hatred for his childhood using this as one of the cornerstones? What a fucking shit person.
Masaki ran away when nigger tried to rape her, monster got him while she was running away.
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W-what spoilers?
He was also beaten and screamed at and locked in the attic
The spoilers for episode 10
hes not real retard, they can write whatever they want
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>Didn't you guys find it really odd that his body just happened to float down the river at the exact time when Lovepon, Mitsumune, and Maimai were nearby?
Yeah, them being nearby when another two-hour cycle finished is quite a coincidence.
That aside, I remember it being brought up back then. That his body must have been much further upstream, or he had to die much later.
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Yeah but the 'monsters' got everyone. We saw Nyanta, Hellfire, and Mikage get basically eaten by their monsters. They still turned out to be fine.

That can't be it. There's more to it. Besides, what would his fear be? Getting raped by the 'girl' he tried to rape? Is Masaki secretly a futa/tranny?
Mitsumune turns evil. Bloodbath impending.
Read this only if you're ready to find out the truth.
_______________ur a faget___________________
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I think some people will like this.
W-where are they?
Are you the same fag who claimed Mitsumune's childhood couldn't have been so bad?
Thank you for ignoring the physical abuse and being locked in the attic.
Considering he kept having autistic fits about a goddamn fish I'm pretty sure he exaggerated that too. His mom hit him once and his trauma is that his grandmother was ugly.
Right behind you.
My dick
See >>142120265

Nyanta was apparently an introverted girl who lacked the courage to stand up for herself. The toy gun gave her the opportunity to punish her oppressors from a distance without having to deal with the consequences. At least that's what she thought at first. Then she got caught and got traumatized by the revenge of the girls.

Normally, this would cause a person to become even more submissive. When a person gets severely punished for doing something, he or she usually is less inclined to do it again. If the punishment traumatized you, then you stay the fuck away from that behavior. Nyanta didn't. She still is crazy about guns (the symbol of her resistance). So she is still extroverted and resistant despite being traumatized by trying to be just that. Her trauma didn't affect her behavior at all. That makes no sense. She just has a fear of bees because she got stung by bees. The bees are the most shallow and superficial aspect of her trauma.
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Here >>142120265

There's also a screencap.
None of them got eaten. We also saw a giant bloody claw mark when they were looking for Yottsun, did Masaki make that too? There is obviously another monster or power at work here killing, bowmen could have killed Yottsun too.

What if they're not the real Nyanta, Hellfire and Mikage anymore? Perhaps the monsters took their place.
It's a metaphor for mc himself.
Penguins are great swimmers, but can't fly. Despite that, we call them birds. It's silly.

That's Mitsumune. He is good at Mitsumune things and bad at Tokimune things, yet people call him Tokimune. His life is penguin.
>Anyone else find this kinda suspect?

the writers are literally just making this shit up as they go, you better off just pretending it never happened
Fuck off Kawamori.
It represents his gay personality
idk man I think being forced to do things you don't want to do and being beaten for doing something else and then being locked up where your own grandmother wasted away at such a young age can do a lot of damage. Humans are very fragile, esp children
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True. Mikage started becoming ridiculously compliant with the group despite, all of minutes ago, going 'REEEE NO ONE CAN BE TRUSTED'.

They're all skinwalkers now. Bloodbath in episode 11/12. PANIC!
The manga goes into more detail about the fish thing. Hayato is allergic to fish; eating them makes him almost deathly ill. Whenever Hayato scored less than an A in school, his dad would make him eat fish, which always left him with bedridden and vomiting for three or four days.
What's meme will come true next episode?

I'm going to say the Angel Beats-esque twist of 'we're all in a connected coma stuck between life and death and we won't wake up until we face our fears and accept ourselves1!'
Valkana is cool.
He's just misunderstood.
its gonna be the harem end

But she didn't. That's the point. Her specific trauma should affect her, not a hypothetical one. She got traumatized because she tried to resolve the issue by attacking her foes from a distance. The gun was the means to achieve this. The plan didn't work out and, as a consequence, she got hurt. This caused her trauma. If you punish a dog, lets say, by hitting him with a stick for jumping on the couch, the dog will not be afraid of all sticks he sees. He will onyl be afraid to get punished in the context of jumping on the couch. Nyanta should be afraid of using guns (or of being defiant in general) because she got punished for using them.
Speedo please
I know it might be surprising to you, but there are more than 2 posters in the threads.

Other than that, I know you might consider this an argument but violence with children was more common back in the days. It's not like entire generations of children started looking for escape and vendetta.
Shut up, Koharun
nah man im talking
bamboo under fingernails kind of stuff
I think it is a experiment.
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t. Valkana.
Who will they kill if all of them are monsters?
Doubt it, there would be a scientist there.
They are probably just hitting the LSD too hard.
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The fuck does this even mean?
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What would you do to this smile?
When will Koharun and Valkana fuck in front of Dahara?

There's 30 people. If only 3-4 people are monsters, that's still a fair fight.

Especially since Jack and Jack have fucking BOWS.
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>best eyes

They're right about that.
Narna is the scientist.
Kill it.
it's inscrutable

couldn't tell you even if they wanted to
Stick my dick in it.
Protect it.
If Driver never entered the scene, I am sure a different outcome would've been Chuuni and Nevada entering the scene with their arrows.

It's intriguing. Neither of them aren't identitfying with their trauma, so maybe they entered into the other Nanakimura and experienced mass hysteria.
Drown a nigger.
It doesn't matter, because it's already gone for good.
What's with the detective rubbing her fat all the time? Was it too much to ask to have one more meaty character without the series actually showcasing how strange the fact she has fat is?
Exorcise it!
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Sorry, your post is just equally inane. And I asked if you are the same, I didn't state it as fact.
Other than that, was locking children in dark attics (just like your senile mother(-in-law) so neighbours don't see her) also more common?
It might not be like entire generations of children sought means for vendetta and escape, but maybe some did. But certainly, entire generations of children didn't get ideas for life-do-over trips from the internet.
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He can do jack shit with his bows.
Yes, tumblr, it is.
So, is it possible for this show to have an ending that's so mind-blowingly good that it completely redeems itself?

If so, what would it take?

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Mitsumune made her smile only a little while ago.
Eva-style imagery for the last 3 episodes
Wow the pottery
I want to see Nyanta's pornography folder.
>"I'm Masaki's scapegoat"
>Koharu trauma is a sentient Masaki hair clip attacking her
>she'll still defend him base on the assumption she can relate to him
It would take Nanko laughing
I've really had it up to her with masaki and her schemes at this point
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>this episode's directing
what were they thinking?
>implying she's not faking it
Mitsumune please
I want a poster of her.
mitsumune goes insane and kills everyone and then leaves.
Or it could go full jonestown massacre and everyone drinks some magic liquid and dies

The guidebook says she does it whenever she's thinking through things, like a habit.
I would literally die of laughter if it turned out to be a gameshow.

I think you're right though. I said in the earlier thread that they're probably all networked into what essentially is a videogame (a simulation), the purpose of which is to get them to fix their neuroses and *want* to wake up, rather than staying in the coma forever. They were all knocked into a coma when the bus fell off that cliff.

Masaki/Reiji were first trials (successes) who are trying to guide them to the right path. There are risks, ostensibly, i.e. DIE IN THE GAME, DIE IN REAL LIFE, and if they let their fears consume them, then they won't ever wake up.
It's people fucking guns, or pepople putting them together while being upseide down, naked, and blindfolded.

Dude there are more people here than you and me. Deal with it. And quit strawmanning me while you're at it. Strict parenting is normal. Unruly children are often locked up until they calm down.
What is wrong with valkana's voice, wtf.
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Why would she fake it?
Nanko blushes
Nyanta doesn't make the less sense as it is moreso stupid sense,
>I got bullied
>time to become a school shooter
If Eric Harris and Dylan were alive today, they'll make Nyanta their waifu and have a dedicated shrine to her.
Massive orgy end is best end.

This is one smug little schemer.

It doesn't need to redeem itself because it has been fucking amazing so far. Anime of the year material.
Post the meme chart.
Last I saw it updated was at episode 3.
That seems like a likely possibility, but it seems like that would be written too well.
Watch it end on a cliffhanger
>Dude there are more people here than you and me. Deal with it
And I denied this where exactly? Holy shit.
The cuts in Hayato's backstory were terrible.
>strict parenting
okay anon
It's already borrowing heavily from Stephen King's It, so that's more likely than you think.
Why do people think Masaki is some mastermind making evil schemes? She's only 17 years old, and what would she have to gain from it?
This is the worst bait I've ever seen.
Hopefully not because it's pretty shit.
I want the Mayos to set fire to the village and leave to have a hot steamy orgy in the bus.
>Yottsun borderline witch
What's going on with this chart
here is what the end is going to be
>some people die
>other peple get rid of their mental retardation
>everybody leaves
>the end
No one dies

You're obviously a person with an abundance of brilliance and charm.
Does anyone know where you can find the mayoiga manga? Want to check some hellcat scenes
>I'm invested in this show because I hate it so much

Piss off. If you can't fathom that people like it, then go watch something else.
Go through the archives and stop asking
I hope we get a beach episode OVA focusing Wanko trying to hide her tits from Toshiboy.
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I love you too, anon.
Where is Yottsun? Did he already confront his fear and leave?

When Mitsmune wakes up he's gonna see baller man standing over him raping his butthole. Right?
Does the blade symbolize penis?
Toby from Battleborn xD. It's just a reference joke.
>wears a fedora
most certainly with /a/
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>implying he doesn't know already.
What happens if Masaki takes off the ribbon?
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Well yeah, the stream took him right to the exit
>he's gonna see baller man standing over him raping his butthole
It would be extremely painful.
He wasn't dead, he was taking a shortcut out of Nanaki!

That would be fucking hilarious.
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You're a beautiful person and I'm really glad that your life touched mine for just a moment. I'll treasure this meeting.
Top kek
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He should be pretty close by now.
Please be true
The only way they can get out is by floating down the river and everybody drowns
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For you
Is it weird that I really want to see Nyanta pregnant?
Three months, eight months, one child, a whole 4+ litter. Anything. I just want to see her and Hellfire have a family.
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Alas, as we are anonymous, soon we must part.
Perhaps, by a twist of fate, we will meet again someday.
Ok we got Mitsumune's backstory and he even resolved his issue now...so what was the exploding basketball about?
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If it does, he must be pretty hung.
That's just for shits and giggles.
You can't actually wait for statistics on how many children were locked in attics, I have no idea but seeing how concept of childhood didn't even exist in early 18th century, I'm pretty sure it was at least more common. I know traumas are subjective, but just saying many people throughout the history have been dealt a worse hand: besides this, he spends probably more time complaining about clothes and fish than actually being locked in attic. It might be just the presentation of things I'm against, but he really does seem like an edgy teenager rather than suffering person made to sympathize with. I'm not saying it's bad writing because people do not need to be likable, it just makes him seem full of shit.
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Where is Masaki, anon? Why, she's right here. All you have to do is buy her.
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True to form you're still posting as if you've not read what I've actually said. You are seemingly incapable of being rational on this subject and, as such, I should simply have not engaged you in the first place. Doing so is a waste of your time and mine.
Koharun is a grad student that is helping things along the real scientists are behind the scenes
>Criticizing shit character presentation makes you tumblr
You seem like one of those kids who hates things, not because of their flaws, but because all the big boys do.
These threads are cancer on some whole new level. Can't wait until the show ends and you guys go back to Mal and your other usual sites.
What do the different villages represent?
But wouldn't that allow her to freely enter my house and drink my blood?
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Fatties are only included to pander to a fetish.
Deal with it.
you frequently cry when nobody is around don't you
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Don't you want her to drink your blood? I don't think she drinks blood, but that sounds hot desu.
that's not weird at all anon
I don't even have an pregnancy fetish or anything like that but some girls just need to be impregnated in order for them to find their place in life and be happy, Nyata is one of these girls. Her getting married and having children would be the best thing for her. Hellfire also needs something like this, something to take his mind off his failures as a ranger.
if Nyata and hellfire don't start a family at the end of this we riot.
>drawing Hellfire taller than Naana
I can't fap to this.
>I disagree with you so I'm just going to claim you didn't read my posts
I'm not saying you have to agree with me that he's an edgy teenager, but your posts have not exactly presented anything super great to change my mind either.
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At any rate, Soy Latte isn't a vagina nurse so she won't be involved.
What means of escape did you have in the 18th century?
Are the people who have been dealt worse hands in life maybe just tougher, and could deal with it better? Can you prove there is no one who did the same as Hayato?
I am not sure I buy the whole "I need to look for a puppet of my own" as a reaction to that. Bullying someone else rather than subtly manipulating them is something I'd believe more easily. But wanting to get away from that family seems normal.
whats wrong with that?
you cry in front of people its going to make them uncomfortable
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>What means of escape did you have in the 18th century?
You could consider walking away for example?
>What means of escape did you have in the 18th century?
Worst part of the entire series is that we never get to see what Yottsun was afraid of.
And what would you do as a minor? Beg?
Of course that is possible, but I don't know if that is easier.
As a minor? Nice.
He is taller in the screenshot too.
I don't think they need it to settle down as characters. They just need eachother for that. Having a family would just be a plus. I'm sure the two would love to see the world and try to live in harsh enviroments (desert, rain forest, tundra) and get the most out of life before becoming domesticaed. Maybe after that, Hellfire could have a man vs wild-styled TV show, and Nyanta could be a special guest on occasion, where they would try to outdo eachother. Then there could bea holiday special where the kids are involved, but in completely safe situations.
>As a minor
I dont think people in the 18th century gave a shit
>And what would you do as a minor? Beg?
I'm pretty sure children labour was a thing back in the 18th century
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>tfw you will never see the characters and their kids.
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Why is Masaki so cute, anons? I can't take it anymore.
>What would you do as a minor?
It's not like the way the people are trying to start a new life in the series is pretty much different from aimless wander of uncertainty.
Non raped women
he confronted his fear head on
unfortunately he was black and his one weakness showed up
a body of water deeper than 1 foot
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>best groin
>And what would you do as a minor? Beg?
yeah, or prostitution
possibly a combination
Horrifying but amusing
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a job application
I wonder how many children left their abusive parents and did factory work to survive in the 18th century. Let's face it, factory work was inescapable either way.
And where would you live?
Maybe, but you'd have to pay.
>be a kid in the 18th century
>abusive parents
>opium all day, every day
Yottsun is clearly the mastermind. He's just playing pranks, bro.
waiting on that doujin of Speedo whoring himself out
Ignore and report.
He might not even be thinking of it as making him his puppet. He's just trying to show he has control in his life in some form, through the only way he knows of showing control.

Is that Valkana? I can't tell because he's not shouting.
I quite liked how Valkanas monster was a visual representation of what he focused on while he "got" his trauma, it was a cool idea.
It just being a blob with a woodgrain texture was a bit lazy though.
it's somewhere between creative and stupid.
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>It just being a blob with a woodgrain texture was a bit lazy though.
Something like this guy could have been fun. Or a bunch of them, representing all the people at the table.
what about like a blob of limbs and faces of the board of directors or whatever?
You said it yourself, the guns are the symbol of her resistence. Even if she's not actually resisting with them, they're a symbol, almost a mental safety blanket showing she's still resisting, if only in spirit. Much like Speedstar's 'puppet.'
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>nobody has even mentioned Yottsun since like episode 4
>he died 3 - 4 days ago
why are they all so calloused and uncaring
That could work. But it might turn out to be too creepy, and I'm not sure that is what the staff is going for. They've really taken the piss with the silicone monster.
These threads keep getting better
He was a giganigga rapist and deserved what he got.

Unlike in the west, blacks can't pull the dinnu du nuttin' card.
They talked about him in 7 or 8. I don't remember.
Sure, anon
Masaki and Reiji are behind everything.
I thought you got knocked, Ass-kun.
>it's somewhere between creative and stupid.
This entire show.
Your face is behind everything, fuccboi.
I almost forgot the no fun allowed squad was also lurking here.
Reiji only came back to be Maimai's idiot
This was a good episode, there was a lot of really nice stuff.
I liked Hayato's backstory because it's one of the more believable ones, Mitsumune stretched my suspension of disbelief pretty hard but I could totally see an "upstart" family beating their child/trying to mold them to improve their own reputation, especially in Japan.
It was a neat idea, I liked it.
Thinking about it that does sum it up.

Well at least it's not boring.
The past two episodes have been very boring.
They probably thought "Nah, too normal" and went with the blob.
What if Yottsun wasn't even there?
I liked it as well. The show has this really weird abstraction, where everything's not quite right, and you can't tell if it's just bad directing or intentional. It feels like that slight sense of unreality is starting to pay off. Why is there a full week until the next episode?
Last one was alright.
I can understand calling 7 and 8 boring because of all the useless witch hunt filler even though I was reasonably entertained by them, but 9 was actually pretty good.
>the reason people on staff freaked out a bit for this episode wasn't about plot reveal, but rather about relating to Hayato's past
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>burn the witch episode was very boring
7 and 8 were witchhunt filler but at least we got this out of it

Episode 9 was pretty solid though, there wasn't much "action" perse but a lot of interesting stuff was explained/shown.
that's because Masaki is boring
It is fun trying to imagine the conversation.
>So, what can we use to represent Valkana's traumatic event?
>How about the people who put all the blame on him?
>Nah, we can't use people. We already did grandma's ghost
>What about a giant computer following him?
>No! We need something more immediately connected to the conference meeting
>What about the table?
>What about an abstract kind of blob with the wooden table's pattern?
>Brilliant. Let's have lunch early.
It's pretty clear that his mom gave no fucks about the fact that "Mitsumune" suddenly didn't exist anymore.
>Toshiboy with the bucket
Every time.
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I feel like Toshiboy is just taking the piss at this point
>Water torture, let's go!
>I joined this tour because I could never be who I truly am.
Reminder that this is who he truly is.
>feel like
So, is Mitsumune going to snap or was that scene with the basketball just a prank?
That just makes it even better.
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I'm absolutely okay with this.
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Such a lovely young man.
Fucking Toshiboy
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why is this garbage show so popular on /a/?
Deathpon? Is this Lovepon's alternate self who is adamant about the right to a fair trial?
it makes for fun threads
Because you've posted here.
It's fun to watch
its a good show
One man's garbage is another memer's treasure.
reddit. not even kidding
The reddit threads are not nearly as good as these though.
Why are you ugly and stupid?
That's because the redditors come here instead.
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How do you guys even know?
I came from reddit
and then you ruin /a/
Nah, the people who ruin /a/ are the ones who are not willing to fit in.
fun things are fun
new thread?
do eet
Only if a faggot doesn't appear to derail it.
You understand that by admitting you came from reddit you are doing exactly the same you claim people that ruin /a/ are doing?
Having come from reddit and not willing to fit into the community are very different from one another
Admitting to boogeyman reddit anything is still directly against the norms of the board. If you'd really want to fit into a community you've preferably lurked in before posting, you'd know this. Just saying.
Do you have other charts similar to this? Asking for a friend.
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Not him, I have this though.
You're right about that, yeah. I'll never be able to fully fit in, and I'm okay with that. But I'm not trying to "ruin" this place either.
>those on the middle.

By having this discussion you are effectively doing so
It's okay, this thread is dead anyway. There's nothing to lose here.
>tfw literally just made this
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